OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


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  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    OSHA Hazard


  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    • Recent adancement in indu!tria" #roce!!e! $a!"ed to more %ai!t &ein' #roduced(

    •  T$e Con're!! o) t$e United State! o) America

    #a!!ed t$e Com#re$en!ie Enironmenta"Re!#on!e* Com#en!ation and Lia&i"it+ Act( It #utt$o!e indu!trie! t$at $ad a $ea+ contri&ution tot$e tota" indu!tria" %ai!t #roduction under "ia&i"it+im#o!ed &+ "a%(

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    •  T$e occu#ationa" !tandard a!!ume! a &a!ic,no%"ed'e o) !cience and $ea"t$care(

    •  T$e mode" i! t$e &+#roduct o) a -.committee

    re!o"ution %$ic$ inc"uded NIOSH* OSHA* USC/*EPA* and CERCLA(

    •  T$e manua" i! intended )or t$e !tud+ o) $ea"t$

    and !a)et+ o) %or,er! at t$eir re!#ectie%or,!ite!(

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    U!e! o) t$e OSHAStandard•  T$e !tandard i! a##"ica&"e )edera"* !tate and "oca"

    o0cia"! %$o o#erate indu!trie!( T$e manua" i!u!ed )or !eera" #ur#o!e!

    • P"annin' too" )or indu!tria"i!t! %$o !ee, 'uidancein %a!te mana'ement

    • Educationa" too" to educate t$o!e enterin' t$eindu!tria" !ector o) t$e United State! o) America

    Re)erence )or ariou! enironmenta" "a%! anda!!ociated #ractice! 1Smit$* 23345

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    •  T$ere are !eera" t+#e! o) Hazard! de!cri&ed int$e OSHA !tandard

    • C$emica" E6#o!ure

    • Fire and e6#"o!ion

    • O6+'en de7cienc+

    • Ionizin' radiation

    • 8io"o'ica" $azard!

    • Sa)et+ $azard!

    • E"ectrica" $azard!

    • Heat !tre!!

    • Co"d e6#o!ure

    • Noi!e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Hazard "ee" criterion

    • A#art )rom t$e $azard!* t$ere i! a $azard criteriont$at i! u!ed &+ !a)et+ mana'er!

    • One o) t$e )actor! t$at contri&ute! i! t$e num&er

    o) ariant $azard! #re!ent at a !#eci7c %or, !ite

    •  T$e e6tent to %$ic$ t$o!e $azard! can &econtro""ed i! a"!o a er+ im#ortant )actor 1C"an!,+*


  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    C$emica" E6#o!ure

    •  T$e !tandard out"ine! t$e ma:or !ource! o)c$emica" e6#o!ure t$at are u!ua""+ o&!ered in%or, !ite! a"" oer t$e US

    •  C$emica" e6#o!ure i! diided into t%o cate'orie!;acute and c$ronic( T$e cate'orie! are &a!ed u#ont$e "ee" o) e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    E6#"o!ion an Fire

    •  T$ere are !eera" !ource! o) 7re in norma" %or,!ite!;

    C$emica" reaction!

    I'nition o) e6#"o!ie materia"

    I'nition o) o6+'en ric$ !u&!tance!

    A'itation o) )riction.!en!itie !u&!tance!

    Force re"ea!e o) =uid! under #re!!ure

    A##ro#riate care !$ou"d &e ta,en( Qua"i7ed#er!onne" !$ou"d ana"+ze t$e %or, !ite #rior to t$ea""ocation o) %or,men at it

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    O6+'en De7cienc+

    •  T$e norma" o6+'en "ee" in t$e air %e &reat$ i!42>(

    • I) t$e o6+'en "ee" in t$e air decrea!e! to 2?>*

    t$e #$+!io"o'ica" e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Ionizin' Radiation

    • @or, !ite! t$at are "ocated in area! t$at $ae$i'$"+ radioactie roc,! %it$in t$em are$azardou! and a##ro#riate mea!ure! !$ou"d &eta,en to aoid e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    8io"o'ica" $azard!

    • 8io"o'ica" $azard! inc"ude %a!te )rom c$emica")actorie! and %a!te )rom $o!#ita"! can &econ!idered a! &io"o'ica" %a!te(

    •  T$e %or,er! !$ou"d &e #roided %it$ t$enece!!ar+ eui#ment to e!ca#e t$e ne'atiee

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Per!ona" !a)et+ $azard!

    • Ho"e! and ditc$e! t$at a #er!on can )a"" in

    • S"i##er+ !ur)ace!

    • Stee# !ur)ace!

    • Un!ta&"e eui#ment and at %or, !ite

    • U!a'e o) $ea+ eui#ment and mac$iner+ %$ic$

    o#erate! %it$ $i'$ o"ta'e i! a"!o• Site #er!onne" and t$e mana'ement !ta< !$ou"d

    con!tant"+ en!ure t$at eer+ %or,er i! %or,in' int$e !a)e!t enironment #o!!i&"e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    E"ectrica" $azard!

    • Po%er "ine!* e"ectrica" %ire!* &uried ca&"e! B a"" o)t$e!e #o!e a t$reat o) e"ectrocution to %or,er!

    •  T$e OSHA !tandard de!cri&e! a##ro#riate c"ot$in'

    a! an inte'ra" #art o) t$e c"ot$in' !tandard to &emaintained &+ %or,er! o) e"ectric #o%er'eneration #"ant! etc(

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Heat Stre!!

    • Heat !tre!! t$e mo!t common $azard )or %or,er!(

    •  T$e !ame #rotectie materia"! are adi!ed )or%or,er! t$at are em#"o+ed in $eat.inten!ie


    • Continuou! $eat e6#o!ure can "ead to !tro,e andeen deat$( T$ere)ore t$e "a&or time )or eac$

    em#"o+ee !$ou"d &e a##ro#riate"+ mana'ed !ot$at no !in'"e em#"o+ee 'et! more time in t$e$eat

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Co"d E6#o!ure

    • @or,er! e6#o!ed to e6treme tem#erature! !$ou"d&e #roided %it$ t$e #ro#er !a)et+ eui#mentt$at !uit! t$eir e6#o!ure "ee" and en!ure! !a)et+(

    • For e6am#"e* %or,er! %or,in' in co"d

    tem#erature! are at a con!tant ri!, o) dee"o#in'$+#ot$ermia or een )ro!t&ite in e6treme ca!e!(

    •  T$e %or,#"ace !$ou"d #roide em#"o+ee! %it$#ro#er c"ot$in' and co"d #rotection %eara&"e!(

    • Furt$ermore* t$e tota" time o) e6#o!ure mu!t &ereduced &+ ma,in' t$e em#"o+ee! ta,e !$i)t! andre!t in &et%een to "imit t$e e6#o!ure "ee"! #er#er!on(

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    •  T$ere are ariou! im#act! t$at noi!e can $ae ont$e %or,)orce( T$e!e inc"ude t$e )o""o%in' ,e+a!#ect!;

    • @or,er! &ein' !tart"ed or &ecomin' di!tracted a! a re!u"t o)t$e noi!e(

    • E6#eriencin' #$+!ica" dama'e due to con!tant e6#o!ure*i(e( ear #ro&"em! or $earin' "o!!(

    • Con!tant $indrance! in communication t$ere&+ re!u"tin' inreduced "ee"! o) #roductiit+ oera"" %$i"e !imu"taneou!"+cau!in' em#"o+ee di!com)ort(

    • Di!tractin' em#"o+ee! )rom t$eir ta!,! t$ere&+ creatin'

    "o%er "ee"! o) #roductiit+(• Increa!ed "ee"! o) an6iet+ and !tre!! a! a re!u"t o) con!tant

    e6#o!ure to noi!e(

    •  T$e e6#o!ure "ee" mu!t &e contro""ed &+remainin' in com#"iance %it$ t$e !a)et+ !tandard!

    "aid do%n &+ OSHA(

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


     T$e Site Sa)et+ P"an

    •  T$e OSHA %or,#"ace !a)et+ !tandard reuire!)rom t$e mana'er! o) t$e %or,!ite to dee"o# and!ite !a)et+ #"an &e)ore t$e !ite &ecome!o#eratie(

    •  T$e !ite !a)et+ #"an i! dee"o#ed &+ t$e !itemana'er! &+ con!iderin' t$e $azard! a!!ociated%it$ %or,in' in t$e %or, !ite area

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Site Sa)et+ P"annin'

    •  T$e !ite !a)et+ #"annin' #roce!! i! an e!!entia"#roce!! t$at i! underta,en &+ ariou! !u#eri!or!

    • Fir!t* t$e !ite i! in!#ected )or t$e ariou! $azard!t$at it contain!

    • Second* t$e nece!!ar+ #recaution! are met andt$e !a)et+ o) eac$ t+#e o) %or,er in eac$ t+#e o)$azard area i! con!idered and #roided )or

    A %ritten er!ion o) t$e !ite !a)et+ #"an i!'enerated !o t$at it i! ea!+ to mana'e t$e !a)et+o) t$e %or, !ite "ater on

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Reuirement! o) #"annin'

    • Namin' o) ,e+ #er!onne" t$at are in c$ar'e o) t$e%or, !ite

    • Ri!,! a!!ociated %it$ %or,in' at t$e %or,!ite andat indiidua" $azardou! %or, #oint! !$ou"d &e

    di!#"a+ed in detai" on a &oard(

    • U!e o) dan'er !i'n!* nece!!ar+ #recaution! anda!!ociated !a)et+ mea!ure! !$ou"d &e di!#"a+ed#ro#er"+

    •  T$e #er!onne" !$ou"d &e e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Reuirement! o) #"annin'

    • Per!onne" !$ou"d &e #roided %it$ t$e a##ro#riatec"ot$in'

    • Periodica""+* t$e !ite mana'er! !$ou"d #eriodica""+

    c$ec, t$at eer+ !a)et+ reuirement i! &ein' met

    • A !#eci7c a!!e!!ment !$ou"d &e made in re'ard%it$ !a)et+ con!ideration! around t$e %or, #"ace

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Reuirement! o) #"annin'

    • For eer+ %or, !ite* t$ere !$ou"d &e #re!ent*emer'enc+ team! t$at can dea" %it$ an+ mi!$a#t$at mi'$t occur at t$e %or, !ite

    • Fir!t and !econdar+ aid eui#ment !$ou"d &e#re!ent at t$e %or, !ite at a"" time!

    • Site contro" mea!ure! !$ou"d &e de7ned(

    Enironmenta" ana"+!i! !$ou"d &e done i) t$e %or,ino"e! doin' t$in'! t$at are dan'erou! )ore6am#"e* dri""in' at $ei'$t! or in!ta""in' $i'$o"ta'e ca&"e! a"on'!ide "ie %ire! 1Su!!man*2395

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Needed #er!onne"

    • @or, #"ace! !$ou"d &e #roided %it$ t$e )o""o%in'e6#ert #er!onne" t$at !$ou"d &e #re!ent at t$e%or, !ite at a"" time!

    • Eacuation #er!onne"• Fire7'$ter!

    • Medica" team

    • C$emica" e6#ert!

    •  To6ico"o'i!t!

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Sa)et+ In!#ection!

    • A com#"ete !a)et+ in!#ection routine !$ou"d &emaintained t$rou'$out t$e time t$at t$e %or,!itei! o#erationa"(

    •  T$e !a)et+ mana'ement team !$ou"d conduct%ee,"+ and mont$"+ !a)et+ trainin' !e!!ion!

    •  T$e mana'ement !$ou"d a"!o re$ear!e

    emer'enc+ !ituation! !o t$at t$e+ are #re#ared i)!omet$in' 'oe! %ron'

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Sa)et+ In!#ection!

    • @or,er )eed&ac, a&out t$e !a)et+ o) t$eir %or,enironment !$ou"d &e 'ained !o a! to 'et anoerie% o) $o% !a)e t$e+ )ee" around t$e %or,#"ace

    •  T$e eui#ment u!ed &+ t$e %or,er! !$ou"d &eo#timum and !$ou"d not #o!e an+ t$reat durin'u!a'e to t$eir u!er!

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


     Trainin' #ro'ram!

    • S#eci7c trainin' #ro'ram! )or eac$ t+#e o) $azardmana'ement !$ou"d &e attended &+ t$e %or,er!o) t$e !ite

    • Limitation! and #recautionar+ mea!ure! !$ou"d &etau'$t to t$e %or,er! at eer+ trainin' c+c"e

    • Ru"e! and re'u"ation! !$ou"d &e de!cri&ed

    a##ro#riate"+ durin' trainin' #ro'ram!

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Site !urei""ance

    • Site !urei""ance ino"e! t$e )o""o%in' t$in'!;

    • Sa)et+ in!#ector!

    • Camera! and di'ita" monitor! to a!!e!! certain$azard! !uc$ a! radiation

    @eat$er condition! !$ou"d &e monitored eer+ da+&e)ore it !tart!

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Medica" $i!tor+

    •  T$e OSHA mode" de!cri&e! a criterion %$ic$ i!re"ated to t$e $ea"t$ o) t$e indiidua" %or,er o)t$e !ite

    •  T$e mode" de!cri&e! a 7tne!! te!t t$at $a! to &econducted on an indiidua" %or,er &e)orea!!i'nin' $im to a #$+!ica""+ tediou! ta!,

     T$e medica" $i!tor+ !$ou"d &e maintained a'ain!tt$e record o) eac$ %or,er )or "ater u!e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Pre.em#"o+ment medica"te!t!• Occu#ation and medica" $i!tor+

    • Reie% o) #a!t i""ne!! and di!ea!e!

    • Reie% o) a""er'ie! and ot$er condition! "i,ea!t$ma

    • P$+!ica" e6amination o) t$e em#"o+ee! !$ou"d &e

    underta,en !o a! to c$ec, %$et$er or not t$e+re7t )or t$e :o& 1Danna /ri0n* 23335

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Hazard ana"+!i!

    • A $azard ana"+!i! !$ou"d &e #re!ent at t$e time o)t$e !a)et+ con!ideration #roce!!

    •  T$e ana"+!i! team !$ou"d )ormu"ate an accurate

    #"an o) t$e %or, !ite t$at !$o%! !ite! %$ere$azard i! imminent

    • An ana"+!i! re#ort !$ou"d &e maintained and

    u#dated %it$ eac$ %eat$er condition

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    O0cia" Hazard /uide"ine!

    •  T$re!$o"d Limit a"ue 1TL5

    • U!e )or determinin' t$e a##ro#riate "ee" o) %or,er#rotection

    Permi!!i&"e E6#o!ure Limit1PEL5

    Recommendation E6#o!ure Limit 1REL5

    IDLH 1concentration! o) certain c$emica"!5

    emen ! o ec e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    emen ! o ec eHazard Communication

    Pro'ram• OSHA! e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Hazard CommunicationPro'ram• OSHA a"!o #roide! com#anie! %it$ !am#"e! o) a

    $azard communication #ro'ram %$ic$ t$e+ are!u##o!ed to u!e a! an e6am#"e to )orm t$eir o%nori'ina" one(

     T$e Hazard Communication Pro'ram addre!!e!t$e )o""o%in' ,e+ a!#ect;

    2( T$e Com#an+ Po"ic+(

    4( Container La&e"in' and t$e name o) t$e#er!on re!#on!i&"e )or t$e ta!,(

    G( Sa)et+ Data S$eet! 1SDS5 and t$e name o) t$e#er!on re!#on!i&"e )or t$e ta!, %it$in t$ecom#an+(

    -( Em#"o+ee in)ormation and trainin'(

    ( Hazard and non.routine ta!,!(

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard


    Hazard CommunicationPro'ram

    ?( In)ormin' ot$er em#"o+ee! and t$econtractor! ino"ed( 1T$i! ino"e! t$e ta!, o)#roidin' t$e em#"o+ee! and t$eir contractor!%it$ #ro#er in)ormation re'ardin' t$e "ee" o)

    e6#o!ure and t$e dan'er! t$at t$e+ mi'$t )ace%$i"e %or,in' on t$e )aci"it+(

    ( A com#"ete "i!t o) $azardou! c$emica"! t$att$e com#an+ i! u!in'(

    9( C$emica"! in un"a&e"ed #i#e! t$at t$e %or,er!

    mi'$t $ae to %or, around(

    3( Pro'ram aai"a&i"it+( T$e com#an+ mu!t $aea co#+ o) t$i! #ro'ram at a"" time! !o t$at it can &e#roided to

    em#"o+ee!* contractor! and een OSHA

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    • OSHA $a! "aid do%n !trict em#"o+ee !a)et+mea!ure! t$at com#anie! and indu!trie! $ae tocom#"+ %it$ in order to retain t$eir :o&!(

    • Em#"o+ee !a)et+ and $ea"t$ are o) t$e utmo!t

    concern to OSHA(• OSHA $a! dee"o#ed an e6ten!ie criteria )or

    com#anie! to com#"+ %it$ in order to en!ure t$att$e em#"o+ee! are not in a direct dan'er %$i"e#er)ormin' ta!,! at %or,(

    • S#eci7c a!#ect! o) t$eir $ea"t$ i! ta,en in tocon!ideration in order to en!ure t$at t$e%or,#"ace i! not a direct t$reat to t$eir $ea"t$ and%e"".&ein'(

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    • OSHA !#eci7ca""+ ta,e! in to account t$e ariou!"ee"! o) e6#o!ure &a!ed on t$eir c"a!!i7cation(

    • E6#o!ure to $ar!$ condition! and %or,#"aceenironment! are a"" ta,en in to account(

    • OSHA a"!o #a+! !#eci7c attention to t$e e6#o!ureto c$emica"! t$at em#"o+ee! mi'$t $ae to )ace(

    •  T$e re'u"ation! "aid do%n u"timate"+ reuirecom#anie! to #roide t$eir em#"o+ee! %it$ t$enece!!ar+ #rotection in order to en!ure t$at t$e+remain !a)e and continue to #er)orm e

  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    • Smit$* R( S( 123345( Hae OSHA and %or,er!Jcom#en!ation made t$e %or,#"ace !a)erK 1No( 25(In!titute )or La&or Mar,et Po"icie!* Sc$oo" o)Indu!tria" and La&or Re"ation!* Corne"" Unier!it+(

    C"an!,+* ( 8( 123995( C$emica" 'uide to t$e OSHAHazard Communication Stan dard( Ro+tec$Pu&"ication!(

    • Su!!man* R( M( 12395( Oerie% o) t$e OSHAHazard Communication Standard and e+ I!!ue!

    o) Inter#retation* An( Food Dru' Co!m( L* -4* G(• Danna* (* /ri0n* R( @( 123335( Hea"t$ and %e"".

    &ein' in t$e %or,#"ace; A reie% and !+nt$e!i! o)t$e "iterature( ourna" o) mana'ement* 41G5* G.


  • 8/19/2019 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard



    • reden&ur'$* A( /( 1445( Or'anizationa" !a)et+;%$ic$ mana'ement #ractice! are mo!t e
