Operation Manual - Exceedone · 1 Exceed One Backup for SharePoint ® Online Operation Manual....


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Exceed One Backup

for SharePoint ® Online

Operation Manual

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


1. Screen architecture

2. License registration

3. Install

4. How to back up

5. How to back up by command line

6. How to finish

7. Uninstall

8. Precautions

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


“Exceed One Backup” (hereafter, EOB) is an application that saves data that are in

SharePoint Online to the local storage.

For the EOB latest information, please check our homepage or the product web site.

Company page: http://www.exceedone.com/

Product page: http://www.exceedone.com/eob_en/

About the Editions

According to the edition, it is different what this product can backup.

Site Professional Professional Plus

General Site ○

Can backup

Can backup

Personal Site

(OneDrive for Business)


You cannot select it to


Can backup

Group Site ×

You cannot select it to


Can backup

Read this manual to know the differences of how to use it in according to the edition.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

1. Screen architecture

1)Screen architecture

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

You can choose the following functions.

① File

・Sign in: displays the Office 365 sign in dialog

・Finish : finish EOB

② Config

・Language : Change language

・Register : Register license

* If the license is already registered, the words changes to "Unregister" and

the license register is canceled.

・Site Config : SharePoint Configuration.

・Creating batch config file : Create a configuration file for batch processing.

① ② ③

⑤ ⑥ ⑦

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Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

③ Help

・Manual : Open the web site of this manual.

・License : Open the web site of license agreement.

・Version : Open the Version information dialog.

④ Site

・After signed in, displays the site to backup.

⑤ Backup Mode

You can select the backup mode.


If exists the same file in the storage, the file will be overwritten.


If the file size and the update data is equal, the file will be not overwrite.

⑥ Including hidden objects

If you want, you can choose to backup or not the files that are configured hidden in

SharePoint site.


Save hidden objects.


Do not save hidden objects.

⑦ Enable path name over 260 characters.

Enable Long path name.

⑧ Path

Choose or put a save path.

⑨ Execute (If the process is running, the words changes to cancel)

Start to backup.

During the backup process, If you click "Cancel" the process will be canceled.

⑩ Processing log

Shows the process state.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


When you run the EOB, the Office365 “Sign-in” dialog is displayed.

You can close “Sign-in” dialog with the "Cancel" button, if you want do the initial

startup and settings or if you do not want to sign in.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

2. License registration

1)Menu “Config” →”Regist”, and the registration dialog will be shown.

2)Put the license key given to you, and click the “Registration” button.

3)Register license.

If the license registration failed, check the license key and perform the registration again.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


1)Register the application

①Open the following site https://(your Sharepoint URL)/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx

e.g. https://mydomain.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx

②Input the following data

Client Id : Push the “Generate” button and the client id automatically enters.

Client Secret : Push the “Generate” button and the client secret automatically enters.

Tittle : EOB

App Domain : localhost

Redirect URI : https://localhost

③Click "Create" button, and when appears a message saying "Application ID has been

successfully created.", take memo. that data will be necessary in the post-process.


Save careful the data created, because it will be necessary at the moment that

you want to reinstall. the validity of SharePoint secret client data is for one year.

for more information see at “8.Precautions”.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

2)Authority registration

①Do access to https://(your Sharepoint URL)/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx

e.g. https://mydomain-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx

②Input the following data

App Id : The “Client ID” has created.

Tittle : EOB

App Domain : localhost

Redirect URL: https://localhost

Permission Request XML : Copy the "PrmXML.txt" that is including in the product.

③Click “Create”.



App Domain

Redirect URL


Request XML

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

④When appears a dialog that says “Do you trust EOB?” Click “Trust it”.

“*” Operation is unnecessary

3)Obtain application ID (Realm)

①Open a site https://(your Sharepoint URL)/ _layouts/15/TA_AllAppPrincipals.aspx


②Copy the part after “@” of the application ID. (That information require in the post-



Save careful the data created, because it will be necessary at the moment you

want to reinstall.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

4)Azure Active Directory Config

①Click the "Admin" button in the menu of Office365.

②Click the "Azure AD" from the Admin center.

③Select the "ALL ITEMS", and then click the "NAME" places.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

④Click the "APPLICATION" from the top menu.

⑤Click the "ADD" from the bottom menu.

⑥Click the “Add ab application my organization is developing”.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

⑦Input the following data, and click (→)icon.



⑧Input the following data, and click (✔)icon.

SIGN-ON URL http://localhost

APP ID/URI https://localhost

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

⑨Once the application has been added , and then click the "CONFIGURE"

⑩Click the "Add application" from the bottom menu.

⑪Click the ( + ) of "Microsoft Graph" line, the icon Make sure that has changed to (✔),

and click the (✔) under right.


⑫Click ▼ of “Delegated Permissions” of “Microsoft Graph” of “permissions to other

applications”, and then select the " Read and write all groups".

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

⑬Select the "2 years" from the "keys" of the screen middle.

⑭Click the "SAVE" from the bottom menu

⑮After saving, take memo of the “CLIENT ID” and “keys”. That data will be necessary

in the post-process.

Client secret of the added application will expire in two years.

For more information see at “8.Precautions”.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

5)EOB Config

①Run EOB.

Next, close “Sign-in” dialog by “Cancel”.

②Click “Config” → “Site Config”.

③Input the following values on the "Site Parameter Configuration" form.


Client Id : Client Id that was registered in the application register site.

Client Secret : Client Secret that was registered in the application register site.

AppId : AppId that was shown at the Application ID(Realm) site.

【Azure AD】

Client Id Client ID that you added in the Azure Active Directory.

Client Secret “keys” that you added in the Azure Active Directory.

④Click “Create”.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

⑤When reboot confirmation dialog is shown Click “Yes”

⑥After reboot, EOB will automatically reboot.

Insert the following data at the Office 365 sign in dialog.

Site : Your SharePoint URL

Account : Your Office365 Sign-in account

Password : Password

⑦Click “Sign in”.

If there is no problem with the SharePoint register and the EOB setting is correct, the

site tree will appear after sign in to SharePoint.

If you cannot Sign-in, please check the settings again.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

4.How to back up

1)Select the sites you want backup.

●Backup all sites.

●Backup only sub sites.

* In the professional plus edition the "Personal Sites" are displayed and you can select


2)Specify backup mode.

Backup Mode : “Overwrite” / “Difference”

Include hidden objects : Check if you want to backup hidden objects.

Path : Path name of local storage of backup destination.

3)Click “Execute”.

The backup automatically Start


Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

* If you want to cancel the backup during the process, Click “Cancel”.

・Click “OK” when cancel request dialog is showed.


If the file is in backup process, will takes some time to stop it.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

5.How to back up by command line

1)Select the sites you want to backup.

●Backup all sites.

●Backup only sub sites.

2)Specify backup mode.

Backup Mode : “Overwrite” / “Difference”

Include hidden objects : Check if you want to backup hidden objects.

3)Click “Config” → “Creating Batch config file”.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

4)Specify the batch configuration file's save path and filename and save.

5)Set of command line

Run the command prompt, and set the following parameters to backup.

EOB.EXE /c:config /p:password /f:folder [/l:logfile]

/c: Batch config file

/p: SharePoint Online Password

/f: Backup destination folder

/l: Log File Name *optional

/m:Automatic mode *optional

a General Sites + Personal Sites ※”Personal Sites” is valid only Professional Plus

g All general site

p All Personal Site ※Professional plus only valid

o All Group Site ※Professional plus only valid


c\:>EOB.EXE /c:EOBBatch.xml /p:mypassword /f:c:\Backup /l:c:\Logfile.txt

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

● About automatic mode

If you specify the automatic mode, the configuration that you did at "1)" will be

ignored and all sites there are at moment of backup will be saved.

if you want backup all sites every times, automatic mode is convenient.

● If you make backups periodically

Create a batch file that specifies how do you want to backup, and run this from

the Windows “Task Scheduler”.

Reference : SampleBatchFile.cmd

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

6.How to finish

1)Confirm backup is finished.

2)Click “File” → “Finish”

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


● If you want to stop using this product

“1)Unregister the License” and “2)Delete from SharePoint”

● If you want to move the license to another PC.

“1)Unregister the License only”.

1)Unregister the License.

①Select “Setting” → “Unregist”

②Select “OK”.

③Click “OK”.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

2)Delete from SharePoint

①Access here https://(your Sharepoint URL)/_layouts/appprincipals.aspx

e.g. https://mydomain.sharepoint.com/_layouts/appprincipals.aspx

②Click the “X” mark written on left side of “EOB”.

③Click “OK”.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


1)Too long path

For reasons that windows doesn't allow more than 260 characters. If the path name

is over 260 characters, it can’t be operated in Windows Explorer.

Please note if you want to enable the path names over 260 characters.

2)Client Secret expiration date

The client secret have expiration dates. SharePoint is one year, and applications that

registered in the Azure Active Directory is two years.

Before the expiry date comes, or after the expiry date already came, setup again

with the following procedure.


・Perform the"2)Delete from SharePoint" of the "7.Uninstall" of this manual to

delete the register from SharePoint.

・Perform from “1) Registration of application” to “5) EOB Config.” of the “3.Install”

of this manual to register EOB again.

3)If an error occurs

According the environment where you run the software, sometimes backup errors

often happen (Network load, etc.)

if some error happens, restar the software.

Exceed One Backup


Copyright 2014-2016 Exceed One Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Exceed One Backup Manual

Author Exceed One Co., Ltd.

Date of issue 2016/11/07 for Ver.1.7.1
