Ordinary People … ……Extra-ordinary Faith



Ordinary People … ……Extra-ordinary Faith. Nehemiah - faith & action in the work place [Neh. Chapters 1 & 2]. Andy Dymond. Context for Nehemiah’s life. Persian (Iranian) exile period 5 th Century BC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ordinary People … ……Extra-ordinary Faith

Nehemiah - faith & action in the work


[Neh. Chapters 1 & 2] Andy Dymond

Context for Nehemiah’s life

Persian (Iranian) exile period

5th Century BC

Descended from Jewish exiles captured & brought into Babylonian exile 140 or so years previously (586 BC) Then the Persians conquered Babylon in 539 BC Cyrus the Great chosen by God (Isaiah 45: 1-7) to “subdue nations”,

open doors, to return the Jews to Israel and to rebuild Jerusalem (538 BC)

Many Jews remained permanently in Persia & some in high positions but were never secure

The scene is set several generations after the return (445 BC)

Nehemiah had become a cup-bearer (wine taster) to the King

Setting the scene

Nehemiah’s position was one of influence and honour, but also of risk Compare Joseph, Moses, Rahab, David, Daniel, Esther

The information came through natural connections A brother with others came to him with news (Ch 1: 1-2)

But acting on it brought huge risk to Nehemiah (Ch 2: 2-3) Faith is the certainty of the unseen (Heb. 11:1) Risk is the context, the physical reality, chance of loss or pain

Prayer brought faith and risk into harmony Considered prayer (1:4) – accompanied by purposeful activities Spontaneous prayer (2:4) – from a life of knowing God

Lessons from the story

How do we respond as disciples to distressing national, business or family news or challenges?

The “Where is God in this?” dilemma Does God care, or want to act? If so ..... should he just act without our prayer? What is our role in intercession, confession, faith, action?

Types of Prayer - We can’t just jump to the end game Daily prayer encountering the Lord Seeking & “wrestling” Faith is a conclusion, not necessarily a starting point Action on trust

Timing of Nehemiah’s prayer & outcome

News came in the month Kislev, 20th year (Ch 1:1) 9th month of the Jewish Calendar (Nov/Dec)

Wept, mourned, fasted & prayed (Ch 1: 4) Sought for God’s will, and Planned for positive answer & accepted opportunity

Outcome - Before the King in the month Nisan (Ch 2:1) Same 20th year of King Artaxerxes (2:1) 1st month of Jewish Calendar (Spring), 3-4 months later

Nehemiah’s prayer diary (Ch. 1: 4-11)

Worship of the dependable God (v. 5)

Seek God’s attention (v.6)

Confess & identify self with the problem – corporate & personal sins (v.7)

Situation was rooted in historical & factual reality of sin & disobedience (v. 7-8)

Holding God to a promise (v. 9)

Visioning the route to God’s honour (v. 10) – compare Ex. 32

Seeking for an answer (v. 11)

Taking action (v.11)

“God’s good hand” on a willing servant

A sense that God’s call would need a mission plan

Trust in God built on results of 1st steps Fearful start ...... “O King, live for ever” (Ch 2: 2-3) King’s astounding answer ..... What is it you want? (v 4) Second answer ..... OK, how long will it take? (v 6)

Confident request ....... Letters of passage “Visa”! (v 7) Next request ....... Wood for construction (v 8) Also received a cavalry escort! (v 9)

The mission’s success – over 12 years

Confident arrival Careful survey and faith combined (v 11-12)

Encountered opposition & plots from regional “powers”

Organized local Jewish officials, priests & nobles into the construction project Completed the city walls in 52 days (Ch 6: 15)

Remained on as governor for 12 years Restored the spiritual covenant life of the Jews, together with Ezra Dealt with many problems & social justice issues Was a leader who “walked the walk”

Conclusion - Steps to service

.... for every member in the midst of life

Approachable - Ready to hear & listen, and to be vulnerable

Responsible - challenging situations can lead to opportunity

Prayerful – Seek and ask... reason, promise, vision, steps

Open to calling – A sense of mission ... Prepare for it!

Patient - Wait for God’s timing – maybe disappointment or delay is a chance to plan & set markers for God’s confirmation

Confident in trouble – when we know God’s hand upon us

Bold – faith increases with each step, may start falteringly but God gives encouragement along the way
