Operation Vigilante Justice


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Operation: Vigilante Justice (based in the Dark Champions setting of Hudson City)


It’s summertime in the city and tempers are flaring. Over the past few weeks, gang warfare in Hudson

City has increased drastically. Corpses are turning up at a record rate and many citizens are scared to

leave their homes for fear they might be caught in the crossfire. Local police forces seem unable (or

unwilling) to put an end to it. Desperate state representatives requested federal aid to stem the tide of


After a pair of agents were ambushed and killed while serving a warrant, top-level FBI officials became

concerned. It was obvious that the criminal element in the city had absolutely no fear of law

enforcement. The prevailing thought was that criminals felt that they could either buy off or intimidate

anyone who got in their way. Who they did fear, though, were vigilantes like the Harbinger of Justice or

the Headless Hangman. What the FBI needed were a few people like that in their service.


Operation: Vigilante Justice is the codename for a top-secret FBI mission, wherein specially trained

agents, disguised as masked vigilantes, patrol the streets of Hudson City and fight crime. The heroes are

these agents.

During the day, they will serve as plainclothes FBI agents assigned to a “special task force” in the

Bureau’s Hudson City office. This allows them access to FBI records and data, and provides a cover for

their activities. The heroes will report directly to the Bureau’s Hudson City district chief, bypassing the

usual chain of command. Only the chief and his superiors will have any knowledge about this operation.

Any time spent investigating suspects or recuperating from injuries will be written off as a “special

assignment”. To address any suspicions their colleagues may have about all of the secret projects the

heroes are given, they may occasionally work a normal case or two as their alter-ego.

The FBI will give the heroes access to a black budget, through which specialized weapon, vehicles, and

other equipment can be purchased. The budget isn’t unlimited, but it should cover whatever the heroes

need to get their operation up and running. In addition, the heroes will be given access to a facility to

use as a headquarters, complete with a state of the art forensics lab, computer system, and other crimefighting tools. Other safe houses will be located throughout the city in case the heroes get into trouble

and need to hide out somewhere.

The Adventure Begins

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Word in the underworld is that a new gang is in town. Calling themselves the Chessmen, as far as the

FBI can tell, they are comprised of several prominent crimelords who have merged their organizations

together. The Black Chessmen run the gang’s prostitution, pornography, and drug rackets, while the

White Chessmen handle the extortion, gambling, and blackmail operations.

The Chessmen have made deadly moves against other established criminal groups, prompting a gangwar involving Card Shark, the Mafia, street and biker gangs, and others. They seem determined to

corner the market on vice, and the streets are getting bloodier by the day. Dubbed the Wonderland

Wars by the press, the eyes of the nation turned to Hudson City. In response, Operation: Vigilante

Justice was launched.

Almost on cue, the heroes have their first case. The crimelord Caligula was killed last night, choked to

death on his own genitalia. His mutilated corpse was found floating in the Stewart River with a black

pawn stuffed into his pocket, the calling card of the Chessmen. The bodies of his top lieutenants are

found nearby, in similar condition. It seems the Chessmen are making a point that they will not tolerate

people of Caligula’s ilk in their  city. The heroes are asked to do what they can to stop the killing before

the situation gets any worse.

An FBI colleague/friend/love interest of one of the heroes is kidnapped/held hostage. The FBI

wants to keep this out of the press, so no costumed vigilantes can be involved. Can the heroes

help their friend without the help of their high-tech gadgets?

One of the factions has purchased a large quantity of advanced weaponry from Daedalus,

upping the ante in the gang war. Can the heroes cut off the supply before the streets are

flooded with thugs wielding military-grade weapons?

Fearing death from a stronger faction, one of the crimelords seeks out the FBI for help. He’swilling to turn state’s evidence in return for protection. Is this all legit? If so, can the heroes

reach the crimelord and protect him from his enemies until a safehouse can be arranged?

A new, powerful combatant has entered the war. Seeing their power and influence waning, the

Columbian cartels commit new manpower and resources to the region. El Azteca’s men hit the

streets hard, and all of the major players take a step back to assess the new threat. Will this

simply create another front in the war, or will the seemingly endless money of the cartels win

the day?

One of the crimelords realizes that there’s a mole in his organization, so he sets up various

scenarios to test the loyalty of his minions. The mole takes the bait and tells the FBI that a large

supply of drugs are being stored at a furniture warehouse on the Docks. He believes that the

furniture is actually hollow and the drugs are stored inside the pieces.

When the heroes arrive, they are ambushed by a mercenary group, The Arsenal. Can the heroes

survive the deathtrap The Arsenal sets for them? Can they figure out who hired the assassins

and exact revenge?

The mole turns up dead the following day, having been subjected to a severe beating and

torture. Fearing for their lives, one by one, the FBI’s other confidential informants drop all

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association with them and go on the run. This leaves the heroes with a dearth of vital

information about the underworld and they’ll have to work hard to establish a new intelligence


The heroes’ computer system is subject to a hacking attack. Even with their advanced

knowledge, they are powerless to stop it. The FBI is reluctant to help, as it may expose a

connection between them and the heroes. An alternative is to go to the most dangerous hacker

in town, Ixion, but he has a criminal record the length a mile in length. Will the heroes ask him

for help, or will they hit up some of their other contacts and hope for the best?

Attack of the Plushies – a villain is attempting to extort money from wealthy families by

threatening their kids. If they refuse to pay up, he uses plush animals to kill their children. The

plushies were all delivered to the homes as “samples” from Build-A-Bear Workshop. Technology

in the animals makes them come to life and attack on command. After two children are

mysteriously strangled to death in their beds (after their parents contacted the police about the

extortion attempt), the heroes are called in to investigate. Locating the modified animals in the

bedrooms (which are programmed to self-destruct if discovered) will lead to the Workshop,

which will lead to a technology company (who makes the chips used in the plushies), which will

ultimately lead to the villain’s lair. The heroes will have to defeat the villain’s massive plush

guardians to stop his crime spree.
