Ookthe little red hen and the well baked bread


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  • 1. The Lile Red Hen and the Well Baked Bread By: Olivia Kato

2. Once, in the middle of Farmsland, lived a sweet lile red hen. On a Tuesday morning, the lile red found ve Dny wheat seeds. Bam! An idea hit her. She could plant the seeds in her garden and make bread with the wheat. When the lile red hen returned to the farm, she quesDoned to her friends chick, horse, pig, and cow. Who will help me plant these seeds? Not I, chirped the chick 3. Dont count on me, neighed the horse. Never, oinked the pig. Nooooo, mooed the cow. Then Ill do it myself, sighed the lile red hen. And she did just that. Over the summer, the lile red hen nourished the wheat she was growing. And by September, she was ready to take it to the mill. Who will go to the mill with me? she asked her lazy friends. Not I, chirped the chick. Never, oinked the pig. Dont count on me, neighed the horse. 4. The pig says no, oinked the pig Nooooooooo, mooed the cow. Fine! Be lazy! Ill do it myself! fumed the lile red hen. And she did just that. When she reached the mill, a rened , young horse grinded the wheat into our. When he nished, the lile red hen waddled home singing The Grand Old Duke of York. When the lile red hen returned home, she found her four friends playing a game of checkers. She didnt want to ruin their fun, but sDll, she 5. pleaded, Who will help me bake some bread? Not I, replied the chick. Never, hollered the horse. Nope, oinked the pig. Nooooo, mooed the cow. Then I will, she groaned. 6. She waddled into the kitchen. First, she took out a bowl the color of the sea. She poured out all the our in the bowl. Then, she leW the kitchen with the buer, and asked her sleepy friends, Please, will you help me churn the buer? I doubt your pleading, replied the chick. Nieeeeeeeeeeghver, retorted the horse. Never, snorted the pig. No, mooed the cow. Ill do it, sighed the lile red hen. And she did. She stomped back inside. She poured the thick buer in the bowl. She added 7. two eggs. AWer that , she added milk. The lile red hen sDrred the thick mass of baer. It was Dme to bake some bread. Outside the small house, the smell of bread lled the animals noses. Bread! yelled the chick. I want it , cried the horse. Yum, exclaimed the pig. 8. Need the bread, mooed the cow. The animals charged over to the lile red hen. Can we have some? pleaded the animals. Ha! Of course not! said the lile red hen. She wolfed down the bread herself , leaving the others with jealous and shameful looks.
