Our Pirate Adventure Tuesday 13 th May was Pirate day in year 1


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Our Pirate Adventure

Tuesday 13th May was Pirate day in year 1.

We all dressed

like Pirates.

We climbed the rigging.

We swabbed the deck.

Then we set off on our pirate ship.

Some pirates even had to walk the plank.

They fell into Davy Jone’s Locker

We followed the treasure map to find

the booty.

First we over the rocky path.

Then we travelled over the Climbing


Next we rattled Hell’s gate to get rid

of the monsters.

We followed the treasure map to find

the booty.

After a while we crept through the swinging vines.

Suddenly we had to jump down

Murderer’s Drop.

Then we had to clean our swords

and guns.

Finally we found the treasure but it was guarded by a huge red dragon.

Captain Wadsworth tried to fight with it but it flew at us.

So we all ran back to the ship to come up with a plan.
