Oracle Autonomous Autonomous...


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Oracle Autonomous Database


Maria Colgan Master Product Manager Oracle Database Development August 2018 @SQLMaria

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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.


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Traditional Database Management

• Each database deployment is unique

– Hand assembled from corporate standard components

– You are the builder, securer, repairer, tuner, driver

• Poor economies-of-scale and automation

– High costs

– Low quality of service

– Complex for developers to use


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Oracle Autonomous Database Revolutionizes Data Management

• Transform from database builder and maintainer to user of autonomous database services

– Automates everything: provisioning, securing, repairing, tuning, driving, and more ….

– Easy to create new databases and transform existing ones

• Enables you to:

– Innovate faster, spend less, and ensure data safety

–Transform your I.T. to modern cloud model


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Oracle has invested thousands of engineer years automating and optimizing database

Journey to Autonomous Database

• Automatic Query Rewrite • Automatic Undo Management

• Autonomous Health Framework • Automatic Diagnostic Framework • Automatic Refresh of Clones

• Automatic SQL Tuning • Automatic Workload Capture/Replay • Automatic SQL Plan Management • Automatic Capture of SQL Monitor • Automatic Data Optimization

• Automatic Memory Management • Automatic Segment Space Mgmt • Automatic Statistics Gathering • Automatic Storage Management • Automatic Workload Repository • Automatic Diagnostic Monitor

• Automatic Columnar Flash • Automatic IM population • Automatic Application


9i 10g




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And thousands of engineer years automating and optimizing database infrastructure

Journey to Autonomous Database

• Smart Scan • Infiniband Scale-Out

• Database Aware Flash Cache • Storage Indexes • Hybrid Columnar Data

• IO Priorities • Data Mining Offload • Offload Decryption

• Direct-to-wire Protocol • JSON and XML offload • Instant failure detection

• Network Resource Mgmt • Prioritized File Recovery

• In-Memory Columnar in Flash • Smart Fusion Block Transfer

• Exadata Cloud Service



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Oracle Cloud


Automated Data Center Operations and Machine Learning

Complete Infrastructure Automation

Complete Database


Autonomous Completes the Journey Brings Full Automation to Entire Database Lifecycle

World’s First Autonomous Database



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How It Works



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Provision Rapidly and easily creates mission critical databases

Creates Exadata+ Cloud Infrastructure,

Real Application Clusters+ scale-out database

Full Database Lifecycle Automation

Manage Automates all infrastructure and database maintenance

Patches all software online+, tunes settings, performs

all OS and SYSDBA operations

Secure Protects data from all

external and internal threats

Continuous threat detection, Applies security updates online+, prevents admin

snooping, encrypts all data

+ Unique to Oracle

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Protect Recovers from any failure

without downtime

Automates backup, restore, application transparent+ cluster failover, diagnoses

and repairs errors+


Full Database Lifecycle Automation

Scale Scales online for highest

performance and lowest cost

Instant online elasticity+

of serverless compute and storage

enables true pay-per-use+

1 2 3 4 5

Optimize Optimally runs workloads without human direction

Automatically optimizes data formats, parallelism+, memory, and plans for each


+ Unique to Oracle

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One Autonomous Database - Optimized by Workload

Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP)

Best for all Analytic Workloads: • Data Warehouse, Data Mart • Data Lake, Machine Learning

Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW)

Best for TP and Mixed Workloads: • Transactions, Batch, Reporting, IoT • Application Dev, Machine Learning

Available March 2018 Available August 2018



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Primary Goal Fast Complex Analytics Fast Transactions Processing

Data Formats Columnar Row

Data Processing Automatic Parallelizes SQL Serial SQL unless user specifies

Memory Usage Large joins and aggregations Data caching to avoid IO

Data Access No indexes, partitioning, or MV Result cache enabled

Indexes, partitioning, MV allowed No Result cache enabled

Statistics Statistics Gathered on load Nightly statistics gathering task

SQL Plans Runaway SQL controls Runaway SQL controls

Compression Automatic HCC compression No compression by default, user specified

Optimizer Hints Ignored by default Honored by default

Autonomous Database – Optimized for Specific Workload




/*+ */

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Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Getting Started with ADW and ATP

• Provisioning requires only 5 simple questions:

– Display Name?

– Database name?

– How many CPU’s?

– How many TB’s?

– Admin password?

• New service created in <30 seconds (regardless of size) – Ready to connect via SQL*Net

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Download your Database Credentials


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• ADW has 3 pre-defined database services:


– Highest priority

– Limited to 3 concurrent queries

– Queries run in parallel with MAX DOP

• MEDIUM – use this as the main service

– Medium priority

– Limited to CPU X 1.25 concurrent queries

– Queries run in parallel with DOP of 4

• Low

– Least priority, limited to CPU X 2 concurrent queries

– Queries run serially

• ATP has 4 pre-defined database services


Connecting to ADW and ATP


– Highest priority

– Queries run in serial by default

• MEDIUM – use this as the main service

– Medium priority

– Queries run in serial by default


– Least priority

– Queries run in serial by default


– Least priority

– Queries run with Auto DOP

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Connecting to ADW and ATP with SQL Developer


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REST APIs available for ADW and ATP


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How You Benefit



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Autonomous Database Enables I.T. to Innovate More for Less

• Eliminates administration of Systems, OS, Storage, and Networks

• Eliminates database maintenance drudgery giving DBAs more time to:

– Ensure end-to-end security, availability, performance

– Work with developers to architect, model, tune applications

– Get more value from data

– Implement more projects

• Eliminates human errors that cause downtime or security vulnerabilities


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Autonomous Database Empowers Developers to Innovate More


• Developers instantly create and effortlessly use autonomous databases

– Eliminates dependence and delays on others for servers, storage, databases

– Eliminates database tuning, automatically adapts to changing workload

• Advanced SQL and PL/SQL accelerates developer productivity – Integrated Machine Learning enables applications with real-time predictive capabilities

• Dramatically easier and more productive than: – Amazon Aurora, Azure SQL, DynamoDB, MongoDB Atlas, RDS for PostgreSQL, Spanner

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• How many of your databases are current on security updates?

Autonomous Database Prevents Security Breaches

23 *Source: Verizon - 2018 Data Breach Investigation Report

85% of security breaches occurred after the CVE was published*

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• Automatically protects from all types of downtime:




User Errors

• No ridiculous exclusions in fine print – Amazon excludes planned downtime, database bugs, regional outages, etc.

Autonomous Database is Highly Available


– Exadata+, RAC+

– RAC Rolling Updates+, Application Continuity+

– Online Indexing, Table Redefinition/Editions+

– Flashback Database +, Table +, Query+

+ Unique to Oracle

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Autonomous Database Provides Easy Upgrade to Cloud

• Complete compatibility with existing applications and tools enables easy and safe upgrade to modern autonomous cloud

– Runs same proven Oracle Database as on-premises

• Move database data into new Autonomous DB using Data Pump

– Eliminates legacy formats, upgrades version, encrypts data, removes admin privileges

– GoldenGate replication keeps database online during migration

• Easily convert MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc. with Migration Tool


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Try It Now for Free

2 TB Autonomous Database FREE for 3,300 Hours


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Short Term Roadmap



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Autonomous Optimization – Machine Learning meets Mission Critical

• Machine Learning continuously monitors workload and identifies potential new SQL plans and indexes

– Plans are like driving directions, indexes are like new roads

• However, SQL plan and index changes are risky

– Changes that improve 999 cases but hurt 1 are unacceptable

• Goal of Autonomous is to avoid ALL slowdowns

• Proposed changes tested outside application workload

• Then benefit is validated on first execute of every changed SQL – If performance regresses then old plan is restored


Identify Candidate


Test Improvement to

Ensure Benefit

Validate Change for Each SQL

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ATP In Action On Netsuite Workload

• Ran a complex Netsuite workload, and compared ATP to existing expert tuning

• 17,542 SQL statements, 1,852 tables, 8,151 indexes - years of tuning to create these indexes

– Before running on ATP, all indexes and statistics were dropped


ATP achieved identical performance to expert manual tuning ATP stays tuned as workload changes

Elapsed Time (sec)

Expert Autonomous

1155 1172

Indexes Used





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Dedicated Exadata Cloud Infrastructure

• Customers can choose serverless ADW or ATP databases or deploy on Dedicated Exadata Cloud Infrastructure for highest isolation

• Complete stack is isolated from other tenants:

– Compute, Storage, Cluster Interconnect

– Virtual Cloud Network is Hardware Enforced

• Unique Fully Isolated Cloud+ in Public Cloud

– Allows control over consolidation, updates

– Guaranteed 99.995% availability - under 2.5 min of downtime per month

30 + Unique to Oracle

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Autonomous Database on Cloud At Customer

• Autonomous Database is Cloud Only since it automates the entire stack:

– Servers, storage, network, interconnect, OS, VM, GI, DB

• Some customers cannot move to public cloud

– Regulations, corporate policies, network latency

• Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud at Customer + – Autonomous database in customer data center

– Same cloud hardware, software, interfaces, APIs

– Same pay-per-use subscription model

31 + Unique to Oracle

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Conclusion: Revolutionize Your Data Management

• Transform from expensive and error prone building and maintaining of databases to using autonomous database services on modern cloud

• Innovate more for less

– Develop and optimize new applications faster

– Cut runtime costs up to 90%

– Eliminate full-stack administration costs

• Ensure data safety

– Protect against cyber-attack and data-theft vulnerabilities

– Guarantee 99.995% uptime – including maintenance




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