PACKET #13- Ocean currents & Water (water cycle


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Name______________________ Per_____ PACKET #13- Ocean currents & Water (water cycle, groundwater, rivers, glaciers) Ocean Currents Reading Guide: Chapter 21.1 (Read and study text pages 519-524)

5a. Students know how the differential heating of earth results in circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans that globally distribute the heat. 5b. Students know the relationship between the rotation of Earth and the circular motions of ocean currents and air pressure centers.

1. Define current: 2. Explain Surface Currents & what causes them:

3. Explain how do global wind belts affect currents?

4. How do continents influence currents? 5. What is the Coriolis Effect?

6. What does Coriolis Effect do to the currents? 7. Describe the equatorial currents:

8. Describe the Gulf Stream:

9. Describe deep ocean currents: 10. How do deep ocean currents form:

11. Describe the Antarctic Bottom Water: 12. Describe the North Atlantic Deep Water:

The Water Cycle Reading Guide: Chapter 15.1 (Read and study text pages 375-378)

7c. Students know the movement of matter among reservoirs is driven by Earth’s internal & external sources of energy. 9c. Students know the importance of water to society, the origins of California’s fresh water and the relationship between supply and need.

1. List the 7 places water is stored on earth: streams, rivers,___________________________ ________________________________________

2. Define Water cycle:

3. Define evapotranspiration:

4. Define condensation:

5. Define precipitation: 6. What is a “water budget”?

7. List 4 factors that can affect the water budget of an area:

8. How much water, on average, the a person use each year?_______________________ What is it used for?

9. What produces “waste water”? __________________________________________________________ Why is it harmful? _______________________________________________________________________________

10. There are 2 ways to conserve water; List and describe them below: 1. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________________


Stream Erosion & Deposition Reading Guide: Chapter 15.2 & 3 (Read & study text pages 379-386) 7c. Students know the movement of matter among reservoirs is driven by Earth’s internal & external sources of energy. IE.1i. Students will analyze the locations, sequences, or time intervals that are characteristic of natural phenomena.

1. A river system begins to form when ________ ________________________________________

2. Define Tributary:

3. Define watershed:

4. Define stream load:

5. Define discharge: 6. What is gradient?

7. Define meandering river: 8. Define Braided stream:

9. Describe the differences between and alluvial fan and a delta? 10. Why/how does a floodplain form?

11. Do lakes last forever? Explain why or why not:

Water Beneath the Surface Reading Guide: Chapter 16.1 & 16.2 (Read & study text pages 396-408) 9c. Students know the importance of water to society, the origins of California’s fresh water and the relationship between supply and need.

1. Not all surface water runs off into stream & rivers, so where does it go?

2. Define Groundwater:

3. Define Aquifer: 4. Define porosity:

5. Define permeability: 6. What are the 2 zones in an aquifer?

7. Draw figure 3 on pg 399 and label the zone of aeration and zone of saturation: 8. Describe how groundwater moves? 9. What is a cavern and how do they form?

10. What is the difference between a Stalactite and a Stalagmite?

11. How does Karst topography form? Where is this happening in the US?


Glaciers: Moving Ice Reading Guide: Chapter 17.1 (Read & study text pages 419-422) 7c. Students know the movement of matter among reservoirs is driven by Earth’s internal & external sources of energy.

1. How does a glacier form?

2. What is a glacier:

3. Define snowfield:

4. Define snowline:

5. What does the size of a glacier depend on? 6. Define Alpine glacier?

7. Define Continental Glacier: 8. Do glaciers move? ________ Explain what force causes this:

9. Describe how basal slip makes a glacier move:

Glacial Erosion & Deposition Reading Guide: Chapter 17.2 (Read & study text pages 423-)

9c. Students know the importance of water to society, the origins of California’s fresh water and the relationship between supply and need.

1. List 3 landforms created by glacial erosion: 2. Describe how a U- shaped valley is formed

3. What is a glacial erratic and how does it forms:

4. Define moraines:

5. What is a kettle lake and how does it forms: 6. How do lake basins form?

7. Explain how the great salt late formed: 8. Explain why the great salt lake is so salty: 9. How did the great lakes form? (describe in 2 steps)

WATER NOTES Name___________________________ Most rivers receive _______________________ water than they actually carry, so where is the water?

Flows to the _____________________ Evaporates to _________________________ Absorbed into ________________________


WATER USE Each person uses an avg. of ____________________________.

WHERE DOES OUR WATER COME FROM? S. CA gets most of its water from the _______________________________ Northern cities get their water from the __________________________ snow pack Central Valley- ____________________________

WILL WE RUN OUT? There are more & more people on earth using water so we have 2 choices:

____________________________ ____________________________ Conservation is the easiest way –everyone can ____________: _______________________________ _______________________of our rivers, streams, groundwater, and _______________ what we have. ______________________- groundwater or desalinization, where the salt from water


Water _________________________ that fills the spaces in between the rock (_________________).


A large body of ____________________________________ Some rocks can store more water than other rocks because _____________________________ in

between their grains. (___________________)


FYI: _____________ of earth’s liquid fresh water is beneath the surface

Well sorted sediment ( _________________)- have a lot of space between them = _______ porosity

Poorly sorted sediment (____________)- there is not much space between them = ________ porosity


Rocks are __________________-which means that water __________________ through them. Well sorted sands = lots of space between the grains (____ permeability) - water passes through

quickly. Clay = no space between grains (________ permeability)- water can’t pass through – it is impermeable


There needs to be a layer of ________ under the layer of sand. This ____________ the groundwater

____________ ____________ Clay layer California’s Natural Resources: 1) Get a book & open to the green section in the back, 2) Read pages C16-C17.

Questions: 1. Where do Californian’s get most of their water?________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Does California have enough water to meet its own needs? _____ What percent of California’s water is naturally produced here? _________ So where do Californian’s get the rest of their water?______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Why is it necessary to build water reservoirs? _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Look at table 1 on pg C16. 4. Which part of California receives the most precipitation? (Northern CA or Southern CA)5. Which part of California uses the most water? (Northern CA or Southern CA) 6. Why is this a problem? ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7. What percent of California’s water needs are met by ground water? _______________ 8. Where is the largest aquifer system located? ______________________________ 9. What is this water used for?______________________________________________ 10. Most of California’s population centers are located above aquifers along the coasts. However the aquifers can not meet the growing demands of the population, especially in southern California. So where is southern California getting its additional water from? __________________________________________________________________


11. Look at figure 4 on page C17. What is the picture showing? ____________ What is it designed to do? ________________________________________________________

RIVERS NAME ____________________ PER____ RIVER SYSTEMS- 3 PARTS ___________________-high ground that forms a border between two watersheds; generally on the opposite side of the continent. ________________ the land that the water runs over before it enters a stream, river & eventually to the ocean. __________________________-the feeder streams to the main river. ________________ ___________________ __________ ____________________ (Streams carry more than just water)

Dissolved load- _________________________ in the water

Suspended load- ________________________ by the water

Bed load- ___________________________________________ along the bottom of the river.

DISCHARGE & GRADIENT Discharge- the _____________________________________________________

A swift moving stream carries more sediment & larger particles than a slow moving stream Gradient- ___________________________________

The steeper the slope the faster the river moves The gradient of a river is __________ at the headwaters; decreasing to essentially zero at the base level. THE 3 STAGES OF A RIVER

1. ______________________- (early stage) 2. Mature Rivers 3. _______________________

#1) Youthful Rivers Shape- __________________, bottom erodes faster than the sides Gradient- steep; ____________ moving river Water- carries a small amount Features- waterfalls, few tributaries


#2) Mature Rivers Shape- _____________, wide, ___________________ = curves back & forth across valley Gradient- low; _____________ moving river Water- carries more water than youthful river Features- many tributaries which bring lots of water to river, ___________ ______________________________________

#3) Old Rivers

Shape- broad flat plain, meander’s _____________________ Gradient- continues to _____________ down Water- even slower Features- no longer erodes the land, it begins to fill in its own channel


_________________________________________________________________________________, like a lake or an ocean.

This happens when the velocity of the stream ______ down & it can’t carry the gravel, sand, silt anymore.

There are 3 main deposits:

1) _____________ 2) Alluvial fans 3) ___________________


__________________________ that forms at the mouth of a stream when it flows into an ocean or a lake. Alluvial fan When a river travels down hill & hits a flat area, __________________________ & the sediment is deposited. ___________________ The part of the valley floor that is covered during a flood. Sediment is deposited in _______________________ along the banks of the river. Flood plain, Delta, natural levees


What is a Glacier? A ________________________________________ slowly over land in the polar-regions & in some

high mountain valleys.

How do Glacier’s form? When snow falls in the winter & _____________________________________________________ The following year ___________________________ of last year's snow and ice making a new layer. Glaciers grow in size as long as new snow is added _____________________________________ or

breaks off at the sea as icebergs.

Do Glaciers Move?

_______, they flow down mountain & ice field slopes because of _________. Gravity pulls them downward until the land levels off or where the _________


Types of Glaciers

__________________- found in and around the __________ & Antarctic circles, Greenland & islands in the polar regions. Huge glaciers (chunks of ice) that began with a single snowfall millions of yrs ago.

_____________________- are found in ____________________ all around the world. They begin at

the top of the mountain where it is snows all year and the temperatures are always below freezing. Types of Continental Glaciers 1) ___________, 2) _____________, 3) _____________, 4) _____________

1) Ice Sheets Found ______________________________________________________ enormous masses of glacial ice & snow cover over 50,0002 km

Example: Ice sheet on __________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Ice Shelves

Occur when ice sheets ________________________________ They ____________ on the water A few hundred meters to over 1000 m thick Ice shelves surround all of ________________________________

Example: The largest is the _____________________________covering over 500,0002 km. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Ice Caps

Miniature ice sheets _________________________ than 50,000 square kilometers They form primarily in polar and sub-polar regions Occupy _____________________________ regions.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Mountain Glaciers

Develop in ___________________________________________


Often flowing out of ice fields that span several peaks or even a mountain range.

Valley Glaciers-facts Originate from _______________________ or ice fields They spill down valleys, look like giant tongues. They tend to be ___________________& often flowing down beyond the

snow line. Sometimes reach _________________________.

Types of Valley Glaciers: 1) ______________________________ 2) _______________________________, 3) ______________________________, 4) __________________________ 1) Piedmont Glaciers

when steep valley glaciers spill into _______________________ they spread out into bulb-like lobes EX: Malaspina Glacier in Alaska, covers over 5,0002 km

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Cirque Glaciers

Form in bowl-like hollows called ________________________. Found in ___________ mountain sides Very wide, rather than long. EX: Cirque glacier in Glacier National Park

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Hanging Glaciers

these glaciers ______________ to steep mountainsides. they are wider than they are long. common in the ______________, they often cause ____________________ due

to the steep inclines they occupy. Also called ice aprons

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Tidewater Glaciers

valley glaciers that _______________________________ They are responsible for _____________ numerous small icebergs They are not as imposing as Antarctic icebergs, but can still pose problems

for shipping lanes.


How do Glaciers affect the Land?

By _________________ & ________________ Glacial erosion forms when glaciers _________________________________ the land beneath them.

Glacial deposition is created by deposition, or what a glacier __________ as it retreats or melts away.

Glacial Erosion A glacier's_____________and ___________________, can re-shape the landscape. (this takes

hundreds or thousands of years)

The ice erodes the land surface and _____________________________________________________.

Types of Glacial Erosion Glacial Valleys, _____________, Fiords, Cirques, ____________________

Glacial Valleys _____________, with steep vertical cliffs where entire mountainsides were removed by glacial action.


Ex: Yosemite, glaciers sheared away mountainsides, creating deep valleys with vertical walls. Hanging Valley

Forms when _____________ tributary glaciers join ______________ glaciers

Since small glaciers are unable to erode down into the landscape very far a hanging valley formed.

The larger the glacier, the deeper the valley it can erode.

Fiords _____________, narrow coastal valleys with steep

sides & rounded bottoms.

Fiords form when a glacier _______________________________________________. When the glacier melts, the ocean water fills in the valley floor.

Cirques Created when glaciers erode backwards into mountainsides, creating __________________________ shaped like a shallow bowls.

Tarn Lake A tarn is a mountain lake or pool, formed in a ____________________ after the glacier melts.

Aretes ______________________________ created where the back walls of two cirque glaciers meet, eroding the ridge on both sides. Horns Created when several ____________________________ a mountain until all that is left is a steep, pointed peak with sharp, ridge-like aretes leading up to the top.

Glacial Deposition

Landforms are also created by deposition, or what a glacier leaves as it retreats or melts away. Kettle Lakes, __________________, Moraines ____________, Drumlins ___________________ Till

Material that is __________________________________, leaving behind mounds of gravel, small rocks, sand and mud.

It is made from the _________________________ beneath the glacier as it moves. Moraines

_______________ a glacier picks up or pushes as it moves. They form along the surface and sides of the glacier. As a glacier retreats, the ice melts away from underneath the

moraines, leaving long, narrow ridges that show where the glacier used to be.

Glaciers don't always leave moraines behind, because sometimes the glacier's own meltwater ____________________________________.

Kames __________________________________of soil and gravel

that form adjacent to the glacier. They form from ____________________ flowing out of the

glacier that carry rock and soil. Kettle lakes

Form when a piece of glacier ice _____________ & becomes buried by glacial till or moraine deposits.

Over time the ice melts, leaving a small depression in the land, filled with water. Very small, _______ ______________________________________

Erratic Boulders Glaciers pick up ____________________ as they slowly move along. The glaciers carry the rocks far

away from their source. When __________________ they leave behind anything they pick up along the way (huge rocks,

called erratic boulders) Drumlins

___________, streamlined tear-drop-shaped formations. They form when a glacier deposits material as it is

flowing and then moves over it. Because they are deposited and shaped by glacier

movement, all the drumlins left by a particular glacier will face the same direction.

Often, ______________ of several thousand drumlins are found in one place, looking very much like whalebacks when seen from above.

Glacial Striations are _______________ cut into the bedrock by process of glacial abrasion.



Major Ocean Currents Directions: 1) Read the information on colored paper about ocean currents. 2) Color the title of the map “Major Ocean Currents” green. 3) Color the word “warm” red and “cold” dark blue. 4) The cold ocean current arrows are dotted & labeled with a letter B, color these arrows dark blue.5) The warm ocean current arrows are white and labeled with an A, color these arrows red. 6) Color the oceans light blue and the continents light-green. 7) Use your map and the information on the colored paper to answer the questions below:

1. What drives the currents shown on the map?___________________________________________________________ 2. How fast do currents move?________________________________________________________________________ 3. How do currents affect ship traffic?___________________________________________________________________ 4. Currents in the northern hemisphere generally flow in a (clockwise/counterclockwise) circular pattern. Currents in the southern hemisphere generally flow in a (clockwise/counterclockwise) circular pattern. 6. What causes the circular pattern of the winds? _________________________________________________________ 7. Warm currents are usually on the_________ coast of continents & cold currents on the __________coast of continents. 8. How do currents affect the climate on the east side of continents? ________________The west side?______________ 9. How much is Great Britain and Western Europe warmed by the North Atlantic Drift? ____________________________ 10. The California Current is a_______current. What effect does this have on the climate? ________________________

---------------------------------------------California Water Questions: Read the information sheet--------------------------------------

1. Why is water important to society? __________________________________________________________________ 2. How much of Earth is covered with water?_____________________________________________________________ 3. How much of this water is fresh water? _____________________________________________________________ 4. In California, where does most rainfall occur? _____________________________________What %?_____________ 5. Where is most agriculture? _____________________________Urban demand?______________________________ 6. How has water transformed California? (list ways that CA has a worldwide status) _____________________________ 7. What needs to be done to ensure a high quality water supply? ____________________________________________ 8. How do some California communities get water?________________________________________________________ 9.How does San Diego get its water?___________________________________________________________________ 10. Describe the State Water Project (SWP). ____________________________________________________________ 11.Describe the “aqueduct.” _________________________________________________________________________ Where does it go? ________________________ How long? ______________________ Over what?________________ 12. Who operates this project?________________________________________________________________________ 13. Describe the Colorado river________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________14. How much is California entitled to? __________________________________________________________________ 15. What is most of it used for? _______________________________________________________________________ 16. What is the rest of it used for?______________________________________________________________________ 17. What is the Metropolitan Water District (MWD)?________________________________________________________ 18. Where does San Marcos get its water?_______________________________________________________________

Adapted form the geography coloring book by Wynn Kapit



Vanished!- Nova Movie Questions 1. What is the “Star Dust”?___________________________________________________________ 2. Where did the movie take place?____________________________________________________ 3. What is the name of the mountain range? ____________________________________________ 4. Why didn’t they find the airplane when it 1st Vanished? 5. What happened to the plane after it crashed? 6. What caused the plane to crash? How the Earth Was Made: DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions while viewing the movie. Part I: Before the Dinosaurs 1. Hutton, the Scottish Geologist, believed that the Earth was _______________________ than what

was previously believed. 2. Since we’ve used radiation to measure Earth’s age, Geologists no longer measure it in millions,

but instead in _________________.

3. Once iron left the water, the oceans no longer appeared green, but instead _______ 4. A huge plate boundary, and a long fault, span the entire island of ________________ 5. During the Carboniferous Period, the Earth was covered by tropical ______________ Part II: After the Dinosaurs 6. After all of the volcanic activity a new supercontinent, ___________________, formed. 7. A young woman in England found the first dinosaur ______________. 8. ______________ mines are found at the mouths of ancient volcanoes. 9. The collision between the African and _________________ plates formed the Alps. 10. Mountains and ______________ can both be eroded by water. 11. The strangely placed rocks in the Alpine valleys were deposited by _______________ 12. Another sign of evidence of glaciers, seen in New York’s Central Park, is __________ on rock

outcrops. 13. Today, we hear a lot about global warming. But, it is also widely believed that we are in a gap

between _________________________.
