Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE) · 2016. 4. 8. · personalized mobile...


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  • IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4, Issue 01, 2016 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

    All rights reserved by www.ijsrd.com 1409

    Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE) Nair Nikhil1 Shubham Dongre2 Akshay Chaurasia3 Prof. Rahul Patil4

    1,2,3,4Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Navi Mumbai, IndiaAbstract— we propose an “Ontology Based Personalized

    Search Engine” (OBPMSE) that captures the user’s

    preferences in the form of concept by mining their click-

    through data. Due to the importance of location information

    in mobile search, OBPMSE classifies these concepts into

    context concepts & location concepts. In addition, user’s

    location (optimized by GPS) is used to supplement the

    location concepts in OBPMSE.

    Key words: Ontology; Personalized; Click-through


    A major problem in mobile search is that the interactions

    between the users and search engines are limited by the

    small form factors of the mobile devices. As a result, mobile

    users tend to submit shorter, hence, more ambiguous queries

    compared to their web search counterparts. In order to return

    highly relevant results to the users, mobile search engines

    must be able to profile the user’s interests and personalize

    the search results according to the user’s profiles.

    A practical approach to capturing a user’s interests

    for personalization is to analyze the user’s click-through

    data, we are developing a search engine personalization

    method based on users’ concept preferences and showed

    that it is more effective than methods that are based on page

    preferences. However, most of the previous work assumed

    that all concepts are of the same type. Observing the need

    for different types of concepts, we present in this paper a

    Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine

    (OBPMSE) which represents different types of concepts

    indifferent ontologies. In particular, recognizing the

    importance of location information in mobile search, we

    separate concepts into location concepts and content


    We are implementing a Ontology Based

    Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE) that

    captures the user’s preferences in the form of concepts by

    mining their click through data. Search results need to be

    provided according to user profile and user interest so that

    highly relevant search data is provided to the user. In order

    to do this, user profiles need to be maintained.

    In our mobile search engine process the user

    request are handled by the client who is submitted to the

    personalized mobile search engine server. Server replies

    with the results and users click-through data for obtaining

    the user’s unique preferences. The personalized mobile

    search engine clients keep records of the specific user’s

    profile and maintain user’s privacy. Location information is

    important for searching data.

    An important requirement for mobile search engine

    is to be able to understand the user’s needs, and deliver

    highly relevant information to the users. Our proposed

    framework is capable of combining a user’s GPS (Global

    Positioning System) locations and location preferences into

    the personalization process. Observing the need for different

    types of concepts, we present in this paper an Ontology

    Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE)

    which represents different types of concepts in different


    To incorporate context information revealed by

    user mobility, we also take into account the visited physical

    allocations of users in the PMSE. Since this information can

    be conveniently obtained by GPS devices, it is hence

    referred to as GPS locations. GPS locations play an

    important role in mobile web search. To the best of our

    knowledge, our paper is the first to propose a

    personalization framework that utilizes a user’s content

    preferences and location preferences as well as the GPS

    locations in personalizing search results.

    We propose a realistic design for PMSE by

    adopting the meta search approach which relies on one of

    the commercial search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or

    Bing, to perform an actual search. The client is responsible

    for receiving the user’s requests, submitting the requests to

    the PMSE server, displaying the returned results, and

    collecting his/her click-throughs in order to derive his/her

    personal preferences. The PMSE server, on the other hand,

    is responsible for handling heavy tasks such as forwarding

    there quests to a commercial search engine, as well as

    training and re-ranking of search results before they are

    returned to the client. The user profiles for specific users are

    stored on the PMSE clients, thus preserving privacy to the

    users. PMSE has been prototyped with PMSE clients on the

    Google Android platform and the PMSE server on a PC

    server to validate the proposed ideas.


    For example, a user who is planning to visit Japan may issue

    the query “hotel,” and click on the search results about

    hotels in Japan. From the click through of the query “hotel,”

    OBPMSE can learn the user’s content preference (e.g.,

    “room rate” and “facilities”) and location preferences


    Accordingly, OBPMSE will favor results that into

    location concepts and content concepts. The introduction of

    location preferences offers OBPMSE an additional

    dimension for capturing a user’s interest and an opportunity

    to enhance search quality for users.

    For example, a user who wishes to visit Tourists

    places in India may submit query as Tourists places. From

    that query keyword “Tourists place”, OBPMSE understand

    user’s content preference (“India”). That all results will

    show again if user submit “Tourist”. If user is searching for

    Shopping mall whose location is Delhi? This gives location

    of all shopping malls nearby Delhi to the user. The

    introduction of location preferences offers OBPMSE an

    additional dimension for capturing a user’s interest and an

    opportunity to enhance search quality for users. Our

    proposed framework is capable of combining a user’s GPS

    locations and location preferences into the personalization

    process. In this paper, we propose a realistic design for

    OBPMSE by adopting the Meta search approach which

    replies on one of the commercial search engines, such as

    Google, Yahoo, or Bing, to perform an actual search. The

  • Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE)

    (IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 01/2016/390)

    All rights reserved by www.ijsrd.com 1410

    client is responsible for receiving the user’s requests,

    submitting the requests to the OBPMSE server, displaying

    the returned results, and collecting his/her click-throughs in

    order to derive his/her personal preferences. The OBPMSE

    server, on the other hand, is responsible for handling heavy

    tasks such as forwarding the requests to a commercial search

    engine, as well as training and re-ranking of search results

    before they are returned to the client. The user profiles for

    specific users are stored on the OBPMSE clients, thus

    preserving privacy to the users. With the amount of data

    doubling each year, more data is gathered and data mining is

    becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this

    data into information. Long process of research and product

    development evolved data mining.


    - User has to manually enter the location preferences. - Server manually retrieves a set of locations. - User profile is exposed. - It mainly concentrates on the human and the document

    available on web is also human reliable one. Nowadays

    the web is not only used by humans but also the

    software agents.

    - This reality case brought the usage of the ontology based search on web.

    - Most of the traditional web users are not sure about their query for which they need the search engine to

    provide the results.

    - Hence the normal keyword based search will not be in a position to provide the accurate search results to the

    user. In this situation we need a proven search engine.

    A. Click - Through Data

    Click-through data have been used in determining the users‟

    preferences on their search results. Table 1, showing an

    example click-through data for the query “hotel” composes

    of the search results and the ones that the user clicked on

    (bolded search results in Table 3.1). As shown, cis are the

    content concepts and lis are the location concepts extracted

    from the corresponding results.

    Table 3.1: Click-through data for query “hotel”

    Showed that incorporating user behaviour data can

    significantly improve ordering of top results in real web

    search setting. Examine alternatives for incorporating

    feedback into the ranking process and explore the

    contributions of user feedback compared to other common

    web search features. We report results of a large scale

    evaluation over 3,000 queries and 12 million user

    interactions with a popular web search engine. It is shown

    that incorporating implicit feedback can augment other

    features, improving the accuracy of a competitive web

    search ranking algorithms by as much as 31% relative to the

    original performance. Evaluating user preferences of web

    search results is crucial for search engine development,

    deployment, and maintenance. This presents a real world

    study of modelling the behaviour of web search users to

    predict web search result preferences. Accurate modelling

    and interpretation of user behaviour has important

    applications to ranking, click spam detection, web search

    personalization, and other tasks. Our key insight to

    improving robustness of interpreting implicit feedback is to

    model query-dependent deviations from the expected

    "noisy" user behaviour. We show that our model of click

    through interpretation improves prediction accuracy over

    state-of the-art click through methods. It generalizes the

    approach to model user behaviour beyond click through,

    which results in higher preference prediction accuracy than

    models based on click through information alone. We report

    results of a large-scale experimental evaluation that show

    substantial improvements over published implicit feedback

    interpretation methods. Geographic web search engines

    allow users to constrain and order search results in an

    intuitive manner by focusing a query on a particular

    geographic region. Geographic search technology, also

    called local search, has recently received significant interest

    from major search engine companies. Academic research in

    this area has focused primarily on techniques for extracting

    geographic knowledge from the web. In this paper, the

    problem of efficient query processing is studied in scalable

    geographic search engines. Query processing is a major

    bottleneck in standard web search engines, and the main

    reason for the thousands of machines used by the major

    engines. Geographic search engine query processing is

    different in that it requires a combination of text and spatial

    data processing techniques. This paper propose several

    algorithms for efficient query processing in geographic

    search engines, integrate them into an existing web search

    query processor and evaluate them on large sets of real data

    and query traces.

    Geography is becoming increasingly important in

    web search. Search engines can often return better results to

    users by analyzing features such as user location or

    geographic terms in web pages and user queries. This is also

    of great commercial value as it enables location specific

    advertising and improved search for local businesses.

    B. Difference between Existing System and Our System

    1) Most existing location-based search systems, require users to manually define their location preferences (with

    latitude-longitude pairs or text form) or to manually

    prepare a set of location sensitive topics. OBPMSE

    profiles both of the user’s content and location

    preferences in the ontology based user profiles, which

    are automatically learned from the click-through and

    GPS data without requiring extra efforts from the user.

  • Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE)

    (IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 01/2016/390)

    All rights reserved by www.ijsrd.com 1411

    2) We propose and implement a new and realistic design for OBPMSE. To train the user profiles quickly and

    efficiently, our design forwards user requests to the

    PMSE server to handle the training and re-ranking


    3) Existing works on personalization do not address the issues of privacy preservation. OBPMSE addresses this

    issue by controlling the amount of information in the

    client’s user profile being exposed to the OBPMSE

    server using two privacy parameters, which can control

    privacy smoothly, while maintaining good ranking



    - User’s location is set by GPS - User preferences are set by mining the user’s click-

    through data

    - Personalized search is provided by combining user’s current location and personal preferences

    - As the amount of Web information grows rapidly, Search engines must be able to retrieve information

    according to the user's preference.

    - Search Engine (OBPMSE) that captures user’s interest and preferences in the form of concepts by mining

    search results and their click through. OBPMSE profile

    the user’s interest and personalized the search results

    according to user’s profile.

    - OBPMSE classifies these concepts into content concepts and location concepts. In addition, users‟

    locations (positioned by GPS) are used to supplement

    the location concepts in OBPMSE.

    A. System Architecture

    Fig. 4.1: Process Flow Diagram

    In the OBPMSE’s client-server architecture,

    OBPMSE clients are responsible for storing the user click-

    throughs and the ontologies derived from the OBPMSE

    server. Simple tasks, such as updating click thoughs and

    ontologies, creating feature vectors, and displaying re-

    ranked search results are handled by the OBPMSE clients

    with limited computational power. On the other hand, heavy

    tasks, such as RSVM training and re-ranking of search

    results, are handled by the OBPMSE server. Moreover, in

    order to minimize the data transmission between client and

    server, the OBPMSE client would only need to submit a

    query together with the feature vectors to the OBPMSE

    server, and the server wouldautomatically return a set of re-

    ranked search results according to the preferences stated in

    the feature vectors. The data transmission cost is minimized,

    because only the essential data (i.e., query, feature vectors,

    ontologies and search results) are transmitted between client

    and server during the personalization process. OBPMSE‟s

    design addressed the issues:

    1) limited computational power on mobile devices, and 2) data transmission minimization.

    B. Modules to implement

    1) User Registration and Login : Every user will be registering themselves in this application

    and once they are registered they can use their credentials to

    login into this application. Only registered user can login

    into this application.

    2) Interest Feeds : In this module, we will be asking the interest of the person

    which we will be using for the showcasing the suggested


    3) Admin Module : Admin will be using his credentials and once he logs in he

    has the right to creates sales ad and along with location

    based on different aspect and themes.

    4) Search Module : User has the option to search any personalized information

    and the search result will be based on LBS

    5) Location based Services : Here user has the facility to search out any fields which are

    in need for e.g. Nearby ATMs, Restaurants etc.

    It will be based on location and nearby details only will be

    shown to the user.

    6) Emergency Module In this some predefined numbers would be saved in the list

    and these numbers will be text once the user feels that they

    are in danger situation.

    So it helps to notify other users in there contact list with just

    one click.

    7) Navigation It helps to get into any tourist place or any location with

    help of map integration provided in your project. We will be

    using Google Maps for this.

  • Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE)

    (IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 01/2016/390)

    All rights reserved by www.ijsrd.com 1412


    Fig. 5.1 Use Case Diagram

    Fig. 5.2 Class Diagram

    Fig. 5.3: Data Flow Diagram

    Fig. 5.4: Block Diagram

  • Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE)

    (IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 01/2016/390)

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    Fig. 5.5: Activity Diagram


    The Ontology Based Personalized Mobile Search Engine is

    the interface among the users and search engine is restricted

    to the small form factors of mobile devices. The

    confidentiality parameters make possible smooth control of

    privacy experience for maintaining good ranking



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    [4] Y.-Y. Chen, T. Suel, and A. Markowetz, “Efficient Query Processing in Geographic Web Search Engines,”

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