Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


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  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Online AssessmentTechni ues

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Electrostatic Precipitator Performance

    Based on





    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 2

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Power System Components

    1. Different Parts of power system

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 3

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]



    !"pical parameters that can be monitore# inclu#e$



    'as temperature


    'as composition an# moisture

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet *

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]



    olta!e and current #alues for each T$% set should &e


    ESPs are equipped with primary #olta!e and current meters on

    the low$#olta!e (AC) side of the transformer 

    Secondary #olta!e and current meters on the hi!h$#olta!e

    rectified (DC) side of the transformer.


    control ca&inet+ these #alues can &e multiplied to estimate thepower input to the ESP.

    Current times olta!e represent the num&er of watts &ein!

    drawn &y the ESP and is referred to as the corona power input.

    *hene#er a short term spar, occurs in a field it can &e detected

    and counted &y a spar, rate meter.

    + ESPs !enerally ha#e spar, rate meters to aid in the

    performance e#aluation.

    Donnerstag, 12. September



  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Auto olt Controller 

    The power input on the primary #ersus the secondary side of the T$%

    set will differ 

    The power input on the primary #ersus the secondary side of the T$%

    set will differ &ecause of the circuitry and meterin! of these #alues.

    The secondary power outlet (in watts) is always less than the primary

    ower in ut to the T$%.

    The ratio of the secondary power to the primary power will ran!e from-. to -./ and a#era!e from -.0- to -.0

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet -

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]



    The electrical meters on the T$% ca&inets are always fluctuatin!.

    2ormal spar,in! within the ESP causes these fluctuations in the

    meter readin!s. These short term mo#ements of the !au!es indicate that the

    automatic #olta!e controller is restorin! the ma3imum #olta!e after

    shuttin! down for se#eral milliseconds to quench the spar,.


    *hen recordin! #alues of the electrical data from the T$% meters it isimportant to note the ma3imum #alue that is sustained for at least a

    fraction of a second

    Donnerstag, 12. September



  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]



    olta!e and current #alues for each indi#idual T$% set are useful

    &ecause they inform the operators how effecti#ely each field is


    a,e the trend charts for each field.

    T$% set readin!s for current+ #olta!e+ and spar,in! rates should follow

    certain atterns from the 4nlet to Outlet fields.

    5or e3ample+ corona power density should increase from inlet to outletfields as the particulate matter is remo#ed from the !as stream.

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet /

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    6ow electrical parameters help

    !he airloa# an# gasloa# % oltagecurrent4 are the other tests, )hich

    ma" be con#ucte# on irtuall" all ES5s.

    6irloa# an# gasloa# cures are graphs o( the oltage 7%4 ersus the

    current m64 alues obtaine# at a set con#ition test point4

    !hese cures are #eelope# to ealuate ES5 per(ormance b" comparing

    the graphs (rom inlet (iel# to outlet (iel# an# oer perio#s in time.

    Deiation (rom the normal or preious results can in#icate that a problem


    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 8

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Typical A4%$7OAD Cur#e

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 10

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    6ow Air load test is done

    An air$load $4 cur#e can &e !enerated with readin!s from either

    primary or secondary meters.(when the ESP is new+ after the first

    shutdown+ and e#ery time off$line maintenance is performed on the ESP)

    The followin! procedures can &e used &y the ESP operator to de#elopan air$load cur#e.

    1. Ener!i8e a de$ener!i8ed T$% set on manual control (&ut with 8ero

    #olta!e and current)+ and increase the power to the T$% set manually.

    9. At corona initiation the meters should suddenly :ump and the #olta!eand near 8ero current le#els should &e recorded. 4t is sometimes difficult

    to identify this point precisely+ so the lowest practical #alue should &e


    ;. After corona initiation is achie#ed+ increase the power atpredetermined increments &y e#ery - or 1-- milliamps of secondary

    current or e#ery 1- #olts of AC primary #olta!e (the increment is


  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Electrostatic precipitator load cur#e

    =. Continue this procedure until one of the followin! occurs>

    ? Spar,in!

    ? Current limit is achie#ed? olta!e limit is achie#ed

    . %epeat this procedure for each T$% set

    *hen the air$load tests ha#e &een com leted for each field lot each

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 12


    field@s #olta!e"current cur#es.*hen ESPs are equipped with identical fields throu!hout+ the

    cur#es for each field should &e nearly identical.

    4n most cases+ the cur#es also should &e similar to those

    !enerated when the unit was new+ &ut shifted sli!htly to the ri!ht dueto residual dust on the wires (or ri!id frames) and plates of older


    + These cur#es should &ecome part of the permanent record of the


  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Gas-Load Curves

    The !as$load $4 cur#e+ on the other hand+ is !enerated durin! the

    normal operation of the process while the ESP is ener!i8ed.

    + The procedure for !eneratin! the !as$load $4 cur#e is

    the same as for the air load e3cept that !as$load $4 cur#es are always


    + This pre#ents the upstream flow that is &ein! chec,ed from distur&in!

    the $4 cur#e of the downstream field readin!s.

    +Althou!h such distur&ances would &e short$li#ed (usually 9 minutes+

    &ut sometimes lastin! up to 9- minutes)+ wor,in! from outlet to inlet

    speeds up the process.

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 13

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    as7oad Cur#e

    The cur#es !enerated under !as$load conditions will &e similar to air$

    load cur#es.

    as load cur#es will !enerally &e shifted to the left howe#er+ &ecause

    spar,in! occurs at lower 

    #olta!e and current when particles are present. The shape of the

    cur#e will &e different for each field dependin! on the presence of

    articulate matter in the as stream. 

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 1*

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    as 7oad Air$7oad cur#e

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 1

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Daily monitorin!

    Also+ !as$load cur#es #ary from day to day+ e#en minute to minute.

    Cur#e positions may chan!e as a result of fluctuations in the followin!>

    ? Amount of dust on plates

    ? as flow

    ? Particulate chemistry loadin!

    ? Temperature

     ? es s # y

    2onetheless+ they still should maintain a characteristic pattern.

    as$load cur#es are normally used to isolate the cause of a

    suspected pro&lem rather than &ein! used on a day$today &asis'

    howe#er+ they can &e used daily if necessary.

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 1-

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    *hy ESP %apper Control essential


    9oth oer rapping an# un#er rapping )ill #eter (rom optimal per(ormance o(

    the electrostatic precipitator.

    :oss o( rapper operation )ill result in poor precipitator per(ormance. Maintain operation o( the rappers.

    6l)a"s chec7 on a #ail" basis4 that the rappers are operating.


    Oer rapping )ill cause reentrainment resulting in poor ES5 per(ormance

    an# high stac7 emissions.

    ;n#er rapping )ill cause an ecessie amount o( buil#up on the collecting

    plates an# #ischarge electro#es, )hich )ill re#uce electrical po)er in the

    ES5 thus resulting in poor ES5 per(ormance an# high stac7 emissions.

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 1

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    4mportance of maintainin! rapper

    !round straps (Earthin!)

    !he complete groun#ing o( the rapper coil assembl" an# housing is

    essential to complete the entire groun#ing o( the Electrostatic 5recipitator.

    !he sha(t connections on the rappers are usuall" not su((icient to assurea complete groun# to the rapper coils.

    properl" groun#e#, these oltages can in#uce electrical surges into controlan# po)er cables, )hich ma" #amage the controls.

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 1/

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    Boot seal

    !his is especiall" true )ith the high oltage #ischarge electro#e rappers.

    !hese rappers are isolate# b" a sha(t insulator.

    6n" lea7age through this insulator )ill blee# through to the rapper coil an# it

    is obious that a goo# groun# connection is re

  • 8/19/2019 Online Assessment Techniques-session 2 Part 2_pptx [Read-Only]


    %apper+ Earthin!+ Boot seal

    Donnerstag, 12. September


    Fußzeilentet 20
