Open Access Protocol Lung-protective ventilation initiated ... · pathway for pulmonary...


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Lung-protective ventilation initiated inthe emergency department (LOV-ED): astudy protocol for a quasi-experimental,before-after trial aimed at reducingpulmonary complications

Brian M Fuller,1 Ian Ferguson,2 Nicholas M Mohr,3 Robert J Stephens,4

Cristopher C Briscoe,4 Angelina A Kolomiets,5 Richard S Hotchkiss,6

Marin H Kollef7

To cite: Fuller BM,Ferguson I, Mohr NM, et al.Lung-protective ventilationinitiated in the emergencydepartment (LOV-ED): astudy protocol for a quasi-experimental, before-after trialaimed at reducing pulmonarycomplications. BMJ Open2016;6:e010991.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010991

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Received 27 December 2015Revised 9 February 2016Accepted 23 March 2016

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Correspondence toDr Brian M Fuller;

ABSTRACTIntroduction: In critically ill patients, acute respiratorydistress syndrome (ARDS) and ventilator-associatedconditions (VACs) are associated with increasedmortality, survivor morbidity and healthcare resourceutilisation. Studies conclusively demonstrate that initialventilator settings in patients with ARDS, and at riskfor it, impact outcome. No studies have beenconducted in the emergency department (ED) todetermine if lung-protective ventilation in patients atrisk for ARDS can reduce its incidence. Since the ED isthe entry point to the intensive care unit for hundredsof thousands of mechanically ventilated patientsannually in the USA, this represents a knowledge gapin this arena. A lung-protective ventilation strategy wasinstituted in our ED in 2014. It aims to address theparameters in need of quality improvement, asdemonstrated by our previous research: (1) preventionof volutrauma; (2) appropriate positive end-expiratorypressure setting; (3) prevention of hyperoxia; and (4)aspiration precautions.Methods and analysis: The lung-protectiveventilation initiated in the emergency department(LOV-ED) trial is a single-centre, quasi-experimentalbefore-after study testing the hypothesis that lung-protective ventilation, initiated in the ED, is associatedwith reduced pulmonary complications. Anintervention cohort of 513 mechanically ventilatedadult ED patients will be compared with over 1000preintervention control patients. The primary outcomeis a composite outcome of pulmonary complicationsafter admission (ARDS and VACs). Multivariablelogistic regression with propensity score adjustmentwill test the hypothesis that ED lung-protectiveventilation decreases the incidence of pulmonarycomplications.Ethics and dissemination: Approval of the studywas obtained prior to data collection on the firstpatient. As the study is a before-after observationalstudy, examining the effect of treatment changes overtime, it is being conducted with waiver of informedconsent. This work will be disseminated by publication

of full-length manuscripts, presentation in abstractform at major scientific meetings and data sharing withother investigators through academically establishedmeans.Trial registration number: NCT02543554.

INTRODUCTIONIn mechanically ventilated patients, pulmon-ary complications that occur during thecourse of critical illness are seminal eventsthat can significantly alter the trajectory ofpatient outcome.1 2 Acute respiratory distresssyndrome (ARDS) and ventilator-associatedconditions (VACs) are two categories of thesecomplications that can occur, and are asso-ciated with an increase in mortality, survivormorbidity and healthcare resourceutilisation.1 3

There are no treatment options thataddress the underlying pathophysiology of

Strengths and limitations of this study

▪ This is the first trial to specifically implementlung-protective ventilation in the emergencydepartment, and to assess the intervention effecton outcome.

▪ The pragmatic design will allow the enrolment ofa large sample of diverse patients, increasing theexternal validity of findings.

▪ The intervention is simple.▪ A before-after design can make proving caus-

ation difficult and can be affected by temporalchanges in care.

▪ There is no mechanistic outcome, which limitsthe ability to assess why exactly the interventionmay be effective.

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ARDS. However, increasing data suggest that certainmodifiable variables, if addressed early, can prevent pro-gression to ARDS. With a mortality rate of approximately40%, primary prevention is likely the most effective strat-egy to improve outcome. Similar measures can preventVACs, and the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention/National Healthcare Safety Network (CDC/NHSN) view VACs as a quality measure for the manage-ment of mechanically ventilated patients. The emer-gency department (ED) is the entry point for hundredsof thousands of mechanically ventilated patients annu-ally in the USA4. Many of these patients are at high riskfor pulmonary complications, yet the ED remains a rela-tively unstudied location with respect to the preventionor mitigation of their occurrence. As ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI) has been shown to occurduring the first few hours of mechanical ventilation, apreventive intervention in the ED, targeting these high-risk patients, could be the systematic programmeneeded to improve outcome.5 6

Cyclic alveolar overdistention from positive pressureventilation is a key element in the pathogenesis of lunginjury. VALI promotes inflammatory injury and cancause pulmonary complications in healthy lungs.Lung-protective ventilation, by limiting VALI, reducesmortality in critically ill mechanically ventilatedpatients.7 There is also a significant amount of data tosuggest that initial ventilator settings are in the causalpathway for pulmonary complications after initiation ofmechanical ventilation. Observational data, two system-atic reviews and two randomised trials show that nonlung-protective ventilation, delivered early in the courseof respiratory failure, is associated with an increasedincidence of pulmonary complications in previouslynon-injured lungs.2 8–16 Our preliminary data show thatthe early use of potentially injurious ventilation iscommon in ED patients.17 18 Furthermore, our datahave shown that higher tidal volume delivered in theED is associated with an increased incidence in pul-monary complications.19 Early initiation of lung-protective ventilation in the ED may therefore be aneffective strategy to reduce complications in this vulner-able cohort. This has not been a target of previousresearch.Owing to the abundance of data showing a strong

association between initial ventilator settings and clinicaloutcomes, as well as the high safety and favourable risk-benefit profile, a default lung-protective ventilator strat-egy became the standard approach in our ED in2014.20–22 To increase our understanding of the role ofED-based mechanical ventilation on the incidence ofpulmonary complications, we designed the lung-protective ventilation initiated in the emergency depart-ment (LOV-ED) trial, a quasi-experimental, before-afterstudy, with the objective of testing the efficacy ofED-based lung-protective ventilation in the prevention ofpulmonary complications in mechanically ventilated EDpatients.

METHODS AND ANALYSISStudy designThis is a single-centre, quasi-experimental, before-afterstudy, and is reported in compliance with the StandardProtocol Items: Recommendations for InterventionTrials (SPIRIT) statement (see online supplementaryfile). A schematic of the before-after trial design appearsin figure 1. The hypothesis to be tested is that lung-protective ventilation, initiated in the ED, is associatedwith a reduced rate of pulmonary complications (ARDSand VACs).

Study populationThe preintervention group consists of mechanically ven-tilated ED patients from September 2009 to 2014; thepostintervention group includes patients managed afterthe implementation of an ED-based mechanical ventila-tor protocol (October 2014). To improve protocoladherence, a run-in period of approximately 6 monthswas performed prior to study initiation. Inclusion cri-teria are: (1) adult patients aged ≥18 years; and (2)mechanical ventilation via an endotracheal tube.Exclusion criteria are: (1) death within 24 h of presenta-tion; (2) discontinuation of mechanical ventilationwithin 24 h of presentation; (3) chronic mechanical ven-tilation; (4) presence of a tracheostomy; (5) transfer toanother hospital from the ED and (6) fulfilment ofARDS criteria at hospital presentation.Patients will be recruited exclusively from the ED at

Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University School ofMedicine in St Louis. Based on the demographics of thepatient population routinely presenting to our hospital,the resulting study population is expected to be approxi-mately 55% male, 50% white, 45% African-American and5% other races. We expect a similar distribution, but willenrol patients without regard to gender or race. We there-fore expect that the study findings will hold external val-idity and be applicable to the community as a whole.For the preintervention arm of the study, the Clinical

Investigation Data Exploration Repository (CIDER) willbe used to identify patients receiving mechanical ventila-tion in the ED. CIDER was developed to maintain elec-tronic health records at Washington University and

Figure 1 Schematic of before-after trial design.

2 Fuller BM, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010991. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010991

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Barnes-Jewish Hospital sites, including both inpatientand outpatient encounters. To maximise the retrieval ofall mechanically ventilated patients in the ED from ourprespecified timeframe, we investigated three methods,utilising: (1) International Classification of Diseases(ICD)-9 codes, (2) current procedural terminology(CPT) codes and (3) a Boolean keyword search of EDdocuments. Results from a previously published pro-spective study were used as a test data set in order to val-idate this methodology and accurately retrieve the studycohort of all patients who were mechanically ventilatedwhile in the ED.18 The Boolean keyword search methodwas observed to be the superior method over ICD-9 andCPT codes, and yielded retrieval with perfect precision(1.0). Therefore, for the current study, patients will beidentified by querying CIDER using keyword extractionfrom ED documents. The final keyword search to iden-tify the full cohort will be:+(‘intubation’ OR ‘intubated’)AND—(‘rapid sequence intubation induction’ AND‘intubated patients’) AND+(‘ETT’ OR ‘ventilator set-tings’ OR ‘endotracheal tube’ OR ‘ET’) AND+(‘ETCO2’ OR ‘color change’ OR ‘ventilator’ OR ‘venti-lator order’ OR ‘vent management’ OR ‘ET placement’OR ‘capnography’ OR ‘sedation’ OR ‘resuscitation’).For the prospective, postintervention arm of the study,

screening for enrolment will be facilitated using an auto-mated, electronic pager system (Computer-AssistedSubject Enrollment for the Emergency Department;CASE-ED). This system screens patients 24 h a day,7 days a week. For the purposes of the current study, itwill be programmed to trigger an alert for any one ofthe following: (1) an order for ventilator settings in theED; (2) an order for neuromuscular blockers (eg, suc-cinylcholine, rocuronium) or (3) documentation ofendotracheal intubation. Furthermore, the bedsiderespiratory therapist will send a notification via email tothe study principal investigator (PI) whenever mechan-ical ventilation is initiated on any patient. This approachhas been used before and allows the capture of everypatient receiving mechanical ventilation while in theED.18

InterventionsA default lung-protective ventilation strategy was insti-tuted in 2014 in our ED. It aims to improve adherencewith principles of high-quality mechanical ventilationpractice, and address the parameters in need of qualityimprovement, as demonstrated by our previous research:(1) prevention of volutrauma, (2) appropriate positiveend-expiratory pressure (PEEP) setting, (3) limitation ofhyperoxia and (4) aspiration precautions. The ED venti-lator protocol is shown in figure 2. Briefly, after endo-tracheal intubation is accomplished and confirmed, theED respiratory therapist will obtain an accurate heightwith a tape measure. Ventilator settings are then estab-lished according to the protocol in figure 2, andhead-of-bed elevation is performed in all patients, unlessspecifically contraindicated by clinical care protocols (ie,

head of bead elevation may be contraindicated inpatients with suspected cervical spine fracture).We take a pragmatic approach to the study design,

and therefore co-interventions (eg, antibiotics and fluidmanagement) that may influence the event rate for theprimary outcome will not be standardised, and will be atthe discretion of the treating clinician. While this intro-duces a potential risk of an imbalanced cohort for com-parison, and therefore potential to limit the ability todetect an effect of the intervention, we have chosen thisapproach: (1) to maximise generalisability to the com-munity as a whole; (2) because no systematic differencesin care (excluding lung-protective ventilation) that mayinfluence the event rate of interest have been intro-duced in the ED at Barnes-Jewish Hospital; (3) becausean overwhelming majority of mechanically ventilatedpatients have been excluded in randomised trials, con-tributing to the poor implementation of critical careresearch findings in this cohort;23 and (4) because ourED has several processes of care that are already standar-dised via well-established protocols (ie, quantitativeresuscitation for sepsis, transfusion), and/or order sets(ie, rapid sequence intubation, antibiotics, etc), whichprovides relative assurance for additional standardisationof care with respect to co-interventions. We will statistic-ally analyse any potential differences in baselinecharacteristics, illness severity and process-of-care vari-ables between the before and after groups.Additional variables of interest include baseline demo-

graphics, comorbid conditions, vital signs at presenta-tion, laboratory variables (including arterial blood gasand baseline oxygenation), illness severity scores (ie,Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation(APACHE II), Sequential Organ Failure Assessment(SOFA)), location of intubation, ED length of stay andindication for initiation of mechanical ventilation.Treatment variables in the ED include intravenous fluid,receipt of blood products, central venous catheter andarterial catheter placement, antibiotics, and vasopressoruse. Pertinent clinical data after admission will also beincluded. Table 1 and figure 3 show a full description ofevents for this study.

OutcomesThe primary outcome of interest is a compositeoutcome of pulmonary complications after admission:ARDS and VACs. ARDS will be defined according to theBerlin definition, and will be analysed through day 7, asdata suggest that the majority of ARDS cases will developwithin this time period.17 18 24 25 Adjudication of ARDSstatus will occur in a systematic fashion, per the previ-ously published standard operating procedure of ourresearch team.18 Each investigator will review a set oftraining radiographs in order to reduce heterogeneity inX-ray interpretation, and will be blinded to ventilator set-tings.26 For patients with an equivocal ARDS adjudica-tion status after primary review, an independent(blinded) expert investigator will further review the

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X-rays. Patients fulfilling ARDS oxygenation criteriawithin a 24 h window of having bilateral infiltrates notfully explained by myocardial dysfunction or fluid over-load, will be deemed to have ARDS. VACs will be definedaccording to the CDC definition.1 Per these criteria, apatient must be mechanically ventilated for ≥4 days toqualify for a VAC. This includes 2 days of stable or improv-ing ventilator settings, followed by 2 days of worseningoxygenation, represented by an increase in fraction ofinspired oxygen of ≥0.20 (20%) or PEEP ≥3 cm H2-

O. Therefore, the denominator for VACs will be thosepatients ventilated ≥4 days. For the purposes of this study,

the minimum PEEP level to define a VAC will be2.5 cm H2O, as our experience shows that most PEEPchanges at our centre occur in increments of 2.5 cm H2-

O. VACs will be analysed until day 14, as data suggest thatthe majority of VACs develop within this time period.1

Secondary outcomes include hospital and intensivecare unit (ICU) lengths of stay, ventilator and vasopres-sor duration, and mortality.

Proposed statistical methodsThere are two cohorts of interest: (1) a preinterventiongroup, prior to the implementation of a lung-protective

Figure 2 ED protocol for mechanical ventilation in the immediate postintubation period. ARDS, acute respiratory distress

syndrome; ED, emergency department; PBW, predicted body weight; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; BMI, body mass

index; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; SpO2, peripheral oxygen saturation; PaO2, partial pressure of arterial oxygen; iPEEP,

intrinsic PEEP.

4 Fuller BM, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010991. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010991

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Table 1 Schedule of events for the intervention study period (after group)

ED presentation

and endotracheal


LPV protocol

initiated in ED

ICU admit

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7





Inclusion/exclusion criteria X

Demographics X

Comorbidities X

Illness severity scores X

Vitals and laboratory data X

ED treatment variables X

ED ventilator data X

ICU ventilator data (twice daily) X X X X X X X X

SOFA score X X

RASS score X X


Fluid balance X X X X X X X X

Transfusion X X X X X X X X

ARDS outcome X X X X X X X

VAC outcome X X X X X X

Mortality X

Other secondary outcomes X

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CAM, confusion assessment method; ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit; LPV, lung-protective ventilation; RASS, RichmondAgitation-Sedation Scale; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; VAC, ventilation-associated condition.






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ventilator protocol; and (2) a postintervention groupmanaged with a ventilator protocol as described above,and in figure 2. Categorical characteristics will be com-pared using the χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test. Continuouscharacteristics will be compared using the independentsamples t test or Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test. The primaryanalysis will compare the proportion of patients in eachcohort with and without the occurrence of pulmonarycomplications (eg, ARDS or VACs) using logistic regres-sion with propensity score (PS) adjustment.Multivariable logistic regression will be used to derivethe PS, with cohort as the dependent variable. Cohort 2patients will be categorizsd into quintile subclasses basedon their ranked estimated PS and then matched tocohort 1 patients to achieve a similar distribution of cov-ariates. Unmatched cases in cohort 1 will be discarded.Simple diagnostics and linear regression testing for aquintile by cohort interaction will be used to verifybalance, and if not achieved, PSs will be re-estimatedusing transformations or interactions. In final logisticregression, the treatment effect is defined as the odds ofpulmonary complication as a function of cohort, withadjustment for the quintiles of the PS. Development ofARDS and VACs will also be analysed separately.Secondary outcome variables will be compared usingPS-adjusted logistic regression (mortality) andPS-adjusted Poisson regression (lengths of ICU/hospitalstay, mechanical ventilation days). We will conduct apriori subgroup analyses to further understand the treat-ment effect and identify subgroups in which heteroge-neous treatment effects exist. These subgroups include(but are not limited to) sepsis, trauma, neurologicalinjury and presence of shock. Missing data will behandled by multiple imputation methods. On studycompletion, other statistical methods will be explored asnecessary, and all analyses will be conducted in consult-ation with a biostatistician.The sample size is calculated for the primary

outcome, the development of pulmonary complications.We expect an event rate of approximately 20% in thebefore group.1 10 18 As a reflection of a decrease inVALI, we expect an absolute risk reduction of 5.4% forpulmonary complications in the after group. This willrequire a total sample size of postintervention

participants of 513 to have 80% power. All tests will betwo-tailed, and a p value <0.05 will be considered statis-tically significant.

Data storage and managementAll data will be entered by one research assistant anddata accuracy will be verified by the study PI. Dataquality control measures will include queries to identifymissing data, outliers and discrepancies. Only theresearch assistant and study PI will have access to pro-tected health information. After enrolment, a uniqueidentifier (ID) will be assigned to each study participant.This ID will be linked to the participant’s medicalrecord number, and this hard copy roster will be storedin a locked cabinet in the PI’s locked private office. Allcomputers will be password-protected and encrypted peruniversity policy. The PI will ensure that the anonymityis maintained. Patients will not be identified by name inany reports on this study. The study PI will have access tothe final trial data set, as will a consulting biostatistician(in a de-identified state).

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATIONEthics approvalThe study protocol received ethical approval by theHuman Research Protection Office at WashingtonUniversity in St Louis School of Medicine (InstitutionalReview Board identification number 201409024) priorto beginning the study. As the study is a before-afterobservational study, examining the effect of treatmentchanges over time, it was conducted with waiver ofinformed consent.

Dissemination and data sharingSharing of data generated by this project is an essentialpart of the proposed activities and will be shared withcollaborators as soon as available. It will be carried outin several different ways. Data and resources will beshared with other eligible investigators through academ-ically established means. Results will be made availableboth to the community of scientists interested in mech-anical ventilation and ARDS to avoid unintentionalduplication of research. Collaboration with others

Figure 3 Planned operations for intervention study period (after group). ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit;

LOS, length of stay; VAC, ventilator-associated condition; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome.

6 Fuller BM, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010991. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010991

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investigators interested in establishing lung-protectiveventilation protocols in the ED will be welcomed. Oncompletion of all follow-up data, this work will be pub-lished as full-length manuscripts and presented inabstract form at national meetings in critical care medi-cine and emergency medicine.

DISCUSSIONCritical care medicine has historically been practicedwithin the walls of the ICU. However, there is increasedrecognition of the large number of critically ill andat-risk patients cared for outside the ICU (eg, ED, hos-pital ward, operating room). Provision of time-sensitivetherapy prior to ICU arrival can save lives, and providing‘critical care without walls’ is now recognised as a majorpriority to improve outcome.27

This has yet to extend on a large scale to the clinicalpractice or study of mechanical ventilation in the ED.We believe there is opportunity to improve outcome bytargeting this cohort, given that: (1) >200 000 patientsare ventilated in the ED in the USA annually, and thesenumbers are increasing4 28 29; (2) lengths of stay in theED are sufficient to induce lung injury30; (3) there is aclear temporal link between pulmonary complicationsand admission from the ED17–19 25; (4) initial ventilatormanagement influences outcome, both for patientswith, and at risk for, ARDS2 8–16 31; and (5) ventilator set-tings in the ED are often in the injurious range andhave been linked to ARDS development.17–19

The LOV-ED trial was designed to assess the role ofED-based mechanical ventilation on the prevention ofpulmonary complications after admission to the ICU.This is the first trial to specifically implement lung-protective ventilation in the ED, and to assess the inter-vention effect on outcome.Our study has several strengths. In prior randomised

trials of patients with ARDS, 80–90% of screenedpatients are excluded.23 This likely contributes to poorlygeneralisable results to the community as a whole, andpoor subsequent implementation of lung protection.32

As a pragmatic, quasi-experimental study, the LOV-EDtrial will enrol a large sample of diverse patients, andthe design will allow capture of all eligible patients,increasing the external validity of findings. Complex crit-ical care interventions have also been implementedpoorly in the ED.33 The intervention is also simple andwith little-to-no increased cost. It will also be implemen-ted from the initiation of mechanical ventilation by non-physician providers (ie, respiratory therapists), allowingthis strategy to be universally applied per protocol in anyED if the LOV-ED trial demonstrates benefit. Finally, thepragmatic design does not mandate the control ofco-interventions, increasing its external validity.The study also has some limitations. The before-after

study design can make proving causation difficult. Giventhe abundance of preclinical and clinical data, includingour data from the ED, a randomised trial would have

ethical implications with respect to equipoise.Before-after studies are also hindered by temporalchanges and imbalance between groups; these will beanalysed and reported in our results. The effect of theintervention (and power of the trial) will be reduced ifadherence to the protocol is poor and patients do notreceive it. Adherence will be assured in several ways. Theintervention is relatively simple, easy to apply and welltolerated, which is associated with greater adherence inclinical studies. A run-in period will be used prior to thebeginning of the study, in which respiratory therapistsand emergency medicine clinicians will be educatedregarding the importance of adherence and scientificmerit of the intervention. Finally, we will track adher-ence in real time and provide feedback and recommen-dations via electronic mail if there was no identifiablereason for protocol non-adherence. The effect of theintervention could also be reduced if ICU ventilator set-tings are vastly different than those received in the ED.Based on our previous work, we do not expect this tooccur.18 The ventilator protocol is also a bundledapproach to improving outcome. Without a mechanisticoutcome, it will be difficult to tell where an improve-ment in outcome is exactly being derived from.However, we find this less important than the actualimprovement in outcome.The LOV-ED trial could be a pivotal study in changing

how mechanical ventilation is used in the ED. We hopethat this is a step forward in the study and care of critic-ally ill mechanically ventilated patients.

Author affiliations1Division of Critical Care, Departments of Emergency Medicine andAnesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis,St. Louis, Missouri, USA2School of Medicine and Medical Science, University College Dublin, Dublin,Ireland3Division of Critical Care, Departments of Emergency Medicine andAnesthesiology, Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, Universityof Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA4Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri,USA5School of Public Health and Social Justice, Saint Louis University, St. Louis,Missouri, USA6Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology,Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri,USA7Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine,Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri,USA

Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge KarenSteger-May, MA, from the Division of Biostatistics, Washington University inSt Louis, for assistance with statistical planning and analysis.

Contributors BMF was involved in conception and study design, acquisitionof data, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting and revising themanuscript; NMM and RSH were involved in study design, interpretation ofdata, revising the manuscript; IF was involved in conception and studydesign, acquisition of data, interpretation of data, revising the manuscript;RJS was involved in acquisition of data, interpretation of data, revising themanuscript; CCB and AAK were involved in acquisition of data, interpretationof data, revising the manuscript; MHK was involved in conception and study

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design, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting and revising themanuscript. All authors have read and given final approval of the submittedmanuscript.

Funding BMF was funded by the KL2 Career Development Award, and thisresearch was supported by the Washington University Institute of Clinical andTranslational Sciences (Grants UL1 TR000448 and KL2 TR000450) from theNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). BMF was alsofunded by the Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital Clinical andTranslational Sciences Research Program (Grant # 8041-88). NMM wassupported by grant funds from the Emergency Medicine Foundation and theHealth Resources and Services Administration. RJS was supported by theClinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) programme of the NCATS ofthe National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Award Numbers UL1 TR000448and TL1 TR000449. CCB was supported by the Short-Term InstitutionalResearch Training Grant, NIH T35 (NHLBI). RSH was supported by NIHgrants R01 GM44118-22 and R01 GM09839. MHK was supported by theBarnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation.

Disclaimer Funders played no role (nor will they in the future) in thefollowing features of the trial: study design, data collection, data management,data analysis, data interpretation, writing of the manuscript, or decision tosubmit the manuscript for publication.

Ethics approval The study protocol received ethical approval by the HumanResearch Protection Office at Washington University in St Louis School ofMedicine (Institutional Review Board identification number 201409024) priorto beginning the study.

Competing interests None declared.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Data sharing statement On study completion, de-identified data will be madeaccessible through standard university repository policy.

Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance withthe Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, providedthe original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See:

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