PA 305 Law Office Management Unit 2 Seminar Real-World Management Problems Faced by Law Firms


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PA 305 Law Office ManagementUnit 2 Seminar

Real-World Management Problems Faced by Law Firms

Unit 2 DB: Mission StatementWhat do we mean by the “philosophies and values encompassed by” a firm’s mission statement?

The mission statement provides insight to what is important to the firm, how the firm wants to be perceived by clients and the legal community, and even the sort of client that it seeks.

The Smith Law Firm is dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services to every client. We think that all people deserve the best available legal advice at an affordable price, and the ability to pay should not be a primary consideration when one needs a lawyer. Access to legal services is often a problem to those who are most in need, for this reason the firm is dedicated to maintaining its office at 123 Main Street, convenient to public transportation. Our lawyers and employees have a proven history of representing individuals against faceless corporations, we are dedicated to advancing the cause of social justice and fairness in employment. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide the highest quality of service while maintaining an hourly rate that is the lowest among our peer firms.

Barnes Barret Smith Finster is dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services to every client. Our staff attorneys are recruited from the best of the best law schools; we number among our partners several former high-ranking government officials, diplomats, and leaders of industry. We know that to our clients, time is money, and our office location in the heart of the Financial District is designed to ensure a comfortable, secure venue for management of complex personal and business legal matters. We are dedicated to preserving the security and privacy of our clients, and will meet with clients only by appointment either in our offices or, if preferred, at any other venue preferred by the client. Our support staff are held to an exacting standard of behavior, clients and prospective clients can be assured that their privacy is our highest priority.

“With a full range of practice areas and a track record of uncovering novel, sophisticated solutions to the most complex legal challenges, one law firm means business: we not only protect your interests, we put you in a stronger competitive position in the marketplace. From commercial to labor law, from litigation to intellectual property representation, we will work as a true partner with our clients, studying your business and anticipating your needs. Whether you're a small start-up or a Fortune 1000 corporation, our firm commitment to business makes us a formidable ally and a powerful advocate.”

Novel, sophisticated solutionsThis language suggests that the firm values innovative, cutting edge solutions to the issues faced by clients, rather than traditional safe, well tested solutions that may not meet the clients business needs. The firm is likely not afraid to break new legal ground or take chances.

protects your interests, we put you in a stronger competitive position in the marketplace…This language suggests that the firm strives to go beyond merely addressing the client’s legal problems, and wants to proactively help the client’s business to succeed and flourish. The firm wants clients to think of it as a business partner, not just a legal advisor.

partner with our clients, studying your business and anticipating your needs.

This builds on the prior statement, even more strongly suggesting that the firm wants to be more than just a legal advisor. It assures clients that the firm will strive to know and understand the client’s business, and work proactively to avoid legal problems rather than responding to problems as they arise.

our firm commitment to business makes us a formidable ally and a powerful advocate.

This likely is one of the most important statements in the mission statement. It suggests that the firm seeks business clients, not those who wish to challenge or restrain business interests. For example, a plaintiff who wants to restrain a business from expanding would not likely be a good match for this firm. The firm is more likely to represent the business that is being sued.

Unit 2 Written AssignmentThe College of Legal Studies requires BlueBook-format citation. It’s really easy, if one simply breaks citation down into component parts.

While waiting for your plane to board, you are browsing in an airport newsstand and see an article that sounds interesting. Before you can buy the magazine, your flight is called, but you recall from the cover of the magazine that the title of the article is “General Practice Firms: an Outdated Concept?”, and it appeared in the January 10, 2011 issue of “Better Lawyering” magazine, beginning on page 36. The author is Waldo E. Burlingame.

Unit 2 Written AssignmentEverything you need to compose a citation – and thus to locate the article – is there. This information nearly always appears on the first page of an article.

[Author’s full name], [Title of the Article], [Name of Publication], [Cover Date of Issue], at [First Page].

Waldo E. Burlingame, General Practice Firms: an Outdated Concept?, Better Lawyering, Jan. 10, 2011, at 36.

Unit 2 Written AssignmentRead an article about a recent technology development that would be of interest to law firms. Explain what you learned from the article and explain how the subject matter might be useful to lawyers. Write a one- to two-page short paper that addresses the following questions about the new technology you have discovered.

Does the article describe some new product? Does the article address a new security concern? Why might lawyers be interested in the development

discussed? What application does it have for lawyers?

Unit 2 Written AssignmentTwo major areas of focus for scoring:30% Research technology needs of law firms. How

and why is the technology discussed in the article of use to law firms? What need does the technology fill? Avoid articles discussing well-known technology that has been around for years, such as Lexis, unless the article introduces a new use or function. The goal of this assignment is to learn about new technology tools, innovations with respect to existing technology, etc. Focus on why the technology discussed in the article would be of value to a lawyer or law firm.

Unit 2 Written Assignment

Two major areas of focus for scoring:30% Identify technology needs of law firms.

This element builds on the first. Focus on details illustrating the value of the technology, specifically with respect to efficiency, client service, security, and ethics. Note that the article need not be about a product; in fact most articles will discuss technology issues rather than specific products. Don’t use advertisements!

Unit 2 Written AssignmentYou will likely need to synthesize your analysis. In other words, the article you read may not come right out and discuss how the technology being discussed will affect or improve office efficiency, client service, security, or ethics. It’s your job, based on what you are learning about law firms, what you have learned already, and personal research, to explain how each of these important areas of concern will be affected by the technology. Don’t be afraid to use common sense, just be sure to explain what you mean. For example, when word processors were first introduced, a major benefit was improved productivity and efficiency, because corrections and modifications no longer required retyping an entire document. This seems obvious, but to a lawyer who hadn’t typed a document since law school, it was far from obvious.

Unit 2 Written Assignment


On the left side of the Law.Com home page is a list of sections. Each section contains many articles discussing technology issues of interest related to the section.

Real World Law Firm Administration Problems

Sally is a paralegal with Smith & Smith. She does work for three of the attorneys, including Ed Smith, the senior partner. Last week she was doing some research for John Jones, in preparation for a trial starting the following day. Jones was out of the office, but had told her that he needed the research on his desk by 8 the next morning without fail. Ed Smith interrupted her, and directed her to take a document to the law office of opposing counsel in a case in which he is involved, obtain a signature, and then file a motion at the courthouse. Sally told Smith that she couldn’t do so because she had to complete the research for Jones. Before Sally could suggest that Smith ask Barney, a fellow paralegal who had just mentioned that he was free for the rest of the afternoon, Smith flew into a rage and fired her.

Real World Law Firm Administration Problems

Cooley Howard Jenkins is a busy real estate transaction firm in a major city. The county recorder’s office recently transitioned to an online environment, requiring all recorded documents to be filed electronically, using proprietary software. It is the last business day of the month; over 100 documents must be filed before 4:00 this afternoon. Last night a water main ruptured, flooding the basement of a neighboring building. A resulting electrical short completely destroyed the server on which the firm’s copy of the filing software is stored, but did no other damage. The damage was not discovered until 10:30 this morning, just after a mandatory employee meeting.

Real World Law Firm Administration Problems

Emma is a senior paralegal for a large law firm. Fran is a new paralegal with the firm, and Sydney is a newly hired associate attorney who graduated from law school last month. Yesterday Emma opened her pay remittance, to discover that in the envelope was not only her remittance but also those of Fran and Sydney. Emma is unhappy to learn that both Fran and Sydney earn significantly more than she does, although she has been employed by the firm for over 10 years. The firm has a strict rule forbidding employees from discussing salary.

Real World Law Firm Administration Problems

Bruce works for Tony, a partner in a three-lawyer firm, as a paralegal. Tony has been increasingly reliant upon Bruce to work directly with clients, perform research and analysis, draft documents…essentially, Bruce is doing all of the work for which Tony bills the client. Bruce has become aware that Tony doesn’t even review the documents Bruce prepares, he simply signs them. Bruce believes that Tony is violating several rules of ethics. Each attorney in the firm is responsible for hiring and supervising his or her support staff; the partners share the expense of a receptionist and bookkeeper. The firm has no other employees.
