Our Lady of Mount CarmelMar 31, 2019  · Private Sean E. Connolly - U. S. Marine Corps Vocation...


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Our Lady of Mount Carmel ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH March 31, 2019 Hamden, Connecticut | 203-248-0141 | olomc.org

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Information

Contact Us

Call Us: 203-248-0141 | 203-287-0316 (Religious Education)

Send Us An Email: ourladyofmtcarmelhamden@aohct.org

Pay Us A Visit: 2819 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT 06518

Find Us Online: olomc.org | olomchamden

Saturday, March 30

+ 5:00 PM Maria Diglio Mastroianni ~ Req. by Carmen Saracco

Sunday, March 31, Fourth Sunday of Lent

+ 8:00 AM Anna Cofrancesco

~ Req. by Family

+ 10:00 AM Sidney & Margherita Rinaldi ~ Req. by Family

+ 11:30 AM Louise Newmann

~Req. by Barbara Martin

Monday, April 1, Lenten Weekday

+ 8:30 AM Nicholas Raccio ~ Req. by Family

Tuesday, April 2, Lenten Weekday, Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit

+ 8:30 AM Louis Testa Jr. ~Birthday Remembrance ~ Req. by Sal & Joyce Testa

Wednesday, April 3, Lenten Weekday

+ 8:30 AM Elizabeth Ganley ~Birthday Remembrance ~ Req. by Daughter

Thursday, April 4, Lenten Weekday, Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

+ 8:30 AM Louis DeGennaro ~ Req. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Andrews

Friday, April 5, Lenten Weekday, Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest

+ 8:30 AM Nicholas Avena & Nicholas Vallone ~ Req. by Clementina

+ 9:00 AM Stations of The Cross

+ 7:00 PM Stations of The Cross

Saturday, April 6 Lenten Weekday,

+ 8:30 AM Angelo Salvadori ~ Req. by Family

+ 5:00 PM Mary Coppola ~ 5th Anniversary ~ Req. by Family

Sunday, April 7, Fifth Sunday of Lent

+ 8:00 AM George & Rose Naples ~ Req. by Family

+ 10:00 AM Arthur V. Golden ~ Req. by Wife + 11:30 AM Salvatore A. Scafariello Jr. ~ Req. by Mom & Dad

Parish Directory

Priests Rev. Michael J. Dolan fr.dolan@aohct.org

Rev. Jorge Castro fr.castro@aohct.org

Deacons Deacon John O’Donovan dcn.odonovan@aohct.org

Deacon Stephen Yatcko dcn.yatcko@aohct.org

Deacon Anthony Solli dcn.solli@aohct.org

Staff Lissette Andrade ourladyofmtcarmelhamden@aohct.org

Sean Canning

Gabriel Chabot olomccomm@gmail.com

Betsy Fitzsimons olomcreled1@gmail.com

Raymond Murphy rpmjr17@yahoo.com

Fidel Romero

Sr. Ann O’Neill, RSM annoneillrsm@gmail.com

Mary Sacco olmtcarmelchurch@sbcglobal.net

Mass & Confession

Weekday Mass Times: Monday to Saturday - 8:30 am

Weekend Mass Times: Saturday Vigil - 5 pm Sunday - 8 am, 10 am, 11:30 am

Are you homebound and unable to attend Mass? You don’t have to miss it. You can watch every weekday and weekend Mass LIVE from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, by going on the website olomc.org. If you have any questions please call the Parish Office.

Confession Monday Evenings During Lent 6-7 PM

Saturday - 3:00 PM (or by Appointment)











Business Manager

Office Hours Monday to Friday 9:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM

March 31, 2019

The Sanctuary Candle at the Tabernacle indicates and honors the Presence of Christ.

The Candle is lit in Loving Memory of

Kenneth F. Sweeten Jr.


We may feel like the Prodigal Son but the Gospel wants us to fo-cus on the father who was forgiving and understanding . We all make mistakes and need forgiveness. Who in your family needs your forgiveness and acceptance this Lent?

Fourth Sunday of Lent

PROCESSIONAL HYMN # 658 Softly and Tenderly KYRIE ELEISON (10 AM Orlando di Lasso 1532 – 1594)

The Responsorial Psalm # 762 The Gospel Acclamation Presentation Hymn # 432 Amazing Grace

The Anthem (10 AM) “Amazing Grace” words: John Newton, music: NEW BRITIAN, arr. Anthony C. Furnival

SANCTUS Mystery of Faith Great Amen Lord’s Prayer and Doxology AGNUS DEI 10 AM Franz Joseph Hayden 1732 – 1809)

Communion Hymn # 464 Shelter Me, O God

Anthem (10 AM) “How Beautiful” words & music: Twyla Paris (b. 1958)

Post – Communion Hymn # 666 Hosea RECESSIONAL HYMN # 498 Only This I Want

Each Sunday, during the 10:00 AM Liturgy, chil-dren are invited to come downstairs for the Lit-urgy of The Word on their level. They return back upstairs at the time of the offertory.

The Candle on the Altar of The Blessed Virgin Mary is lit

for Unborn Children

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Candle on the Altar of St. Joseph is lit

In Loving Memory of The Deceased Members of Our Parish Families

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The candles on the new candle stands in front of the side altars burn for three days for your intentions.The suggested offering per candle is $3.00

“There is no room for despair in a life spent

following Christ, no matter what is happening

in the culture around us. Despair is for those

who believe it is up to them to fix everything.”

-The Beginning of the End of Abortion

Shawn Carney, P.17

Pregnant and in need ?

Please call In Our Blessed Mother’s Arms 203-886-6736 Rachel’s Vineyard for Healing:

Call to arrange post-abortion counseling & reconciliation at 203-281-2925 or 1-888-281-2825

Pregnancy & Post-Abortion Help-Call Confidential Helpline: Prolife Across America 1-800-366-7773

Today is Laetare Sunday

We are now at the mid-point of our Lenten Journey.

The Fourth Sunday of Lent is referred to as Laetare

Sunday. This weekend brings on a spirit of “rejoicing” in our Introit, Psalm and Gospel Reading.

On this Sunday, the Celebrants vestments and Dea-

cons stole are the color rose. Visually, this lighter

color is a bit more refreshing at this point of this

solemn Lenten Season. This weekend, we rejoice.

Prior to Vatican II, Laetare Sunday was the only

Sunday the organ was allowed to be played. This is

the only Sunday during Lent that flowers may be

displayed on the High Altar. This weekend, there will be an organ prelude and postlude. As you

know, the organ is used and played differently dur-

ing Lent. The bright tones are not used in the

hymns and service music. In fact, when the text to

the hymn refers to temptation, death and Satan, the deep darker tones (stops) are used to help bring out

the power and depth of the text. Otherwise, just the

basic foundational stops are used to support the

congregation. In the next couple weeks, much of

the congregational singing will be acapella as we

near Passiontide.

Today we hear the Prodigal Son scripture in the Ho-

ly Gospel. This story is about “Coming Home and Rejoicing”. Our Processional Hymn, Softly and Ten-derly, Jesus is Calling” is just about that as well as

the Presentation Hymn and Anthem (at 10 AM) Amazing Grace sending the message of lifting our

spiritual blinders to see clearly and in the end, re-joicing in the love of our forgiving God.

We can also think of this Prodigal Son reading as a

reconciliation story, and that makes the hymn Ho-

sea most appropriate today.

~ Raymond Murphy, Director of Music

Scripture Study Saint Paul’s Letter to The Corinthians Lead by Sister Mary Ellen Burns, ASCJ

Wednesdays ~ April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 at 7:30pm Sister will lead us in the study of Saint Paul’s Letters to the Corin-thians. We will meet in the Church Hall Meeting Room (Library) Please call Bob 203-281-1175 if you have any questions.


abortion counseling & reconcil-

Call Confidential

Faith Formation

Offertory Reports 3-24-19

Weekly Collection $ 8,791.17 Monthly Collection $ 3,589.05 OnLine Donations $ 862.50 Candle Offerings: $ 404.12

This week 2nd Collection ~ Catholic Relief Services

Thank You very much for your generosity !

***DURING LENT*** Eucharistic Adoration

Monday EVENINGS from 6-7 PM

The Rosary…is prayed each morning, Monday-Saturday beginning at 8:10 AM at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and on Wednes-days at 7:00 PM at St. Joan of Arc Church.

“The rosary is prayer rooted in the moment, and in touch with eternity.”


The Intercessory Prayer Line… Prayer is powerful ! Let us pray for you and your needs.

If you have a special need or intention for which you would like the prayers of your parish community, please call Gwen at 203-248-9176.

****Please consider being part of these Ministries****

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest and Deacon in adminis-tering Holy Communion at Mass and at Nursing Homes.

Lectors: Anyone of high school age or older, who would like to proclaim the Scriptures at Mass.

Please contact Sister Ann 203-287-9017 to discuss these Ministries.

Holy Week Schedule at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

HOLY THURSDAY—April 17 7:00 PM The Mass of The Lord’s Last Supper

GOOD FRIDAY– April 18 3:00 PM The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

EASTER VIGIL–April 19 8:00 PM The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

EASTER SUNDAY- Sunday, April 21, 2019 8:00AM Mass in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

9:00AM Mass at Saint Joan of Arc Church 10:00AM Mass in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 11:30AM Mass in Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Church

Confessions: Monday 6-7PM with Adoration and Saturdays at 3:00PM

STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross, are prayed each Friday

during Lent after the 8:30 AM Mass and again at 7:00 PM

Readings for the week of March 31, 2019 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [9a]/2 Cor 5:17-21/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Monday: Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b [2a]/Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 [8]/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18 [8a]/Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23 [4a]/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Ps 34:17-18, 19-20, 21 and 23 [19a]/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12 [2a]/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Is 43:16-21/Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Phil 3:8-14/Jn 8:1-11

PALM CROSSES Anyone interested in making small Palm crosses, for our convalescent home residents, is invited to the Church Hall Meeting Room on Friday, April 12th , after the Stations of the Cross, both morning and in the evening.

U. S. Military Prayer List Captain Donald Colantonio III , MD - US Army Technical Sergeant Christopher Culver - USAF Seaman Apprentice Elizabeth Early - US Navy

Technical Sergeant Stephany Davis - USAF Sergeant Major Andrew Fierilit JR. - US Army Reserves

Petty Officer 3rd class Julianna LaCroix - US Navy Airman Elijah LaTorraca - USAF Captain Simon Stock - US Army

Petty Officer 3rd Class Lexi Shettleworth— US Navy Master at Arms

Enlistee Alexander Thomas Palacio Capuras—US Army Sergeant Brandon VanOrden - USAF Major Andrew M. Wrzosek - USMC

Sargent Charley Anderson— US Army C2C Austin Aitro—USAF Academy

Private Sethe Matthew Simon— US Army Steven Davis - US Army

Sergeant Mark Fracasso—US Marine Corp Corporal Collin Aiello—US Marine Corp

Edward Colavope, Jr.—Marine Corp EOD3 Edward T. Kennedy, V, - US Navy

Private Sean E. Connolly - U. S. Marine Corps

Vocation Reflections

Like the father in the Gospel, God welcomes us home in spite of our sinfulness, and calls us to a life of holiness. Where are you at home? If you are being called to serve as a priest or religious, call Fr. Michael Casey,

Director of Vocations, Pastoral Center, 860-761-7456, email vocations@aohct.org or visit the web at www.hartfordpriest.com.

THIS Weekend March 30th & 31st Food Drive Dedicated to St. Ann’s Soup Kitchen and The Hamden Elderly


Winter coats and clothing will end this weekend as we need to prepare for the Spring/Summer collection which begins April 6th.

Time, Talents & Treasures

2019 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal In just a few short weeks, our parish has raised $45,417 for the 2019 Archbishop's Annual Ap-peal. In these trying times, the need of our sur-rounding community grows and the assistance provided by the Appeal becomes all the more crucial. If you have not yet made your gift to this year’s Appeal, please consider doing so in

the days ahead. Your gift to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal will help continue the vital services, ministries and programs that help so many throughout our Archdiocese. All funds contributed to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal are used exclusively for the purposes outlined in the Appeal litera-ture, which can be found at https://archdioceseofhartford.org/aaa-2019-last-years-appealimpact/. No Appeal funds are ever used for legal fees or settlements.

Marian Guild Meeting THIS Monday, April 1st at 7:00 PM in the Church Hall Meeting Room

Knights of Columbus Meeting SJA Council #10477

Wednesday, April 10th at 7:00 PM

Southwest Dinner & Chili Cook-Off Join us on Saturday, April 13th for the Southwest Dinner and Chili Cook-Off! This fun-filled evening will feature a chili competition (taste them all and vote for your favorite!), a delicious chicken din-

ner, dessert and raffles. Bring your own beverages – coffee and tea will be provided. The festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. Ticket prices are $20 Adults / $10 Children (Ages 6 – 12) / No cost for children Age 5 and under. Tickets are on sale at the main en-trance after all Masses now through Sunday, April 7th. No tick-ets will be sold at the door. Are you interested in entering the chili competition? Contact Liz Guerin at 203-230-1379 or Annmarie Masella at 203-288-7651 for more information and to reserve your spot in the competition.

Easter Palm Cross Sale Knights of Columbus SJA Council #10477


• Decorated with 60 Pieces of Palm, Colored Ribbon & 2 Artifi-cial Lilies

• Orders accepted after each Mass

• Crosses will be available for pickup on Palm Sunday weekend April 13/14, 2019 after all Masses

• All proceeds donated to local charities and OLMC Parish

• Order forms available at all church doors

• Cost $10 each. Please make checks out to: “K of C Council 10477”

Please Drop Off Order Form at Main Church Entrance The SJA Knights Thank You For Your Support!

Please join us for Coffee & Donuts & Fellowship every Sunday after the 8:00 AM Mass

in the Church Hall

Easter Baskets…will be collected Palm Sunday, April 14th. These baskets will be distributed to those children in need. Please bring in complete baskets for children of any age. Place a tag on the basket signifying the appropriate age range.

Parish Nurse Program

Please come downstairs and have your Blood Pressure checked NEXT Sunday, April 7th. Meet our Parish Nurses, gather health infor-mation, and have your questions answered.

2019 B/P screenings will take place the first weekend of every month.

NEXT Sunday, April 7th after the 8 and 10 AM Masses Watch the bulletin for upcoming educational health programs.

Sister Ann’s Recipes…

Elephant Stew • 1 medium size elephant

• 2 rabbits (optional) • Salt and pepper

Cut the elephant into bite-size pieces. This should take about 2 months. Add enough brown gravy to cover. Cook over kerosene fire for about 4 weeks at 465°. This will serve 3800 people. If more are expected, 2 rabbits may be added, but do this only if necessary as some peo-ple do not like to find a hare in their stew.

Services & Events

Upcoming Adult Faith Formation Program

Virtual Workshops These presentations take place in the Church Hall Meeting Room. If you are involved in this ministry now, or are considering becoming a Lector, please

feel free to attend one or both of them.

LECTOR SERIES Designed specifically for Lectors and those who proclaim God’s Word, these workshops will help participants to develop their public speaking skills as they become more familiar with the Lectionary.

Literary Genres in the Lectionary: Proclaiming the Different Forms of Scripture

Tuesday, April 9, 2019 from 7:30-9:00 PM ****************************************

LENT WITH THE LORD Every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday during Lent, Fr. Matt Gworek of the Archdiocese of Hartford will share a video to help guide your Lenten journey by discussing the Mass readings of the day and explaining what Jesus is really trying to teach us. These videos are posted to the Archdiocesan Facebook and YouTube pages. *********************************************

Making Sense of the Bible in the Catholic Tradition

A six week parish Bible study Bible basics in the tradition of

the Catholic Biblical School Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM

April 25, May 2, 9, 16 23 and 30 Please call the Parish Office before April 19

to register.

LENTEN REGULATIONS Fasting, almsgiving and prayer are three tra-ditional disciplines by which the Church ob-serves Lent. Lent began Ash Wednesday

until the evening Mass of Holy Thursday, when the Paschal Triduum begins. All of the faithful and catechumens are called to practice these traditions. Catholics ages 14 and older, are to abstain from meat all Fri-days in Lent. The rule does not apply when health or ability to work would be impacted seriously. In addition to abstain-ing from meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays, Catholics who have celebrated their 18th birthday but have not yet marked their 59th, are to fast on Ash Wednesday, and on Good Friday, April 19th. On days of fast, one full meal is al-lowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength may be taken according to individual needs but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals in not permitted, but liquids are allowed.

The Ascent of Mount Carmel by Saint John of the Cross

is available online at

Christian Classics Ethereal Library at ccel.org

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Lenten Retreat Illuminate Your Spiritual Path

Featuring the Myers Briggs® Type Indicator Scheduled for Saturday, April 6th has been CANCELLED


Promote a culture of life. Reject the Physician-Assisted Suicide bill at the State Capitol. We need you and all the people of faith to tell all your legislators that you value life and oppose CT House Bill 5898. Please call the Public Health Committee now at (860) 240-0560 and leave a message for your State Senator and State Representative. Tell them this legislation would be a disaster for the health and well being of every Connecticut citizen, especially the elderly, the chronically ill, the underinsured, and disabled among us.

To e-mail your state legislators, please go to: https://tinyurl.com/NoDrSuicide

Thank you for all your efforts!