Open Cloze



EFL exercise

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A friend of 1________ had a relative who became odd and rather forgetful. She had begun to use a flower pot to hide money 2________. 3________ time she wanted some money she lifted the plant out 4________ the pot with 5________ hand and put the 6________ hand in to get her money. The coins were all kept in one plastic bag and the 7________ were in 8________. One day she went off on holiday but 9________ remembering to tell the neighbour who came in every day to water the plants about the pot with the money. You probably 10________ have any trouble guessing what happened. When the old lady returned the 11________ thing she did was 12________ and look at her favourite plant. 13________ her horror, it was no 14________ there. She ran next door and rang the bell so loudly her neighbour thought the house 15________ be on 16________. 'Where's my plant?' the old lady shouted the 17________ the door opened. Her neighbour got quite a shock. 'Plant? Whatever are you...?' she 18________ to say before the old lady cut in. 'What have you done 19________ my pink plant?' 'Oh, that one,' the neighbour said. 'It died. I threw it 20________.'
