Outcats spirit António Pedro Dores apad ESA - Lisboa, Septembre 2009


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Outcats spirit

António Pedro Dores


ESA - Lisboa, Septembre 2009

Fear emotion

• Fear is known as a freezing emotion

• Jack Barbalet stress:

a) fear can be a startle emotion

b) fear is not only felt by low classes

Greek uprising Dec 2008

• When police kill someone it meant to freeze “criminals” and/or “poor people”

• Institutions claim often they cannot punish police killing because “it is their work to use force” – to produce social fear

• Social prestige of greek police is bad

• Political support to police is not published


• “No fear”/”ignition effect” turn frigth into startle.

Some times the fear produced by police must be reinforced by judicial or political decisons condemning popular reations (as much as vice-versa)

• Those who learn (as social practice) to oppose police (and political and judicial) decisons concerning violence feel and live as outcast

Outcast spirit

• Outcast spirit means to deal with fear in a special manner – developing the emotion into action, instead of freezing:

• Durkheim “criminal” social creativity

• Reversing submission consequences of fear described by Barbalet – changing institutions (social movements)

The end

Emotions consequences

• Fear of the consequences of social secret revelation (inmigration and justice study).

Is it fear or is it (criminal) rational calculus?

• Sarkozy Paris riots, November 2005.

Was it social fear (of internal terrorism) or was it political calculus?

Emotions sequences

• Fear: frighten or startle? Outcast or upperclass?

• Greek uprising December 2008 case

1. frighten the police and the governament

2. startle youth and outcast politicians and population

Social movement

• Looking for social transformations or looking for revival of labor movements?

• Should it need a rational, explicit and sucessful orientation or

it is enough to join people feeling solidarity, regardless the long term consequences?

Social individuals

• Individual social movements (mood changes and social reception)


social emotions (difusion and tuning)

• Irreversability of human lives and reversability of social changes

Social instability

• Natural individual and social instability

• The outcast function – the resistence

• The outcast culture – the history

• The outcast path – the path for change

• The subversion of fear: when it startle who is supposed to be frighten and frighten who is supposed to be startle

The globalization of the subversion of fear

• Financial crisis and social consequences (the fear of the powerful)

• Frighten of powerful classes and the startle of outcast

• The experience of the emergence of the “society” (the positive feeling of fear, the oportunity to develop social individualism) depends on the situation of social structure

The end
