Operation Peel A New Approach to Recruiting – Neighbourhood Engagement Carole Chesworth –...


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Operation PeelA New Approach to Recruiting –

Neighbourhood Engagement

Carole Chesworth – Recruitment Manager

PC Colin Barnes – Business Change Manager Neighbourhoods, Confidence and Equality

Where and Why did we Start?

• 4% BME workforce mix• Lacking in diverse candidate mix• Differential attrition rates• Process controlled us – not us controlling

the process• Changes in HR – business leads had more


Operation Peel - Principles

1. Attract candidates with attributes that will support policing;

2. Ensure our selection processes can deliver a workforce that reflects our communities;

3. Support individuals to have a rewarding career with Greater Manchester Police.

Add – change anything that isn’t working!!!

Leadership Commitment and Resources

Gold Lead DCC Ian Hopkins

Branch Lead Claire Light

Strategic Project Lead Mel Bryan

Recruitment Manager Carole Chesworth

Business Change Manager PC Colin Barnes

Occupational Psychologist Rebecca Stevens

Administration Officers Jamie Longson

Jessica Jackson

Supported – by Unions and Staff Associations, HR Leads, OLWD, other Business Leads

Gaining some insight into the issues

• ‘Unsuccessful’ candidate workshops• Innovation sessions with other organisations –

for PCSO’s, Specials and Call Handlers• Engaging with SSN’s• Listening to INPT’s• LSE support in SOA level data mapped

against INPT boundaries

Key Changes• Neighbourhood Engagement led approach• Development of Campaign Materials• Expression of Interest Pool and Vacancy

sign-posting• Changing assessment methods• Changing process• Adding increased value to the right attributes• Valuing the person in the process (candidate


Scope of the Changes• ‘Batch’ Recruitment• PCSO’s• Specials• IA, OSO, LRO & Apprentices• Call Handling • Administration posts• Student Officers (Internal Only)• Ad hoc vacancies

Details of Changes• Key INPTS live on engagement • Reduced process – CV’s, telephone

interviews ,no references, quicker process• Assessments on ethics and values,

customer service, community skills• Buddies, community panel members• ‘Super’ recruiters – UB training• Sector Based work programmes


• PCSO Round 1 – 35% BME• PCSO Round 2 – 39% BME (42% ME)• Apprentice R2 – 40% BME• Admin SBWP – 75% BME• IA – 13% BME• Specials – 16% BME• Call Handling – (ongoing)• Cadets – 26% BME

A lot more to do….• Migration back into BAU • Sustainable changes• Ad hoc vacancies• Looking into the future 2017/18• Fast Track 2• University relationships - placements• Career Pathways• RETENTION AND PROGRESSION!!!

Neighbourhood Engagement Pilot

• PCSOs/NBOs were essential

• Building trust and confidence

• What does success look like?

PCSOs and NBOs

• Interaction with schools and community groups

• Link and engage with support networks, Job clubs/centres, colleges, community centres, sport clubs, places of worship and with residents ( face to face engagement )

• Explain the recruitment opportunities, the roles, requirements and processes

Confidence and Trust

• Build relationships by face to face engagement

• Listen more to communities – what do they want from policing and policing teams

• Advice and support – don’t promise what you can't deliver


• INPTs actively supporting and recruiting for roles within GMP

• Networks of groups/people who promote and encourage local communities to apply for policing roles

• Knowledge and best practice being shared• Highly motivated and well trained staff


• Better retention of staff, Volunteers and Cadets

• A police force that is representative of the communities that it serves

• Communities that have confidence and trust in the police

• Regular feedback sessions and focus groups to improve the experience
