OPIc Beginner Campus)


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  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    OPIc Phone English Basic

    OPIc Guide . 1 About OPIc Phone English .. 2

    Part 1: IntroductionLesson 1 Introducing myself .... 3Part 2: HomeLesson 2 My House ..... 4Lesson 3 Things in My Room ............ 5Lesson 4 My Family ..... 6Part 3: Work Lesson 5 My Work .............. 7Lesson 6 Commuting to Work .. 8Part 4: SchoolLesson 7 My Favorite Teacher . 9Part 5: ActivitiesLesson 8 My Favorite Restaurant ....10Lesson 9 My Favorite Movie ...............11Lesson 10 My Weekend ..12Part 6: SportsLesson 11 My Favorite Sport ..13Part 7: Role-playLesson 12 Asking Questions .........14

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    OPIc Guide

    OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview-computer)

    OPI(ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview) , ,



    . ? : http://www.opic.or.kr/

    What is OPIc?



    (Background Survey:

    , , , )





    OO PPIIcc


    ACTFL ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines Speaking (Revised 1999)

    . OPI 10 , OPIc 7 .


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)




    OPIc Phone English


    3~5 1:1

    , OPIc

    What is OPIc Phone English?

    OPIc .




    OPIc Phone English

    1. OPIc .

    2. .

    3. .


    . ( )

    5. , .

    OPIc Phone English


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to make your own answer about yourself using useful expressions and practice it.

    Todays Question : Tell me a little bit about yourself.

    My name is Hyunymin. I am twenty-four years old. I got married this year. I work at Winglish.com. My

    job is investor relations. I write reports for our investors. Sometimes they call and ask questions about thecompany. I have to take the call and answer their questions. They have many questions so I am always

    busy. . 24 . . .

    . . , , .


    Useful Expressions My name is ~ = I am ~: ~ . I am ~ years old: ~ . I got married (at/in) (when/where): ~ / .

    I am married to (a person): ~ . I work at ~: ~ . investor relations:

    .- , , , , , ,

    Essential Points

    Introducing Myself Lesson 1

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    I live in (a place) with my family: ~ . My house has (number) rooms: ( ) .. I have a nice view of (a place/thing) from my room. = My room has a nice view of ( ):

    ~ / ~ . There is (a thing) in the living room: ~ . investor relations:

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to describe the place you live using useful expressions and practice it.

    Todays Question: Where do you live? Can you tell me about your house?

    I live in a big apartment building near Jamshil with my family. My house has three rooms, two bathrooms

    and a kitchen. I have a nice view of Lotte World from my room. We have a new TV in the living room.

    . , .

    . TV .

    Useful Expressions

    .: (apartment, a villa, a studio, a house with a yard, etc.)


    (living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc.)

    Essential Points

    Lesson 2 My House

    Sample Answer

    Your Answer

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    . .

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to describe what your room looks like and give details about the items in your room.

    Todays Question: Can you tell me about things you have in your room?

    I have a bed, desk, chair, and computer. Next to my desk, I have a wardrobe. In the wardrobe are all my

    clothes. Next to my bed there is a lamp, hamper and trash can. Under my bed is where I keep my shoes.There is a chair by the desk.

    , . . .

    , . . .

    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    Lesson 3 T hings in My Room

    I have (things) in my room: ~ .

    = There is/are (a thing/things) in my room.

    Next to (A) I have/there is (B): (A) (B) .

    = There is (B) by (A)

    On ~: ~ / in front of ~: ~ / under ~: ~

    I have (things) in my room: ~ .= There is/are (a thing/things) in my room.

    Next to (A) I have/there is (B): (A) (B) .= There is (B) by (A)

    On ~: ~ / in front of ~: ~ / under ~: ~ Wardrobe: Hamper:

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer



    Todays Objective

    You will be able to introduce the members of your family by giving details about each member.

    Todays Question: Can you tell me about your family?Tell me as many details as you can.

    My husband works in an office. He is an accountant. He works hard and is very busy. My son is auniversity student. His major is Biology. He is a very good student. My parents live in Daejeon. My father

    is a mechanic. My mother is a doctor. I like to eat dinner with my family. We will go to the park on


    . . .

    . . .

    . .

    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    Lesson 4 M y Family

    My husband works in ~: ~ . My son is a student: .

    My son/daughter goes to a high school/University/College

    : / / .

    I have four members in my family: 4 .

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to describe the company you work for and what you do there.

    Todays Question: Can you tell me about your job?What company do you work for? What do you do at work?

    My company is called Winglish. My company develops on-line English education contents. I belong tothe Program Development Team. I work on new media projects such as DMB and Internet education

    programs. My company is very busy. I have many meetings all day long. Sometimes I dont get home

    until late at night.

    . . . DMB

    . .


    Lesson 5 My Work



    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    My company is called ~: ~ .

    I belong to ~: ~ .

    I work on ~: ~ .

    I have a meeting with ~: ~ .

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to describe how you get to your workplace by explaining the transportation you take.

    Todays Question: How do you commute to work? How long does it take?

    I take the bus to work. The subway is faster, but I like the bus. It is good to see the sun before going into

    my company all day. The bus takes about thirty minutes. If I am late then I take a taxi. Taxis are fast butthey are more expensive.

    . , .

    . 30 . . , .

    Lesson 6 Com m uting to Work


    , ,


    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    I take ( ) to work: ~ . bus, subway, taxi

    I go to work on foot: .

    The subway is faster/slower than ~: ~ , .

    The bus takes ( ) to get to my office: ~ .

    It takes 15 minutes to get to my workplace: 15 .

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to introduce the person you like the most by giving his or her personality.

    Todays Question: Tell me about your favorite teacher in school.Why did you like him or her?

    My favorite teacher in school is Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim is my literature teacher in High School. He is very

    kind to the students. I also like it when he smiles during his lecture. I worked with him in making the

    school newspaper for three years. He teaches me many things and always tells me to cheer up. Therefore,

    Mr. Kim is like a father to me.

    . .

    . . 3 , .

    , . .

    Lesson 7 M y Favorite Teacher



    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    My favorite person is ~: ~ .

    I like it when he smiles during ~: ~ , .

    I work with him in ~ing: ~ .

    Tell (someone) to cheer up: .

    He is like a father to me: .

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    My favorite restaurant is ~: ~ .

    I love to ~ = I love ~ing : ~ .

    talk for hours: .

    The food is good: .

    The service is very kind: .

    Every time I walk by ~: ~ .

    Todays ObjectiveYou will be able to describe your favorite restaurant by explaining the atmosphere and your favorite menu.

    Todays Question: Can you describe one of your favorite restaurants in detail?

    My favorite restaurant is Italia. It is in my apartment building so it is convenient. I love to go there when

    the weather is bad. I see all my neighbors there and talk for hours. It is great to go to a restaurant and see

    it full of friendly people. The food is good too. Every time I walk by the restaurant I can smell the garlic


    . .

    . .

    . . .

    Lesson 8 My Favorite Restaurant

    , , .


    sweet, spicy, creamy, chunky, cold plate, etc.

    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Sample Answer

    Your Answer

    Todays ObjectiveYou will be able to introduce your favorite movie through describing the storyline and the main characters.

    Todays Question: What is your favorite movie? Why do you like it?

    My favorite movie is Bridget Jones' Diary. I like the movie because my favorite actor, Colin Firth, is in

    it. The genre of the movie is romantic comedy which is also my favorite. I like the story about the love

    triangle between Bridget, Mark and Daniel. It was released in 2001 and it was very successful.


    . . , .

    2001 .

    Useful Expressions

    My favorite movie is ~: ~ . I like the movie because ~: ~ .

    Colin Firth is in the movie: .

    Rene Zellweger stars in the movie: .

    The genre of the movie is ~: ~ .

    It was released in ~: ~ .



    Essential Points

    Lesson 9 M y Favorite Movie

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to describe your every day life using useful expressions and practice it.

    Todays Question: Please tell me about your typical weekend.What do you usually do on the weekend?

    First, I like to read on the weekend. I usually go to a park near my house with a book and read for a

    couple hours. I used to go to the gym to exercise, but I became lazy nowadays. Since I dont have time on

    the weekdays, I try to hang out with my friends on the weekend. I like to go to dinner or a singing room

    with them.

    . .

    , . .


    Useful Expressions

    I usually ~ on the weekend: ~ .

    go to (A) near (B): (B) (A) .

    I used to ~: ~ . ( )

    Since ~: ~

    hang out with ~: ~ .

    Essential Points

    Lesson 10 M y Weekend

    usually/ always/ never .


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to describe what sports you like to play using expressions about the rules of the game.

    Todays Question: What sports do you like to play and why?

    I like to play beach volleyball. It is special because you can play by the ocean. There are two teams

    divided by a net and when the ball touches the ground of the opponent, you score. You can use your hands

    and arms but you cant use your feet or legs. It is hard to play because the court is too big to cover with

    only two players. I like to challenge myself with difficult sports.

    . .

    , . .

    . .

    Useful Expressions

    I like to play ~ = I enjoy playing ~: ~ .

    It is special because ~: ~ .

    divided by a net: .


    I like to challenge myself with ~: ~ .


    .(e.g. active, pushing, assertive, dynamic, passive, etc.)

    Essential Points

    LessonMy Favorite Spor t11

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer



    Now, Well or Let me see.

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to learn to ask questions with useful expressions.

    Todays Question: This is a situational question Your friend bought a new computer.Call your friend and ask three questions about his new computer.

    Hello? This is Katie. Yes, hi. How are you today? Oh, you bought a new computer? Wow. What kind is it?I see. Where did you buy it? Hmmm How much was it? Oh, thats cheap. I should buy one too!

    . . ? , ? ? . ?

    ? , . .

    Useful Expressions

    This is ~: , I am This is .

    What kind of a computer is it?: ?

    Where did you buy it?: ?

    Hmmm : .

    Essential Points

    Lesson 12 Asking Q uestions

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    OPIc Phone English Basic

    OPIc Guide . 1About OPIc Phone English .. 2

    Part 1: General QuestionLesson 1 Seasons .... 3Part 2: Work Lesson 2 My Boss .... 4Part 3: SchoolLesson 3 A Day at School ............ 5Part 4: NeighborhoodLesson 4 My Neighbor ... 6Part 5: ActivitiesLesson 5 Housework .............. 7Lesson 6 Shopping ... 8Part 6: Interests and hobbiesLesson 7 My Favorite Music ..... 9Lesson 8 Food I can Cook ... 10Part 7: TravelLesson 9 My Memorable Trip ............. 11Lesson 10 Next Vacation ....... 12Part 8: Role-playLesson 11 Asking Questions .. 13Lesson 12 Asking for Help ......... 14

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    OPIc G uide

    OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview-computer)

    OPI(ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview) , ,



    . ? : http://www.opic.or.kr/

    What is OPIc?



    (Background Survey:

    , , , )





    OO PPIIcc


    ACTFL ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines Speaking (Revised 1999)

    . OPI 10 , OPIc 7 .


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)




    O PIc Phone English


    3~5 1:1

    , OPIc

    What is OPIc Phone English?

    OPIc .




    OPIc Phone English

    1. OPIc .

    2. .

    3. .


    . ( )

    5. , .

    OPIc Phone English


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to give a description of the features of the seasons in your country using key expressions.

    Todays Question: Name all the seasons in your country. Which season is your favorite?

    In Korea we have spring, summer, fall and winter. Winter is too cold. In the spring pollution is bad. The

    summer is hot, humid and rainy. Fall in Korea is very nice. My favorite season is fall. Trees turn intoyellow and red, so the streets become colorful with beautiful leaves.

    , , , . . . .

    . . .

    Useful Expressions In our country we have ~ = In our country there are ~: ~ . In the spring(summer/ fall or autumn/ winter): ( / / ) My favorite season is ~: ~ . Fall in Korea is ~: ~ . Trees turn into ~: ~ .

    Trees drop their leaves in the winter: .

    . . (e.g. cold, hot, humid, rainy etc.)

    Essential Points

    SeasonsLesson 1

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    tall and big: .

    Frankly (speaking): .

    The first time I saw her, ~: .

    just like ~: ~ .

    She is shy to ~: ~ .

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to introduce your boss using expressions describing their personality or appearance.

    Todays Question: What was your first impression of your boss?What did he/she look like?

    My boss is very tall and big. She doesnt smile easily. Frankly, the first time I saw her I was scared.However, she has a soft and kind voice, just like her real personality. She is shy to meet new people, but

    my company really needs her.

    . , . , .

    . , .

    Useful Expressions


    , , .

    Essential Points

    Lesson 2 My Boss

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    My classes are in the afternoon(morning): ( ) . I get to campus by ~: ~ .

    During the day:

    in between classes:

    My classes are finished by ~: ~ .


    , , .

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to introduce your daily routine at school using useful expressions.

    Todays Question: You indicated that you are in school. Please describe your school day.

    My classes are in the afternoon. I get to campus about one p.m. for my first class. During the day I study

    in the library or coffee shop in between classes. My classes are finished by eight p.m. Im tired of studyingafter class, so I hang out with friends or go home to watch TV and go to bed.

    . 1 . ,

    . 8 . TV .

    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    Lesson 3 A Day at School

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)


  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to describe what kinds of housework you do using expressions related to likes anddislikes.

    Todays Question: What kind of housework do you like to do? What do you hate to do?

    I like cooking a lot. My mom calls me the family chef. But I hate washing dishes. Im happy to cook

    every day if someone else washes the dishes. Usually my mother or father will wash the dishes.Sometimes I have to do it. Also, I like to wash clothes, but I hate ironing!

    . . .


    . .

    Lesson 5 Housework



    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    I like cooking = I like to cook: . I hate washing dishes: .

    I am happy to ~: ~ .

    wash clothes = do laundry: .

    do ironing:

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to explain what you like to do or buy when you go shopping.

    Todays Question: How often do you go shopping? What do you usually buy?

    I go shopping after salary day. First, I buy a lot of groceries and pay bills. Next, I like to buy something

    small for my mom. Its usually clothes. Sometimes I go out to eat with my boyfriend. I save the rest of mymoney. Next year I will take a trip to Germany.

    . . , .

    . .

    Lesson 6 Shopping

    6 , , , , .


    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    after salary day: when I get my salary

    I buy a lot of ~: ~ .

    I go out to (A) with (B): (B) (A) .

    I save the rest for ~: ~ .

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to introduce your favorite music by giving reasons and describing your taste of the music.

    Todays Question: Can you tell me about your favorite music? Why do you like it?

    I love pop music. It has so much energy and feels free. Fast music makes me feel awake. I listen to pop

    music before a test. Jazz music is good for relaxing. I go to Jazz clubs with my friends on the weekend.You can talk and enjoy the conversation because the music isnt too loud. I would say that pop music is

    my favorite though.

    . . .

    , . .

    . .

    Lesson 7 M y Favorite M usic



    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

    My favorite person is ~: ~ .

    The music has so much energy: .

    It makes me feel awake: .

    (A) is good for (B): (A) (B) .

    I would say that ~ is my favorite though: ( ) ~ .

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Sample Answer

    Your Answer

    I am good at making(cooking) ~: ~ . Pasta is(is not) difficult to make: ( .)

    I am practice on cooking ~: ~ .

    ~ is a good way to learn to cook: ~ .

    You need different skills to make ~: ~ .

    Todays ObjectiveYou will be able to describe the food you are good at cooking by introducing the menu and explaininghow you cook it.

    Todays Question: What kind of food do you make well?

    I am good at making any kind of pasta. Pasta isnt very difficult to make so now Im practicing on cooking

    lasagna. I make vegetable and beef lasagna. Making lasagna is a good way to learn to cook. You need

    different skills. Some day I will be a chef famous for making Italian food.


    . .

    . .

    Lesson 8 Food I can Cook



    Useful Expressions

    Essential Points

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to talk about a trip you had using useful expressions and practice it.

    Todays Question: Tell me about your most memorable trip.Where did you go? What did you do there?

    Last year I went to Hawaii. It was great. I met my cousins for the first time. They live in Chicago. I hadnever seen them before. We had a big family reunion. We ate a lot of good food and saw some amazing

    things. Hawaiis forests and beaches were beautiful. We plan to have another reunion next year in Mexico.

    . .

    . . .


    Useful Expressions

    Last year I went to ~: ~ .

    I met ~ there: ~ .

    I had never seen(met) ~: ~ ( ) .

    We plan to ~ next time: ~ .

    6 , , .


    Essential Points

    Lesson 9 M y Mem orable Trip

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to explain about making plans using future tense.

    Todays Question: Where do you want to go for your next vacation? Why?

    Im going to Jeju island for my next vacation. My husband and I are taking a vacation alone. Our

    daughters will stay with my sister. It will be our first vacation alone since our children came along. Wecant be gone a long time, so we chose to stay within Korea. It will be my first time to go to Jeju so I am


    . .

    . .


    Useful Expressions

    Im going to ~ for my next vacation: ~ .

    take a vacation: .

    It will be my(our/ his/ her/ their) first vacation to ~: ~ .

    be gone a long time: .

    We chose(decided) to stay within ~: ~ .

    Essential Points

    Lesson 10 N ext Vacation




  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)



    Your Answer

    Sample Answer

    Todays Objective

    You will be able to learn to ask questions with useful expressions.

    Todays Question: You indicated in the survey that you watch movies.I also enjoy watching movies.Please ask me three or four questions about the movies that I like.

    Oh, I didnt know that you liked movies. Do you like watching DVDs or going to the theater? What is

    your favorite movie? Who are your favorite actors? Did you like the new James Bond movie? How about

    the one that Hugh Grant starred in?

    , . DVD ? ?

    ? ? ?

    Useful Expressions I didnt know that ~: ~ .

    Do you like (A) or (B)?: (A) (B) ?

    What is your favorite ~?: ~ ?

    How about ~?: ~ ?

    Essential Points



    , , , ,


    Asking Qu estions11

  • 8/9/2019 OPIc Beginner Campus)


    Your Answer

    Sample Answer




    Todays ObjectiveYou will be able to suggest solutions to a problem that you encounter using useful expressions.

    Todays Question: You are preparing for a party, but you cant finish it alone.Call your friend and ask him or her for help.

    Hey Jenny, its Min-ho. You are still coming to the party tonight, right? Great! Can you come early and

    help me? My car isnt working and I need to buy some things. Oh really? Thats very nice of you. Can you

    just pick up some drinks for everyone? Thanks so much!

    , . ? , ? , .

    ? . ? !

    Useful Expressions You are still ~, right?: .

    Can you ~?/ could you~?/ would you~? : ~ ? ( )

    Thats very nice of you: .

    pick up ~: ~ . ( ) .

    Essential Points

    LessonAsking for Help12
