On Separation and Divorce


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the strong 3rd drishti from Shani upon yuvati bhava = idleness and stagnation in marriage.

Boredom, unresolved frustration with negative habits of the spouse, and Stubborn resistance to change while burdened with responsibilities for children.

Stays in the marriage "for the children".

Lord Shani is a force of orderliness therefore Shani alone will not enforce a divorce. But if other factors pressure a split, one of the long-term grievances of the abandoning partner may well be endurance of decades of "motion without progress" due to the stubborn resistance (Shani) of the spouse preventing any creative forward movement on matters of lingering disagreement.

Conflict resolution is stalled and a pattern of work exhaustion combined with a focus on the routines of child-raising and structured entertainments (such as family vacations, school performances, sports competitions etc) tend to replace intimate marital communication. This is a rather long-term problem and it may indeed persist until death do them part.

Simha in lagna or Chandra lagna faces a special set of marriage challenges. kalatrakaraka Shukra+ L-7 Shani = both enemies of lagnesha Surya.

The Simha native requires an inordinate amount of attention, however the spouse tends to be focused on the external network of social relationships to the exclusion (or so it feels) of the intimate needs of the native .

One may feel sidelined, or simply deprived of that focused, exclusive praising attention which Simha demands. Slightly more acute for the Simha-Chandra than for the Simha-lagna.

(First and subsequent divorces follow these same timing rules) Bhukti periods of:

Ketu = karaka for severance -- not death! Rahu-Ketu are perpetually looking at each other across the sky). When Ketu occupies

bhava-8, great emotional detachment from the divorce process - it occurs, but neither native nor spouse are much impacted. If L-9 (communications in marriage) = beneficial, the partners remain in sibling-style "team" communication even after divorce.

Rahu = karaka for urgent ambition especially if Rahu's lord = L-2 or L-8.

When Rahu occupies bhava-8, great drama of passion and betrayal in the divorce process. Native may receive a surprisingly large divorce payment if Rahu's lord is favorable.

8th-from-1st = sudden, forced changes in one's own life- such as surprise inheritance, death of spouse, emergency surgery, or natural catastrophe

2nd-from-7th = under severe astrological conditions, this bhukti can indicate the death of the spouse. More often in younger years, during the long-lived modern age+ L-8 can indicate a spouse-initiated divorce.

o If L-8 is strong, spouse's family (one's in-laws) and spouse's assets become powerful actors on life's stage

o if L-8 is harsh, the spouse may feel that no further marital interaction is possible because the relationship is "dead"

When L-8 is the divorce bhukti, the spouse has in some powerful psychic or physical sense become "dead". The marriage work is done, and something in the spouse's behavior (including a decision to leave their body, but usually a living behavior pattern of some sort) makes the spouse intolerable. Divorce ensues as a way of confirming that this person is "dead to me".

Unlike divorce under timing of L-2, there is "no one else" - that is, the divorce is not motivated by the native having undertaken a marriage-breaking outside relationship.

8th-from-7th = sudden, forced changes in the spouse's life. Divorce during a period of the native 's L-2 is frequently initiated by the native . The spouse feels the L-8 effect.

2nd-from-1st = bhukti of L-2 indicates a return to the native 's own family (having removed obligations to the spouse's family), a return to one's own wealth and values, family customs, language/speech habits etc. One determines to seek a new spouse "more aligned with one's own values".

o if L-2 is strong and beneficial, the second spouse appears quickly, through the auspices of one's own family. The 2nd spouse typically appears in the period of 2nd-from-Shukra, or of 2nd navamsha, but there are other conditions also.

o If L-2 is troubled by malefics, the family or its values do not assist the native 's transformation from first marriage to second marriage. Native-initiated divorce is not accepted by the family. Finding a second spouse may be difficult or delayed. However, when and if the second marriage is accomplished, difficult graha affecting bhava-2 indicate karmic effort regarding the 2nd spouse.

When L-2 is the divorce-lord, there is "someone else". traditional ly L-2 rules the second marriage after widowhood. However in the modern age, a L-2 also signifies divorce caused by the native falling in love with someone outside the marriage. The new connection is so powerful that the first marriage must be dissolved.

Ketu= alienation and detachment:

If L-12 is also lord of Ketu, the native is personally alienated or disconnected from the matters of the Bhava in which Ketu resides.

If L-6 is also the lord of Ketu, disagreements with others are not acknowledged, the native acts hostile toward others but does not see his own role in creating conflict

If Shani is Ketu's lord, somber neutrality and detachment applies to the matters of the Bhava in which Ketu resides.

If Ketu is yuti Soma,in any domain, the native is emotional detached from life. ( the native may be a successful person with a good home and family; but their underlying emotional connection is weak.)

If Ketu occupies bhava-7 in either radix or navamsha, the native is disconnected and alienated in marriage. (There may be plenty of external indications of success, but the interior of the marriage relationship is disconnected.) Sometimes the spouse is a spiritual figure, but normally the partner is inaccessible emotionally, and marriage is alienated.

If Ketu occupies bhava-2,the same alienation (cultural, religious, emotional, physical) with the second spouse. And the same repeating attempts to keep connecting.


If L-12 is also a benefic,(natural or temporal) the alienation experience may have some highly positive aspects, such as the intrigue of foreign travel or long periods of fruitful seclusion in a research or meditation sanctuary space. Alienation can be a good and necessary thing for the accomplishment of certain goals. Typically the period of L-12 causes the native to leave their own country or habitual social culture during the bhukti.

If L-12 is also a malefic, there is physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual imprisonment. (For Vrishabha lagna and Dhanusha lagna, the alienating behavior of the spouse may be aggressive.)

For marriage, The period of L-12as 6th-from-7th does give alienation from the spouse.

o If L-12 is a benefic, the reasons for alienation may be good and ultimately beneficial, such as the spouse is working on profitable foreign business; or the spouse is in seclusion for professional reasons, for research or mediation; or the spouse is taking valuable medical treatment.

o If L-12 is malefic, the alienation is bitter and feels effortful (karmic).

In consultation, clients who are experiencing a difficult bhukti of L-12 or Ketu may ask if their marriage is heading toward divorce. The answer will depend on several other conditions:

Overall condition of bhava-7 and 7th navamsha. A strong bhava-7 will withstand the siege of all divorce factors, including periods of L-12,

if the spouse in question is 2nd or subsequent marriage, check the lagnas for those marriages

If L-12 is benefic, there may be genuine benefits coming from the alienation. Benefic L-12 may not be a harbinger of later divorce unless there is a connection between Ketu and L-12.

If L-12 is malefic and the client is reporting a rough time, check the overall strength of L-12 in D-1 and D-9. Check also the next occurrence of Vimshottari bhukti of L-2 or L-8, which are the karakas for divorce.

Vimshottari divorce lords for the lagnas

Lagna L-6 / L-12 = Rashi-pati for "loss of agreement" = conflict, animosity and ill-will

L-2 / L-8 =Rashi-pati for death of partner, or divorce

" >Mesha Budha, Guru Shukra, Kuja

Vrishabha Shukra, Kuja Budha, Guru

Mithuna Shukra, Kuja Chandra, Shani

Karka Budha, Guru Surya, Shani

Simha Chandra, Shani Budha, Guru

Kanya Surya, Shani Shukra, Kuja

Thula Budha, Guru Shukra, Kuja

Vrischika Shukra, Kuja Budha, Guru

Dhanusha Shukra, Kuja Chandra,Shani

Makara Budha, Guru Surya, Shani

Kumbha Surya, Shani Budha, Guru

Meena Surya, Shani Shukra, Kuja

When marital conflict energy gets high and stays high: Vimshottari dasha timing sequences for the 12 lagna

for Mesha lagna, Vimshottari period of the conflict-trigger L-6 Budha, is followed immediately the "I give up" Ketu period, then by the divorce-trigger L-2 Shukra period. Ketu does gives time for stabilization or cool-down between the L-6 irritationand the L-8 "dead to me" experience, but Ketu can also exacerbate separative tendencies. If L-6, Ketu, and L-2 are strong, Mesha can experience a divorce during this bhukti sequence. Also applies to Mesha Chandra. (This sequence cannot occur in Ketu Mahadashaor Shukra Mahadasha.)

For Vrishabha lagna, the period of L-12 Kuja signals imbalance and aggressive disagreeableness for the spouse also gives withdrawal for the native . Kuja bhukti is followed by Rahu bhukti, which can enflame the passions and generate some acting-out. After Rahu's wild time comes the period of L-8 Guru. Check the strength of the graha involved. (This sequence cannot occur in Rahu Mahadashaor Guru Mahadasha.)

For Simha lagna, periods of L-6 Shani can be especially taxing, and they are followed inexorably by periods of L-2 Budha. Unless supported by benefics, Simha has a notoriously difficult time in marriage for this and other reasons.

Thula has the reverse sequence to Mesha: Vimshottari period of the detachment-trigger L-12 Budha, is followed immediately by the divorce-trigger L-8 Shukra. Little time for recovery of engagement between the withdrawing of L-12 and the L-8 "dead to me" experience which dissolves the union. If L-12 and L-8 are both strong, Thula can experience a divorce during this bhukti sequence. Also applies to Thula Chandra.

Vrischika has the reverse sequence to Vrishabha, with identical results: L-6 spousal animosity from Kuja bhukti is followed by Rahu bhukti, which can enflame the passions and generate some acting-out. After Rahu's wild time comes period of L-2 Guru. Check the strength of the graha involved.

Maraka lagna, period of L-12 Guru for spouse's illness or animosity, is followed by period of L-2 Shani for divorce. Shani is a natural malefic so this setup is worth watching during the relevant Vimshottari periods.

Similarly for Kumbha lagna, period of L-12 Shani period for spouse's illness or animosity, is followed by period of L-8 Budha for divorce. Budha is not a natural malefic like Shani but Budha can still cause trouble!

Mithuna, Karka, Kanya, Dhanau, and Meena lagna have no back-to back conflict-divorce periods.

The total experience of divorce(social, emotional, physical, psychological, financial, familial, etc.) is defined primarily by the conditions of bhava-8and its lord.

If L-8 is an auspicious graha,divorce may be amicable or gainful. If L-8 is a troubled graha, expect difficulties. If L-8 is a neutral graha(Budha in favorable rashis for Vrishabha, Kumbha lagnas)

divorce may give a sense of neither loss nor gain, but simply moving on through the cycle of life

Grahain occupation of bhava-8 suggest involvement with secret matters. The scope of bhava-8 includes, but is not limited to, secret extramarital sexual relationships.

When L-8 occupies this domain

Some Divorce Effects

(must be combined with the natal conditions of bhava-8, 8th-from-Chandra, drishti etc.)

Bhava 1 The divorce experience ( if indicated) shapes the native 's personality. This native is prone toward sudden, forced changes in life - divorce or death of spouse being only one example. If L-8 = benefic, native is associated with privileged, secret, transformative processes. If L-8 = malefic, frequent accidents and shocks. Financial proceeds from settlement of joint accounts, if any, will fund development of the physical vehicle including intentional changes made to the body and brain. This native likes to change their appearance and social identity frequently. Karaka formultiple cycles.

Bhava 2 proceeds of divorce or death of the first spouse are re-invested in the second marriage, or used to develop the traditions of the native 's birth family. This is more typically a setup for widowhood from the 1st marriage and less frequently divorce.

Bhava 3 Divorce lord has entered the mentality Bhava. Monies from the joint assets of marriage or divorce settlements may be invested in business communications, into the siblings, or into mental pursuits. Frequently the native fears more sudden changes, and purchases insurance policies as protection.

Bhava 4 Divorce lord has entered the sheltering Bhava. Divorce if indicated advances the native 's philosophical awareness and emotional stability in life, causing maturity and redoubled commitment to a good home life. The

mother was likely also divorced, and she may provide valuable guidance to negotiating the changes..

Bhava 5 Divorce lord has entered the creative intelligence Bhava. Divorce (if indicated) benefits the native 's career. Settlement funds may promote speculative investment such as stock market or financial backing of creative ventures. The divorce process stimulates the native 's awareness of the cycle of life and death which promotes creative harmonization with that cycle. Exaggerated cycle of gains and losses, but if the graha = benefic, native will see that nothing at all is lost.Trouble for the oldest child who may have mysterious or difficult to diagnose conditions. Surgical procedures toward fertility, or upon the eldest child.

Bhava 6 Divorce lord has entered the conflict Bhava. Assets acquired through joint efforts of the spouses gets redirected to managing perpetual post-divorce conflict. the native is gainful financially after divorce but he must spend heavily for policing of the terms of the settlement; agreements are often broken. Distributing the marital estate is a contentious, conflicted process that may continue indefinitely. Lots of trouble getting a lasting agreement on rules for distributing joint assets. However the total effect of separating his assets from his spouse's control, despite the method of distribution being constantly in contention, is profitable financially. Continuous disagreements with and interference from the ex-spouse. Along with financial gainfulness , this conflict destroys creates ill-will toward and sometimes hidden illness. Ironically the native 's post-divorce gainfulness is proportional to the level of conflict.

Bhava 7 upon divorce (which is likely with this yoga) joint assets of marriage will tend to remain with the spouse. the native may give up all claims to the joint assets, and go wandering.

Bhava 8 Assets of marriage tend to remain with the native after divorce. If strong and auspicious+ L-8 in swakshetra suggests that sudden turns of the cycle of birth and death such as widowhood or divorce may be both frequent and beneficial. Benefits from tax schemes.

Bhava 9 Divorce settlements are financially and religiously beneficial. the native 's father may have been divorced, and he can offer valuable guidance to move through the process of re-negotiation of identity. Native is favored in child-custody discussions, and often receives any children produced by the marriage without a struggle. Good fortune through sudden, mysterious changes in general.

Bhava 10 Divorce affects public standing in a mixed way, usually tends toward a negative effect. Native may suffer some mental illness or pressure to rationalize his divorce. Financially neutral, tends toward slowly regaining lost investments over time.

Bhava 11 Divorce and life's difficult transformations in general will prove to be gainful. Proceeds from divorce may permit the native to purchase properties or vehicles, or fund formal education. Divorce also increases access to friends and to more diverse areas of the marketplace. (Spouse may have been a socially restrictive force.)

Bhava 12 No material profit from divorce settlement, but potentially good spiritual results. The process of identity loss can yield wisdom and calm, develop the imagination and stimulate creative coaching. After marriage identity loss, the native transfer identity to universal forces, which looking back will be realized as a great benefit although it was painful at the time of forced separation from the beloved. Makes a compassionate therapist.

Karaka for Divorce/Multiple Marriages:

The stronger the karaka by rashi, drishti etc. the stronger its divorce-remarriage effects:

Surya in Bhava-7 (self-righteousness in marriage) Surya in Bhava-5 (native craves romantic attention)

Rahu or Ketu in Bhava-7

Rahu/Ketu yuti radix L-7, or (to a lesser power)

Rahu-Ketu yuti navamsha L-1 or L-7 indicates craving for new partners, frequent remarriages

L-7 in dushthamsha

mutual drishti of enemy Grahain navamsha 1/7 axis

Guru and Rahu drishti upon L-7 or Shukra

What happened to our love?

If yuvati bhava is afflicted by separative planets like Saturn and Mars , the person may experience multiple marriages within a single lifetime. The "yoke " binding two separate persons in marriage is weakened by past-life karma, and may be broken repeatedly. The yoga of Mars afflicting the rashi seventh Bhava OR seventh-from-Moon is called kuja-dosha.

Kuja dosha tells us that there will be an adversarial situation in the first marriage along with a strong sexual instinct. Kuja dosha suggests a pattern of impatience with the intimate partner, leading to many, relatively short, relationships. There are weaker and stronger versions of kuja dosha, so if you have this condition don't panic - it can be corrected through awareness!

Saturn affecting yuvati may show loneliness, with few relationships or none. Rahu/Ketu on the 1-7 axis, or afflicting the 7th Lord, may give long absences, multiple partners, obsessions, and cultural conflicts.

Material separation through divorce alienates the partners only on the temporary material plane of the current incarnation. It does not alienate the two souls eternally. Actually, the separation will be caused by past-life karma and will be precisely what each soul needs in order to advance its wisdom in the current lifetime. Yes, we live in Kali Yuga - but evolution proceeds. Two people who are divorcing each other are providing each other an important spiritual service. whether they recognize that or not.

One of the greatest benefits of death and divorce (along with other types of separation-induced suffering) is that the person may, if blessed with sufficient consciousness, use their anger and dissatisfaction as jet-fuel to propel them out of normal reality, into divine reality. The great Saints have all suffered terrible grief. However, they didn't get stuck in it. They weren't attached to their frustration. They used their social "failure" as a reason to quest higher. And shortly thereafter they were glad they did!

Nevertheless, separations of all kinds cause suffering, and divorce like death often produces suffering of the most acute type. Not only is the person suffering emotional loneliness and invalidationwithin the broken partnership, but they are often simultaneously being punished by society at large. Because society values stability more than any other virtue, those who quake the pillars can expect to be reprimanded!

Compassion demands that we take special care to review the esoteric structure of karmic cycles when discussing divorce and death. It is important to observe neutrally, with an objective eye. The spirit will use any means at its disposal to advance its quest for wisdom. If death, miscarriage, divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, or other apparent losses are required to meet the spirit's agenda, so be it.

We know in advance that the fruits of separation-caused sufferings are wisdom, freedom, and bliss. We observe Saturn, Mars, and "evil" Bhava Lords doing their karmic duty. After pruning, the tree bears sweet fruits.

Out the nine planets five of them are either malefic or seprative planets. Sun/Surya, Mars/Mangal, Saturn/Sani and Rahu & Ketu are the seprative planets.

Surya gives divorce when either it is placed in lagna or seventh house. Now here an important point to be noted which many astrologers tend to ignore is that when Surya is in shatru or enemy rashi/sign than only it gives divorce else it only creates a conflict and verbal words may be spoken about divorce. But divorce in such cases is rare.

Mangal & Ketu are seprative planets and in majority cases it gives divorce. Ketu works like Mangal. But it only does not give divorce if it is associated with its own rashi/sign. Consistent controversies always happen after marriages and during its dasha/antar dasha it gives divorce. Fight & quarrels, physical assaults are more prominent & frequent in manglic. Even romantic talks at times results in a quarrel.

Sani & Rahu are the most dangerous planets for divorces. When Sani/Rahu has any association with the 7th house it always gives divorce, except in those cases when it is in association with its own house. Sani maha dasha lasts for 19 years & Rahu maha dasha lasts for 18 years and during its maha dasha/antar dasha, in transit if it gets associated with the 7 th house may also give divorce. During this period frequency of conflicts, quarrels, controversies, misunderstanding, arguments are very high. Even relationship at times gets to physical assault by either of the spouses.

Impotency & unable to bear son are common reasons for separation. This is more prominent in small towns/cities or where the rural population is high.

More wives are more prominent in those cases where the spouse lives in a separate country to earn one’s living.

Premarital relationship and post marital relationships, physical assault are very common and happen anywhere & everywhere.

Daridra yog & consistently falling sick is common in those cases where the horoscopes are not matched properly. Only importance is given on the number of gunas matched whereas there is no consideration for gunas which are not matching.

But despite of the above possibilities, divorces still do not happen because of aspect of or conjunction of any of the benefic planets. Jupiter, Moon, Mercury & Venus are the benefic planets. Divorces happen only when the dasha or antar dasha of those particular planets comes.

Those spouses who are staunch followers of their religion & customs never heed to divorce but continue their life by accepting the marital relationship as God’s gift. These natives are very blissful and are always in the good books of God.

If 2nd house houses malefic planets like, Sun, Mars, Rahu, then problems in married life arise due to 'Vaani Dosha'. (Saying things in rude language or unable to say the right thing at the right time). If this happens in a female horoscope, then it is more harmful.

If 4th house is afflicted(with Rahu or Shani), then a person suffers due to over-suspicious or doubtful nature. The person tends to be possessive and authoratative. You will have to change your nature and behaviour and your lifestyle if you want to get rid of this problem. Thoughts and ideas don't match with the partner. Sometimes, quarrels happen over small matters. 

If Sun, Saturn, Mars or Rahu sit in the 7th or 8th house in the horoscope, then be very cautious as far as married life is concerned. 

In your hand, if Jupiter's finger (index finger) tilts towards Saturn's finger (middle finger) then this is also not a very good sign. 

If in the 12th house of horoscope, Mangal, Budha, or Shukr are there, then dissatisfaction between the couple can arise. 

Remedies for a successful marriage:

Offering Roti to Cow by husband wife increases love between them Bad sun can also create problems in married life, for that you must

grow "Tulsi" plant at home. If sun is very bad, it might dry quickly, but keep trying again and again to plant Tulsi, and this will gradually make your sun strong. 

Do Gayatri Mantra with Tulsi Mala daily. 

To propitiate Rahu and Shani, throw away torn clothes and shoes from home. 

Give some aata to ants.  Husband And Wife must gift silver coin and rice to each other to keep

their married life happy always. You can do this on each other's b'days also. 

The main door of the house should never be on the southern house. Otherwise disharmony will be there. 

The Kitchen gas or choolha should be in the South East corner of the house. 

In the north corner, keep a water pot. 

How and where your money flows into your life is one of the most important questions you can ever ask, and you deserve to have it answered with practical and useful insights. “Time is Money, and Money is Energy.”

These complex questions require careful examination of the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury in your chart as well as analysis of six of the 12 astrological Houses which each have subtle impact on your money and career.

We look at Saturn to give insights about your work ethic and ability to perform quality service as well as insights into karmic blockages that may be holding you back.

We look at Jupiter to see your potential for wealth and ways to activate any past life merit that may be ripe for you to receive at this time as well as considerations about your ability to receive and benefit from constructive advice. In addition, Jupiter may reveal to us troublesome karma from past lives in which you did not respect instructions from more evolved mentors or in which you may have abused wealth.

We look at Mercury to see your natural energies for commercial success, your talents for buying or selling in the marketplace (including offering your services to others), your gifts with communication, numbers, marketing and managing details. Mercury can help us see how quickly you can adapt to new opportunities and how you can best make the most of new prospects.

We examine the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th houses in your chart for their revelations about several money and career topics as they pertain to you:

2nd House: Gives clear indicators about your money stream and income potential as well as suggests a financial management style that is best suited for you

5th House: Reveals your potential for gains through speculation and investments 6th House: Gives a picture about your ability to receive money from others 7th House: Describes your best options for doing business with others, including your

potential to engage others (people, companies, etc.) or to form business alliances and partnerships

8th House: Depicts possible obstacles as well as shows possible karma for help from lottery or inheritance

10th House: Outlines your career potential, helps us see what career fields are easier for you to succeed in and gives deeper truth about your higher purpose and best actions while in this world

11th House: Conveys your openness to making profit as well as your ability or blockages to enjoy and properly use the money you accumulate

For example, examination may determine you may have a career that does not generate money for you, yet you could be gifted at investing. Alternatively an astrologer may see you have planetary support to receive an inheritance or win a lottery.
