OrderList Plug-in Installation & Admin Tool Guide · OrderList Plug-in Installation & Admin...


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DIR#80016529 Rev F Revision Date: 2015/10

OrderList Plug-in Installation & Admin Tool Guide

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 2 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10


• The user performing the installation has technical/administrative knowledge of CardioPerfect Workstation.

• The user performing the installation has the necessary Windows privileges to install software.

• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is installed on the target computer.

Installation Steps The OrderList Plug-in has two types of install:

Server installation Client installation

The server installation (OrderListServer.exe) is typically installed on one computer on the network. All clients can then be configured to communicate with the server software. The client installation (OrderListClient.exe) should be installed on computers that have CardioPerfect Workstation 1.6.3 or above installed.

Server Installation 1. Double click the OrderList Plug-in server installer executable (OrderListServer.exe). The

following dialog appears:

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 3 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

2. Click “Next” to continue. The following dialog appears:

3. Click “Next” to Continue. The following license agreement appears:

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 4 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

4. Read the terms of the license agreement and to proceed, select “Next”. The following dialog appears:

5. If required, select “Browse” to change the installation path. Select “Next”. The following dialog appears. To use this software with a DICOM modality work list server, select “YES” from the drop-down, otherwise select “NO”. Select “Next” to continue.

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 5 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

6. If “YES” was selected to install the DICOM Modality Worklist Server in the previous dialog, the following settings dialog will be displayed. Enter the appropriate values for the DICOM configuration.

7. The following dialog is displayed – Press “Finish” to complete the installation.

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 6 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

Server Uninstall To uninstall the OrderList Plug-in server application:

Navigate to Add/Remove Programs Highlight “Welch Allyn CardioPerfect OrderList Server” Click on Remove button Complete the uninstall by selecting the remaining default options

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 7 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

Server Configuration (non DICOM installations) The server application is a Windows Service named “CPWS.OrderList”. An XML text based configuration file “OrderList.Service.exe.config” is stored in the installation folder of the application. The following settings in the file can be configured manually:

Setting Default Value Description

MiniWebPort 9249 The server application runs an internal web server, which the client communicates with. This value is the port which the web server operates upon.


\.br\ Indicates a HL7 carriage return string. It is not recommended to change this value.

HL7Tab \sp+5\ Indicates a HL7 tab string. It is not recommended to change this value.

SiteIdentifier blank/empty string In some instances, patient numbers are prefixed by a unique code specific to a site/hospital. In these cases, this unique code can be set to filter Order searches

EIE connectionString="Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=WA_EIE_DB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"providerName="SqlOleDb.1."

The connection string to access the database containing the new orders. If the default value is used, the account the CPWS.OrderList service is executing under requires SELECT permissions within the EIE database

For changes to take effect, save the file and restart the CPWS.OrderList Windows Service.

Server Configuration (DICOM installations) The server application is a Windows Service named “CPWS.OrderList”. The DICOM settings entered during the installation are stored in the registry at the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OrderList Plug-in\DICOM Worklist. If changes are made, the CPWS.OrderList Windows service needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 8 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

Client Installation 1. Double click the OrderList Plug-in client installer executable (OrderListClient.exe). The

following dialog appears:

2. Click “Next” to continue. The following screen appears:

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 9 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

3. Click “Next” to continue. The following license agreement dialog appears:

4. Read the terms of the license agreement and to proceed, select “Next”. The following dialog appears:

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 10 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

5. If required, enter in a Station Name for the OrderList Plug-in. If no Station Name is

entered the Computer Name will be used as the Station Name. Station Name must be no longer than 16 characters in length. Select Next.

6. If required, select “Browse” to change the installation path. Select “Next” – The software is now installing. Once installation is complete the following dialog appears:

7. To complete the installation, select “Finish”.

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 11 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

Client Uninstall To uninstall the OrderList Plug-in client application:

Navigate to Add/Remove Programs Highlight “Welch Allyn CardioPerfect OrderList Plug-in” Click on Remove button Complete the uninstall by selecting the remaining default options

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 12 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

Client Configuration

Changing the input into the decision tree, as described in the PatientMatchCriteria section in the following table, might result in the establishment of an incorrect diagnosis for a patient due to incorrectly assigned test results. It is highly recommended to keep the input value at the default setting.

A XML text based configuration file “OrderListConfig.xml” is stored in the installation folder of the application. The following settings in the file can be configured manually:

Setting Default Value Description

MaxResults 100 Maximum number of orders to display in CardioPerfect Workstation

UseCPWSLocation FALSE If set to a value other than FALSE, the location specified within CardioPerfect Workstation is used to search for orders only targeted for that particular location.

Server http://localhost:9249/CPWSOrderList/OrderQuery.asmx/

The URL for the Web Service that is hosted on the server. localhost should be updated to be the IP address or machine name of the computer that is hosting the server application

ServerTimeout 10000 Timeout value (milliseconds) to await a response from the server application

ECGServiceID ECG List of all possible test types (OBR-4) originating in the HL7 order request message for which CardioPerfect ECG test type can cater for. For multiple test types split each test type with a pipe symbol (|), e.g. ECG|EKG|12_LEAD_ECG

XECGServiceID XECG List of all possible test types (OBR-4) originating in the HL7 order request message for which CardioPerfect stress ECG test type can cater for. For multiple test types split each test type with a pipe symbol (|), e.g. XECG|XEKG

ABPMServiceID ABPM List of all possible test types (OBR-4) originating in the HL7 order request message for which CardioPerfect ABPM test type can cater for. For multiple test types split each test type with a pipe symbol (|), e.g. ABPM|BP

SpiroServiceID SPIRO List of all possible test types (OBR-4) originating in the HL7 order request message for which CardioPerfect Spirometry test type can cater for. For multiple test types split each test type with a pipe symbol (|), e.g. SPIRO|SPIROMETRY

RecollectServiceID RECOLLECT List of all possible test types (OBR-4) originating in the HL7 order request message for which CardioPerfect Recollect test type can cater for. For multiple test types split each test type with a pipe symbol (|), e.g. RECOLLECT|REC

HolterServiceID HOLTER List of all possible test types (OBR-4) originating in the HL7 order request message for which the Holter test type can cater for. For multiple test types split each test type with a pipe symbol (|), e.g. HOLTER|HOLTERTYPE

HolterExecutable C:\Program Files\GIMedical\WAHolter\1.1\GIWAHolterSystem.exe

The Holter software executable (GIWAHolterSystem.exe) path

HolterOutputPath C:\temp For Holter integration this value needs to be the same as the EMR file output path in the Holter software

DateFormats yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss

The date format of the dates contained within the order related tables in the EIE database

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 13 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

PatientMatchCriteria MATCH_DOB_GENDER_

LAST_FIRST This value is used as input into the decision tree to decide how to process potential duplicate patients. Available values are: MATCH_DOB_GENDER_LAST_FIRST MATCH_DOB_GENDER_LAST MATCH_DOB_GENDER MATCH_DOB_LAST_FIRST If a patient pre-exists in the CardioPerfect database and a patient with the same patient number is then imported via the OrderList Plug-in, the system performs a check on the patient demographics: MATCH_DOB_GENDER_LAST_FIRST: system assumes the patients are the same only if the following are the same for both existing patient and imported patient: Date of Birth, Gender, Last name & First name MATCH_DOB_GENDER_LAST: system assumes the patients are the same only if the following are the same for both existing patient and imported patient: Date of Birth, Gender & Last name MATCH_DOB_GENDER: system assumes the patients are the same only if the following are the same for both existing patient and imported patient: Date of Birth & Gender MATCH_DOB_LAST_FIRST: system assumes the patients are the same only if the following are the same in both existing patient and imported patient: Date of Birth, Last name & First name If the system makes the decision that the patients are not the same, a new patient record shall be created in the CardioPerfect database and the patient number shall be created according to the value in the SuspectFix configuration setting.

Changing the input into the decision tree might result in the establishment of an incorrect diagnosis for a patient due to incorrectly assigned test results. It is highly recommended to keep the input value at the default setting.

SuspectFix SUSPECT If a potential duplicate patient is imported via the OrderList Plug-in, a new patient record shall be created. The patient number shall be suffixed by the SuspectFix value and an incremental number – e.g. 12345SUSPECT1

StationName N/A This field is needed only for DICOM installations. For DICOM installations, Station Name is a unique identifier for the CPWS client machine and is sent as field as part of the DICOM output. This value can be configured during installation or if left blank the Computer Name will be used by default.

If changes are made to the file, save the file and restart CardioPerfect Workstation.

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 14 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

OrderList Admin Tool The OrderList Admin Tool provides IT administrators the ability to:

- Delete orders from the OrderList within CardioPerfect Workstation - Associate a new order with an existing test

NOTE: The OrderList Admin Tool deletes orders from the OrderList view within CardioPerfect Workstation. It does not delete orders from the system the order originated from, i.e. the master ordering system/HIS. The OrderList Admin Tool software is installed as part of the OrderList Client installation. The Admin Tool software can be found in the working directory of the OrderList Client software. Typically this directory is: C:\Program Files\Welch Allyn\CardioPerfect OrderList Client. The software is run by executing the OrderList.AdminTool.exe file. Once the software is started, the following form is displayed:

Remove orders from the CardioPerfect Workstation view 1. Start the software 2. Select/highlight the required order in the New Orders grid 3. Press the Delete Order button 4. Press Yes in response to the resulting confirmation window

Associate a new order with an existing test 1. Start the software 2. Select/highlight the required order in the New Orders grid 3. Press the Find Tests button 4. In the Patient Tests grid, select/highlight the test you wish to associate with the selected

Order 5. Press the Associate Order with Test button 6. Press Yes in response to the resulting confirmation window

CardioPerfect Workstation OrderList Plug-in

Installation & Admin Tool Guide

DIR#80016529 Rev F 15 of 15 Revision Date: 2015/10

Technical Assistance Welch Allyn Technical Support Tel: (353) 46 90 67790 Fax: (353) 46 90 67756 Welch Allyn USA Tel: 1-315-685-4560 or 1-800-535-6663 Fax: 1-315-685-0054
