P L A Y R H Y M E - Synergetic Play Therapy InstituteLike a circus clown riding a big Ferris wheel....


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  • https://playtherapycolorado.com/

    L A YP


    Jennifer Keeler C


    The Bird Who Couldn’t Fly

    There was a little bluebird who had a bad day.A day when nothing it seemed went this bird’s way.He wanted to flap and soar and learn how to fly.But he grew mad and sore and fell from the sky.

    He tried again to reach the clouds.He cawed and squawked and chirped out loud. He flapped his wings up and down.Yet he didn’t rise from the ground.

    The little bird could not take flight. But there he stood with all his might. He refused to quit. He refused to fuss. Instead of flying, he took the bus.


  • The Lion in My Math Class

    There's a lion in my math class. He's sitting in a chair.He's spitting on the window glass and eating Sally's hair.He's batting at a piece of chalk and peeing on the floor.He growls when the teacher talks and then lets out a roar.

    He ate the bathroom pass. Now he's howling out of turn. I wonder why he's in this class. I guess he wants to learn.He's standing on his back limbs and climbing up the wall.He went into the gym and popped our soccer ball.

    Now he's digging in the trash and running up the stairs.The principal just got a rash (I think she's sort of scared).Someone oughta warn this cat it's time for him to leave.I don't care who tells him that as long as it's not me!

  • The Forgetful Owl

    There's an owl near my window in our big pine tree.And he has got the most horrendous memory.I tell him 'bout my friend Sal and my cousin Quinn.About my neighbor Lori and the Wilson twins.

    I tell him 'bout my Aunt Bev and my Grandma Frew.But all he ever asks is, “Who who who who who?”I try to talk louder. I even shout or sing.But still that big ol’ owl can't recall a thing!


  • Frank the Flea

    Frank the Flea lived on a poodle for just over a year.He started out on the head, then moved down towards the rear.But soon the tiny quarters - they proved to be a pain.He wanted a bigger house so he moved to a Great Dane.

  • Sneezing

    I keep on sneezing and boy is it noisy.My aunt said she hears it - she lives in Boise.Which just wouldn’t be as quite as insane,if I wasn’t staying in Augusta, Maine.

  • Debby Dee ate a Honey Bee

    Debby Dee once told me she jumped a ten foot wall. She said she ate a honey bee and then a basketball.She said she rode a beagle across the land of France,and that she kissed an eagle while teaching him to dance.

    She said a purple duck gave her a jumping bean,and that her dog was sucked into the TV screen.She said she found a snail inside a piece of timber.He showed her how to sail on the Colorado River.

    She told me about meeting a zebra who could sing,just as she was defeating an evil, Danish king.She said she found a pot of gold with her Great Aunt Ruth.The only thing she hasn't told is the honest truth!

  • I Wish

    I wish I had a rocket. I’d fly to outer spaceand put in a light socket to brighten up the place.I wish I had a wooden yacht. I’d go out on the seaand ask a fish that I just caught out for a cup of tea.

    I wish I had a bass guitar. I'd play a catchy tuneaccompanied by a whistle jar and double reed bassoon.I wish I had a mighty oak that reached up to the cloudsor a yak with funny jokes that chuckled rather loud.

    I wish I had a unicorn. I’d ride it to my school.All the cars would honk their horns as we broke the traffic rules.I wish I had a lot of wishes - about ninety buckets worth.Cause I would wish for lots of riches....Oh! And also peace on earth.

  • My Clean Room

    My dirty clothes are in a pile. The carpet is quite muddy.It’s been that way for a while. It looks a little cruddy.My dresser has turned quite red - it’s full of old spaghetti,and I haven’t made my bed - it’s covered with confetti.

    There’s soda stains on my floor. My teddy bear has fleas. Pizza’s hanging from my door: I hope it’s extra cheese!There’s a glob of jelly on top of my TV.My hamster’s gotten smelly (I think he’s mad at me).

    My bedroom walls are painted with dark brown chocolate cake.My mom came in and fainted at the mustard on my drapes.So, my room may not be the best you have ever seen,and yet I still must protest that it’s a little clean!

  • I Could Be

    I could be a doctor and help make people well.Or travel all around with lots of things to sell.I could be a pilot and fly up in the air.Or become a vet and heal panda bears.

    I could be a fireman or a motorcycle cop.I could be an athlete or own a corner shop.I could be a writer and even pen a book.I could be a chef - all the great food I would cook!

    I could be a scientist and invent a flying car.I could be an astronaut and live among the stars.I could be an artist and paint a lanscaped scene.I could be an actor up on the movie screen.

    I could be a poet and live a life of rhyme.I could be a lawyer working overtime.I could be a teacher or the mayor of Longmont.I can be so many things - anything I want!

  • ALG




    It’s okay to be silly - to play and to squeal.Like a circus clown riding a big Ferris wheel.It’s okay to be silly - to glow and to grin.Like a hippo playing a stringed mandolin.

    It’s okay to be silly – to cross your two eyes. Like a gorilla juggling three blueberry pies.It’s okay to be silly - to kick back and laugh(unlike a grizzly bear studying math).

    It’s okay to be silly - to giggle with glee.(and giggle at things like fun poetry). It’s okay to be silly - so smile away,and go off and have a silly, fun day!
