On the Balconies of the Grim Old Palaces of The


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  • 7/28/2019 On the Balconies of the Grim Old Palaces of The


    1. On the balconies of the grim old

    palaces of the nobles rich draperies

    were spread and their banners

    flapped lazily against the flagpoles.

    [47, 1]

    Pe balcoanele vechilor i

    sumbrelor palate nobiliare se

    ntinseser draperii bogate,

    iar steagurile lor fluturau lene

    pe prjini. [48, 5]

    Fluturau alene

    Fluturau ncet


    2. It was the Feast of the

    Assumption, August the fifteenth, and

    the sun beat down from

    an unclouded sky. [47, 1]

    Era 15 august, srbtoarea

    Adormirii Maicii Domnului,

    i soarele te btea drept n cap de

    pe cerul lipsit de nori. [48, 5]

    soarele btea n jos


    3. It had been cool and dark there,

    but when she came out into the hot

    breathless day the sudden glare for a

    moment blinded her.

    [47, 1]

    nuntru fusese ntuneric i

    rcoare, dar cnd iei i tie

    rsuflarea valul de aer torid

    i o orbi o clip strlucirea

    nemil oas a soarelui.

    [48, 6]


    Fr suflare

    Subit, brusc

    4. Then suddenly she was overcome

    with grief and with an abrupt gesture

    fell back on the stone platform and

    burying her

    face in her, arms sobbed as thoughher heart would break.

    [47, 1]

    Deodat mhnirea o coplei pur

    i simplu i cu un gest brusc czu

    pe spate pe pridvorul de piatr i,

    ngropndu - i faa n mini,

    suspin de i se rupea inima.[48, 6]

    Brusc, deodat

    Cople i, podidi

    ngropndu- i

    suspin ca i cum inima

    ei s-ar fi rupt.5. Catalina running as fast as her

    legs would carry her slipped and fell

    just as the beast was reaching her.

    [47, 2]

    Catalina, care fugea ct de tare o

    ineau puterile, a alunecat i

    s-a prbuit taman cnd fiara se

    apropia de ea. [48, 6]

    6. When she came to they told her

    that the bull in his mad.

    charge had trampled over her, but

    had run wildly on. [47, 2]

    Cnd i - a venit n fire, i-a spus

    lumea c n furia sa bezmetic,

    taurul trecuse cu copitele peste

    ea, dar fugise nebunete mai

    departe. [48, 6]

    7. I cry because when I lost

    the use of my leg I lost the love of my

    Plng cci atunci cnd mi - am

    pierdut sntatea piciorului,

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    lover. [47, 2] am pierdut i dragostea iubitului

    meu. [48, 8]

    8. He loved me with all his heart and

    I love him better than my soul. [47,


    M iubea din toat inima, iar eu

    l iubesc ca pe ochii din cap. [48,


    9. And men are but men. [47, 2] Iar brbaii tot brbai rmn.

    [48, 9]

    10. She is as ugly as sin, but Pedro

    Alvarez is rich, so how can he

    refuse? [47, 2]

    E urt ca noaptea, dar Pedro

    Alvarez e bogat, deci cum

    ar putea s refuze ?

    [48, 9]11. Catalina was puzzled and under

    her eyelashes

    looked at her more closely.

    [47, 3]

    Catalina rmase nedumerit

    i o cercet mai cu atenie pe sub


    [48, 9]12. Catalina thought it better to get

    away as quickly

    as possible. [47, 3]

    Catalina socoti c era mai bine

    s - i ia tlpia ct de repede cu

    putin. [48, 10]

    13. Catalina went white.[47, 3]

    Catalina pli. [48, 10]

    14. I would give all I have in the

    world, and that is nothing, to be free

    of my infirmity, but even to regain

    the love of my Diego I would do

    nothing to imperil my

    immortal soul, for that is an offence

    to our Holy Church.[47, 3]

    A da tot ce am pe lume, i asta

    nc nu e nimic, ca s scap de

    infirmitate, dar nici mcar pentru

    a rectiga dragostea lui Diego al

    meu n-a face nimic care s-mi

    primejduiasc sufletul nemuritor,

    cci aceasta ar fi o jignire adusSfintei noastre Biserici. [48, 11]

    15. At once doubtful and hopeful, she

    stared at the mysterious stranger.

    [47, 3]

    Nencreztoare i totodat plin

    de speran, se uit lung la

    misterioasa strin. [48, 11]

    16. She wanted a moment to collect Avea nevoie de o clip de gndire

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    her wits before she asked the

    questions that were already forming

    themselves in her mind. [47, 3]

    pentru a-i aduna minile, nainte

    de a pune ntrebrile ce prindeau

    deja contur n capul ei. [48, 11]

    17. And then Catalina's eyes nearly

    started out of her head and hermouth dropped open, for where the

    lady had been there was nothing.

    [47, 3]

    Dar atunci Catalinei ddur

    s - i ias ochii din orbite, iargura i se csc de uimire, cci

    acolo unde se aflase femeia nu


    era nimic. [48, 11]

    18. and without thinking she

    slithered down the stairs on her

    backside, helping herself with her

    hands, till she got her crutch. [47, 4]

    Fr s mai stea pe gnduri, i-a

    dat drumul pe spate pe scri,

    ajutndu-se de mini, pn cnd

    i-a recuperat crja. [48, 12]

    19. Her eyelids drooped and in a

    little while she was fast asleep. [47,


    Pleoapele i erau grele i peste

    puin vreme adormi. [48, 12]

    20. She was sixteen, tall- for her age,

    with breasts already well developed,very small hands and feet, and

    before she was crippled, walked with

    a sinuous grace that charmed all

    beholders. [47, 4]

    Avea aisprezece ani nltu

    pentru vrsta ei, cu snii aproapeprguii, cu minile i picioarele

    micue; nainte de a fi ologit,

    mergea cu o graie unduitoare

    care-i fermeca pe toi cei care o

    priveau. [48, 13]

    21. Even then he was fond of the

    bottle and when he had had too

    much to drink would sing lewd songs

    that were an offence to his fellow

    seminarists and to the masters whose


    it was to instil into their young minds

    nc de pe atunci avea patima

    sticlei i, cum ntrecea msura,

    ncepea s fredoneze cntece

    deocheate care-i ofensau pe

    colegii lui de la seminar, precum

    i pe dasclii a cror misiune

    era s imprime n minile lor

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    28. From his earliest youth he had

    played at bull-fighting with

    the other lads -of the town and when

    he was old enough never missed a

    chance to jumpinto the ring and play the bull.

    [47, 11]

    nc din fraged tineree

    participase la luptele cu tauri

    mpreun cu ali flci din ora

    i, ajuns la maturitate, nu pierdea

    niciodat prilejul de a sri naren i de a nfrunta taurul. [48,


    29. He reached the great man at a

    favourable moment, for, banished

    from Court, he was then confined

    to his Castle of Uzeda.

    [47, 11]

    A sosit la omul acela de vaz

    ntr-un moment prielnic, cci,

    izgonit de la Curte, Ducele de

    Alba fusese consemnat

    n castelul su de la Uzeda. [48,


    30. He was taken with the gallant

    bearing of the youth who sought his

    favour when he was in disgrace, and

    when shortly afterwards he was

    recalled by Philip H to assume

    command in the war with Portugal

    he took him in his suite. [47, 11]

    L-a impresionat purtarea

    vitejeasc a tnrului care-i

    solicita favorurile tocmai cnd el

    se afla czut n dizgraie

    i, curnd dup aceea, cnd a fost

    rechemat de Regele Filip al II-lea

    pentru a prelua comanda

    rzboiului cu Portugalia, l-a luat

    pe biat n suita lui. [48, 34]

    31. But Alva was old

    and near his death, and since theyoung man was eager to continue his

    military career

    he gave him letters to such of his old

    captains as had served under him in

    the Low

    Countries and who were now under

    Dar Ducele de Alba era btrn, n

    pragul morii i, ntruct tnrulera dornic s-i continue cariera

    militar, ducele

    i-a dat scrisori de recomandare

    ctre fotii si cpitani, care

    slujiser sub comanda lui n

    rile de Jos i care acum se

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    the command of Alexander Farnese.

    [47, 11]

    aflau n subordinea lui

    Alesandro Farnese. [48, 34]

    32. He proved himself not only

    courageous but astute, and he wasadvanced first by Alexander Farnese

    and then by the generals who on his

    death replaced him. [47, 11]

    S-a dovedit nu numai

    curajos, ci i ascuit la minte,fiind promovat mai nti de

    Alesandro Farmese i apoi de

    generalii care au venit dup

    moartea acestuia. [48, 34]

    VACANTA DE CRACIUN33. before him, Charley Mason-s

    mother was anxious that he should

    make a good breakfast, but he was

    too excited to eat. [50, Ch. 1]

    nainte de a pleca de acas,

    mama lui Charley i dduse

    toat silina s prepare fiului ei o

    mncare bun, dar el era prea

    emoionat, ca s mai poat

    mnca. [49, 4]

    34. When they were stopped for

    several minutes by a traffic block in

    Grosvenor Gardens Charley, afraid

    that he would miss the train, wentwhite with anxiety. [50, Ch. 1]

    Cnd trebuir s se opreasc

    pentru cteva minute n

    Grosvenor Gar-dens, din cauza

    circulaiei prea aglomerate,Charley se fcu alb la fa, de

    team s nu scape trenul.

    [49, 4]35. It was a raw day and the wind

    blew bitter. [50, Ch. 1]

    Era o zi posomorit i btea un

    vnt tios. [49, 4]36. sad landscape of ploughed fields

    and sparse bare trees;

    terenuri triste de arturi i ici

    colo cte un copac cu crengile

    pustiite. [49, 4]

    37. But the day seemed in a hurry tobe gone from the cheerless scene and

    in a short while, when he looked out,

    he could see only his own reflection

    and behind it the polished mahogany

    of the Pullman.

    Dar lumina zilei prea c segrbete s prseasc aceste

    peisaje lipsite de farmec i peste

    cteva minute, cnd se uit din

    nou afar, nu mai vzu dect

    propriul su chip, reflectat n

    tblia ferestrei i lemnria de

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    acaju lustruit a

    compartimentului. [49, 5]

    38., but his mother had put her

    foot down;

    La nceput chiar aceasta fusese

    intenia lui, dar maic-sa pusese

    piciorul n prag[49, 5]

    39. She had a broad brow, an open

    countenance and a diffident smile.

    Avea fruntea nalt, privirea

    senin i un zmbet sfios. [49, 20]

    40. Though she got her clothes in

    Paris, not from one of the

    fashionable dressmakers, but from a

    little woman round the corner, she

    never succeeded in looking anything

    but thoroughly English.

    Dei i comanda rochiile la

    Paris, nu la un croitor la mod,

    ci la o croitoreas de ici de

    dup col, nu reuise niciodat

    s par altceva, dect o

    englezoaic, din cretet pin n


    41. It makes one think a bit, said

    Leslie to his wife, a smile of pride

    shining in his kindly eyes, to see two

    young things like that taking to

    Matisse like a duck takes to water.

    Te fac s rmi puin ngndurat,

    spunea Leslie soiei sale i n

    priviri i se aprindea o lucire de

    mndrie, cnd vezi copiii acetia

    doi, c ncep s trag la Matisse,cum trage raa la bltoac. [49,


    42. They were anxious that there

    should be nothing namby pamby

    about them and they saw to it that

    they should acquire proficiency in


    Grija lor era ca aceti copii s nu

    devin nici nite molii, aa c i

    obinuir cu sporturile. [49, 22]

    43. In order to enlarge their

    children-s minds the Lesslie Masons

    spent the holidays abroad,

    Pentru a lrgi vederile copiilor

    lor, soii Mason i petreceau

    vacanele n strintate;

    [49, 24]

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    44. I can-t think what put the idea

    into his head, said Leslie, talking it

    over with his wife.

    Nu neleg cum de i-a intrat n

    cap o astfel de idee, zise Leslie,

    n timp ce discuta cu soia sa

    planurile de viitor ale fiului lor.[49, 25]

    45. He was a great gentilman and a

    wonderful raconteur, but no one in

    his senses could call him an artist.

    Era un mare gentilom i un

    admirabil povestitor, dar ar fi

    fost peste putin ca un om cu

    mintea ntreag, s-l numeasc

    artist. [49, 25]

    46. The young are intolerant and

    when you talk common sense to them

    are only too apt to think you an old


    Tinerii snt nengduitori i cnd

    ncerci s-i convingi s-i bage

    minile n cap, is-ar putea foarte

    uor s-i nchipuie despre tine,

    c nu eti altceva dect un btrn

    farsor. [49, 18]

    47. It was exclusively patronized by

    English and Americans, but after

    twenty years they still cherished the

    delusion that it was a discovery of

    their own, essentially French....

    Era un hotel frecventat exclusiv

    de englezi i de americani, totui

    de douzeci de ani se mngiau cu

    iluzia, c acesta este o

    descoperire a kw, specific

    francez ....[49, 19]

    48. I wonder how on earth theyhappen to be here, they said.

    M mir prin ce minune auajuns i acetia aici, spuneaLeslie Mason. [49, 20]

    49.Charley quickly got over hisdisappointment tha Simon had notcome to meet him

    Charley reui repede s-istpneasc dezamgireapricinuit de faptul c Simonnu venise n calea lui

    50. A drizziling rain was falling andit gave the streets an exciting

    Ploaia mrunt care ncepuses rie, mprumuta strzilor o

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    mystery. nfiare de mister.[49, 20]

    51.His taxi drove furiously to hisprudent English idea he gaspedwhenever with a screeching ofbrakes it pulled up suddenly to avoida collision.

    Obinuit cu prudenaenglezeasc a oferilor, i seprea c maina lui aleargfurioas n lungul strzilor

    nesate de lume i tresrea defiecare dat, cnd auzeafrnele scrind pe

    neateptate, pentru a evita ocitocnire.[49, 20]

    52.By God, what a time I-m going tohave![50, 23]

    Sfinte Atotputernice, ce-o s-mi mai fac de cap! [49, 20]

    53. Heas heart sank.[50, 25] Simi c inima i se oprete nloc din cauza spaimei. [49, 21]



    54.Charley, restraining his naturalimpulse to run to the door and wringhis hand with the eager friendless ofhis happy nature, received himcooly.[50, 31]

    Charley i stpni pornirea dea se repezi n calea lui i a-istrnge mna cu toat prieteniaizvort din adncul firii luibune, aa c-i primi foarterece.[49, 26]

    55 .I-m starving.[50, 31] Snt mort de foame. [49, 26]

    56.Simon was often bitter andsarcastic, but with him he could alsobe strangely gentle. [50, 32]]

    Simon era de multe ori acru isarcastic, dar fa de el era nstare s se poarte neobinuitde amabil. [49, 27]

    57.But now Charley felt with malaisethat there was a barrier betweenthem. [50, 32]

    Dar de ast dat Charley sesimi nfiorat de o uoarneliniste, din cauza barierei cese aezase ntre ei.[49, 27]

    58. It made Charley uncomfortableand he was sore at heart.[50, 33]

    Charley se simi nfiorat de ouoar nelinite i rmasemhnit.[49,27]

    59.Charley faintly coloured. [50, 33] Charley se aprinse uor la fa.[49, 27]

    60.Simon flashed darkly. [50, 34] Simon se fcu negru rou. [49,28]

    61. Words Narcoticul vorbei. [49, 28]

    62. I canalways teach English andearn enough to keep body and soultogether. [50, 35]

    pot da oricnd lecii deenglez i s ctig destul, cas nu mor de foame. [49, 29]

    63.Who can achieve maestry overothers unless he first achievesmaestry over himself? [50, 35]

    Care ar putea fi omul capabils stpneasc pe alii, fr sse poat stpni mai nti pesine nsui ? [49, 29]

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    64.There-s no one in the world whocan see to the end of his nose withsuch perspicativ as I canand believeme, in the world we live in that-s agreat force. [50, 36]

    Nu, exist om n lume care s-i poat vedea lungul nasuluicu atta limpezime ca mine icrede-m, n lumea n caretrim, aceasta este o marefor. [49, 31]

    65.The general idiocy of manking issuch that they can be swayed bywords [50, 37]

    Idioia general a oamenilor

    este de aa natur, nct pois-i mbei cu vorbe goale ...[49, 31]

    66.My chief-s the right man in theright place. [50, 37]

    eful meu este exact omulindicat penitru locul pe care-1ocup. [49, 31]

    67. I beat the big drum of patriotismlike a Salvation Lass sublimating herrepressed sex.[50, 38]

    Bteam toba cea mare apatriotismului, ntocmai ca ofat btrn din Serviciul deOcrotire. [49. 32]

    68. They roared with laughter. [50,37]

    Se tvleau de rs. [49, 32]

    69. After all, I daresay they were justa lot of ordinary, decent fellows whowere only wanting to do that theythought was the right thing[50,38]

    1 La urma urmelorcred c era o adunarede oameni cumsecadecare aveau de gnd sfac i ei ceva cecredeau c va fi bine ...[49, 33]

    70. I-m sure one can do anythingwith oneself if on tries.[50, 39]

    Snt convins c dac n- oerci,vei fi n stare s faci din tine

    nsui tot ce pofteti.

    71.Charley had flusheduncomfortably at some of the thingsthat Siman had said to him, but nowhe chuckled good-humouredly. [50,32]

    Charley se aprinse la fa, subbiciuiala continu a vorbelorpe care Simon i le arunca nobraz, dar de ast dat ncepus rd nveselit. [49, 35]

    72. Simon paid no attention. He fixedCharley with his glittering,passionate yes as though he soughtto bore into the depths of his being.[50, 42]

    Simon nu-i dete atenie ci seuit la el cu ochii scnteietorii plini de vlvtaia patimii, cai cnd ar fi ncercat s-i dea olovitur care s-l cutremurepn n adncul fiinei. [49, 35]

    73. Now he eats out of my hand. [50,43]

    Astzi l joc aa cum vreau eu.


  • 7/28/2019 On the Balconies of the Grim Old Palaces of The
