Origins of the Cold War -...


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War Ends

VE Day May 8, 1945

VJ Day September 2, 1945

Origins of the Cold War

Different Ambitions leads to clashes

Capitalism v. Communism

Democracy v. Totalitarianism

Wartime suspicions

Delay in attacking Europe

Atom bomb

Origins of the Cold War

UN Created

Conference opens in San Francisco

Two Months of debate

June 26, 1945 UN Charter signed

Origins of the Cold War

Harry S. Truman becomes President on death of Roosevelt April 12, 1945

Didn't know about bomb

Tough could make difficult decisions

Origins of the Cold War

July 1945 Conference in Potsdam

Yalta promises

Occupied zones, free elections


Poland elections prevented, banning of Democratic parties


Soviets sought Reparations, Truman objects

US wanted access to markets

Origins of the Cold War

Stalin installs governments in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland

Satellites, Iron Curtain

Stalin gives speech Capitalism and Communism incompatible, war inevitable

Origins of the Cold War

February 1946 US adopts Containment policy

No expansion

March 1947 Truman doctrine

“support free people who are resisting subjugation”

US takes over support of Greece and Turkey

Origins of the Cold War

The Marshall Plan- June 1947

Aide to European Nations that needed it

Not aimed at country or doctrine

16 countries received 13 Billion dollars in aid

Revived Western Europe

Origins of the Cold War

June 1948 - Stalin closes roads into West Berlin

Food and Fuel for five weeks

US and Britain initiates Airlift

327 days 2.3 million tons

May 1949 Soviets lift blockade

Origins of the Cold War

May 1949 Western German zone united to form Federal Republic of Germany

Soviets respond by creating German Democratic Republic

Origins of the Cold War

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Fear of Soviet aggression leads to defensive military alliance - April 4, 1949

Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal

United States, Canada

Greece, Turkey, West Germany by 1955

Origins of the Cold War
