P 82 & 6



we are all gods

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Psalms 82:6I have said, Ye are gods; and all oh you are children of the most High.Now I always hear people talking about the word of God, well here you have God stating, I have said, Ye are Gods!!!! Now remember there is no big 'G' or little one in the Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic or Arabic, only in the bastard language called English,I really need you to think, and I do believe you will, God is standing in a congregation of mighty people and judging among the Gods, he tell them where they have failed in their judging and then he instructs them on their duties concerning working throughout the earth, these are not spirits but human beings as the God himself is a Man among them, and he lets them know who they are in relationship to him, Ye are Gods, so for people to say that there is only one God, they either haven't read this chapter or overlooked it.And all of you are Children of the most high, now that makes many Sons of God and Daughters of God and Jesus wasn't the only one, he was a son of God chosen for his duty at the time he was here, In the book of John chapter 10 verse 29, Jesus says; My Father, which gave them to me, is greater than all;Well Jesus is a God but he is a child of the most high, in verse 31 of the same book and chapter the Jews took up stones again to stone him, and in verses 32&33 they are going at it, Jesus as for what works are they trying to stone him for, and they say we ain't doing it for your work, but because of blasphemy and because thou being a man, makest thyself God...In verse 34, Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?Verse 35, if he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture can not be broken.Jesus took them to Psalms 82:6 to prove and show why he being a man call himself God, he never said he was the most high, he said he was the son, just like the rest of the men and women that are the children of that same most high...I have said, God talking to his children, Ye are gods.. Should we not accept this Psalms and teach it to our babies like we do with the 23 Psalms, we ride and die with the 23 Psalms, when we should be with Psalms 82:6 as Jesus defended himself being a man and making himself God, even when they was going to stone him he didn't back down and he used as his defense Ye are Gods, all of you are children of God, so I say to you, know that you are God, teach our babies, and lets start walking, talking and most of all put in the work, as Gods!!!!
