Oracle University Training Linux


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  • 8/3/2019 Oracle University Training Linux


    Oracle University | Contact Us: +33 (0) 1 57 60 20 81

    Oracle Linux: Linux Fundamentals NEW

    Duration: 4 Days

    What you will learn

    Designed to provide the essential skills needed to be proficient at the Unix or Linux command line. This challenging

    course focuses on the fundamental concepts and tools which make Linux so powerful. Students in this course

    commonly span a variety of skill levels, from beginners desiring a solid foundation in Linux to experienced users seeking

    to fill in gaps in their knowledge.

    The curriculum is designed to provide hands-on experience. Subjects focused on during this class include the Linux

    filesystem and how to manipulate it; Optimal Flexible Architecture, the basic Linux notions of pipes, redirection, regular

    expressions, and other tools for performing complex tasks; the management of processes and jobs; vi, the standard

    Unix editor; and the ability to construct shell scripts to automate routine or difficult operations.

    Learn to:

    Identify Multi-User Concepts

    Perform Archiving and Compression

    Create Shell Scripts

    Identify - The Linux Filesystem

    Perform Text Processing

    Identify Command Shells


    System Administrator

    Technical Administrator

    Course Objectives

    Identifying and Changing the Shell

    Identify the Linux Filesystem

    Understand how to manipulate files

    Identify the Linux Kernel and Linux Features

    Identify the streaming editor and perform text processing

    Identify the role of command shell

    Use regular expressions with grep to search for character patterns

    Use archiving and compression commands

    Use text editors like pico,nano,vim,emacs

    Identify Multi-User concepts

    Identify process management and job control

    identify how to perform command line messaging

    Use RPM to query the system and for information about locally installed packages and package files

    Identify the standard print commands

    Mounting filesystems & managing removable mediaIdentify the X Window system

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    Course Topics

    What is Linux?

    UNIX Origins, Design Principles and Timeline

    FSF, GNU, and GPL - General Public License

    The Linux Kernel and Linux Features

    Popular uses of Linux

    What is a Distribution?

    Components of Distributions

    Oracle Enterprise Linux

    Unbreakable Linux Network

    Multi-User Concepts

    Multi-User Concepts

    got root?

    Logging In

    Switching User Contexts

    Gathering Login Session Info

    Gathering System InfoGetting Help

    Character Encodings

    The X WINDOW System

    Starting X

    Display Manager concepts

    Customizing X sessions

    Window Manager concepts




    Unix/Linux Filesystem Features

    Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

    Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)

    Navigating the Filesystem

    Two Types of Disk Space

    File and Directory permissions

    SUID and SGID on files

    SGID and Sticky Bit on Directories

    Manipulating Files

    Directory manipulation

    File manipulation

    Linux vs Windoes Text Files

    Physical Unix file structure

    Filesystem links

    File extensions and content

    Displaying Binary files

    GNOME Serach Tool

    Archiving and Compression

    Archives with tar

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    Archives with cpio

    The gzip Compression Utility

    The bzip2 Compression Utility

    The PKZIP Archiving/Compression format

    GNOME File Roller

    SHELL Basics

    Role of Command Shell

    Communication Channels

    Piping commands together

    File Globbing and Wildcard Patterns

    Brace Expansion

    Shell and Environment variables

    Nesting Commands

    Multiple and Multi-line commands

    Command Shells

    Identifying the Shell

    sh: Configuration Filessh: Script Execution

    bash: Bourne Again Shell

    bash: Configuration Files

    bash: Command Editing

    bash: Command Completion

    bash: prompt

    Shell Scripting for DBAs

    Shell Script Strengths and Weaknesses

    Positional Parameters

    Input and Output

    Doing Math

    Conditional statements

    Flow Control: case

    Reading Files with while


    Process Management and Job Control

    Process Lifecycle

    Process States

    SignalsTools to send Signals

    Job Control Overview

    Job Control Commands

    Persistent Shell sessions with screen

    Remote graphical access with VNC and RDP

    Regular Expressions

    Regular Expression Overview

    RE Character Classes

    RE Quantifiers

    RE Parenthesis

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    TEXT Processing

    Searching Inside Files

    The Streaming Editor

    Test processing with awk

    Replacing Text Characters

    Text Sorting

    Duplicate Removal Utility

    Combining Files and Merging Text

    TEXT Editing

    Pico/GNU Nano

    Pico/Nano Interface

    vi and Vim

    Learning vi

    Basic vi

    Intermediate vi

    The gedit Text Editor

    The Secure Shell (SSH)Secure Shell

    ssh and sshd configuration

    Accessing remote shells

    Transfering files

    Alternative sftp clients

    SSH Key management


    Intro to Software Management

    Command Line Internet - Non-interactive

    Command Line Internet - Interactive

    Managing Software Dependencies

    Working with RPMs

    Using the YUM command


    System Messaging commands

    Controlling System Messaging

    Instant Messenger Clients

    Pidgin configuration

    Electronic MailSending and Receiving Email with mutt

    Sending and Receiving Email with mail



    UNIX Printing Interfaces

    Format Conversion Utilities


    enscript and mpage

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