Open Door September 2010



Open door magazine for Lymington United Reform Church

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The Magazine The Magazine The Magazine The Magazine

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Lymington United Reformed Lymington United Reformed Lymington United Reformed Lymington United Reformed

Church Church Church Church


FROM THE MINISTER Dear Friends, The holidays are almost over, life is getting back to normal (whatever that might mean to you); church life picks up its routine once more; planning is taking place for the next few weeks and months – oh yes, Advent and Christmas is not that far away, but we have Harvest Thanksgiving, Discipleship Class, and so much more to look forward to, lets not rush ahead of ourselves. But wait, lets come back, begin again – slow down, let us not miss what God has for us today. Jesus is our example – although he knew well enough what was ahead, it seems to me that he took each day and what the day held, as precious. The people he met were important to him, the situations he found himself in needed the touch of the grace of God, and above all he ensured he had time to spend with his Father. Time to be still, time to listen, time to pray. How is it with you? I know I have to constantly bring myself back to this place and follow the example of Jesus. I know I fail and allow myself and time to be dictated by the agenda of others, the diary, the planning*.. but again and again I sense God calling me back – to be still, to listen, to pray. How is it with you? I pray that together we will grow as the people of God, a people to whom each day is precious in the Lord. A people who take time to be still, to listen, to pray; a people through whom God ministers his grace to others. May the Lord richly bless you and those you love.



Prayer and Meditation

It’s simple to say, That everything I do And everything I say And everything I think Is Christ-like. It’s a complicated concept, That what I do And what I say And what I think Makes a difference. It’s awesome and amazing That You care And You love And You trust Me God has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which He blesses al the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are His body. Christ has no body now but yours.

Theresa of Avila

The idea that we are entrusted by God to perceive the world as He does and act in response is an awesome and yet frightening idea. May you love those you meet because God shows them to you through his eyes and each one is precious. May those you meet matter to you because they matter to God. May the stranger you meet have a chance to become a friend.


SECRETARY'S NOTES SEPTEMBER 2010 We celebrate Harvest this month with a Harvest Supper on the Saturday evening on the 18th, with folk from the Fernmount Centre invited to join us. Please make every effort to come so that it can be a happy gathering of our Church Family. Then on Sunday 19th we have our Service of Harvest Thanksgiving. We will be supporting Water Aid and there will be a special collection, in addition to the normal offertory. Please come prepared to make a generous donation to this charity who, by giving water to the most needy people all over the world, truly do give life. Every 20 seconds, a child in the developing world dies from water-related diseases. Water Aid seeks to bring families a lasting supply of safe, clean water which could be the difference between life and death for years to come. They really do need our help, if only to show that we are grateful that we have safe, clean water every time we turn on our taps. Our Harvest Festival will be followed by a Bring-Your-Own lunch and our Church Meeting. I'll be grateful of notice for Any Other Business by 12th, Thank you.



th December, from 10am to 4pm there will be an

opportunity for families or individuals to ‘Get in the Nativity Picture’. In partnership with Lymington Baptist Church we are running this event on our forecourt. We will be setting up a Nativity Scene, complete with donkeys*.. , providing the costumes for adults and children, together with a photographer who will be taking the photographs, etc. etc.


Is there anyone out there who would like to be involved in helping with the carpentry or by providing spare wood? If so please speak to Rev Monica, any of the Elders or Helena. Your help would be really appreciated. Also anyone got a gazebo they could lend for the day? There will be much more information coming out in due course. You may like to take a look at about what happened in 2009. This day will help many to gain a greater understanding about the true meaning of Christmas.


Following on from the Prayer School, there is now an opportunity to join a Discipleship Group which will run for six weeks. We will be studying what the Bible has to say to us as we explore the impact God calls us to make in our world – on the immediate square mile around our homes, workplaces and churches. Using the letters of the word MILE, we will examine the Bible’s teaching on four major areas of impact. Mercy – demonstrating God’s compassion to the poor. Influence – being salt and light in the public life of the community Life discipleship – equipping Christians for missional living as workers and neighbours Evangelism – faithful and relevant communication of the gospel Are you prepared for your life to be changed? Are you ready to make a difference in your square mile? If so, come and join us either on a Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday evening.

Tuesdays 7th September – 12

th October

Wednesdays 8th September – 13

th October


GREETINGS CARDS Now that the main Open Door Appeal has been achieved, the sale of home-made greetings cards has come to an end. It achieved £550. Thank you very much to all the people who have given pictures, card and envelopes. All donations have been much appreciated. Thank you, too, to everyone who has bought the cards. They seem to have travelled all over the world.

BASICS BANK Food Banks all over the country had a lot of publicity last month as they struggled to keep pace with the demand on their services. We, too, sometimes find it difficult. Getting on for 800 parcels have gone out since September. We are spending over £200 each week to ensure that full parcels go out. We are still supplying 5 days of food at least but may have to drop to 3 days in line with the other local Food Banks, and it will strictly be for emergencies only. We also supply toiletries, washing up liquid as well as food which we want to continue with. We really appreciate all your donations of tinned, dried and packet food, and money. Please continue to help us to help others. Some of the stories are heart-breaking and the gratitude of some of the recipients is truly humbling. Thank you.

CHURCH MEETING: 18th JULY Decisions: • Helena expressed a wish to become a Church Member; this

was warmly welcomed and approved unanimously.


• Our 2009/2010 church accounts were also approved unanimously.

• It was agreed that the church would contribute £25 towards

a leaving present for Adrian Bully, out Wessex Region Moderator.

WOOL, PLEASE! Joan Piper is appealing for wool of any thickness. She's been very busy knitting bobble hats for the Sailors' Society and blankets for Malawi and wants to continue. She'll really appreciate any wool you can pass on to her. You can contact her on 01590 688148 or bring it in to Church and someone will pass it on. Thanks very much, in anticipation!

CHURCH FAMILY NEWS Helena Carr, our Centre Manager, is due to undergo surgery at the beginning of the month. We pray that the operation will be successful and that she'll make a full and speedy recovery. She will be away from us for up to 3 months so we will all have to pull together to keep everything going. She's sure to get a huge welcome when she returns amid sighs of relief that she's back. God bless, Helena! We are sad to record that Jeanne Woodhurst has died just a few weeks short of her 81st birthday.


Jeanne has had to cope with health problems for as long as we have known her. She was always positive and took pride in her appearance even when she was struggling to breathe. She was an active member of the Women's Guild, serving as Treasurer for a while. She has been a Church Member since 2004. She hasn't been able to join us in Church for many months, but she has been in our thoughts and prayers and has been grateful for people who have visited or phoned. We can give thanks that her suffering is now at an end and she has gone peacefully home. We send our sympathy and love to her family and all who will miss her, especially her close neighbour, Jean, and members of our Church Family who made daily contact with her by phone. We will think of her every time we sing “Shine, Jesus, shine” as that was her, and her Mum's, favourite song. Katharine Lane was due to have heart surgery at the beginning of August. We hope the operation was successful and she is now well on the way to a full recovery. We send her, and Derek, our love and best wishes.

JEANNE WOODHURST I was shocked and saddened to hear that my friend Jeanne Woodhurst had died. Her health had been failing for a long time and I admired the way she dealt with it. Jeanne and I became friends during the Women’s Guild days and became members of the Church together in 2004. I am going to miss her very much and may she now “Rest in Peace”.

Audrey Smith



SEPTEMBER 2010 EVERY WEDNESDAY the Prayer Group will meet in the Church from 9.15 a.m. until 10.00 a.m. Everyone welcome.


EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, from 10.00 a.m.—12 noon, in the Open Door Café. On Tuesday 21st, Carers' Café.

EVERY SATURDAY, from 9.30 a.m.—11.30 a.m., in the hall.


5th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship including Communion led by Rev'd. Monica Mills 12th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship, led by Mrs Mary Ann Jardine 19th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Harvest Festival led by Rev'd. Monica Mills Followed by BYO lunch and Church Meeting 26th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship led by Mrs Mandy Hibbert 6.30 p.m. Solent Mead Service EVERY WEEK there will be Junior Church and coffee/tea after the service.



Thu. 16th 7.30 p.m. CTLD Council Meeting at St Thomas’ Sat. 18th 7.30 p.m. Harvest Supper in the hall Mon. 20th 7.00 p.m. United Prayer and Praise Fellowship meets at St Thomas’ led by River of Life Church Our Minister will be leadinga Discipleship Course in the Church throughout September, on Tuesdays at 2.00 p.m. until 3.30 p.m. and on Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. until 9.00 p.m.



THANK YOU We're grateful to Shelagh Richardson who has taken on the responsibility for the distribution of the magazines. Hope it goes well!

Just a reminder note.................. Subject to no further date changes and as at the time I write this, it seems my hospital admission date is still on for Wednesday 8th September! I anticipate I will not be at work for an initial 6 weeks and then return after this period to do administration only – no lifting for me for about 3 to 4 months!! All the hirings will continue as normal with the individual hirer's being responsible for setting up/clearing up their relevant hired



facility. By the time you read this note we should have made arrangements to manage the opening/closing of the Church and for the hirer's also. With regards to the Flower Team, as you ladies arrange the wonderful flowers on Friday mornings usually, access should not be a problem but check first – remember the hall floor is mopped/cleaned on this day so after 10am is best. However, if you need to visit at another time please liaise with Pauline Rushton in the first instance who has a main hall key. To all the Saturday Coffee Teams and the respective Team Leaders plus the Open Door Café and Sunday Coffee volunteers – one word “milk” and........... please allow time to switch on appliances such as the water boilers etc (main kitchen WB takes approximately 25/30 minutes to heat and the Café WB about 20 minutes). There is a “Reminder” list located in the red folder in the main kitchen for Saturday mornings and a layout drawing indicating the hall table/chair set up etc. Please note if you are returning the folding chairs to the storage rack at any time ensure they are hung as per the photo and instructions – if they are not, the rack may possibly tip over when moved and it will not accommodate 60 chairs as it should. Now that I have finished all this nagging (see, I can admit my faults!) – I look forward to seeing you soon, I shall certainly miss you and all the laughs! But****..I will be back!

Best wishes,Best wishes,Best wishes,Best wishes, Helena.Helena.Helena.Helena.

THANK YOU 2 The Fellowship and Fundraising Committee would like to thank Shelagh and Peter Richardson and Margaret Clark and Ann Longney for hosting teas during the summer. They were clearly enjoyed by all who attended and raised some money as well! Wyn Davies



Christmas Fayre 2010

Will take place on Saturday 20th November

2010 9.30am to 1.30pm

As usual Donations of nearly new/ good quality Bric-

a-Brac, Books, cosmetics, jewellery etc (no clothing)

are needed.

Also on the day any help will be

gratefully appreciated.

Let’s try and beat last year’s total

of £1,100!!!

Many thanks

June Copperi


Church Sound & Media Equipment

During September 2010 three separate sessions on operat-

ing the Church sound and media equipment will take

place. Anyone interested, both male and female no age

limit!, is invited to join the sessions and learn how to op-

erate the different items of Church equipment.

Session 1. Thursday 2nd September 2010 at 10am

Setting up and operating

the Sound equipment.

Session 2. Thursday 9th September 2010 at10am

Setting up and operating the Hymnal.

Session 3. Thursday 23rd September 2010 at10am

Setting up and operating the projector

and slide shows.

It is important that more of us are able to operate this

equipment so please come along – it’s not rocket science!!

Please add your name to List on Café Notice Board.

Gerry Copperi


Forthcoming events:

Our next fundraising event will be a table sale on Saturday,

4th Sept. Help to man the stalls would be welcome.

We have an outline calendar of events for the year as follows:

• Anniversary lunch and talk, Sunday, 17th October. This

will take the form of a soup and sweet lunch and af-

terwards Peter Mills will give a brief talk about his ex-

periences as an outreach worker in Cardiff.

• Salvation Army concert, Saturday, 6th November.

• Lymington Town Band, Saturday, 20th November, to

coincide with Christmas Fayre.

• Christmas Tree festival, 8th – 12th December.

Please watch this space for details or listen for the notices.

Minister: Rev’d Monica Mills. Tel 01590 610522

Secretary: Sandra Jackson. Tel 01590 676306

Editorial Team: Wyn Davies. Tel 01425 616384 e-mail: Church: Web site: Tel 01590 676306 e-mail:

Basics Bank web site: Tel 01590 610008 e-mail:

ROTAS FOR SEPTEMBER COMMUNION SUNDAY: 5th COMMUNION ELDERS: Judith, Margaret, Jenny. If you cannot do a particular date, please swap with someone to cover that date. DUTY ELDER READING IN CHURCH 5th: Margaret Clark 5th: Janice Perkins 12th: Jane Saqui 12th: Margaret Clark 19th: Catherine Bowell 19th: John Wiseman 26th: Judith Baker 26th: Jenny Henderson STEWARDS SOUND SYSTEM 5th: Vacancy Peter M 12th: David and Ann Hooper Mike 19th: Norma and Mike Bell Gerry 26th: Liz Griffiths Vacancy Peter R COFFEE MORNING ROTAS Saturday Sunday 4th Monica Mills 5th June Copperi 11th Judith Baker 12th Janice Perkins 18th June Copperi 19th Margaret Clark 25th Ann Webber 26th Junior Church

PLEASE NOTE: This magazine is printed on paper from renewable sources out of our concern for the environment.
