Our Town May 17, 1925


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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 17, 1925




    Final Discussion OJ BigProject at Council

    PRICE THREE CENTSARBERTH, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1925OLUME XI, NUMBER 32Annual ConventionlNarberth. in Narberth IKing's DaughtersHere Next Jl7eek


    OUR OWN FLOWER SHOWSATURDAY, MAY 30--. l-To Be Held a Week Earlier ThanUsual.

    , Saturday afternoon and evening,May 30, in Elm Ha-lI, Narberthgardene rs will show the flowersfrom their gardens and fill the tableswi th the best tha t they have, eachhoping tha t they may be awardedthe blue ribbon in the class or atleast a'red one for second prize or awhite one for the third prize.These home town flower showsare in no sense for professionals orexperts, but just the best opportunity for the veriest amateur to learnj us t wha t the flowers are, wherethey come from, what they cost andhow to grow them.The only requi rement to make asuccessful show is tha t everyonewho has flowers to c ut will b ri ngthem to the show between the hoursof 12 and I o'clock on Saturdaymorning."Veather conditions have been abit peculiar this season, but fr0111present indications we should havepeonies, roses and pra-ctically all ofthe perennials in bloom on or aboutMay 30.Flower shows cos t money, butvery little, the main expense is therent of the hal l and to cover thisan admission charge is necessary.Big fo lks a qua rter and l it tle one adime.No charge is made for entries andthe committee is ready a-ild willingto help new exhib itor s p lace the irexhibits to the best advantage.Only two weeks from today.Look your garden over, spray theroses and save the date, MemorialDay.

    In Ardmore Store.George E. Becker, of Forest avenue, f o r m e r l ~ of. the Bergner Hardware Company, is now with MillsHardware Store of Ardmore, wherehe is acting ;;IS the Narberth.repre,sentative.


    - - - - - - -

    Girl Scout Sunday.1'hose who are interested in the Being Planned by Founder of Nar- Local Scout Troops Look Forward toGirl Scout movement in Narberth berth Route. Trip.will not wan t t o mis s the Scout Vincent Mari an i, o f Narbert h, Narberth Boy Scouts a re look-service, which will be held in the former owner of the :Montgomery ing forward to May 23, when theNarberth Baptist Church on Sun- avenue bus system, is planning a two local troops will go to theday morning, May 1"1. new bus line which will connect avy Yard as the guests of Com-It will not only be inspi ring to Ardmore with the P. R. '1'. terminal mander Van Auken, a member of Walzer t o Manage Cynwyd.see a< 11 the Girl Scouts attend at Sixtv- ninth street. He has made the Troop Committee. F I

    J 'red \Va7.:er, of Narberth, mana-church in uniform, but Mr. Knigh- application to the PennsylvaniaPub- Scoutmaster Cooke has instruct- ger of lastyear's Narberthchampionton has arran2ed the program, so lie Service Commission for a certifi- ed all the boys to assemble on I IlasebaI teall1 an( manager-elect andthat the g ir ls wil l r ea lly be a part cate of public convenience for the that day at 8 o'clock in the mOr11- resigned of this yeaor's Narberth out-of it. proposed line. ing in front of the Scout cabin- fit, will piJ()t the Bala-Cynwyd ball\Ve expect to h av e Scout s f rom The route of the new line will in full uniform and supplied with team in the Main Line League forArdmore, Bala-Cynwyd and Mill be from Sixty-ninth street and \Vest the necessary car fare. Let eve ry the res t of the I9 25 season. HeCreek to join the Narberth girls at Chester pike (Sixty-ninth street ter- Scout come prepared to show the will succeed Bob Lindsay, of Cynt hi s servi ce. Come e ar ly if you minal ), Delaware county, over the s ai lor s a good- look ing out fi t. wyd, who resigned as Bala-Cynwydwant a seat. West Chester pike to Mill road, to Commander Van Auken is manager Saturday.Saturday morning a t Dando 's Lansdowne avenue, to Haverford strong for the Narberth boys and Fred 'Walzer was suggested as astore the Narberth Troop of Gi rl road, to County Line roa-d, to the is anxious to have them make a ca 'ndidate for tIle vacancy after aS cout s wou ld l ike t o have the intersection of Ardmore avenue, g'ood itllpression at the yard. dispute dUJ'ing which Lindsay repleasure of demonstrating to you A r d m o r e ~ Montgomery county. The So, look to al l your buttons and signed. At a meeting of the playersthat Girl Scouts can cook. ,Ve a re return wdl be made over the same ties and sh ine up t he bro gans . Monday, it was unanimously votedgoing to have a cakesa le and you route. Next Saturday is the day with to offer himthe J'ob. George Babb,wil l be t he one who "loses out" i This territory is se rved in a gen- Unc le Sam's officers doing the in- Cynwyd pitcher who played withyou don 't g t: t some of am "good I b I \ d b If ' N b-es." But think how much mar era way y t le f r more ranc 1 a spectll1g. ar e rth las t year , and Roy Cha l-1 e the "Vest Chester Traction Com- " Roll of Honor. font, first 1Jaseman, were made ayou wi ll e nj oy them when you pany, but has now no bus service. committee of two to broach the ideaknow you're helping the Scouts. 1\1.r. Mariani, if granted a franchise, Once more Cal ifornia answers to the fonner N a ~ r b e r t h leader. Fred.Saturday afternoon, May 11, the will begin his service wit h t hree wi th a donat ion to t he Boy Scout nterviewed Monday, acce!lted andNarberth Girl Scout s are a I go busses. These will be added to as Fund. Thi s t ime San Franc isco on ' l 'uesday afternoon was on handmg to the Court of Awards at soon as demand is made for addi- r ings the bell. at the Cynll'''d school grounds toDrexel Institute. Vvatch for next H d C I 'f ' < ,)tional service. The busses, it is avana an a I orma a re sure put the plaJ' ers through the ir r eg-week's Our Town, ~ we can tell expected, will be run on half-hour doing their bit-In the meantime ular semi- '' ''eekly practice. TheTYOll how many pnz es we won schedule. the local people are comin!! along i ' = ' 1 f Ihere will be a cup for sin!!in!! eagues OUIlCla stamp a app rova~ 1\,r ""r . . I l' II -though not as fast as is d esired. t tl I WIda lld Iltlmerous otller awards, whicl ir. " ,ianam eary t l1S year so C I was pu on le clange ec nes ayh l\,r b I' Nearly 180 people have answere< \ I P 'd t H J M t IIwe have been working ,for. t e iontgomery avenue us me to I 11 01 A v len resI en a'rry. os e er,the Philadelphia Suburban Transit t le ca to uate., s soon as eve ry of A r d m o r e ~ sanctioned the selectionCompany_ Since then he has been family in Narberth has been hea rd o f Walzer.conducting the Narberth General f i ~ ~ ~ ( t . t h e ~ n t i r e l is t will b e pu})- "The cha11ge d o e ~ not need theStore, which he purchased from approval of the executive committeeChester P. Cook. He resides at 32 I Fo r those who have not already of the leagtte," President MostellerWoodbine avenue. responded, the Troop Committee explained, H llS the rule which for has asked Our Town to explain bids teams to pickplayers outside of

    Last School Reci tal . that e ve ry yea r t he ci ti zen s of t hei r territ()rr. does not apply toThe Main School of Music an- 'Na:berth a re permi tt ed t o sub- managers. "'I he matter was settlednounces the fourth and last pupils ' scnbe towards the support of t he at a recent rneeting of the boardrecital for this season to take place Scout Troop. Those who grasp when Ashland a'Sked if i t could reon Wednesday, May 20 , at 4 P. M. the oppor.tunity a:e d?ing a r.eal tain a- Gladw)"1le man to manage itsPupils f rom al l Pirts oftheMain worth-whtle service 111 helpmg nine. It \Vl1S voted that a teamLine will take par t in this las t con- a long the boys to be better men might draw its manager from anycert. The enrollment of the school and with the performance of thpir t own regardless o f usual p layernow includes students from nearly good deed are themselves rated boundaries."every town along the Ma'in Line. as good Scouts. _

    It is quite evident that a nuU1-Card Party. ber of our town' s people have n,:>tA bridge and 500 will be given fully realized the privilege that isnext Tuesday afternoon, under the theirs.auspices of the fancy work commit- The l at es t n ames to be addeltee o f the Women' s Communit y -are : Harry B. Pitts and A. Theo-Club. It wiII begin at I o'clocl,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 17, 1925




    NARBERTH 375

    Cash Only-No Delivery

    Always a LittleLower in PriceFRUITS AND VEGETABLES


    'PHONE: ARDMORE 1981


    All Size Films to Fi t All Cameras



    ~ A ~ [ R l " C O A L & B U I ~ D I N G M A T f ~ l CONARBERTH PENNA:-

    Specials for Next WeekGranulated Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6cP. & G. Soap , 4 for 19cLife. Buoy Soap 4 for 20cLight House Cleanser . , 6 for 2ScLarge Gold Dust ,.............,........ 23cFreihofer's Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 for 25cPost Toasties ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 15cKeebler's Saltines can 29cMontco 3-Minute Oats, large package . . . . . .. 25cCanned Shrimp, large and fancy can 23c IMontco Kippered Hening 3 can 25cRed Alaska Salmon can 23cCrisco . " . . . . . . . . . . can 23c


    Ou r sales last week on Butter were l arger than everbefore, an d never a complaint.However, if you shoul d at an y time find yourButter just th e slightest bit off, do us a favor and returnit. We want you to ea t good, sweet Butter, and weknow you can depend on th e kind we sell.It's hardly necessa ry to sa y anything about th ek ind o f Eggs we sell. I f you have l ived in Narber th anylength of time you know ou r Eggs . I f we sold a s muchof everything else as we do of Eggs we would have tohave a storeroom twice i t s preesnt size .

    We have not trumpeted th e cry of "Watch fo r a CoalStrike !"

    Bu t we do advocate Preparedness!Men f rom our own Communi ty who travelthrough th e coal d is tr ict s b ri ng b ac k r um or s o ftrouble brewing; officials of t he b ig coal industrieslook serious when questioned.

    Because it so often happens that th e men of thef am ily have not the t ime in th e morning, ye t wouldlike a few minutes' chat over their coal problems,Mr. Dunne ha s a rr anged to be in th e office personallyevery night next week.Come i n a nd arrange a time convenient t o y ou rsummer plans fo r delivery o f you r order.

    G e o r g ~ M. Dando

    Drop in tonight or Sunday and get your fi lms-you ' l l findit safer than to trust to luck in securing them elsewhere. Fewdealers indeed stock as extensively and heavily as th is s toredoes with camera films.

    Announcement is made by Milts' Hardwa1'e Store ofATdm01'e that Mr. George E. Becker will act as itsNa1'berth Representative. M1.Becke1', formerly ofthe Bm'gner Hardware Company, is well known toNa1'berth Ha1'dwa1'e buyers.

    The weather man's report of " fai r and warmer" for Saturday and Sunday foretells a big demand for films-a demandwe alway s ant ic ip at e, h en ce no disappointment regardless ofyour make or size camera.

    , The Brightest Spot i n NarberthA Drug Store in the MostModern Sense ofThe Term

    Telephones.' NARBERTH 1267 and 1268

    ~ ~ Fair and Warmer-


    In the Basement

    is ready to suggest andhelp you with selectionsf or the June Wedding or, , S how e l' S" for the

    "B1'ide-to-Be"104 Forrest Avenue

    For PermanentSatislactionBUY ASmedley

    Built Home

    Ye Oddity Shoppe

    WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY


    A. J. HERRSCHAFTPhone, Narberth Z510 GIFTSHEMSTITCHING SHOP318 DUDLEY AVENUENARBERTH. PA,Dressmaking Pleatlnll : Buttons Covered

    FOR SALE-Gray ,.trollpl in goodcondition. 'Phone. N:u'berth 1iG2-'''.523

    " 'ANTED-By businp",", woU\an. roomor room and boa rd . He ll !; ' to "H," cureof OUl' Town. P. O. Box 066.

    CHARTER NOTICEThe Narbe rth National Bank has beengranted a chartN' by the Compt roll er ofthe CUr l eney. Capi ta l. $50,000. H. WBrown, Pret';.; .T. ,Yo M c C r e r ~ . C a ~ h i e r .7-11-::!5

    To Highway and Sewer Contractors.Separate Bids wil l b e r ec eived by t heHighway and Sewer Com mi tte e up t o7 P. 1\1. Standard T:me) in Council Chllm-ber, Narberth, on May 18, 1925, for(a) Grading, gutter pa\ 'i ng, l ayingwater-bound and penetration MacadamTo ta l q ua nt it y a pp ro xima te ly 38,000

    square yards.(b) I!'or c 'onstrueting llpproximatelY6100 lineal f ee t of Vit ri fi ed Pipe Sewertogether with necessary house connectionscarried out to t he c ur b, and twenty-one(21) manholes .Bids must be s ea le d, made on blanksfurnished by the Engineers and accompanied by a certified check equal to t woper cent. of the amount o f t he b id .P la ns a nd speci fi ca ti ons may be seenIat the Borough Hall, Nllrberth, or at theoffice of Albright and Mebus, 1502 Locuststreet, Philadelphia, Pa. , or wil l be f ur nished upon t he r ec ei pt o f $5. 00 , whi chwill be r efunded i f thep lans and sPeeifica- :::_==============================='tions are promptly returned and i n goodcondition.The Borough reserves the r i ~ h t to re-ject any or all bids. 'By o rd er of the Committee,WALTON :M:. WENTZ,, Chairman.

    Paint them White or use ourRed Cedars for Rus ti c EffectsAttractive Designs in our


    ~ - - , . , . , . , ' , . , . , . - _....__., ': N. R. PEACOCK :, ': Interior and Exterior :, ': PAINTING' :, ': Kit chens and Bat hr ooms Made :Other Karnival Awards. ': Attractive, Bright and Clean ,The beautiful table lamp given by , 'Van Sciver, of Camden, N. J., was : Wll l b e C la d to EHtlmate :won by Mrs. Emma Hess, of . lona : 407 Essex Avenue :avenue. The luncheon set was won, 'by Mrs. W. Barriskill, of Wes t ' PHONE NARBERTH 2631 :Philadelphia. I' ,


    SHULL [LUMBm CO. I29 BALA AVENUE BALA-CYNWYD IcYNWYD 662___.111_....."1111111111111111111 11.11.11111.

    Total 28 22 27 11ASHLAND

    Health Counc il Meet ing.The annual meetil1!.?,' of theHealth Council of Lower Meriontownship and borough of Narberth wil l be held at the ArdmoreHealth Centre, No. 5:3 \Vest Lancaster avenue, Ardmore, on Tuesday, May l ! l , at .) P. ~ i This isan open mee ti ng and i t is hopedthat there will be a l ar ge attendance.The program will be as follDws :Election of officers; report ofthe work of the year; report of theState Tuberculosis Clinic. whichis condu ct ed a t t he Brnl MawrHospitaL .Mr. Robert H. Lewis. who is incharge of the field work of thePennsylvania Tubercu losi s So c ie ty . will b e the speaker o f t heafternoon , and will outl ine theprogram of t he S ta te a nd tell inwhat way s t he local committeescan ass is t wi th the ir work.The work of the Health Councilis financed entirely by t he s al e ofChristmas seals. This s al e wasvery successful last ye ar o n accoun t o f the interest displayed bythe people and the committeehopes that many of i ts generouscontributors will be able to bepresent at the meeting.

    Minimum, 90 cents. Price, Z cents a IITotal . . . . . . . . .14 10 27 14 2 WOl'd. Three insertionsfor the price ofS t r i k e - o l l t s - - - , B ~ ' Townsend.. 10 ; b ~ two. Classified advertisements will beHunsworth. 1; b ~ M o n e ~ . 1; l l r Arnoun, 1'eceived by telephone from subscribers 1. Baf>C on bal1s-Off Townsend. i; off of the telephone company.Hlinsworth, 4; off Mooner. 4; off Heffnet'.,,; off Arnolln, 2., Hit..-Off Townsend. GARAGE for Hpnt-Ha\'erford and10; off Hnnsworth. 6; off ~ I o o n e y . ;); o ff Oak r oa d. PhOlll' Narberth 1263-,T,Hpffncr. -1; off Arnoun. 7. Two-base hits-Dickie. V. FIl'ck. G. }

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 17, 1925


    APRIL, 1925

    High Praise."Is she very pretty?""Pretty! Say, whenshegets onastreet car the advertising is a totalloss."

    WAYNE 47CO.

    This Offer Is LimitedMay 15th to June 13th

    Visit our sales floor today or ask us t o s en d a representa-


    During this sale we will deliver and install a small tankWATER HEATER-only $1 Down and $2 pe r month Total $22.00.

    Tank or Circulating Water Heaters


    Abundance o f Hot Water in your home.You l ive i n a land of comforts and conveniences.Nothing is too good for the Ameri can Home .And, after all, perfect hot-water service i s a necessi ty .You are entitled to it, and you c an have it. Yes, it is noweasy to own an

    Until qui te r ecent ly f ew persons thought they could affordautomatic gas hot-water s er vi ce . B ut the price of t he sys t em isnow so moderate and the terms of payment have been made soeasy, that almost a ny home can now enjoy this wonderful convenience.

    Estimates cheerfully furn ished on Automat ic Gas HotWater systems for the largest homes, apartments and clubs.





    ATLAS,PORTLANDCEMENT"crJu, Standard h!J 'W1zidt. allotlzer makesare 11ZtIlSW'td"

    'BRYN MAWR 327

    LOOK!May 15, to June 13




    $5 Down and $8.00 each month with your Gas BillTOTAL $110


    FIVE COUNTIES' SEND' value of league work to party gov- of Radnor, of the Sta te FinanceDELEGATES TO MEETING ernment. Committee; Mrs. Pau l E . Lachen-T meyer, Lansdowne,' Mrs. George S. Arrangement of Milks According toe delegates were entertained atL A bl f W V ters Seltzer, chairman of the German- Sanitary Grade.ague ssem y 0 omen 0 .Iuncheon by State Representative C tl dtown League; Mrs. George H. W0- _ er fie He ld in Chester County Home., '/Thomas, first vice chairman of the bensmith, chairman of the Phi la - ~ Wnwa 4.7D.e lega tes f rom five counties, league. The next LeagueAssembly delphia League,' Mrs. Chaorles T. 91 Del('hester 4.4Ph I d I h' M t Ch t Highland , 3.9I a e p la, on gomery, es er, will be held in Beaver, Beaver Downing, Chester county; Mrs. Ina 90 Abbot t , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1Delaware and Bucks, attended the ty f th t . J. .N. Durfee, Montgomery county; 85 Scott-Powell 3.8L A bl f h P I coun , or e coun y orgaolllza- MISS Helen Porter, Doylesto\"n ' Inspected Raw.eagu.e ssem y 0 t e ennsy - tions of Western Pennsylvania, on M '. ,L f W V t rs. John G. Wilson, Montgomery 99 Ashbridge. 4.5'lama eague 0 omen 0 ers June II , under the auspices of Mrs. county; Miss Elizabeth Pharo, of ~ Duncan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1conduc ted on the f arm of State E. S. H. McCauley, chairman of Haverford, and Mrs. Harry Whit- 96 i ; : r ~ l e ' : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : gRepresentative Maortha G. Thomas, the Beaver County League. ney chaO m f th Ch 96 L t 45

    ' Ir an 0 e ester awon.....................at Whitford, Chester county, on Delegates to th,e League Assembly County League. 94 Emmons . . 4.9Thursday, May 14 at Miss Thomas' farm were mem- 94 Delchester 4.4,SubJ'ects,discussed included: The bers of all county and local boards WORDS THAT BEWILDER 94 Curwen .. 3.9fi 93 Hn l' ri to n . 4.6"Get-Gut-the-Vote" ca m p a ig n ; of the league in the ve eastern S R 92 Wuwn. .. .. .. 4.2plans for a State-wide survey of coun ties . Speakers inc luded Dr. orne easons Why Fore Igners Find 92 Scott-Powell . 4.4the cost of county and local taoxa- Ellen C. Potter, S ~ c r e t a r y of \Vel- English Peculiarly Difficult. 92 Delchester (Del Ayr) 4.6t ion in p repara tion for the nex,t f ar e; Mrs. E. Page Allinson, vice Why is i t tha t few Chinese can 922 Claypoole 4.5Penshurst 3.9session of the State Legislature; chairman of the Chester CountyRe- ever learn to p ronounce Engl ish 92 Rabinovitz. 3.9policies of the National League of publican Committee; Miss Henri- words containing the letter "R"? 91 Highland 3.8Women Voters; the bu ilding p ro - e tt a Baldy Lyon , of Williamsport, ~ a : y s Pearson's Weekly. And why 8885 Fox Hill . . . . . . . 3.9f h S D t b f tl I 'S t t t t th h Valley Hill . 3.9gramme 0 t e tate epar ment a mem er 0 1e eague s a e IS I '. 00, at t people of nearly all Pasteurized Milk.of Welf ar e ; plans for the league's b oa rd ; Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnal l, forelgncountnes have difficulty 98Sta'te convention, to be held in Erie chairman of the Delaware County w't! "tl" 1'1 h McIntire (CL) 3.71 lour 1, w 11 e we ave t rouble 96 Highland 3.8on November 17 and 18, and the League; Mrs . \Valter M. Newki rk , with the nasa l and gut tu ra l sounds 96 Highland 4.3I - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ; ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - I prerst e!1t bin many o t h ~ r la'nguages? 96 Abbott 3.71S ecaus t t f I Scott-Powell 8.9th d he cer am par sot 1e 9 6 G ro ssman 3 .8mou an t roat-the larynx and 96 McManus . 3.8the,Palate, to ~ exact-differ slight- 9 Scott-Powell . 3.6Iy 111 shape 1I1 people of different l l ~ Ald re d . . 3.6nations..9 l McIntire (Ard) 4.3Th d ff u McIntire (BM) 8.6ese I erences have arisen in 05 McIntirE' (WR) . 4.0the passing of time almost entirely 0(; Smith Bros. . 8.6f rom two cmlses-use and habita- !l4 IJawton 3.4tion. 114 lVIarkle . 3.6F' I" 114 :Marmer . . . 3.7I rst, t Ie speaking apparatus" !l4 King's Drug . .. 4.5has ~ r C ? w n a c c u s t ~ m e d to the pro- !l4 Lerner .. ... 3.7nuncJatlOn of certalll sounds, anel it 114 Moore Brothers 4.1finds d i f f i C ~ l l t y in forming sounds of ~ g ~ b b ~ ~ n l ~ ~ . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : an unusua nature. 1)2 Abbott ..... 4.6Secondly, the habitation of the an- 93 Her te s . . . . . . . 3.5cestors of the present races is the 1 l 0 ~ ; B rown . . 3.9chi f f I dOff .... Lung . 4.2h e crIse 0 t 1e I erences m 1)0 D 'A nd re a .. . . . . .. .. .. 3.6s ape. he races that are elescenel- 00 D'Andrea . . . . . . 3.5ed from tribes which dwelt in the 110 Markle . . . . . . . . 4.2co.leI p a r t ~ of the worlel always speak 89 Wawa . . . . . . 3.5tl I ttl . f h 80 Zarkadas 3.5WI 1 as I e openmg 0 the mout 80 .Tackson 4.5as p o s s i b l ~ . But the people of 88 Romll Ca fe . . . . . 3.9warmer climes, such as Spain a'nd 88 McManus. . . . . . . . . . 3.8I tal y, al;yays give t he ir words a 8 8 r - l D'Angelo 3.6f 11 Brennan . . . . . . . . . 3.6~ 1 ~ r more open-mouthed pronun- i2 Scott-Powell . . . . . . . 3.3clatlOn. In onl y two i ns ta nc es di d t he ButterAlthough the mat te r has never Fat by ana ly se s s how l es s t ha n thatb I fi . I I d " . guaranteed by the producer..een (e I1Ite y sett e , It IS qUIte To and inc luding Apri l 27, 1925.hkely that there ar e very minorl'ff ' DAVID WILBUR HORN, Ph. D.,;, I erel.1ces III the shape of the Lower 1IIerion Health Board.speakmg apparatus" among thep e o p l ~ C?f OUr own rax:e and country.And It IS as a resul t of these differences that we have the various dialects and brogues met with in different parts of the kingdom.



    Mary's Laundry,ARDMORE


    ARDMORE 17


    Terms Never Before Offered

    What's the Use of a Hot-Water Faucet if YouCan't Get Ho t Water Out of It?

    ONLY $5.00 DOWN

    Other Sizes-Easy Terms30-gallon size, $130 - only $10 down.50-gallon s ize, $1 7 5 - only $1 0 down.Also Ruud - Lovekin. Pittsburgh.Automatic Storage GasWater Heaters.A Small Down Pay-men t and a F ul l Y ea r t oPay.

    What ' s the use of hot-water e qu ipment t ha t doe s not givea ll t he Ho t Water you want WHEN you want it?Why bother longer with water-heating equipment that provides hot water only by hard work on your par t - by fuss, bother,annoyance, delay, inconvenience, dissatisfaction an d exasperation?The Modern gas wa te r-hea ti ng syst em suppli es p lenty ofho t wate r that is really ho t in a ny quant i ty when you want it atthe turn of a f auce t, and this superior hot-water service actually

    cos t s no more than inferior methods.Don 't pay more for the upkeep and operation of less satisf ac to ry sys tems when you c an sav e money by the installation oftruly modern systems.The Aut omat ic S to ra ge Gas Wate r Hea te r is the reallymodern way t o obt ai n ho t water in the home. '

    This is the first t ime suc h l ib er al t erms have e ve r beenoffered our customers-think of it -

    for a 20-gallon size Automatic Storage Gas Water Heater delivered an d connected in your home whe re t he p ip ing is now i n- a n d the balance of the purchase price may be pa id on ly $8.00a month with your gas bil l-total to pay, $1 1O. Discount forcash.


    REMEMBEREverything Finished-Ready to Wear

    . sm== .' 0URTOWN

    Special' Gas Water Heater SaleEverybody Wants Hot Water HOT

    BIbs. for $1.50(Minimum Charge)

    Bundle should consist of 4 lbs . FlatWork and4 Ibs. Wearing Apparel. Excess weight chargedfo r at rate of 1Bc pe r lb.

    A recent Laundry Service which people have.asked for. Everything is finished ready to wear.It is a wonderful help to every housewife.

    'Phone or write us to call for a Homelike Bundle.

    .Finished Laundry Service

    Starched Shirts an d Collars charged for at listprices.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 17, 1925




    of Ardmore


    W ITH the bestof modern equipment, more telephonelines in cable can be"pulled in" to the undergroundconduit plant today in 23/z hours than could be done be;tween sunrise and sunset fifteen years ago.In the beginning, it was"all hands at the capstan.., Thena pair of horses harnessed to the job. Next, a motortruck with winch and power take-off. Last, a tractor placedabove the manhole.Telephone construction, maintenance and operation arebeing advanced and speeded in a thousand and one suchways.Invention and development from within are supple;mented by constant search in outside fields.An improved device weighing two pounds will oftencontribute more than one weighing two tons. A bet te rsoldering-iron, in the hands of an orgamzation which soldersfifteen million metal connections a year, counts big.In every department of telephone work more ground iscovered today than yesterday. Little of this work is seen bythe public, exceft along the highways and on an occasionalvisit to a centra office.But the increasing volume of service, and the still faster

    i n c r e a s i n ~ complexity it presents, is more than matched bythe put tmg to work of countless creations of Americantelephone and mechanical genius.

    constantly equal or exceed a man's income,that man and his family face financial disaster and a lower standard of living.To l ive well , you must bank your moneyregularly.

    A, Growing BankAccount

    secures the present and protects the future.





    The Merion Title and Trust Company











    Of ThePast?

    P a t r o n ~ g eAndYourFriendship

    Favorite Stars

    At theBookThe

    tures of YourAre in It!



    May 18 to 23?P. S.-The Pic-


    BALA, PA.ynwyd f80


    Size Ohuted OarriedEGG $14025 S14.75STOVE $14.75 $15.25NUT $14.25 $14.75PEA $10.25 $10.7550c a ton discount if cash in10 days

    Bala and Union Aves.

    A PHONE callwill rid youof yo ur coal worries.Winter won't poke his blue,cold nose into your familycircle with our coal in yourfurnace , s ti rr ing up a hot bed of rebellion.

    Ted Shawn will be f ea tu red onthe program to be p resented by theMain 'Line Music Festival on theBryn Mmvr Polo F ie ld , Saturdayevening, June 6, i n a id of the Children's Hou se o f the Bryn MawrHospital. He will dance a solon umbe r a s well a s a d rama bal le twith Ruth St. Denis.Night after night Ted Shawn hashaunted SpanIsh concert halls andcafes from Barcelona, in the north,o f Spa in , to Sevi lle, in the south ,and dai ly s tudied f rom the Flamenco dancers their steps. He bought

    gorgeous shawls, mantillos and bullf ighter s' sui ts , and he and Miss S t.Denis will use some of them at BrynMawr in a most fascinating a ndpicturesque type of Spanish dancing.As a f ur th er evidence of Ted5ha'\vn's determination to presentonly the original native dances, henot long ago traveled to Algeria andh ir ing an a ir plane wen t r ight intotheland of the Mosque tribes, wherehe s tu di ed f rom the n a t i ~ s theirfanatic visualizations. He was oncepermitted to watch a stra ' lge danceceremony in which a high priest ofthe Mosque danced unt il the foamformed about his lips; hethen drovetwo rapier-like swords through bothhis cheeks, one through his throat,and there followed a wild whirlingdance. \Vhen a marabout removedthe swords, no blood flowed. Afterhe h ad ea te n broken glass, a livescorpion, and licked a! white-hotscythe until i t was cold, he lurchedacross the f loor in a huddled heap11: a trance. Thus ended his sacrifice.It is the actual foundation of suchtrue traditional themes that placethese dancers on an incomparableplane. 'fhey are foremost contribut ors to the art of the c1mlce inAmerica. The selection of theseartists was made by the committeein charge, headed by Mrs. Chas.Sinnickson and the musical director,Clarence C. Nice.

    Ted Shawn, wor ld r enowned dance r,who will appear with Ruth St. Denis atBryn Mawr, June 6th.


    Ready to Oblige."I want a shave," said the determined-looking man as he climbedinto a cha ir in the Coliseum BarberShop. "I don 't want a hair-cut nora shampoo. Nei th er do I want anybay rum, witch hazel, hair tonic, hott owel s, o r face massage . I d on' twant the man icur e lady to hold myhand, nor the bootblack to fondlemy feet. I just want a plain shave,w ith no t rimmings . Do you under s tand that?""Yes, sir," said the barber. "Will

    Y ~ : l U have some lather on your face,sir ?"


    "And If I Had But Two 'Loaves of,Bread I Would Sell One and BuyHyacintha to Feed My Soul."

    DARWIN TULIPSThe old philosopher had the rightidea, but he displ2) 'ed poor judgment ill his choice of spring-flowering b u l ~ ~ , or-perhaps t h ~ y had notperfected.the May-flowering tulips

    at that time.Mode'r'ri folks who have a fewsquarefeet of open sunshiny spacethat they call a garden, and wish'ingt o i ndul ge in " so ul f ood, " wi ll dowe ll t o i nve st in May-f loweri ngtulips.Why the Holland growers insiston calling them by different names,

    ~ c o r d i n g to the ir color g roups, i ssomething of a mystery. The Darwin Tul ips, Cott age Tul ips andBreeder Tulips all bloom at thesametime and a re all tall, ra ngi ng i nhe ight f rom 18 to 30 inches, andare w ithout doubt the most satisfactory f lower in the garden at thisseason e ither for e ffect in bed s o rborders or for cutting. They lasta week or mor e in t he garden andwill last a week when cut.The late tulips, while hardy, arenot perennial under ordinary gardencondit ions, a s t he bul bs s pl it upafter flowering and the flowers getquite small after the second year.Two yea'l'S of bloom should be quiteenough, as the bulbs cos t only Socents to $1 a dozen : :nd even lessin larger quantities.Mid -October i s the bes t t ime toplant them and while they areblooming is t he be st time to o rd erthem. \Vri te down the names o fthe colors that appe al t o you andorder them in Tune or Tuly-or youcan take a diance and wai t u nt ilSeptember a'nd get what is left ata higher price.

    If you buy but one tulip-buyClara Butt-the most popular oneand deservedly so, a real salmonpi nk, a col or t ha t is always rightand a tulip that is always r ight, andthe lowest priced."Any color-so It s red." Allright. Lots of 'em. FarncombeSa'lders-rosy scarlet; Baronne dela Tonnaye-bright rose; Gesneriana Spatlmlata-crimson scarlet;Pride of Haarlem-rosy carmine;Ariadne-fiery red; Prince ofOrange-orange scarlet.Dark reds , King Harold-oxblood red; La Tulip Noire-blackma'roon.Yellows, Inglescombe Yellowclear yellow; Moonlight, pale yellow ; . :Mrs. Moon, golden yellow;Gesneriana Lutea-golden yellow.Lavenders, Blue Aimable-clearla'vender ; Valentine - helio tropeviolet; Reverend Ewbank-lavender violet; Franz Hals-violet blue;Ronald Gunn-bluish violet.Purples , Gode t Parfait-plumviolet; Velvet King-deep purple;Phillipe de Commines-dark plumpurple; Mrs. Potter Palmer-amaranth purple.Pinks, Princess Elizabeth-rosypink,; Gretchen-blush pink; Inglescombe Pink-salmon pink; ClaraButt-light salmon pink. .Among the Darwin, Cottage andBreeder tulips will be found manyIll0re colors and color combinationssuch as: Louis XIV-purple withbrown edge; Dam Pedro-brownand maroon: Picotee-white edgedpink; The Fawn-fawn color suffus ed rose, a nd \iVhite Queenwhite tinted pink.While the three color ra'nges varysomewhat in height, the flowers areo f the samecup shape , w ith the exception of the Cottage type, whichhas petals that flare outward ratherthan curve in. It is well to trysome of each and f ind the combination that suits us best.. If we have some late tul ip s wewill surely WU11t some more thisfall. I f we haven 't s ta rted ye t-let us byall means get them orderedat once, and make sure that we havethem next spr ing.Tulips have not been embargoed,nei th er have the crocuses nor thehyacirlths, but a ll the other springbulbs will h ave to be o rder ed f romabroad for the last time this year.M.erion Civic Annual Meeting.P re par at io ns a re n ow beingmade by the Merion Civic Association for its annual meeting,which will be held in the MerionWa r Hou se on Tue sd ay

    e V I ~ n i 1 n Q ' . May 19. The election ofoftiicelrs will take place at this time.~ r l " p , r l ' ; , : i " r T 'tolumns form al-rug-ressive mert o t hpm often.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 17, 1925



    PAGE ~ ' [ V &

    DO YOU GO TO CHURCH?To th e Edi to r o f Our Town:Rather a pertinent quest ion, butwhen considered in the light of thefact that only about 50 per cent. ofour population are church membersand that of these only about 70 percent. e'0 to church more than onceper Sunday, i t is quite evident thatthere aore many who do not. Doyou? I f not, why? Only yoursel fcan a nswer . Anyone can r eadi lygivean excuse. Someare too busy;some are so wearv from the week'stoi l that they need rest; some don'tl ike the preacher, or the way theservice is conducted, etc., etc. Thesereasons are plausible enough now,but think how sil ly they will soundin the time of final allaolysis.We hear on every hand about thegeneral state of unrest and uncertainly among the people. Why isi t? I s i t no t because they a re seeking after only temporary pleasureand advantage aond are not anchoredin the things that are permanent andabiding?Be not deceived. God is notmocked and the opportuni ties nowconsidered so l ight ly by many wil lnot always last. Some day thebooks will be bal anced and the accounting maode and we will bejudged according to our works.Here in this' delightful communitywith its splendid churches and mini st er s, one should not need t o beurged to attend his appointed placeof worship. It will b ri ng to you asense of confidence and resfulnessand self-satisfaction that canbe hadin no other way. Try it.

    All Saints P. E. Church.Re\ '. G ibson Bel l, r ec to r. Rev .Malbone Birckhead, associate rector.Services for next Sunday.Holv Communion, 8 A. M.Sunday school, 9.45 A. M.Litany and ante-communionsermon by the rector, 11 A. M.Anthem, "Blessthe Lord, 0 MySoul," Ippolitoff-Ivanoff (a capella).Church bus l ea ve s Narberthstatioil at 10.40.Tickets for "Hiawatha's ""Vedd in g Fe ast ." t o be sung at theNarberth school. now on sale froma ny membe r o f t he choir.

    First Church of Chr is t , Sc ientis t.\Voman's Club Building, Ard-more avenue. Ardmore , Pa.Sunday services, 11 A. M.Sunday school service, 11 A. M.\Vednesday evening testimonialmeeting, 8 o'clock.Reading room. 19 \Vest Lancaster a ve nue, ope n e ac h weekday, 12 to 4.30 P. M.The subject of the Bible lessonsermon for May 17 is-"Mortals

    and Immortals."

    Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.M. E. McLinn, Pastor.Regular services Sunday, May17 -S un da y S ch oo l- 9. 45 . M en 'sand \!I,Tomen's Bible classes.Preaching services, 11 A. M. "Secret and Revealed Things."Luther League-7 P. M. A goodprogram is announced.Evening service-7.45. Sermon,"The Scarlet Sine."On l as t S unday t he Senior Luther League promised to pay anice sum to the new church andpledged unt ir ing loyal ty and devotion to the work.

    Senior Luther League.The l eade rs for nex t Sundayevening wil l be Anna Sell and\Villiam Senn. The subject i s "How to Make t he Mos t of Summe r." Come, jo in in th e di scu ssion.

    6.45 P. M. - Epwor th L ea gu edevotional meeting.Topic-"What Am I Going toMake of Myself?"7.45 P. M.-Evening worship.Theme, "The Healing of Naa mon."Anthem-"Go' Down, GreatSun," by Wilson.Quartette-"The Rainbow ofGod's Promises," by Smith.Wednesday, at 8 P. M., prayerand pra ise servi ce . Topic , Prayer-"The Lord's Prayer."Thursday, at 8 P. M., choirrehearsal.Thursday, at 8 P. M., in the

    Arch Street M. E . Chu rch t he rewill be a mas s-meet ing o f t hechurches of the Philadelphia area.Bishop 'vV. F. McDowell, o ne o ft he mos t eloquent and attractivespeakers of t he day , will be ont he p rogr am . A .large ch or uschoir, led by Professor J. LincolnHall , wil l furnish music, togetherwith the Harmony Trumpeters.The Church of Good-Fellowship has a welcome for you at allservices o f t he church. .



    Phone Nar1Jerth 672 or 2215 W

    Bell Paone. Bpruce 38.98 Illnd 38-0'1KeS'.tone Phone, Bael! '10-54

    WM. NEWBORG &: CO.Paillting and Decorating212 W ~ b b t e Ave.. Narberth, Pa.

    " ~ o n Narberib 1'118"


    GARAnteed Roofs

    Walter RoserResidence Ollice126 Con".a,. l ~ v e . 215 Haverford Ave.

    Narberth Taxi Cab Co.

    Methodist Episcopal Church.Rev. '\7. She ridan Dawson.IMinister.Sunday, May] 7-!lA5 A. J'lL-Bihle school. Hon.Fletcher V\T. Stites, superinten-dent.11.00 A. ~ 1 . - M o r n i n g worship.Them e. ",Vlw Should I Attend Church ?;, .Anthem-"I ,Viii Give TheeGlory," by \Vildennere.Quartetie-"Christ's Love CanSatisfy," by Geibel.2.30 P. M. - JuniorLeague sen-ices.

    Baptist Chu:rch of The Evangel .Robert E. JCeighton, Minister.9.45 A. M.-Church school.11.00 A. M,-Morning worship.This is "G()-to-Church Sunday"for th e Girl Scouts of t he Mai nLine. The dllicials of the movement have selected three churchesas centres of \lTorship j one in Radnor, one in ]ryn Mawr and ourown church hi Narberth. We consider this an ttntlsually high honorand privilege,The servic:e will be adapted to

    the Girl Scouts, who are to attendi n a body, u ll de r the direction ofMrs. John Nas h, c ap ta in o f t helocal t roop. Not o nl y t he localtroop, bu t also several neighboringt roops a re to be present.Mrs. Nash wi ll s pe ak f or thegirls and t he work of the movement. The pastor wil l speak uponthe subject-"Conjugating theGreatest English Verb."7.45 P. M.-Evening worship.Sermon: '"God on Trial ."Tuesday, Jlby 19 -2.00 P. M. - Mission Studyclass.6.30 P. :Nl.-Dinner.8 .00 P . l\l.-Opening sessiono f t he S ta te convention o f t he International Order of King'sDaughters cllld Sons.'vVednesday, May 20Morning, afternoon and eveningsessions of the convention.

    S p e c i a l - ~ [ j s s i o n a r y Pageant atthe evening session.Thursday, May 21-l\Iorning, a.fternoon and eveningsessions of the convention.Friday. fday 22 -4.30 P. H.-Class in ChristianEducation.The Bapti st s of Philadelphiaand vic in it y a re engaged in theraising of a fund for the erectionof a new Ba.ptist Home for Agedand D e p e n ~ e n t Men and \Vomen.\Ve a re gla J ' l ! ! J : e ' A : U 0 9 : l 9 : e : 8 * Q D : S : e : m c : a : : & : l l l C & : e : e ~

    OUVESLippincott 's Mammoth Queen. 11 Yz oz. jar 38cLippincott's Pimento Olives, UYz- oz. jar :45c

    We Call for and Deliver


    OLIVE OILImported Olive Oil quart can, $1.00pint can, 60c

    ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t Get Your Straw Hat in Narberth 'We. h a v ~ j U s ~ added.a complete line of Berkley- IKmt Tles- The Tie of a Thousand Knots." tADELiZZI BROTHERS tHABERDASHERY t104 FORREST AVENUE t__ . ~ _ _ . . t- - ~ ~ - - - ~ - ~ ~ - - ~ ,

    l8 c35c

    u u


    ARGO STARCH3pkgs.25c

    COCOA. . . . . . . . . . . %-lb. can l7 c

    YOUNG'S SOAP CHIPS3 pkgs. 25c

    " , .. .. u


    Narberth 2210

    CATSUPLippincott'sLarge Bottle 25c


    Vincent Mariani


    ...... 4. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .....,..

    MUSTARDGulden'sJar l4 c

    230 Haverford Avenue

    Why take the kiddies into town for shoes? Weare open ,Monday, Friday and Saturday until 9 P. M.

    every pair of "High Kicks."

    How One Man ProvidedTo my dear Wif e:The enclosed Life Insurance Policies I have taken outfor you and the chi ld ren; on e is t he Mor tg ag e Pol icy fo r$3000, which will leave our home to you and the k idd iesfree and clear.You wil l also f ind two Education Trust Fund Policieswhi ch will enabl e t he chi ld ren t o h av e t he educa ti on wep lann ed for t hem. There i s a lso a Policy paying you $190per month until the children are self-supporting and then$75 per month to you as long as you live.With all my love,YOUR DEVOTED HUSBAND.

    It Costs Nothing to Receive Information, yet itmay prove invaluable in the future-if not now.


    SALTTable Salt bag 5c

    PEPPERParke's A-oz. can 10c

    VANILLAParke's A. A. . bottle 25c

    TUNA FISH Moland's Bacon, whole orRubidoux, all White Meat .. can 29c half strips . . . . . . . . . . lb. 38cSALMON I\WhOle Hams Ib. 30c \Horseshoe Brand can 28c- - - -_ ._-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------

    STRINGLESS BEANSCurtice Bros. B l u ~ Label . . . can 25c Rib Roast, best cuts. . . . .Ib. 35c-40cI '

    BANTAM CORN \Nice Lean Pot Roast . . . . lb. 25c-35cCurtice Bros. GoldenBantam can 20cSh ld S' L b lb 30u ers prmg am . . . . . . c

    TOMATOESWhite Haven Brand . . . . . 2 cans25c

    TOMATOES COFFEEOld Reliable Brand Iarge can 17c R. G. A. Blend Ib 45cPremier


    Nnrberth 2674 Lombnrd 9250

    IPEAS . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . can l8c!Wilbur's-----------------j-----------,------

    VINEGARHeinz's Cider Vinegar pint bottle,quart bottle,

    "Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work," and-. A good many people these days are forgetting about t hi s pa rt o f t he FourthCommandment-to work-is quite an important and imperative part of it . Work is, after al1. the real thing that count s. You may have thewisdom of Solomon and the cunning of Hiram and st il l, wi thout work, you wil l not make much of a success of your business.

    Dependable Quality


    .~ ' : " ; - ~ : ; , , - : . : . i . ~ ~ ' : ~ : " ' ; " ; ; i

    ........ uu .u .

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 17, 1925


    Commercial Activityn Narberth's


    Smallwonder tha t our Milk is Purer and Richer, for i t 's

    From milking t ime to d rink ing t ime in 24 hoursis a SCOTT-POWELL achievement.


    PAGE SI X- - . : . . : . : . : . : . . . = - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - i = : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :1 - - ~ - ~ -.. t - ' ' ~ - ; " ' ~ - ' a - l t J ( - - ~ ~ 1 U L . ~ .'H.1 RLA1E"sD ~ 1 : ~ I ~ l q I WITH OUR PICKS WE PICK 1.1 n General Office: 1612 Market Street, Philadelphia335 Dudley Avenue AND PICK THE PICK OF THE. - I The Springfield Consolidated Water Company serves ;t .COAL FOR. yOU. IFYOU WOULD g filtered water of the highest quality in 46 boroughs and 11Phone, Narberth 1017.... BE WISEAND SLICK, PICKUP MILK AND CREAM. il townships l o ~ a t e d in D ~ l a w a r e , Chester, Montgomery and ~ 1"'ou"" ou",, , ,e " ....D "I Bucks CountIes. '1 I

    Women's Club Hears of Growth at SOC K S .1 ~ O R D E R Q u ' i C K 758 LANCASTER AVE. To serve this territory the Company maintains 3 dam.s, ~ I iAnnual Meeting. BRYN M A\&'R ' , h d "J 'FOR LITTLE TOTS "T Y _ , 3 pumping stations, fully equipped wit mo ern pumpIng . :''The Narber th Communi ty L i- Flnc Silk nnll L1'sle-nll Colors ~ I and filtering equipment, 10 reservoirs, 12 standpIpes and cbrary submi ts i ts report for the Also L l l d l e s ' : : ' ~ ; I I ? ~ n ~ h i ~ : ~ d ' : ' - A l l S h n d e ~ Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 ii' 640 miles of distribution and transmission mains. lyear ending May I, 1925: $1.6:> or 3 for $4.50 ;1:; DIVISIONOFFICES,Numbel' of bool,s on hand ~ I a ~ ' I, THE HEMS'l'ITCHING SHOP1924 . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3182 S ' W tNumber of booka on hand ~ I a y I, 318 DURLEY AVENUE HARRY B. WALL ii Eastern out,tern es ern1925' ' " 4008 r. OAK LANE AND LANSDOWNE BRYN MAWRNumbcr of books added b ~ purchasc CONSHOHOCKEN PENNA. PENNA.and gift 826 ~ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I . 1 I 1 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ Plumb ing, Gas F i tt i ng INFORMATION AS TO RATES. SERVICE. ETS, MAYCirculation for the year ending Muy an d Heating BE OBTAINED ON APPLICATION TO THE ABOVE1, 1924 13830 S ii Y r,. ~ : : ~ ~ ; ; ! ! ! ~Circulation for the yellr ending ~ I a ~ ' e OU1' NARBERTH, PA. m : m ; ; m ! ! W l E I l i : ' E ~ W - m : i i l ' J l : i ~ l 1 ! i 1 i i ! 1 i = ~ : i : i : ! J ! i = = m i ~ I ! j ! F : : l ' i = ; ..1, 1925 19589 P1Ope1ty = PHONE, N.ARBERTH 160201 -------Wh-Y--A-r-e-t-h-e- - - - ~ . lncrease in circulation for the. ;; 5.year 5759 Th1'ough M ~ MONTHS ahead we're pick-Number of registered borrowers .. 1232 = ing the p ick o f the coal ARD FR I.....SCHNum;::r o ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ l : r ~ ~ ~ ~ l : S .. f ~ ~ ' . ~ ~ 202 My Plan ; : ~ ~ ~ ~ ; o i t k : : : ~ : o ~ h ~ o ~ a : l H O ~ t i c e of ~ h P e : ~ eDays open' till October 13, Brings = work and buy your coal now.1924 'Fuesdays and Fridays, 2 to The Buyeds. 5 long before you'll need it, you REAL ESTATE F.-nest Resi-dences I- - can save. When you take coal Fire Insurance-Best Companies5.30, and Friday evenings from 7 5 out of our pockets now and putto 9 P. M.; a ft er t hi s d at e eve ry - - - = it in your bins, you keep money Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.afternoon (except Saturday and J H SHUFF ;. in your pockets. You wouldn't inva1-iably 1'00fed with .tSunday) fr om 3 to 5, and from 7 5 - - ;; let a warehouse stand empty, so S hiS I- Io 9 on Friday evening. !_= 5 1 5 Sou t h - why forget your coal bin? Re . C 00 Upp lesmember it can earn its keep for SLATE .,EOEIPTS . ~ . B 'd 'f .Unexpended balance $54.99 N b th A Y9U by storing coal. . eSI es, I on Sale a t~ ~ 8 ~ - ar er ve - you see to it t ha t the HeatFrom rental, collection and gifts j j. :. Folks deliver your coal you ,- Merion 1038 or Walnut 6789 = guarantee a warm welcome for DAV IS' ,otal $032.81 .; ,PA Y ~ I E Z \ T S wmter. ,Books and periodicals $754.05 ~ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I . 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Answer- .,Supplies 55.48 Call the ~ ~ . ~ ~ Narberth 2016 Ardmore 2385 ,Balance on hand $122.38 VERL PUGH tIn October, 1924, the Merion GEO. W. BOITOIMS It is fireproof. .-

    Title and Trust Company , who for Good Clean Coal Electrical Contractorh ad become t he owners of the Electrical Repairs and Appliance. It is th e best-known material. tontractor & Builder JOS M CRANSTONuilding in which the Library was 314 Grayllnc Ave., 8 Cricket Ave.,~ Z : : , : , ~ ; , ~ f f : , : ~ d ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ : ? : ~ NARBERTH. PA. CYNWYD 700 N. . . . . . . . . P. , . . . . . .- . Fa. I It is the original roofing. Ipressing the hope that the Library ~ "Service with a Smi le" t It harmonize s w i th any k ind of Architecture. !might be kept open every day Permanent Wavl-ng R. S. TOUHILL It is made in many grades to suit any pocketbook. ,hereafter. And on l\Ionday, the ,13th o f October , began the f irst o f Bobbed Heads Permanently Electrical Contractor A It lasts fo r centuries. the daily openings, changing the W a V e d f o r $ 2 0 . 0 0 MAPLE HALL , ,~ ~ d ' ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ 0 . f ~ ~ , ~ : ! i ~ : C U ~ I ~ CALL N A R B E R J ' J ! ~ ' ; : i ~ ~ APPOINTMENT B : : : ; ; ; ~ ; ~ ~ ' ; . U : 2 1 II the r ~ s ~ ~ s e are only a few of the reasons. Please ask fo r !f rom this point on. NARBERTH BEAUTY SHOPPEhe n ex t st ep t ak en was whenafter several months of discussion Scientific Care of Face and Scalp Phones: Narberth 661-J or 1612-W , COOK BROS. tand p lann ing, a Library Associa- 103 ESSEX AVENUE NARBERTH, PA. HENRY & COMPTON t' ti on was formed t o take over thecon trol o f the Narber th Commu- ~ a : a : : a a : : a a a a : 8 : o : 8 : 8 : a : a : a : 8 : 8 : 8 : a : 8 : 8 : a : 8 : a : a : a : a : a : a a x a a x ~ PLUMBING nity Lib rary. which had hitherto t 256 Haverford Ave. Narberth 1752been one of the act iv it ies o f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STEAl\'1 & HOTWATER HEATING , ,~ : ~ : b i : : ~ ~ : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 f ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ l s 1 : ~ ~ ; B r T- b D II ; ; ~ ~ I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 ~ ; ~ I ~ I I ~ i i i i i i i i i i i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i l i i i i i i i i i U U 6 _ ~work demanded that t he ent ir e ea Ing Ime y a ay = ==communi ty be g iven a ful le r op- i in deliveringportunity to s ha re in i ts man ag e-m ~ F I ; i s week t he re ha s come t he SCOTT-POWELL "A" MILKofficial notice t ha t t he Narberth Today Marks a Milestonechool Boa rd h as o ff er ed an ap-propriation of $.500, to be spent,f or b ooks of standard merit and'for c ur re nt wor ks of r ef er ence .This act ion on the part of theSchool Boa rd was t ak en unani -mously and with fine spirit . ::iEThe ver y la test m ove was ef- "F sh r by a Day"fected Monday, May 11, when the re e = -

    Library was moved from the lob- _ fJf In the opening of the first Community an d National Bank wh ichby to the g 'ymnasium 'yin.g of the Narberth ca n claim as it s own, an important place in financial an d~ ~ I ~ l l : e d b l ~ ~ d ; I ~ ~ ~ t \ \ ~ ~ : : : ~ ~ l ~ t t : l ~ t ~ l 1 1 ~ : commercial progress has been reached.mer. This arrangement will give - fJf Good banking service includes a g rea t d eal more th an yo u realizereater ease to workers and read-~ r alike and aid greatly in if yo u have no bank account.~ ~ ~ ~ . y i n g the f a c i ~ i t i e s o f t he ~ i SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES, Inc. fJf Credit an d confidence grow with business relations, and the r e is no

    In concluding tIllS repo.rt, I WIsh - better t ime t o begi n an acquaintance wit h y ou r b an k t ha n on it s open-fo bring out and emphaSIze an ~ c 45TH AND PARRISH STREETS in g day. =omplishment in which the entIre _ _membershil) of the du b .can t.ake fJf Every time yo u depos i t in a Commun ity Bankyou benefit yourself, -

    I PRESTON 1920 . Telephones WYOMING 5382justifiable pride, and whlc 1 gIves - th e Bank andyou r Community. You rmoney is therefore doing tripleto the Narberth 'Yomen's Com- _ duty. =_l11unity Club an almost individual __ .distinction. In my own observa- ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! M - fJf Every time yo u depos i t in a National Bank yo u have the assurance ==ion, I do not know of anything - h' _that duplicates it. Many WOI11- _... .. to ....... to..." .. . . . . . . . . . . . . - .... to .\1;;;; that t e accountability of the government is added to th e accountabil i ty ==en's Clubs have e st ab li sh ed li- of th e Bank. Your money is therefore doubly safe.b ra ri es , whi ch h av e fun ct io ned A NEW LAUNDRY HELPwith vary ing degrees of success, fJf Besides a place i n w hich to deposit your money, a t ru ly modernbut t he re a re ve ry few that h a ~ e Bank is o ne t ha t c an help y ou w it h y ou r financial problems, guidel11ao'nanil11ously presented to theIr ~ ~ . ~. ':. .. ~ "Thrif-Tee Service" your investment policies, plan your vacations, s up pl y y ou w it h legalo w community a fully-equipped . ~ and successful Library, for the tender fo r your travels, guard your valuables in it s safe deposit vaults,.community to carryon. The mem- Wouldn't you be gl ad t o have .us c al l for your an d confirm your credit.bel'S of the Community Club have Laundry-do all yourWASHING and'more than half yours hown in t hi s i ns tance not only IRONING f or a f ew c ents per pound? fJf Such a Bank-modern in every respect, archi tecural ly good t o l ookconstructive civic spirit in creat- upon, with a company o f Directors who b ri ng t o t he direction of it sing and developing a Library, but THRIF-TEE SERVICE is so moderately pric.ed th'at ff . 'd d d' 'fi d Nalso they have revealed a charac- a aIrs a WI e an Iversl e experience- is arber th's new a c h i e v e ~teris tic which is exceedingly rare, you can send the who le family bundle. Everything t h o r ~ ment.and th;t is a broad-minded incli- oughly washed, the FLAT WORK is neatly, IRONED.nation to place the interests of the The WEARING APPAREL, e tc ., is r e t u r n ~ d just dampentire communi ty ahead o f the enough to starch and iron. WRAPPED in separate bundles,personal satisfaction of the club the damp articles will keep for several days: The cos t isit se lf . I c an no t s ay t oo s tr on gl y

    ~ ~ I ~ c ~ ~ t i ~ ~ S t ~ i ~ ~ U ~ u l f 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ : ~ : O n l Y ~ ~ ~ ~ : u ~ ~ ~ : : ~ ; ; : S ~ SERVICE is priced at THE NARBERTH NATIONAL B A N K _ = = ~ = -ntly distinguished itself. 30 pounds for $1.00. 'Elizabeth K. '\ 'ood,Librarian. 0-Mi-ssl-ona-rY-M-ee-tin-g. WE DO ~ ~ T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T WORK _=_= 'Pen to Visitors. Saturday. May 16th =The '\Tomen's Missionary Society

    of the Holy Trinity Lutheran_= from. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. S= _Church will hold its regular monthly S hi D W h L' dmeeting at the home of Mrs. 'Weiss, uns ne amp' as aun ry == ==20 7 Hampton avenue, on Tuesday, = =2 P . M., May 19. This will be the ARDMORE, PA. Phone Ardmore 949 SiS. :::. second anniversary and all the = =J ~ d i e s are invited to be present. "'.. .. .."' ", "' "' ~ 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 l 1 l l 1 1 1 l l 1 1 l l 1 l l 1 l 1 l l 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 U 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ '