Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program I. Introductory Workshop for ORTOP’s FLL Program...



ORTOP Project Administrator Cathy Swider (503) After Aug. 1:

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Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program I. Introductory Workshop for ORTOPs FLL Program 2009 Opening doors to the worlds of science and technology for Oregons youth Instructor Contacts Roger Swanson Jim Ryan Ken Cone Dale Jordan Leroy Nuckles ORTOP Project Administrator Cathy Swider (503) After Aug. 1: Todays Goal Provide an understanding of the ORTOP and FLL programs Show the value these programs bring to our youth Demonstrate the fun and excitement by building and programming a LEGO robot Explain the opportunities for your involvement Agenda Introductions Our motivations The ORTOP and FLL Programs Build a LEGO robot and try it out More on FLL Teams Simple programming of your robot Along the way: A complete Climate Connections field set-up kit, a LEGO NXT Robot Demo, and a video of a previous tournament The Problem Fast growing demand for engineers, technicians, and other technologists Slow growing supply of young people interested in technology, especially among women and minorities A Response from ETIC ETIC Engineering and Technology Industry Council Bruce Schafer is the Executive Director Established in 1997 by the Oregon Legislature Mission Make post-secondary engineering and technology education a strategic resource that fuels the Oregon economy and creates opportunity for all Oregonians ETIC's current goal double the annual number of engineering and computer science graduates between 1999 and 2013. An Idea On How Were Doing Grown 310 in 9 years since 1999 Need 500 in next 5 years Were making progress, but theres more to do The Root Causes Technology perceived as hard -- only for geniuses Media portrays Technologists as nerds Poor communication skills Overly serious/isolated Young people know very little about technical careers Few/No engineering courses in K-12 Few/No role models available The reality is hard for them to visualize The Reality Teamwork rather than isolation is mandatory for success Many different skills are needed Engineering projects are fun We work on important, real-world problems to produce: Consumer products Biomedical solutions Buildings & bridges Smart Move is the theme for 2009 Great potential for salaries/benefits The Opportunity with FIRST Programs from FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) JFLL (Junior FIRST LEGO League) 6-9 year-olds initial ORTOP pilot in 2006 FLL (FIRST LEGO League) 9-14 year olds started by ORTOP in 2001 FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) for high school students initial ORTOP pilot in 2006 FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) for high school students not an ORTOP program but active in Oregon "To create a world where science and technology are celebrated.. where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes" FIRST Philosophy [We] share the philosophy that children learn best by doing hands-on, minds-on activities which challenge their intellect and creativity. The FLL program accomplishes this task in a healthy environment and shows kids that they can succeed where they may have never thought they could." Dean Kamen, FIRST Founder The Opportunity -- FLL FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Targets 9-14 year olds Uses relatively inexpensive LEGO robotics kits Defines a mini engineering project based on real-world problems Features hands-on experience and multi- disciplinary teamwork Show these youth that science and technology can be fun ORTOP (Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program) Runs the FLL (as well as JFLL and FTC) program in Oregon and southwest Washington Connected to the Chancellors Office of the Oregon University System Heavily volunteer based Opening doors to the worlds of science and technology for Oregons youth Additional ORTOP Outreach Reach out to girls and minorities Look for partners that can help: Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, 4H, etc. Special outreach to schools and community organizations with the demographics that fit our focus Scholarship program so cost does not limit participation Every team that registers gets to participate in a tournament Success for a team is working together through the season and showcasing their results in a tournament SUCCESS = PARTICIPATION Build a Robot Lets take a break from all this talking and get out the LEGO kits to have some fun building an NXT robot! Before We Start The NXT Outputs(A,B,C) Inputs (1,2,3,4) Buttons (Enter, Back, Left, Right) USB port Motors Sensors Touch sensor, light sensor, ultrasonic sensor Build the Sample Robot Follow pages 8-22 in the booklet in your kit Add a light sensor on pages Add a touch sensor on pages If you have time, go back in the booklet and input directly into the NXT the programs on pages 23, 35, and 45. What Is an FLL Team? 4-10 youngsters each Ages 9-14 Led by coach and mentor Coach adult with overall responsibility for the team Mentor technical expertise Sources of teams Schools Community groups Neighborhoods The FLL Team Experience Miniature engineering project team stressing Creativity and teamwork Engineering principles: requirements, alternatives, rapid prototyping, testing, Hands-on problem solving Context is a real-world situation Illustrates multiple roles: Designers, Builders, Programmers, Sales and Marketing Insights into possible careers The youngsters do the work FLL Coaches Honor Code and FLL Core Values FLL Team Costs Start-up Costs FLL NXT Robot Set: $395 Materials for table (do not need light): Around $50 Yearly Costs FLL Team Registration Fee: $200 Oregon Qualifying Tournament Fee: $75 Oregon Championship Tournament Fee: $75 Field Setup Kit: $65 Misc. including batteries, shipping: $50-$100 First-year total: $835-$960 Subsequent years total: $390-$515 The Team Timeline Teams form in April September Registration with FLL is May September ORTOP workshops June September The Challenge is released September 3 Teams develop their solutions for ~3 mo. The real learning in the program Robot design, programming, and presentation Culminating event is the Tournament Qualifying tournaments in early December Championship tournaments in January Tournament Structure Less focus on competition and more on showcasing the teams learning and results Qualifying Tournaments Around teams each Organized by Qualifying Tournament volunteers with support from ORTOP 20 in 2008: Vancouver, Bend, Roseburg, Salem, LaGrande, Corvallis, PDX Metro area 13 Championship Tournaments 120 teams at two Championship Tournaments at Liberty High School in Hillsboro in January, 2009 Tournaments Exhibit Students Achievements Three opportunities to demonstrate robot on the Challenge playing field Interaction with Technical Judging Panel Presentation to Project Judging Panel General presentation area specified by FLL to enhance learning about the years theme Requires research by the team Develops presentation skills (the opportunity for the developing sales and marketing youngsters) Teamwork Tournament Awards Champions Award Robot Performance Robot Design Research Project Teamwork Young Team Rookie Team Medallions for all teams Plans for 2009 Theme: Smart Move ~400 teams with more than 2800 youngsters Around 20 Qualifying Tournaments Held first two weekends in December teams per tournament Expect same locations as last year 2 Championship Tournaments of about 60 teams each in January, 2010 Continued focus on outreach to girls & minorities More sponsors Volunteer Opportunities Coaches Mentors ORTOP Planning Committee Qualifying Tournament Planning Tournament Staffing Financial Support NXT Programming Lets get back to our robots and learn how to make them do something! Our Mailing Lists ortopvol All volunteers you can opt out One way from ORTOP to our volunteers We add you when you volunteer ortopcoaches You are added when you register your team with FLL Communication from ORTOP to registered coaches very important channel Next Steps Sign-up for another workshop II. Coaching/Mentoring Techniques Workshop III. Robotics Techniques Workshop Registration: Contact Us Web site:Phone: