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Arens Corporation


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Vol. 62 - No. 17 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • APRIl 29, 2015

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~ GROCERY INDEX ~ Patty’s IGA, Back Page

INSERTS: Zoned: Patty’s IGA, (3) Menards,

Orme Hardware, Covington Music Boosters• PAID ADVERTORIAL •

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Mother’s Day BBQ

Planned in Covington ParkThe Fort Rowdy Gathering will have their annual Mother’s Day

Chicken BBQ on Sunday, May 10, in the Covington Park, from11a.m. until sold out. No need to get out of your car – we'll come toyour car window!

Advance tickets are recommended, as last year’s BBQ was a sell-out! Pre-sale tickets are valid until 3 p.m.

Cost is $8 and includes half a chicken, chips, applesauce, and aroll. Drinks will be available for purchase.

Advance tickets may be purchased at Joanie’s Flower Shop orSiegel’s Country Store, both in Covington; Uniforms Plus in Piqua;or from any Fort Rowdy Board member.

Proceeds from the BBQ will benefit the 2015 Fort RowdyGathering to be held Labor Day weekend.

For more information, call Larry at 937-339-0407 or Anita at937-676-3381.

CHS Announces Athletic

Hall of Fame DetailsIn 1984, the Covington Athletic Dept. initiated an Athletic Hall of

Fame to honor Covington graduates who have distinguished themselves inathletics. Over the past 32 years, CHS has inducted 79 members, 32 hon-orary members, one golf team, and three football teams. This coming yearmarks the 33rd year for this event.

Next year’s Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will take place Fridayevening, Sept. 11. The ceremony itself will take place at half-time of thevarsity football game with Mississinawa Valley. The Hall of Fame induc-tion will take place at approximately 8 p.m. The football game is sched-uled to begin at 7:30.

Anyone wishing to submit a nomination should do so with a letter tothe Athletic Director, detailing as much information as possible about thepotential inductee. Deadline for nominations is May 18. Please addressletters to:

Covington HS - ATTN A.D.

807 Chestnut St.

Covington OH 45318

Those having questions may call the Athletic Dept. at 937-473-2552.

Spaghetti Supper Planned May 2 at P-Hill ChurchAll are invited to a Spaghetti Dinner at First Brethren Church

in Pleasant Hill on Saturday, May 2, with serving from 4:30 ‘til7 p.m.Proceeds from the supper will be used to send youth toSummer Camp. The church, which is handicap accessible, islocated at 210 N. Church St. Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 29, 2015



Advertise it in our classifiedsCombine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising

is also available on line. Visit

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ALL SPECIALSAlso Available at:

LLaass MMaarriiaass MMeexxiiccaann RReessttaauurraanntt1160 E. Russ Rd., Greenville


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It’s Party Time at Los Pitayos & Las Marias!

Jean Gilbert to Celebrate 90th Birthday May 17

~ Open House Planned ~

Jean (Stout) Gilbert of Pleasant Hill will celebrate

her 90th Birthday with an Open House on Sunday, May


Mrs. Gilbert is a retired teacher from Newton

Schools. She also taught at Springcreek Elementary

School in Piqua and Van Cleve Junior High School in


An Open House will be held Sunday, May 17, 2-4

p.m., at the Pleasant Hill History Center, 8 E.

Monument St., Pleasant Hill. No gifts, please.

Birthday cards may be sent to her in care of the

Pleasant Hill History Center, P.O. Box 82, Pleasant Hill,

OH 45359.

Memorial DayParade Plannedin Pleasant Hill

The Pleasant Hill Memorial

Day Parade will take place

Monday, May 25. Line-up will

be in front of Newton School at

9:30 a.m., with the parade to

start at 10:30.

The parade will proceed

south on Main St. to Monument

St., and west on Monument St.

to the Pleasant Hill Cemetery,

where a short service will be


Any and all participants are


Those having questions

may call Dean Schaurer at 937-

308-1414, or Sandra Davis at



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BURST O’BERRY PIE: (4 Different Berries in the Pie)blueberry, black raspberry, strawberry, red raspberry


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Chocolate Praline, Cream Cheese Swirl and Butterscotch Brownies

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Hamburger • Chicken • Hot DogsKings llooccaallllyy ggrroowwnn && pprroocceesssseedd cchhiicckkeenn

Breast, Patties, BratsHunts llooccaallllyy ggrroowwnn && pprroocceesssseedd

1/4# Beef Patties, Bulk Hamburger & Sausage��&!��/,!��*/� ,����*(!(� !��/)-�.*�*(+'!.!�.$!��!�'

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Combine the power of print with the power of the internet

All of our advertising

is also available on line. Visit



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Book Club to Meet

At Oakes-Beitman

Memorial Library Come to the Pleasant Hill li-

brary's book discussion group at

3:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 13,

and share in a discussion with

other book enthusiasts. The

group will be reading and dis-

cussing The Vanishing Girl by

Laura Thalassa.

The Kindle Your Interest in

Books Club is open to all adult

and young adult readers.

The Oakes-Beitman Memo-

rial Library is located at 12 N.

Main St. in Pleasant Hill.

For more information,

please call the library at 937-


Clean out yourbasement & maybe

even the attic.Sell your unwanted items

in our classifieds. Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 29, 2015


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Vegetable & Bedding Plants • Hanging Baskets Cocoa Shell Mulch • Onion & Potato Sets • Geraniums • Perennials

“Love Series” of Rose Bushes & Tree Roses

����������������������������������� �����������And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us;

yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Psalms 90:17 KJV

God has again been very gracious to us and has blessed us with many reasons to praise His name.

To all of our friends and former customers, we would like to express our appreciation to each one of you,for your encouragement and support in the past, and for being a vital part of our life and business.

God has again made it possible for us to open our greenhouse business this spring and we are lookingforward to serving all who would like to come and see what we have to offer. It is our desire to have good

selection of flower and vegetable plants at reasonable prices for planting in your flower beds,garden, or containers.

It is our prayer that God will bless each of you this spring and summer as you watch His handiworkin the plants and flowers around you, which He has blessed all of us with to remind us of the beauty

of His love to us through the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Sincerely, ����������������������� ��

�������������6914 U.S. Rt. 36 East, Greenville •

937-548-1577(Between Arcanum Bearsmill Rd. & Turtle Creek Golf Course)

Quality Electrical Service Since 1976

Yankee Electric, Inc.R e s i d e n t i a l & C o m m e r c i a l

Licensed • Bonded • Insured OH LIC#24280

• Service Upgrades• Repairs or Remodeling• Home Inspections• Ceiling Fans• Rewires• Fire Alarms


937-698-6161900 S. Miami St., West Milton

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FURNITURE BEDDING23 North High St, Covington, OH

like us on facebook

Good Furniture Costs Less @Sellman’s



Reg $799

Famous Names at Sellman’sBROYHILL LANE SERTA BEST


Our small town location saves you money. Our service gives you peace of mind.

Antiques ~ New outdoor & indoor garden decor collectives & variety of gift ideas

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when you shop these local merchants!

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�������������������Stop by to help her with lunch or dinner . . .

Check out our deli with fresh meats & cheeses,chicken salad, macaroni & potato salads & cole slaw.FRESH MAPLE SYRUP ALSO AVAILABLE



from recent remodeling. Furniture; nice appliances; TV’s;

beautiful decorations; clothing: & so much more! Table of

FREE items! Mon., Apr. 27 — Fri., May 1. 9-3. 1900 Kelch Rd.,


RUSSIA COMMUNITY GARAGE SALES: Fri., May 1, 9-6; Sat., May 2, 9-1.

Many multi-family locations!

PLEASANT HILL History Center Garage Sale: 8 E. Monument, Pleasant

Hill. Thurs., Apr. 30, 9-2; Fri., May 1, 9-2; Sat., May 2, 9-2.

GARAGE SALE: May 2, 8-5. 10 E. Grace St., Pleasant Hill. Baked goods;

furniture; small appliances; toys; & lots of misc. items.

NASCAR Diecast Collectibles! Some historical & some are custom-built

cars. All are worth the money! May 2. Pleasant Hill City-Wide Garage Sale.

The location is 109 Locust St., across from Newton School.

GARAGE SALE: 8500 Lauver Rd., Pleasant Hill. (3) new rolls of fence; Cub

tractor & attachments; tools; & misc. April 30 & May 1-2, 9-5.

HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the deadline

for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. preced-

ing publication.

GARAGE SALE: Fri. & Sat., May 1-2, 9-5. 108 Brethren Dr., Pleasant Hill.

YARD SALE: April 29-30 & May 1. 9-5. West on 718 to left on Newton.

Right on Seneca to 104 Cheyenne. Oak coffee table; baskets; mirrors;

bells; DVD’s & DVD player; radios, CD’s; DeWalt tools; fans; pots & pans;

poker chips; sweepers. A lot of tools & a lot of everything!

GARAGE SALE: Thurs., Fri. & Sat, 9-2. 10 W. Hill, Pleasant Hill. Jazzy

1113 power chair; dog cage; lots of puzzles; & misc.

LARGE MULTI-FAMILY SALE: May 1-2, 9am-6pm. 5468 Buckneck Rd.,

Bradford. Antique glassware; collectible action figures; comic books; vin-

tage cocktail shakers; small kitchen appliances; TV’s; home decor; Barbies

& play sets; CD’s & DVD’s; older quilts; costume jewelry; men’s, Jr. & miss-

es’ clothing; Dale Earnhardt tankards; microwave; dishes; romance novels;

youth saddle.

GARAGE SALE: 4105 Rangeline, Russia. April 30 & May 1, 9-5; May 2,

9-12. Baked goods; dishes; bedding; boys’ clothes, 8-16; women’s XL;

men’s hunting clothes & equipment; elec. kitchen stove; TV’s; sleds; picnic

table; bathroom toilets, sink & vanity; log splitter; lots of misc.

AFTER-MOVING SALE! Too many items to list. Fri., May 1, 9-6; Sat., May

2, 9-2. 309 Elizabeth Dr., Russia.

MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Close to 718. 1045 Leonard Rd., Coving-

ton. April 30 & May 1, 9-5; May 2, 9-? Riding mower; toy barn; wireless pet

fence w/2 collars; truck toolbox; & many household items.

GARAGE SALE: Thurs., April 30, 8-1; Friday, May 1, 8-6; Sat., May 2, 8-1.

141 S. Liberty St., Russia. Girls’ & boys’ clothing (newborn to 5T & teen

boys’); (2) Tomas step-thru mopeds; 20” girls’ bike; VHS player; skate-

board; books; movies; Craftsman gas-powered lawn edger; pictures; jew-

elry; & lots of misc.

JUST MOVED SALE! Fri. & Sat., 9-? Household; home furnishings; shelving;

children’s desks & chairs; ZTR Dixon mower; wood lathe; 4’x8’ utility trailer;

misc. tools. Down-sized... LOTS to sell! 409 N. Church St., Pleasant Hill.

GARAGE SALE: 7163 Cox Rd., Pleasant Hill. April 30 & May 1-2, 10-5.

Antique dresser w/mirror; wood rocker; night stand; sofa table; coffee table;

outdoor tables & chairs; new blender & convection counter-top oven; lots

of household items.

MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Sat., May 2, 8-5. 122 S. Williams St.,

Pleasant Hill. Entertainment center; (2) 32” TV’s; fireplace elec. heater;

lamps; toys; fabric; men’s & women’s clothing; homemade crafts; house-

hold items; & much more!

GARAGE SALE: May 8-9. 09175 Southland Rd., New Knoxville. Loveseat;

chair; dinette set w/hutch; full bed frame w/bookcase headboard; oak desk;

rabbit hutch & cages; Fair box; household & misc. items.


9 E. High, Pleasant Hill. April 30 & May 1-2, 9-? Furn.; curio cabinet;

antique settee; desk; file cabinets; W/D; baby girls’ & adult clothing; dishes;

Chevy car parts; Edelbrock carb; wheels & tires; Chevy alum. intake;

Chevy 6.2 dsl. engine; riding & push mowers; chainsaws; air tank; 40 cal.

ammo; roll-around & truck toolboxes; band & radial saw; surveyor transit;

generator; Schwinn bicycle; David Bradley roto stick; wire.

Garage Sales Card of Thanks

Thank YouI would like to thank all the

people that came to my 90th

Birthday party and a special

thanks to those that sent cards and

gifts. They were very much


A very special thanks to my


Charles I. Renner

Thank YouThanks to all for your

sympathy for our loss of Herbert

Fogle, 92, with cards, flowers,

and gifts.

He was a World War II veteran

and fought in the Battle of the


He loved his wife of 66 years,

his three children, grandchildren,

and great-grandchildren.


Stillwater Valley Advertiser& Penny Saver

THURSDAY, 5:00 PM937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020

FAX: 937-473-2500E-MAIL:


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2015 Florida DiariesLarry and Janice Sarver are the newmembers of Frostproof Lakefront AdultCommunity, better known as “Bradford-ville”.

Their f irst winter journey was quite aspectacle. Driving their antique ChevySuburban, with trailer in tow, turnedinto a nightmare.

Larry was driving when he heard afunny noise. “I think it sounds like thetransmission,” he quipped.

And the next thing they knew, they werestranded just inside the Florida border.

After contacting a local Chevy dealer, theywere taken to a nearby motel, whichwould become their home for f ive days.

After searching the car lot, and f inding out the Suburban could not be f ixed quickly,they called the park. “We’re stranded in Wildwood, our transmission went out of thetruck and we’re staying in a motel”, explained Janice.

“We can have some of the guy come and get you,” Ginger proposed.

“No, that won’t be necessary. We’re going to call one of the kids,” she countered.

And five days later, the Sarver’s arrived. Culley, Janice’s middle child, came withtrailer and his parents.

Knowing the Sarver’s had more on their plate than they deserved, I asked Larry(when everything had settled down) if he wanted to go out f ishing with me?

“I thought you would never ask,” he smiled.

Larry had been f ishing on Lake Clinch before, so he knew we trolled for bass. Being alittle rusty, I looked through his tackle box and found the perfect deep trolling lure forhim to use. In a matter of minutes, Larry had the f irst hit. “Fish on,” I yelled. “Bringit in Sarve.”

It was a nice 14 incher, and went directly into the live well.

In what seemed like hours, Larry had his second hit. “This one seems like it a littlebigger,” he speculated. “Just keep reeling, “ I coached. “This has got to be a state record,”Larry warned.As his catch approached the boat, I noticed he was hooked on some green line, so Igrabbed it and pulled up an eight foot f ishing pole.

“Now this catch will at least make the Valley Echoes column,” he joked.

This week’s bottom line: Larry 2. Gary 0. I’m really getting tired being nothing but aguide for friends and visitors.

Valley Echoesby Gary Godfrey

Bradford Prom CourtBradford Prom Court~ Photo by Don Selanders ~

The Bradford High School Prom will take place Saturday, May 2. The Prom Court students are (L-R);

Cody Robinson, Kasi Hill, Troy Huggins, Erika Hart, Hunter Arnett, Mindy Brewer, Zach Hoelscher,

Shelby Chaney, Rayce Grigg, and Brooke Brower.

Pet Parade Planned Saturday at M-U Public LibraryMeet a local author and show off your

furry loved one at the Milton-UnionPublic Library’s first Pet Parade! The fes-tivities start at 11 a.m. Saturday May 2,with the parade starting at 11:30.

Students from Milton-UnionElementary and Girl Scout Troop 31024will help lead the pack and serve as judgesfor contests like “Dog/Owner Lookalike,”“Most Likely to be on the Police Force,”and “Cutest Pet.” Prizes will be awarded!

Author Becky Corwin-Adams ofEnglewood will be showing off several ofher Cocker Spaniels and have books forperusal and signing.

As a child, Corwin-Adams had oneCocker Spaniel, dozens of cats, chickens,and a variety of "pocket pets." Her booksinclude Cast-Off Cocker Spaniels,Cherished Cats and Childhood Capers,Tails Along the Trails: Walking

Adventures with Dogs, Adventures of an

Air Force Wife, Tabby Cat Tales, Guinea

Pig Tales, Pet Tales, The Bruners Come to America, Vet Tales, and Growing Up Country. She volunteers for Columbus Cocker Rescue as a foster parent, transporter, and Ebay seller. The Pet Parade and contests are open to all ages, but pets must be on a leash. Rain date is Saturday, May 23,

11 a.m. For more information about this or other programs, call 937-698-5515 or visit

The library is located at 560 S. Main St., West Milton.

AUTHOR Becky Corwin-Adams with her husband Randy and

Braggs, one of their Cocker Spaniels

Say ‘Aloha’ to the Adventure of a Lifetime!Hawaii Trip is Grand Prize in ‘Get on Board’ Summer Blood Drive

“Aloha” may be used as a greeting, but in the Hawaiian language it means affection, peace, and com-passion. This summer Community Blood Center will affectionately celebrate blood donor compassionwith a peaceful, expense-paid Hawaii get-away for two as the Grand Prize in the “Get on Board – GiveBlood Summer Blood Drive.”

The Grand Prize includes air travel and deluxe accommodations for eight nights at two island loca-tions. All taxes, fees, and meals are included. The vacation package also includes pre-paid activities andsight-seeing excursions, plus all ground transportation.

Everyone age 18 and older who registers to donate with CBC from May 4 thru August 28 will be auto-matically entered in the drawing to win the Hawaiian vacation. REACH magazine is media sponsor ofthe “Get on Board – Give Blood Summer Blood Drive.” Eligible donors can enter the drawing a secondtime when they register for a second donation during the blood drive period. Official rules are availableat

Anyone who registers to donate during the campaign will receive a special edition, Hawaiian surfboard design donor gift, beginning with the “Blood Donor Board Meeting” T-shirt. The T-shirt is free toeveryone who registers to donate Monday, May 4 thru Saturday, June 13 at any CBC Donor Center andmost CBC mobile blood drives.

The winning donor has the option to transfer the prize to another individual. The trip must be booked60 days in advance and travel must be completed by December 31, 2016. Value of the trip at time of book-ing cannot exceed $10,000. Enter by registering to donate at any CBC Donor Center or mobile blooddrive. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at

Creature Feature Offered Saturday at BNCBrukner Nature Center is home to over 50 Wildlife Ambassadors, native Ohio species unable to sur-

vive in the wild. Come join a BNC Wildlife Educator Saturday, May 2, from 2-3 p.m., and meet the“Barred Owl” in the Bird Room located downstairs,

“Who cooks for you, who cooks for youuu alllll?” Learn how to speak the Barred Owl’s language andmimic their calls in your own backyard. Join us as we discuss the amazing adaptations that make BarredOwls great hunters of the night and get an up close look at one of our ambassadors.

This event is FREE with admission to the nature center. BNC members are admitted free. Brukner Nature Center is located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd., Troy. Call 937-698-6493.

FREE Composting Workshop Offered at Shawnee Prairie PreserveDarke County Parks is hosting a composting workshop on Thursday, May 7, at 6:30 p.m. We are

thrilled to welcome the Young family from Fresh Aire Farms.

At their facility west of Greenville, Fresh Aire Farms composts over 1,000 yards each year. Once you

learn how easy it is to compost, you’ll never think of purchasing soil again. Dan and Michelle Young will

teach participants how to compost in your backyard and give expert advice and pointers on how to start.

Pre-registration is required for this FREE workshop. Please call the Nature Center at 937-548-0165

to register today! Page 13 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - APRIL 29, 2015


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fifififififififififififiWEST MILTON: Two bdrm.apt. & 2 bdrm. townhouse.W/D hook-up. Appliancesincluded. Trash paid. Nopets.


Covington, Ohio 45318Now accepting applications for 2,3 & 4 bdrm. townhomes. Privatepatio. W/W carpet. Range &refrig. included. A/C. On-sitemaintenance & much more!Section 8 rental assistanceavailable. Call for appointment!

937-473-3572Office Hours: 9am — 3 pm M-F

Voice / TTY: 1-800-553-0300Equal Housing Opportunity

FOR RENT – WEST MILTON:1,800 sq. ft. home. Three bdrms.,2-1/2 baths. Fireplace. Two-cargarage. Large yard. $1,150 /month. Call Dave, 937-371-3241

NICE APT. FOR RENT: Russia.Two bdrms., 1 bath. One-carattached garage. W/D hook-up.$525. 937-417-1503


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AutomotiveAutomotiveFOR SALE: ‘06 HondaVTX1300C. Black. Windshield.Saddle bags. 18,600 mil. $4,850.419-629-3037

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MANAGERMust be clean-cut & dependable.Stop at Goffena Furniture to fillout an application today!

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Taking applications for generalcarpenter in residentialconstruction field. Looking forexperience in framing, roofing,siding and / or finishing. Paidholidays, vacations, insurance, &retirement. Minimal travel to andfrom job sites. Send resumé to:Rapid Development, Inc., 15 W.Park, Ft. Loramie, OH 45845

INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has full-time employment. Laborer: $10 /hr. CDL Driver: $16-$18 / hr. Train-ing provided. Benefits. Apply at:15 Industry Park Court, TippCity

GROWING BUSINESS lookingfor part-time sales associate.Hourly or commissioned. 20-30hours a week. Drop off resumé to:


2600 W. Michigan

Sidney, Ohio 45365


Local contractor acceptingresumes for experiencedequipment operators & generallaborers. We offer paid holidays,vacations, retirement, &insurance. CDL a plus. Sendresumé

HELP WANTED: Full-time experi-enced painter. 937-214-2953

GREAT CLERICAL Opportunitywith Local Company! Clerical &customer service duties. Qualifiedapplicant must be willing to transi-tion to some sales in the future.Send resuméto: Clerical Opportu-nity, P.O. Box 74, West Milton, OH45383.

WORK FROM HOME! 1,500 to5,000 a week. Tired of working formoney? LET YOUR MONEYWORK FOR YOU!!! Website:

http: / / chadcompton.innovat ive- / marketing.Email me: chadcompton@innova-

HELP WANTED: Evans BrothersPainting, Inc. Experienced painterneeded. Top pay! Full- or part-time. 937-216-1442

MATTRESS WOW! New, inplastic. With warranty. 14”Profile mattress. No-flip pil-lowtop. Soft layers of com-fort, providing superiorsupport without any pres-sure points. Luxuriouscover. Price includes FREEbox springs. Twin: $219.Full: $237. Queen: $259.King: $399. We deliver!937-884-5455

FOR SALE: Men’s 21 spd. Dia-mondback bike. Shimanoequipped. Perfect cond. Lessthan 50 miles. $350. Ruger SuperRedhawk 44 mag stainless,9-1/2” barrel & scope. Mountswith box. 2 spd. loaders. $800.937-239-8078

$$$$$$$$$$WANTED: Large size OhioNational Bank Notes. I buyall U.S. large size papermoney. Pay cash. Gary,Eldorado, 937-273-3165

COLORADO BLUE, Norway,White Spruce, Scotch, WhitePine. Excellent for windbreaks!36-60 in. $36-$60. Planting avail-able. 419-582-3505


WANTED: Hot Wheel carsfrom the ‘60s & ‘70s. Redstripe on tires & date onbottom. 937-473-2705

WANTED TO BUY: Utility QuadRunner. 937-473-2243



WANTED TO BUY: Silver dollars.Paying cash. Call Gary,Eldorado, 937-273-3165

PUREBRED Blue Heeler Pup-pies: $75. And crossbred BlueHeeler puppies, $25. AvailableMay 1. 937-573-6720

GRAZER GROUNDS MOWER:Older model. Runs well. $800OBO. 937-698-5825. Leavemessage.


WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini-bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or4-wheelers. Running or not.Covington

FOR SALE: ‘06 Honda Shadow1100, $3,800; ‘09 Yamaha electricgolf cart, $2,650; 26-1/2 ft. Baylin-er Cab Cruiser. 937-638-4212

SAMICK acoustic guitar w/hardcase. Exc. cond. $200. Pro FormCrosswalk treadmill. Works great.$175. 419-953-0886


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DEMOLITION: Also, concretedemolition such as old swim-ming pools, barn foundations,porches, etc. Also, generalexcavation work.937-232-7380

MARK HOMAN & SONSMaria Stein, Ohio

Will do any type of springtillage work. Planting (haveseveral planters). Big baling(wet & dry). Silo filling.Reasonable rates. ContactRon Homan, 419-733-3648.


Sam Schwartz wants any typeof carpenter work. Roomadditions, roofs, foundationreplacements, restoration ofbuildings, etc. For FREEestimate, call 260-701-8020.

TLC CAREGIVERS FOR THEELDERLY: Call us to help youwith your needs. Companion-ship, grocery shopping, lighthousework. Affordable hourlyrates. 937-541-5936 or937-638-1145

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Donna Clark 581-6019Dody Gray 836-5935Brian Spivey 545-5891Carol Haworth 974-8833Connie Roberts 620-5853

Carol Coy 423-1097Brandy Randolph 524-4920Danita Fox 216-8130Bev Boninsegna 478-5786Dottie Tyson 266-8899

���� ������������ ����������������NEW LISTING! 356 W. Hayes St., West Milton - Charming & Cozy 2 bdrm homewith all newer updates to include: furnace, c/a, water heater, appliances, windows & floor-ing! Move right in! Tastefully decorated throughout.NEW LISTING! 286 S. Shiloh Rd., Pleasant Hill - 2,300 sq. ft. home with 4 bdrms, 3baths, formal dining rm and spacious kitchen which opens to family rm with wbfp!Covered patio, 2-car garage & storage shed on 2 quiet country acres!NEW LISTING! 19 Front St. - Updated Cape Cod featuring 3 bdrms, living rm, family rm,1.5 baths. $96,500NEW LISTING! 5025 S. Rangeline - Lovely 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with many updates.Move-in ready. 24x24 lg barn.241 S. Main St., West Milton - 2 unit multi-family. 3 bdrms (2 bdrms down/possibly 3 and1 bdrm upstairs), 2 baths. Very nice updated home. $79,900409 Hamilton, West Milton - Very nice ranch, many updates throughout. Large beautiful backyard. $88,500240 Forest - Attractive! 2 possible 3 bdrms, updated 2 story, newer bath, updated kitchen, 2car garage, porch. $109,0007070 Mote Rd. - A-Frame - 2 bdrm. Over 3 acres. Large rooms. 2 full baths. $151,000.244 Forest - Brick ranch featuring 3 bdrms, 1 bath, lots of updates. Fenced yard. 69,9001210 S. Miami - 3 - possible 4 bdrms., 2 story. Newer windows, updated bath, fireplace.Convenient location. $97,80040 Wright Rd., West Milton - Great location! Full dry basement, large backyard, 2 bdrmbrick ranch. $79,500282 Forest Ave., West Milton - Nice 1-1/2 story home! 4 bdrms, 1 bath, living rm, eat-inkitchen, 2-car detached garage. $79,9008747 St. Rt. 571 - Milton Schools. Fantastic ranch on 6 acres! Three bedrooms, 2.5 baths,WBFP, living room, and family room. Newer roof, heat/air. Large Morton Barn with heat &air. $269,000. Call NOW for your personal showing!98 W. Van Lake - Condo - Vandalia - Over 2000 sq. ft. Tired of maintaining a yard ormore? Enjoy the view of the golf course from a spacious Florida rm. Master on first floor, 3bdrms, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Condo fee: $150. $119,000

429 N. Miami St., West Milton - 3 bdrm, 2 story home offering newer windows, furnace, 2baths, 4-5 bedrooms. $64,900100 acres in Montgomery County! 30 acres woods, 70 acres tillable. $795,000Forest, West Milton - Build your dream home! Great building lot with no side neighbors, 80’x 158’. Located close to schools. $15,900.9185 Frederick-Garland Rd., Englewood - Country living on 1 acre. Three bdrms., 2-1/2baths. WBFP, living room, family room. Pole barn. $159,500103 N. Main, West Milton - Fantastic deal! Four bdrms., 1 bath. Great price on this fixer-upper! Natural woodwork thru-out. Garage. Two storage sheds. Fenced-in yard & wrap-around front porch. $49,900420 N. Miami , West Milton - Lovely, well cared for 2 story with 3-4 bdrms, 2 full baths, beau-tiful hardwood floors, plenty of storage and 2-car garage. All on 1 acre, move-in-ready!


Page 14 - stILLWAteR VALLeY ADVeRtIseR - APRIL 29, 2015

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reader Advisory: the national trade Associationwe belong to has purchased the above classifieds.Determining the value of their service or product isadvised by this publication. in order to avoid misun-derstandings, some advertisers do not offeremployment but rather supply the readers withmanuals, directories and other materials designedto help their clients establish mail order selling andother businesses at home. under no circumstanceshould you send any money in advance or give theclient your checking, license iD, or credit card num-bers. Also beware of ads that claim to guaranteeloans regardless of credit and note that if a creditrepair company does business only over the phoneit is illegal to request any money before deliveringits service. All funds are based in uS dollars. tollfree numbers may or may not reach canada.


Promises of big profits often mean big risk! Callthe Federal trade Commission at (877) FTC-HELP for FREE information. Or, visit their web siteat

Newton FFA Officers Earn AwardsNewton FFA had a successful District evaluation for the con-

clusion of 2014. Each year, FFA chapter officers complete booksto showcase their work throughout the year and the history of thechapter during that time.

The chapter reporter completes a scrapbook of the entire year,including snapshots, articles, and news information. This year’sreporter, Megan Rutledge, received a Bronze rating at Districtevaluation.

The chapter treasurer compiles records of all receipts, dis-bursements, student records, and chapter budget, net worth, andfinances. This year's treasurer, Grant Bayer, filled out his bookand received a Gold rating at District evaluation. He will receivea pin and award at the State FFA convention in May.

The chapter secretary must keep records of all official busi-ness and chapter member participation. This year's secretary,Kristen Rappold, completed her book and received a perfectscore and a Gold rating at District evaluation. She will receive apin and award at the State FFA convention in May.

The Newton FFA is under the direction of advisor Mrs. JessicaHelsinger and is a satellite program of Upper Valley CareerCenter.

Newton FFA Judging Team Has Successful Year!The Newton FFA Chapter General Livestock Judging team

had a very successful year. The team competed in the ChampagneCounty, Miami Trace, Mercer County, and the State FFA contestthis season.

Team members were Cody Hildebrand, Eric Crowder, KyleeFisher, and Kristen Rappold.

The contest consists of judging market and breeding animalsof the following species: Beef, Swine, Sheep and Goats. Also, stu-dents take a written exam and calculate market profit for the ani-mals. The team placed 59th, 39th, 22nd, and 110th in each contestrespectively.

In the state contest there were over 160 teams total and nearly900 individuals. Highlights of the season include: KristenRappold placing 59th individual at state and Kylee Fisher placing32nd and Cody Hildebrand placing 35th individual at MercerCounty.

The team of nearly all first year students definitely did a greatjob and look forward to improving next year.

Would Your

House of WorsHip

like To Be


on our cHurcH


The S t i l lwater Val ley Adver t i ser ispleased to publish a church page for our readers.Our next regular monthly church page is sched-uled to run May 6.

This is a great way to publicize revivals, guestspeakers, musical programs, and other specialevents, as well as welcoming newcomers to thearea who are seeking a house of worship.

Individual church ads will be two columns wideby two inches and offered at a very nominal costof just $20 per Month.

Contact our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 and our office personnel will be happy toassist you.

You can also email our sales representative,Yvonne Welbaum, at ywelbaum@gmail .com.

Covington High School Prom Court~ Photo by Ben Robinson ~

Covington High School 2015 Prom Court was as follows: Seniors (L-R); Sam Sherman, Lauren

Houshel, Alex Schilling, Sadie Canan, Robert Gengler, Raquelle Bowman, Ty Boehringer, Morgan

Arbogast, Drew Schaurer, and Cassidy Cain.

The CHS Prom was held Saturday, April 25, from 6-11 p.m., with a dinner and dance at The Crystal

Room in Troy. An After Prom followed beginning at midnight at the Troy YMCA.

Berry, Michael J., 58 - A resident of Union. Died Saturday, April 18.

chaffin, walter k., 58 - A resident of New Carlisle. Died Saturday, April 4, at his

home.crist, esther M., 87 - A resident of Bradford. Died Wednesday, April 22, at her

home.heMBree, cathern D., 86 - A resident of Covington. Died Thursday, April 23, at

the Hospice of Miami County Inpatient Unit.Musick, ralph e., 77 - A resident of Tipp City. Died Tuesday, April 21, in Vinton

County, Ohio.yingst, Martha J. (wackler), 92 - Formerly of Dayton, most recently of

Greenville. Died Thursday, April 16, at Reid Hospital, Richmond, Indiana.

Valley Farewells

FREE ‘Family to Family’ Course OfferedNAMI of Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties is offering a FREE 12-week course for families and friends

of individuals diagnosed with severe mental illness. The course, called “Family to Family,” begins May 5, from

7-9:30 p.m., continuing on successive Tuesdays. It will be taught at the Tri-County Board of Recovery and

Mental Health Services offices in the Stouder Center, 1100 Wayne Ave., Suite 4000, Troy.

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill exists to help persons struggling with mental illness. Families and

friends are often in the dark, not knowing what to do or where to go when someone they love becomes symp-

tomatic. Families are often embarrassed and reluctant to look for help. Stigma still exists and often interferes

with families getting the information and support they need.

The Family to Family Program covers a multitude of issues. Understanding the diagnoses, symptoms, med-

ications, treatment options, resources available, etc. – this factual knowledge is only part of the material pre-

sented. Communication, insight, and empathy are covered in detail as well as dealing with one's own feelings

and self-care.

Persons completing the course will be better equipped to cope with psychiatric emergencies, medication

non-compliance, symptoms of decompensation, and much more. By the end of the course attendees will be bet-

ter able to advocate for their relative and others.

The course is taught by specially trained NAMI members. For registration or more information, please con-

tact Kim McGuirk at 937-335-7727, Ext 203, or email: More information on NAMI

and on the Family to Family Course can be found at

‘Remembering Wakefield’ Program

Offered Sunday at Garst MuseumThe Darke County Genealogy Society is having a program on

“Remembering Wakefield” on Sunday, May 3, 2 p.m., at the Garst

Museum, 205 N. Broadway in Greenville. This FREE program is

open to the public.

Wakefield was an early settlement in Greenville Township in

Darke County. All that remains is the one-room schoolhouse and

what was the Wakefield Lutheran Church.

Sisters Betty Broderick and Marilyn Fritz are authors of the

books, Remembering Wakefield, My Sister’s Story, and Charlotte’s

Bell. Their ancestor, Charlotte Mier Leis, was one of the early settlers

of Wakefield. They will be speaking, as will Bob Sharp and Jim

Sommer on their efforts to restore and preserve the Wakefield



Effective immediately, the

fax number for Arens

Corporation, publisher of

Country Living, Stillwater

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