PA Key Club Division 18S August Newsletter




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BARRY TABLEOfficOFiaClONewNTEsNlettTSer of PA Key Club Division 18 South


Official Newsletter of PA Key Club Division 18 South Table of Contents

PAGE 1 Welcome Back

PAGE 2 LLS, Tips for Success

PAGE 3 T-O-T, Fast Facts


Recruiting, OCMs


Columnist, Website

PAGE 6 Reports, Ask Barry

Volume 1, Issue 5 August 2013

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back to

the 2013-2014 school

year! This means back to

Key Club! This time of

year is a great

opportunity for you to

gain new members,

create new projects,

scope out future officers,

and have fun!

You may be

astounded by how many

people show up to your

first couple meetings.

Focus on retaining your

members so you have a

large and strong club

throughout the year.

Spice up your meetings

with my tips for success!

With the new

school year, remember

to keep in mind our

Youth Serving Youth

Service Project, the

Leukemia and

Lymphoma Society. Also,

keep fundraising for the

ELIMINATE project so we

can reach our worldwide

goal! Happy fundraising

and serving our home,

school, and community!

Hollywood is this year’s

theme for DCON!

“Lights, Camera, Serve!”

Kiwanis Family Relations Committee

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Information

The start of every school

year is the perfect time to

get your club involved

with service. And what

better service project than

one that helps our YSY

project, the Leukemia and

Lymphoma Society! There

are numerous ways to

help this organization and

so many ways to donate

to LLS yet, how are your

funds accounted for?

Here’s how: registering

online! Many of you

received instructions on

how to complete this

registry, and let’s just say

that it is extremely easy! All

you or your officers need

to do is go onto the LLS


and register.

When doing so,

enter Your School Name-

Key Club & Division. For

example, my home club

would register as

“Emmaus High School-

Key Club Division 18S”.

This way when your clubs

raise funds it can be

tracked directly through

the LLS coordinators. This

is a great way to fully

connect with LLS, and

make sure you are doing

everything you can to

help. One thing to keep

in mind, however, is that

you need to register


Article courtesy of LTG

Emma Evans

**For more information

go to:


Barry’s Tips for Success

Official Newsletter of PA Key Club Division 18 South

Are your club

meetings boring? Do you

need help retaining

members? Do you need

fresh ideas for the

upcoming school year? You

came to the right place,

Barry’s Tips for Success! This

will be an ongoing column

that features tips, activities,

and ice breakers for clubs

that lost their fizzle.

This month’s feature

will be a discussion and

problem solving activity!

Divide your club into groups

of about roughly 10 people.

Together they must come

up with five items that they

would bring with them if

they were stranded on an

island. Have club members

discuss and defend their

choices to the whole club!

See who has the most

creative and useful item!

Service Committee The New Service Hour

Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF

You all know that UNICEF

plays a major role in the Eliminate

Project. However, UNICEF can’t

donate time and money for

vaccinations without any

donations. Luckily, there is a

creative and easy way that you,

a dedicated Key Clubber, can

contribute to the ever-depleting

fund pool and help fight

maternal and neonatal tetanus,

as well as a lot of other worthy

causes. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

has helped raise over $167 million

so far, and it has made a

difference in the lives of millions

of kids across the globe. You can

participate in Trick-or-Treat for

UNICEF by preordering your

collection boxes at


org/order. From there, it’s easy as

dressing up on Halloween and

people for, along with candy, to

make a small donation. Anything

works: coins or bills; all you have

to do is ask! Be sure to remind

them that it’s for a good cause:

eliminating MNT, as well as

providing fresh food and water

for children who don’t have

access to it.

Here is a story about one

of the kids across the world who

have directly benefited from

you guys trick-or treating.

Nirmala in Nepal: Around the

world there are 150 million

orphans. 650,000 orphans live in

Nepal itself. Many children in

Nepal who

have lost their parents are

forced to work and become

caretakers of their younger

siblings. 13- year-old Nirmala, an

orphan herself, is taking care of

her two younger siblings.

Nirmala works long days to help

provide much needed food for

her brother and sister. Hunger is

a real problem in Nepal, with

half of all children suffering from

malnutrition, and affecting the

most vulnerable children like

Nirmala and her siblings. UNICEF

is there in Nepal helping Nirmala

and children like her realize their

potential by providing special

protection and diets and

opportunities to attend school

and get an education for a

brighter future.

Article courtesy of

Secretary/Treasurer Medha


Fast Facts about Key Club

Here are some

famous former Key Club

members! Maybe your

name will be on the list in

the future!

Bill Clinton

Tom Cruise

Alan Jackson

Joe Namath

Brad Pitt

Elvis Presley

Richard Burr

Millard Fuller

Ricki Lake

Trent Lott

Richard Lugar

Bill Nelson

Darius Rucker

Stuart Scott

Howard Stern

Jim Guy Tucker

Officer Council Meetings New Club Monthly Reports

Officer Council Meetings

Officer Council

Meetings are a meeting for

all club officers in the

division. The purpose of

these OCMs is to discuss

new ideas, programs, and

communication issues.

Soon, club officer training

will be available for those

who didn’t attend DCON.

I am in the process of

planning our first OCM at

the end of September. This

will be a “Welcome Back”

OCM to plan for the year

and hopefully hear from an

LLS representative.

If you already know

of conflicts at the end of

September, email me at Check

your emails for future OCM


Recruiting Future Key Club Members

This article will

hopefully help you

recruit future Key

Clubbers so you can

have a strong and large

club. There are many

easy ways that you can

recruit new members!

The first step is to

advertise your club and

its meetings! Use posters

that can be found on or make

your own! Feature your

club on the

announcements so

everyone hears!

The second step is

to connect with your

members using social

media. All teens use

social media! Create a

Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and/or

website to stay in touch!

The final step is

simply talk about Key

Club! Share your

wonderful experiences

to your friends,

incoming freshmen,

and strangers! Personal

experiences really help

draw people into

joining Key Club. If

potential members see

and hear all the great

things about Key Club,

they are almost

guaranteed to join!

Use these steps to

help recruit new

members! If you have

ideas that have worked

for you, share them with

me at!

Happy Recruiting!

The Latest and Greatest Columnist, YOU! Social Media

You have the opportunity

to be featured in this world

renowned newsletter! This is your

chance to write a small article

and become a published author!

I will feature a new article from

anyone in Division 18 South, club

adviser, club officer, or club

member every month.

The prompt for the month

of August was “What is your

favorite service project and

why?” This article is by Andrew,

President of Emmaus Key Club.

“My favorite service

project is barkfest. This event

welcomes dogs and their owners

to a fun filled day of activities at

the park. Key Club members got

to assist participants in walking

dogs, setting up tables/tents, as

well as selling tickets. This event

is my favorite mainly because I

am an avid dog lover. I also

enjoy this event because the

participants truly show

compassion and appreciate the

work that key club members do

for them. It is the most rewarding

and fun event that I have ever

been apart of!”

Thank you to Andrew

for a wonderful article. If you

and your clubs would like to

learn more about barkfest,

email me at for

more information!

The prompt for the

month of September is in

honor of new members

joining Key Club. This prompt

can be answered by anyone:

“Why did you join Key Club?”

Get those thinking

caps on and those creative

juices flowing! Articles are

due by October 1st to and

the most creative article or

two will be featured in my

September Newsletter. Good

luck to all the writers out


The Latest and Greatest Columnist, YOU! Division Website

Unfortunately, the

Division Website is still

under construction. I am

sure that you all are

anxious and eager to

start using this valuable

tool! The website will

have important

information about key

club, news from district

and international,

divisional news, and

important documents.

Please email me if

there is anything that you

would like to see on the


Club Feedback

Do you have a burning

question about Key Club,

the duties of a LTG, or just

life in general? Well, you

came to the right place

because I can help! This

column is made for you:

club advisers, officers, and

members. Send in your

questions to! You

have the option to remain

completely anonymous or

you can reveal your first

name and club. Don’t be

shy! Everyone has question

that needs to be answered!

Q- “How is Key Club the

largest high school

community service club in

the world?” – Storm, Editor

at Emmaus High School

A-“I truly believe we

are the largest high

school community

service club in the

world because of our

Kiwanis counter parts

who help us reach our

goals. I also think teens

believe in our mission

of serving others and

they support us by


Contact Information

Barry Seng

(484) 661-9120

Twitter: @Div18SKeyClub

Instagram: @Div18SKeyClub

Facebook Page: Division 18S of Pennsylvania Key Club

Club Monthly Report Cards

Club Monthly

Report Cards will begin

this month! This new

system of communication

will aim to celebrate

clubs’ successes and

improve their

weaknesses. Hopefully,

we can all learn from our

successes and our

struggles in order to

create a better club!

At the end of the

report, you will have the

opportunity to evaluate

me! Please be honest

and in depth!

The reports will be

sent out on the 25th of

every month starting

September 25th!

Ask Barry
