Operating Instructions GVH eng 2012 · These operation instruction apply for all condenser of the...


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2222000011112222----00001111 RRRReeeevvvv.... 0000



“Axial Condenser”

Series DescriptionSeries DescriptionSeries DescriptionSeries Description:::: Condenser

SeriesSeriesSeriesSeries:::: GVH/GVV

Güntner NLA 2/78

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents

1. Warranty Statement 5

2. Important basic information 6

2.1 Safety instruction 6

2.1.1 Observing operation instruction 6

2.2 Legal notes 6

2.3 Operation instruction 6

2.3.1 Scope 6

2.3.2 Set-up and another applicable documents 6

2.4 Standards 7

2.4.1 Representation standards 7

2.4.2 List of abbreviations 7

2.5 Conventions for safety signs and notices 7

2.5.1 General safety sign and their meaning in this operation instructions 7

2.5.2 Warning signs and their meaning in this operation instructions 8

2.5.3 Prohibition signs and their meaning in this operation instructions 9

2.5.4 Mandatory signs and their meaning in this operation instructions 9

3. Safety 11

3.1 Labeling on the unit 11

3.1.1 Safety sign on the unit 11

3.1.2 Other signs and notes on the unit 13

3.2 Basic safety notices 16

3.2.1 How to act in an emergency 16

3.2.2 Personnel, care requirements 17

3.3 Proper intended use 17

3.3.1 Proper intended use 17

3.3.2 Operation conditions 17

3.3.3 Improper use 18

3.4 Mechanical residual hazards 19

3.4.1 Fins, sharp unit corners and edges 19

3.4.2 Fans 19

3.5 Electrical residual hazards 20

3.6 Thermal residual hazards 20

3.6.1 Danger of burns 20

3.7 Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerants 21

3.8 Residual hazards caused by vibrations 22

3.9 Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts 22

Güntner NLA 3/78

3.10 Residual hazards caused by defective installation 23

3.11 Residual hazards with break during operation 24

3.12 Residual hazards caused by loose components or liquids 24

3.13 Residual hazards with disposal 25

4. Technical data 26

4.1 Unit 26

4.2 Fans 26

4.3 Nomenclature 27

4.4 Dimensions 28

5. Set-up and function 36

6. Fan motor 37

7. Transportation, rigging and storage 38

7.1 Safety 38

7.2 Transportation and storage 38

7.3 Storage before installation 39

8. Set-up and start up 40

8.1 Safety 40

8.1.1 Safety instruction for set-up and start up 40

8.1.2 System-side safety requirements 41

8.1.3 Customer-side safety requirements 42

8.2 Requirements at the installation location 43

8.3 Unpacking the unit 49

8.4 Installation 55

8.4.1 System-side requirements for stress-free installation 55

8.4.2 Mounting the unit 56

8.5 Operation with water spray system 56

8.5.1 Connect the unit to the system 57

8.5.2 Unit electrical connections and protections 57

8.6 Perform acceptance test 59

8.7 Test readiness for operation 61

8.8 Putting the unit into operation for first time 61

9. Operation 62

9.1 Safety 62

9.2 Putting the unit into operation 62

9.3 Taking the unit out of operation 62

9.4 Shutting down the unit 63

9.5 Restarting the unit after shutdown 63

Güntner NLA 4/78

9.6 Unit change over to new refrigerant 64

10. Troubleshooting 65

10.1 Safety 65

10.2 Service 65

10.3 Troubleshooting table 65

10.4 Dealing with faults 66

11. Maintenance 67

11.1 Safety 67

11.1.1 Before starting all maintenance 67

11.1.2 With all maintenance work 67

11.1.3 After all maintenance work 69

11.2 Inspection and maintenance plan 69

11.2.1 Fans 69

11.2.2 Unit heat exchanger 70

11.2.3 Care and maintenance plan 70

11.3 Maintenance work 70

11.3.1 Remove leaks 70

11.4 Unit cleaning 71

11.4.1 General 71

11.4.2 Heat exchanger cleaning 71 Cleaning with compressed air 72 Hydraulic cleaning 72 Cleaning with brushes or brushed with compressed air 73

11.4.3 Fans cleaning 73

12. Spare parts 75

Güntner NLA 5/78

1111. . . . Warranty StatementWarranty StatementWarranty StatementWarranty Statement

The supplier warrants against defects in workmanship and materials of the product supplied for a period of 24 months from the time of transfer of risk, provided that they are correctly installed and operated within the recommended limits of the manufacturer’s technical documentation. The supplier at its option shall repair, or replace, free of charge to the purchaser all goods which become defective during the warranty period as a result of defects in design, workmanship or materials, fair wear and tear excluded, provided, however, that;

- the application is correct - operating and installation instructions are complied with - system component and piping design is in accordance with good refrigeration practice - Nitrogen or an inert gas must be introduced into the piping during the brazing of the piping

installation In order to execute the corrective work or replacement supply that appears necessary, within the supplier’s reasonable discretion, the purchaser must, following communication with the supplier, provide the necessary time and opportunity, or the supplier will be freed from the liability of the defect. The costs arising directly from the corrective work or replacement supply, transport and exchange costs in particular, shall be borne by the purchaser himself. The supplier shall not be liable for costs incurred in dismantling or fitting replacement parts or for any independent inspection undertaken by the purchaser. The purchaser shall return any allegedly defective goods, carriage paid, to the supplier’s works. Upon receipt of the goods and inspection thereof the supplier shall repair or replace, at the supplier’s discretion, the defective goods and return freight, carriage paid, and without any further expenses. This shall constitute full compliance of the supplier’s obligations. No liability is accepted for the consequences of modifications or repair work being carried out by the purchaser or a third party incorrectly or without the prior permission of the supplier. It is clearly understood and agreed that any further claims, in particular claims for compensation for damage and consequential damages not occurring on the supplied item itself, are excluded. Furthermore the supplier shall not be liable to the purchaser, or client of the purchaser, for any direct or indirect damages, injury to persons or property or any consequential loss or loss of profits arising from defective goods or workmanship or from any other cause whatsoever. To obtain warranty service, please contact: quality@guentner.com.mx Or, (for within the USA) sales@guntnerus.com

Güntner NLA 6/78

2222. . . . Important basic informationImportant basic informationImportant basic informationImportant basic information

2222.1 .1 .1 .1 Safety instructionSafety instructionSafety instructionSafety instruction

2.1.1 Observing operation instruction2.1.1 Observing operation instruction2.1.1 Observing operation instruction2.1.1 Observing operation instruction


� Always keep the operating instructions in the unit's immediate vicinity at all times. � Ensure that the operating instructions are accessible to all people that have anything at all to do

with the unit at all time. � Ensure that the operating instructions are read and understood by all people that have anything at

all to do with the unit.

2.2 Legal notes2.2 Legal notes2.2 Legal notes2.2 Legal notes Warranty claim expires as follows:

� Faults and damages that can be attributed to non-compliance with the specifications of these operating instructions.

� Complaints that can be attributed to use of spare parts other than the original spare parts specified in the submittal offer documents.

� Changes to the unit (refrigerant, version, function, and operating parameters) namely the order- related information specified in the submittal documents without the manufacturer's prior consent.

� The operating instructions may not be reproduced electronically or mechanically, circulated, changed passed on to third parties, translated or used otherwise, in full or in part, without Güntner prior explicit written approval.

2.3 Operation instructio2.3 Operation instructio2.3 Operation instructio2.3 Operation instructionnnn

2.3.1 Scope2.3.1 Scope2.3.1 Scope2.3.1 Scope These operation instruction apply for all condenser of the GVH/GVV series

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE You will find the precise type of your unit in the attached You will find the precise type of your unit in the attached You will find the precise type of your unit in the attached You will find the precise type of your unit in the attached submittalsubmittalsubmittalsubmittal documents.documents.documents.documents.

2.3.2 Set2.3.2 Set2.3.2 Set2.3.2 Set----up and other applicable documentsup and other applicable documentsup and other applicable documentsup and other applicable documents The unit's operating instructions include the following parts:

� Installation & Operating Manual � Submittal offer documents � Submittal documents � Submittal drawing/s, complete with technical data � Electrical wiring diagram in terminal boxes

These operating instructions are part of the operating instructions manual of the system, provided by the system's installer.

Güntner NLA 7/78 StandardsStandardsStandardsStandards

2.4.1 2.4.1 2.4.1 2.4.1 Representation standardsRepresentation standardsRepresentation standardsRepresentation standards The following text markups are used in these operating instructions:

BoldBoldBoldBold Requires special attention

Bicolor triangle Instructions

2.4.2 List of abbreviations2.4.2 List of abbreviations2.4.2 List of abbreviations2.4.2 List of abbreviations

Abbreviations Meaning

CFC/HFC Alkenes group refrigerant, e.g.R134a, R404A, R407C, R507, etc.

ISO International Standardization Organization

Emergency STOP Emergency lock out switch

°C Degree Celsius

°F Degree Fahrenheit

Bar Unit of pressure (1,01972 kgf/cm2) = 14,5037738 psi

Psi Unit of pressure lb/in2

L Liter (liquid volume) ≈ 0.0353146667 ft3

ft3 Cubic foot (liquid volume)

Vol % Volume percent (concentration level relative to a volume)

IP Index of protection for electrical motors

Ppm Parts per million, concentration figure, stands of “millionth”

Hz Hertz (frequency)

3~ 3 – phase rotating current

1~ Single phase alternating current

NEC National Electrical Code (NAFPA 70)

NRTL National Recognized Testing Laboratories

NEMA National Electrical Motor Association

EPC Electric Power Company

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society for Testing Materials

OSHA Occupation safety and Health Administration Standards Standards Standards Standards for safety sifor safety sifor safety sifor safety signs and noticesgns and noticesgns and noticesgns and notices

2.5.1 General safety signs and their meaning in this operating instructions2.5.1 General safety signs and their meaning in this operating instructions2.5.1 General safety signs and their meaning in this operating instructions2.5.1 General safety signs and their meaning in this operating instructions

DANGERDANGERDANGERDANGER Dangerous situation that will definitely causes serious injury Dangerous situation that will definitely causes serious injury Dangerous situation that will definitely causes serious injury Dangerous situation that will definitely causes serious injury and/and/and/and/or death if it is not avoided or death if it is not avoided or death if it is not avoided or death if it is not avoided

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Dangerous situation that could cause serious injury Dangerous situation that could cause serious injury Dangerous situation that could cause serious injury Dangerous situation that could cause serious injury and/and/and/and/or death if it is not avoided or death if it is not avoided or death if it is not avoided or death if it is not avoided

CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION Dangerous situation that could cause slight to moderate injury if it is not avoidedDangerous situation that could cause slight to moderate injury if it is not avoidedDangerous situation that could cause slight to moderate injury if it is not avoidedDangerous situation that could cause slight to moderate injury if it is not avoided

Güntner NLA 8/78

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE Refers yoRefers yoRefers yoRefers you to possible damage to propertyu to possible damage to propertyu to possible damage to propertyu to possible damage to property Warning signs and their meaning in thWarning signs and their meaning in thWarning signs and their meaning in thWarning signs and their meaning in thisisisis operation instructionsoperation instructionsoperation instructionsoperation instructions

Warns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuries Hands or fingers can be crushed, pulled in or otherwise injured with non-compliance.

Warns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfaces The temperature is over 113 °F (45 °C) burns can occur.

Warns against Warns against Warns against Warns against presence of electrical equipmentpresence of electrical equipmentpresence of electrical equipmentpresence of electrical equipment Danger of an electric shock if electrical components are touched.

Warns against Warns against Warns against Warns against flammableflammableflammableflammable substancessubstancessubstancessubstances Use of ignition sources can cause fire at set-up point.

Warns against harm to healthWarns against harm to healthWarns against harm to healthWarns against harm to health Contact with or inhaling harmful to health or irritant substances can cause injuries or damage the health.

Warms against Warms against Warms against Warms against operate fans without guard grilleoperate fans without guard grilleoperate fans without guard grilleoperate fans without guard grille With automatic fan start during maintenance work there is a danger of pinching/trapping to limbs and / or fingers.

Güntner NLA 9/78 ProhibitProhibitProhibitProhibitiiiioooonnnn signs and their meaning in these operation instructionssigns and their meaning in these operation instructionssigns and their meaning in these operation instructionssigns and their meaning in these operation instructions

Flames / flammable substances prohibitedFlames / flammable substances prohibitedFlames / flammable substances prohibitedFlames / flammable substances prohibited Ignition sources must be prevented and ignition sources are not allowed.

SSSSmokingmokingmokingmoking prohibitedprohibitedprohibitedprohibited Smoking is forbidden. Mandatory signs and their meaning in these operation instructionsMandatory signs and their meaning in these operation instructionsMandatory signs and their meaning in these operation instructionsMandatory signs and their meaning in these operation instructions

EEEEye protectionye protectionye protectionye protection requiredrequiredrequiredrequired Eye protection: Use protective cover, protective glasses or face protection.

HHHHand protectionand protectionand protectionand protection requirequirequirequiredredredred Protective gloves must be used to protect against mechanical and chemical dangers (see imprinted pictograms).

RRRRespiratory protectionespiratory protectionespiratory protectionespiratory protection requiredrequiredrequiredrequired Breathing apparatus must be suitable for the refrigerant used. Breathing apparatus must consist of: • At least two independent breathing devices (self-contained breathing apparatus)

PPPProtective clothingrotective clothingrotective clothingrotective clothing requiredrequiredrequiredrequired Personal protective clothing must be suitable for the refrigerant used and for low temperatures, and must have good heat insulation properties.

Güntner NLA 10/78

Lock out requiredLock out requiredLock out requiredLock out required (Lock (Lock (Lock (Lock –––– out Procedure)out Procedure)out Procedure)out Procedure) De–activate the electrical system and secure against being switching on while undertaking maintenance and/or repair work.

Güntner NLA 11/78

CRN ID: Category H


OH12157.5Art . Code 60505

CRN ID: Category HOH9284.23467890TYN

OH12157.5Art. Code 60505

3333. . . . SafetySafetySafetySafety

3333.1 .1 .1 .1 LLLLabeling on the unitabeling on the unitabeling on the unitabeling on the unit

Position of labels on the unit

3.1.1 Safety sign on the unit3.1.1 Safety sign on the unit3.1.1 Safety sign on the unit3.1.1 Safety sign on the unit

4. Holding charge during transportation to be released at Schrader valve

Güntner NLA 12/78

6. Inspection door

7. Electric shock hazard

Güntner NLA 13/78

3333. Other signs and notes on the unitOther signs and notes on the unitOther signs and notes on the unitOther signs and notes on the unit

1. Unit Nameplate

2. Guntner logo

Güntner NLA 14/78

3. Fan rotation

5. Refrigerant connections 9. Electrical grounding point

Fan Rotation

Art. Code 5608

Güntner NLA 15/78

8 & 10. Rigging instruction

Güntner NLA 16/78 Basic safety noticesBasic safety noticesBasic safety noticesBasic safety notices

3.2.1 How to act in an emergency3.2.1 How to act in an emergency3.2.1 How to act in an emergency3.2.1 How to act in an emergency

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuriesDanger of injuriesDanger of injuriesDanger of injuries The CFC/HThe CFC/HThe CFC/HThe CFC/HFC refrigerants that are used (RFC refrigerants that are used (RFC refrigerants that are used (RFC refrigerants that are used (R134134134134aaaa, R404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into safety , R404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into safety , R404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into safety , R404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into safety groups groups groups groups A1 A1 A1 A1 according to according to according to according to ASHRAE ASHRAE ASHRAE ASHRAE Standard Standard Standard Standard 34343434----2007200720072007.... The safety classification shall consist of two alphanumeric characters The safety classification shall consist of two alphanumeric characters The safety classification shall consist of two alphanumeric characters The safety classification shall consist of two alphanumeric characters (e.g. A2 or B1). The capital letter (e.g. A2 or B1). The capital letter (e.g. A2 or B1). The capital letter (e.g. A2 or B1). The capital letter indicates the toxicity and the Arabic numeral denotes the flammability. indicates the toxicity and the Arabic numeral denotes the flammability. indicates the toxicity and the Arabic numeral denotes the flammability. indicates the toxicity and the Arabic numeral denotes the flammability. ToxiToxiToxiToxiccccitititity refrigerant classification y refrigerant classification y refrigerant classification y refrigerant classification shall be assigned to one of the two classes shall be assigned to one of the two classes shall be assigned to one of the two classes shall be assigned to one of the two classes –––– A or B A or B A or B A or B –––– based on allowable exposure. Class A signifies based on allowable exposure. Class A signifies based on allowable exposure. Class A signifies based on allowable exposure. Class A signifies refrigeranrefrigeranrefrigeranrefrigerants for which toxicity has not been identified at concentrations less than o equal to 400 ppm by ts for which toxicity has not been identified at concentrations less than o equal to 400 ppm by ts for which toxicity has not been identified at concentrations less than o equal to 400 ppm by ts for which toxicity has not been identified at concentrations less than o equal to 400 ppm by volume. Class B signifies volume. Class B signifies volume. Class B signifies volume. Class B signifies refrigerants for which there isrefrigerants for which there isrefrigerants for which there isrefrigerants for which there is evidence of toxicity at concentrations below 400 evidence of toxicity at concentrations below 400 evidence of toxicity at concentrations below 400 evidence of toxicity at concentrations below 400 ppm by volume.ppm by volume.ppm by volume.ppm by volume. Flammability refrigerant classificatiFlammability refrigerant classificatiFlammability refrigerant classificatiFlammability refrigerant classification shall be assigned to one of these three classes on shall be assigned to one of these three classes on shall be assigned to one of these three classes on shall be assigned to one of these three classes –––– 1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3 –––– based on based on based on based on flammability. Test shall be conducted in accordance with flammability. Test shall be conducted in accordance with flammability. Test shall be conducted in accordance with flammability. Test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM E681 using a spark ignition source. Testing ASTM E681 using a spark ignition source. Testing ASTM E681 using a spark ignition source. Testing ASTM E681 using a spark ignition source. Testing of all halocarbon refrigerants shall be in accordance with the Annex of ASTMof all halocarbon refrigerants shall be in accordance with the Annex of ASTMof all halocarbon refrigerants shall be in accordance with the Annex of ASTMof all halocarbon refrigerants shall be in accordance with the Annex of ASTM E681. SingleE681. SingleE681. SingleE681. Single----compound compound compound compound refrigerants shall be assigned refrigerants shall be assigned refrigerants shall be assigned refrigerants shall be assigned a single flammability classification. Refrigerants blends shall be a single flammability classification. Refrigerants blends shall be a single flammability classification. Refrigerants blends shall be a single flammability classification. Refrigerants blends shall be assigned assigned assigned assigned flammabilityflammabilityflammabilityflammability classificationclassificationclassificationclassifications as s as s as s as specified inspecified inspecified inspecified in section 6.1.5 of ASHRAE Standard 34section 6.1.5 of ASHRAE Standard 34section 6.1.5 of ASHRAE Standard 34section 6.1.5 of ASHRAE Standard 34----2007.Blends shall be 2007.Blends shall be 2007.Blends shall be 2007.Blends shall be assigned flammability classigned flammability classigned flammability classigned flammability classification based on assification based on assification based on assification based on their worsttheir worsttheir worsttheir worst case of formulation for flammability (WCF) and case of formulation for flammability (WCF) and case of formulation for flammability (WCF) and case of formulation for flammability (WCF) and worst case of fractionation for flammability (WCFF), worst case of fractionation for flammability (WCFF), worst case of fractionation for flammability (WCFF), worst case of fractionation for flammability (WCFF), as determined from a fraction analysis. A fraction as determined from a fraction analysis. A fraction as determined from a fraction analysis. A fraction as determined from a fraction analysis. A fraction analysis for flammability is not required if the component of the blendanalysis for flammability is not required if the component of the blendanalysis for flammability is not required if the component of the blendanalysis for flammability is not required if the component of the blend are all in one class; the blend shall are all in one class; the blend shall are all in one class; the blend shall are all in one class; the blend shall be that same class.be that same class.be that same class.be that same class. There is no imminent danger for the staff. However, refrigerants of the group A1There is no imminent danger for the staff. However, refrigerants of the group A1There is no imminent danger for the staff. However, refrigerants of the group A1There is no imminent danger for the staff. However, refrigerants of the group A1 are generally heavier than are generally heavier than are generally heavier than are generally heavier than air and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. In still air there may be an increase ofair and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. In still air there may be an increase ofair and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. In still air there may be an increase ofair and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. In still air there may be an increase of the ground level the ground level the ground level the ground level concentration. With high concentrations there is a danger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and concentration. With high concentrations there is a danger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and concentration. With high concentrations there is a danger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and concentration. With high concentrations there is a danger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and suffocation due to a reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.suffocation due to a reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.suffocation due to a reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.suffocation due to a reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level. Unauthorized people must not have access to the unitUnauthorized people must not have access to the unitUnauthorized people must not have access to the unitUnauthorized people must not have access to the unit. Please ensure that the CFC/HFC refrigerant . Please ensure that the CFC/HFC refrigerant . Please ensure that the CFC/HFC refrigerant . Please ensure that the CFC/HFC refrigerant releasesreleasesreleasesreleases from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the building or put people at risk in any other way.from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the building or put people at risk in any other way.from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the building or put people at risk in any other way.from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the building or put people at risk in any other way. Safety measurements and procedure:Safety measurements and procedure:Safety measurements and procedure:Safety measurements and procedure:

• With unexpected serious refrigerant With unexpected serious refrigerant With unexpected serious refrigerant With unexpected serious refrigerant releasesreleasesreleasesreleases, leave the , leave the , leave the , leave the machinemachinemachinemachine rrrroom immediately and activate the oom immediately and activate the oom immediately and activate the oom immediately and activate the emergency STOP switch set up in a safe place, e.g. with:emergency STOP switch set up in a safe place, e.g. with:emergency STOP switch set up in a safe place, e.g. with:emergency STOP switch set up in a safe place, e.g. with:

- Visibly Visibly Visibly Visibly leakingleakingleakingleaking refrigerant liquid or vaporrefrigerant liquid or vaporrefrigerant liquid or vaporrefrigerant liquid or vapor from the heat exchanger or pipingfrom the heat exchanger or pipingfrom the heat exchanger or pipingfrom the heat exchanger or piping componentscomponentscomponentscomponents - Sudden large release (release and evaporation of the greater part of thSudden large release (release and evaporation of the greater part of thSudden large release (release and evaporation of the greater part of thSudden large release (release and evaporation of the greater part of the entire e entire e entire e entire refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant

chargechargechargecharge in a short time, e.g. in less than 5 minutes)in a short time, e.g. in less than 5 minutes)in a short time, e.g. in less than 5 minutes)in a short time, e.g. in less than 5 minutes) - Activation of the refrigerant detectorActivation of the refrigerant detectorActivation of the refrigerant detectorActivation of the refrigerant detector

• Have experienced, trained personnel with prescribed protective clothing perform all necessary Have experienced, trained personnel with prescribed protective clothing perform all necessary Have experienced, trained personnel with prescribed protective clothing perform all necessary Have experienced, trained personnel with prescribed protective clothing perform all necessary protective and other measures:protective and other measures:protective and other measures:protective and other measures:

- Use respiratory prUse respiratory prUse respiratory prUse respiratory protectionotectionotectionotection - Use a room airUse a room airUse a room airUse a room air----independent breathing apparatus with maintenance work in high refrigerant independent breathing apparatus with maintenance work in high refrigerant independent breathing apparatus with maintenance work in high refrigerant independent breathing apparatus with maintenance work in high refrigerant

concentration in the room airconcentration in the room airconcentration in the room airconcentration in the room air - Divert Divert Divert Divert rrrreeeeleasleasleasleased refrigerant vapor and liquid safelyed refrigerant vapor and liquid safelyed refrigerant vapor and liquid safelyed refrigerant vapor and liquid safely in accordance with OSHA in accordance with OSHA in accordance with OSHA in accordance with OSHA requirementsrequirementsrequirementsrequirements - Ensure that no refrigerant enters waterEnsure that no refrigerant enters waterEnsure that no refrigerant enters waterEnsure that no refrigerant enters water system or sewagesystem or sewagesystem or sewagesystem or sewage

Güntner NLA 17/78 Personnel, care requirementsPersonnel, care requirementsPersonnel, care requirementsPersonnel, care requirements

CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION The unit must only be put into operation, operated, maintained and repaired by trained, experiencedThe unit must only be put into operation, operated, maintained and repaired by trained, experiencedThe unit must only be put into operation, operated, maintained and repaired by trained, experiencedThe unit must only be put into operation, operated, maintained and repaired by trained, experienced and and and and qualified personnel. People that are responsible for qualified personnel. People that are responsible for qualified personnel. People that are responsible for qualified personnel. People that are responsible for the operation, maintenance, repairthe operation, maintenance, repairthe operation, maintenance, repairthe operation, maintenance, repair and evaluation of and evaluation of and evaluation of and evaluation of systems and their components must have the required training and specialistsystems and their components must have the required training and specialistsystems and their components must have the required training and specialistsystems and their components must have the required training and specialist knowledge for their work. knowledge for their work. knowledge for their work. knowledge for their work. Qualified or expert means the abilityQualified or expert means the abilityQualified or expert means the abilityQualified or expert means the ability to satisfactorily perform the activities required for the operato satisfactorily perform the activities required for the operato satisfactorily perform the activities required for the operato satisfactorily perform the activities required for the operation, tion, tion, tion, maintenance, repair and evaluationmaintenance, repair and evaluationmaintenance, repair and evaluationmaintenance, repair and evaluation of refrigeration systems and their components.of refrigeration systems and their components.of refrigeration systems and their components.of refrigeration systems and their components. The unit may be operated by operating personnel that have no specific knowledge of refrigerationThe unit may be operated by operating personnel that have no specific knowledge of refrigerationThe unit may be operated by operating personnel that have no specific knowledge of refrigerationThe unit may be operated by operating personnel that have no specific knowledge of refrigeration engineering, but have sufficient knowledge and experience with regard engineering, but have sufficient knowledge and experience with regard engineering, but have sufficient knowledge and experience with regard engineering, but have sufficient knowledge and experience with regard to the mode of operation,to the mode of operation,to the mode of operation,to the mode of operation, and dand dand dand daily aily aily aily monitoring of this systemmonitoring of this systemmonitoring of this systemmonitoring of this system. . . . TheseTheseTheseThese operating personnel may not make anyoperating personnel may not make anyoperating personnel may not make anyoperating personnel may not make any adjustments to settings adjustments to settings adjustments to settings adjustments to settings on the on the on the on the system.system.system.system. Changes to the unit, which the manufacturer has first agreed to in writing, may only be made byChanges to the unit, which the manufacturer has first agreed to in writing, may only be made byChanges to the unit, which the manufacturer has first agreed to in writing, may only be made byChanges to the unit, which the manufacturer has first agreed to in writing, may only be made by the the the the instructedinstructedinstructedinstructed and qualified personnel.and qualified personnel.and qualified personnel.and qualified personnel. Electrical installation:Electrical installation:Electrical installation:Electrical installation: Attention: Only qualified personnel familiar with AC motors and associated machinery should plan or Attention: Only qualified personnel familiar with AC motors and associated machinery should plan or Attention: Only qualified personnel familiar with AC motors and associated machinery should plan or Attention: Only qualified personnel familiar with AC motors and associated machinery should plan or implement the installation, startimplement the installation, startimplement the installation, startimplement the installation, start----up and subsequent maintenance of the system. Failure to complain may up and subsequent maintenance of the system. Failure to complain may up and subsequent maintenance of the system. Failure to complain may up and subsequent maintenance of the system. Failure to complain may rrrresult in personnel injury and/or equipment damage.esult in personnel injury and/or equipment damage.esult in personnel injury and/or equipment damage.esult in personnel injury and/or equipment damage. Proper intended useProper intended useProper intended useProper intended use

3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 Proper intended useProper intended useProper intended useProper intended use Condensers of the GVH/GVV series are intended for installation in a refrigeration system and for outdoor installations. The condensers condense the refrigerant by giving off heat to the air that is moved by fans over the dry heat exchanger surface. The unit is delivered for operation with a specific operating point: • Condensation temperature • Refrigerant feed type • Airflow volume • Air inlet temperature • Relative air humidity.

The specified operating point is provided in the submittal offer documents.

3.3.2 Operation conditions3.3.2 Operation conditions3.3.2 Operation conditions3.3.2 Operation conditions The unit is a component of a refrigeration system including its refrigerant circuit. The purpose of these operating instructions, as part of the operating instructions manual (of which these operating instructions are a part), is to restrict the dangers to people and property and the environment from the unit and the refrigerant used in it to a minimum. These dangers are essentially connected with the physical and chemical properties of the refrigerant and with the pressures and temperatures that occur in the refrigerant-carrying components of the unit ((((see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with CFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFC refrigerantsrefrigerantsrefrigerantsrefrigerants, page , page , page , page 22221111))))....

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of Danger of Danger of Danger of injuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to property

Güntner NLA 18/78

The unit must only be used in accThe unit must only be used in accThe unit must only be used in accThe unit must only be used in accordance ordance ordance ordance with the proper intended use. The operator must ensure thatwith the proper intended use. The operator must ensure thatwith the proper intended use. The operator must ensure thatwith the proper intended use. The operator must ensure that when operating, monitoring and maintaining the unit, the when operating, monitoring and maintaining the unit, the when operating, monitoring and maintaining the unit, the when operating, monitoring and maintaining the unit, the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant dodododoeseseses not deviatnot deviatnot deviatnot deviate from e from e from e from submittal submittal submittal submittal information specified in the orderinformation specified in the orderinformation specified in the orderinformation specified in the order----specific offer documents.specific offer documents.specific offer documents.specific offer documents. The operator must ensure that maintenance measures are performed in compliance with theThe operator must ensure that maintenance measures are performed in compliance with theThe operator must ensure that maintenance measures are performed in compliance with theThe operator must ensure that maintenance measures are performed in compliance with the system's system's system's system's operating instructions manual.operating instructions manual.operating instructions manual.operating instructions manual. ChargingChargingChargingCharging the unit is only permitted following wrthe unit is only permitted following wrthe unit is only permitted following wrthe unit is only permitted following written approval by the manufacturer. You will find theitten approval by the manufacturer. You will find theitten approval by the manufacturer. You will find theitten approval by the manufacturer. You will find the order order order order related proper use as intended in the related proper use as intended in the related proper use as intended in the related proper use as intended in the submittalsubmittalsubmittalsubmittal documents.documents.documents.documents. Do not exceed the maximumDo not exceed the maximumDo not exceed the maximumDo not exceed the maximum operating pressure operating pressure operating pressure operating pressure stated stated stated stated on the unit's on the unit's on the unit's on the unit's namenamenamenameplate.plate.plate.plate. Improper useImproper useImproper useImproper use

WARNINWARNINWARNINWARNINGGGG Danger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to property RefrigerantRefrigerantRefrigerantRefrigerant and their combinations with water or other substances in the and their combinations with water or other substances in the and their combinations with water or other substances in the and their combinations with water or other substances in the refrigerant components refrigerant components refrigerant components refrigerant components have have have have chemical and physical effects from the inside on the materials surroundingchemical and physical effects from the inside on the materials surroundingchemical and physical effects from the inside on the materials surroundingchemical and physical effects from the inside on the materials surrounding them.them.them.them. The unit must only The unit must only The unit must only The unit must only charge charge charge charge wwwwith ith ith ith CFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerants. . . . Charging Charging Charging Charging the unit with another the unit with another the unit with another the unit with another refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant results in:results in:results in:results in: ■ material, wall thickness, tensile strength, corrosive resistance, shaping process and testingmaterial, wall thickness, tensile strength, corrosive resistance, shaping process and testingmaterial, wall thickness, tensile strength, corrosive resistance, shaping process and testingmaterial, wall thickness, tensile strength, corrosive resistance, shaping process and testing are not suitable are not suitable are not suitable are not suitable for the for the for the for the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant used and do not withstand the possible prused and do not withstand the possible prused and do not withstand the possible prused and do not withstand the possible pressures andessures andessures andessures and stresses that might occur.stresses that might occur.stresses that might occur.stresses that might occur. ■ the unit not being resistant to the other the unit not being resistant to the other the unit not being resistant to the other the unit not being resistant to the other refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant and the other and the other and the other and the other refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant mixture.mixture.mixture.mixture. ■ the unit not remaining the unit not remaining the unit not remaining the unit not remaining leak leak leak leak tight during operation and when shut down.tight during operation and when shut down.tight during operation and when shut down.tight during operation and when shut down. ■ a possible sudden a possible sudden a possible sudden a possible sudden release of refrigerant release of refrigerant release of refrigerant release of refrigerant could direcould direcould direcould directly endanger people and/or propertyctly endanger people and/or propertyctly endanger people and/or propertyctly endanger people and/or property and the and the and the and the environment.environment.environment.environment. The maximum permissible operating pressure specified on the The maximum permissible operating pressure specified on the The maximum permissible operating pressure specified on the The maximum permissible operating pressure specified on the namenamenamenameplate must not be exceeded!plate must not be exceeded!plate must not be exceeded!plate must not be exceeded! If the If the If the If the operating pressure is exceeded,operating pressure is exceeded,operating pressure is exceeded,operating pressure is exceeded, ■ the structural and welding materials will not withstand the forthe structural and welding materials will not withstand the forthe structural and welding materials will not withstand the forthe structural and welding materials will not withstand the foreseeable mechanical, thermaleseeable mechanical, thermaleseeable mechanical, thermaleseeable mechanical, thermal and chemical and chemical and chemical and chemical stresses and the pressure that can occur during operation and when shut down.stresses and the pressure that can occur during operation and when shut down.stresses and the pressure that can occur during operation and when shut down.stresses and the pressure that can occur during operation and when shut down. ■ the unit will not remain the unit will not remain the unit will not remain the unit will not remain leak leak leak leak tight during operation and when shut down.tight during operation and when shut down.tight during operation and when shut down.tight during operation and when shut down. ■ there may be a possible there may be a possible there may be a possible there may be a possible refrigerant release refrigerant release refrigerant release refrigerant release after a after a after a after a rupturerupturerupturerupture or leakage on or leakage on or leakage on or leakage on refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----carrying components, carrying components, carrying components, carrying components, which would result in the following dangers:which would result in the following dangers:which would result in the following dangers:which would result in the following dangers: –––– Danger of Danger of Danger of Danger of component rupturingcomponent rupturingcomponent rupturingcomponent rupturing –––– DangerDangerDangerDangers s s s of poisoningof poisoningof poisoningof poisoning –––– Fire hazardFire hazardFire hazardFire hazard –––– Frostbite Frostbite Frostbite Frostbite hazardhazardhazardhazard (c(c(c(caused by liquid aused by liquid aused by liquid aused by liquid refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant)))) –––– Suffocation hazardSuffocation hazardSuffocation hazardSuffocation hazard –––– Hazards caused by pHazards caused by pHazards caused by pHazards caused by panic reactionsanic reactionsanic reactionsanic reactions –––– Environmental pollutionEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental pollution

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING CFC/HFC condensers CFC/HFC condensers CFC/HFC condensers CFC/HFC condensers mmmmustustustust not be used,not be used,not be used,not be used, ■ where it is possible that short or prolonged effect caused by contact, inhalation or ingestion of the where it is possible that short or prolonged effect caused by contact, inhalation or ingestion of the where it is possible that short or prolonged effect caused by contact, inhalation or ingestion of the where it is possible that short or prolonged effect caused by contact, inhalation or ingestion of the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant might result in harmful hazards.might result in harmful hazards.might result in harmful hazards.might result in harmful hazards. ■ where the possibility exists of a sudden large release (release and evaporation) of the greaterwhere the possibility exists of a sudden large release (release and evaporation) of the greaterwhere the possibility exists of a sudden large release (release and evaporation) of the greaterwhere the possibility exists of a sudden large release (release and evaporation) of the greater part of tpart of tpart of tpart of the he he he entire entire entire entire chargechargechargecharge in a short time (e.g. in less than 5 minutes).in a short time (e.g. in less than 5 minutes).in a short time (e.g. in less than 5 minutes).in a short time (e.g. in less than 5 minutes). The unit must not be changed without prior written consent by Güntner. Changes toThe unit must not be changed without prior written consent by Güntner. Changes toThe unit must not be changed without prior written consent by Güntner. Changes toThe unit must not be changed without prior written consent by Güntner. Changes to the unit are:the unit are:the unit are:the unit are:

Güntner NLA 19/78

■ changing the operating point (changing the operating point (changing the operating point (changing the operating point (see Unitsee Unitsee Unitsee Unit, page , page , page , page 26262626)))) ■ changing the fan capacity (air volume)changing the fan capacity (air volume)changing the fan capacity (air volume)changing the fan capacity (air volume) ■ changing the changing the changing the changing the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant flowflowflowflow----through volumethrough volumethrough volumethrough volume ■ changing over to another changing over to another changing over to another changing over to another refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant The unit must not be operated if safety devices recommended by the manufacturer are not available,The unit must not be operated if safety devices recommended by the manufacturer are not available,The unit must not be operated if safety devices recommended by the manufacturer are not available,The unit must not be operated if safety devices recommended by the manufacturer are not available, not not not not properly installed or not fully functional.properly installed or not fully functional.properly installed or not fully functional.properly installed or not fully functional. The unit must not be opThe unit must not be opThe unit must not be opThe unit must not be operated if it is damaged or demonstrates faults. All damages and faultserated if it is damaged or demonstrates faults. All damages and faultserated if it is damaged or demonstrates faults. All damages and faultserated if it is damaged or demonstrates faults. All damages and faults must be must be must be must be reported to Güntner immediately and must be removed immediately.reported to Güntner immediately and must be removed immediately.reported to Güntner immediately and must be removed immediately.reported to Güntner immediately and must be removed immediately. Work on the unit must not be performed without the personal protective equipment specified inWork on the unit must not be performed without the personal protective equipment specified inWork on the unit must not be performed without the personal protective equipment specified inWork on the unit must not be performed without the personal protective equipment specified in these these these these operating ioperating ioperating ioperating instructions.nstructions.nstructions.nstructions. Mechanical residual hazardsMechanical residual hazardsMechanical residual hazardsMechanical residual hazards

3.4.1 Fins, sharp unit corners and edges3.4.1 Fins, sharp unit corners and edges3.4.1 Fins, sharp unit corners and edges3.4.1 Fins, sharp unit corners and edges


Warns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuries Danger of cuts on hands and fingers Danger of cuts on hands and fingers Danger of cuts on hands and fingers Danger of cuts on hands and fingers fromfromfromfrom the fins and sharp corners the fins and sharp corners the fins and sharp corners the fins and sharp corners and edges of the unit.and edges of the unit.and edges of the unit.and edges of the unit.

Use reliable hand protectionUse reliable hand protectionUse reliable hand protectionUse reliable hand protection FansFansFansFans


Warns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuriesWarns against hand injuries There is a danger of fingersThere is a danger of fingersThere is a danger of fingersThere is a danger of fingers being cut off frombeing cut off frombeing cut off frombeing cut off from rotating fan blades, rotating fan blades, rotating fan blades, rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands and injury hazard for the hands and injury hazard for the hands and injury hazard for the hands and danger of being danger of being danger of being danger of being pullpullpullpulled ed ed ed inininintotototo the the the the equipmeequipmeequipmeequipment from loose elements such as air, necklaces or clothing nt from loose elements such as air, necklaces or clothing nt from loose elements such as air, necklaces or clothing nt from loose elements such as air, necklaces or clothing parts.parts.parts.parts.

Do not operate fans without guard grille. Pinch/trap point hazard!Do not operate fans without guard grille. Pinch/trap point hazard!Do not operate fans without guard grille. Pinch/trap point hazard!Do not operate fans without guard grille. Pinch/trap point hazard! With automatic fan start during maintenance work there is a danger With automatic fan start during maintenance work there is a danger With automatic fan start during maintenance work there is a danger With automatic fan start during maintenance work there is a danger of pinching/trapping of pinching/trapping of pinching/trapping of pinching/trapping to limbs and / orto limbs and / orto limbs and / orto limbs and / or fingers.fingers.fingers.fingers.

Güntner NLA 20/78

LLLLockockockock----out procedure required before you begin maintenance work in out procedure required before you begin maintenance work in out procedure required before you begin maintenance work in out procedure required before you begin maintenance work in which you must remove the fan guard. Secure the unit against which you must remove the fan guard. Secure the unit against which you must remove the fan guard. Secure the unit against which you must remove the fan guard. Secure the unit against unintentional switching on again by removing the electric fuses for unintentional switching on again by removing the electric fuses for unintentional switching on again by removing the electric fuses for unintentional switching on again by removing the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referrinthe unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referrinthe unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referrinthe unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referring to g to g to g to unintentional switching on.unintentional switching on.unintentional switching on.unintentional switching on. Ensure correct LOCKEnsure correct LOCKEnsure correct LOCKEnsure correct LOCK----OUT procedure.OUT procedure.OUT procedure.OUT procedure. Electrical residual hazardsElectrical residual hazardsElectrical residual hazardsElectrical residual hazards


Warns against Warns against Warns against Warns against presence of electrical equipmentpresence of electrical equipmentpresence of electrical equipmentpresence of electrical equipment Direct and indirect contact with voltageDirect and indirect contact with voltageDirect and indirect contact with voltageDirect and indirect contact with voltage----carrying parts of mocarrying parts of mocarrying parts of mocarrying parts of motors and tors and tors and tors and electrical electrical electrical electrical switchgear switchgear switchgear switchgear can cause serious injuries or death.can cause serious injuries or death.can cause serious injuries or death.can cause serious injuries or death.

LockLockLockLock----out procedure required before you begin maintenance work. out procedure required before you begin maintenance work. out procedure required before you begin maintenance work. out procedure required before you begin maintenance work. See the refrigeration system’s documentation for this. Secure the See the refrigeration system’s documentation for this. Secure the See the refrigeration system’s documentation for this. Secure the See the refrigeration system’s documentation for this. Secure the unit against unintentional switching on again by removinunit against unintentional switching on again by removinunit against unintentional switching on again by removinunit against unintentional switching on again by removing the g the g the g the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referring to unintentional switching on.sign referring to unintentional switching on.sign referring to unintentional switching on.sign referring to unintentional switching on. Please note that the mains cables may also be carrying voltage, even Please note that the mains cables may also be carrying voltage, even Please note that the mains cables may also be carrying voltage, even Please note that the mains cables may also be carrying voltage, even if the unitif the unitif the unitif the unit is powered off.is powered off.is powered off.is powered off. Work on electrical equipment must onWork on electrical equipment must onWork on electrical equipment must onWork on electrical equipment must only be performed by people ly be performed by people ly be performed by people ly be performed by people that have thethat have thethat have thethat have the required expertise (e.g. an electrician or an electrorequired expertise (e.g. an electrician or an electrorequired expertise (e.g. an electrician or an electrorequired expertise (e.g. an electrician or an electro----technically instructed person)technically instructed person)technically instructed person)technically instructed person) and who are and who are and who are and who are authorizedauthorizedauthorizedauthorized to do so by to do so by to do so by to do so by the operator.the operator.the operator.the operator.

3.6 Thermal residual hazards3.6 Thermal residual hazards3.6 Thermal residual hazards3.6 Thermal residual hazards

3.6.1 Danger of burns3.6.1 Danger of burns3.6.1 Danger of burns3.6.1 Danger of burns


Warns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfaces With refrigerant temperatures of above 113 °F (45 °C) there is With refrigerant temperatures of above 113 °F (45 °C) there is With refrigerant temperatures of above 113 °F (45 °C) there is With refrigerant temperatures of above 113 °F (45 °C) there is hazard of burnhazard of burnhazard of burnhazard of burnssss on pipon pipon pipon pipinginginging components and headers inletcomponents and headers inletcomponents and headers inletcomponents and headers inlet or outlet. or outlet. or outlet. or outlet.

Use hand protectionUse hand protectionUse hand protectionUse hand protection

Güntner NLA 21/78

3.7 Residual hazards with 3.7 Residual hazards with 3.7 Residual hazards with 3.7 Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerants

The CFC/HFC refrigerants that are used (R134a, R404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into safety groups A1 according to ASHRAE Standard 34-2007.

- Refrigerant that, when gaseous, are non-flammable irrelevant of their concentration in air. - Refrigerant with a time-weighted, averaged concentration that have no adverse effects on the

majority of staff that are exposed every day during a normal 8 hour working day to this concentration, which is greater than or equal to 400 ppm (Volume/Volume)

There is no imminent danger for the staff. With good air ventilation and removal by suction, it will fall easily and clearly below the allowed limit values

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger Danger Danger Danger of harm to health and environmental damageof harm to health and environmental damageof harm to health and environmental damageof harm to health and environmental damage!!!! Refrigerants of thRefrigerants of thRefrigerants of thRefrigerants of the group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. e group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. e group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. e group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. In In In In still air there may be an increase of the ground level concentration. With high concentrations there is a still air there may be an increase of the ground level concentration. With high concentrations there is a still air there may be an increase of the ground level concentration. With high concentrations there is a still air there may be an increase of the ground level concentration. With high concentrations there is a danger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and suffodanger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and suffodanger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and suffodanger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and suffocation due to a reduced oxygen cation due to a reduced oxygen cation due to a reduced oxygen cation due to a reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.concentration, especially at ground level.concentration, especially at ground level.concentration, especially at ground level. • Unauthorized people must not have access to the unitUnauthorized people must not have access to the unitUnauthorized people must not have access to the unitUnauthorized people must not have access to the unit.... • Ensure working rooms are wellEnsure working rooms are wellEnsure working rooms are wellEnsure working rooms are well----ventilated in order to prevent inhalation of high vapor concentrationventilated in order to prevent inhalation of high vapor concentrationventilated in order to prevent inhalation of high vapor concentrationventilated in order to prevent inhalation of high vapor concentration.... • Please ensure that thPlease ensure that thPlease ensure that thPlease ensure that the CFC/HFC refrigerant e CFC/HFC refrigerant e CFC/HFC refrigerant e CFC/HFC refrigerant releasesreleasesreleasesreleases from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the building or put people at risk in any other way. CFC/HFC refrigerant vapor or gas must be kept from building or put people at risk in any other way. CFC/HFC refrigerant vapor or gas must be kept from building or put people at risk in any other way. CFC/HFC refrigerant vapor or gas must be kept from building or put people at risk in any other way. CFC/HFC refrigerant vapor or gas must be kept from penetrating neighboring rooms, staircases rooms, staircases, yards, passagpenetrating neighboring rooms, staircases rooms, staircases, yards, passagpenetrating neighboring rooms, staircases rooms, staircases, yards, passagpenetrating neighboring rooms, staircases rooms, staircases, yards, passages or drainage system and must es or drainage system and must es or drainage system and must es or drainage system and must be discharged without riskbe discharged without riskbe discharged without riskbe discharged without risk.... • Monitor the CFC/HFC refrigerant concentration in the ambient air to ensure constant compliance with Monitor the CFC/HFC refrigerant concentration in the ambient air to ensure constant compliance with Monitor the CFC/HFC refrigerant concentration in the ambient air to ensure constant compliance with Monitor the CFC/HFC refrigerant concentration in the ambient air to ensure constant compliance with limit values.limit values.limit values.limit values. Test the tightness of the unit regulatory, as specified in this operating instrucTest the tightness of the unit regulatory, as specified in this operating instrucTest the tightness of the unit regulatory, as specified in this operating instrucTest the tightness of the unit regulatory, as specified in this operating instruction (tion (tion (tion (see Inspection and see Inspection and see Inspection and see Inspection and maintenance plan, page maintenance plan, page maintenance plan, page maintenance plan, page 69696969))))

Fire Fire Fire Fire hazardhazardhazardhazard • • • • WWWWork ork ork ork with with with with fire or sparks, e.g. grinding, welding, etc., ensure suitable fire or sparks, e.g. grinding, welding, etc., ensure suitable fire or sparks, e.g. grinding, welding, etc., ensure suitable fire or sparks, e.g. grinding, welding, etc., ensure suitable firefighting equipment is onfirefighting equipment is onfirefighting equipment is onfirefighting equipment is on----site.site.site.site. • • • • In particular be aware of the danger of ignition of unintentionally In particular be aware of the danger of ignition of unintentionally In particular be aware of the danger of ignition of unintentionally In particular be aware of the danger of ignition of unintentionally carriecarriecarriecarried in oil residues or CFC/HFC refrigerant.d in oil residues or CFC/HFC refrigerant.d in oil residues or CFC/HFC refrigerant.d in oil residues or CFC/HFC refrigerant.

• • • • Ensure that provided firefighter equipment is provided in sufficient Ensure that provided firefighter equipment is provided in sufficient Ensure that provided firefighter equipment is provided in sufficient Ensure that provided firefighter equipment is provided in sufficient quantities, that it functions properly and that the extinguishing agent quantities, that it functions properly and that the extinguishing agent quantities, that it functions properly and that the extinguishing agent quantities, that it functions properly and that the extinguishing agent does not react with the CFC/HFC refrigerant.does not react with the CFC/HFC refrigerant.does not react with the CFC/HFC refrigerant.does not react with the CFC/HFC refrigerant. • • • • Smoke during work is Smoke during work is Smoke during work is Smoke during work is forbiddenforbiddenforbiddenforbidden

Frostbite hazardFrostbite hazardFrostbite hazardFrostbite hazard Splashing CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence can cause Splashing CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence can cause Splashing CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence can cause Splashing CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence can cause frostbite on eyes and skin.frostbite on eyes and skin.frostbite on eyes and skin.frostbite on eyes and skin. • • • • When removing faults after CFC/HFC refrigerant spills, you must be When removing faults after CFC/HFC refrigerant spills, you must be When removing faults after CFC/HFC refrigerant spills, you must be When removing faults after CFC/HFC refrigerant spills, you must be vigilant for remaining CFC/HFC refrigerant still under effervescvigilant for remaining CFC/HFC refrigerant still under effervescvigilant for remaining CFC/HFC refrigerant still under effervescvigilant for remaining CFC/HFC refrigerant still under effervescence.ence.ence.ence.

Güntner NLA 22/78

Danger of poisoningDanger of poisoningDanger of poisoningDanger of poisoning CFC/HFC refrigerant contact with fire can forCFC/HFC refrigerant contact with fire can forCFC/HFC refrigerant contact with fire can forCFC/HFC refrigerant contact with fire can formmmm toxic combustion toxic combustion toxic combustion toxic combustion productsproductsproductsproducts.... • • • • Prevent CFC/HFC refrigerant contact with open firePrevent CFC/HFC refrigerant contact with open firePrevent CFC/HFC refrigerant contact with open firePrevent CFC/HFC refrigerant contact with open fire.... • • • • Welding and soldering must therefore only take place after Welding and soldering must therefore only take place after Welding and soldering must therefore only take place after Welding and soldering must therefore only take place after completely draining the relevant seccompletely draining the relevant seccompletely draining the relevant seccompletely draining the relevant section of the system of the tion of the system of the tion of the system of the tion of the system of the CFC/HFC refrigerant. Ensure good ventilationCFC/HFC refrigerant. Ensure good ventilationCFC/HFC refrigerant. Ensure good ventilationCFC/HFC refrigerant. Ensure good ventilation

• • • • With emergency work in high refrigerant concentration in the room With emergency work in high refrigerant concentration in the room With emergency work in high refrigerant concentration in the room With emergency work in high refrigerant concentration in the room air wear a room airair wear a room airair wear a room airair wear a room air----independent breathing apparatusindependent breathing apparatusindependent breathing apparatusindependent breathing apparatus

3.8 Residual hazards caused by vibrations3.8 Residual hazards caused by vibrations3.8 Residual hazards caused by vibrations3.8 Residual hazards caused by vibrations

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by loose componentloose componentloose componentloose componentssss If fans are damaged during fan operation, If fans are damaged during fan operation, If fans are damaged during fan operation, If fans are damaged during fan operation, segments segments segments segments of the fan blades can of the fan blades can of the fan blades can of the fan blades can severely severely severely severely injure people injure people injure people injure people and/and/and/and/or or or or causecausecausecause damage to property close to the fan.damage to property close to the fan.damage to property close to the fan.damage to property close to the fan. Fans, componFans, componFans, componFans, components and cables in the system, must be designed, constructed and integrated soents and cables in the system, must be designed, constructed and integrated soents and cables in the system, must be designed, constructed and integrated soents and cables in the system, must be designed, constructed and integrated so that danthat danthat danthat dangers gers gers gers caused by vibrations that caused by vibrations that caused by vibrations that caused by vibrations that tttthesehesehesehese or other parts of the system generate are reduced to anor other parts of the system generate are reduced to anor other parts of the system generate are reduced to anor other parts of the system generate are reduced to an absolute minimum, absolute minimum, absolute minimum, absolute minimum, while incorporating all available means for reducing vibrawhile incorporating all available means for reducing vibrawhile incorporating all available means for reducing vibrawhile incorporating all available means for reducing vibrations, preferably attions, preferably attions, preferably attions, preferably at the source.the source.the source.the source.

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE Damage to property caused by vibrationsDamage to property caused by vibrationsDamage to property caused by vibrationsDamage to property caused by vibrations Vibrations that are increased by imbalances, as created by dirtVibrations that are increased by imbalances, as created by dirtVibrations that are increased by imbalances, as created by dirtVibrations that are increased by imbalances, as created by dirt or fan blade damage, areor fan blade damage, areor fan blade damage, areor fan blade damage, are possible duringpossible duringpossible duringpossible during operation. The vibrations are transferred to the unit, where they operation. The vibrations are transferred to the unit, where they operation. The vibrations are transferred to the unit, where they operation. The vibrations are transferred to the unit, where they cancancancan cause damage and damage the unit cause damage and damage the unit cause damage and damage the unit cause damage and damage the unit mounting or components connected to the unit.mounting or components connected to the unit.mounting or components connected to the unit.mounting or components connected to the unit. Check the fan blades and Check the fan blades and Check the fan blades and Check the fan blades and fan fan fan fan guardguardguardguard/s/s/s/s regularly for dirt and the fans'regularly for dirt and the fans'regularly for dirt and the fans'regularly for dirt and the fans' smooth smooth smooth smooth runningrunningrunningrunning ((((see Fans, page 6see Fans, page 6see Fans, page 6see Fans, page 69999))))....

3.9 Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts3.9 Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts3.9 Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts3.9 Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Injury and damage to property caused by Injury and damage to property caused by Injury and damage to property caused by Injury and damage to property caused by pressurizedpressurizedpressurizedpressurized parts that contain parts that contain parts that contain parts that contain CFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant Breaks in Breaks in Breaks in Breaks in pressurizedpressurizedpressurizedpressurized pipes or pipes or pipes or pipes or pressurizedpressurizedpressurizedpressurized components of the unit can cause injuries or damagecomponents of the unit can cause injuries or damagecomponents of the unit can cause injuries or damagecomponents of the unit can cause injuries or damage totototo property caused by property caused by property caused by property caused by refrigerant releasesrefrigerant releasesrefrigerant releasesrefrigerant releases. A sudden large release of the . A sudden large release of the . A sudden large release of the . A sudden large release of the refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant with its hazardouswith its hazardouswith its hazardouswith its hazardous properties after a break or leak on properties after a break or leak on properties after a break or leak on properties after a break or leak on pressurizedpressurizedpressurizedpressurized components of the unit can cause the followingcomponents of the unit can cause the followingcomponents of the unit can cause the followingcomponents of the unit can cause the following hazards:hazards:hazards:hazards: ■ Oxygen displacementOxygen displacementOxygen displacementOxygen displacement ■ FlammabilityFlammabilityFlammabilityFlammability caused by refrigerant oil % presentcaused by refrigerant oil % presentcaused by refrigerant oil % presentcaused by refrigerant oil % present ■ Frostbite (caused by liquid refrigerant squirting/splashing)Frostbite (caused by liquid refrigerant squirting/splashing)Frostbite (caused by liquid refrigerant squirting/splashing)Frostbite (caused by liquid refrigerant squirting/splashing) ■ SuffocationSuffocationSuffocationSuffocation

Güntner NLA 23/78

■ PanicPanicPanicPanic ■ Environmental pollutionEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental pollution Ensure that the unit in question is pressureEnsure that the unit in question is pressureEnsure that the unit in question is pressureEnsure that the unit in question is pressure----free before maintenance wofree before maintenance wofree before maintenance wofree before maintenance work begins or remove therk begins or remove therk begins or remove therk begins or remove the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant from the unit in question.from the unit in question.from the unit in question.from the unit in question. Only perform maintenance work Only perform maintenance work Only perform maintenance work Only perform maintenance work –––– especially especially especially especially brazingbrazingbrazingbrazing work work work work –––– on the unit in question after completelyon the unit in question after completelyon the unit in question after completelyon the unit in question after completely removing the removing the removing the removing the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant from the unit.from the unit.from the unit.from the unit.

3.10 Residual hazards caused by defective installat3.10 Residual hazards caused by defective installat3.10 Residual hazards caused by defective installat3.10 Residual hazards caused by defective installationionionion

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Injuries and damage to property caused by defective installationInjuries and damage to property caused by defective installationInjuries and damage to property caused by defective installationInjuries and damage to property caused by defective installation Defective installation results in hazards caused by:Defective installation results in hazards caused by:Defective installation results in hazards caused by:Defective installation results in hazards caused by:

■ Break or leak on liquidBreak or leak on liquidBreak or leak on liquidBreak or leak on liquid----carrying unit components and pipescarrying unit components and pipescarrying unit components and pipescarrying unit components and pipes ■ Absence of release devices to prevent liquid escape: Absence of release devices to prevent liquid escape: Absence of release devices to prevent liquid escape: Absence of release devices to prevent liquid escape: Liquid that can heat up dLiquid that can heat up dLiquid that can heat up dLiquid that can heat up during refrigeration system uring refrigeration system uring refrigeration system uring refrigeration system shutshutshutshutdown state and down state and down state and down state and can can can can cause pipe or connection flanges to break when it expands.cause pipe or connection flanges to break when it expands.cause pipe or connection flanges to break when it expands.cause pipe or connection flanges to break when it expands. ■ UnevUnevUnevUneven load distribution on the fixtures with the danger of stresses within the unit or unit displacementen load distribution on the fixtures with the danger of stresses within the unit or unit displacementen load distribution on the fixtures with the danger of stresses within the unit or unit displacementen load distribution on the fixtures with the danger of stresses within the unit or unit displacement (breaks or leaks on (breaks or leaks on (breaks or leaks on (breaks or leaks on refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----carrying components of the unit and pipes; danger ofcarrying components of the unit and pipes; danger ofcarrying components of the unit and pipes; danger ofcarrying components of the unit and pipes; danger of breaking off).breaking off).breaking off).breaking off). ■ Insufficient securing of Insufficient securing of Insufficient securing of Insufficient securing of refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----carrying lines carrying lines carrying lines carrying lines against mechanical damageagainst mechanical damageagainst mechanical damageagainst mechanical damage.... OnOnOnOn----site connections:site connections:site connections:site connections: loaded loaded loaded loaded installation; effect of forces on the distribution and header pipes with theinstallation; effect of forces on the distribution and header pipes with theinstallation; effect of forces on the distribution and header pipes with theinstallation; effect of forces on the distribution and header pipes with the danger of breaks or leaks on danger of breaks or leaks on danger of breaks or leaks on danger of breaks or leaks on refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----carrying components of the unit and pipes; danger of breakingcarrying components of the unit and pipes; danger of breakingcarrying components of the unit and pipes; danger of breakingcarrying components of the unit and pipes; danger of breaking offoffoffoff.... ■ BreakBreakBreakBreaking ing ing ing and fand fand fand fallallallallinginginging danger of the unit with hazard of escaping danger of the unit with hazard of escaping danger of the unit with hazard of escaping danger of the unit with hazard of escaping refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant and exposed electricaland exposed electricaland exposed electricaland exposed electrical cables.cables.cables.cables. ■ Danger of damage caused by environmentDanger of damage caused by environmentDanger of damage caused by environmentDanger of damage caused by environment ---- conditional hazard sources (production, transportconditional hazard sources (production, transportconditional hazard sources (production, transportconditional hazard sources (production, transport and other and other and other and other processes at the processes at the processes at the processes at the working areaworking areaworking areaworking area).).).). ■ Unit functional faults cauUnit functional faults cauUnit functional faults cauUnit functional faults caused by air sed by air sed by air sed by air entering and entering and entering and entering and //// oooor leavingr leavingr leavingr leaving obstructions.obstructions.obstructions.obstructions. ■ Obstruction of Obstruction of Obstruction of Obstruction of complete inspection, checks and maintenance, i.e. no unobstructed accessibility to the complete inspection, checks and maintenance, i.e. no unobstructed accessibility to the complete inspection, checks and maintenance, i.e. no unobstructed accessibility to the complete inspection, checks and maintenance, i.e. no unobstructed accessibility to the refrigerant and / or electrical components, connections and cables, no recognizable identifiers on threfrigerant and / or electrical components, connections and cables, no recognizable identifiers on threfrigerant and / or electrical components, connections and cables, no recognizable identifiers on threfrigerant and / or electrical components, connections and cables, no recognizable identifiers on the pipes e pipes e pipes e pipes and insufficient space for tests.and insufficient space for tests.and insufficient space for tests.and insufficient space for tests. Ensure that:Ensure that:Ensure that:Ensure that: • • • • The units are to be installed on the The units are to be installed on the The units are to be installed on the The units are to be installed on the mountingmountingmountingmounting points corresponding with their weights and tightenedpoints corresponding with their weights and tightenedpoints corresponding with their weights and tightenedpoints corresponding with their weights and tightened with with with with fixing bolts. The operator or installer is responsible for ensuring that the bolted connectifixing bolts. The operator or installer is responsible for ensuring that the bolted connectifixing bolts. The operator or installer is responsible for ensuring that the bolted connectifixing bolts. The operator or installer is responsible for ensuring that the bolted connectionsonsonsons are of an are of an are of an are of an adequate strength.adequate strength.adequate strength.adequate strength. • • • • The diameters of the mounting holes have been statically determined by the manufacturer andThe diameters of the mounting holes have been statically determined by the manufacturer andThe diameters of the mounting holes have been statically determined by the manufacturer andThe diameters of the mounting holes have been statically determined by the manufacturer and the fixing the fixing the fixing the fixing bolts are adapted accordingly.bolts are adapted accordingly.bolts are adapted accordingly.bolts are adapted accordingly. • • • • The fixing bolts are secured against loosening by means of an appropriate locking devThe fixing bolts are secured against loosening by means of an appropriate locking devThe fixing bolts are secured against loosening by means of an appropriate locking devThe fixing bolts are secured against loosening by means of an appropriate locking device.ice.ice.ice. • • • • The fixing bolts are not over tightened or stripped.The fixing bolts are not over tightened or stripped.The fixing bolts are not over tightened or stripped.The fixing bolts are not over tightened or stripped. • • • • All fixing bolts are tightened equally to achieve a load distribution on the connections that isAll fixing bolts are tightened equally to achieve a load distribution on the connections that isAll fixing bolts are tightened equally to achieve a load distribution on the connections that isAll fixing bolts are tightened equally to achieve a load distribution on the connections that is as balanced as balanced as balanced as balanced as possible.as possible.as possible.as possible. • • • • All All All All mountingmountingmountingmounting points maintaipoints maintaipoints maintaipoints maintain the same spacing to the finishedn the same spacing to the finishedn the same spacing to the finishedn the same spacing to the finished level pelevel pelevel pelevel permanently and under load, sormanently and under load, sormanently and under load, sormanently and under load, so that that that that no mechanical stress occurs in the unit structure. The units are anchored in their no mechanical stress occurs in the unit structure. The units are anchored in their no mechanical stress occurs in the unit structure. The units are anchored in their no mechanical stress occurs in the unit structure. The units are anchored in their mountingmountingmountingmounting position in position in position in position in order to prevent the equipment from moving.order to prevent the equipment from moving.order to prevent the equipment from moving.order to prevent the equipment from moving. • • • • The functional safety of the fixing bolts is tested as part of the maintThe functional safety of the fixing bolts is tested as part of the maintThe functional safety of the fixing bolts is tested as part of the maintThe functional safety of the fixing bolts is tested as part of the maintenance periods. enance periods. enance periods. enance periods. See Maintenance, See Maintenance, See Maintenance, See Maintenance, page page page page 66667777.... • • • • The unit is The unit is The unit is The unit is mountedmountedmountedmounted and set up so that it is not damaged by environmentand set up so that it is not damaged by environmentand set up so that it is not damaged by environmentand set up so that it is not damaged by environment----conditional hazardconditional hazardconditional hazardconditional hazard sources sources sources sources (production, transport and other processes at the (production, transport and other processes at the (production, transport and other processes at the (production, transport and other processes at the final installation final installation final installation final installation point) or its functioning ispoint) or its functioning ispoint) or its functioning ispoint) or its functioning is not disturbed not disturbed not disturbed not disturbed bbbby the interventions of unauthorized persons.y the interventions of unauthorized persons.y the interventions of unauthorized persons.y the interventions of unauthorized persons. • • • • The units are The units are The units are The units are mountedmountedmountedmounted and set up so that unobstructed air and set up so that unobstructed air and set up so that unobstructed air and set up so that unobstructed air enteringenteringenteringentering//// air living air living air living air living is constantly available is constantly available is constantly available is constantly available withoutwithoutwithoutwithout any air short circuiting.any air short circuiting.any air short circuiting.any air short circuiting. • • • • The units are The units are The units are The units are mountedmountedmountedmounted so that they can be inspected, checked and maintso that they can be inspected, checked and maintso that they can be inspected, checked and maintso that they can be inspected, checked and maintained from all sides at allained from all sides at allained from all sides at allained from all sides at all times, times, times, times, i.e. there must be unobstructed access to the refrigeranti.e. there must be unobstructed access to the refrigeranti.e. there must be unobstructed access to the refrigeranti.e. there must be unobstructed access to the refrigerant----carrying and electrical components,carrying and electrical components,carrying and electrical components,carrying and electrical components, connections connections connections connections and lines, the pipeline and lines, the pipeline and lines, the pipeline and lines, the pipeline labelinglabelinglabelinglabeling must be identifiable and adequate spacemust be identifiable and adequate spacemust be identifiable and adequate spacemust be identifiable and adequate space must be available for testing.must be available for testing.must be available for testing.must be available for testing.

Güntner NLA 24/78

• • • • The The The The refrirefrirefrirefrigerantgerantgerantgerant----carrying lines are protected against mechanical damage. Oncarrying lines are protected against mechanical damage. Oncarrying lines are protected against mechanical damage. Oncarrying lines are protected against mechanical damage. On----site connections:site connections:site connections:site connections: when when when when installing keep the unit free of load; force must not be exerted on the distributioninstalling keep the unit free of load; force must not be exerted on the distributioninstalling keep the unit free of load; force must not be exerted on the distributioninstalling keep the unit free of load; force must not be exerted on the distribution and header pipes.and header pipes.and header pipes.and header pipes. • • • • The following must be observed without fail when installing thThe following must be observed without fail when installing thThe following must be observed without fail when installing thThe following must be observed without fail when installing the unit:e unit:e unit:e unit: –––– Imperative adherence to spacing from objects that could be endangered by an Imperative adherence to spacing from objects that could be endangered by an Imperative adherence to spacing from objects that could be endangered by an Imperative adherence to spacing from objects that could be endangered by an effect of the CFC/HFC effect of the CFC/HFC effect of the CFC/HFC effect of the CFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant.... –––– Provision of measures to safeguard protective objects from aProvision of measures to safeguard protective objects from aProvision of measures to safeguard protective objects from aProvision of measures to safeguard protective objects from a CFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFC concentration of moreconcentration of moreconcentration of moreconcentration of more thathathathan n n n permissible.permissible.permissible.permissible. –––– FFFFlammable materials mlammable materials mlammable materials mlammable materials must not be placed below the unit.ust not be placed below the unit.ust not be placed below the unit.ust not be placed below the unit. –––– Set up and Set up and Set up and Set up and mountmountmountmount units as follows: In areas that are used for innerunits as follows: In areas that are used for innerunits as follows: In areas that are used for innerunits as follows: In areas that are used for inner----plant traffic, the pipelinesplant traffic, the pipelinesplant traffic, the pipelinesplant traffic, the pipelines to and from to and from to and from to and from the unit must only be installed with connections and fittings that cannot be removed.the unit must only be installed with connections and fittings that cannot be removed.the unit must only be installed with connections and fittings that cannot be removed.the unit must only be installed with connections and fittings that cannot be removed. –––– RelRelRelReliefiefiefief devices to prevdevices to prevdevices to prevdevices to prevent liquid ent liquid ent liquid ent liquid releasesreleasesreleasesreleases must be provided and available.must be provided and available.must be provided and available.must be provided and available. –––– SubSubSubSub----cooled liquid must only be present in cooled liquid must only be present in cooled liquid must only be present in cooled liquid must only be present in a minimal a minimal a minimal a minimal amount in system sectionsamount in system sectionsamount in system sectionsamount in system sections in shutdown statein shutdown statein shutdown statein shutdown state.... –––– That when switching over That when switching over That when switching over That when switching over a duty pump to a reserve pumpsa duty pump to a reserve pumpsa duty pump to a reserve pumpsa duty pump to a reserve pumps no liquid, cold refrigerant remainsno liquid, cold refrigerant remainsno liquid, cold refrigerant remainsno liquid, cold refrigerant remains in the in the in the in the pumppumppumppump....

3.11 Residual hazards with break during operation3.11 Residual hazards with break during operation3.11 Residual hazards with break during operation3.11 Residual hazards with break during operation

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Injuries and damage to property cInjuries and damage to property cInjuries and damage to property cInjuries and damage to property caused by break during operationaused by break during operationaused by break during operationaused by break during operation • • • • Residual hazards with break during operation (Residual hazards with break during operation (Residual hazards with break during operation (Residual hazards with break during operation (see Residual hazards caused by defective instasee Residual hazards caused by defective instasee Residual hazards caused by defective instasee Residual hazards caused by defective installation, page llation, page llation, page llation, page 22223333),),),), • • • • NonNonNonNon----compliance with maximum permissible operating pressure (compliance with maximum permissible operating pressure (compliance with maximum permissible operating pressure (compliance with maximum permissible operating pressure (see Operating conditions, page 1see Operating conditions, page 1see Operating conditions, page 1see Operating conditions, page 17777),),),), • • • • Disregarding pressurized line sections with maintenance (Disregarding pressurized line sections with maintenance (Disregarding pressurized line sections with maintenance (Disregarding pressurized line sections with maintenance (see Residual hazards caused by pressurized see Residual hazards caused by pressurized see Residual hazards caused by pressurized see Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts, page 2parts, page 2parts, page 2parts, page 22222).).).). • • • • Disregarding residDisregarding residDisregarding residDisregarding residual hazards caused by vibration (ual hazards caused by vibration (ual hazards caused by vibration (ual hazards caused by vibration (see Residual hazards caused by vibrations, page 2see Residual hazards caused by vibrations, page 2see Residual hazards caused by vibrations, page 2see Residual hazards caused by vibrations, page 22222)))) result in ruptures during operation and maintenance. This results in dangers caused byresult in ruptures during operation and maintenance. This results in dangers caused byresult in ruptures during operation and maintenance. This results in dangers caused byresult in ruptures during operation and maintenance. This results in dangers caused by

• • • • Loose componentsLoose componentsLoose componentsLoose components ((((see Residual hazards caused by see Residual hazards caused by see Residual hazards caused by see Residual hazards caused by pressurizedpressurizedpressurizedpressurized parts, page 2parts, page 2parts, page 2parts, page 22222).).).). • • • • RRRRefrigerant releasesefrigerant releasesefrigerant releasesefrigerant releases ((((see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantssss, page , page , page , page 22221111).).).).

Ensure that:Ensure that:Ensure that:Ensure that: • • • • The installation is faultThe installation is faultThe installation is faultThe installation is fault----free.free.free.free. • • • • The maximum permissible operating pressure is always adhered to.The maximum permissible operating pressure is always adhered to.The maximum permissible operating pressure is always adhered to.The maximum permissible operating pressure is always adhered to. • • • • Pressurized line sections are dePressurized line sections are dePressurized line sections are dePressurized line sections are de----pressurized before pressurized before pressurized before pressurized before any oany oany oany or r r r all maintenance and repair work.all maintenance and repair work.all maintenance and repair work.all maintenance and repair work. • • • • Vibrations from the refrigeration system (vibrations caused by refrigeration system compressors,Vibrations from the refrigeration system (vibrations caused by refrigeration system compressors,Vibrations from the refrigeration system (vibrations caused by refrigeration system compressors,Vibrations from the refrigeration system (vibrations caused by refrigeration system compressors, components and lines) and from the fan (imbalances caused by frocomponents and lines) and from the fan (imbalances caused by frocomponents and lines) and from the fan (imbalances caused by frocomponents and lines) and from the fan (imbalances caused by frostingstingstingsting oooor dirtr dirtr dirtr dirt buildbuildbuildbuild----up or damages) are up or damages) are up or damages) are up or damages) are reduced with all areduced with all areduced with all areduced with all available means and brought down to an absolutevailable means and brought down to an absolutevailable means and brought down to an absolutevailable means and brought down to an absolute minimum.minimum.minimum.minimum. • • • • RelRelRelReliefiefiefief devices to prevent liquid devices to prevent liquid devices to prevent liquid devices to prevent liquid releases releases releases releases are provided and available.are provided and available.are provided and available.are provided and available. • • • • SubSubSubSub----cooled liquid only cooled liquid only cooled liquid only cooled liquid only be present in a minimal be present in a minimal be present in a minimal be present in a minimal amount in system sectionsamount in system sectionsamount in system sectionsamount in system sections in shutdown statein shutdown statein shutdown statein shutdown state....

3333.12 Residual hazards.12 Residual hazards.12 Residual hazards.12 Residual hazards caused by caused by caused by caused by lllloose componentsoose componentsoose componentsoose components or liquidsor liquidsor liquidsor liquids

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Injuries and damage to property caused by Injuries and damage to property caused by Injuries and damage to property caused by Injuries and damage to property caused by loose componentsloose componentsloose componentsloose components or liquidsor liquidsor liquidsor liquids Residual hazards caused by Residual hazards caused by Residual hazards caused by Residual hazards caused by loose componentsloose componentsloose componentsloose components and liquids (and liquids (and liquids (and liquids (see Residual hazards with break during see Residual hazards with break during see Residual hazards with break during see Residual hazards with break during operation, page 2operation, page 2operation, page 2operation, page 24444))))....

3.13 Residual hazards with disposal3.13 Residual hazards with disposal3.13 Residual hazards with disposal3.13 Residual hazards with disposal

Güntner NLA 25/78

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by refrigerant CFC/HFCrefrigerant CFC/HFCrefrigerant CFC/HFCrefrigerant CFC/HFC.... The following notes are recommendations for the proper professional disposal of the unit. ApplicableThe following notes are recommendations for the proper professional disposal of the unit. ApplicableThe following notes are recommendations for the proper professional disposal of the unit. ApplicableThe following notes are recommendations for the proper professional disposal of the unit. Applicable waste waste waste waste disposal laws are binding for the country of operation:disposal laws are binding for the country of operation:disposal laws are binding for the country of operation:disposal laws are binding for the country of operation: ■ Disposal must only be carried out by experts.Disposal must only be carried out by experts.Disposal must only be carried out by experts.Disposal must only be carried out by experts. ■ All unit components, e.g. All unit components, e.g. All unit components, e.g. All unit components, e.g. refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant, refrigerator oil, heat exchangers, fans must be disposed, refrigerator oil, heat exchangers, fans must be disposed, refrigerator oil, heat exchangers, fans must be disposed, refrigerator oil, heat exchangers, fans must be disposed of properly of properly of properly of properly as specified.as specified.as specified.as specified. ■ Used Used Used Used refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant that is not determined for rethat is not determined for rethat is not determined for rethat is not determined for re----use, must be treated as waste and suse, must be treated as waste and suse, must be treated as waste and suse, must be treated as waste and safely disposedafely disposedafely disposedafely disposed of. There of. There of. There of. There must be no emissions into the environment.must be no emissions into the environment.must be no emissions into the environment.must be no emissions into the environment. ■ The The The The CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantssss must be must be must be must be transferredtransferredtransferredtransferred into a refrigerant container in compliance with theinto a refrigerant container in compliance with theinto a refrigerant container in compliance with theinto a refrigerant container in compliance with the respective safety measures. This special refrigerant container must be suitable for the rrespective safety measures. This special refrigerant container must be suitable for the rrespective safety measures. This special refrigerant container must be suitable for the rrespective safety measures. This special refrigerant container must be suitable for the refrigerant.efrigerant.efrigerant.efrigerant. It must It must It must It must be easy to identify and labeled for the refrigerant, e.g. "be easy to identify and labeled for the refrigerant, e.g. "be easy to identify and labeled for the refrigerant, e.g. "be easy to identify and labeled for the refrigerant, e.g. "HFC R404A HFC R404A HFC R404A HFC R404A recovered".recovered".recovered".recovered". ■ A disposable singleA disposable singleA disposable singleA disposable single----use container must not be used, as refrigerant vapor residues in theuse container must not be used, as refrigerant vapor residues in theuse container must not be used, as refrigerant vapor residues in theuse container must not be used, as refrigerant vapor residues in the container escape container escape container escape container escape during disposal.during disposal.during disposal.during disposal. ■ The The The The refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant container mucontainer mucontainer mucontainer must not be overfilled. The maximum permissible pressure of thest not be overfilled. The maximum permissible pressure of thest not be overfilled. The maximum permissible pressure of thest not be overfilled. The maximum permissible pressure of the containercontainercontainercontainer must not be exceeded during the must not be exceeded during the must not be exceeded during the must not be exceeded during the removalremovalremovalremoval process.process.process.process. ■ The The The The refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant must not be filled in a liquid container that contains another or an unknownmust not be filled in a liquid container that contains another or an unknownmust not be filled in a liquid container that contains another or an unknownmust not be filled in a liquid container that contains another or an unknown refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant. . . . This other or unknown This other or unknown This other or unknown This other or unknown refrirefrirefrirefrigerantgerantgerantgerant must not be released into the atmosphere,must not be released into the atmosphere,must not be released into the atmosphere,must not be released into the atmosphere, but rather identified, treated but rather identified, treated but rather identified, treated but rather identified, treated again, or properly disposed of as specified.again, or properly disposed of as specified.again, or properly disposed of as specified.again, or properly disposed of as specified. ■ An officially An officially An officially An officially authorizedauthorizedauthorizedauthorized facility can be used for destroying the facility can be used for destroying the facility can be used for destroying the facility can be used for destroying the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant.... ■ Used refrigeraUsed refrigeraUsed refrigeraUsed refrigerantntntnt oil that has been recovered fromoil that has been recovered fromoil that has been recovered fromoil that has been recovered from the unit and cannot be treated again, mustthe unit and cannot be treated again, mustthe unit and cannot be treated again, mustthe unit and cannot be treated again, must be kept in a be kept in a be kept in a be kept in a separate, suitable container, treated as waste and safely disposed of.separate, suitable container, treated as waste and safely disposed of.separate, suitable container, treated as waste and safely disposed of.separate, suitable container, treated as waste and safely disposed of. ■ It must be ensured that all unit components containing It must be ensured that all unit components containing It must be ensured that all unit components containing It must be ensured that all unit components containing refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant and refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigerannnnt oil, aret oil, aret oil, aret oil, are disposed of disposed of disposed of disposed of properly as specified.properly as specified.properly as specified.properly as specified. ■ The unit consists predominantly of the basic materials The unit consists predominantly of the basic materials The unit consists predominantly of the basic materials The unit consists predominantly of the basic materials coppercoppercoppercopper, , , , aluminumaluminumaluminumaluminum, , , , galvanizedgalvanizedgalvanizedgalvanized steelsteelsteelsteel (heat (heat (heat (heat exchanger and casing), steel, polyamide (motors). These materials can be handled by the waste industry, exchanger and casing), steel, polyamide (motors). These materials can be handled by the waste industry, exchanger and casing), steel, polyamide (motors). These materials can be handled by the waste industry, exchanger and casing), steel, polyamide (motors). These materials can be handled by the waste industry, includingincludingincludingincluding in paintin paintin paintin paint----treated state, to recycling via metreated state, to recycling via metreated state, to recycling via metreated state, to recycling via mechanical and thermal separation.chanical and thermal separation.chanical and thermal separation.chanical and thermal separation. ■ Before scrapping the Before scrapping the Before scrapping the Before scrapping the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----carrying unit components must be drained, whereby thecarrying unit components must be drained, whereby thecarrying unit components must be drained, whereby thecarrying unit components must be drained, whereby the pressure must pressure must pressure must pressure must be reduced to at least be reduced to at least be reduced to at least be reduced to at least 8.7 psi (8.7 psi (8.7 psi (8.7 psi (0.6 bar0.6 bar0.6 bar0.6 bar)))) absolute for a unit pipe volume up to and includingabsolute for a unit pipe volume up to and includingabsolute for a unit pipe volume up to and includingabsolute for a unit pipe volume up to and including 7.0 ft7.0 ft7.0 ft7.0 ft3333 ((((200 l200 l200 l200 l)))), , , , and to and to and to and to psi (psi (psi (psi (0.3 bar0.3 bar0.3 bar0.3 bar)))) absolute for a unit pipe volume over absolute for a unit pipe volume over absolute for a unit pipe volume over absolute for a unit pipe volume over 7.0 ft7.0 ft7.0 ft7.0 ft3333 ((((200 l200 l200 l200 l)))). The pressure reduction. The pressure reduction. The pressure reduction. The pressure reduction process process process process is then ended when the pressure no longer increases and remains constant, and theis then ended when the pressure no longer increases and remains constant, and theis then ended when the pressure no longer increases and remains constant, and theis then ended when the pressure no longer increases and remains constant, and the unit is at ambient unit is at ambient unit is at ambient unit is at ambient temperature.temperature.temperature.temperature.

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING DaDaDaDanger of environmental pollutionnger of environmental pollutionnger of environmental pollutionnger of environmental pollution Operate tOperate tOperate tOperate the he he he facility for recovering or disposing of refrigerant so that the danger of a refrigerant or facility for recovering or disposing of refrigerant so that the danger of a refrigerant or facility for recovering or disposing of refrigerant so that the danger of a refrigerant or facility for recovering or disposing of refrigerant so that the danger of a refrigerant or refrigerarefrigerarefrigerarefrigerannnnt oil emission into environment is kept t oil emission into environment is kept t oil emission into environment is kept t oil emission into environment is kept to a minimumto a minimumto a minimumto a minimum.... • • • • EnsureEnsureEnsureEnsure that no that no that no that no refrigerant enters water system or refrigerant enters water system or refrigerant enters water system or refrigerant enters water system or sewage.sewage.sewage.sewage. Güntner transportation packaging is made from environmentally compatible material and is suitable for recycling.

4444. . . . Technical Technical Technical Technical ddddataataataata

Güntner NLA 26/78

4444.1 .1 .1 .1 UnitUnitUnitUnit

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE The fans' capacity values depend on the ambient temperature and on the The fans' capacity values depend on the ambient temperature and on the The fans' capacity values depend on the ambient temperature and on the The fans' capacity values depend on the ambient temperature and on the external pressureexternal pressureexternal pressureexternal pressure at the workingat the workingat the workingat the working point.point.point.point. All electrical All electrical All electrical All electrical components and devices components and devices components and devices components and devices must be installed in accmust be installed in accmust be installed in accmust be installed in accordance ordance ordance ordance with with with with applicable napplicable napplicable napplicable national ational ational ational and local and local and local and local ccccodes and odes and odes and odes and regulations such as national electrical coderegulations such as national electrical coderegulations such as national electrical coderegulations such as national electrical code (NEC(NEC(NEC(NEC)))). . . . Installation must comply with specifications Installation must comply with specifications Installation must comply with specifications Installation must comply with specifications regarding wire typesregarding wire typesregarding wire typesregarding wire types, conductor sizes, branch circuit protection and disconnect devices. Failure to do so , conductor sizes, branch circuit protection and disconnect devices. Failure to do so , conductor sizes, branch circuit protection and disconnect devices. Failure to do so , conductor sizes, branch circuit protection and disconnect devices. Failure to do so may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage. may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage. may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage. may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.

Project number See order – submittal documents – unit nameplate

Unit name See order – submittal documents – unit nameplate

Manufacturer number See order – submittal documents – unit nameplate Production year See order – submittal documents – unit nameplate

Working fluid See order – submittal documents – unit nameplate

Volume See order – related offer documents

Permissible operation pressure 464.1 psi (32.0 bar)

Test pressure 510.5 psi (35.2 bar)

Permissible air humidity 100 % Test date See order – submittal documents – unit nameplate

Test medium Dry air

Weight See order – submittal documents – unit nameplate

4444....2222 FansFansFansFans

Fan type See order – related offer documents

Protection rating Insulation class F

Current type 3 ~ rotating current


460V/3~/60Hz 230V/3~/60Hz 400V/3~/60Hz 400V/3~/50Hz 575V/3~/60Hz

Permissible air temperature Usage range -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C)

Protective device Thermo contacts (break contact-protective device for preventing thermal overload)

4444....3333 NomenclatureNomenclatureNomenclatureNomenclature

Güntner NLA 27/78

GVH 080 .4 B / 2 X 2 - N (L) .M

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. GVH / GVV : Güntner Condenser Horizontal / Güntner Condenser Vertical

2. Fan diameter: 050: 19.70“ (500 mm)

065: 25.60“ (650 mm) 080: 31.50” (800 mm) 090: 35.40” (900 mm)

3. Version : .4

4. Block module dimensions

A: Length 74.80” (1900 mm) by width 43.30” (1100 mm) (single fan row) A: Length 74.80” (1900 mm) by width 86.60” (2200 mm) (double fan rows) B: Length 90.55” (2300 mm) by width 43.30” (1100 mm) (single fan row) B: Length 90.55” (2300 mm) by width 86.60” (2200 mm) (double fan rows) C: Length 74.80” (1900 mm) by width 59.06” (1500 mm) (single fan row) D: Length 90.55” (2300 mm) by width 59.06” (1500 mm) (single fan row)

5. Number of fans: 1 to 6 in a single row construction 2 X 2 to 2 x 6 in a double row construction

6. Fan noise level: N: Normal

M: Medium L: Low level S: Very low level

7. Motor voltage: U or V: 230V/3~/60Hz L or K: 460V/3~/60Hz S or D: 400V/3~/50Hz J or I: 400V/3~/60Hz H: 575V/3~/60Hz 2: 380-460V/3~/50-60Hz 4: 220-240V/3~/50-60Hz

8. Manufacturing location: .M means manufactured in Mexico

4444....4444 DimensionsDimensionsDimensionsDimensions

Güntner NLA 28/78

Horizontal units (fan diameter Horizontal units (fan diameter Horizontal units (fan diameter Horizontal units (fan diameter 555500 mm and 00 mm and 00 mm and 00 mm and 656565650 mm)0 mm)0 mm)0 mm) Single rowSingle rowSingle rowSingle row

Double rowDouble rowDouble rowDouble row










Güntner NLA 29/78

















5 1







5 3












3 1











5 1







5 3




2 1





9 7



3 1











5 1







5 3













3 1











5 1







5 3









9 1




3 1











5 1







5 3
















1 1








5 1







5 3













3 1











5 1







5 3










1 3



3 1











5 1







5 3













3 1












6 3




5 1


















1 1









6 3




5 1








9 1











1 1









6 3




5 1



















1 1









6 3




5 1








6 1











1 1













7 3



















1 1













7 3



















1 1













7 3








9 1












1 1













7 3




















1 1













7 3




















1 1













7 3








2 7












1 1













7 3













7 1



5 1















7 3




















1 1













7 3




















1 1













7 3








6 1











1 1














5 1


















1 1














5 1








9 1











1 1














5 1


















1 1














5 1








2 7











1 1














5 1













7 1



5 1
















5 1



















1 1














5 1








6 1











1 1






























Güntner NLA 30/78

VerticalVerticalVerticalVertical units (fan diameter units (fan diameter units (fan diameter units (fan diameter 555500 mm and 00 mm and 00 mm and 00 mm and 656565650 mm)0 mm)0 mm)0 mm) Single rowSingle rowSingle rowSingle row

Double rowDouble rowDouble rowDouble row



G L1







Güntner NLA 31/78


















4 1


















3 3



8 1



3 1











4 1


















3 3



8 1



3 1











4 1










9 1









3 3



8 1



3 1











4 1










2 7









3 3



8 1



3 1











4 1




















3 3



8 1



4 3










4 1



















3 3



8 1



3 1











4 1



















3 3



8 1



3 1











4 1










6 1









3 3



8 1



3 1

















7 1





2 1





0 7












1 1














7 1























1 1














7 1











2 3












1 1














7 1










4 1












1 1








4 1





























1 1








4 1










2 1





9 7














1 1








4 1





























1 1








4 1






























1 1








4 1















5 5














1 1








4 1















9 1














1 1








4 1






























1 1








4 1






























1 1








4 1
















1 3














1 1








4 1





























1 1














7 5




2 1





0 7













1 1














7 5























1 1














7 5









6 5













1 1














7 5









0 7













1 1














7 5
























1 1














7 5










2 3













1 1














7 5









4 1













1 1



























Güntner NLA 32/78

Horizontal units (fan diameter 800 Horizontal units (fan diameter 800 Horizontal units (fan diameter 800 Horizontal units (fan diameter 800 mm andmm andmm andmm and 900 mm)900 mm)900 mm)900 mm) Single rowSingle rowSingle rowSingle row

HorizontalHorizontalHorizontalHorizontal units units units units Double rowDouble rowDouble rowDouble row

Vertical unitsVertical unitsVertical unitsVertical units

















Güntner NLA 33/78

mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in

080.4A/1 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2270 89 3/8 1854 73 1954 76 15/16 248 9 3/4

080.4A/2 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4170 164 3/16 3754 147 13/16 3854 151 3/4 248 9 3/4

080.4A/3 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 6070 239 2827 111 5/16 5754 226 9/16 248 9 3/4

080.4A/4 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 8070 317 11/16 3777 148 11/16 7654 301 5/16 348 13 11/16

080.4A/5 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9970 392 1/2 3152 124 1/8 9554 376 1/8 348 13 11/16

080.4A/6 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11870 467 5/16 3785 149 11454 450 15/16 348 13 11/16

080.4B/1 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2670 105 1/8 2254 88 3/4 2354 92 11/16 248 9 3/4

080.4B/2 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4970 195 11/16 4554 179 5/16 4654 183 1/4 248 9 3/4

080.4B/3 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 7270 286 1/4 3427 134 15/16 6954 273 3/4 248 9 3/4

080.4B/4 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9670 380 11/16 3052 120 3/16 9254 364 5/16 348 13 11/16

080.4B/5 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11970 471 1/4 3818 150 5/16 11554 454 7/8 348 13 11/16

080.4C/1 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2270 89 3/8 1854 73 1954 76 15/16 248 9 3/4

080.4C/2 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4170 164 3/16 3754 147 13/16 3854 151 3/4 248 9 3/4

080.4C/3 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 6070 239 2827 111 5/16 5754 226 9/16 248 9 3/4

080.4C/4 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 8070 317 11/16 3777 148 11/16 7654 301 5/16 348 13 11/16

080.4C/5 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9970 392 1/2 3152 124 1/8 9554 376 1/8 348 13 11/16

080.4C/6 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11870 467 5/16 3785 149 11454 450 15/16 348 13 11/16

080.4D/1 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2670 105 1/8 2254 88 3/4 2354 92 11/16 248 9 3/4

080.4D/2 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4970 195 11/16 4554 179 5/16 4654 183 1/4 248 9 3/4

080.4D/3 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 7270 286 1/4 3427 134 15/16 6954 273 3/4 248 9 3/4

080.4D/4 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9670 380 11/16 3052 120 3/16 9254 364 5/16 348 13 11/16

080.4D/5 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11970 471 1/4 3818 150 5/16 11554 454 7/8 348 13 11/16

080.4A/2x2 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4270 168 1/8 3754 147 13/16 3854 151 3/4 348 13 11/16

080.4A/2x3 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 6170 242 15/16 2827 111 5/16 5754 226 9/16 348 13 11/16

080.4A/2x4 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 8070 317 11/16 3777 148 11/16 7654 301 5/16 348 13 11/16

080.4A/2x5 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9970 392 1/2 3152 124 1/8 9554 376 1/8 348 13 11/16

080.4A/2x6 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11870 467 5/16 3786 149 1/16 11454 450 15/16 348 13 11/16

080.4B/2x2 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 5070 199 5/8 4554 179 5/16 4654 183 1/4 348 13 11/16

080.4B/2x3 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 7370 290 3/16 3427 134 15/16 6954 273 3/4 348 13 11/16

080.4B/2x4 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9670 380 11/16 3052 120 3/16 9254 364 5/16 348 13 11/16

080.4B/2x5 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11970 471 1/4 3818 150 5/16 11554 454 7/8 348 13 11/16

090.4A/1 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2270 89 3/8 1854 73 1954 76 15/16 248 9 3/4

090.4A/2 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4170 164 3/16 3754 147 13/16 3854 151 3/4 248 9 3/4

090.4A/4 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 8070 317 11/16 3777 148 11/16 7654 301 5/16 348 13 11/16

090.4A/5 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9970 392 1/2 3152 124 1/8 9554 376 1/8 348 13 11/16

090.4A/6 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11870 467 5/16 3785 149 11454 450 15/16 348 13 11/16

090.4B/1 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2670 105 1/8 2254 88 3/4 2354 92 11/16 248 9 3/4

090.4B/2 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4970 195 11/16 4554 179 5/16 4654 183 1/4 248 9 3/4

090.4B/3 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 7270 286 1/4 3427 134 15/16 6954 273 3/4 248 9 3/4

090.4B/4 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9670 380 11/16 3052 120 3/16 9254 364 5/16 348 13 11/16

090.4B/5 1116 43 15/16 1013 39 7/8 1113 43 13/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11970 471 1/4 3818 150 5/16 11554 454 7/8 348 13 11/16

090.4C/1 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2270 89 3/8 1854 73 1954 76 15/16 248 9 3/4

090.4C/2 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4170 164 3/16 3754 147 13/16 3854 151 3/4 248 9 3/4

090.4C/3 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 6070 239 2827 111 5/16 5754 226 9/16 248 9 3/4

090.4C/4 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 8070 317 11/16 3777 148 11/16 7654 301 5/16 348 13 11/16

090.4C/5 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9970 392 1/2 3152 124 1/8 9554 376 1/8 348 13 11/16

090.4C/6 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11870 467 5/16 3785 149 11454 450 15/16 348 13 11/16

090.4D/1 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 2670 105 1/8 2254 88 3/4 2354 92 11/16 248 9 3/4

090.4D/2 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4970 195 11/16 4554 179 5/16 4654 183 1/4 248 9 3/4

090.4D/3 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 7270 286 1/4 3427 134 15/16 6954 273 3/4 248 9 3/4

090.4D/4 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9670 380 11/16 3052 120 3/16 9254 364 5/16 348 13 11/16

090.4D/5 1516 59 11/16 1413 55 5/8 1513 59 9/16 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11970 471 1/4 3818 150 5/16 11554 454 7/8 348 13 11/16

090.4A/2x2 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 4270 168 1/8 3754 147 13/16 3854 151 3/4 348 13 11/16

090.4A/2x3 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 6170 242 15/16 2827 111 5/16 5754 226 9/16 348 13 11/16

090.4A/2x4 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 8070 317 11/16 3777 148 11/16 7654 301 5/16 348 13 11/16

090.4A/2x5 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9970 392 1/2 3152 124 1/8 9554 376 1/8 348 13 11/16

090.4A/2x6 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11870 467 5/16 3785 149 11454 450 15/16 348 13 11/16

090.4B/2x2 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 5070 199 5/8 4554 179 5/16 4654 183 1/4 348 13 11/16

090.4B/2x3 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 7370 290 3/16 3427 134 15/16 6954 273 3/4 348 13 11/16

090.4B/2x4 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 9670 380 11/16 3052 120 3/16 9254 364 5/16 348 13 11/16

090.4B/2x5 2266 89 3/16 2163 85 3/16 2263 89 1/8 1500 59 1/16 600 23 5/8 11970 471 1/4 3818 150 5/16 11554 454 7/8 348 13 11/16



Güntner NLA 34/78

Vertical units (fan diameter 800 mm and 900 mm)Vertical units (fan diameter 800 mm and 900 mm)Vertical units (fan diameter 800 mm and 900 mm)Vertical units (fan diameter 800 mm and 900 mm) Single rowSingle rowSingle rowSingle row

Double rowDouble rowDouble rowDouble row


R1 L1 L1






R1 L1 L1

Güntner NLA 35/78

mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in

080.4A/1 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 2270 89 3/8 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

080.4A/2 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 4170 164 3/16 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

080.4A/3 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 6070 239 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

080.4A/4 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 8070 317 11/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4A/5 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 9970 392 1/2 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4A/6 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 11870 467 5/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4B/1 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 2670 105 1/8 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

080.4B/2 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 4970 195 11/16 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

080.4B/3 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 7270 286 1/4 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

080.4B/4 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 9670 380 11/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

080.4B/5 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 11970 471 1/4 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

080.4C/1 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 2270 89 3/8 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

080.4C/2 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 4170 164 3/16 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

080.4C/3 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 6070 239 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

080.4C/4 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 8070 317 11/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4C/5 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 9970 392 1/2 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4C/6 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 11870 467 5/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4D/1 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 2670 105 1/8 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

080.4D/2 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 4970 195 11/16 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

080.4D/3 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 7270 286 1/4 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

080.4D/4 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 9670 380 11/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

080.4D/5 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 11970 471 1/4 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

080.4A/2x2 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 4270 168 1/8 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4A/2x3 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 6170 242 15/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4A/2x4 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 8070 317 11/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4A/2x5 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 9970 392 1/2 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4A/2x6 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 11870 467 5/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

080.4B/2x2 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 5070 199 5/8 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

080.4B/2x3 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 7370 290 3/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

080.4B/2x4 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 9670 380 11/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

080.4B/2x5 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 11970 471 1/4 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/1 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 2270 89 3/8 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

090.4A/2 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 4170 164 3/16 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

090.4A/3 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 6070 239 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

090.4A/4 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 8070 317 11/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/5 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 9970 392 1/2 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/6 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 11870 467 5/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4B/1 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 2670 105 1/8 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

090.4B/2 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 4970 195 11/16 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

090.4B/3 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 7270 286 1/4 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

090.4B/4 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 9670 380 11/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4B/5 1153 45 3/8 1209 49 9/16 11970 471 1/4 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4C/1 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 2270 89 3/8 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

090.4C/2 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 4170 164 3/16 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

090.4C/3 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 6070 239 1900 74 13/16 275 10 13/16

090.4C/4 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 8070 317 11/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4C/5 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 9970 392 1/2 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4C/6 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 11870 467 5/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4D/1 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 2670 105 1/8 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

090.4D/2 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 4970 195 11/16 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

090.4D/3 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 7270 286 1/4 2300 90 9/16 275 10 13/16

090.4D/4 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 9670 380 11/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4D/5 1153 45 3/8 1609 65 15/16 11970 471 1/4 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/2x2 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 4270 168 1/8 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/2x3 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 6170 242 15/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/2x4 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 8070 317 11/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/2x5 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 9970 392 1/2 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4A/2x6 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 11870 467 5/16 1900 74 13/16 375 14 3/4

090.4B/2x2 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 5070 199 5/8 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4B/2x3 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 7370 290 3/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4B/2x4 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 9670 380 11/16 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

090.4B/2x5 1153 45 3/8 2359 96 11/16 11970 471 1/4 2300 90 9/16 375 14 3/4

R1R1R1R1GVV ModelGVV ModelGVV ModelGVV Model


Güntner NLA 36/78

5555. . . . SetSetSetSet----up and functionup and functionup and functionup and function The condenser consists of, • a heat exchanger arranged as consisting of pipe coils fitted with fins (copper tube, aluminum fin), headers and header’s outlets . • a self-supporting enclosure structure with side support and number of legs. The enclosure consists of galvanized sheet steel, painted. • and – depending on the version – with one or more low noise axial fans, with maintenance –free motors. The GVH/GVV condensers series are a refrigeration system component. The refrigeration system is a combination of refrigerant-carrying components and fittings connected with one another, which form a closed circuit, in which the refrigerant circulates. The refrigerant absorbs heat at low temperature and low pressure and evaporates (evaporator-side), and at higher temperature and higher pressure gives off the heat gain and condenses itself (condenser-side). The condenser condenses the refrigerant by giving off heat to the air that is moved by fans over the dry heat exchanger surface. The CFC/HFC refrigerants used (R134a, R404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are group A1 refrigerants (see see see see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantResidual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantResidual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantResidual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantssss, page 2, page 2, page 2, page 21111).

Güntner NLA 37/78

6666. . . . Fan motorFan motorFan motorFan motor

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE DDDDuring longeuring longeuring longeuring longer storage or downtime periods, the fans must be operated for 2 to 4 hours each month.r storage or downtime periods, the fans must be operated for 2 to 4 hours each month.r storage or downtime periods, the fans must be operated for 2 to 4 hours each month.r storage or downtime periods, the fans must be operated for 2 to 4 hours each month.

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE In the case of fans with In the case of fans with In the case of fans with In the case of fans with condensate holescondensate holescondensate holescondensate holes, any sealed, any sealed, any sealed, any sealed (plugged)(plugged)(plugged)(plugged) condensate drain holes must be opened at condensate drain holes must be opened at condensate drain holes must be opened at condensate drain holes must be opened at least every six months.least every six months.least every six months.least every six months. AC technologyAC technologyAC technologyAC technology The AC motors are protected against overheating by a thermo-contact. For motors with thermo-contact, the thermo-contact has to be wired in the switch cabinet in such a way that turning on the motor with triggered thermo-contact is not possible. A locking device is recommended for preventing reactivation. Motors with PTC resistors require an additional trigger device for the installed thermistors. Locking is recommended to prevent reactivation. Max. 2.5 V test voltage or current-limited meters may be used on thermistors. For motors with direct start and a connection value > 4.0 kW, a startup current limitation (soft start using thyristor) may be necessary. If frequency converters for speed control are used, the following has to be observed for external rotor motors: Between frequency converter and motor, an effective all-pole sine filter has to be installed (sinus-shaped output voltage, filter effective between phase against phase, phase against earth) Güntner frequency converters feature this function as standard. Güntner three-phase standard motors are suitable for direct operation on frequency converters. The three-phase fan motors can be operated by means of star-delta with two speeds and/or with speed control. The direction of rotation must be checked. If the direction is wrong, it can be changed by interchanging two phases. Electronic technologyElectronic technologyElectronic technologyElectronic technology

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE The fan motors avail of a separate electronic power circuit. This power circuit is controlled via GThe fan motors avail of a separate electronic power circuit. This power circuit is controlled via GThe fan motors avail of a separate electronic power circuit. This power circuit is controlled via GThe fan motors avail of a separate electronic power circuit. This power circuit is controlled via Güüüüntner ntner ntner ntner Motor Management (GMM). The motors can be powered at Motor Management (GMM). The motors can be powered at Motor Management (GMM). The motors can be powered at Motor Management (GMM). The motors can be powered at singlesinglesinglesingle----phase (220Vphase (220Vphase (220Vphase (220V----277V, 1~, 50/60 Hz) and 277V, 1~, 50/60 Hz) and 277V, 1~, 50/60 Hz) and 277V, 1~, 50/60 Hz) and threethreethreethree----phase (480V, phase (480V, phase (480V, phase (480V, 3333~, 50/60 Hz) voltages. Please refer to the wiring diagrams or motor terminal box ~, 50/60 Hz) voltages. Please refer to the wiring diagrams or motor terminal box ~, 50/60 Hz) voltages. Please refer to the wiring diagrams or motor terminal box ~, 50/60 Hz) voltages. Please refer to the wiring diagrams or motor terminal box information for the electrical connection.information for the electrical connection.information for the electrical connection.information for the electrical connection.

Güntner NLA 38/78 TTTTransportationransportationransportationransportation,,,, rigging rigging rigging rigging and storageand storageand storageand storage

7.1 Safety7.1 Safety7.1 Safety7.1 Safety

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING CrCrCrCrushing danger with falling objectsushing danger with falling objectsushing danger with falling objectsushing danger with falling objects The The The The GVH/GVV GVH/GVV GVH/GVV GVH/GVV unitunitunitunit’s’s’s’s empty empty empty empty weighweighweighweightttt is is is is between between between between 626626626626 lb (lb (lb (lb (284284284284 kgkgkgkg)))) and and and and 5778577857785778 lb (lb (lb (lb (2222621621621621 kgkgkgkg)))). It can slip and fall off . It can slip and fall off . It can slip and fall off . It can slip and fall off the means of transport, causingthe means of transport, causingthe means of transport, causingthe means of transport, causing serious injuries or death. Heavy impacts orserious injuries or death. Heavy impacts orserious injuries or death. Heavy impacts orserious injuries or death. Heavy impacts or vibrations can damage the unit.vibrations can damage the unit.vibrations can damage the unit.vibrations can damage the unit. Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units.Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units.Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units.Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units. Ensure that the assigned staff is trained for proper unloadingEnsure that the assigned staff is trained for proper unloadingEnsure that the assigned staff is trained for proper unloadingEnsure that the assigned staff is trained for proper unloading and riggingand riggingand riggingand rigging.... Use a transporting device appropriate for the unit's weight Use a transporting device appropriate for the unit's weight Use a transporting device appropriate for the unit's weight Use a transporting device appropriate for the unit's weight ((((see Transportsee Transportsee Transportsee Transportationationationation, rigging, rigging, rigging, rigging and storage, page and storage, page and storage, page and storage, page 33338888).).).). You will find the weight of the packed unit in the You will find the weight of the packed unit in the You will find the weight of the packed unit in the You will find the weight of the packed unit in the submittalsubmittalsubmittalsubmittal offer documents.offer documents.offer documents.offer documents. Ensure that nobody is under the unit or near the loaded area during the Ensure that nobody is under the unit or near the loaded area during the Ensure that nobody is under the unit or near the loaded area during the Ensure that nobody is under the unit or near the loaded area during the riggingriggingriggingrigging.... Observe even distribution of unit weight for transport. OObserve even distribution of unit weight for transport. OObserve even distribution of unit weight for transport. OObserve even distribution of unit weight for transport. Observe that the main unit weight is alwaysbserve that the main unit weight is alwaysbserve that the main unit weight is alwaysbserve that the main unit weight is always on the on the on the on the fan side. Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units fan side. Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units fan side. Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units fan side. Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units ((((see Other signs and notes on see Other signs and notes on see Other signs and notes on see Other signs and notes on the unit, page 1the unit, page 1the unit, page 1the unit, page 13333).).).). Secure the unit against slipping and mechanical damage.Secure the unit against slipping and mechanical damage.Secure the unit against slipping and mechanical damage.Secure the unit against slipping and mechanical damage. When When When When rigging rigging rigging rigging by craby craby craby crane: The hooks and lifting gear of the load lifting equipment must bene: The hooks and lifting gear of the load lifting equipment must bene: The hooks and lifting gear of the load lifting equipment must bene: The hooks and lifting gear of the load lifting equipment must be only attached at only attached at only attached at only attached at the points specified by the manufacturer. Ensure that the unit the points specified by the manufacturer. Ensure that the unit the points specified by the manufacturer. Ensure that the unit the points specified by the manufacturer. Ensure that the unit casingcasingcasingcasing is notis notis notis not crushed by slings, by crushed by slings, by crushed by slings, by crushed by slings, by incorporating sufficient protection around casing if required.incorporating sufficient protection around casing if required.incorporating sufficient protection around casing if required.incorporating sufficient protection around casing if required. Use auxUse auxUse auxUse auxiliary iliary iliary iliary riggingriggingriggingrigging equipment equipment equipment equipment when and when and when and when and where required. Use a where required. Use a where required. Use a where required. Use a riggingriggingriggingrigging device appropriate for thedevice appropriate for thedevice appropriate for thedevice appropriate for the unit's unit's unit's unit's weight. You will find the weight of the unit in weight. You will find the weight of the unit in weight. You will find the weight of the unit in weight. You will find the weight of the unit in submittalsubmittalsubmittalsubmittal documents (documents (documents (documents (see Setup and other applicable see Setup and other applicable see Setup and other applicable see Setup and other applicable documents, page documents, page documents, page documents, page 6666). Do not use connection pieces and heade). Do not use connection pieces and heade). Do not use connection pieces and heade). Do not use connection pieces and header pipes asr pipes asr pipes asr pipes as hooking points for lifting, pulling, hooking points for lifting, pulling, hooking points for lifting, pulling, hooking points for lifting, pulling, fixing or mounting. This can cause leaks.fixing or mounting. This can cause leaks.fixing or mounting. This can cause leaks.fixing or mounting. This can cause leaks. RigRigRigRig the unit carefully. the unit carefully. the unit carefully. the unit carefully. In particular aIn particular aIn particular aIn particular avoid setting the unit down hard.void setting the unit down hard.void setting the unit down hard.void setting the unit down hard. Only step onOnly step onOnly step onOnly step on to units with firm, tough and safe footwear, and only when required.to units with firm, tough and safe footwear, and only when required.to units with firm, tough and safe footwear, and only when required.to units with firm, tough and safe footwear, and only when required. If the unIf the unIf the unIf the units do not have any railings, walkits do not have any railings, walkits do not have any railings, walkits do not have any railings, walkinginginging on them with a safety device that prevents falling.on them with a safety device that prevents falling.on them with a safety device that prevents falling.on them with a safety device that prevents falling.

7.2 Transportation and storage7.2 Transportation and storage7.2 Transportation and storage7.2 Transportation and storage

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE Read and observe all Read and observe all Read and observe all Read and observe all riggingriggingriggingrigging signs on the units' packagingsigns on the units' packagingsigns on the units' packagingsigns on the units' packaging Prolonged mechanical stresses caused by uneven road surfaces andProlonged mechanical stresses caused by uneven road surfaces andProlonged mechanical stresses caused by uneven road surfaces andProlonged mechanical stresses caused by uneven road surfaces and potholes and vibrationspotholes and vibrationspotholes and vibrationspotholes and vibrations during during during during transport by ship can cause transportation damage. Before transportation by sea or intransport by ship can cause transportation damage. Before transportation by sea or intransport by ship can cause transportation damage. Before transportation by sea or intransport by ship can cause transportation damage. Before transportation by sea or in countries with countries with countries with countries with difficult transport routes, attachment parts that are likely to vibrate difficult transport routes, attachment parts that are likely to vibrate difficult transport routes, attachment parts that are likely to vibrate difficult transport routes, attachment parts that are likely to vibrate –––– in particularin particularin particularin particular fans and basefans and basefans and basefans and base stands stands stands stands –––– must be remomust be remomust be remomust be removed for transportation.ved for transportation.ved for transportation.ved for transportation. • Rigging the unit at the job site • Unloading the unit • Rig and unload the crated unit with suitable transport equipment (e.g. forklift, crane) at the job site.

Güntner NLA 39/78

CAUTION: When transporting with a forklift: Only lift the CAUTION: When transporting with a forklift: Only lift the CAUTION: When transporting with a forklift: Only lift the CAUTION: When transporting with a forklift: Only lift the cratedcratedcratedcrated ununununit with a forkit with a forkit with a forkit with a fork lengthlengthlengthlengths extending beyond s extending beyond s extending beyond s extending beyond the outhe outhe outhe outer reach of the ter reach of the ter reach of the ter reach of the crated skidcrated skidcrated skidcrated skid section.section.section.section.

7.3 Storage before installation7.3 Storage before installation7.3 Storage before installation7.3 Storage before installation

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE DangerDangerDangerDanger of corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt build----upupupup Moisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit. Moisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit. Moisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit. Moisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit.

� Protect the unit against Protect the unit against Protect the unit against Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful effects.dust, dirt, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful effects.dust, dirt, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful effects.dust, dirt, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful effects. Harmful effects: Harmful effects: Harmful effects: Harmful effects: see Safety instructions for setsee Safety instructions for setsee Safety instructions for setsee Safety instructions for set----up and startup and startup and startup and start----up, page up, page up, page up, page 40404040

� Do not store the unit for longer than necessary. Only store the units in their original packagingDo not store the unit for longer than necessary. Only store the units in their original packagingDo not store the unit for longer than necessary. Only store the units in their original packagingDo not store the unit for longer than necessary. Only store the units in their original packaging until until until until

installatinstallatinstallatinstallation. ion. ion. ion.

� Store the unit at a protected place free of dust, dirt, moisture, and damage-free until it is installed (well-ventilated halls or roofed storage site).

� If the unit installation is delayed with regard to the planned installation time: protect the unit against

weather and other harmful effects and dirt and other contaminants with an appropriate cover. The unit must also be well-ventilated here.

Güntner NLA 40/78 SetSetSetSet----up and start upup and start upup and start upup and start up

8.1 Safety8.1 Safety8.1 Safety8.1 Safety

8.1.1 Safety instructions for set8.1.1 Safety instructions for set8.1.1 Safety instructions for set8.1.1 Safety instructions for set----up and start upup and start upup and start upup and start up

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with leakingleakingleakingleaking CFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant Incorrect installation Incorrect installation Incorrect installation Incorrect installation can can can can cause the danger of cause the danger of cause the danger of cause the danger of refrigerant leaksrefrigerant leaksrefrigerant leaksrefrigerant leaks when the unit is when the unit is when the unit is when the unit is into operation,into operation,into operation,into operation, andandandand injuries injuries injuries injuries or damage to property or damage to property or damage to property or damage to property can occur can occur can occur can occur ((((seeseeseesee Residual hazards with Residual hazards with Residual hazards with Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantssss, page , page , page , page 22221111).).).). Follow the setFollow the setFollow the setFollow the set----up instructions in this chapter pup instructions in this chapter pup instructions in this chapter pup instructions in this chapter precisely and apply extreme care.recisely and apply extreme care.recisely and apply extreme care.recisely and apply extreme care.

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE Damage to the system's cooling Damage to the system's cooling Damage to the system's cooling Damage to the system's cooling equipmentequipmentequipmentequipment Foreign materials and contaminants in the Foreign materials and contaminants in the Foreign materials and contaminants in the Foreign materials and contaminants in the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant circuit can icircuit can icircuit can icircuit can impair the effectiveness ormpair the effectiveness ormpair the effectiveness ormpair the effectiveness or damage damage damage damage components. Particularly harmful contaminants are:components. Particularly harmful contaminants are:components. Particularly harmful contaminants are:components. Particularly harmful contaminants are: –––– MoistureMoistureMoistureMoisture –––– Atmospheric airAtmospheric airAtmospheric airAtmospheric air –––– Welding or brazingWelding or brazingWelding or brazingWelding or brazing residuesresiduesresiduesresidues –––– RustRustRustRust –––– Soot/ash/cindersSoot/ash/cindersSoot/ash/cindersSoot/ash/cinders –––– Metal cuttingsMetal cuttingsMetal cuttingsMetal cuttings –––– Unstable oilsUnstable oilsUnstable oilsUnstable oils –––– Dust and dirt of all kindsDust and dirt of all kindsDust and dirt of all kindsDust and dirt of all kinds Moisture in the Moisture in the Moisture in the Moisture in the refrigrefrigrefrigrefrigeranteranteranterant----carrying components of the unit can have the following consequences:carrying components of the unit can have the following consequences:carrying components of the unit can have the following consequences:carrying components of the unit can have the following consequences: –––– Water separation and ice formation cause faults in the switching and control fittings of the refrigerationWater separation and ice formation cause faults in the switching and control fittings of the refrigerationWater separation and ice formation cause faults in the switching and control fittings of the refrigerationWater separation and ice formation cause faults in the switching and control fittings of the refrigeration systemsystemsystemsystem –––– AcidificationAcidificationAcidificationAcidification –––– Ageing and refrigeraAgeing and refrigeraAgeing and refrigeraAgeing and refrigerannnnt oil decayt oil decayt oil decayt oil decay –––– CorrosionCorrosionCorrosionCorrosion Atmospheric air and other nonAtmospheric air and other nonAtmospheric air and other nonAtmospheric air and other non----condensable gases can have the following consequences:condensable gases can have the following consequences:condensable gases can have the following consequences:condensable gases can have the following consequences: –––– RefrigeraRefrigeraRefrigeraRefrigerannnnt oil oxidationt oil oxidationt oil oxidationt oil oxidation –––– Chemical reactions between Chemical reactions between Chemical reactions between Chemical reactions between refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant and refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigerannnnt oilt oilt oilt oil –––– Increased condensing pressure in the systemIncreased condensing pressure in the systemIncreased condensing pressure in the systemIncreased condensing pressure in the system Chemical reactions between Chemical reactions between Chemical reactions between Chemical reactions between refrigerefrigerefrigerefrigerantrantrantrant and refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigerannnnt oil with the absence of moisture ort oil with the absence of moisture ort oil with the absence of moisture ort oil with the absence of moisture or atmosphericatmosphericatmosphericatmospheric air air air air with ageing and with ageing and with ageing and with ageing and refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant and refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigeraand refrigerannnnt oil decay can have the following consequences:t oil decay can have the following consequences:t oil decay can have the following consequences:t oil decay can have the following consequences: –––– Formation of organic and inorganic acidsFormation of organic and inorganic acidsFormation of organic and inorganic acidsFormation of organic and inorganic acids –––– Increased Increased Increased Increased dischargedischargedischargedischarge temperature in the systemtemperature in the systemtemperature in the systemtemperature in the system –––– CorrosionCorrosionCorrosionCorrosion –––– Bad lubrication, increased wear and tear through to system or failureBad lubrication, increased wear and tear through to system or failureBad lubrication, increased wear and tear through to system or failureBad lubrication, increased wear and tear through to system or failure Other contaminants can cause:Other contaminants can cause:Other contaminants can cause:Other contaminants can cause:

Güntner NLA 41/78

–––– Accelerated chemical processes (decomposition)Accelerated chemical processes (decomposition)Accelerated chemical processes (decomposition)Accelerated chemical processes (decomposition) –––– Mechanical and electrical faults in the refrigeration systemMechanical and electrical faults in the refrigeration systemMechanical and electrical faults in the refrigeration systemMechanical and electrical faults in the refrigeration system Ensure with installation Ensure with installation Ensure with installation Ensure with installation ((((cccconnecting the onnecting the onnecting the onnecting the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----carrying components of the unit to thecarrying components of the unit to thecarrying components of the unit to thecarrying components of the unit to the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----carrycarrycarrycarrying system of the installation)ing system of the installation)ing system of the installation)ing system of the installation) that internal contamination is strictly avoided.that internal contamination is strictly avoided.that internal contamination is strictly avoided.that internal contamination is strictly avoided. Perform the installation with extreme cleanliness.Perform the installation with extreme cleanliness.Perform the installation with extreme cleanliness.Perform the installation with extreme cleanliness. Finish all onFinish all onFinish all onFinish all on----site pipe installation worsite pipe installation worsite pipe installation worsite pipe installation work before releasing the k before releasing the k before releasing the k before releasing the holding charge.holding charge.holding charge.holding charge. Only release the Only release the Only release the Only release the holding charge atholding charge atholding charge atholding charge at the Schrader valve immediately before the Schrader valve immediately before the Schrader valve immediately before the Schrader valve immediately before final final final final installation.installation.installation.installation. Only remove the sealing caps on the distribution and header pipe immediately before Only remove the sealing caps on the distribution and header pipe immediately before Only remove the sealing caps on the distribution and header pipe immediately before Only remove the sealing caps on the distribution and header pipe immediately before final connectionfinal connectionfinal connectionfinal connection....

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE DangerDangerDangerDanger of of of of corrosion and dirt buildcorrosion and dirt buildcorrosion and dirt buildcorrosion and dirt build----upupupup Humidity and dirt mHumidity and dirt mHumidity and dirt mHumidity and dirt mustustustust notnotnotnot get into the unit's interior. If humidity or dirt get into the unit's interior. If humidity or dirt get into the unit's interior. If humidity or dirt get into the unit's interior. If humidity or dirt getsgetsgetsgets into the unit's interior, fittings into the unit's interior, fittings into the unit's interior, fittings into the unit's interior, fittings and other componentsand other componentsand other componentsand other components of the refrigeration installation can be damaged.of the refrigeration installation can be damaged.of the refrigeration installation can be damaged.of the refrigeration installation can be damaged. Protect the unit against dust, contamiProtect the unit against dust, contamiProtect the unit against dust, contamiProtect the unit against dust, contamination, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful influences.nation, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful influences.nation, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful influences.nation, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful influences. Harmful influences are, for example:Harmful influences are, for example:Harmful influences are, for example:Harmful influences are, for example: –––– Mechanical: Damages caused by impacts, objects falling on or against, collisions with transportMechanical: Damages caused by impacts, objects falling on or against, collisions with transportMechanical: Damages caused by impacts, objects falling on or against, collisions with transportMechanical: Damages caused by impacts, objects falling on or against, collisions with transport equipment, etc.equipment, etc.equipment, etc.equipment, etc. –––– Physical: Damages caused by close bPhysical: Damages caused by close bPhysical: Damages caused by close bPhysical: Damages caused by close by y y y exposure toexposure toexposure toexposure to flammable gasesflammable gasesflammable gasesflammable gases –––– Chemical: Damages caused by contaminated atmospheres (salt, acid, chlorine, sulphurChemical: Damages caused by contaminated atmospheres (salt, acid, chlorine, sulphurChemical: Damages caused by contaminated atmospheres (salt, acid, chlorine, sulphurChemical: Damages caused by contaminated atmospheres (salt, acid, chlorine, sulphur----containing,containing,containing,containing, or or or or similar)similar)similar)similar) –––– Thermal: Damages caused by Thermal: Damages caused by Thermal: Damages caused by Thermal: Damages caused by exposure toexposure toexposure toexposure to heat sourcesheat sourcesheat sourcesheat sources Start as soon as possible with installation.Start as soon as possible with installation.Start as soon as possible with installation.Start as soon as possible with installation.

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Only qualified personnel familiar with AC motorsOnly qualified personnel familiar with AC motorsOnly qualified personnel familiar with AC motorsOnly qualified personnel familiar with AC motors or EC motorsor EC motorsor EC motorsor EC motors and associated machinery should plan or and associated machinery should plan or and associated machinery should plan or and associated machinery should plan or implement the installation in accordance with local and national applicable codes and regulations. Failure implement the installation in accordance with local and national applicable codes and regulations. Failure implement the installation in accordance with local and national applicable codes and regulations. Failure implement the installation in accordance with local and national applicable codes and regulations. Failure to comply may resultto comply may resultto comply may resultto comply may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.in personal injury and/or equipment damage.in personal injury and/or equipment damage.in personal injury and/or equipment damage.

8.1.2 System 8.1.2 System 8.1.2 System 8.1.2 System –––– side safety requirementsside safety requirementsside safety requirementsside safety requirements The unit is a component of an installation and can only be operated in conjunction with the installation • All equipment required for operating the unit must be integrated into the switching and activation equipment: – Electric: fans – Refrigerant: valves and fittings • An emergency STOP switch that can be actuated without danger must be installed. • The refrigerant-side and electrical connections must be available within the system. The connections must be specified in the submittal documents. • The power supply of the fan motors must be provided in accordance with the specifications on the nameplate on the fan motors.

Güntner NLA 42/78

• A lock-out device for preventing unexpected start-up (repairs switch), which separates all active conductors from the power supply (all-pole switch-off), must be provided for the fans • The fan motors’ switch-on/off device must be secured (e.g. with a padlock) to prevent uncontrolled fan start-up. • The electrical motor, disconnect switch, terminal box and electrical panel connections must be provided in accordance with the respective connection diagrams. • It must be possible to shut off the unit if a leak occurs. • People wearing ambient air-independent breathing apparatus in full protective clothing must also be able to activate all safety-relevant shut-off fittings. • It must be possible to activate all devices meant for diverting released refrigerant from a safe position.

8.1.3 Customer 8.1.3 Customer 8.1.3 Customer 8.1.3 Customer –––– sidsidsidside safety requirementse safety requirementse safety requirementse safety requirements


Danger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to property The unit contains The unit contains The unit contains The unit contains CFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFC refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantssss, page 2, page 2, page 2, page 21111). ). ). ). The CFC/HFC refrigerants that are The CFC/HFC refrigerants that are The CFC/HFC refrigerants that are The CFC/HFC refrigerants that are used (R134a, Rused (R134a, Rused (R134a, Rused (R134a, R404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into 404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into 404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into 404A, R407C, R507, R22, etc.) are classified into safety groups A1 according to the following criteria (ASHRAE safety groups A1 according to the following criteria (ASHRAE safety groups A1 according to the following criteria (ASHRAE safety groups A1 according to the following criteria (ASHRAE Standard 34Standard 34Standard 34Standard 34----2007).2007).2007).2007).

- Refrigerant that, when gaseous, are nonRefrigerant that, when gaseous, are nonRefrigerant that, when gaseous, are nonRefrigerant that, when gaseous, are non----flammable flammable flammable flammable irrelevant of their concentration in air.irrelevant of their concentration in air.irrelevant of their concentration in air.irrelevant of their concentration in air.

- Refrigerant with a timeRefrigerant with a timeRefrigerant with a timeRefrigerant with a time----weighted, weighted, weighted, weighted, averaged concentration averaged concentration averaged concentration averaged concentration that have no adverse effects on the majority of staff that that have no adverse effects on the majority of staff that that have no adverse effects on the majority of staff that that have no adverse effects on the majority of staff that are exposed every day during a normal 8 hour working are exposed every day during a normal 8 hour working are exposed every day during a normal 8 hour working are exposed every day during a normal 8 hour working day to this concentration, which is greater than or equal day to this concentration, which is greater than or equal day to this concentration, which is greater than or equal day to this concentration, which is greater than or equal to 400 ppm (Volume/Volume) to 400 ppm (Volume/Volume) to 400 ppm (Volume/Volume) to 400 ppm (Volume/Volume)

There is no imminent danger for tThere is no imminent danger for tThere is no imminent danger for tThere is no imminent danger for the staff. However refrigerants of he staff. However refrigerants of he staff. However refrigerants of he staff. However refrigerants of the group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to room the group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to room the group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to room the group A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to room on a lower level. In still air there may be an increased of the ground on a lower level. In still air there may be an increased of the ground on a lower level. In still air there may be an increased of the ground on a lower level. In still air there may be an increased of the ground level concentration. With high concentration there is a danger of level concentration. With high concentration there is a danger of level concentration. With high concentration there is a danger of level concentration. With high concentration there is a danger of suffering from dsuffering from dsuffering from dsuffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and suffocation due to a isordered cardiac rhythm and suffocation due to a isordered cardiac rhythm and suffocation due to a isordered cardiac rhythm and suffocation due to a reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.reduced oxygen concentration, especially at ground level.

Unauthorized people must not have access to the unit. Please ensure Unauthorized people must not have access to the unit. Please ensure Unauthorized people must not have access to the unit. Please ensure Unauthorized people must not have access to the unit. Please ensure that the CFC/HFC refrigerant that the CFC/HFC refrigerant that the CFC/HFC refrigerant that the CFC/HFC refrigerant released released released released from the unit cannot from the unit cannot from the unit cannot from the unit cannot penetrate the interiopenetrate the interiopenetrate the interiopenetrate the interior of the building or put people at risk in any r of the building or put people at risk in any r of the building or put people at risk in any r of the building or put people at risk in any other way.other way.other way.other way.

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING DaDaDaDanger of environmental pollutionnger of environmental pollutionnger of environmental pollutionnger of environmental pollution • Ensure that no refrigerant enters water system or sewage.• Ensure that no refrigerant enters water system or sewage.• Ensure that no refrigerant enters water system or sewage.• Ensure that no refrigerant enters water system or sewage. • Operate the facility for recovering or • Operate the facility for recovering or • Operate the facility for recovering or • Operate the facility for recovering or disposindisposindisposindisposingggg of refrigerant so that the dangerof refrigerant so that the dangerof refrigerant so that the dangerof refrigerant so that the danger of aof aof aof a refrigerant or refrigerant or refrigerant or refrigerant or refrigerarefrigerarefrigerarefrigerannnnt oil emission into the environmental is kept as low as possible.t oil emission into the environmental is kept as low as possible.t oil emission into the environmental is kept as low as possible.t oil emission into the environmental is kept as low as possible.

Güntner NLA 43/78

8.2 Requirements at the 8.2 Requirements at the 8.2 Requirements at the 8.2 Requirements at the installation locationinstallation locationinstallation locationinstallation location You will find the dimensions and weights in the submittal documents.

� Ensure that the unit is installed so that is not damaged by environmental-conditional hazard sources (production, transport and other processes at the set–up point) and its functioning are not disturbed by the interventions of unauthorized persons.

� Position the unit so that it cannot be damaged by internal traffic or transport processes. � Enable optimum unit control and accessibility:

– Place the unit so that is can be monitored and controlled from all sides at all times. – Ensure that sufficient space is provided for maintenance. – Ensure that all liquid-carrying components, connection lines, all electrical connections and lines are easy to access. – Ensure that the pipes' identification is clearly visible.

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE Lightning antennae beside the unit are recomLightning antennae beside the unit are recomLightning antennae beside the unit are recomLightning antennae beside the unit are recommended as lightning protectionmended as lightning protectionmended as lightning protectionmended as lightning protection Several units can be placed space-saving in rows with high nominal capacity to cover high capacities. With double or multiple row set-ups a substructure is required to guarantee sufficient air-side volume. Outdoor installation

Güntner NLA 44/78

A.D: Air direction X: Space required Unit dimension L: Length in inches or mm, B: Width in inches or mm, H: free flow height in inches or mm Heat exchanger free flow area: AAAAAAAA: L x B Heat exchanger afflux area: AAAAZZZZ: 2 x (L + B) x H Condition: AAAAZZZZ ≥ 0.7 x AAAAAAAA Installation Installation Installation Installation of a horizontal unit of a horizontal unit of a horizontal unit of a horizontal unit close to a wallclose to a wallclose to a wallclose to a wall

A.D: Air direction X: Space required Feet must be extended from standard length to a special length If your standard legs are 15 ¾” (400 mm) it is needed to extend them up to 31 ½” (800 mm) If your standard legs are 23 5/8” (600 mm) it is needed to extend them up to 39 3/8” (1000 mm)

Güntner NLA 45/78

Installation Installation Installation Installation of a horizontal unit in a pitof a horizontal unit in a pitof a horizontal unit in a pitof a horizontal unit in a pit

A.D: Air direction X: Space required Unit dimension B: Width in inches or mm

AAAA > 0.7 x B (without any auxiliary device to increase air throw)

Güntner NLA 46/78

Installation Installation Installation Installation of several horizontal unitsof several horizontal unitsof several horizontal unitsof several horizontal units

A.D: Air direction X: Space required Unit dimension L: Length in inches or mm, B: Width in inches or mm, H: free flow height in inches or mm Minimum distance B1: 5/16” (80 mm)

Incident flow area: AAAAAAAA: L x B x n (n: number of units) Heat exchanger afflux area: AAAAZZZZ: 2 x L x H + 2 x n x B x H H is given by the condition: AAAAZZZZ ≥ 0.7 x AAAAAAAA therefore H is a function of n, L and B

Güntner NLA 47/78

InstaInstaInstaInstallation llation llation llation of a vertical unit of a vertical unit of a vertical unit of a vertical unit close to a wallclose to a wallclose to a wallclose to a wall

A.D : Air direction X: Distance from wall required Unit dimension C: Unit height in inches or mm, Condition:

For single row unit: X > 0.6 x C For double row unit: X > 0.5 x C

Güntner NLA 48/78

InstallInstallInstallInstallation ation ation ation of a vertical unit on a bracket or support of a vertical unit on a bracket or support of a vertical unit on a bracket or support of a vertical unit on a bracket or support close to a wallclose to a wallclose to a wallclose to a wall

A.D : Air direction X: Distance from wall required (X > 15 ¾” (400 mm)) Unit dimension C: Unit height in inches or mm, Condition:

For single row unit: X > 0.50 x C For double row unit: X > 0.35 x C

Güntner NLA 49/78

8.3 Unpacking the unit8.3 Unpacking the unit8.3 Unpacking the unit8.3 Unpacking the unit Horizontal units

Güntner NLA 50/78

ItemItemItemItem DimensionDimensionDimensionDimension

1 4“ X 2“ (100 mm X 50 mm ) 2 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 3 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 4 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm ) 5 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm ) 6 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm )

Güntner NLA 51/78

ItemItemItemItem DimensionDimensionDimensionDimension

1 4“ X 2“ (100 mm X 50 mm ) 2 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 3 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 4 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm ) 5 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm ) 6 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm )

Güntner NLA 52/78

Vertical units

Güntner NLA 53/78

Güntner NLA 54/78

ItemItemItemItem DimensionDimensionDimensionDimension

1 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm ) 2 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 3 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 4 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 5 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 6 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm ) 7 3“ X 2 3/8“ (80 mm X 60 mm ) 8 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm ) 9 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm )

10 4“ X 1“ (100 mm X 25 mm )

Güntner NLA 55/78

CAUTION! The transport vehicle’s capacity must be at least 1.5CAUTION! The transport vehicle’s capacity must be at least 1.5CAUTION! The transport vehicle’s capacity must be at least 1.5CAUTION! The transport vehicle’s capacity must be at least 1.5----times the weight times the weight times the weight times the weight of the unitof the unitof the unitof the unit

� Check delivery scope on completeness. For complete delivery scope, refer to the submittal documents.

� Any transport damage and / or missing part mustmustmustmust be recorded on the bill of delivery. The facts must be immediately reported to the manufacturer in writing. Damaged fins can be straightened on-site with a fin comb.

� Check transport excess pressure: The units are delivered by the manufacturer with approx. 30 psi (2 bar) holding pressure (clean dry air). Check transport pressure at the Schrader valve (pressure measurement). NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: For pressure-less unit, report immediately to manufacturer and note missing pressure on delivery note. A pressure-less unit indicates possible leaks on the unit. WARNING! Danger of injuries or damage to property caused byWARNING! Danger of injuries or damage to property caused byWARNING! Danger of injuries or damage to property caused byWARNING! Danger of injuries or damage to property caused by escaping escaping escaping escaping refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant!!!! A pressureA pressureA pressureA pressure----less unit indicates leaks on the unit due to transport damage. less unit indicates leaks on the unit due to transport damage. less unit indicates leaks on the unit due to transport damage. less unit indicates leaks on the unit due to transport damage. Leaking refrigerantLeaking refrigerantLeaking refrigerantLeaking refrigerant due to due to due to due to leaks on the unit can lead to injuries or even leaks on the unit can lead to injuries or even leaks on the unit can lead to injuries or even leaks on the unit can lead to injuries or even death (death (death (death (see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerants, page 21). Do not take the unitDo not take the unitDo not take the unitDo not take the unit into operation!into operation!into operation!into operation!

� Check transport holding charge and release pressure (only prior to final installation).

� Remove sealing caps.

1: Check and release charge pressure 2: remove sealing caps1: Check and release charge pressure 2: remove sealing caps1: Check and release charge pressure 2: remove sealing caps1: Check and release charge pressure 2: remove sealing caps

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE DangerDangerDangerDanger of corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt build----upupupup Moisture and dirMoisture and dirMoisture and dirMoisture and dirtttt must be prevented from entering the unit.must be prevented from entering the unit.must be prevented from entering the unit.must be prevented from entering the unit. Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrimental influences.Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrimental influences.Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrimental influences.Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrimental influences. Detrimental Detrimental Detrimental Detrimental influences:influences:influences:influences: seeseeseesee Safety instructionSafety instructionSafety instructionSafety instructions for sets for sets for sets for set----up and startup and startup and startup and start----up.up.up.up. Begin with the installation as Begin with the installation as Begin with the installation as Begin with the installation as soon as possible.soon as possible.soon as possible.soon as possible. Installation4 Installation4 Installation4 Installation

8.4.1 System8.4.1 System8.4.1 System8.4.1 System----side requiremeside requiremeside requiremeside requirements for stressnts for stressnts for stressnts for stress----free installationfree installationfree installationfree installation

� Prevent stresses in the unit:

Güntner NLA 56/78

°°°° Ensure that all mounting points have the same spacing to the mounting level. ° ° ° ° Ensure that all mounting points maintain the same spacing to the mounting level under load and when permanently positioned.

� Set up and mount units as follows: Airflow must notnotnotnot be impaired by obstructions.

� The units must be installed on mounting points that are appropriate for the unit's weight and then

bolted with securing bolts. The operator or installer of the equipment is responsible for ensuring that the bolted connections are of an adequate strength. The following instructions must be observed when mounting the units: – The diameter of the mounting holes has been statically determined by the manufacturer; the mounting bolts must be sized accordingly. When calculating the transferring bearing strength it is imperative to take into account the total weight of the unit (= structural weight + weight of pipe content + additional weight, such as water, dirt or similar). – The mounting bolts must be secured to prevent against loosening with an appropriate locking device. – The mounting bolts must not be over tightened or stripped. – All mounting bolts must be tightened equally.

� Prevent the unit from shifting in its position. Fix the unit in its position. Tighten the mounting bolts

and secure then against loosening.

� Only fix the unit to the intended mounting points. Mounting the unitMounting the unitMounting the unitMounting the unit

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with released released released released refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant In case of improper installation, In case of improper installation, In case of improper installation, In case of improper installation, refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant leakleakleakleakssss can occur during operation of the installation,can occur during operation of the installation,can occur during operation of the installation,can occur during operation of the installation, this can this can this can this can lead to injuries or damage to property lead to injuries or damage to property lead to injuries or damage to property lead to injuries or damage to property ((((see Ressee Ressee Ressee Residual hazards with idual hazards with idual hazards with idual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerantsCFC/HFC refrigerants, page , page , page , page 22221111)))) • • • • Only fix the unit to the Only fix the unit to the Only fix the unit to the Only fix the unit to the mountingmountingmountingmounting points intended for this.points intended for this.points intended for this.points intended for this. Operating with water spray systemOperating with water spray systemOperating with water spray systemOperating with water spray system

(1): Unit nameplate (2): Water spray system inlet (inclination of 1° to 1.5° for draining) (3): Spray nozzle angle (4): Nozzle location

Güntner NLA 57/78

Limited water spraying is recommended for reducing peak capacity levels. The following must be observed when using a water spraying system with unknown water quality: • Operation with water spraying system max. 50 hours/year • Soft water (≤ 4° dH); used softening system where required • Water spraying system with max. 43.5 psi (3 bar). • Pipe system with nozzles can be provided

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE High corrosion danger (high voltage potential, Cu/Al) High corrosion danger (high voltage potential, Cu/Al) High corrosion danger (high voltage potential, Cu/Al) High corrosion danger (high voltage potential, Cu/Al) and scale built up on fins and scale built up on fins and scale built up on fins and scale built up on fins if inadmissif inadmissif inadmissif inadmissible water quality ible water quality ible water quality ible water quality is usedis usedis usedis used Only usOnly usOnly usOnly useeee water in admissible qualitwater in admissible qualitwater in admissible qualitwater in admissible quality.y.y.y. Connect the unit to the systemConnect the unit to the systemConnect the unit to the systemConnect the unit to the system

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to propertyDanger of injuries and damage to property Improper connection to the system causes hazards:Improper connection to the system causes hazards:Improper connection to the system causes hazards:Improper connection to the system causes hazards: • • • • Leaks result Leaks result Leaks result Leaks result in escaping in escaping in escaping in escaping CFC/HFC refrigerant CFC/HFC refrigerant CFC/HFC refrigerant CFC/HFC refrigerant ((((see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantssss, page , page , page , page 22221111).).).). • • • • Soldering and welding work on pressurized parts can result in fires or explosions.Soldering and welding work on pressurized parts can result in fires or explosions.Soldering and welding work on pressurized parts can result in fires or explosions.Soldering and welding work on pressurized parts can result in fires or explosions. • • • • Smoking or open light can cause fires Smoking or open light can cause fires Smoking or open light can cause fires Smoking or open light can cause fires due to the presence of refrigeradue to the presence of refrigeradue to the presence of refrigeradue to the presence of refrigerannnnt oil.t oil.t oil.t oil. • • • • Ensure that stresses and vibrations from the system are not passed on to the unit.Ensure that stresses and vibrations from the system are not passed on to the unit.Ensure that stresses and vibrations from the system are not passed on to the unit.Ensure that stresses and vibrations from the system are not passed on to the unit. • • • • Only lay Only lay Only lay Only lay refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant----side connections stressside connections stressside connections stressside connections stress----free! The onfree! The onfree! The onfree! The on----site pipeline system must besite pipeline system must besite pipeline system must besite pipeline system must be braced before braced before braced before braced before connecting to the unit!connecting to the unit!connecting to the unit!connecting to the unit! • • • • Evacuate the unitEvacuate the unitEvacuate the unitEvacuate the unit.... Soldering Soldering Soldering Soldering and welding and welding and welding and welding wwwwork is only permitted on unpressurised units!ork is only permitted on unpressurised units!ork is only permitted on unpressurised units!ork is only permitted on unpressurised units! • • • • The use of open fire at the installation site is forbidden. Fire extinguishers and extinguishingThe use of open fire at the installation site is forbidden. Fire extinguishers and extinguishingThe use of open fire at the installation site is forbidden. Fire extinguishers and extinguishingThe use of open fire at the installation site is forbidden. Fire extinguishers and extinguishing agents used agents used agents used agents used to protect the equipment and the operating staff must comply with the to protect the equipment and the operating staff must comply with the to protect the equipment and the operating staff must comply with the to protect the equipment and the operating staff must comply with the local or national local or national local or national local or national requirementrequirementrequirementrequirements.s.s.s. • • • • Ensure that refrigerant detectors and alarm systems for warning about explosion or fire dangers,Ensure that refrigerant detectors and alarm systems for warning about explosion or fire dangers,Ensure that refrigerant detectors and alarm systems for warning about explosion or fire dangers,Ensure that refrigerant detectors and alarm systems for warning about explosion or fire dangers, about about about about healthhealthhealthhealth----endangering concentrations and for control purposes at the unit endangering concentrations and for control purposes at the unit endangering concentrations and for control purposes at the unit endangering concentrations and for control purposes at the unit workingworkingworkingworking pointpointpointpoint Install the pipes and ensure: – Release devices to prevent liquid escapes must be provided and available. – That in shutdown state sub-cooled liquid is only present a minimum level in system sections. – That the pipeline installation is kept as short as possible. Use as few bends as possible, and if bends are necessary, use big radius elbows. Unit electrical connections and protectionsUnit electrical connections and protectionsUnit electrical connections and protectionsUnit electrical connections and protections

Field wiring should comply with national and local standards, codes and regulations. The power supply voltage, phase and frequency must match what is shown on the unit data plate. Each motor was wired so that the fan rotation is counterclockwise.

The fan motor terminal blocks are located in the junction box on the opposite side of refrigerant connection. Below you will find standard fan motor terminal diagram for typical unit wiring with 230V-460V/3~/60Hz power. If a mounted control panel is provided, wiring to only one set of terminal blocks is required. Review the wiring diagram supplied with unit. Provide, when required, and adjust individual motor overload protection in accordamce with local applicable codes and regulations.

Güntner NLA 58/78

Güntner NLA 59/78 Perform acceptance test6 Perform acceptance test6 Perform acceptance test6 Perform acceptance test

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of Danger of Danger of Danger of injuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to property

Güntner NLA 60/78

ReleasedReleasedReleasedReleased CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant can cause injuries or even can cause injuries or even can cause injuries or even can cause injuries or even deathdeathdeathdeath ((((seeseeseesee Residual hazards with Residual hazards with Residual hazards with Residual hazards with CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantssss, page , page , page , page 22221111).).).). Perform the following acceptance test with an expert before starting up the unit after making importantPerform the following acceptance test with an expert before starting up the unit after making importantPerform the following acceptance test with an expert before starting up the unit after making importantPerform the following acceptance test with an expert before starting up the unit after making important changes and after a unit changes and after a unit changes and after a unit changes and after a unit changechangechangechange----out.out.out.out.

� Ensure that there are no restrictions to the air path/s.

� Ensure that the electrical supply feed is in accordance with nameplate data. Connect all control wiring where required.

� Test the unit for vibrations and movements that can be caused by the fans and operation of the

system. Remove oscillations, vibrations and movements following consultation with the manufacturer or independently.

� Perform visual inspection of the structural design, the brackets and fixtures for mounting.

� Check and re-tighten all bolts and threaded connections, especially on the fans.

� Check installation of pipe connections.

� Check bracing of refrigerant-carrying connection pipes.

� Ensure that the unit is protected against mechanical damage.

� Ensure that the unit is protected against inadmissible heating up and cooling down.

� Check the fan guard protection is properly in place and securely fastened.

� Ensure that optimum unit control and accessibility are guaranteed.

– Ensure that the unit is placed so that it can be monitored and controlled from all sides at all times – Ensure sufficient space for regular maintenance - Ensure all refrigerant-carrying components, connections and lines and all electrical connections and lines are easy to access – Ensure pipes are easy to identify

� Check heat exchanger surfaces for dirt and clean as required (see Unit cleaning, page 71).

� Perform function tests on the fans (rotation direction).

� Check electrical connections of the fan motors for possible damage.

� Check the quality of the bracing connections, the electrical connections and the fixture connections.

� Perform pressure test with test gas and with a test pressure of 1.1 times the permissible operating

pressure: check the connection seals and detect leaks, e.g. with foaming agent, or similar.

� Check corrosion protection: Perform a visual inspection on all bends, components and component holders that are not heat-insulated. Document and archive test results.

� Perform test run. Observe and check unit during test run, in particular for:

– Fan smooth running (bearing noises, contact noises, imbalances, etc.). – Fan power consumption – Leaks

� Report all defects to the manufacturer immediately. Remove defects following consultation with the


Güntner NLA 61/78

� Check the unit and the unit's interaction within the system again after 48 operating hours, especially

on the connections and at the fan terminals, and document the test results. Test readiness for operationTest readiness for operationTest readiness for operationTest readiness for operation

� Ensure that all electrical protective measures are operational.

� Ensure that all refrigerant-carrying connections are securely fastened.

� Ensure that all electrical connections (fan panels and junction boxes) are effected securely fastened.

� Ensure the all threaded connections on the fans, the unit fixing bolts and all other threaded

connections are firmly tightened. Putting the unit into operation for the first time8 Putting the unit into operation for the first time8 Putting the unit into operation for the first time8 Putting the unit into operation for the first time

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of Danger of Danger of Danger of injuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to property ReleasedReleasedReleasedReleased CFC/HFC refrigerant CFC/HFC refrigerant CFC/HFC refrigerant CFC/HFC refrigerant can cause injuries or even death can cause injuries or even death can cause injuries or even death can cause injuries or even death ((((see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantssss, , , , page page page page 22221111).).).). Only put the unit into operation, when:Only put the unit into operation, when:Only put the unit into operation, when:Only put the unit into operation, when: • • • • TTTThe units has been properly mounted and connected (he units has been properly mounted and connected (he units has been properly mounted and connected (he units has been properly mounted and connected (see Installation, page see Installation, page see Installation, page see Installation, page 55555555),),),), • • • • You have performed a complete acceptance test (You have performed a complete acceptance test (You have performed a complete acceptance test (You have performed a complete acceptance test (see Perform acceptance test, page see Perform acceptance test, page see Perform acceptance test, page see Perform acceptance test, page 59595959).).).). • • • • You have performed a test for ensYou have performed a test for ensYou have performed a test for ensYou have performed a test for ensuring the system's readiness for operation (uring the system's readiness for operation (uring the system's readiness for operation (uring the system's readiness for operation (see Test readiness for see Test readiness for see Test readiness for see Test readiness for operation, page operation, page operation, page operation, page 61616161) and) and) and) and • • • • AAAAll safety precautions ll safety precautions ll safety precautions ll safety precautions ((((see Safety, page see Safety, page see Safety, page see Safety, page 40404040) have been taken.) have been taken.) have been taken.) have been taken. Follow the operating inFollow the operating inFollow the operating inFollow the operating instructions manual of the systemstructions manual of the systemstructions manual of the systemstructions manual of the system Contact the manufacturer immediately if youContact the manufacturer immediately if youContact the manufacturer immediately if youContact the manufacturer immediately if you want to operate the unit under different operatingwant to operate the unit under different operatingwant to operate the unit under different operatingwant to operate the unit under different operating conditions conditions conditions conditions as those defined in the as those defined in the as those defined in the as those defined in the submittalsubmittalsubmittalsubmittal documents.documents.documents.documents.

� Switch the system on.

� Activate the unit: – Open the valves on the inlet and outlet-side system. – Activate fans

� Wait until the operating point is reached. After the operating point has been reached, the unit is

ready to operate. Parameters for setting the operating points see submittal documents. Operating point: • Condensation temperature • Airflow volume • Air inlet temperature To ensure the specified operating point is complied with, the actuators for the operational set point must be secured against unauthorized access (e.g. by sealing, screwing on caps, removing hand wheels, etc.)

Güntner NLA 62/78 OperationOperationOperationOperation

9.1 Safety9.1 Safety9.1 Safety9.1 Safety

WWWWARNINGARNINGARNINGARNING Danger of cutting off, pDanger of cutting off, pDanger of cutting off, pDanger of cutting off, pinchinginchinginchinginching

There is a danger of There is a danger of There is a danger of There is a danger of fingers being fingers being fingers being fingers being cut off fcut off fcut off fcut off from the rotating fan rom the rotating fan rom the rotating fan rom the rotating fan blades, blades, blades, blades, injury hazardinjury hazardinjury hazardinjury hazard for the hands and for the hands and for the hands and for the hands and danger of being pulled in danger of being pulled in danger of being pulled in danger of being pulled in with loose elements such as hairwith loose elements such as hairwith loose elements such as hairwith loose elements such as hair, necklaces, necklaces, necklaces, necklaces or clothing parts.or clothing parts.or clothing parts.or clothing parts. Do not operate faDo not operate faDo not operate faDo not operate fans without ns without ns without ns without fan fan fan fan guardguardguardguard/s/s/s/s Ensure that the optional hinged fan panel assemblies are fixed and Ensure that the optional hinged fan panel assemblies are fixed and Ensure that the optional hinged fan panel assemblies are fixed and Ensure that the optional hinged fan panel assemblies are fixed and secured against unintentional or unauthorized opening.secured against unintentional or unauthorized opening.secured against unintentional or unauthorized opening.secured against unintentional or unauthorized opening.

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Warns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfacesWarns against hot surfaces

With refrigerant temperatures of aboWith refrigerant temperatures of aboWith refrigerant temperatures of aboWith refrigerant temperatures of above 113 °F (45 °C) there is ve 113 °F (45 °C) there is ve 113 °F (45 °C) there is ve 113 °F (45 °C) there is hazard of burns on piping components and headers inlet or outlet.hazard of burns on piping components and headers inlet or outlet.hazard of burns on piping components and headers inlet or outlet.hazard of burns on piping components and headers inlet or outlet. ((((see Thermal residual hazards, page see Thermal residual hazards, page see Thermal residual hazards, page see Thermal residual hazards, page 20202020).).).). Do not touch any parts of the unit without protective gloves when Do not touch any parts of the unit without protective gloves when Do not touch any parts of the unit without protective gloves when Do not touch any parts of the unit without protective gloves when the unit is inthe unit is inthe unit is inthe unit is in operationoperationoperationoperation....

9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 Putting the unit iPutting the unit iPutting the unit iPutting the unit into operationnto operationnto operationnto operation To operate the unit the system including the electrical system must be in operation. The unit must be started up by opening the respective valves on the entering and leaving sides of the unit and by activating to the electrical system as follows (see system operating instructions manual):

� Switch on electrical control system � Open all shut off valves for refrigerant-carrying lines � Switch on fan motors Taking the unit out of operationTaking the unit out of operationTaking the unit out of operationTaking the unit out of operation The unit/s is a system component of the refrigeration installation. The unit is taken out of operation by switching off the system in accordance with the refrigeration system operating instructions manual for the entire installation. To do this, the refrigerant-carrying lines must be shut off from the electrical system (see refrigeration system operating instructions manual):

� Switch off fans � Switch off electrical control system � Close refrigerant-carrying line’s shut off valves

Güntner NLA 63/78

NOTE! When shut down consider maxNOTE! When shut down consider maxNOTE! When shut down consider maxNOTE! When shut down consider maximum operating pressure.imum operating pressure.imum operating pressure.imum operating pressure. If necessary, take precauIf necessary, take precauIf necessary, take precauIf necessary, take precautions so that it tions so that it tions so that it tions so that it cannot be exceeded.cannot be exceeded.cannot be exceeded.cannot be exceeded.

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE If unit is If unit is If unit is If unit is shutdown shutdown shutdown shutdown for one for one for one for one monthmonthmonthmonth or longeror longeror longeror longer,,,, pppplacelacelacelace the fans into operation for approx. 2the fans into operation for approx. 2the fans into operation for approx. 2the fans into operation for approx. 2----4 hours a month to 4 hours a month to 4 hours a month to 4 hours a month to maintain their functionality.maintain their functionality.maintain their functionality.maintain their functionality.

9.4 Shutting down the unit 9.4 Shutting down the unit 9.4 Shutting down the unit 9.4 Shutting down the unit

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of Danger of Danger of Danger of injuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to property ReleasedReleasedReleasedReleased CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerant can cause injuries or even death (refrigerant can cause injuries or even death (refrigerant can cause injuries or even death (refrigerant can cause injuries or even death (see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantssss, page , page , page , page 22221111, and , and , and , and see Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts, page 2see Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts, page 2see Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts, page 2see Residual hazards caused by pressurized parts, page 22222).).).). Ensure that the maximum opeEnsure that the maximum opeEnsure that the maximum opeEnsure that the maximum operating pressure is not exceeded rating pressure is not exceeded rating pressure is not exceeded rating pressure is not exceeded during theduring theduring theduring the shutdown shutdown shutdown shutdown period.period.period.period.

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE DangerDangerDangerDanger of corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt buildof corrosion and dirt build----upupupup Moisture and dirtMoisture and dirtMoisture and dirtMoisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit.must be prevented from entering the unit.must be prevented from entering the unit.must be prevented from entering the unit. Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrProtect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrProtect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrProtect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrimental influencesimental influencesimental influencesimental influences ((((see see see see Safety instructions for setSafety instructions for setSafety instructions for setSafety instructions for set----up and startup and startup and startup and start----up, page up, page up, page up, page 40404040).).).). With shutdown times of a month or longer put the fans into operation for approx. 2With shutdown times of a month or longer put the fans into operation for approx. 2With shutdown times of a month or longer put the fans into operation for approx. 2With shutdown times of a month or longer put the fans into operation for approx. 2----4 hours a4 hours a4 hours a4 hours a month to month to month to month to maintain their functionality.maintain their functionality.maintain their functionality.maintain their functionality.

� Take the unit out of operation (see Taking the unit out of operation, page 62).

� Secure the unit:

– When shutdown consider maximum operating pressure (see Technical data, page 26). If necessary, take precautions so that it cannot be exceeded. – Secure the fan motor drives against switching on again (lock-out procedure). – Secure refrigerant-carrying lines against pressurizing. – Secure unit against detrimental influences at the installation or storage location (see Safety instructions for set-up and start-up, page 40) in order to keep all unit components in good state for proper use and to conserve the usability of the unit. For this purpose, special storage conditions (see Storage before installation, page 39) and preventive measures for corrosion protection have to be provided, regular testing of the functionality of the fans and of the unit taken out of operation have to be effected.

� Evacuate the unit: Completely release refrigerant and, if applicable, refrigerant oil (see Residual

hazards with disposal, page 25).

9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Restarting the Restarting the Restarting the Restarting the unit after sunit after sunit after sunit after shutdown hutdown hutdown hutdown The unit must be put back into operation after a shutdown in accordance with the system-specific set-up in accordance with the operating instructions manual as follows:

Güntner NLA 64/78

� Test the unit's readiness for operation (see Test readiness for operation, page 61). Perform pressure test and visual inspection for corrosion protection.

NONONONOTE! The pressure test with recoTE! The pressure test with recoTE! The pressure test with recoTE! The pressure test with recomisioning must only be carried out with appropriate mediamisioning must only be carried out with appropriate mediamisioning must only be carried out with appropriate mediamisioning must only be carried out with appropriate media at at at at appropriate test pressure.appropriate test pressure.appropriate test pressure.appropriate test pressure.

� Put the unit into operation (see Putting the unit into operation, page 62).

9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 UUUUnit nit nit nit change change change change over to over to over to over to newnewnewnew refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of Danger of Danger of Danger of injuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to propertyinjuries and damage to property Considerable dangers can be caused with operation with another Considerable dangers can be caused with operation with another Considerable dangers can be caused with operation with another Considerable dangers can be caused with operation with another refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant without prior manufacturerwithout prior manufacturerwithout prior manufacturerwithout prior manufacturer approapproapproapproval (val (val (val (Improper useImproper useImproper useImproper use).).).). The unit must not be changed over to another The unit must not be changed over to another The unit must not be changed over to another The unit must not be changed over to another refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant without prior written consent bywithout prior written consent bywithout prior written consent bywithout prior written consent by GüntnerGüntnerGüntnerGüntner

� Ensure that the unit manufacturer has agreed to the changeover.

� Ensure that the right refrigerant is re-filled. Ensure that all materials used in the unit are compatible with the new refrigerant.

� Ensure that the permissible pressure is not exceeded.

� Check that the new refrigerant can be used without requiring a new test certificate for the unit.

� The safety device for the unit must be changed out or reset.

� Mixtures with residues of refrigerant and oil, for example, must be prevented.

� All information concerning the refrigerant must be changed accordingly.

� The complete documentation, including these operating instructions and the system operating

instructions manual must be changed accordingly.

� Perform acceptance test (see Perform acceptance test, page 59).

Güntner NLA 65/78 TroubleshootingTroubleshootingTroubleshootingTroubleshooting

10.1 Safety10.1 Safety10.1 Safety10.1 Safety

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of iDanger of iDanger of iDanger of injuries and damage to prnjuries and damage to prnjuries and damage to prnjuries and damage to propertyopertyopertyoperty Faults that are described in these operating instructions must only be reFaults that are described in these operating instructions must only be reFaults that are described in these operating instructions must only be reFaults that are described in these operating instructions must only be rectified by suitable qualified and ctified by suitable qualified and ctified by suitable qualified and ctified by suitable qualified and trained personnel trained personnel trained personnel trained personnel ((((see Personnel, care requirements, page 1see Personnel, care requirements, page 1see Personnel, care requirements, page 1see Personnel, care requirements, page 17777).).).). With faults that occur during the operation, monitoring and maintenance of thWith faults that occur during the operation, monitoring and maintenance of thWith faults that occur during the operation, monitoring and maintenance of thWith faults that occur during the operation, monitoring and maintenance of the complete system,e complete system,e complete system,e complete system, inform inform inform inform Güntner immediately.Güntner immediately.Güntner immediately.Güntner immediately.

10.2 Service10.2 Service10.2 Service10.2 Service Güntner de México S.A. deGüntner de México S.A. deGüntner de México S.A. deGüntner de México S.A. de Av. Rogelio González Caballero No.1000,Av. Rogelio González Caballero No.1000,Av. Rogelio González Caballero No.1000,Av. Rogelio González Caballero No.1000, Parque Industrial Stiva AeropuertParque Industrial Stiva AeropuertParque Industrial Stiva AeropuertParque Industrial Stiva Aeropuerto o o o Apodaca Nuevo León, C.P.Apodaca Nuevo León, C.P.Apodaca Nuevo León, C.P.Apodaca Nuevo León, C.P. 66600666006660066600 MexicoMexicoMexicoMexico Office Office Office Office TTTTel: +52 81 81 56 06 00 el: +52 81 81 56 06 00 el: +52 81 81 56 06 00 el: +52 81 81 56 06 00 Office FOffice FOffice FOffice Fax: +52 81 8ax: +52 81 8ax: +52 81 8ax: +52 81 81 56 06 07 1 56 06 07 1 56 06 07 1 56 06 07 eeee----mail address: mail address: mail address: mail address: sales@guentner.comsales@guentner.comsales@guentner.comsales@guentner.com.mx.mx.mx.mx / / / / quality.shared@guentner.com.mxquality.shared@guentner.com.mxquality.shared@guentner.com.mxquality.shared@guentner.com.mx For USA:For USA:For USA:For USA: Guntner US LLCGuntner US LLCGuntner US LLCGuntner US LLC 1870 N. Roselle Rd1870 N. Roselle Rd1870 N. Roselle Rd1870 N. Roselle Rd Schaumburg, ILSchaumburg, ILSchaumburg, ILSchaumburg, IL 60195, USA60195, USA60195, USA60195, USA OfOfOfOffice Tel: +1 847 781 09 00 fice Tel: +1 847 781 09 00 fice Tel: +1 847 781 09 00 fice Tel: +1 847 781 09 00 Office FOffice FOffice FOffice Fax: +ax: +ax: +ax: +1111 888847474747 777781 81 81 81 09090909 00001111 eeee----mail address: mail address: mail address: mail address: sales@guntnerus.comsales@guntnerus.comsales@guntnerus.comsales@guntnerus.com / / / / quality.shared@guentner.com.mxquality.shared@guentner.com.mxquality.shared@guentner.com.mxquality.shared@guentner.com.mx Troubleshooting tableTroubleshooting tableTroubleshooting tableTroubleshooting table

Fault Possible cause(s) Action

Fan motor is not running Power supply interrupted Restore power supply

Fan blade stuck Enable fan to rotate freely

Bearing noises Defective fan motor Renew bearing or fan motor

Unit vibrating Defective fan blades Change fan blades

Loose fan fixture Tighten fixture

Unit capacity not achieved

Heat exchanger is very dirty on the air side


Fans not running properly or down Repair, change out fans

Refrigerant pressure and /or defective

Set refrigerant valves (temperature and quantity) to reference values Check pressure switches

Refrigerant leaking Unit refrigerant – carrying components leaking

Shut off refrigerant feed and switch off fans, repair the leak

Güntner NLA 66/78 Dealing with faultsDealing with faultsDealing with faultsDealing with faults

� Try to determine the size of the leak.

� Activate Emergency STOP switch. Valves, motors and other components are therefore switched off to prevent refrigerant from leaking.

� Close shut-off valves, especially to the liquid side, where possible in sections, so that the refrigerant

quantity in the leakage area is kept as low as possible. If possible evacuate/drain the systems section in question and move the refrigerant/ to other systems sections. Here too it must be ensured that no liquid refrigerant is locked in by shutting off system sections.

Güntner NLA 67/78 MaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenance

11.1 Safety11.1 Safety11.1 Safety11.1 Safety

11.1.1 Before starting all maintenance11.1.1 Before starting all maintenance11.1.1 Before starting all maintenance11.1.1 Before starting all maintenance

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with leaking refrigerantleaking refrigerantleaking refrigerantleaking refrigerant ((((see Residual hazards withsee Residual hazards withsee Residual hazards withsee Residual hazards with CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerarefrigerarefrigerarefrigerantntntntssss, page , page , page , page 22221111)))).... Only perform maintenance work Only perform maintenance work Only perform maintenance work Only perform maintenance work –––– especially welding work especially welding work especially welding work especially welding work –––– on the leaking unit after completelyon the leaking unit after completelyon the leaking unit after completelyon the leaking unit after completely removing removing removing removing the the the the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant from the unit!from the unit!from the unit!from the unit! Perform the following safety measures before beginning all maintenance work:Perform the following safety measures before beginning all maintenance work:Perform the following safety measures before beginning all maintenance work:Perform the following safety measures before beginning all maintenance work: ■ DDDDrain the unit's heat exrain the unit's heat exrain the unit's heat exrain the unit's heat exchangerchangerchangerchanger coil.coil.coil.coil. ■ Clean and Clean and Clean and Clean and evacuate evacuate evacuate evacuate out the unit's heat exchangerout the unit's heat exchangerout the unit's heat exchangerout the unit's heat exchanger coilcoilcoilcoil....

11.1.2 With all maintenance work11.1.2 With all maintenance work11.1.2 With all maintenance work11.1.2 With all maintenance work

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuriDanger of injuriDanger of injuriDanger of injuries and damage to property with leakinges and damage to property with leakinges and damage to property with leakinges and damage to property with leaking CFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant LeakingLeakingLeakingLeaking refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant can cause tcan cause tcan cause tcan cause the following hazard situations and injuries:he following hazard situations and injuries:he following hazard situations and injuries:he following hazard situations and injuries:

Warning against explosionWarning against explosionWarning against explosionWarning against explosion----risk and frisk and frisk and frisk and flammable lammable lammable lammable substances in the substances in the substances in the substances in the working area.working area.working area.working area. Unintentionally Unintentionally Unintentionally Unintentionally refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant oil residue oil residue oil residue oil residue can ignite.can ignite.can ignite.can ignite. • • • • Ensure that there is no unintentionallyEnsure that there is no unintentionallyEnsure that there is no unintentionallyEnsure that there is no unintentionally refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant oil oil oil oil residue residue residue residue in the in the in the in the workworkworkworking areaing areaing areaing area • • • • Keep the risk area free of direct and indirect ignition sources.Keep the risk area free of direct and indirect ignition sources.Keep the risk area free of direct and indirect ignition sources.Keep the risk area free of direct and indirect ignition sources. • • • • Before releasing for maintenance Before releasing for maintenance Before releasing for maintenance Before releasing for maintenance for the unit for the unit for the unit for the unit obtain the required obtain the required obtain the required obtain the required approvalsapprovalsapprovalsapprovals for work for work for work for work for the unit for the unit for the unit for the unit that can involve ignition sources (e.g. that can involve ignition sources (e.g. that can involve ignition sources (e.g. that can involve ignition sources (e.g. grinding, welding, soldering,grinding, welding, soldering,grinding, welding, soldering,grinding, welding, soldering, etc.).etc.).etc.).etc.). • • • • WWWWith all work involving ignition sources (e.g. grinding, welding, etc.) ith all work involving ignition sources (e.g. grinding, welding, etc.) ith all work involving ignition sources (e.g. grinding, welding, etc.) ith all work involving ignition sources (e.g. grinding, welding, etc.) in thein thein thein the work area, keep suitable fire work area, keep suitable fire work area, keep suitable fire work area, keep suitable fire extinguishing equipmentextinguishing equipmentextinguishing equipmentextinguishing equipment.... • • • • Do no bring any open flames or hot gases (e.g. candles, matches, Do no bring any open flames or hot gases (e.g. candles, matches, Do no bring any open flames or hot gases (e.g. candles, matches, Do no bring any open flames or hot gases (e.g. candles, matches, weldingweldingweldingwelding beads, welding sparks, glowing cinders or tobaccbeads, welding sparks, glowing cinders or tobaccbeads, welding sparks, glowing cinders or tobaccbeads, welding sparks, glowing cinders or tobacco) into the o) into the o) into the o) into the working areaworking areaworking areaworking area.... • • • • Ensure that there are no warmed up or hot surfaces (e.g. heaters, Ensure that there are no warmed up or hot surfaces (e.g. heaters, Ensure that there are no warmed up or hot surfaces (e.g. heaters, Ensure that there are no warmed up or hot surfaces (e.g. heaters, hotplates,hotplates,hotplates,hotplates, bulbs, motor housings) in the bulbs, motor housings) in the bulbs, motor housings) in the bulbs, motor housings) in the working areaworking areaworking areaworking area.... • • • • Ensure that no friction heat develops in the Ensure that no friction heat develops in the Ensure that no friction heat develops in the Ensure that no friction heat develops in the working areaworking areaworking areaworking area....

Warns against healthWarns against healthWarns against healthWarns against health----endangering irritantsendangering irritantsendangering irritantsendangering irritants in the in the in the in the work areawork areawork areawork area CFC/HFC refrigerant under CFC/HFC refrigerant under CFC/HFC refrigerant under CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescenceeffervescenceeffervescenceeffervescence still present can evaporate. still present can evaporate. still present can evaporate. still present can evaporate. Inhalation of refrigerant vapor Inhalation of refrigerant vapor Inhalation of refrigerant vapor Inhalation of refrigerant vapor causes harmful to health irritations causes harmful to health irritations causes harmful to health irritations causes harmful to health irritations and lack oxygen.and lack oxygen.and lack oxygen.and lack oxygen. • • • • Release Release Release Release refrigerant vapor and refrigerant vapor and refrigerant vapor and refrigerant vapor and / or / or / or / or refrigerant liquid must not reach refrigerant liquid must not reach refrigerant liquid must not reach refrigerant liquid must not reach adjacent roadjacent roadjacent roadjacent rooms, staircases, yards, passages or drainage systems.oms, staircases, yards, passages or drainage systems.oms, staircases, yards, passages or drainage systems.oms, staircases, yards, passages or drainage systems.

Güntner NLA 68/78

• • • • Use respiratory protectionUse respiratory protectionUse respiratory protectionUse respiratory protection • • • • Use a room airUse a room airUse a room airUse a room air----independent breathing apparatus with maintenance independent breathing apparatus with maintenance independent breathing apparatus with maintenance independent breathing apparatus with maintenance work in high CFC/HFC refrigerant concentrations in thework in high CFC/HFC refrigerant concentrations in thework in high CFC/HFC refrigerant concentrations in thework in high CFC/HFC refrigerant concentrations in the affected affected affected affected areaareaareaarea.... • • • • Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the work work work work is well ventilatedis well ventilatedis well ventilatedis well ventilated • • • • Divert Divert Divert Divert leakedleakedleakedleaked refrigerant vapor andrefrigerant vapor andrefrigerant vapor andrefrigerant vapor and / or/ or/ or/ or liquid safelyliquid safelyliquid safelyliquid safely....

Warns against coldWarns against coldWarns against coldWarns against cold Still present CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence has a Still present CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence has a Still present CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence has a Still present CFC/HFC refrigerant under effervescence has a temperature of temperature of temperature of temperature of 32 °F (32 °F (32 °F (32 °F (0000 °C°C°C°C)))). Contact with refrigerant under . Contact with refrigerant under . Contact with refrigerant under . Contact with refrigerant under effervescence caused by spraying causes frostbiteeffervescence caused by spraying causes frostbiteeffervescence caused by spraying causes frostbiteeffervescence caused by spraying causes frostbite

• • • • Use eye protectionUse eye protectionUse eye protectionUse eye protection

• • • • Use hand protectionUse hand protectionUse hand protectionUse hand protection

• • • • Ensure that the unit in question is pressureEnsure that the unit in question is pressureEnsure that the unit in question is pressureEnsure that the unit in question is pressure----free before maintenance work begins or thefree before maintenance work begins or thefree before maintenance work begins or thefree before maintenance work begins or the refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerant is is is is removedremovedremovedremoved up from the unit in question.up from the unit in question.up from the unit in question.up from the unit in question. • • • • Power off the electrical system and secure it against uPower off the electrical system and secure it against uPower off the electrical system and secure it against uPower off the electrical system and secure it against unintnintnintnintentional switching on again (lockentional switching on again (lockentional switching on again (lockentional switching on again (lock----out out out out procedures).procedures).procedures).procedures). • • • • Isolated the unit to be worked on from the refrigeration system and secure it.Isolated the unit to be worked on from the refrigeration system and secure it.Isolated the unit to be worked on from the refrigeration system and secure it.Isolated the unit to be worked on from the refrigeration system and secure it.


LockLockLockLock----out procedure requiredout procedure requiredout procedure requiredout procedure required WWWWhenhenhenhen workworkworkworkinginginging at at at at the the the the enteringenteringenteringentering and and and and leaving paths of leaving paths of leaving paths of leaving paths of the fans and heat the fans and heat the fans and heat the fans and heat exchanger, objeexchanger, objeexchanger, objeexchanger, objectsctsctscts can get into the fans and therefore cause faults can get into the fans and therefore cause faults can get into the fans and therefore cause faults can get into the fans and therefore cause faults and damage on the components.and damage on the components.and damage on the components.and damage on the components. • • • • Power off the fans before beginning maintenance workPower off the fans before beginning maintenance workPower off the fans before beginning maintenance workPower off the fans before beginning maintenance work and secure and secure and secure and secure them against switching on again.them against switching on again.them against switching on again.them against switching on again. • • • • After the work has finished do not allow any objects to After the work has finished do not allow any objects to After the work has finished do not allow any objects to After the work has finished do not allow any objects to be in the be in the be in the be in the enteenteenteentering and leaving paths of the fans or the working area.ring and leaving paths of the fans or the working area.ring and leaving paths of the fans or the working area.ring and leaving paths of the fans or the working area.

Güntner NLA 69/78

11.1.3 After all maintenance work11.1.3 After all maintenance work11.1.3 After all maintenance work11.1.3 After all maintenance work

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with leakingleakingleakingleaking CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC refrigeCFC/HFC refrigeCFC/HFC refrigeCFC/HFC refrigerantrantrantrantssss, page , page , page , page 22221111)))).... Perform the following safety measures after finishing all maintenance work:Perform the following safety measures after finishing all maintenance work:Perform the following safety measures after finishing all maintenance work:Perform the following safety measures after finishing all maintenance work: • • • • Ensure the switching and activation devices, the measuring and display devices and the safetyEnsure the switching and activation devices, the measuring and display devices and the safetyEnsure the switching and activation devices, the measuring and display devices and the safetyEnsure the switching and activation devices, the measuring and display devices and the safety devices devices devices devices function properly.function properly.function properly.function properly. • • • • Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant refrigerant fittings are fittings are fittings are fittings are functionfunctionfunctionfunctional.al.al.al. • • • • Ensure that Ensure that Ensure that Ensure that hinged fan assemblieshinged fan assemblieshinged fan assemblieshinged fan assemblies (optional) are fixed in their original(optional) are fixed in their original(optional) are fixed in their original(optional) are fixed in their original position and secured against position and secured against position and secured against position and secured against unintentional or unauthorized opening.unintentional or unauthorized opening.unintentional or unauthorized opening.unintentional or unauthorized opening. • • • • Check the identification of the pipelines and ensure this is visible and legible.Check the identification of the pipelines and ensure this is visible and legible.Check the identification of the pipelines and ensure this is visible and legible.Check the identification of the pipelines and ensure this is visible and legible. • • • • Check the Check the Check the Check the mountmountmountmountinginginging and corrosion protection of the components in question.and corrosion protection of the components in question.and corrosion protection of the components in question.and corrosion protection of the components in question. • • • • Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the Ensure the electrical connections (fanselectrical connections (fanselectrical connections (fanselectrical connections (fans)))) are functionare functionare functionare functionalalalal.... • • • • Ensure the temperature and air humidity at the Ensure the temperature and air humidity at the Ensure the temperature and air humidity at the Ensure the temperature and air humidity at the working area working area working area working area are the same as that in the are the same as that in the are the same as that in the are the same as that in the submittalsubmittalsubmittalsubmittal documents.documents.documents.documents. • • • • Perform a pressure test Perform a pressure test Perform a pressure test Perform a pressure test and a tightness test (see operating instructions manual annex).and a tightness test (see operating instructions manual annex).and a tightness test (see operating instructions manual annex).and a tightness test (see operating instructions manual annex). • • • • Perform an acceptance test Perform an acceptance test Perform an acceptance test Perform an acceptance test ((((see Perform acceptance test, page see Perform acceptance test, page see Perform acceptance test, page see Perform acceptance test, page 59595959).).).). • • • • Perform a pressure test (see operating instructions manual annexPerform a pressure test (see operating instructions manual annexPerform a pressure test (see operating instructions manual annexPerform a pressure test (see operating instructions manual annex).).).).

11.2 Inspection and maintenance plan11.2 Inspection and maintenance plan11.2 Inspection and maintenance plan11.2 Inspection and maintenance plan The regular safety – related checking of condensers in refrigeration system, is a prerequisite for meeting the local requirements and / or national requirements and these must be performed by a "qualified person". The operator must determine the test intervals for the complete system and the system components on the basis of a safety - related evaluation. Nevertheless, as with every technical installation, results, whereby it can generally be said the most frequent causes are not material errors, but operating errors, cannot be ruled out. The checks to be performed are listed in the following sections as time-scaled checklists.

11.2.1 Fans11.2.1 Fans11.2.1 Fans11.2.1 Fans The manufacturer's operating specifications take priority for this component. Güntner recommends proceeding in accordance with the following inspection and maintenance plan:

d = daily, w=weekly, m = monthly, y = yearly

Work to be performed d w m y

Check fans for dirty build-up X

• With dirt build-ups: Clean fans (see Unit cleaning, page 71)

Check the fan drive for smooth running X

• Vibrations on the unit: remove imbalances

• Where required, tighten and correct blade fixtures and blade settings

Fan motor bearing: Running sound and smoothness changes X

• Change out fan motor

Fan motor: Is a new bearing due? X * • Change out fan motor

Fan impeller: corrosion on bolts

• Change out fan

X *

Impeller blades: Corrosion or damage on blades X * • Change out fan

*: Recommended every six months

Güntner NLA 70/78

11.2.2 Unit heat exchanger11.2.2 Unit heat exchanger11.2.2 Unit heat exchanger11.2.2 Unit heat exchanger

WARWARWARWARNINGNINGNINGNING Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with leakingleakingleakingleaking CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (see Residual hazardssee Residual hazardssee Residual hazardssee Residual hazards with with with with CFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerantCFC/HFC refrigerant, page , page , page , page 19191919)))) Perform a regular external check (visual inspection) on the unit every 5 years. Güntner recommends you Perform a regular external check (visual inspection) on the unit every 5 years. Güntner recommends you Perform a regular external check (visual inspection) on the unit every 5 years. Güntner recommends you Perform a regular external check (visual inspection) on the unit every 5 years. Güntner recommends you have the testhave the testhave the testhave the test performed by an expert.performed by an expert.performed by an expert.performed by an expert.

d = daily, w=weekly, m = monthly, y = yearly

Work to be performed d w m y

Check heat exchanger for dirt build-up X • With dirt build-ups: Clean heat exchanger (see Unit cleaning,

page 71)

Check heat exchanger´s general condition X

• Damages found: remove damages

Check heat exchanger’s operating point (see Operation, page 62) X

• Change in fan capacity found: Restore required system – side conditions

• Change in surface temperatures found: restore required system – side conditions

Check heat exchanger and connections for tightness X * • Repair unit sections (see Remove leaks, page 70)

Check heat exchanger for refrigerant pressure rating X

• Restore required system – side conditions

Check heat exchanger for corrosion X *

• Corrosion or damages on core tubes, fins, support structures, pipe connections, fixtures: repair unit sections affected

*: Recommended every six months

11.2.3 Care and maintenance plan11.2.3 Care and maintenance plan11.2.3 Care and maintenance plan11.2.3 Care and maintenance plan

Measure Cleaning agent Interval

Component cleaning Mechanically As required (visual inspection)

Complete cleaning Warm water or environmentally safe cleaning agent

After 120 hours After 720 hours

Leak check After six months

Corrosion protection check After six months

11.3 Ma11.3 Ma11.3 Ma11.3 Maintenance workintenance workintenance workintenance work

11.3.1 Remove leaks11.3.1 Remove leaks11.3.1 Remove leaks11.3.1 Remove leaks

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with Danger of injuries and damage to property with CFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFCCFC/HFC refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (refrigerant (see Residual hazards withsee Residual hazards withsee Residual hazards withsee Residual hazards with CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC CFC/HFC refrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantrefrigerantssss, page , page , page , page 22221111)))).... • • • • Have leaks removed as quickly as possible by an Have leaks removed as quickly as possible by an Have leaks removed as quickly as possible by an Have leaks removed as quickly as possible by an expert.expert.expert.expert. • • • • Do not fill with a working fluid other than that specified in accDo not fill with a working fluid other than that specified in accDo not fill with a working fluid other than that specified in accDo not fill with a working fluid other than that specified in accordance ordance ordance ordance with the orderwith the orderwith the orderwith the order----related offer related offer related offer related offer documents!documents!documents!documents! • • • • Only put the unit back into operation when all leaks have been repaired.Only put the unit back into operation when all leaks have been repaired.Only put the unit back into operation when all leaks have been repaired.Only put the unit back into operation when all leaks have been repaired.

Güntner NLA 71/78

� Perform all work including pressure, acceptance and functional test (see Perform acceptance test,

page 59, and see Test readiness for operation, page 61).

11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 UUUUnitnitnitnit cleaningcleaningcleaningcleaning

11.4.1 General11.4.1 General11.4.1 General11.4.1 General The following applies for cleaning: The operator must ensure that the cleaning agent is environmental friendly. Harmful to the environment substances, e.g. acid-forming, are forbidden.

� Clean casing by rinsing with warm water approx. 77 °F (25 °C) and/or with environmentally friendly cleaning agents.

� Rinse thoroughly with water after using cleaning agents.

� Allow casing to dry completely.

� Check working fluid-carrying and electrical connections (see Test readiness for operation, page 61).

11.4.2 11.4.2 11.4.2 11.4.2 HHHHeat exchangereat exchangereat exchangereat exchanger cleaningcleaningcleaningcleaning

� Drain the unit (see system).

� Shut off the unit (see system).

� Power off the fans (see system).

� Clean the heat exchanger with one of the following procedures:

– Cleaning with compressed air (see Cleaning with compressed air, page 72). – Hydraulic cleaning (see Hydraulic cleaning, page 72) – Cleaning with brushes or brushes and compressed air (see Cleaning with brushes or brushes and compressed air, page 73).

Güntner NLA 72/78

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE Danger of damage to propertyDanger of damage to propertyDanger of damage to propertyDanger of damage to property The fins can be damaged with too high a pressure, too small a distance or a cleaning jet that hitsThe fins can be damaged with too high a pressure, too small a distance or a cleaning jet that hitsThe fins can be damaged with too high a pressure, too small a distance or a cleaning jet that hitsThe fins can be damaged with too high a pressure, too small a distance or a cleaning jet that hits the fins at the fins at the fins at the fins at an angle. Mechanical cleaning with hard objectan angle. Mechanical cleaning with hard objectan angle. Mechanical cleaning with hard objectan angle. Mechanical cleaning with hard objects (e.g. steel brushes, screw drivers, ors (e.g. steel brushes, screw drivers, ors (e.g. steel brushes, screw drivers, ors (e.g. steel brushes, screw drivers, or similar) similar) similar) similar) can can can can damage damage damage damage the heat exchangerthe heat exchangerthe heat exchangerthe heat exchanger surfacesurfacesurfacesurface.... • • • • Use a pressure of maximumUse a pressure of maximumUse a pressure of maximumUse a pressure of maximum 725 psi (725 psi (725 psi (725 psi (50 bar50 bar50 bar50 bar)))) with hydraulic cleaning and maxwith hydraulic cleaning and maxwith hydraulic cleaning and maxwith hydraulic cleaning and maximumimumimumimum 1160 psi (1160 psi (1160 psi (1160 psi (80 bar80 bar80 bar80 bar)))) with cleaning with compressedwith cleaning with compressedwith cleaning with compressedwith cleaning with compressed air.air.air.air. • • • • Maintain a minimum distance frMaintain a minimum distance frMaintain a minimum distance frMaintain a minimum distance from the fins of om the fins of om the fins of om the fins of 8 in (+/8 in (+/8 in (+/8 in (+/---- 200 mm200 mm200 mm200 mm).).).). • • • • Always aim the jet vertically (maxAlways aim the jet vertically (maxAlways aim the jet vertically (maxAlways aim the jet vertically (maximumimumimumimum ±5 degree deviation) at the fins±5 degree deviation) at the fins±5 degree deviation) at the fins±5 degree deviation) at the fins.... • • • • Do not useDo not useDo not useDo not use any hard objects when cleaning.any hard objects when cleaning.any hard objects when cleaning.any hard objects when cleaning.

� Switch fans on (see system).

� Open liquid side (see system).

� Open high pressure side (see system). Cleaning with compressed air11.4.2.1 Cleaning with compressed air11.4.2.1 Cleaning with compressed air11.4.2.1 Cleaning with compressed air Blast heat exchanger (maximum 1160 psi (80 bar) pressure) with compressed air to remove dirt and contaminants. NOTE! Hold the jet of the clNOTE! Hold the jet of the clNOTE! Hold the jet of the clNOTE! Hold the jet of the cleaner vertical to the fins (maximumeaner vertical to the fins (maximumeaner vertical to the fins (maximumeaner vertical to the fins (maximum deviation of ±5 degrees) to preventdeviation of ±5 degrees) to preventdeviation of ±5 degrees) to preventdeviation of ±5 degrees) to prevent fins fins fins fins from bendingfrom bendingfrom bendingfrom bending Hydraulic cleaning Hydraulic cleaning Hydraulic cleaning Hydraulic cleaning


LockLockLockLock----out procedure requiredout procedure requiredout procedure requiredout procedure required Direct and indirect contact with voltageDirect and indirect contact with voltageDirect and indirect contact with voltageDirect and indirect contact with voltage----carrying parts of motors and carrying parts of motors and carrying parts of motors and carrying parts of motors and electricalelectricalelectricalelectrical lines can cause serious injuries or death. Water and lines can cause serious injuries or death. Water and lines can cause serious injuries or death. Water and lines can cause serious injuries or death. Water and cleancleancleancleaning agents conducting agents conducting agents conducting agents conduct electricity.electricity.electricity.electricity. • • • • Power off the fans Power off the fans Power off the fans Power off the fans when when when when cleaning with water or cleaning with water or cleaning with water or cleaning with water or pressurized pressurized pressurized pressurized steamsteamsteamsteam....

NOTICENOTICENOTICENOTICE Danger of damage to propertyDanger of damage to propertyDanger of damage to propertyDanger of damage to property Water or steam jets can damage fans, electrical lines or other components.Water or steam jets can damage fans, electrical lines or other components.Water or steam jets can damage fans, electrical lines or other components.Water or steam jets can damage fans, electrical lines or other components. • • • • Ensure that electrical connections aEnsure that electrical connections aEnsure that electrical connections aEnsure that electrical connections and motors, as well as components and stored goods nd motors, as well as components and stored goods nd motors, as well as components and stored goods nd motors, as well as components and stored goods in in in in the the the the working working working working areaareaareaarea are not are not are not are not in the path ofin the path ofin the path ofin the path of water or steam jets. Cover these if required.water or steam jets. Cover these if required.water or steam jets. Cover these if required.water or steam jets. Cover these if required. Heavier deposit or greasy dirt must be removed with a high-pressure water jet (maximum 725 psi (50 bar) pressure), steam pressure jet (maximum 725 psi (50 bar) pressure), min. 8 in (+/- 200 mm) distance with flat jet nozzle, or using neutral cleaning agent where applicable, always against the airflow direction. Ensure here: – With oily and greasy dirt it helps to add a cleaning agent to the water.

Güntner NLA 73/78

– When applying chemical agents ensure that they are not aggressive towards the unit's materials. Rinse the unit off after the treatment. – Cleaning should be done from inside to the outside (but always opposing the dirt onset) and from top to bottom, so that the dirt can be removed without returning. – Hold the jet of the cleaner vertical to the fins (heat exchanger – maximum deviation of ±5 degrees) to prevent fins from bending.

� Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed. CCCCleaningleaningleaningleaning with brushes or brushed with compressed airwith brushes or brushed with compressed airwith brushes or brushed with compressed airwith brushes or brushed with compressed air

� Remove dry dust or dirt with a brush, a hand brush or with compressed air (maximum 1160 psi (80

bar) pressure, minimum distance of 8 in (+/- 200 mm) to the fins; against the airflow direction or with a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. Ensure here:

– Use soft brushes (no steel brushes or similar). – Where possible, cleaning should be from the top down. Where possible, cleaning should be from top to bottom, so that the dirt can be removed without the possibility of returning to cleaned parts. Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed. – Always brush the fins lengthways – never across. Fans cFans cFans cFans cleaning leaning leaning leaning

WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNING Danger of cutting, pDanger of cutting, pDanger of cutting, pDanger of cutting, pinchinginchinginchinginching There is a danger of fingersThere is a danger of fingersThere is a danger of fingersThere is a danger of fingers being cut offbeing cut offbeing cut offbeing cut off from from from from the rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands andthe rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands andthe rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands andthe rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands and the the the the danger danger danger danger of being pulled in due to lose elementof being pulled in due to lose elementof being pulled in due to lose elementof being pulled in due to lose element such as hair, necklaces or clothing parts.such as hair, necklaces or clothing parts.such as hair, necklaces or clothing parts.such as hair, necklaces or clothing parts. • • • • Power off the unit before you begins maintenance workPower off the unit before you begins maintenance workPower off the unit before you begins maintenance workPower off the unit before you begins maintenance work. Secure the unit against unintentional. Secure the unit against unintentional. Secure the unit against unintentional. Secure the unit against unintentional switching switching switching switching on again by removing the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitableon again by removing the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitableon again by removing the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitableon again by removing the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referring to warning sign referring to warning sign referring to warning sign referring to unintentional switching onunintentional switching onunintentional switching onunintentional switching on (Lock(Lock(Lock(Lock----out procedure)out procedure)out procedure)out procedure).... Dirt build-ups and frost and/or icing on the fans and the fan guard grilles must be removed regularly; otherwise they will cause imbalances or destruction and power losses.

Güntner NLA 74/78

� Power off the unit and secure it against unintentional switching on.

� Clean fans with one of the following procedures:

NOTE! Danger of damage to propertyNOTE! Danger of damage to propertyNOTE! Danger of damage to propertyNOTE! Danger of damage to property.... Mechanical cleaning with hard objects (e.g. steel brushes,Mechanical cleaning with hard objects (e.g. steel brushes,Mechanical cleaning with hard objects (e.g. steel brushes,Mechanical cleaning with hard objects (e.g. steel brushes, screw drivers, or simiscrew drivers, or simiscrew drivers, or simiscrew drivers, or similar) damages the fan. Forbiddenlar) damages the fan. Forbiddenlar) damages the fan. Forbiddenlar) damages the fan. Forbidden

– Cleaning with compressed air: Blow fans with compressed air (maximum 145 psi (10 bar) pressure; minimum distance 8 in (+/- 200 mm)) to remove dirt and contaminants. Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed. – Cleaning with compressed air and brushes: Remove dry dust or dirt with a brush, a hand brush or with compressed air (maximum 145 psi (10 bar) pressure, minimum distance of 8 in (+/- 200 mm)) or with a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. Ensure here: use soft brushes (no steel brushes or similar). Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed.

� Mount fan guard/s.

� Switch unit on....

Güntner NLA 75/78

12. Spare parts12. Spare parts12. Spare parts12. Spare parts Horizontal unitHorizontal unitHorizontal unitHorizontal unit Vertical UnitVertical UnitVertical UnitVertical Unit












Güntner NLA 76/78

Listed below are the major replacement parts of the GVH/GVV series. The standard motor is external rotor type. GVHGVHGVHGVH

Item Part GVH 050.2 GVH 065.2 GVH 080.2 GVH 090.2


Motor sound level N @ 230V/3~/60Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 460V/3~/60Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 400V/3~/60Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 400V/3~/50Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 575V/3~/60Hz VT01306U VT01314U VT01328U VT01331U

Motor sound level M @ 230V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 460V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 400V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 400V/3~/50Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 575V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01323U VT01333U

Motor sound level L @ 230V/3~/60Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 460V/3~/60Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 400V/3~/60Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 400V/3~/50Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 575V/3~/60Hz VT01307U VT01312U VT01329U VT01330U

Motor sound level S @ 230V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 460V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 400V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 400V/3~/50Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 575V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01324U VT01334U

Motor @ 380-460V/3~/50-60Hz n/a n/a VT03025U VT03030U

Motor @ 220-240V/3~/50-60Hz n/a n/a VT03054U n/a


Junction box for 1 fan 1 X 4514 for AC fans and for EC fans

Junction box for 2 fans 1 X 4608 for AC fans / 1 X 4514 for EC fans

Junction box for 3 fans 1 X 4515 for AC fans / 1 X 4608 for EC fans

Junction box for 4 fans 1 X 4515 for AC fans / 1 X 4608 for EC fans

Junction box for 5 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4515 for EC fans

Junction box for 6 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4515 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 2 fans 1 X 4515 for AC fans / 1 X 4608 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 3 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4515 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 4 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans and for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 5 fans 2 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4609 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 6 fans 2 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4609 for EC fans

3.1 Corner foot height 9 15/16” (250 mm) n/a AY6.360S

Corner foot height 15 3/4” (400 mm) AY174.1S (only for 1 or 2 fans) AY178.1S


Corner foot height 23 5/8” (600 mm) AY178.2S AY6.316S

Corner foot height 31 ½” (800 mm) AY178.3S AY6.363S

Corner foot height 39 3/8” (1000 mm) AY178.4S AY6.366S

3.2 Corner foot height 9 15/16” (250 mm) n/a AY6.361S

Corner foot height 15 3/4” (400 mm) AY174.1S (only for 1 or 2 fans) AY178.1S


Corner foot height 23 5/8” (600 mm) AY178.2S AY6.317S

Corner foot height 31 ½” (800 mm) AY178.3S AY6.364S

Corner foot height 39 3/8” (1000 mm) AY178.4S AY6.367S

3.3 Middle foot height 9 15/16” (250 mm) n/a AY6.362S

Middle foot height 15 3/4” (400 mm) AY178.1S n/a

Middle foot height 23 5/8” (600 mm) AY178.2S AY6.319S

Middle foot height 31 ½” (800 mm) AY178.3S AY6.365S

Middle foot height 39 3/8” (1000 mm) AY178.4S AY6.368S

4 Vibration damper 4906

5 Repair switch 1407

Güntner NLA 77/78


Item Part GVV 050.2 GVV 065.2 GVV 080.2 GVV 090.2


Motor sound level N @ 230V/3~/60Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 460V/3~/60Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 400V/3~/60Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 400V/3~/50Hz VT01188U VT01191U VT01224U VT01196U

Motor sound level N @ 575V/3~/60Hz VT01306U VT01314U VT01328U VT01331U

Motor sound level M @ 230V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 460V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 400V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 400V/3~/50Hz n/a n/a VT01225U VT01201U

Motor sound level M @ 575V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01323U VT01333U

Motor sound level L @ 230V/3~/60Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 460V/3~/60Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 400V/3~/60Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 400V/3~/50Hz VT01189U VT01177U VT01226U VT01197U

Motor sound level L @ 575V/3~/60Hz VT01307U VT01312U VT01329U VT01330U

Motor sound level S @ 230V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 460V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 400V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 400V/3~/50Hz n/a n/a VT01227U VT01202U

Motor sound level S @ 575V/3~/60Hz n/a n/a VT01324U VT01334U

Motor @ 380-460V/3~/50-60Hz n/a n/a VT03025U VT03030U

Motor @ 220-240V/3~/50-60Hz n/a n/a VT03054U n/a


Junction box for 1 fan 1 X 4514 for AC fans and for EC fans

Junction box for 2 fans 1 X 4608 for AC fans / 1 X 4514 for EC fans

Junction box for 3 fans 1 X 4515 for AC fans / 1 X 4608 for EC fans

Junction box for 4 fans 1 X 4515 for AC fans / 1 X 4608 for EC fans

Junction box for 5 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4515 for EC fans

Junction box for 6 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4515 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 2 fans 1 X 4515 for AC fans / 1 X 4608 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 3 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4515 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 4 fans 1 X 4609 for AC fans and for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 5 fans 2 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4609 for EC fans

Junction box for 2 X 6 fans 2 X 4609 for AC fans / 1 X 4609 for EC fans

4 Vibration damper 4906

5 Repair switch 1407

Güntner NLA 78/78
