Online Quiz 2


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Put funda behind the painting. (Pic on next slide)

2The actor seated is a certain James Finlayson, once famous for roles in Laurel and Hardy films where he let off an imprecation that was a suitably modified form of the word ‘damn’. This term was included in the OED in 2001 after somebody else made it really popular. What expression?

3Philip Jose Farmer's 'The Other Log of Phileas Fogg' is a humorous alternative take on the events described in Jules Verne's 'Around the World in 80 Days', which along with characters from the original novel, find a place for Captain Nemo, Colonel Sebastian Moran, the ghost ship Mary Celeste and more in the bizarre storyline. It concludes with the author hinting that Phileas Fogg is immortal and is currently writing pulp sci-fi under the name of Philip Farmer.

As an appendix you also find some sort of an academic paper written by a certain H. W. Starr whose thesis is that Captain Nemo's death does not occur as described in Verne's 'Mysterious Island', but instead he settles down in London under the assumed name of _________ ________.