On Trust by O.G. Rose (Preview)


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Oe RrustO.A. Zosm

 Rrust jcsmb oe mfpnrnlch iclts nse„t so ful` trust cs nt ns vmrninlctnoe . Hooknea up, you bo eot `cvm totrust t`m sky ns cjovm you (jmlcusm nt ns, ne iclt, cjovm you), w`mrmcs ni your jrot`mr scys, ‐N„hh smm you toforrow cttwo, bowetowe„, you fust trust you wnhh smm ̀ nf, ior nt nse„t ymt c iclt t`c t `m wnhh jm t`mrm ct t`ct tnfm. Ni you boeot trust your jrot`mr to jm trum to `ns worb uetnh nt jmlofms lmrtcne t`ct `m ns trum to nt, you bo eot trust `nf;rct`mr you clkeowhmbam c iclt7 ‐`m ns ̀ mrm ct two„ or ‐`m ns eot ̀ mrm ct two„. Loesnbmrnea t`ns , trust lceeot jm soful` mcremb cs cssmssmb, ceb iurt`mrform nt lce oehy jm cssmssmb cllurctmhy ne lnrlufstcelms oi lhmcr, vmrjchmxl`ceam. Rrust lce jm loeinrfmb ceb anvme, jut eot mcremb, ior rmhctnoes`nps t`mfsmhvms lce jm loeinrfmb cebanvme. 


 Ro pnlk up c lup oi loiimm ns to trust nt wnhh eot spnhh oe you; to wchk bowe t̀ m strmmt ns to trust t`m arouebjmemct` you wnhh eot lcvm; to spmck wnt` ot`mrs ns to trust t`my wnhh uebmrstceb. Ro mxnst ceb iueltnoe ne t`m worhbns to trust. ̂ mt, t`ns kneb oi trust nse„t so ful` tru st cs nt ns iclt clkeowhmbafmet; iurt`mrform, nt lceeot jm mcremb,oehy cssmssmb, snelm iclts crm netmarctmb neto t`m vmry icjrnl oi rmchnty.

 C iclt ns eot trustmb7 nt snfphy mxnsts. ^ou bo eot trust t`ct : + : 6 2 jmlcusm you keow : + : 6 2, ceb ni: + : ≤ 2 ceb rct`mr : + : 6 =, you wouhb keow : + : 6 =.   Rrust ns c eoe-vcrncjhm. Cs wnt` rmchnty, you bo eottrust iclts, you clkeowhmbam or cssmss t`mf, w`nl` ns mcsy to loeiusm wnt` trustnea (rmtrospmltnvmhy). ^mt w`me‐trust„ fmces eot`nea form t`ce ‐cllmptnea iclts„, ‐trust„ hosms nts propmr fmcenea.

Ful` oi w`ct wm jmhnmvm crm fcttmrs oi trust crm form cllurctmhy bmslrnjmb cs fcttmrs oi iclt. Ro scy oem‐trusts c loiimm lup wnhh eot spnhh oe t`mf„ ns trum ceb ymt neloesmqumetnch. Oem bomse„t cltnvmhy trust c lup uehmsst`m pmrsoe t`neks cjout nt (sul` cs w`me c pcpmr hnkm t`ns stnfuhctms c pmrsoe to bo so). Ro cltnvmhy trust c lup nsueecturch, cs to scy ‐oem trusts c lup t`m pmrsoe brneks out oi „ ns ueecturch. Eorfchhy, oem gust brneks, fnebneat`mnr owe jusnemss “  

]etnh t`m lup jrmcks.\ubbmehy t`m nebnvnbuch ns tckme oii aucrb, immhnea uesmtthmb, hnkm t`mnr trust, ne sofm wcy, wcs jrokme. Jut

t`ct nse„t rmchhy t`m lcsm jmlcusm t`m pmrsoe emvmr cltuchhy trustmb t`m lup ne t`m inrst phclm7 t`m pmrsoe snfphy usmbt`m lup. Chh immhneas oi bnscpprovch or ceamr crm ueiouebmb, ior trust t`ct nse„t anvme lceeot jm jrokme. R`m pmrsoefcy snfphy t`nek `m or s`m trustmb t`m lup, cbbnea t`ct bnfmesnoe rmtrospmltnvmhy. Zct`mr, nt wcs oelm c iclt t`ctt`m lup workmb, ceb eow nt ns c iclt t`ct nt ns jrokme. Jmlcusm t`m lup ns jrokme, t`m pmrsoe fna`t jm cantctmb cebtckme oii aucrb, jut nt lceeot jm scnb t`ct t`m lup trnlkmb t`m pmrsoe. \nelm t`m pmrsoe bnbe„t mxpmlt t`m lup tojrmck, t`m pmrsoe, ne `cvnea `ns or `mr mxpmltctnoe jrokme, ns upsmt. ^mt nt wcse„t t`m lup t`ct acvm t`m pmrsoe t`nsmxpmltctnoe; rct`mr, t`m pmrsoe smhi-nfposmb nt loesmqumelm oi `ns or `mr prmsmt eotnoes oi `ow t`neas s`ouhb work. R`m pmrsoe `cb c rmcsoe to bo t`ns smmnea t`ct lups crm fcbm to stcy toamt m̀r w`me usmb, jut chh t`m scfm,t`m mxpmltctnoe ns smhi-nfposmb ceb hmcremb. R`mrmiorm, snelm t`m lup fcbm eo profnsms ceb snfphy ‐wcs„, ior t`mpmrsoe to amt fcb ct t`m lup wouhb jm uegust, ueicnr, ceb nhhoanlch.

 Rrust wcs emvmr arcetmb to t`m lup7 t`m pmrsoe hnvmb ceb cllmptmb iclts cs t`my cppmcrmb (kmmp ne fnebt`ct `ufces boe„t mvme ecturchhy cllmpt iclts cltnvmhy “  t`my snfphy ‐crm„). Nt ns oehy w`me t`m lup jrmcks t`ct t`mpmrsoe rmtrospmltnvmhy cbbs netmetnoechnty ceb mxpmltctnoe, ceb lofms to jmhnmvm t`ct ̀ m or s`m ̀ mhb nt chh choea. Netrut` t`m pmrsoe ‐smhi -bmhubms„ ̀ ns or ̀ mr smhi (cs mxpouebmb upoe ne ‘\mhi-Bmhusnoe, t`m Rowcrb-emss oi Mvnbmelm,ceb t`m Tcrcbox oi Gubafmet‖ ). Tmr`cps oem louhb scy t`m clt oi pnlknea up t`m lup wcs t`m clt oi trustnea nt, jutt`me ‐trustnea„ fmces eot`nea form t`ce ‐hnvnea„. ]eiortuectmhy, t`m iorfmr ns `ow t`m worb ‐trust„ ns loffoehyusmb, rmsuhtnea ne snaeninlcet loeiusnoe ceb ̀ urt jmtwmme pmophm.

@mnbmaamr ponetmb out t`ct wm bo eot eotnlm c boorkeoj uetnh nt boms eot ture or jrmcks. \nfnhcrhy, wm boeot eotnlm trust cs ‐hnvnea„ (t`oua` nt ns chwcys t`mrm) uetnh sofmt`nea aoms cfnss (sul` cs w`me c pmrsoe bomssofmt`nea wm bnb eot mxpmlt t`m pmrsoe to bo). Nt ns t`me t`ct wm bmmf our trust jrokme, w`me ne iclt wm acvm eotrust to jm jrokme ne t`m inrst phclm. Qm snfphy hnvmb. Rrust, ni bnstnelt irof ‐hnvnea„, emlmss ntctms t`m cltnvm arcetneaoi c(e) (gustninmb) mxpmltctnoe. Q`me c pmrsoe necltnvmhy trusts t`ct c lup wnhh eot jrmck w`me usmb, t`m pmrsoebomse„t trust t`m lup; t`m pmrsoe hnvms.

Ecturchhy, mxpmltctnoes crm oehy cltnvmhy arcetmb towcrb w`ct metcnhs rmauhcr uelmrtcnety. \nelm lups boe„tusuchhy jrmck, lups usuchhy metcnh lmrtcnety. @owmvmr, pmophm metcnh rmauhcr uelmrtcnety, so towcrb pmophm t`m worb


‐trust„ lce jm fmceneaiuhhy cpphnmb. Q`me oem t`neks t`mnr trust ns jrokme w`me ot`mrs jrmck necltnvm trust (w`nl`ns nebminecjhm irof ‐hnvnea„) vmrsus clt nvm trust, t`ct nebnvnbuch smts up ot`mrs to `urt `nf or `mr ceb to(uegustnincjhy) immh wroeamb.


 ^ou bo eot emmb to trust t`ct c julkmt outsnbm ns iuhh oi rcnewctmr ni sul` ns t`m lcsm. Ni toforrow t`mjulkmt ns eo hoeamr iuhh oi rcnewctmr, t`ns bomse„t fmce t`m prmvnous iclt cjusmb your trust. Nt ns snfphy t`m lcsmt`ct, tobcy, t`mrm ns eo rcnewctmr ne t`m julkmt.

@ufces, `owmvmr, lceeot iuhhy keow ceot`mr pmrsoe, hnkm `ufces lce iuhhy keow c julkmt ns mfpty oreot. C pmrsoe lce jm cssmssmb, jut c pmrsoe wnhh stnhh chwcys ̀ cvm c ‐`nbbme julkmt„, pmr sm, w`nl` fckms iuhhcssmssfmet ful` form bniinluht ni eot nfpossnjhm. Ns t`m julkmt iuhh or mfpty? Eo oem lce bnrmlthy smm, w`nl` ns w`y nt ns jmst eot to cssmss rmauhcrhy, cs to cvonb gubafmet. Nt ns jmttmr to netmrclt wnt` ceot`mr pmrsoe ne c wcy t`ctinhhs `ns or `mr julkmt rmacrbhmss oi lnrlufstcelm, w`nl` fckms cssmssfmet ueemlmsscry mvme w`me nt bomse„t shnpneto gubafmet.

 ^mt ni c pmrsoe fckms sofm bmarmm oi  t`m julkmt vnsnjhm, ce cssmssfmet lce oi loursm jm fcbm. R`ct scnb,cssmssfmet, ni nt fust jm boem, emmbs to jm boem lcrmiuhhy, ceb jmttmr ymt snhmethy, jmlcusm wnt`out bnslmrefmet ceb wnsbof, cssmssfmet lce qunlkhy jmlofm gubafmet or jm rmlmnvmb cs gubafmet. R`ns louhb jm lcusmb jy t m̀ wcy ne w`nl` sofmt`nea ns scnb or ne t`m iclt t`ct, oelm spokme, t`m rmlmnvmr oi t`m cssmssfmet lce  rmcb neto nt. R`nsrmvmchs `ow to trust chso fmces to `mcr w`ct ceot`mr scys ceb to eot nffmbnctmhy cssufm t`m loffmet nsgubafmetch. @owmvmr, t`ns ns vmry `crb to bo, cs sofmtnfms pmophm bo fmce sofmt`nea jmyoeb c snfphmojsmrvctnoe w`me t`my spmck ne sul` c wcy (ceb oitme uekeowneahy nfphy c gubafmet ne ce cssmssfmet).

‐^ou„rm wmcrnea c strceam brmss,„ ior mxcfphm, ns ce cssmssfmet jut souebs vmry ful` hnkm c gubafmet oit`m outint ceb t`m pmrsoe„s bmlnsnoe to wmcr nt (ceb projcjhy ns). 3 Ce cssmssfmet rmlmnvmb cs c gubafmet lce lcusmt`m rmlmnvmr oi nt to eot trust t`m ircfmwork t`my usm to netmrprmt cssmssfmets, ior jy vnrtum oi t`m iclt t`ct s`ml`osm to wmcr t`m brmss, s`m fust `cvm cssmssmb nt cs wort` wmcrnea.: Ne t`m mxl`ceam, t`m pmrsoe fcknea t`m vmrjch cssmssfmet nse„t trustnea t`m l`onlm oi t`m brmss-wmcrmr; snfuhtcemoushy, t`m rmlmnvmr oi t`m cssmssfmet fcyeot trust t`ct t`m ot`mr pmrsoe ns snfphy fcknea ce ojsmrvctnoe. Mnt`mr wcy, sul` ce mxl`ceam lce hmcb t`m pmrsoermlmnvnea t`m cssmssfmet/gubafmet to hclk trust ne `ns or `mr smhi.

‐N cf s`ortmr t`ce chh t`m ot`mr knbs ct sl`ooh„ louhb jm c smhi -cssmssfmet. Ro t`m joy t`neknea t`ns, t`mcssmssfmet ns eot`nea chcrfnea. @owmvmr, ni sofmoem vonlms t`m scfm cssmssfmet to c s`ort stubmet wnt` circfmwork t`ct trceshctms jmnea s`ort cs sofmt`nea jcb, t`m cssmssfmet jmlofms c gubafmet. Cacne, t`ns vonlneafcy  lcusm loeiusnoe, cs t`m s`ort stubmet fcy eo hoeamr trust `ns owe ircfmwork, w`nl` prmvnoushy netmrprmtmb`ns smhi-cssmssfmet oi jmnea t`m s`ortmst ne sl`ooh cs cllmptcjhm. Qnt` rmpmtntnvm ollurrmelms hnkm t`ns, t`m stubmetfcy jmlofm hmss loeinbmet, form uestcjhm, ceb mvmetuchhy jmlofm smhi-bmhubmb cs t`m stubmet lofms to fnstrust`ns ̀ mrfmemutnl ircfmwork ceb stcrt to jmhnmvm sofmt`nea t`ct nse„ t trum (sul` cs ‐jmnea s`ort ns hcfm, so N„f hcfm„).  Gubafmetch-souebnea-tchk t`us lcusms smhi-trust nssums, eot to fmetnoe nssums oi trust jmtwmme t`m stubmet(w`o `cppmes to jm s`ort) ceb `ns lhcssfctm. R`m stubmet fcy t`me nsohctm ̀ nfsmhi, t`neknea ̀ m lceeot trust ̀ nslhcssfctm to mvmr scy ceyt`nea posntnvm. Ne t`ns mxcfphm, t`m s`ort stubmet uhtnfctmhy lce bo eot`nea cjout t`m icltt`ct `m ns s`ort. @owmvmr, t`m stubmet lce l`ceam `ow (or ni) `m rmcbs neto t`m cssmssfmet.

 Meb oi Trmvnmw
