On the Journey . . . Number 1: Choose your friends carefully....2019/08/07  · On the Journey . . ....


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Aug 2019 Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ Volume 866

On the Journey . . . Rev. Dr. Bob Gross OCC

It seems the world is getting increasingly toxic. Through-out our lives, at work, play, family, church, or at home we come across “toxic people.” They look like everyone else, talk like everyone else and can even be disguised as your best friend, family member or partner. “Toxic people are master manipulators, skilled liars and great actors,” according to Shannon Thomas, LCSW. “They can be hiding everywhere.”

What are Toxic People? Toxic people needlessly drain others of their time, money and energy with the result of little personal change on their part and discouragement on the part of those who seek to help them. When the resources run dry, they move on to another unsuspecting individual, oftentimes vilifying the former person who poured so much into their lives. They may be an acquaintance we are trying to help. They may be someone we know as friend, family or church member.

One way to tell you have a toxic person in your life: Every time you encounter or hang out with them, you feel exhausted, emotionally drained and negative. There’s always something with this person.

Nancy Irwin, Psy.D., of Seasons, a world class Addiction Recovery Center in Malibu, describes a toxic person as anyone who is abusive, unsupportive, or unhealthy emotionally—someone who basically brings you down more than up. “You may begin to feel dependent on him or her for their opinion, doubting your own,” she says.

Are You a Toxic Person? During my undergraduate studies, I took a class in Abnormal Psychology. It seemed that everyday there was a new neurosis to study. With each one there was at least someone in my life I was ready to diagnose. “Oh, that’s why she acts that way.” “He must have . . .” It’s easy to point a finger at another, forgetting that when we do there are three pointing back at ourselves. “Take the log out of your own eye, before removing the splinter in another’s eye,” Matthew 7:5. If you think you may be toxic, pray about it, talk with a professional about it.

How Do We Deal with a Toxic Person? I suspect that most of us will not be in the toxic category. However, we may know someone who is toxic. In a sermon on the topic of toxic people, Pastor Randy Smith, Grace Bible Church, Allenwood, NJ, offers 4 steps for dealing with toxic people:

Number 1: Choose your friends carefully. Proverbs 18:24, “A man of too many friends comes to ruin.” God does command you to love people, but He does not command you to be close friends with everyone. We often let

toxic people into our lives. We think it’s the Christian thing to do. Intending to help, we end up being co-dependents. Get to know people before you invite them intimately into your life. Set healthy boundaries. Friends are there to enjoy, sharpen you biblically (Pr. 27:14), build you

up in your faith – not tear you down, drain you emotionally and love you conditionally.

Number 2: Be very careful who you marry. You can remove a toxic friend out of your life. You cannot, under most circumstances, remove a toxic spouse out of your life. This is a tough one to be in, especially since you share the same house together. If that’s you – pray, establish boundaries, get help together, pray more. If you are not married, be careful who you marry.

Number 3: Do not enable people who don’t want to grow. Pray for the toxic person in your life. Encourage them to seek help. Don’t simply tolerate their toxicity. I love the story about the “woe-is-me man” from John 5. “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but while I am coming, another steps down before me” (Jn. 5:7). What did Jesus say? “Do you wish to get well?” (Jn. 5:6). How many times I’ve heard, I have a problem with spending. I have a problem with alcohol. I have a problem with negative thinking. My kids hate me. My spouse hates me. Stop! Do you want to be made well? If not, no one wants to hear your problems! We all have enough of our own. However, if you do want to be made well you are at the right place.

Number 4: If toxic behavior persists warn the individual and then separate yourself from them. This is a biblical principle. Romans 15:17, “Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned and turn away from them.” 1 Corinthians 5:9, “[Not to] associate with [them].” We can even get specific: “Do not associate with a gossip” (Pr. 20:19). “Do not associate with a man given to anger” (Pr. 22:24). Don’t hate, just separate.

I hope this is helpful for you and provides you with needed tools as we work together to build the community of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 2

August Notes from Sunday school Mary Ann Proffitt, Christian Ed Director

Summer Sunday School

“That’s So Cool

Summer Sunday

School” continues until

August 18th. A full

schedule of all the great

Bible stories, life

lessons & movies are available at the welcome

table!! The summer program is open to kids going

into 1st through 6th grade. We’re finishing the

movie “Beauty and the Beast”, discussing the story

of Saul and David and learning about acceptance.

To finish July and August we will watch the movie

“Sing”, discuss Jesus before the council, and learn

about perseverance.



. . . are asked to attend childcare if not in church with their parents.

Vacation Bible School

By the time this newsletter goes out, our Vacation Bible School, “To Mars and Beyond” will be finished! Right now, we are in the midst of decorating, preparing

materials, sharing information with our fabulous volunteers and getting ready to have a “blast”☺

The “voyagers” (kids) will go on a journey through space, exploring where God's power can take them. Beginning in our gathering area (an outpost on Mars) kids will lift off to distant planets on special missions. Along the way, they'll learn how God walked with heroes of the Bible & how God always walks with them too. There will be out-of-this-world fun, great music, snacks, games, crafts & Bible stories that inspire kids to give glory to God!

Aug 18 Last Day of That’s So Cool Summer Sunday School

Sept 8 First Day of Deep Sea Discovery Sunday School

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

The Art Club is

looking for help:

For the next sermon series starting September 8th, we’re in need of old keys. Any kind of keys, skeleton keys, house keys, car keys, big keys or little keys. So, let’s dig through the junk drawers and see what you come up with! There is a jug on the welcome table for you to put them in. We are also looking for an old bench with a back. You can donate it or let us borrow it from Aug. 31st through Oct. 20th. We’ll pick up & return. The bench can be wood, metal or a combination of both. If you have something that may work, please contact Toni Knutson or Debra Hink. Thank you!

Sunday flowers . . .

Church Office

We have several openings to provide Sunday flowers in honor of a birthday, celebration of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. Please see the Flower Sign-Up sheet at the Welcome table & pick a date that works best with your schedule.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 3

Youth Group News Mary Ann Proffitt

Huge Thanks!

To Nancy Witt, Karen Olson, & Jamie Knoll for helping with the bake sale whether it was baking, packaging or set up/take down, we

are so appreciative! We accomplished a lot of baking thanks to all of you!

To Kathy Heidt, Pastor Bob Gross, Mandy Morris & Denise Knoll for volunteering to chaperone our youth mission weekend!!! Without you we would not have been able to do this weekend & serve our community in so many different ways! Thank you so much!

To all our volunteers from the congregation & their family/friends, thank you for volunteering your time to help with stock box packing

Youth Group Bake Sale Update

The youth group met on July 3rd & baked brownies, caramel corn, muddy buddies, cookies & much more to sell at the pancake breakfast during the 4th of July parade. They made $461.75 for Richard’s Place. Way to go everyone!

Special Thanks

Summer Mission Weekend Update

The youth participated in a local mission weekend in July. We participated in the Hunger Task Force Stock Box packing & packed 600 boxes! Great job everyone! We then ate lunch at Oscars & headed to the

Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps (ARCh) offices to help with some yard work & office clean-up. We made & delivered dinner to Richard’s place (lasagna, salad, fresh fruit, cheesy garlic bread, & pistachio pie (one of the residents request)) & for ourselves, had worship/discussion lead by Mrs. Proffitt & then went to Walmart to purchase items for birthday boxes, pack & wrapped them, had pizza & a little free time before crashing onto couches & the floor at church. Saturday, we made breakfast (pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, fruit, juice/milk) & went to St. Vincent de Paul’s for sorting of clothing, stocking shelves, sorting holiday items, cleaning/organizing their breakroom/glass shelving & dusting. Back to church for lunch (sandwiches, chips, fruit, cookies) & then packing snack bags for The United Way with our Baking Buddy friends. We packed 250 bags. We then packed up & went home☺ It was a great, exhausting & rewarding weekend!

Youth Group Meeting

Sunday, August 18th

10:30 am at church.

Youth group meetings are typically the 2nd Sunday of every month. (Due to the church Brewers game, this month’s meeting is the 3rd Sunday.) Meetings are for students 7th grade through high school to discuss mission work, events & activities. Everyone is welcome!

We received a Mission Weekend thank you card

From St. Vincent De Paul

Dear Mary Ann,

“Words cannot express how thankful and appreciative we all are for your group’s help. The whole store is talking about how hard everyone worked and how respectful all the kids were. Every area you worked in looks great and we really appreciate all of the hard work put in by the kids, you and Denise.

If you or anyone from your church are ever looking for more volunteer opportunities, we would be more than happy to have you back. Thank you so much for bringing your group in and helping us.“

Thank you! Rachel

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 4

Women’s Fellowship Sue Manzke, President

Happy Summer everyone!!!! Hope you’ve all been having a great, safe & healthy one!

Next Meeting

August 5th at 6:30 pm. We cordially invite ALL ladies to join us & bring a friend.

We’ve been working on some Fall programs . . .

First of all, the Community Picnic . . .

Scheduled for August 24th! The planning committee asked if we would serve the FREE lunch that is provided. Of course, I said “of course we will”, kind of speaking for all of the ladies!! We’ll set up the kitchen & serve the lunch. The menu will be sloppy joe’s & pulled pork sandwiches, watermelon, chips, pickles & fixings . . . along with cookies. It’s not a difficult meal, so I HOPE & PRAY that many of you ladies will sign-up to help at the Welcome Table or see Sue Manzke for questions. See page 5 for full event details.

Ham Supper

Mark your calendar for October 19th & tell your friends!! The menu will be pretty much the same as always: Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Corn, our famous SQUASH & desserts! Don’t miss it!! There will be a sign-up sheet in the near future & great Vendors too!

Kringle sale

Please see Sue Manzke if you’d like a sell sheet to take home & sell to your friends & relatives who don’t come to our church!

Women’s Retreat

Also coming up on November 2nd is our Annual Fall Retreat . . . you’ll see more information soon for this wonderful event!! Please watch future Trumpet articles, emails & bulletins. You’re also encouraged to invite friends & relatives! The more the merrier!!! It’s not only for ladies who come to Fellowship meetings . . . it is for ALL ladies & their relatives & friends!!

Hat/Scarf/Mitten Tree items

Keep up the good work on your knit/crochet projects!! If you’re in need of yarn, please let Sue Manzke know & she’ll “hook” you up!! We had 162 absolutely beautiful things on our 2018 tree. Let’s go for 200 this year!!

Angels Express

Reminding you about this program developed for anyone in need of a meal or two . . . someone who is ill, has a significant other in the hospital, or just needs a hand. If you or someone you know could use a little help, please let Pat Kruse know. She’ll contact the person & make needed arrangements.

Funeral Luncheons

We prepare & serve a luncheon after

funeral services to help families through their grief. We ask what you’d like us to serve (within reason) & share what we’ve done in the past. You only need to pay for the purchased food. In most cases, we’ll also provide homemade desserts free of charge. In the event you need our service, please just let Pastor or Sue Manzke know. Many families also make a donation to Women’s Fellowship but you’re not required to do so.

Housekeeping Section

More than ever, we’re involved with the community & several groups use our building/kitchen . . . most of whom are paying to use the space. Please remember to put things away & clean-up after yourselves. Please be a little more aware & respectful of others by doing your part & leave the kitchen better than you found it!! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks a bunch!!!

Drink/cup disposal

We have signs up to NOT dump beverages in the garbage cans . . . please dump them in the sink & throw the cups away, however, remember to clean-up after yourself & please don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean up!

Before you know it, our fall meeting will be here . . . Monday, October 7th (Boy, that sounds awful . . . means winter is right around the corner!). It will be at 6:30 pm. Please come & bring a friend!!! Again...the

more the merrier!! We ALWAYS have a yummy dessert, just in case you need a sweet incentive!

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 5

The Community Outreach & Vitality Committees Thank You!

. . . to those in the congregation who donated school supplies to the Backpack Coalition of Waukesha County. We know the children & their families greatly appreciate our donations &

thoughtfulness. Thank you to Lori Hayes from the United Way/ Backpack Coalition as

well for her help in coordinating this School Supply Drive.

Thank you to all who donated & delivered cleaning supplies to "Richard’s Place" on July 4th. "Richard’s Place" very much appreciated your help & support.

Community Picnic

Be sure to volunteer/support this cause on Saturday, August 24th, here at E & R UCC.

Family Promise

Our next volunteer week will be from August 25th to September 1st. Volunteers needed. Please see the Welcome Table to sign-up to provide needed donation items for our host church – Delafield Presbyterian Church. Please contact Sue Kuhtz with questions or if you’d like to volunteer. Training is required for first time volunteers.


Sue Kuhtz is still planning on retirement, however, she has decided to stick around a little longer. We’ll keep you posted as developments for a retirement celebration progress.

We’re currently accepting applications for the open position of Treasurer. It is a part-time position, typically less than 10 hours per week. Hours are flexible and occasionally additional hours will be needed. Experience with Church Windows, Quick Books or similar programs is a plus. A full job description is posted on the bulletin board in the gathering area. If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact a member of the personnel committee (Jenn Wray, Bonnie Dowling, George Golding, Arlen Meidenbauer & Rick Sasse), Pastor, or council president.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 6

Family Fun Time Events Greg and Mary Ann Proffitt

Thank you!

A huge thank you to Tom, Bonnie & Alex Dowling for hosting a hot dog roast at their home! It was a time of great fun, food & fellowship!

Brewers vs. Rangers Game

Sunday, August 11th 1:10 game

Price is $26/person for box terrace reserved seating. We’ll meet in the church parking lot & leave after worship for tailgating. The Proffitt's will provide the hot dogs/brats & burgers. Please bring a dish to pass such as chips, salads, fruit, vegetables, condiments, or buns etc. It’s Josh Hader Bobblehead day & kids 14 & under can go run the bases after the game!!

We have only 3 tickets left so

please sign-up soon at the welcome table. Tickets had to be pre-paid for so it would be great to use them all! Please give payment to Mary Ann or Greg Proffitt. Hope you’ll

consider joining in the fun!

Crafter's Corner

Saturday, September 21st 9:00 am to 8:30 pm

Come and craft the afternoon away! Bring your favorite crafts and join in an afternoon of fellowship and fun! We’ll be having Italian food such as spaghetti and meatballs/meat sauce, alfredo, lasagna, baked ziti, manicotti, lettuce salad, cheesy garlic bread, fruit, veggies and dip, desserts, cookies, brownies, snacks (chips and dip, crackers and cheese, popcorn etc.) Invite a friend or two and come for lunch or stay for the whole day! Everyone is welcome. Sign up at the welcome table!

Book Club

Come join us & bring a friend Tuesday, September 3rd

at 6:30 pm.

We’ll be discussing “Have You Seen Luis Velez” by Catherine Ryan Hyde. “Raymond Jaffe feels like he doesn’t belong. Not with his mother’s new family. Not as a weekend guest with his father & his father’s wife. Not at school, where he’s an outcast. After his best friend moves away, Raymond has only two real connections: to the feral cat he’s tamed & to a blind ninety-two-year-old woman in his building who’s introduced herself with a curious question: Have you seen Luis Velez? Mildred Gutermann, a German Jew who narrowly escaped the Holocaust, has been alone since her caretaker disappeared. She turns to Raymond for help, & as he tries to track Luis down, a deep & unexpected friendship blossoms between the two. Despondent at the loss of Luis, Mildred isolates herself further from a neighborhood devolving into bigotry & fear. Determined not to let her give up, Raymond helps her see that for every terrible act the world delivers, there is a mirror image of deep kindness & Mildred helps Raymond see that there’s hope if you have someone to hold on to.” Come enjoy an evening of discussion, dessert & a lot of fun! Everyone’s welcome!

Check us out on YouTube!

If you can’t make it to worship, you can still watch & listen to the sermon online. Feel free to share our messages with your friends & neighbors. Hit control & click the link below to check out many of our past messages on YouTube.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 7

Serving Schedule Brigette Unger, Church Office

We need you!

We are especially in need of 1 or 2 people to

join the Host serving team starting for 4th

quarter, which begins in October. Your

commitment would be about once a month.

The simple responsibilities would include the following,

before or after worship: Stationed standing in front of the

welcome table so they can easily welcome visitors and

assist worshipers with informational material.

Introduce them to the Pastor if possible. Invite

the newcomer to sign in on attendance sheet in appropriate area. Invite/assist them to coffee

hour after the service and introduce them to

church members while sitting with them, if

possible, for a brief visit. Escort the visitors on a tour

of the church including a brief history of our building,

if they want one. Thank them for worshipping with us

and invite them back. Please let Brigette in the office

know of your interest.

Thank you for your faithful commitment to one or more of our serving teams. We couldn’t do it without you. Below are the assigned servers for August & September. If you find that a change is necessary, please remember that it is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement & to let the office know no later than 8 am Thursday morning before the Sunday you’re scheduled to serve so the correct information is noted in the bulletin & the proper name tags are set out.

If you need to call in due to sickness or something unexpected at the last minute, please contact the serving Deacon or someone on the serving team you are scheduled for . . . messages left in the office after Noon on Friday, will not be received until Monday.

If you’d like to join a serving team, please contact the church office & let us know of your interest. We can use your help as Usher, Greeter, Host, *Soundboard, **Childcare Worker or Liturgist.

* Requires training ** Requires Background Check

We’re especially in need of Hosts to join our rotation. Please contact the office if you can help in this area. Your commitment would be about once a month beginning in October.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 8

Welcoming Ministry Ron Knutson

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible - and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:11-14

It’s only been a few weeks since the end of the UCC’s General Synod here in Milwaukee the theme of which was

“SHINE! Let your light shine before others” Matthew 5:16. As we move into the mid- summer months it is my hope that we can all “SHINE” our light a little brighter as a community built around Jesus’ love for all.

The above scripture suggests that we are to expose the fruitless deeds of darkness not by denouncing them so much as by letting the light of God shine in our own lives. As we live and speak with goodness, righteousness and truth those who live in darkness will see the fruitlessness of their deeds in contrast to the abundant fruitfulness of our deeds that reflect the light of Christ.

This notion of exposing dark deeds by shining with good deeds and godly truth isn’t unique in scripture. John 3:19-20 for example says “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” What is the light that has come into the world and exposes evil? Not some divine pronouncement against evil, but rather Jesus himself, the Light of the world. Jesus did speak out against sin, but the core of his ministry was not judgement but grace and truth. Ultimately, Jesus defeated the darkness, not by an act of divine denouncement, but by choosing the way of love.

We as a society can learn from this. I’m concerned that some people get so obsessed with denouncing the dark deeds of others that they diminish the light of Christ in their own lives. They become agents of judgement rather than channels of grace.

They may have forgotten what Jesus himself says about how we are to be the Light of the World. “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Ephesians 5:11 uses a little different language but makes a similar point. We will “expose” the darkness in our world by letting our light shine, by letting our good deeds enlighten others and glorify our Heavenly Father. It should be our hope that those who live in darkness might see the light of God in us and be drawn to this light and the life it offers.

Here are some things to reflect on in the days and weeks ahead:

When you think of people who are living (or have lived) as light in the world, who comes to mind?

In what ways are you living right now as a light in the world?

How might you be hiding your light under a bowl?

How can you shine with the light of Christ in your life today - whether at work, at home, on vacation, at church or volunteering?

It is our hope that each of you will open your hearts and eyes and join us in these conversations. Take the time to ask questions. Our committee is ready, willing and able to help us move forward and follow in Jesus’ path.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 9

Council Meeting – July 15, 2019 Recorded by Brian Van Buren

Present: George Golding, Joe Perez, Brian Van Buren, Toni Knutson, Dennis Hink, Nancy Witt, Linda Hink, Sue Buyatt, Pastor Bob Gross, Sandy Anderson-Payne, Sue Kuhtz, Gordy Heilert, Trish Bakalars, Mary Ann Proffitt, Scott Donovan, Mariann Maile. Excused: Ray LaBarge, Jamie Knoll, Terry Sasse, Shelby Perez Meeting Called to order at 7 pm by Toni Knutson, President Prayer: Pastor Bob Christian Education & Youth: Full report available in office. Mariann Maile (Youth Rep)-Mission Weekend Report: ARCH disabilities cleaned up yard work; made dinner for Richards Place; volunteered at Hunger Task Force - lots of awesome volunteering. Treasurer’s Report: Sue Kuhtz- Full report available in the office. Year to date we’re -$12,000 on the projected non-pledged amount. Sandy AP- Moved to accept, Joe Perez-seconded. Senior Pastor Report: Full report available in office. Pastor encourages all to attend member’s funerals as a sign of respect for the deceased and to extend love and care to the bereaved. Joanne Lawrence funeral will be on Sunday 1-3 at Church and Chapel on Bluemound. Trustees: Full report available in office. “Kerry” and “Ricardo” real good relationship, no conflicts. Emergency light system for sanctuary: Backup batteries need to be replaced $5642; capacitors $3700 Scott D. motioned to approve bids not to exceed $10,000, money to come from building improvement fund Linda H.- seconded Motion passed, vote 11-0 Welcoming Ministry-Full report available in office. Working on letter to congregation. Scholarship: Read Women’s Fellowship request for $750 to pay for the speaker for the Women’s Retreat. Sandy AP motioned to fund retreat $750 out of scholarship fund and Women’s Fellowship give us an expense report for this event. Joe P seconded Motion passed, vote 11-0 Scholarship Committee reported that we have 17 persons seeking scholarships, (9 Undergraduate, 8 Graduate), resulting in scholarships totaling $46,125. Mark Mattiacci’s projection is $60,000 in interest earnings from scholarship investment: So far this year we have committed to $27,300 of those funds to the budget, plus $750 to Women’s Fellowship, totaling $28,050. $60,000 minus $28,050 leaves $31,950. With total proposed scholarships at $46,125, minus the $12,000 already in the budget, the additional cost of the scholarships will be $34,125. The difference between the cost of scholarships& projected income is $2,175.

There was a discussion about whether this increase would have to go to the congregation for a vote and because this is a budgeted item, the Council decided it did not. Reviewed and corrected the Scholarship spreadsheet to reflect both first and second semesters are paid in one calendar year. Linda H. makes motion- To accept original

proposal on spreadsheet of $46,125 for scholarships this year, Joe P-second. Motion passed, vote 6 yes, 0 no, 5 recused Reviewed Scholarship checks made out to school vs student. If made out to student 1099 forms would need to be

given. A motion was made to continue checks being made payable to the schools. Sandy AP makes motion Sue B seconded Motion passed, vote 11-0 Reviewed Robert’s Rules on recusal, Toni Financial Secretary: Announced Freida’s foundation will be donating another $200,000, coming this year yet! These dollars are designated to be used for Scholarships. Discussed keeping these funds separate from the $1,500,000 and use them to pay Scholarship amount that go over budgeted amount. This to be discussed in further detail at the August meeting. Pastoral Relations Committee description: meeting next week, July 23rd. Visitation Pastor position reposted on UCC.org Personnel: reviews end of July and early August Parliamentarian for meetings: Toni suggested having a Parliamentarian to assure meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules. Linda Hink agreed to position. Giving Tree new account and or what for members having difficulties: common questions- gift cards--food--(members and staff) outreach dollars. Next Prayer: Toni Knutson Next meeting: August 12, 2019 at 7 pm. Motion to adjourn: Sandy AP, Seconded by: Trish, Motion passed Adjourned with Lord’s Prayer


All church

members are

invited to attend

Council meetings.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 10

About Our Church . . . “Our Mission is to foster the spiritual growth of a

community of devoted followers of Christ.”

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Evangelical and Reformed United Church of Christ

413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha WI 53186

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Please feel free to contact us by any of the methods below

to let us know of a birth, death or hospitalization, change

of name, address or phone, or to schedule an event!

Phone: (262) 547-2424 Email: EandRoffice@gmail.com

Fax: (262) 547-2870 Web: www.uccwaukesha.org

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Summer Office Hours: Mon- Thurs • 8:00am – 12:00pm

Pastoral Office Hours:

Monday: 2 – 4 pm & Wednesday 9:30 -11:30am

Sunday Worship: 9:00am

Holy Communion: First Sunday of each month

Family Sunday: First Sunday of each month

(Kids stay in church with parents)

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Office Staff:

Senior Pastor: Bob Gross (C) 440-506-3258

Office Manager: Brigette Unger (W) 262-547-2424

Christian Ed Director: Mary Ann Proffitt

Youth Group Leader: Mary Ann Proffitt

Trailblazer’s Leader: Shelby Perez

Confirmation Leaders: Mary Ann Proffitt/Rev. Bob Gross

Treasurer: Sue Kuhtz

Organist/AM Choir Director: Rueck Ruecktenwald

Evangelical Choir Director: Chris Wray

Pianist: Joel Matthys

Custodian: Don Backler

Pastoral Office Hours:

Pastor is currently hosting open office hours on Mondays from 2 - 4 pm & Wednesdays from 9:30 - 11:30 am.

If you'd like to speak with him, please stop in or call during these times. If these times don't work for you, please call him at (440) 506-3258 to set upr an appointment. He is willing to meet you in the office, your home or at a local business for coffee or lunch.

Classes, Groups, Clubs, Meetings:

Coffee Hour: Every Sunday • 10:00am

Confirmation Class: 1st. 3rd, 5th Sun (Sep-May) • 10:30am

Trailblazers Class: 2nd & 4th Sun (Sept-May) • 9:00am

Youth Group Meeting: 2nd Sunday • 10:30am

Evangelical Choir Practice: Every Sunday • 10:30am

Women’s Fellowship: 1st Mon of even months • 6:30pm

Council Meeting: 2nd Mon of the month • 7:00pm

Christian Board of Ed: 3rd Mon of odd months • 7:00pm

Staff Meeting: Every Tuesday •11:00am

Trustee Meeting: 1st Tuesday of month • 6:00pm

Book Club: 1st Tuesday of odd months • 6:30pm

Oak Hill Terrace: 3rd Tue of odd months: 3:15pm

Investment Comm. Mtg: Quarterly on Tues • 6:30pm

Vitality Committee: Every Wednesday • 6:30pm

Andrew Club: 3rd Wed of even months: 2:15pm

Afternoon Bible Study: Wed 1:00pm (Sept-early June)

Evening Bible Study: Thurs 7:00pm (Sept-early June)

Crafter’s Corner: Sat of odd months • 9:00am-8:30pm

Welcoming Ministry: Dates vary, as needed • 6:30pm

~Please watch weekly bulletin for exceptions to schedule.

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Power of Prayer: Weekly email sent out on Tuesdays

Beyond Sunday: Weekly email sent out on Thursdays

Trumpet Articles: are due the 3rd Monday of the month

Trumpet Stuffing: last Wednesday of month • 9:15am

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Average Attendance for June:

2019: 100 YTD: 121

2018: 108 YTD: 128

Church Office Hours:

Summer office hours are Monday – Thursday, 8 am – noon. We’ll be closed on Fridays through the end of August. Please keep in mind when making calls or dropping by the office.

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 11

The Giving Tree Program

Please remember to prayerfully consider giving to the Giving Tree anytime through the year. Write Giving Tree on the blank line at the top right of your giving envelope. The Giving Tree Program is designed to give anonymously to families & individuals with short term financial needs. The Giving Tree Program is funded through Christmas Eve donations, weekly envelope donations, or special gifts from individuals or groups. Funds are kept in a separate account administered by a treasurer appointed from the Women’s Fellowship membership.

Updated address Ruth Aschmann Rivers Edge Apartments 100 Corrina Blvd Waukesha WI 53186

Pastoral Relations:

For your concerns, suggestions or compliments, please

contact a member of the committee. Thank you!

Dan DeKarske* dkdekarske@wi.rr.com262-993-4443

Mary Kopp pmkopp@wi.rr.com 262-521-2955

Carla Oman carlaoman@att.net 262-547-7469

Kathy Price kathyp19@yahoo.com 262-227-8443

Terry Sasse rts_home@msn.com 262-246-7083

* Chair

Coffee Hour Serving Schedule



8/4/19 Choir

8/11/19 Team 2

8/18/19 Elder's

8/25/19 Trustee's



9/1/19 Team 3

9/8/19 Woman's Fellowship

9/15/19 Team 4

9/22/19 Team 1

9/29/19 Christian Ed


10/6/19 Youth/Sunday School

10/13/19 Deacon's

10/20/19 Team 2

10/27/19 Gathering Grounds N


11/3/19 Choir

11/10/19 Elder's

11/17/19 Trustee's

11/24/19 Team 3



12/1/19 Youth/Sunday School

12/8/19 Woman's Fellowship

12/15/19 Team 4

12/22/19 Team 1

12/29/19 Christian Ed

Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, 413 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 Page 12

8/1 Karen Olson

8/2 John Bakalars 8/2 Aidan Brey 8/2 Sherry Laverrenz

8/3 Calleigh Skorno

8/4 Lindsay Juno 8/4 Alex Lawrence

8/5 Merle Sampson

8/7 Sara Witt

8/8 Tristan Caputa 8/8 Glenn Koehn

8/9 Diane Roethel

8/12 Cynthia Leuzinger

8/15 Larry Lawrence 8/15 Martin Maier

8/18 Kimberly Frievalt 8/18 Janet Pace

8/19 Anna Maile 8/19 Kristin Weber

8/21 Ronald Knutson 8/21 Adam Schwind

8/22 Irene Smith

8/23 Wyatt Barrett-Gironimi

8/24 Penelope Bandkowski 8/24 Sue Kuhtz 8/24 Charles Laverrenz 8/24 Adeline Schwind 8/24 Derek Staffeldt

8/25 Karter Hink 8/25 Merry Kandzora 8/25 Judy Wendt

8/27 Karlie Phipps 8/27 Linda Schmitt

8/28 Randy Knutson 8/28 Sue Manzke 8/28 David Schultz

8/30 Carol Schmocker

8/31 Tennille Theama