Pa Environment Digest Feb. 24, 2014


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  • 8/13/2019 Pa Environment Digest Feb. 24, 2014


    PA Environment Digest

    An Update OnEnvironmental Issues In PAEdited By: David E. Hess, Crisci Associates

    Winner 2009 PAEE Business PartnerOf The Year Award

    Harrisburg, Pa February 24, 2014

    PA Supreme Court Rejects Act 13 Court Decision Reconsideration Motion

    The PA SupremeCourt Friday rejected the Corbett Administrations request for reconsideration of the

    Courts landmark decisionin December which declared unconstitutional provisionsof the Act 13

    Marcellus Shale drilling law relating to local regulation of drilling operations.

    The Court also invalidated provisions of the law establishing setbacks from rivers and streams,the requirement for DEP to evaluate the impacts to public resources and restrictions on the right of

    municipalities to appeal DEP permit decisions.

    The Court also directed Commonwealth Court to re-hear complaints by municipalities that Act

    13 prevents doctors from telling patients of the health impacts of chemicals used in natural gas well

    fracking operations.

    The significance of the ruling is not that it declared several provisions of Act 13 unconstitutional,

    but in the legal basis for the opinion-- Article I, Section 27 of Pennsylvanias Constitution, the

    Environmental Rights Amendment-- even though technically this basis it is not considered a legal

    precedent because three rather than four justices agreement with this argument.

    The reconsiderationwas opposed by the original challengers to Act 13 on the grounds the state,

    the Public Utilities Commission and the Department of Environmental Protection failed to provide anycompelling reasons for the extraordinary legal relief.

    The Corbett Administration wanted a do-over. The Supreme Court said no, said Jordan

    Yeager, one of the lead attorneys on the case. Act 13 violated our fundamental Constitutional rights.

    The Courts landmark ruling stands and we are all safer as a result.

    The State has heard the final word on Act 13 from the highest authority. Once again the

    primary rights of clean air, water, and a healthy environment for the people of the Commonwealth have

    been reiterated, said Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper and one of the original petitioners

    in the case. We hope the Governor and his administration can now finally accept that they were wrong

    in their attempt to undo the Courts deliberations. The Governor should listen to what the Court has

    said and realize that the Courts thoughtful, extensive set of opinions instructs all levels of government to

    fully adhere to their ruling. This is a great day for Pennsylvania.DEP Chief Counsel Dennis Whitaker told the DEP Citizens Advisory Councilin January the

    Departments first priority in responding to the Court decision was reviewing the changes that might

    need to the proposed Chapter 78 regulations and Oil and Gas Program procedures since the Courts

    decision dealt specifically with that program.

    He noted the stream and other setback provisions the Court struck down in Act 13 would likely

    remain in force because the Department has sufficient authority under the Clean Streams Law and other

    statutes to establish setbacks.
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    He also said Gov. Corbett called on drillersto meet waterway setbacks even though they were

    struck down by the Court.

    More broadly, Whitaker said his office has started a review of all DEP programs to determine

    whether the previous harms and benefits tests programs have incorporated into regulations and permit

    reviews over the years as a result of previous Environmental Rights Amendment court decisions would

    need to be changed as a result of the decision.At his budget hearing in the Senate Tuesday, DEP Secretary Chris Abruzzo also said other

    statutory authority exists to enforce waterway setbacks. He added the requirements of the

    Environmental Rights Amendment are already included in many of DEPs permit programs, but they are

    working through the issues.


    PA Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Of Drilling Law Ruling

    High Court Wont Reconsider Decision On Oil And Gas Law

    PA Supreme Court Wont Revisit Gas Drilling Case

    PA Supreme Court Will Not Reconsider Act 13 Decision

    New Drilling Study Needed Yudichak Says

    Greene County Gas Well Still LeakingState Police Recover Worker Killed In Gas Well Explosion

    Bradford Woman Wins Case Over Well Contamination

    Attorney General Investigating Chesapeake Energy Royalties

    Kane Eyes Gas Royalty Check Complaints

    Hundreds Rally In Bradford On Gas Royalties

    Home Up In Flames After Gas Explosion

    Want Gas Heat? UGI Plan Makes It Easier

    Reference Link:

    Analysis: Landmark Court Opinion Turns Environmental Regulation In PA Upside Down

    Senate DEP Budget Hearing Focuses On Gas Well Explosion, Well Regulation Issues

    The natural gas well explosion in Greene County last week and DEPs Oil and Gas Program were the

    focus of many of the questions members of the Senate Appropriations Committee asked DEP Secretary

    Chris Abruzzo Tuesday as he appeared before the Committee to answer questions about his agencys

    FY 2014-15 budget request.

    The response to the well explosion, the adequacy of fees supporting the regulatory program, the

    top three violations in the program, the recent Act 13 court decision and the proposal for additional

    natural gas leasing on DCNR lands were all topics covered in the questioning.

    Click Herefor a copy of Secretary Abruzzos written budget testimony. Click Herefor video

    Of Senate Appropriations Hearing (Look for Playlist).Heres a summary of some of the more important questions and answers--

    Greene County Gas Well Explosion:In response to a question Sen. Yaw (R-Lycoming), Majority

    Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, about the availability of funding to

    deal with an incident like the Greene County well explosion, Secretary Abruzzo said they have sufficient

    funds to cover staff responding to the emergency. He said they will seek reimbursement for DEPs

    costs in responding to the emergency from the well owner. He noted DEP had about a dozen people
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  • 8/13/2019 Pa Environment Digest Feb. 24, 2014


    but DEP is looking for other statutory authority to support setbacks DEP has enforced. He noted Gov.

    Corbett has called onthe oil and gas industry to meet all the existing setbacks. He said the requirements

    of the Environmental Rights Amendment are already in many of DEPs permit programs, but they are

    working through the issues.

    Top 3 Violations In Oil and Gas Program:In response to a question from Sen. Vulakovich(R-Allegheny), Dana Aunkst, Executive Deputy for Programs, said the top three violations in the Oil

    and Gas Program are: erosion and sedimentation, wetlands encroachment and waste handling violations.

    Natural Gas Pipeline Impacts: Sen. Rafferty (R-Montgomery) asked for Secretary Abruzzos help in

    getting the state more say in the location and regulation of natural gas pipelines. The Secretary said he

    would work with the Senator, along with the Public Utility Commission, on this issue.

    Beneficial Use Of Drill Cuttings:In response to a question from Sen. Yudichak, Secretary Abruzzo

    said DEP has a study that should be done by the end of the year on radiation issues related to drilling

    wastesthat should provide some additional guidance to agency actions.

    Health Effects Of Natural Gas Drilling: Sen. Greenleaf (R-Montgomery) asked about support for

    research on the health impacts of drilling, including a recent proposal by the University of Pennsylvania.

    Secretary Abruzzo said he has met with the University of Pennsylvania officials and made his staff

    available to them. He said he welcomes studies on the issue.

    Alternative Fuel/Natural Gas Fuel Grants:In response to a question from Sen. Greenleaf who said

    he was hoping to pass legislation allowing the use of electric golf cart-type vehicles on streets in a limited

    way to promote use of alternative fuel vehicles, Secretary Abruzzo said the Alternative Fuels Incentive

    Grant Programand additional funding provided by the Act 13 impact fees has been effective in helping

    to convert vehicles to natural gas and promote the purchase of electric vehicles.

    Crude Oil Train Derailments: Sen. Yudichak said two recent crude oil train derailmentsput this issue

    in the spotlight and he wanted to know what DEP is working on to deal with this issue. Secretary

    Abruzzo said DEP has adequate resources in place to handle emergencies of this type, noting the PA

    Emergency Management Agency is working in a number of areas to improve communication with

    railroads on what they are carrying on trains at any given moment.

    West Virginia Chemical Spill: Sen. Schwank (D-Berks) asked how would Pennsylvania respond to

    a spill like the one in West Virginia recently and are state regulations tight enough to deal with the issue.

    Secretary Abruzzo said the 1988 Ashland oil spillin Pittsburgh led to the passage of the Storage Tank

    and Spill Prevention Act and storage tank containment and construction standards. He said weve hadour disaster and we responded to it He noted West Virginia has asked for Pennsylvanias storage tank

    regulations as background to improving their own program. He said DEP has a very good emergency

    response program, if they get a timely notification of incidents.

    Conservation Districts: In response to a question from Sen. Vogel, Secretary Abruzzo said DEP

    received additional $24 million in funding under the transportation funding plan for the Dirt and Gravel

    Road Program and about has about $7 million from the Growing Greener Program to help support
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    conservation districts and he was glad to see it included in the budget.

    Flood Debris Removal/Stream Maintenance:Secretary Abruzzo said in response to a question

    from Sen. Yaw and Sen. Vulakovich, the Bradford County stream clearance pilot project is proceeding

    rapidly with its evaluation of the emergency stream clearance program, training for contractors and

    municipal officials and they are in the middle of developing a better general permit to cover emergencystream clearance activities. He said DEP does have to do a better job educating local governments on

    emergency permit requirements.

    Secretary Abruzzo said there is a perception it is difficult to get permission from DEP to receive

    an emergency debris removal permit and has been educating municipalities and others about the

    procedures. He added DEP works closely with the Game and Fish and Boat Commissions and the PA

    Emergency Management Agency on these issues.

    Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Systems Maintenance:Sen. Wozniak asked if DEP had a

    mechanism to help fund maintenance of passive mine drainage treatment systems installed over the last

    decade and more so they can continue operate effectively. Secretary Abruzzo said these systems are

    making a tremendous difference in improving water quality and he has seen them first-hand. He said hewould get the Senator more information.

    Abandoned Mine Reclamation:Sen. Yudichak asked for an update on DEP initiatives to use waste

    materials to reclaim the many coal mine highwalls left from abandoned mine lands. Secretary Abruzzo

    said they are always looking for ways to beneficially reuse materials because of the significant

    reclamation problems Pennsylvania faces.

    DRBC Funding: Sen. Baker asked for an update on the cut to the Delaware River Basin Commission

    budget and the need to find a new Executive Director. Secretary Abruzzo said Pennsylvania taxpayers

    have been paying more than their fair share to support DRBC, more than other states. He noted the

    federal government has paid nothing even though they are part of the Commission. He said the

    Commission has the ability to raise its fees to cover more of its program costs.

    Schuylkill Headwaters Sediment: Sen. Argall (R-Schuylkill) noted DEP has discontinued its

    dredging of coal waste sediment behind dams some years ago in the upper part of the Schuylkill River

    and asked if the private sector could be engaged in the effort. Secretary Abruzzo said it would be

    difficult to provide incentives to the private sector, but would be glad to work with the Senator to

    develop some options.

    On-Lot Septic Module Review: Sen. Baker thanked Secretary Abruzzo for his efforts to solve a

    problem with on-lot septic module reviewsin special protection watersheds.

    Riparian Buffer Legislation:Sen. Rafferty said he would like to work with DEP on legislation he is

    drafting to require 150 foot stream buffers throughout the state and Secretary Abruzzo said he would be

    happy to work with the Senator on the issue.

    Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund: Sen. Rafferty noted Act 13 drilling impact fees support the HSCA

    Cleanup Fund, but wondered if it was adequate for the program. Secretary Abruzzo said those fees are
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    helpful, but when the Capital Stock and Franchise Tax is phased out completely he will have to work

    with the General Assembly to provide additional funding.

    Waste Tire Piles: Sen. Argall asked what DEPs plans are to remove the remaining waste tire piles

    around the state. Secretary Abruzzo said they are continuing to work as they have in the past on waste

    tire pile removal and they are making progress.

    Negative Wind Farm Impacts: In response to a question from Sen. Wozniak, Secretary Abruzzo

    said he did not know of any negative impacts of wind farms, beyond the initial construction.

    Vehicle Emissions Testing:Sen. Vogel (R-Beaver) said he would be continuing to work with DEP to

    eliminate vehicle emissions testing for his residents in Western PA because of the number of new,

    cleaner cars in the vehicle fleet has increased significantly.

    Pittsburgh RVP Gasoline: Sen. Vogel also asked for a status on efforts to eliminate the requirement

    for low-RVP gasoline only in the Pittsburgh Region. Secretary Abruzzo said DEP is working on a

    revised air emissions inventory in Western PA to see if there would be offsetting emission reductionsfrom other sources so the state could continue to meet federal ozone pollution standards.

    Regulatory Climate: Sen. Corman (R-Centre), Majority Chair of the Senate Appropriations

    Committee, commended Secretary Abruzzo for his efforts to improve the regulatory climate in the


    Regulatory Consistency/Permit Decision Guarantee: Sen. Solobay asked for an update on how

    the agency was ensuring consistency in permit decisions across the state and for an update on DEPs

    Permit Decision Guarantee Program. Secretary Abruzzo said he has to balance giving regional offices

    the flexibility to deal with unique circumstances, without those decisions causing problems in other areas

    of the state. He reported the Decision Guarantee Program has eliminated 95 percent of the backlog of

    pending permits and has been successful in getting timely permit decisions by DEP staff.

    Relationship With Environmental Groups: Sen. Farnese (D-Philadelphia) asked for an update on

    what DEP is doing to improve its relationship with environmental groups, noting Secretary Abruzzos

    written testimony before the Committee outlined some recent efforts. Secretary Abruzzo said he invited

    representatives in to meet with him and let them know his philosophy is to increase the opportunities for

    groups to have input upfront in the decision-making process. He said a good example was a tour of

    DEPs laboratory by environmental groups to show them how water testing was handled and to answer


    IT Improvements:Sen. Vulakovich asked if the budget included any information technology updates.

    In response, Jeff Logan said DEP just completed a project to digitized more of the records and

    permitting documents in the Oil and Gas Program which Logan said they hope to replicate in other



    Lawmakers Praise DEP Response To Gas Well Fire

    DCNR Questioned On Plans For Additional Gas Leasing
  • 8/13/2019 Pa Environment Digest Feb. 24, 2014


    New Drilling Study Needed Yudichak Says

    Letter: Corbett Leasing Plan Would Aid Public Land Stewardship

    Op-Ed: Corbett Budget Hurts Conservation

    Feb. 20 DEP Newsletter

    PA Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Of Drilling Law Ruling

    High Court Wont Reconsider Decision On Oil And Gas LawPA Supreme Court Wont Revisit Gas Drilling Case

    PA Supreme Court Will Not Reconsider Act 13 Decision

    House DEP Budget Hearing Tackles Climate Change, Chesapeake Bay, Other Issues

    The House Appropriations Committee hearing on DEPs budget requestWednesday covered much the

    same ground as the Senate hearing Tuesday, but did get into the issue of climate change, Chesapeake

    Bay cleanup, water and wastewater infrastructure funding and air quality issues related to natural gas

    drilling the Senate did not.

    House members asked questions similar to the Senate related to: the Alternative Fuels/Natural

    Gas Vehicle grants, cuts to the Delaware River Basin Commission funding, fee increases for oil and gaswells, stream clearance to prevent flooding, additional leasing of DCNR land for natural gas

    development, regional consistently in permit decision-making, the Permit Decision Guarantee Program

    and the Act 13 court decision.

    Click Herefor a copy of Secretary Abruzzos written budget testimony. Click Herefor video

    of House Appropriations Hearing.

    Heres a quick summary of the unique issues raised during the House hearing--

    Climate Change:In response to a general question from Rep. Markosek (D-Allegheny), Minority

    Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, about climate change, Secretary Abruzzo said climate

    change is real and there are man-made factors causing the problem. He said DEP does things every

    day to deal with the issue and the Commonwealth has a good story to tell, reducing greenhouse gas

    emissions by tens of thousands of tons over the last several years. He added he is open to discussions

    on how to do more. Rep. Markosek said it was refreshing to hear the Secretarys answer which was a

    different one than he and his members have heard before.

    Rep. Vitali (D-Delaware), Minority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy

    Committee, said Pennsylvania needs to do more than shift from coal to natural gas to help solve the

    climate change problem.

    Chesapeake Bay Issues: Rep. Miller (R-York), Majority Chair House Environmental Resources and

    Energy Committee, thanked the Secretary for becoming personally involved in Chesapeake Bay issues

    and the Chesapeake Bay Commission, noting the November meeting will be in Williamsport in part dueto Marcellus Shale drilling issues. Asked for background on water quality monitoring and drilling,

    Secretary Abruzzo said DEP and other agencies monitor water quality over the region and highlighted a

    recent reportfrom the Susquehanna River Basin Commission showing water quality has improved in the

    last few years. He said Act 13 and proposed changes to Chapter 78 drilling regulations have or will put

    in place additional protections for water quality.

    Water/Wastewater Infrastructure Funding: In response to a question by Rep. Santarsiero
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    (D-Bucks) about plans to fund improvements to water and wastewater treatment facilities, Secretary

    Abruzzo said he was familiar with the problems in Bucks County and, working with local officials, he

    said he believes they found a solution to the local funding issues, especially for smaller water and

    wastewater systems there. Dana Aunkst, Executive Deputy for Programs, said tools like full-cost

    funding in calculating local user rates could go a long way toward reducing the infrastructure funding gap

    in Pennsylvania from $25 billion to as low as $6 billion. Unfortunately, he said, legislation implementintools like full-cost funding has not gone anywhere in the General Assembly.

    Flooding Along Delaware River: Rep. Petri (R-Bucks) said flooding along the Delaware River

    would have been reduced if the Delaware River Basin Commission had reduced its releasesfrom

    reservoirs in the upper part of the watershed and expressed his concerns about DRBCs lack of action

    on the issue. Secretary Abruzzo said it was important to let the other states involved in DRBC know

    the problems Pennsylvania has on flooding and DRBC flow policies and has gotten personally involved

    in the workings of the Commission.

    Reuse Of AMD Water:In response to a question from Rep. Carroll (D-Monore) on DEPs position

    on Senate Bill 411(Kasunic-D-Somerset) allowing the reuse of abandoned mine drainage for drillingoperations, Secretary Abruzzo said DEP has supported the legislation because it has the potential of

    encouraging the reuse of mine water instead of freshwater for these operations. At the same time, Dana

    Aunkst said he is aware of concerns about liability for using the water, but he said he believes the

    current language solves those problems.

    Strength Of Oil And Gas Program: In response to a general question from Rep. Dean

    (D-Montgomery) about the Oil and Gas regulatory program, Secretary Abruzzo said an evaluation of

    Pennsylvanias program by the independent STRONGER organizationgave the state good marks. He

    also noted DEP is now inspecting wells more frequently than it has at any time in its history.

    Air Quality Issues In Drilling: Rep. Boback (R-Columbia) asked if DEP does pre-drilling air quality

    testing and testing around the natural gas compressor stations. Secretary Abruzzo said DEP has done

    several studies of air quality and drilling and natural gas infrastructure in the southwestand northcentral

    regions of the state and has not found any issues of concern. He also noted DEP also does spot testing

    around the state through its mobile lab and there is also a longer term studyof air quality underway in

    the southwest that should be done by the end of the year.

    Halliburton Penalty: Rep. Christiana (R-Beaver) asked why DEP imposed the $1.8 million fine on

    Halliburton Tuesdayeven though the violations were on paperwork and not anything that harmed the

    environment. Secretary Abruzzo said DEP should not be a paper tiger, especially where there were

    intentional violations of the agencys regulations like in this case. He said it also sends a message toanyone else not to violate the rules.

    Auditor General Marcellus Audit: Rep. Grove (R-York) asked about the status of the review the

    Auditor Generalis doing on DEPs Oil and Gas Program. Secretary Abruzzo said the audit is not yet

    done, but he has made a commitment to the Auditor General to seriously review all recommendations

    developed in the review.
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    Allegheny County CSO Issues:Rep. Wheatley (D-Allegheny) asked if there are any specific budget

    line items that could support ALCOSAN and the projects its needs to respond to the U.S.

    Environmental Protection Agency order to eliminate combined sewer overflows. Dana Aunkst said

    some costs for planning would be eligible under the Act 537 planning program, but acknowledged

    funding has been zeroed out for that line item. He noted additional funding is available for wastewater

    projects from the Commonwealth Financing Authority funded by Act 13 drilling impact fees. Aunkstadded the size of Allegheny Countys funding needs are unique.


    Lawmakers Praise DEP Response To Gas Well Fire

    DCNR Questioned On Plans For Additional Gas Leasing

    New Drilling Study Needed Yudichak Says

    Letter: Corbett Leasing Plan Would Aid Public Land Stewardship

    Op-Ed: Corbett Budget Hurts Conservation

    Feb. 20 DEP Newsletter

    Additional Natural Gas Leasing Focus Of DCNR Senate Budget Hearing

    Gov. Corbetts proposal for none impact leasing of additional State Forest and Park land was the

    subject of many of the questions DCNR Secretary Ellen Ferretti received at the Senate Appropriations

    Committeebudget hearing for DCNRWednesday.

    Other topics covered included: drilling in Loyalsock State Forest, the Enhance Penns Wood

    proposal, Heritage Parks funding, reliance on Oil and Gas Fund revenues to pay for DCNR operations

    and upgrading the PNDI threatened and endangered species screening tool.

    Click Herefor a copy of Secretary Ferrettis budget testimony. Click Herefor video Of Senate

    Appropriations Hearing (Look for Playlist).

    Here is a quick summary of some of the more important issues covered--

    Additional Natural Gas Leasing: Sen. Yaw (R-Lycoming), Majority Chair of the Senate

    Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, said he received hundreds of the same email

    opposing lifting the moratorium on additional leasing of State Park and Forest land for natural gas

    leasing and asked Secretary Ferretti for an overview of the proposal. Secretary Ferretti said the

    additional leasing would include deep, horizontal drilling from adjacent private land without additional

    surface impacts under State Parks or from existing or planning well pads on State Forest land. The

    Governor will issue a new Executive Order specifically guaranteeing additional leasing will have no

    impact on surface impacts on state lands. Secretary Ferretti said it is an opportunity to generate more

    funding without increasing taxes. The revenues will be prioritized for use within DCNR specifically unde

    the Executive Order.

    Sen. Yudichak (D-Luzerne), Minority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and EnergyCommittee, asked what additional studies have been done to determine the environmental impacts of

    drilling. Secretary Ferretti said they are updating their information all the time, and DCNR staff has

    done a stellar job in managing the natural gas leases entered into by the Rendell Administration.

    Sen. Yudichak followed-up by noting there has been no conventional drilling on State Park,

    why the change now. Secretary Ferretti said the Commonwealth does not own the mineral rights under

    most State Parks, and none is being proposed from the surface under the Governors proposal.

    Sen. Gordner (R-Columbia) noted the Rendell Administration leased 137,000 acres of State
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    Forest land for Marcellus Shale gas leasing and then imposed a moratorium on additional leasing after

    they were done. He also confirmed the state does not own the mineral rights under 80 percent of State

    Parks, but do own mineral rights under 80 percent of State Forest lands.

    Secretary Ferretti said the state can work with drilling companies where they do not own the

    mineral rights, like other landowners, if proposals are made.

    Sen. Farnese (D-Philadelphia) asked what procedures are in place to protect State Parks fromdrilling. Secretary Ferretti said, noting DCNR only owns 20 percent of the mineral rights under State

    Parks, they would encourage voluntary surface agreements with drilling companies to limit impacts on

    surface areas. However, the Governors proposal would not allow additional leasing if it resulted in

    surface impacts.

    Sen. Corman (R-Centre) asked if DCNR needed anything to manage natural gas leasing on or

    near State Parks and State Forests. He said he and others in the Senate stand prepared to work with

    the Secretary to get the agency what it needs. Secretary Ferretti said she appreciated the offer and

    noted DCNRs staff has worked extraordinarily hard to protect the Commonwealths resources.

    Enhance Penns Woods:In response to a question from Sen. Yaw, Secretary Ferretti provided an

    overview of the Enhance Penns Woodsproposal. She noted the program is the largest investment evermade in State Park and State Forest infrastructure and is not dependent on revenue from any additional

    natural gas leasing.

    Relying on Oil and Gas Revenues:In response to a question from Sen. Yudichak about relying on

    Oil and Gas revenues for supporting DCNR staff and operations, Secretary Ferretti said existing law

    sets aside the first $50 million for DCNRs use and any additional funds would have to be considered

    each year with the budget.

    Loyalsock State Forest Drilling:Sen. Yaw asked for an update on proposals to drilling in the

    Loyalsock State Forest. Secretary Ferretti said she met with groups that have concerns about drilling in

    the State Forest shortly after she became Secretary. She noted the Commonwealth does not own the

    mineral rights and has no more rights than any other landowner. To date, the drilling company has not

    come to DCNR with a specific drilling proposal.

    Heritage Parks: Sen. Rafferty (R-Montgomery) expressed concern about the proposal to zero out

    funding for Heritage Parks grant program. Secretary Ferretti said the Heritage areas are eligible for

    funding under the Community Conservation Partnership Grants. Any make-up funding, she said, would

    need to be considered by the General Assembly.

    Sen. Argall (R-Schuylkill) said the General Assembly did add $2.5 million for Heritage Parks

    last year. Secretary Ferretti said in past years, even without funding, DCNR did fund Heritage Area


    Community Conservation Partnership Grants:Sen. Schwank (D-Berks) asked what priorities

    DCNR has for the C2P2 grant program. Secretary Ferretti said she believes in a competitive program

    and has not established specific priorities. Sen. Schwank said some communities proposing swimming

    pools have not received funding, which Secretary Ferretti said was probably the result of the

    competitiveness of the program.
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    Dirt And Gravel Road Program:Sen. Rafferty, Majority Chair of the Senate Transportation

    Committee, noted DCNR did receive additional funds for the program in the transportation funding

    plan, and Secretary Ferretti thanked members for the additional monies.

    Timber Revenues: Sen. Vogel (R-Beaver) noted there has been drop in the revenue from timber cut

    on State Forest land. Dan Devlin, Acting Deputy for Parks and Forestry, noted DCNR has a goal ofcutting about 14,000 acres of timber in any given year, not a specific revenue goal. He explained the

    timber market has been depressed, but has rebounded somewhat and that accounted for lower

    revenues. Secretary Ferretti added since DCNR cuts about the same amount of acreage each year, it

    has helped sustain many small timber operations. Timber sale revenues help support DCNRs Bureau

    of Forestry operations.

    In response to a question from Sen. Solobay (D-Washington), Secretary Ferretti said there is

    no commercial timbering in State Parks like there is on State Forest land

    Bald Eagle Nature Inn:In response to a question from Sen. Vogel, Secretary Ferretti said DCNR

    has no plans now for facilities similar to the Bald Eagle Nature Innin other areas of the state.

    Public/Private Partnerships:Sen. Vulakovich (R-Allegheny) asked if DCNR has plans to expand

    partnerships with private vendors in State Parks. Secretary Ferretti said there are now 145 private

    concessionaires in State Parks and they are looking to expand those kinds of partnerships. She added

    they are looking at private/public partnerships authorized for transportation-related projects, but no

    specific projects are being considered now.

    Forest Pest Management: Sen. Schwank (D-Berks) asked for an update on forest pest

    management. Secretary Ferretti said forest pest managementstaff has been brought together physically

    with the rest of DCNR and that has helped improved coordination. She said they are also making

    better use of the Department of Agriculture laboratory for its pest management programs. Asked

    about the adequacy of funding, Dan Devlin said many forest pests expand or contract based on the

    weather. The cold weather and a wet Spring would help knock down many pest populations this year.

    Ryerson Park Dam Rebuild:In response to a question from Sen. Solobay (D-Washington),

    Secretary Ferretti said dredging of the Ryerson State Parklake bed will start this year and rebuilding of

    the dam damaged by longwall coal miningis scheduled to start next year.

    Trail Projects:In response to a question from Sen. Baker (R-Luzerne) about the priority DCNR puts

    on development of trail projects, Secretary Ferretti said they are looking to close some of the gaps in

    trails and are working with public and private partners to make that happen. She said in some cases the

    impediments to making these connections are funding, but in others the land ownership patterns along atrail.

    PNDI System:Sen. Baker asked the status of upgrades to the PA Natural Diversity Inventorysystem.

    Secretary Ferretti said DCNR is about to put out an RFP to upgrade the computer system for the

    system that allows project sponsors to do checks for rare, endangered or threatened plant and animal

    species. She noted the existing system has already been updated to make it easier for users to check

    their projects.
  • 8/13/2019 Pa Environment Digest Feb. 24, 2014


    Secretary Ferretti will appear before the House Appropriations Committee February 25 at



    DCNR Questioned On Plans For Additional Gas Leasing

    New Drilling Study Needed Yudichak SaysLetter: Corbett Leasing Plan Would Aid Public Land Stewardship

    Op-Ed: Corbett Budget Hurts Conservation

    February 19 issueof DCNRs online Resource newsletter

    Lawmakers Praise DEP Response To Gas Well Fire

    Feb. 20 DEP Newsletter

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    Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

    Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a

    list of new environmental bills introduced--
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    Session Schedule

    Here is the latest voting session schedule for the Senate and House--


    February - Budget HearingsMarch 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 31

    April 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 28, 29, 30

    May 5, 6, 7

    June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30


    February - Budget Hearings

    March 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 31

    April 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 28, 29, 30

    May 5, 6, 7

    June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

    Bill Calendars

    House (March 10): House Resolution 583(Molchany-D-Allegheny) designating January 13-19 Mt.

    Washington Emerald View Park Trail Week-- sponsor summary. Click Herefor full House Bill


    Senate (March 10):Senate Bill 411(Kasunic-D-Somerset) encouraging the reuse of mine drainage

    and mine pool water for drilling operations Senate Bill 771(Gordner-R-Columbia) establishing the

    State Geospatial Coordinating Board. Click Herefor full Senate Bill Calendar.

    Committee Meeting Agendas This Week

    House:the Appropriations Committeeholds budget hearings on: Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of

    Conservation & Natural Resources, Dept. of Transportation, Governors Budget Office, House

    Member Testimony the Consumer Affairs Committeeholds a hearing on Act 129 energy efficiency,

    conservation programs. Click Herefor full House Committee Schedule.

    Senate:the Appropriations Committeeholds budget hearings on: Dept. of Transportation, Dept. of

    Agriculture, Public Utility Commission, Department of Aging, Department of Transportation. Click

    Herefor full Senate Committee Schedule.

    Bills Pending In Key Committees

    Here are links to key Standing Committees in the House and Senate and the bills pending in each--


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    Environmental Resources and Energy

    Consumer Affairs

    Gaming Oversight

    Human Services

    JudiciaryLiquor Control


    Links for all other Standing House Committees



    Environmental Resources and Energy

    Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

    Community, Economic and Recreational Development


    JudiciaryLaw and Justice

    Public Health and Welfare


    Links for all other Standing Senate Committees

    Bills Introduced

    The following bills of interest were introduced this week--

    Coal-Fired Power Plant Closures:House Bill 2030(Snyder-D-Fayette) establishing the Coal-Fired

    Electric Generation Facilities Deactivation Commission, a fund for displaced electric facility workers an

    an Environmental Remediation Fund-- sponsor summary.

    Plumbing Lead Ban: Senate Bill 1254(Yudichak-D-Luzerne) amending the Plumbing System Lead

    Ban and Notification Act to conform with federal requirements- sponsor summary.

    Stormwater Management: Senate Bill 1255 (Erickson-R-Delaware) promoting voluntary measures

    by property owners to better manage stormwater-- sponsor summary.

    Heritage Areas Program:Senate Bill 1256(Ward-R-Westmoreland) establishing the Heritage Areas

    Program in law-- sponsor summary.

    Hydrogen Fuel Cell Collaboration:House Bill 2040(Milne-R-Chester) would establish the

    Hydrogen Fuel Cell Collaboration Program within DEP-- sponsor summary.

    News From The Capitol

    Game Commission Presents Annual Report To House Game & Fisheries Committee
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    Game CommissionExecutive Director R. Matthew Hough Tuesday presented the agencys annual

    report to the General Assembly, and delivered testimonybefore the House Game and Fisheries

    Committee. Click Hereto read a copy of the annual report.

    Fish & Boat Commission Presents Annual Report To House Committee

    John Arway, Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission, Wednesday presented the

    Commissions annual report to the General Assembly during a meeting by the House Game and

    Fisheries Committee. Click Hereto read a copy of the report.

    News From Around The State

    DEP Citizens Advisory Council Hears Overview Of Draft Chesapeake Bay Agreement

    DEPs Citizens Advisory CouncilTuesday heard a presentation on the draft Chesapeake Bay

    Watershed Agreement now out for public review. The Council could not complete its full agenda

    because bad weather kept several members from attending.

    Andrew Zemba, Director of DEPs Interstate Waters Office, said the new draft Chesapeake

    Bay Watershed Agreementupdates the 2000 agreement in several ways-- it includes the headwaters

    states of Delaware, New York and West Virginia is focused on measurable outcomes and gives

    jurisdictions flexibility in choosing which outcomes they participate in.

    Zemba also noted there are still several issues that have not been resolved, among them: how to

    include toxic contaminants, climate change and issues related to the re-licensing of the Conowingo Dam.

    Public comments are due by March 17. The Chesapeake Bay Executive Council expects to

    finalize the Agreement at its Spring meeting. Click Herefor a link to Zembas presentation.

    Hayley Book, Director of DEPs Office of Policy, provided the Council with updates on severalissues--

    -- DEP Budget:Book provided a brief overview of the agencys proposed FY 2014-15 budget

    request, explaining that although the budget proposes to eliminate 66 positions, there will be no

    furloughs. She also said some of those positions may be transferred to special funds, like the Oil and

    Gas Program, and not lost to the Department.

    -- Oil and Gas Regulations:Nine hearings have just been complete on proposed changes to the

    Chapter 78 drilling regulations and final comments are due from the public by March 14. 300 people

    testified at the hearings attended by over 1,200 people. A total of 11,000 comments have been

    received so far.

    Among issues raised most frequently by the public were: eliminating water storage pits, on-site

    burial of drill cutting and concerns about radioactivity in drilling wastes. Issues raised by industryincluded an overly strict water supply replacement requirement and a suggestion to separate

    requirements applying to conventional and unconventional (Marcellus Shale) wells.

    -- Public Participation In Permit Reviews:DEP expects to publish the final version of its Public

    Participation Policy for the Permit Review Process in the March 1 PA Bulletin. Book noted the agency

    received 1,800 comments on the draft policy. She asked Council to become involved in reviewing the

    draft plan for educating the public and DEP staff on the changes.

    Public Comments
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    During the public comment portion of the Councils agenda, Bonita Hoke, PA League of

    Women Voters, said her group is concerned about whether water withdrawals, especially from special

    protection watersheds, are being evaluated properly by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission. She

    cited as one example a withdrawal request from Lycoming Creek in Tioga and Lycoming counties.

    Hoke also said the League is concerned by a recent change in lawon how DEP evaluates

    on-lot septic system sewage modules in special protection watersheds since they are a significant sourceof nitrate pollution in ground and surface water.

    DEP Monthly Report

    The 16-page February Monthly Reportsubmitted to Council by DEP includes a variety of

    topics, including these items of special note--

    -- Nutrient Credit Trading Program:During 2013, wastewater treatment plans sold 142,209

    nitrogen and 16,881 phosphorus credits, 380,757 nitrogen capacity credits and 57,398 phosphorous

    capacity credits nonpoint source agricultural BMP resulted in selling 106,653 nitrogen credits nonpoint

    source manure hauling sold 143,344 nitrogen credits and 27,337 phosphorous credits and other

    nonpoint source treatment sold 30,000 nitrogen credits.

    -- PA Sunshine Program: The Program is now closed after awarding nearly $113 million to help

    deploy solar photovoltaic and solar hot water systems resulting in the development of nearly 100 MWof electric generation.

    -- Oil and Gas Well Permits/Drilled: As of January 17, the total number of unconventional

    (Marcellus Shale) permits issued is 15,564, the total number of wells drilled is 7,523 and the total

    number of active permits is 10,164. The total number of conventional well permits issued is 194,351,

    the total number of wells drilled is 195,406 and the total number of active permits is 108,278.

    Next Meeting

    The next meeting of the Council is scheduled for March 18 starting at 10:00 in Room 105 of the

    Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg.

    For more information, visit the DEP Citizens Advisory Councilwebpage.

    Ohio River Watershed Celebration Benefit Dinner March 4

    On March 4 the organizers of the Ohio River Watershed Celebrationwill hold a benefit dinner to

    support the Celebration cruise at Mad Mex Shadyside in Pittsburgh starting at 7:00 p.m.

    ORWC celebrates the successes that Ohio River Watershed communities, business, industry

    and governmental agencies have realized in cleaning up their environment through partnerships and


    The Celebration has sponsored a cruise of the three rivers for 12 years, totally free to the

    public. In 2013, the cruise cost approximately $32,000 and 100 percent of that came from generous

    donations from many partners, including private business and citizens, industry, and foundations.

    The 2013 sponsorsincluded: Sponsors and partners included: DEP Environmental EducationGrant CONSOL Energy Range Resources EQT Three Rivers Regatta Foundation for PA

    Watersheds Anonymous David E. Hess, former Secretary of DEP, Seneca Resources PA American

    Water Peoples Natural Gas Municipal Authority of West View Weavertown Environmental Group

    Spectroscopy Society of PittsburghSociety for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh Dominion

    Foundation/ Western PA Conservancy UPMC Pittsburgh Region Clean CitiesAmerican Water

    Works Association-SW PA Section PA Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. PlasTie LLC

    BioMost, Inc. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency--Wheeling Office Southwest PA Commission
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    DEP SW Regional Office Fish and Boat CommissionJennings Environmental Education Center

    Charlie Cooper Bob & Sylvia Danehy and Stream Restoration Inc..

    There are several levels of sponsorship for the ORWC with benefits ranging from guaranteed

    reservations at the event, a banner displayed on the ship itself, logos in all promotional materials, and

    spoken recognition during event announcements, to an opportunity to give a short presentation to event

    attendees.ORWC is fortunate to add Big Burrito Restaurant Group, the owner of Mad Mex Shadysideto

    the list of sponsors through hosting a benefit dinner.

    Reservations for the event are required by contacting Anne Daymut at 724-832-3625 or

    sending an email to: anne@wpcamr.orgbefore February 28 and sending a $50 tax-deductible donation

    to Stream Restoration Inc.

    Donations for the dinner can be made with credit card at the Ohio River Watershed Celebration

    website by clicking on the Donate tab.

    100 percent of the proceeds go toward the cruise. The three course buffet dinner will include

    one adult beverage. Valet parking is available. Make your reservation early!

    (Written By Anne Daymut, Watershed Coordinator, Western PA Coalition For Abandoned MineReclamation)

    Susquehanna Land & Water Conservation Summit March 31, Penn State Harrisburg

    The Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bayand the

    Chesapeake Bay Foundationwill host the Susquehanna Land and Water Conservation Summit March

    31 at the Penn State University campus in Harrisburg.

    This special event is designed to bring together individuals and organizations interested in

    improving water quality in the watershed of the Lower Susquehanna River in Cumberland, Dauphin,

    Lancaster, Lebanon and York counties.

    Major elements of the Summit include--

    -- Success Stories from the Region:Professionals from the Lower Susquehanna counties will present

    successful projects to the attendees that may be applicable to other areas within the region. Both

    agricultural and stormwater success stories will be shared and range from on-the-ground implementation

    BMPs to technical assistance provided.

    -- County Representatives Panel: Representatives from Lebanon, Lancaster, Dauphin, Cumberland,

    and York counties' planning departments or conservation districts will address topics and field questions

    from the attendees. The panel will lend insight into how each county works toward specific conservation

    and permit goals as well as suggesting regional opportunities.

    -- Land and Water Topic Roundtables: Discuss a range of topics with related professionals in the

    region. Topics will be determined as the conversation unfolds with the County Representatives Panel,and may include: Riparian Buffers, Ag BMPs, Stormwater, Source Water Protection, Maintenance,

    Green Development, Influencing Behaviors and Attitudes, and more.

    -- Project Tracker Tool: The new Lower Susquehanna Conservation Project Tracker Tool will be

    showcased. The tool's multifunctional uses will be presented and attendees will learn how to gain access

    to the powerful tool, why it can be useful to them, and its capabilities.

    Click Hereto register for the Summit. For more information, visit the Lower Susquehanna

    Land and Water Conservation Summitwebpage.
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    Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association Farm Animal Operation Permitting Feb. 25

    On February 25, the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Associationwill conduct a panel discussion titled

    The A-Zs of CAFOs. Admission is free. The event will be held from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Stuart

    Community Center, Carlisle Parks & Recreation, 415 Franklin Street, Carlisle, Cumberland County.Parking is available onsite.

    Agricultural operations - whether raising produce, poultry, or livestock - are an integral thread in

    the fabric of our society. Agriculture is an important part of Pennsylvanias economy. South Central

    Pennsylvania in particular has been a bastion of agriculture for hundreds of years. The agricultural

    industry is complex and deserves further study.

    One of many aspects of agriculture present in the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed is the

    Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO). CAFOs are regulated by the U.S. Environmental

    Protection Agency, as well as the Department of Environmental Protection.

    The CAFO issue is in itself a complicated matter. There are many factors involved in this type of

    agricultural operation.

    The panel discussion will include CAFO permitting requirements, differentiate the CAFO fromother types of livestock and poultry agricultural operations, and what kind of impact the CAFO has on

    our natural resources and environment.

    Each panelist will respond to prepared questions from the moderator. Afterward, the audience

    will have the opportunity to ask questions of the panelists in an open discussion.

    CCWA is privileged to welcome the following panelists:

    -- William Ferris, Board Member and Past President, Big Spring Watershed Association

    -- Kelly ONeill, Agricultural Policy Analyst, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

    -- Kimberly L. Snell-Zarcone, Esq., Conser