OUR FAVOURITE BOOKS Презентацию подготовила Субботина Е. В.,...


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OUR FAVOURITE BOOKSПрезентацию подготовила Субботина Е.В., учитель английского языка, ГБОУ СОШ №78

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Agatha Christie Daniel Defoe Mark Twain Pamela Travers Alexander Milne

Famous writers


William Shakespeare

Lewis Carroll

J.M. Barrie

Jack London

Joanne K. Rowling

Let`s start.

Wonder Land

Alexander Milne

He was born in London. He wrote a lot of poems for his son and about him. In 1926 he published the book about a bear and his friends. This book is very popular now.

What is his name?

Mark Twain

He lived in the state Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi. He began to work at the age of twelve. He became famous in 1865. He was a writer and the greatest American humorist.

What is his name?

Jack London

He was a son of a farmer. He worked as a sailor, a newspaper seller and a worker. He wrote his first book in 1898. He lived in Alaska and wrote 152 stories about the North.

What is his name?

Daniel Defoe

He wrote his famous novel when he was nearly 60 years old. The story of this book was based on the real adventures of a sailor, who had lived on a desert island.

What is his name?

William Shakespeare

He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. After finishing the local grammar school he went to London. He was both an actor and a writer. His famous plays are “Othello”, “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”. He died in 1616.

What is his name?

Agatha Christie

She is an English writer. She didn`t go to school and got her education at home. She took part in the war of 1914. She began to write detective stories in 1920. She wrote 68 novels and more than a hundred stories.

What is her name?

Match the authors and the characters.

Have you read…?

John R.R. Tolkien

Joanne K. Rowling

Lewis Carroll

Mark Twain

Pamela Travers

J.M. Barrie

William Shakespeare

Daniel Defoe

Jack London

Alexander Milne

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

PoetryAlexander Milne

I`ve had my supper, (ужин) And had my supper, And had my supper and all; I`ve heard the story Of Cinderella, (Золушка) And how she went to the ball; I`ve cleaned my teeth, And I`ve said my prayers, (молитвы) And I`ve cleaned and said them right; And they`ve all of them been And kissed me lots, (поцеловали) They`ve all of them said, “Good night”.

Present Perfect and Past Simple

I have read this story recently.

Fred has been to England three times.

Have you ever read “Alice in Wonderland”?

I have not bought this book yet.

I read this story yesterday.

He went to England last summer.

When did you read it?

He did not buy this book two days ago.

Present Perfect Past Simple

Do the tasks


Put the verb in the correct form Where is your record book? – You (to

lose)it? Your friend ever (to be) to London? When you (to buy) this magazine? It`s a pity, but I never (to read) “Peter

Pan”. The students (not to write) the story

yesterday. When you (to go) to the museum?

Check yourself

Where is your record book? – Have you lost it?

Has your friend ever been to London? When did you buy this magazine? It`s a pity, but I have never read “Peter

Pan”. The students didn`t write the story

yesterday. When did you go to the museum?

Divide the chain into seven adverbs and translate them


Check yourself

Recently недавно, на днях Just только что Ever когда-либо Never никогда Already уже Lately недавно, за последнее время Yet ещё, уже (в вопросах)

Home workAnswer the questions

What is your favourite book? Where and when did the events take

place? Who was the main character? What happened? What was the main idea?
