OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development D. Calisi, A. Censi, L. Iocchi, D....


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OpenRDK: a modular framework OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software developmentfor robotic software development

D. Calisi, A. Censi, L. Iocchi, D. Nardi

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 2

Software frameworks for roboticsSoftware frameworks for robotics

Software frameworks are useful Promote standard design techniques Aim at code reusability (components) Provide ready-to-use design choices

Software frameworks for robotics OROCOS (EURON project) CLARAty (NASA) OpenRTM-aist (Japanese project) Orca, Player/Stage, MARIE, MOAST, ROS, etc.

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 3


Software frameworks for roboticsSoftware frameworks for robotics

Concurrency model Call-backs Processes Threads

Information sharing model Data ports Blackboard

Module Module Module

// a callback is called by a schedulervoid callback() { // do your work quickly // and return the control // to the scheduler}



OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 4

OpenRDK main features and conceptsOpenRDK main features and concepts

RAgent (Process)

Module ModuleModule Module

Repository (Blackboard)

Properties:rdk://agent2/localizer/odometry (pose)rdk://agent2/localizer/laserScan (scan)rdk://agent2/localizer/estimatedPose (pose)rdk://agent2/navigator/maxSpeed (double)rdk://agent2/mapper/map (map)rdk://agent2/navigator/userInfo (string)…

Repository (Blackboard)

Implemented in C++ for UNIX-like systems

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 5

An exampleAn example





mapper navigator











OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 6

Queues as object dispatchersQueues as object dispatchers Producer/consumer problem; FIFO

Addressed like other properties (URL)

Features multiple consumers (concurrently)

no object duplication

automatic garbage collection



Can be used for localization (e.g., laser)






OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 7

Configuration and object persistenceConfiguration and object persistence

Specify the initial configuration of each agent: the configuration file Contains the list of modules to be instantiated Contains property (initial) values Contains connections among modules

Can be used to Load initial module parameters Save and load module states Load static inputs (e.g., pre-built maps)

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 8

Property linksProperty links Connect modules Suggested policy

A module reads from and writes to its own properties

Property links Connect inputs and

outputs of different modules

Are stored in the configuration file

Similar to UNIX symbolic links

Can refer to remote repositories

rdk://agent2/localizer/odometry rdk://agent2/localizer/laserScanrdk://agent2/localizer/estimatedPose




OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 9

Property sharingProperty sharing

A module, through links, can access remote properties

Repository actions: Requests properties Publishes them locally

Options: When to send updates Network protocol

Data reconstruction layer E.g. maps, images, etc.


rdk://agent2/localizer/odometry rdk://agent2/localizer/laserScanrdk://agent2/localizer/estimatedPose


Property sharing

Property sharing


OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 10

Tools and other utilitiesTools and other utilities

Modules for logging and replaying

Profiling (work in progress)

Modules to connect to simulators Stage and Gazebo (through Player) USARSim Webots (work in progress)

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 11

Tools: RConsoleTools: RConsole

RConsole implementation Is itself an RAgent Uses property sharing

Can be used for Remote inspection Debugging Parameter tuning Preliminary GUI building for specific applications

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 12

Case study: concurrent engineeringCase study: concurrent engineering Example: developing the

localizer, mapper and navigator modules

Three students are assigned one module each

Hardware and simulator interface modules are already available

First step: interface design (inputs/outputs)

hwInterface/speed (in)hwInterface/laserScan (out, queue)hwInterface/odometry (out, queue)

localizer/odometry (in, queue)localizer/laserScan (in, queue)localizer/estimatedPose (out, queue)

mapper/robotPose (in, queue)mapper/laserScan (in, queue)mapper/map (out)

navigator/robotPose (in)navigator/targetPose (in)navigator/map (in)navigator/speed (out)

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 13

Case study: the localizer moduleCase study: the localizer module

Using logging/replaying during development Save a log of a single run and then replay it Use well-known logs databases (e.g., RAWSEEDS)

localizer/odometry (in, queue)localizer/laserScan (in, queue)localizer/estimatedPose (out, queue)

hwInterface/speed (in)hwInterface/laserScan (out, queue)hwInterface/odometry (out, queue)

logWriter/odometry (in, queue)logWriter/laserScan (in, queue)logWriter/fileName (param)

logReader/fileName (param)logReader/odometry (out, queue)logReader/laserScan (out, queue)



OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 14

usarsimClient/speed (in)usarsimClient/laserScan (out, queue)usarsimClient/odometry (out, queue)

Case study: the mapper moduleCase study: the mapper module

Using odometry instead of estimated pose Using simulator (e.g., Stage, USARSim, etc.)

hwInterface/speed (in)hwInterface/laserScan (out, queue)hwInterface/odometry (out, queue)

localizer/odometry (in, queue)localizer/laserScan (in, queue)localizer/estimatedPose (out, queue)

mapper/robotPose (in, queue)mapper/laserScan (in, queue)mapper/map (out)

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 15

Case study: the navigator moduleCase study: the navigator module As before

Use odometry, simulator clients

Pre-built map from configuration file

RConsole for target poses input

hwInterface/speed (in)hwInterface/laserScan (out, queue)hwInterface/odometry (out, queue)

localizer/odometry (in, queue)localizer/laserScan (in, queue)localizer/estimatedPose (out, queue)

mapper/robotPose (in, queue)mapper/laserScan (in, queue)mapper/map (out)

navigator/robotPose (in)navigator/targetPose (in)navigator/map (in)navigator/speed (out)MAP

(configuration file)

usarsimClient/speed (in)usarsimClient/laserScan (out, queue)usarsimClient/odometry (out, queue)

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 16

OpenRDK current applicationsOpenRDK current applications Rescue wheeled robots (real robots, USARSim)

RoboCare project (assistive robots for the elders)

Quadrotor, tarantula (real robots, USARSim)

RoboCup Standard Platform League (“Nao league”)

HRI experiments (robot side)

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 17

SummarySummary OpenRDK features

Modularity and concurrent engineering Full multi-thread support Blackboard-style communication (properties can be shared

among different processes) Tools (Logging/replaying, RConsole, etc.) Open source (GPL license)

Extend the property sharing mechanism More network QoS (e.g., from DDS: latency budget)

On-line fault detection system Configuration file editing and analysis tools

Detect possible deadlocks Verify constraints on schedule

Design a better logo!

On-going and future workOn-going and future work

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 18



We are on SourceForge

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 19

Code: module templateCode: module template

// ...session->createInt(“intName”, “description”, 2);session->createDouble(“myDouble”, “description”, RDouble::RAD_SEC, 0.3);session->createDouble(“result”, “description”, RDouble::RAD_SEC);

// ...

Declare properties:

Initialization:// ...

mySocket.connectTo(“”, 9999);session->listenToTimer(0.5);// or you can session->listen(“intName”);

// ...

Execution:while (session->wait(), !exiting) {

int i = session->getInt(“intName”);double d = session->getDouble(“myDouble”);// do some computationsession->setDouble(“result”, d * i);


OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 20

Code: queue usageCode: queue usage

RDK2::ROdometry* odom = new RDK2::ROdometry(/* ... */);session->queuePush("odometry", odom);

session->subscribeQueue("odometry");// "odometry" is linked to "rdk://agent1/hwInterface/odometry“// in the configuration file

while (session->wait(), !exiting) {vector<const RDK2::ROdometry*> v =

session->queueFreezeAs<ROdometry>(ODOMETRY_URL);for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {const ROdometry* odom = v[i];... // process odometry data in the queue




OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 21

Code: complex object usageCode: complex object usage

Execution:while (session->wait(), !exiting) {

session->lock(“myImage”);RImage* img =

session->getObjectAs<RImage>(“myImage”);unsigned char** pixels = img->getPixels();// do something with the imagesession->unlock(“myImage”);session->valueChanged(“myImage”);


OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 22

Connection to RT systemsConnection to RT systems


OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 23

A real-world configuration exampleA real-world configuration example

OpenRDK: a modular framework for robotic software development (IROS'08) 24

Contextual controller experimentsContextual controller experiments
