OOLs and JIT Manas Thakur · OOLs and JIT Manas Thakur Aug-Dec 2019. Manas Thakur CS593: Aug-Dec...


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CS593: Compiler Design

OOLs and JIT

Manas Thakur

Aug-Dec 2019

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Common properties of OOLs such as Java

● Encapsulation

– Data abstraction

– Classes and objects

● Inheritance

– Extension of features

– Classes can extend classes / implement interfaces

● Polymorphism

– Method overriding in inherited classes

– Call targets known at run-time

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Common issues with OOLs such as Java

● Encapsulation

– Reclaiming the memory occupied by objects is costly

– Optimization: Remove objects!

● Inheritance

– Type casts, checks, field resolution: everything is costly

– Optimization: Resolve (remove) inheritance!

● Polymorphism

– Determining call targets is costly

– Optimization: Dismbiguate (remove) polymorphism!

Our target today

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How to optimize across methods without inlining?

● Interprocedural analysis

– Have the effects of method calls

– Increase the scope of analysis

– Requires a call graph (CG)

● Opposite: intraprocedural analysis

– Per procedure control-flow graphs (CFGs)

– Conservative assumptions at method boundaries

● We will also cover in this course:

– How (do) these things (can) happen in JIT compilers?

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Call Graph Construction:A (Very Long) Story

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Need of a call graph

● Where should the control jump at lines c1 and c2?

● Interprocedural analysis affects the precision of other analyses:

– Is y a constant?

– Can y > 40 be folded?

– Is the code in one of the branches unreachable?

void foo(T x) { U z;c1: int y = x.bar(); if (y > 40) z = new V(); else z = new W();c2: z.zap();}

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Class Hierarchy Analysis (CHA)1

● Look at the class hierarchy to determine what classes of objects can be pointed to by a reference variable.

● If a class re-defines a method foo defined in its parent class:

– Only the redefined foo can be called using the objects of the extended class.

– Methods not redefined are still accessed from the parent class.

● CHA helps in determining that only one implementation of m can be called from the blue call.

1J Dean, D Grove, C Chambers. Optimization of OO Programs Using Static Class Hierarchy. ECOOP’95.

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Rapid Type Analysis (RTA)2

● Improves CHA with extra information:

– Find if a class is ever instantiated in a program

– If not, then remove it from the sets obtained using CHA

● Catch:

– Assumption that the whole-program is available

– What about code that cannot be “seen”?● e.g., dynamically linked libraries

2D Bacon and P Sweeney. Fast Static Analysis of C++ Programs. OOPSLA’96.

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Context-Insensitive Control Flow Analysis (0-CFA)

● Tries to find which classes of objects can flow to various reference variables

● The underlying analysis is context-insensitive

class A { A foo(A x) { return x; } }class B extends A { A foo(A x) { return new D(); } }class D extends A { A foo(A x) { return new A(); } }class C extends A { A foo(A x) { return this; } }

void main() { A x = new A(); while (...)c1: x = x.foo(new B()); A y = new C();c2: y.foo(x);}

● CHA/RTA: Any foo can be called at both c1 and c2.

● 0-CFA:

– c1: A.foo, B.foo, D.foo

– c2: C.foo

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Context-sensitive analysis (k-CFA3)● The underlying points-to analysis is context-sensitive.

● The context is identified using the last k methods in the call chain.

3Olin G. Shivers. Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Languages. PhD thesis, CMU’91.

class A { fb() { ... } }class B extends A { fb() { ... } }

class C { void foo() { A a1, a2; a1 = new A(); //l1c1: bar(a1); a2 = new B(); //l2c2: bar(a2); } void bar(A p1) { p1.fb(); } }

● Context-insensitive:

– p1 -> {l1,l2}

– Both A.fb and B.fb can be called.

● 1-CFA:

– At c1:

● p1 -> {l1}

A.fb will be called.

– At c2:

● p1 -> {l2}

B.fb will be called.

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k-CFA (Cont.)

class C { void foo1() { bar(); }

void foo2() { bar(); }

void bar() { fb(); }}

● 1-CFA:

– 1 context for fb

● 2-CFA:

– 2 contexts for fb

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The Opposite of Polymorphism

● Monomorphic call:

– Only one method can be called

– Target can be bound statically

● Which calls in Java are always monomorphic?

– Calls to static methods

– Calls to final methods

– Calls to methods of final classes

● We increase the size of the above set using the different analyses seen in the previous slides.

● How could we compare the precision of two CG construction algorithms empirically?

– Count the identified number of monomorphic call-sites.

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What we have seen today

● CFA: only look at inheritance relations● RTA: also look at code● 0-CFA: also analyze code

● k-CFA: improve the precision of the analysis

● Some points to note:

– k-CFA is a context-sensitive analysis

– The length k is the length of the call-stack (recall RTE?)

– Here the last k call-sites form our context

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What we haven’t seen today

● There are multiple ways we can define what is a context– Called the context abstraction of a given context-sensitive analysis

– Object-sensitive contexts● Ana Milanova, Atanas Rountev, Barbara G. Ryder. TOSEM ‘05.

– Value contexts● Uday P. Khedker and Bageshri Karkare. CC’08.

– Type-sensitive contexts● Yannnis Smaragdakis, Martin Bravenboer, Ondřej Lhoták. POPL ‘11.

– LSRV contexts● Manas Thakur and V. Krishna Nandivada. CC’19.

● Many more non-context-sensitive CG construction algorithms:

– Frank Tip and Jens Palsberg. Scalable Propagation-Based Call Graph Construction Algorithms. OOPSLA ’00.

Next from IIT Mandi?

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What we’ll see from Wednesday: Case study on Java static and JIT compilers

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Recall the second class?

Image source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31551282

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Again from the second class:Compilers vs Interpreters: Demo

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The Java Compilation+Execution Model

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FFT1: Which implementation is better?

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A Bit of Bytecode

● Generated by the static Java compiler

● Mid-level IR

● Machine independent

● Follows a stack model

● Format:

– <opcode> <operands>

● Opcode is one Byte (8 bits)– 256 (28) in number

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Bytecode example

Bytecode indices

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Bytecode example (Cont.)

Type expressionsMethod invocations

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Type expressions in Bytecode

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Class file format

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The Java Class File Disassembler (javap)

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Now into the JVM

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Runtime data areas

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Per thread view

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Before we leave: Which implementation is better?

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The Last Lecture

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FFT2: Which programs are faster?

● C

● C++

● Java

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The Language War

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The JVMJava Bytecode is interpreted as well as compiled!!

Oracle HotSpot Execution Engine






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The “HotSpot” JVM

● HotSpot uses tiered compilation

– Starts off with interpreter

– Hot spots get compiled as they get executed● Identified using profiling

– Method invocation counts– Backedge counts

● Two interpreters:

– C++ interpreter (deprecated)

– Template interpreter

● Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilers:

– C1 (aka client)

– C2 (aka server)

Oracle HotSpot Execution Engine






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The C1 Compiler

● Targets fast compilation

● Still performs several optimizations:– Method inlining

– Dead code/path elimination

– Heuristics for optimizing call sites

– Constant folding

– Peephole optimizations

– Linear-scan register allocation, etc.

● Threshold: 1000 to 2000

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The C2 Compiler

● Targets more-and-more optimization

● Performs expensive optimizations (apart from the ones performed by C1):

– Escape analysis

– Null-check elimination

– Loop unrolling/unswitching

– Branch prediction

– Graph-coloring based register allocation, etc.

● Threshold: 10000 to 15000

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JIT Compilation in the HotSpot JVM

● Hot methods are inserted into a compilation queue

● Compiler threads compile methods in the background, while interpretation continues

● Entry points of methods are changed dynamically

● Hot loops are replaced on-the-stack

– called On-Stack Replacement (OSR)

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Compilation levels

● 0 – Interpreter

● 1 – Pure C1

● 2 – C1 with invocation and backedge counting

● 3 – C1 with full profiling

● 4 – C2 (full optimization)

0 3 4




Some possible sequences:

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● Speculative optimizations:

– Branch prediction

– Implicit null checks

– Monomorphism

● When an assumption fails, the compiled method is invalidated, and the execution falls back to the interpreter

● Compiled method states:

– in use, not entrant, zombie, unloaded

● Deoptimization is costly; happens lesser the better

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HotSpot in Action

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Before we say “Goodbye”

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FFT2: Which programs are faster?

● C

● C++

● Java

It’s the compiler that makes programs fast.

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● A new programming language: Java

– Perhaps the most popular OO language

– Perhaps the most popular language as well

● Several new frameworks:

– Lexer generator: Flex

– Parser generator: JavaCC/JTB

● A new design pattern:

– Visitors

Learnings that you can put on your CV

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Few words about the end sem

● Not lengthy

● Nothing mechanical

● Understand the whole syllabus...

● ... and the syllabus as a whole

● Remember what the chief guest said on Teachers’ Day?

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What’s a program?

● A sequence of instructions?

– Only in imperative languages

● An application of expressions?

– Only for functional languages

● A set of constraints

– Only for declarative languages

● Then a tree?

– Parse tree, AST

● A graph?

– CFG, CG, Super CFG/CG

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What’s a program then?

● Just a string

● Who makes it meaningful?

● How do we do it?

– Parse

– Assign semantics

– Form abstractions

– Execute

“A world without string is chaos.”

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We began the course with languages

● Use them to remove barriers,not create them

● Learn more about programminglanguages in the next semester

● And remember:

You can always design a compiler that solves the issues.
