Overview and Scrutiny Board: 5 April 2017 Community Impact ... CIT up… · Overview and Scrutiny...


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Overview and Scrutiny Board: 5 April 2017

Community Impact Team: Activity and Outcomes

1. Summary

This report provides Members with an update of the key activity and outcomes

achieved through the Community Impact Team

2. Background

The Borough has a well developed multi-agency hub, known locally as the

Community Impact Team. The model is identified as good practice and the Police

and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire is currently supporting the roll out of

multi-agency hubs across North Yorkshire.

The Team have been operational for almost 3 years, although the team has

expanded and developed considerably in this time, evolving from an initial pilot

focusing on Castle/Northbay to a model that applies across the Borough. The

essential approach of the team, however, remains the same with partnership working

at its core, in recognition that complex problems require a multi-agency response.

The team have also continued to focus on a highly visible approach in communities,

to encourage trust and confidence with local residents.

An external evaluation of the approach was recently undertaken by Professor Brian

Manning, some of the feedback from residents who have been affected by the work

of the team is attached as Appendix one.

3. Weekly Review of Cases (Tasking)

All open cases are reviewed weekly through multi-agency “tasking meetings”, where

actions are allocated and progress monitored. On average 55 cases are discussed

on a weekly basis for the Scarborough area and around 30 cases for the outer/rural

area (Eastfield, Filey, Whitby).

In addition area wide issues are discussed, including locations that may be causing


4. Operation Ambience

Operation Ambience is a multi-agency operation aimed at identifying, targeting and

disrupting crime and anti-social behaviour and has two key strands. The first is to

protect and provide support to young people and adults who are vulnerable and at


risk of exploitation. The second is to disrupt the perpetrators of exploitation, crime

and anti-social behaviour, using appropriate enforcement action.

The operation is highly visible and includes regular multi-agency patrols and focuses

both on individuals and locations that are being used to exploit or commit crime and


Examples of the work undertaken by the team are attached at Appendix two.

5. New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

This has been a particular focus for the team, both in terms of harm reduction and

awareness raising and enforcement.

Scarborough Borough Council and North Yorkshire Police with initial support from

the Cambridge Centre have delivered sessions in schools to highlight the risks

associated with NPS.


School Total

Lady Lumley’s School (Pickering)


Caedmon College (Whitby)


Ebor Academy (Filey) 111

Brompton 13

George Pindar School (Eastfield)


Graham School (Scarborough)


Elevate 2

Total 641


School Total

Graham 1,292

Ebor Academy (Filey) 425

Caedmon College (Whitby)


Total 2,771


In addition, 1,500 students across 64 primary schools in Scarborough and Ryedale were given an input on NPS at the annual crucial crew for year 6 students in 2016.

The Psychoactive Substances Act came into force on 26 May 2016 and makes it an offence to produce, supply, import or export psychoactive substances. An operation was undertaken in December 2016, targeting shops and other locations believed to be selling NPS. Large amounts of NPS was found at one premises with more found on another site. One of these premises has since closed.

Information from drug and alcohol agencies and agencies that work with young people suggests that locally NPS is no longer so easily available and intelligence suggests usage, particularly within Scarborough Town, has reduced following the new legislation and the disruption work locally.

6. Use of Anti-Social Behaviour, Police and Crime Act 2014

Community Protection Warnings served on individuals that are causing alarm and distress in the Borough of Scarborough (since October 2014) Community Protection Warning Letters (by area)

Castle Ward and Town Centre 34

Woodlands and Northstead 8

South Cliff and Ramshill 6

Eastfield 8

Hunmanby , Filey, Irton 6

Whitby 7

Total 69

Community Protection Notices served (following breach of a warning)

Castle Ward and Town Centre 9

Woodlands and Northstead 2

South Cliff and Ramshill 1

Eastfield 4

Hunmanby , Filey, Irton 1

Whitby 4

Total 21


One injunction has been applied for and granted. This related to an individual that

was causing alarm and distress to residents and businesses within Scarborough

Town Centre.


Appendix One

Extract from the Community Impact Team External Evaluation (2016)




Appendix Two: Operation Ambience: Case Studies

Case Study 1

During 2016 residents began to raise concerns that a flat was causing anti-social

behaviour and that it was being used by young people to access and use New

Psychoactive Substances (NPS) & Cannabis


Complaints from concerned parents fed into the team regarding the property and the fact that young people were visiting to access and use NPS and cannabis.

Complaints from the local community re noise and fighting and asb linked to NPS use in the property, much of this evidence was gathered through door to door visits under Op Ambience

Safeguarding risks to both of the female’s sons regarding neglect and substance misuse

Safeguarding concerns for the young males gathered related to NPS use and also alleged indecent behaviour from female

Increased emergency call outs to ambulance and police

Domestic abuse risks from partner of female to both mum and the young males present in the property

Actions Under Ambience

Safeguarding referrals made in relation to the females two sons and other young males known to be visiting the property. This led to an urgent strategy meeting and eventually the eldest son 16 yrs was placed in foster care and the youngest son safeguarded as living with dad.

Hi vis patrols gathering intel from neighbours and disrupting the young males gathering at the address, this contact also provided reassurance in the community.

Daily welfare and support visits were made to the female involved, referrals made and assistance given to link into Changing Lives.

Many of the young people linked into support services for advice re their risk taking behaviour

Evidence gathered for building closure under anti-social behaviour however Community Protection Notice served on female to prevent the flat been used by young people to access and misuse NPS & Cannabis.

Landlord challenged regarding management of building and SBC EH requiring works to improve the standard and security of the property.


Civil Anti-Social Behaviour Enforcement in the form of a Community Protection Notice placed boundaries and restrictions around the use of the property, the female tenant was served notice and moved out of the flat, by


this time the perpetrator of domestic abuse had been arrested and support was in place her regarding domestic abuse and substance misuse.

Safeguarding measures were put in place for her two sons.

Reduced call outs to emergency services and local residents stating that the problem had reduced

Case study 2 Concerns raised regarding NPS & cannabis use by young people in several

locations in Whitby. Also complaints were received by the Community Impact Team

regarding boy racers driving a circuit through the town on summer evenings. Anti-

social use of the vehicle, un-roadworthiness of vehicles in and around Whitby and


Action (Young People Substance Misuse)

Multi agency patrols conducted in the summer months by NYP, SBC, NYFRS, NYCC Education during the evening at key locations where it was identified that young people are gathering, the beach, the quayside, Pannet Park, various locations under the new bridge where graffiti , fires and drug and alcohol related rubbish was found.

The hotspot area was identified as directly under the new bridge where the young were lighting fires, creating graffiti drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis or using NPS.

During the patrols several young people were identified by officers from the school and police, where spoken to on the evening these young people were returned home and appropriate advice given to both them and their parents.

Young people identified were given words of advice and also brief education regarding the dangers of substance misuse and fire setting by the appropriate partner.

The hotspot area under the new bridge was target hardened by cutting back the foliage surrounding the path as this created cover and prevented them being overseen from the path. The graffiti was cleared and the area repainted. This made the area much less attractive to the young people using it.

Action taken

Multi agency Patrols also took place on the quayside where the boy racers were spoken to and given appropriate advice regarding anti-social behaviour and the complaints received regarding noise nuisance in relation to their vehicles.

One police officer deployed in an unmarked police vehicle in the Railway Station Car Park, to act as a ”spotter” for both target vehicles and other offending vehicles. Officers in marked police vehicles patrolled the local area and stopped any vehicles they believed to be defective, demonstrating poor driver behaviour or participating in any aspects of anti-social or suspicious behaviour, with a view to detecting offences, dealing with offenders


and providing a high visibility Police presence to reduce the opportunities for disorder, crime and reassure the local community.

Scarborough Borough Council CCTV monitored the hot spot area and to directed officers and record footage of offending vehicles.

Vehicles stopped and relevant words of advice given and enforcement action taken where appropriate.

Safeguarding concerns addressed where young females found to be in the vehicles, appropriate advice given and the possibility of further action such as a Child Abduction Warning Notices explained.


The targeted areas where young people were gathering became much quieter and remain on regular PCSO patrol to monitor the situation ongoing.

The young people who were seen in the area, given advice and education have not been stopped in the same areas again.

The operation relating to boy racer activity has minimised the opportunity for them to cause disorder and commit crime.

Local residents report that things have quietened down and there is less disruption to those who live, work and travel in the immediate area, residents are reassured by the high profile uniform presence.

Case Study 3 Community Impact Team received reports of a large number of youths in a group of

approx. 20, aged between 14-17yrs, youths behaviour included:

Fireworks being set off in the day time in the street,

Firework being set off through resident letterbox,

Firework being set off towards police vehicles,

Throwing stones at professionals,

Complaints from members of the public,

Complaints from local business as takings were reduced due to publics fear of going out,

Alarm and distress within the community,

Increase of crime and disorder.

Action taken

Multi agency patrolling within the community to disrupt the behaviour

Reassurance visits within the community

Local business visit, built professional relationship and built trust

Intelligence gathering

Neighbourhood Support Team (NST) patrolling the area

Visited the youths identified to be linked to the incidents

Further visits made to the parents/carers of those linked to the incidents


Case resolved as behaviour stopped


Case Study 4 Community Impact Team received a number of complaints regarding a family well

known to services. Behaviour from the family impacted a number of residents,

concerns included:

- Various threats, from the family to other residents in the area - Alleged - “stink bombs” being put through residents letterbox, - Alleged - Eggs being thrown on a resident’s home, - Youths reported to have weapons, - Increase of crime and disorder, - Increase of reports to the police, - Criminal Damage, - Lack of school attendance from the children of the family , - Fall out of parents/carers of the families, - Daily calls from residents into the Community Impact Team, - Residents feeling intimidated and fearful, - Difficulties for the school to manage situation between youths whilst they were

at school and seeing a negative impact in youths behaviour and learning outcomes,

Action Taken

- Multi-agency working, managed by Community Impact Team. - Numerous visits completed to families who were alleged victims - Residents completed ASB diaries and the team explored appropriate

enforcement action - The team worked closely with involved schools - Mother of family in question was invited and attended a meeting at CIT office

with YCH, SBC and Prevent, strong words of advice given about her engaging with supporting and managing her children’s behaviour.

- Harassment order’s put in place where appropriate. - School arranged for a youth involved to be escorted to and from school to

avoid any negative encounters from family in question. - School also arranged alternative start and finish times for youths involved to

avoid them meeting each other in the community. - Relevant referrals were put in place for the family - Fire safety letter boxes fitted to 2 residents to reduce any possible risk and

provide family with reassurance. - All youths in family known to be the cause of the incidents were all put on

Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABS), meetings were led by an CIT officer and took place at their school. In attendance were the youth, mother, NYP, SBC, school head and children’s social care.


- Reduction in calls to the police. - Reduction in calls to the CIT team. - Increased school attendance.


Appendix 3

House of Multiple Occupation

Public Toilets and drug use


Property where young people were gathering
