Hero Myths. Heros


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Hero Myths


Hero Patterns• The mythical hero is the universal metaphor for

the search for self-knowledge• The hero is the soul’s high adventure• Most heroes have miraculous conceptions• The Father is the universal source, the agent of

conception• The virgin who gives birth to the hero is the Great

Goddess, the Mother of us all• The hero must undertake a journey and return to

give a great boon to his people

Raglan classified the patterns of the mythical hero into twenty-two archetypal incidents.

1 - The hero's mother is a royal virgin. 2 - His father is a king and 3 - often a near relative of the mother, but4 - the circumstances of his conception are unusual, and 5 - he is also reputed to be the son of a god 6 - at birth an attempt is made, usually by his father or maternal grandfather, to kill him, but

“Pattern of 22”

7 - He is spirited away, and 8 - reared by foster-parents in a far country. 9 - We are told nothing of his childhood, 10 - but on reaching manhood he returns

or goes to his future kingdom. 11 - After a victory over the king and or

giant, dragon, or wild beast 12 - he marries a princess, often the daughter of his predecessor and 13 - becomes king.

14 - For a time he reigns uneventfully and 15 - prescribes laws16 - but later loses favor with the gods and or his people and 17 - is driven from the throne and the city after which 18 - He meets with a mysterious death 19 - often at the top of a hill. 20 - His children, if any, do not succeed him. 21 - His body is not buried, but nevertheless 22 - he has one or more holy sepulchres.

Luke’s Mother is a Queen

Anakin’s parents are a mystery

Luke’s father is a Jedi Knight who is ruined by love and desire and turns to the Dark Side

Darth Vader is Luke’s father who also represents the mechanical male world of power.

Luke and his twin sister are hidden from their father who wants to kill them.

Luke is hidden and raised by foster parents on the far away planet of Tatooine.

Luke is trained by a wise man to enter into manhood.

Luke ultimately learns the ways of The Force and becomes a Jedi Knight like his father.

Luke must master The Force and destroy the Death Star to save mankind.

But his Father stands in the way of his fully entering into manhood.

He destroys the Death Star by using human feelings rather than using impersonal machines.

The lost father Darth Vader is saved by his son.

Darth Vader returns to becomes the human Anakin Skywalker again and chooses death over the mechanical mask of power.

Anakin Skywalker dies, is resurrected by The Force, and visits with his son on the other side of death to give hope to all humanity who believe in The Force.

Luke Skywalker saves the universe by mastering The Force. His gift to humankind is the use of higher levels of human consciousness to master the hidden Dark Side that can be swayed by temptations of revenge and power.
