Online Reconstruction Update Linda R. Coney UCR Dec 17, 2009


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Online Reconstruction Update

Linda R. ConeyUCR

Dec 17, 2009

At Nov Collaboration Mtg• Now:

– Read out and decode DATE DAQ from MICE beam data (Online Mon)

– Can reconstruct TOF, CKOV, Tracker data offline– Initial version of G4MICE Online Reconstruction Application v1

written– Parallel processing solution possibility: PROOF

• Next:– Implement online reconstruction for Step I– Goal to see first plots in MLCR by end November

• Can practice with old data• Start with TOFs and CKOV

– Gather more requests for Online Reco plots

• Eventually:– Include necessary information for further steps– Routinely have shifters monitoring detectors and MICE physics



Online Reconstruction• Read data

– Questions: Read from socket (as Online Monitoring) or from data file?

– Issues: How read socket data? Will it affect DAQ? • Decision: Want to read directly from the socket.

– Need to do so from Online Reconstruction computers (remote read).

– Reading from data file introduces data access complications.• Process data

– Use only released version of reconstruction software– Online Reco in CVS– Offline reconstruction code used to process data, histograms

specific to Online Reco produced– Initial version of this code exists thanks to Mark Rayner

• Application: OnlineReconstruction– Iterative process – initial version only has TOF information

• Progress:– Official release made of G4MICE – Online Reco computers updated to this latest release– This includes OnlineReconstruction Application – and other

analysis Applications


Online Reconstruction2• Create plots

– Use Root – Parallel processing on the different online reco computers

• PROOF determined to be good way to accomplish this – Paul Kyberd

• PROOF is installed on OnRec computers – not yet tested

• Save data – Henry Nebrensky– Online Reco root files will be saved along with

the run data and the Online Monitoring files– OnRec.####.root

• This is already happening for Data and Online Monitoring Files

• Ready when we have OnRec root files available


Online Reconstruction NOW

• Able to read the data directly from the socket

• Able to access live data remotely (from OnRec machines to DAQ machines)

• G4MICE OnlineReconstruction Application installed with official release of software

• Able to run any G4MICE Application using the DATE reader ONLINE– OnlineReconstruction Application– Online TofMonitor Application– Possible to do Online TOF calibration– Requires changing a line of code to do this

5 Many thanks to Vassil Verguilov!

Online Reconstruction in Action

Screen-shot of TofMonitor running online over live data during emittance measurement data-taking Wednesday 2 Dec20096

Online TofMonitor

• Data-taking Dec 10: muon beamline7

Online TofMonitor• Remaining question: Which calibration to use?Which calibration to use?

– Beamline setup changing and trigger conditions changing– Implies changes to TOF calibration– How do we know we’re using the right one? Not exactly using

“official release” when calibration is changing on the fly.

8• Data-taking Dec 10: electron beam

Online Reconstruction ToDo

• Enable live plotting for OnlineReconstruction Application– Like TofMonitor produces plots

• Implement PROOF parallel processing to produce OnRec histogram files

• Implement flexibility and ease of OnRec operating– Not want shifters editing code

• Improve OnlineReconstruction Application to include more information– CKOV, KL, EMR, Tracker, Beam variables, etc.

• Include first estimation of PID to allow calculation of PID-dependent variables

• Incorporate run conditions into online reconstruction (requires configuration database)

• Create higher-level applications to enable run-to-run comparison of beam physics information


Conclusions• Now:

– Good progress has been made!– First instance of online reconstruction running– Saw first plots in MLCR

• Started with TOFs

• Next:– Increase ease of use– Add more information to OnRec plotting– See ToDo list!

– Have a Merry Christmas!

• Eventually:– Include necessary information for further steps– Routinely have shifters monitoring detectors and MICE

physics in MLCR

