Open Source CMS Trends By Farida Rahman 17 Nov 2011



Open Source CMS Trends By Farida Rahman 17 Nov 2011. About me. Involved with Open Source CMS domain from 2004 Worked across wide spectrum of industries like Higher Education, Non-Profits, Healthcare, Media, Technology companies, Ecommerce - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Open Source CMS Trends


Farida Rahman

17 Nov 2011

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About me

Involved with Open Source CMS domain from 2004 Worked across wide spectrum of industries like Higher

Education, Non-Profits, Healthcare, Media, Technology companies, Ecommerce

Worked on Open Source CMS and Portal technologies like Plone, Drupal, Magento, Alfresco and Liferay

Conducted Plone training for 5 years Volunteer at, helping with their

Plone website Presently work for CIGNEX Datamatics, Inc. as Content

Management Practice Lead

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CMS in present day organizations

Why Open source CMS is Prime time now?

Open standards

Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)

Future trends in OS CMS

Critical factors in OS CMS selection and adoption

CMS Implementation approach

Comparing OS CMS

Examples of OS CMS websites


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CMS in present day organizations

Organizations deal with enormous amounts of Content

Content is generated, archived, consumed, updated and mined

CMS frameworks - increase efficiency, improve control of information, and reduce the overall cost of information management

CMS need to mold itself to constant changes in the technology landscape

Web 2.0, Social Media, SEO, Parametric /Faceted Search, Identity Management, Analytics...newer paradigms appear on the horizon.

Open Source CMS have been agile and receptive with early and rapid adoption of newer features.

Modular design and huge communities enable these frameworks to build and release new features rapidly.

Instant consumption and feedback allow faster fixes, improvements to make the software more stable and robust.

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Why Open Source is Prime time now?

Historically Universities, Non-profits promoted many Open Source projects.

Mutually beneficial for the OS community and these organizations.

Not too long ago, the runaway success of some OS projects like Linux, Apache, MySQL, Mozilla, Open Office have paved way for business models around these projects.

OS CMS frameworks like Alfresco, Drupal, Liferay soon realized the viability of having Community and Enterprise versions.

With Support, Documentation, Product road maps, Free upgrades to newer versions and a Company behind their projects, these CMSes are ready for prime time.

Vendors realize that it is the fastest way to innovation, consumption, propagation and grow their technologies with passionate communities behind these projects.

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Why Open Source is Prime time now? (contd.) Open Source is mainstream today. Most popular Web 2.0 technologies, CMSes, Operating Systems, Tools, IDEs, Mobile technologies are Open source.

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for CMS

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Open Standards

Why Open Standards is common place today as opposed to the closed standards and exclusivity of older generation of software?

Open standards allow applications to communicate easily

Adobe pushed to adopt HTML5 after years of denial to adopt Open standards.

EBay launched the X.Commerce Fabric with Open Standards

Every web based platform provides its API to invite consumers to connect to. E.g. Facebook, Twitter, EBay

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Content Management Interoperability Services

A specification for improving interoperability between Enterprise Content Management systems.

Solves the difficult problem of ensuring interoperability for people and applications using multiple content repositories

A standard, vendor-neutral way of moving content from application to application (CMS to CMS), and preserve important metadata.

EMC, IBM & Microsoft drafted initial CMIS specification

Open Text, Oracle, Alfresco, Liferay, HP and SAP have also joined this group to promote CMIS

More at

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Future trends in OS CMS

More prevalent, powerful and easier to use

Convergence of Content, Community and Commerce

SaaS Solutions for OS CMS e.g MagentoGO, Drupal on Cloud

Integrated solutions like Portal + Ecommerce, or Portal + Document Management

Service Oriented architecture to enable more synergies with multiple frameworks

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Critical factors in OS CMS selection and adoption

Cost benefits

Easy to tryout and prototype before making the big decision

Availability of resources to maintain & extend

Road map of product



Easy Upgrade path

Change Management

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CMS implementations approach

Discovery to development -

1. Discovery of the problem at hand and well laid out requirements.

2. Assess best fitting solution for the problem.

3. Short list CMS frameworks that may solve your problem.

4. Identify the CMS framework you want to work with

5. Find a good developer to implement the requirements

6. Start with smaller projects and build on it iteratively.

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Drupal has a great deal of power out-of-the-box, and a large library of add-ons from its community.

Contains a number of robust features for sites that need high functionality.

Large list of pre-installed modules that can be easily activated by simply turning them on.

Good choice for smaller sites needing e-commerce functionality.

Scalable, Secure and Search friendly

Advance URL control, Content Types, Views,

Taxonomy, User Management , SEO

Large community, easy to find developers

PHP based, Acquia, SaaS solution

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Magento is an Open Source Ecommerce platform.

PHP and Zend Framework.

Enterprise and community edition.

Has a SaaS offering, MagentoGO

Full blown Ecommerce engine

Multi-lingual support

Minimal CMS components

SEO, Advance URL control, Content Types, Views,

Taxonomy, User Management

Great community and documentation

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Liferay is an Open Source Enterprise Portal.

Java based Portlets technology

Enterprise and community edition.

Suitable for Corporate Intranets and Extranets

Supports plugins and enables interaction with multiple programming languages like PHP, Ruby

Sophisticated programming interface for developers

Contains a number of robust features for sites that need high functionality.

Large list of pre-installed portlets and 3rd party portlets

Taxonomy, User Management

Great community and documentation

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Alfresco is an Open Source ECM.

Java based technology

Enterprise and community edition.

Suitable for Document, Records or Image Management Systems

Version control

Browser-based GUI

Excellent Search and Workflow

Taxonomy, User Management

Great community and documentation

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OS CMS website examples

Plone solutions

Liferay Solutions

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OS CMS website examples

Drupal solutions

Magento Solutions

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Thank you

