Oratio Imperata for Deliverance From Natural Calamities



Poweful Prayer in times of Calamities

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Opening Prayer

Oratio Imperata for Deliverance from Natural CalamitiesOratio Imperata for Deliverance from Natural CalamitiesAlmighty Father,we raise our hearts to You in gratitude,for the wonders of creation of which we are part,for Your providence in sustaining us in our needs,and for Your wisdom that guides the course of the universe.Oratio Imperata for Deliverance from Natural CalamitiesWe acknowledge our sins against Youand the rest of Your creation.We have not been good stewards of nature.We have confused Your command to subdue the earth.The environment is made to sufferour wrongdoing,and now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference.Oratio Imperata for Deliverance from Natural CalamitiesGlobal warming is upon us.Typhoons, floods, volcanic eruption,and other natural calamities occurin increasing number and intensity.

We turn to You, our Loving Father,and beg forgiveness for our sins.Oratio Imperata for Deliverance from Natural CalamitiesWe ask that we, our loved ones, and our hard-earned possessionsbe spared from the threat of calamities,natural and man-made.

We beseech You to inspire us all to grow intoresponsible stewards of Your creation,and generous neighbors to those in need.

Amen.Entrustment of Our School to Mary Help of ChristiansMost Holy Virgin Mary,appointed by God to be the Help of Christians,we choose you as the mother and protectress of our school.We ask you to favor us with your powerful protection.Preserve our school from every danger:from fire, flood, lightning, storm, earthquake,thieves, vandals, and from every other danger.Entrustment of Our School to Mary Help of ChristiansBless us, protect us, defend us.Keep as your own, all the people who dwell in this school.Protect us from all accidents and misfortunes,but above all, obtain for us the most important grace of avoiding sin.Entrustment of Our School to Mary Help of ChristiansO Mary, Help of Christians, pray for all those who live this school, who are entrusted to you for all time.

Amen.St. Benedict and St. Scholastica,

pray for us.Mary with her loving Son,bless us each and everyone.That in all things, God may be glorified!

St. Ehrentrudis

Feastday: June 30Benedictine abbess, a relative of St. Rupert of Salzburg, also called Ehrentruda.She cared for the lepers in Worms, Germany, until Rupert founded Nonnberg Monastery for her Salzburg.

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