Optimization of Machine Learning...


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Optimization of Machine Learning Hyperparameters

Dr. Frank Hutter

Head of Emmy Noether Research Group on Learning, Optimization, and Automated Algorithm Design

Computer Science Institute University of Freiburg, Germany

July 2014


• The machine learning algorithms you have learned about had several degrees of freedom

– E.g., in neural networks: regularization, momentum, learning rate, number of layers, number of units, …

• So far, how have you been setting these in practice?

– Changing one parameter at a time

– Grid search

• Was this tedious? Time-consuming?

– Imagine you have millions of data points and each evaluation takes hours or days…


High-level Learning Goals

• After this module, you can …

– Effectively use modern hyperparameter optimization methods

– Explain the concept of over-fitting

– Describe what measures can be taken to avoid over-fitting

– Describe the core mechanisms of several types of hyperparameter optimization methods

– Reason about the pros and cons of using a particular hyperparameter optimization method for a particular problem

– Derive the mechanisms behind Bayesian optimization


Outline of Today’s Class

• Generalization to previously unseen data

• Overview of hyperparameter optimization methods

• Foundations of Bayesian optimization: Bayesian linear regression & Gaussian processes


Learning and Generalization

• Much of supervised machine learning is about selecting a model from a given hypothesis space that

– Explains the seen data well

– Is likely to also work well for new data

• Example: Which model will describe new data better? The polynomial or the line?


Image source: Wikipedia

Occam’s razor (or Ockham’s razor)

“Numquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necessitate”

[Plurality must never be posited without necessity.]

• General problem solving principle

– In the absence of evidence to the contrary, prefer the simplest explanation.

– Adapted to machine learning: all things being equal prefer the simplest model.


William of Ockham, 1287-1347, philosopher

and theologian.

Image source: Wikipedia

Occam’s razor in practice

• We need to trade off model complexity and model fit

• Model fit

– E.g., likelihood of the data under the model: P(data|model)

– In general: some loss of the predictor on the training data

• Model complexity

– E.g., number of free parameters

– E.g., number of effective dimensions

– E.g., VC dimension [Vapnik–Chervonenkis, 1971]

• Use regularization to penalize complex models: minimize training loss + C * regularization cost


Parameters vs. Hyperparameters

• Most machine learning algorithms optimize parameters under the hood

– E.g., weights in linear regression and neural networks

– E.g., deep learning: millions of parameters

• Standard approach: minimize training loss + C * regularization cost

– Using standard gradient-based optimizers

• Hyperparameters: decisions left to algorithm designer

– How complex a model to use?

– How to set C?

– How many layers/which structure of deep networks to use?


How to set the hyperparameters?

• We wish to achieve good generalization performance

• In practice, we need to try several values and empirically evaluate how well they generalize

– Train the model for a given hyperparameter setting

– Evaluate the model’s generalization performance

• Which data set should we use to evaluate the model’s generalization performance?

1. The same data set that we use all the time: all the data we have

2. We split the data we have available: use one part for training the model, another disjoint part for evaluating generalization


Interactive question

• Which data set should we use to evaluate a model’s generalization performance empirically?

– We split the data we have available: use one part for training the model, another disjoint part for evaluating performance

• Why?

– The assumption we make is that future data will come from the same ``true’’ distribution as our current data.

– Then, using an unseen sample of that distribution gives us an unbiased estimate of generalization to future data

– If our assumption is false, then we must control for concept drift … a topic for another lecture ;-)


Overfitting & early stopping heuristic

• Too little data / too little regularization:

– The error on the training data keeps on decreasing

– After too much training, the error on separate validation data starts to increase

• Early stopping heuristic: stop training at that point

11 Training time

Image source: Wikipedia

Generalization of performance

• The dark ages

– Student tweaks hyperparameters until it works

– Supervisor may not even know about the tuning

– Results get published without acknowledging the tuning

– Of course, the approach does not generalize

• A step further

– Optimize parameters on a training set

– Evaluate generalization on a test set

• Another step further: avoid “peeking” at the test set

– Put test set into a vault (i.e., never look at it)

– Split training set again into training and validation set

– Only use test set in the end to generate results for publication 12

Training Validation Training Validation Training

Cross-validation for model selection

• Problem: single split of training data into training/validation might not be representative

• Standard solution: average performance across k cross-validation folds (here: k=3)


Training Validation

Training Validation

Cross-validation for model selection

• Standard model selection using cross-validation (CV):

• is a learning algorithm

• We apply to dataset and evaluate the resulting model on dataset

• We call the resulting loss

• We average these losses over the k cross-validation folds and pick the best-performing learning algorithm


Cross-validation for further tasks

• Standard model selection using cross-validation (CV):

• Standard hyperparameter optimization using CV:

• Combination of the two:


Cross-validation Details

• How to choose the number of folds k?

– Too low: noisy approximations of generalization

Poor generalization to test instances

– Too high: evaluating a configuration is expensive

Optimization process is slow Also, performance in folds is not independent, so increasing k does not always improve generalization

• Theory is lacking

• In practice, typically choose k=5 or k=10 [Kohavi, 1995]

• Practical speedup trick [Hutter, Hoos & Leyton-Brown, 2011]

– We do not need to evaluate all folds for each configuration

– Example: best configuration so far has average C/V error 0.1 based on 5 folds; new configuration has error 0.6 in first fold


Outline of Today’s Class

• Generalization to previously unseen data

• Overview of hyperparameter optimization methods

• Foundations of Bayesian optimization: Bayesian linear regression & Gaussian processes


Manual Search

Start with some configuration


Modify a single parameter

if performance on a benchmark set degrades then

undo modification

until no more improvement possible (or “good enough")

(manually-executed hill climbing)


Aka “Optimization by Graduate Student”

Pros and cons of manual search

• Pros

– Student gains some intuition helps understanding

– Student can notice irregularities, e.g.

• A configuration is worse than expected find bugs

• E.g., aliasing in filters learned by a convolutional network [Zeiler & Fergus, 2013]

• A run dies because of temporary file system errors repeat the run

• Cons

– “Blind” search: inefficient use of student’s time

– Sometimes “false intuition”: e.g., based on a different dataset and a different architecture a year ago


Simple Search Strategy: Grid Search


Image source: Bergstra et al, Random Search for Hyperparameter Optimization, JMLR 2012

• Select D values for each of N hyperparameters, try all DN combinations

• Direct feedback:

– Which values work/don’t work for each setting

– Which parameters are important? Are there interactions?

Simple Search Strategy: Random Search

• Select configurations uniformly at random

– Completely uninformed

– Global search, won’t get stuck in a local region

– Better than grid search for low effective dimensionality:


Image source: Bergstra et al, Random Search for Hyperparameter Optimization, JMLR 2012

Further Benefits of Random Search

• Perfect parallelizability

– Simply start K runs in parallel on a compute cluster

• Fault tolerance

– In practice, some runs often die because of some problem • File system error

• Parameter combination not legal

• Code crashes

– In grid search, you need the entire grid

– In random search, a design with M < K runs is also valid


Disadvantages of Random Search

• Entirely uninformed – Cannot follow an obvious gradient (e.g. bigger is better)

• Curse of dimensionality – Example: only ½ of the values of each dimensions is good

– Probability of randomly drawing a good configuration in N dimensions: 0.5N

• In 1 dimension: 0.5

• In 2 dimensions: 0.25

• In 10 dimensions: < 0.001

• In 20 dimensions: < 0.0000001

• Grid search has the same problems – Random search is the better search method

– Grid search only gives better intuitions


Stochastic Local Search

• Balance intensification and diversification

– Intensification: gradient descent

– Diversification: restarts, random steps, perturbations, …

• Prominent general methods

– Taboo search [Glover, 1986]

– Simulated annealing [Kirkpatrick, Gelatt, C. D.; Vecchi, 1983]

– Iterated local search [Lourenço, Martin & Stützle, 2003]


[e.g., Hoos and Stützle, 2005]

Population-based Methods

• Population of configurations

– Global + local search via population

– Maintain population fitness & diversity

• Examples

– Genetic algorithms [e.g., Barricelli, ’57, Goldberg, ’89]

– Evolutionary strategies [e.g., Beyer & Schwefel, ’02]

– Ant colony optimization [e.g., Dorigo & Stützle, ’04]

– Particle swarm optimization [e.g., Kennedy & Eberhart, ’95]


Bayesian Optimization

• Fit a (probabilistic) model of the function

• Use that model to trade off exploitation vs exploration

• Also known as sequential model-based optimization (SMBO)


Bayesian Optimization

• Popular approach in statistics to minimize expensive blackbox functions [Mockus, '78]

– Efficient in the number of function evaluations

– Works when objective is nonconvex, noisy, has unknown derivatives, etc

• Recent progress in the machine learning literature: global convergence rates for continuous optimization [Srinivas et al, ICML 2010] [Bull, JMLR 2011] [Bubeck et al., JMLR 2011] [de Freitas, Smola, Zoghi, ICML 2012]


Estimation of Distribution (EDA)

• Also uses a probabilistic model

• Also uses that model to inform where to evaluate next

• But models promising configurations: P(x is “good”)

– In contrast to modeling the function: P(f|x)


Image source: Wikipedia

[e.g., Pelikan, Goldberg and Lobo, 2002]

Outline of Today’s Class

• Generalization to previously unseen data

• Overview of hyperparameter optimization methods

• Foundations of Bayesian optimization: Bayesian linear regression & Gaussian processes


Reminder: Bayesian Optimization


Aside: why is it called “Bayesian” ?

• Often you have causal knowledge

– For example • P(symptom | disease)

• P(observed noisy function values | true function)

– This is the likelihood: P(evidence e | hypothesis h)

• ... and you want to do evidential reasoning

– For example • P(disease | symptom)

• P(true function | observed noisy function values)

– This is the posterior: P(hypothesis h | evidence e)

• To compute this posterior, you also need – the prior P(hypothesis h) and Bayes rule


Bayes rule (or Bayes’ rule)


Thomas Bayes, 1701-1761, English statistician and philosopher. Image source: Wikipedia

Bayes rule in Bayesian optimization

• Denote the observed data as

• Denote our prior over functions as

• Then the posterior over functions is:


posterior likelihood prior

Two components of Bayesian optimization

• The probabilistic model

– Typically used: Gaussian process

– Today: Bayesian linear regression & Gaussian processes

– Next time: random forests

• The acquisition function

– Trades off exploration vs. exploitation


Bayesian linear regression & Gaussian processes

• Acknowledgement: The following slides are taken from Phillip Hennig’s tutorial on Gaussian processes in the machine learning summer school 2013

• All of Phillip’s slides are online: http://mlss.tuebingen.mpg.de/hennig_slides1.pdf

• Phillip’s website also has video lectures and more slides: http://www.is.tuebingen.mpg.de/nc/employee/details/phennig.html


Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855)Paying Tolls with A Bell

f(x) = 1


2πe− (x−µ)22σ2

2 ,

The Gaussian distributionMultivariate Form

N (x;µ,Σ) = 1(2π)N/2∣Σ∣1/2 exp [−1

2(x − µ)⊺Σ−1(x − µ)]

−4 −2 0 µ1 4 6 8−4−20





▸ x,µ ∈ RN , Σ ∈ RN×N▸ Σ is positive semidefinite, i.e.

▸ v⊺Σv ≥ 0 for all v ∈ RN

▸ Hermitian, all eigenvalues ≥ 0

3 ,

Why Gaussian?an experiment

−0.1 −5 ⋅ 10−2 0 5 ⋅ 10−2 0.10



▸ nothing in the real world is Gaussian (except sums of i.i.d. variables)▸ But nothing in the real world is linear either!

Gaussians are for inference what linear maps are for algebra.

4 ,

Closure Under Multiplicationmultiple Gaussian factors form a Gaussian

N (x;a,A)N (x; b,B) = N (x; c,C)N (a; b,A +B)C ∶= (A−1 +B−1)−1 c ∶= C(A−1a +B−1b)

−4 −2 0 µ1 4 6 8−4−20





5 ,

Closure Under Multiplicationmultiple Gaussian factors form a Gaussian

N (x;a,A)N (x; b,B) = N (x; c,C)N (a; b,A +B)C ∶= (A−1 +B−1)−1 c ∶= C(A−1a +B−1b)

−4 −2 0 µ1 4 6 8−4−20





5 ,

Closure Under Multiplicationmultiple Gaussian factors form a Gaussian

N (x;a,A)N (x; b,B) = N (x; c,C)N (a; b,A +B)C ∶= (A−1 +B−1)−1 c ∶= C(A−1a +B−1b)

−4 −2 0 µ1 4 6 8−4−20





5 ,

Closure under Linear MapsLinear Maps of Gaussians are Gaussians

−4 −2 0 µ1 4 6 8−4−20





p(z) = N (z;µ,Σ)⇒ p(Az) = N (Az,Aµ,AΣA⊺)Here: A = [1,−0.5]

6 ,

Closure under Marginalizationprojections of Gaussians are Gaussian

▸ projection with A = (1 0)∫ N [(x

y) ;(µx

µy) ,(Σxx Σxy

Σyx Σyy)] dy = N (x;µx,Σxx)

−4 −2 0 µ1 4 6 8−4−20





▸ this is the sum rule

∫ p(x, y) dy = ∫ p(y ∣x)p(x) dy = p(x)▸ so every finite-dim Gaussian is a

marginal of infinitely many more

7 ,

Closure under Conditioningcuts through Gaussians are Gaussians

p(x ∣ y) = p(x, y)p(y) = N (x;µx +ΣxyΣ−1

yy(y − µy),Σxx −ΣxyΣ−1yyΣyx)

−4 −2 0 µ1 4 6 8−4−20





▸ this is the product rule▸ so Gaussians are closed under

the rules of probability

8 ,

Bayesian Inferenceexplaining away

0 5


5 p(x)= N (x;µ,Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;( 1

0.5) ,(32 0

0 32)]

p(y ∣x, σ)= N (y;A⊺x;σ2)= N [6; (1 0.6)(x1

x2) , σ2]

p(x ∣σ2, y) = p(x)p(y ∣x)p(x)

= N (x;µ +ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1(y −A⊺µ),Σ −ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1A⊺Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;(3.9

2.3) ,( 3.4 −3.4−3.4 7.0


9 ,

Bayesian Inferenceexplaining away

0 5


5 p(x)= N (x;µ,Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;( 1

0.5) ,(32 0

0 32)]p(y ∣x, σ)= N (y;A⊺x;σ2)

= N [6; (1 0.6)(x1

x2) , σ2]

p(x ∣σ2, y) = p(x)p(y ∣x)p(x)

= N (x;µ +ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1(y −A⊺µ),Σ −ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1A⊺Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;(3.9

2.3) ,( 3.4 −3.4−3.4 7.0


9 ,

Bayesian Inferenceexplaining away

0 5


5 p(x)= N (x;µ,Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;( 1

0.5) ,(32 0

0 32)]p(y ∣x, σ)= N (y;A⊺x;σ2)

= N [6; (1 0.6)(x1

x2) , σ2]

p(x ∣σ2, y) = p(x)p(y ∣x)p(x)

= N (x;µ +ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1(y −A⊺µ),Σ −ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1A⊺Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;(3.9

2.3) ,( 3.4 −3.4−3.4 7.0


9 ,

Bayesian Inferenceexplaining away

0 5


5 p(x)= N (x;µ,Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;( 1

0.5) ,(32 0

0 32)]p(y ∣x, σ)= N (y;A⊺x;σ2)

= N [6; (1 0.6)(x1

x2) , σ2]

p(x ∣σ2, y) = p(x)p(y ∣x)p(x)

= N (x;µ +ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1(y −A⊺µ),Σ −ΣA(A⊺ΣA + σ2)−1A⊺Σ)= N [(x1

x2) ;(3.9

2.3) ,( 3.4 −3.4−3.4 7.0

)]9 ,

What can we do with this?linear regression

given y ∈ RN , p(y ∣ f), what’s f?

−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8






10 ,

A priorover linear functions

f(x) = w1 +w2x = φ⊺xw p(w) = N (w;µ,Σ)φx = (1

x) p(f) = N (f ;φ⊺xµ,φ⊺xΣφx)

11 ,

A priorover linear functions

f(x) = w1 +w2x = φ⊺xw p(w) = N (w;µ,Σ)φx = (1

x) p(f) = N (f ;φ⊺xµ,φ⊺xΣφx)

12 ,

The posteriorover linear functions

p(y ∣w,φX) = N (y;φ⊺Xw,σ2I)p(w ∣ y, φX) = N (w;µ +ΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1(y − φ⊺Xµ),

Σ −ΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1φ⊺XΣ)φx

13 ,

The posteriorover linear functions

p(y ∣w,φX) = N (y;φ⊺Xw,σ2I)p(fx ∣ y, φX) = N (fx;φ⊺xµ + φ⊺xΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1(y − φ⊺Xµ),

φ⊺xΣφx − φ⊺xΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1φ⊺XΣφx

13 ,

% prior on wF = 2; % number of featuresphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,0:F-1)); % φ(a) = [1;a]mu = zeros(F,1);Sigma = eye(F); % p(w) =N (µ,Σ)% prior on f(x)n = 100; x = linspace(-6,6,n)’; % ‘test’ pointsphix = phi(x); % features of xm = phix * mu;kxx = phix * Sigma * phix’; % p(fx) =N (m,kxx)s = bsxfun(@plus,m,chol(kxx + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples from priorstdpi = sqrt(diag(kxx)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

load(’data.mat’); N = length(Y); % gives Y,X,sigma

% prior on Y = fX + εphiX = phi(X); % features of dataM = phiX * mu;kXX = phiX * Sigma * phiX’; % p(fX) =N (M,kXX)G = kXX + sigma^2 * eye(N); % p(Y ) =N (M,kXX + σ2I)R = chol(G); % most expensive step: O(N3)kxX = phix * Sigma * phiX’; % cov(fx, fX) = kxXA = kxX / R; % pre-compute for re-use

mpost = m + A * (R’ \ (Y-M)); % p(fx ∣Y ) =N (m + kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1(Y −M),vpost = kxx - A * A’; % kxx − kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1kXx)spost = bsxfun(@plus,mpost,chol(vpost + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples

stdpo = sqrt(diag(vpost)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

14 ,

A More Realistic DatasetGeneral Linear Regression

f(x) = φ⊺xw ?

−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8







15 ,

f(x) = w1 +w2x = φ⊺xw

φx ∶= (1x)

16 ,

% prior on wF = 2; % number of featuresphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,0:F-1)); % φ(a) = [1;a]mu = zeros(F,1);Sigma = eye(F); % p(w) =N (µ,Σ)% prior on f(x)n = 100; x = linspace(-6,6,n)’; % ‘test’ pointsphix = phi(x); % features of xm = phix * mu;kxx = phix * Sigma * phix’; % p(fx) =N (m,kxx)s = bsxfun(@plus,m,chol(kxx + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples from priorstdpi = sqrt(diag(kxx)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

load(’data.mat’); N = length(Y); % gives Y,X,sigma

% prior on Y = fX + εphiX = phi(X); % features of dataM = phiX * mu;kXX = phiX * Sigma * phiX’; % p(fX) =N (M,kXX)G = kXX + sigma^2 * eye(N); % p(Y ) =N (M,kXX + σ2I)R = chol(G); % most expensive step: O(N3)kxX = phix * Sigma * phiX’; % cov(fx, fX) = kxXA = kxX / R; % pre-compute for re-use

mpost = m + A * (R’ \ (Y-M)); % p(fx ∣Y ) =N (m + kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1(Y −M),vpost = kxx - A * A’; % kxx − kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1kXx)spost = bsxfun(@plus,mpost,chol(vpost + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples

stdpo = sqrt(diag(vpost)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

17 ,

Cubic Regressionphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,[0:3]));

f(x) = φ(x)⊺w φ(x) = (1 x x.2 x.3)⊺

18 ,

Cubic Regressionphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,[0:3]));

f(x) = φ(x)⊺w φ(x) = (1 x x.2 x.3)⊺

18 ,

Septic Regression ?phi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,[0:7]));

f(x) = φ(x)⊺w φ(x) = (1 x x.2 ⋯ x.7)⊺

19 ,

Septic Regression ?phi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,[0:7]));

f(x) = φ(x)⊺w φ(x) = (1 x x.2 ⋯ x.7)⊺

19 ,

Fourier Regressionphi = @(a)(2 * [cos(bsxfun(@times,a/8,[0:8])), sin(bsxfun(@times,a/8,[1:8]))]);

φ(x) = (cos(x) cos(2x) cos(3x) . . . sin(x) sin(2x) . . .)⊺

20 ,

Fourier Regressionphi = @(a)(2 * [cos(bsxfun(@times,a/8,[0:8])), sin(bsxfun(@times,a/8,[1:8]))]);

φ(x) = (cos(x) cos(2x) cos(3x) . . . sin(x) sin(2x) . . .)⊺

20 ,

Step Regressionphi = @(a)(-1 + 2 * bsxfun(@lt,a,linspace(-8,8,16)));

φ(x) = −1 + 2 (θ(x − 8) θ(8 − x) θ(x − 7) θ(7 − x) . . .)⊺

21 ,

Step Regressionphi = @(a)(-1 + 2 * bsxfun(@lt,a,linspace(-8,8,16)));

φ(x) = −1 + 2 (θ(x − 8) θ(8 − x) θ(x − 7) θ(7 − x) . . .)⊺

21 ,

V Regressionphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@minus,abs(bsxfun(@minus,a,linspace(-8,8,16))),linspace(-8,8,16)));

φ(x) = (∣x − 8∣ + 8 ∣x − 7∣ + 7 ∣x − 6∣ + 6 . . .)⊺

23 ,

V Regressionphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@minus,abs(bsxfun(@minus,a,linspace(-8,8,16))),linspace(-8,8,16)));

φ(x) = (∣x − 8∣ + 8 ∣x − 7∣ + 7 ∣x − 6∣ + 6 . . .)⊺

23 ,

Eiffel Tower Regressionphi = @(a)(exp(-abs(bsxfun(@minus,a,[-8:1:8]))));

φ(x) = (e−∣x−8∣ e−∣x−7∣ e−∣x−6∣ . . .)⊺

25 ,

Eiffel Tower Regressionphi = @(a)(exp(-abs(bsxfun(@minus,a,[-8:1:8]))));

φ(x) = (e−∣x−8∣ e−∣x−7∣ e−∣x−6∣ . . .)⊺

25 ,

Bell Curve Regressionphi = @(a)(exp(-0.5 * bsxfun(@minus,a,[-8:1:8]).^2));

φ(x) = (e− 12 (x−8)2 e− 1

2 (x−7)2 e− 12 (x−6)2 . . .)⊺

26 ,

Bell Curve Regressionphi = @(a)(exp(-0.5 * bsxfun(@minus,a,[-8:1:8]).^2));

φ(x) = (e− 12 (x−8)2 e− 1

2 (x−7)2 e− 12 (x−6)2 . . .)⊺

26 ,

Multiple Inputsall this works for in multiple dimensions, too

φ ∶ RN _R f ∶ RN _R

27 ,

Multiple Inputsall this works for in multiple dimensions, too

28 ,

How many features should we use?let’s look at that algebra again

p(fx ∣ y, φX) = N (fx;φ⊺xµ + φ⊺xΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1(y − φ⊺Xµ),φ⊺xΣφx − φ⊺xΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1φ⊺XΣφx)

▸ there’s no lonely φ in there▸ all objects involving φ are of the form

▸ φ⊺µ — the mean function▸ φ⊺Σφ — the kernel

▸ once these are known, cost is independent of the number of features▸ remember the code:

M = phiX * mu;m = phix * mu;kXX = phiX * Sigma * phiX’; % p(fX) =N (M,kXX)kxx = phix * Sigma * phix’; % p(fx) =N (m,kxx)kxX = phix * Sigma * phiX’; % cov(fx, fX) = kxX

32 ,

% prior on wF = 2; % number of featuresphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,0:F-1)); % φ(a) = [1;a]mu = zeros(F,1);Sigma = eye(F); % p(w) =N (µ,Σ)% prior on f(x)n = 100; x = linspace(-6,6,n)’; % ‘test’ pointsphix = phi(x); % features of xm = phix * mu;kxx = phix * Sigma * phix’; % p(fx) =N (m,kxx)s = bsxfun(@plus,m,chol(kxx + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples from priorstdpi = sqrt(diag(kxx)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

load(’data.mat’); N = length(Y); % gives Y,X,sigma

% prior on Y = fX + εphiX = phi(X); % features of dataM = phiX * mu;kXX = phiX * Sigma * phiX’; % p(fX) =N (M,kXX)G = kXX + sigma^2 * eye(N); % p(Y ) =N (M,kXX + σ2I)R = chol(G); % most expensive step: O(N3)kxX = phix * Sigma * phiX’; % cov(fx, fX) = kxXA = kxX / R; % pre-compute for re-use

mpost = m + A * (R’ \ (Y-M)); % p(fx ∣Y ) =N (m + kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1(Y −M),vpost = kxx - A * A’; % kxx − kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1kXx)spost = bsxfun(@plus,mpost,chol(vpost + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples

stdpo = sqrt(diag(vpost)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

33 ,

% priorF = 2; % number of featuresphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,0:F)); % φ(a) = [1;a]k = @(a,b)(phi(a)’ * phi(b)); % kernelmu = @(a)(zeros(size(a,1))); % mean function

% belief on f(x)n = 100; x = linspace(-6,6,n)’; % ‘test’ pointsm = mu(x);kxx = k(x,x); % p(fx) =N (m,kxx)s = bsxfun(@plus,m,chol(kxx + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples from priorstdpi = sqrt(diag(kxx)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

load(’data.mat’); N = length(Y); % gives Y,X,sigma

% prior on Y = fX + εM = mu(X);kXX = k(X,X); % p(fX) =N (M,kXX)G = kXX + sigma^2 * eye(N); % p(Y ) =N (M,kXX + σ2I)R = chol(G); % most expensive step: O(N3)kxX = k(x,X); % cov(fx, fX) = kxXA = kxX / R; % pre-compute for re-use

mpost = m + A * (R’ \ (Y-M)); % p(fx ∣Y ) =N (m + kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1(Y −M),vpost = kxx - A * A’; % kxx − kxX(kXX + σ2I)−1kXx)spost = bsxfun(@plus,mpost,chol(vpost + 1.0e-8 * eye(n))’ * randn(n,3)); % samples

stdpo = sqrt(diag(vpost)); % marginal stddev, for plotting

34 ,

Exponentiated Squaresphi = @(a)(exp(-0.5 * bsxfun(@minus,a,linspace(-8,8,10)).^2 ./ell.^2));

▸ aka. radial basis function, square(d)-exponential kernel

37 ,

Exponentiated Squaresphi = @(a)(exp(-0.5 * bsxfun(@minus,a,linspace(-8,8,30)).^2 ./ell.^2));

▸ aka. radial basis function, square(d)-exponential kernel

37 ,

Exponentiated Squaresk = @(a,b)(5*exp(-0.25*bsxfun(@minus,a,b’).^2));

▸ aka. radial basis function, square(d)-exponential kernel

37 ,

Exponentiated Squaresk = @(a,b)(5*exp(-0.25*bsxfun(@minus,a,b’).^2));

▸ aka. radial basis function, square(d)-exponential kernel

37 ,

What just happened?kernelization to infinitely many features

DefinitionA function k ∶ X ×X_R is a Mercer kernel if, for any finite collectionX = [x1, . . . , xN ], the matrix kXX ∈ RN×N with elementskXX,(i,j) = k(xi, xj) is positive semidefinite.

LemmaAny kernel that can be written as

k(x,x′) = ⨋ φ`(x)φ`(x′)d`is a Mercer kernel. (assuming integral over positive set)Proof: ∀X ∈ XN , v ∈ RNv⊺kXXv = ⨋ N∑



vjφ`(xj)d` = ⨋ [∑i


d` ≥ 0 ◻38 ,

What just happened?Gaussian process priors

DefinitionA function k ∶ X ×X_R is a Mercer kernel if, for any finite collectionX = [x1, . . . , xN ], the matrix kXX ∈ RN×N with elementskXX,(i,j) = k(xi, xj) is positive semidefinite.

DefinitionLet µ ∶ X_R be any function, k ∶ X ×X_R be a Mercer kernel.A Gaussian process p(f) = GP(f ;µ, k) is a probability distribution overthe function f ∶ X_R, such that every finite restriction to function valuesfX ∶= [fx1 , . . . , fxN ] is a Gaussian distribution p(fX) = N (fX ;µX , kXX).

39 ,

The posteriorover linear functions

p(y ∣w,φX) = N (y;φ⊺Xw,σ2I)p(w ∣ y, φX) = N (w;µ +ΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1(y − φ⊺Xµ),

Σ −ΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1φ⊺XΣ)φx

13 ,

The posteriorover linear functions

p(y ∣w,φX) = N (y;φ⊺Xw,σ2I)p(fx ∣ y, φX) = N (fx;φ⊺xµ + φ⊺xΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1(y − φ⊺Xµ),

φ⊺xΣφx − φ⊺xΣφX(φ⊺XΣφX + σ2I)−1φ⊺XΣφx

13 ,

Cubic Regressionphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,[0:3]));

f(x) = φ(x)⊺w φ(x) = (1 x x.2 x.3)⊺

18 ,

Septic Regression ?phi = @(a)(bsxfun(@power,a,[0:7]));

f(x) = φ(x)⊺w φ(x) = (1 x x.2 ⋯ x.7)⊺

19 ,

Fourier Regressionphi = @(a)(2 * [cos(bsxfun(@times,a/8,[0:8])), sin(bsxfun(@times,a/8,[1:8]))]);

φ(x) = (cos(x) cos(2x) cos(3x) . . . sin(x) sin(2x) . . .)⊺

20 ,

Step Regressionphi = @(a)(-1 + 2 * bsxfun(@lt,a,linspace(-8,8,16)));

φ(x) = −1 + 2 (θ(x − 8) θ(8 − x) θ(x − 7) θ(7 − x) . . .)⊺

21 ,

V Regressionphi = @(a)(bsxfun(@minus,abs(bsxfun(@minus,a,linspace(-8,8,16))),linspace(-8,8,16)));

φ(x) = (∣x − 8∣ + 8 ∣x − 7∣ + 7 ∣x − 6∣ + 6 . . .)⊺

23 ,

Eiffel Tower Regressionphi = @(a)(exp(-abs(bsxfun(@minus,a,[-8:1:8]))));

φ(x) = (e−∣x−8∣ e−∣x−7∣ e−∣x−6∣ . . .)⊺

25 ,

Bell Curve Regressionphi = @(a)(exp(-0.5 * bsxfun(@minus,a,[-8:1:8]).^2));

φ(x) = (e− 12 (x−8)2 e− 1

2 (x−7)2 e− 12 (x−6)2 . . .)⊺

26 ,

Exponentiated Squaresk = @(a,b)(5*exp(-0.25*bsxfun(@minus,a,b’).^2));

▸ aka. radial basis function, square(d)-exponential kernel

37 ,

The predictive posterior distribution

The posterior Gaussian process has predictive distribution , where


The predictive posterior under noise

The posterior Gaussian process has predictive distribution , where


Computational complexity of GPs

• Let t denote the number of data points in the GP

• Inverting the kernel matrix: O(t3)

• Predictions of the variance: O(t2)

• Predictions of the mean: O(t)


The posterior Gaussian process has predictive distribution , where


Two components of Bayesian optimization

• The probabilistic model

– Typically used: Gaussian process

– Later: other models are possible, e.g., random forests

• The acquisition function

– Trades off exploration vs. exploitation

– We’ll discuss this in detail


Probability of Improvement


Expected Improvement


(the derivation of this integral’s closed-form solution will be an exercise)

Upper Confidence Bound (UBC)


Entropy Search

• Compute a probability distribution over which configuration is optimal

• Acquisition function: try to push this probability distribution as close to a delta distribution as possible

• One of the most powerful acquisition functions

– Can choose to actively evaluate in one region of the space to learning something about a different region of the space


Putting it all Together

• How to optimize the acquisition function?

– Subsidiary optimization method

– Important: in that subsidiary optimization, function evaluations are cheap (just evaluations of the GP).


Summary of Bayesian Optimization

• Bayesian optimization integrates

– prior information and

– the likelihood of the observed data

• It uses quite involved computation to select which function value to evaluate next

– Thus, it’s most useful for expensive blackbox functions


Overall summary

• Generalization: we need to safeguard against over-fitting

• Overview over Hyperparameter optimization methods

• Bayesian optimization

– Based on linear regression & Gaussian processes

• Next week:

– Bayesian optimization with random forests

– Extensions and applications

