Orientation to Procedures. Time Sheets Time Sheets are due at the end of Month. Have them in no...



Time Sheets 40 hr/week 10 personal holidays 10 days of sick time 20% (Maximum) of time available for in-service work

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Washington Campus Compact

Orientation to Procedures

Time Sheets•Time Sheets are due at the end of Month. Have them in no later then the 5th of the proceeding month.•You can Scan, Fax, mail them. •The timesheet is also available on the website at • http://www.wacampuscompact.org/programs/vista/pm/


Time Sheets40 hr/week10 personal holidays10 days of sick time20% (Maximum) of time available for in-

service work

WACC Websitehttp://www.wacampuscompact.org/index.sht

mlContact InfoFormsProceduresResources Important Dates

Quarterly ReportsReporting periods:

July 1st – September 30th Due: October 1st October 1st-December 31st Due: January 1st

January 1st – March 31st Due: April 1st

April 1st –June 30th Due: July 1st Help Your VISTA write the ReportSign/Date form

Other SurveysCommunity Partner SurveyStudent Civic Engagement Survey


AmeriCorps ResourcesVISTA member handbook


VISTA Campushttp://vistacampus.org/

Encorps http://encorps.nationalserviceresources.org/

What can the VISTA Leader do?Answer questions about health insurance,

food stamps, VISTA benefits, VISTA rules, etc. RecruitmentResource Development

Prohibited Activities Religious organizations and activities Political activities Compensation and other benefits for serviceLabor or anti-labor activityDisplacement of employed workersNepotismFraternization Other (Education, Transportation, Vacation, Agency

Policies)You can view the entire ppt on Prohibited activities on

our web page: http://www.wacampuscompact.org/vista/prohibitedactivities.shtml

Role of the VISTA SupervisorSupervisor, mentor, and CoachShare you vision with your memberProvide your VISTAS with a communityEnable your VISTA member to actModel the WayEncourage the HeartBe a liaison between the community, campus,

and member
