On June 6, 2010 eight Sisters of St. Dominic of...


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On June 6, 2010 eight Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York celebrated their 80th, 75th 70th and 60th Jubilees. Liturgy was celebrated at the Motherhouse. Sr. Anne Cecile Merrill celebrated her 80th Jubilee; Sr. Jean Marie Rathgaber celebrated her 75th Jubi-lee; Sr. Jean Beagan celebrated her 70th Jubilee, and Sr. Vincent Cirelli, Sr. Ann Marie Colvin, Sr. Katherine Downing, Sr. Virginia Kissack, and Sr. Madeleine McGill celebrated their 60th Jubilees. Sr. Anne Cecile Merrill entered the Congregation on September 8, 1930 from St. Augustine’s Parish, Bronx, NY. She graduated from Hunter College High School, NYC and received the BA in English from Manhattan College, the MLS from St. John’s Uni-versity and a Professional Diploma in Curriculum and Teach-ing from Teachers College, N.Y. Sister served in the following schools: St. Luke’s, Bronx, NY, 1932-36; Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Goshen, NY, 1936-39, 1954-60; Our Sav-iour’s, Bronx, NY, 1939-43, St. Paul’s, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943-50; St. Dominic’s, Blauvelt, NY, 1950-51, 1965-71; St. Bene-dict’s, Bronx, NY, 1951-54, and St. Anselm’s, Bronx, NY, 1960-65. From 1965-2000 Sister ministered as teacher and periodical librarian at Dominican College, Blauvelt, NY. In 2000 Sister retired to perform volunteer services. Presently Sister resides in the St. Martin de Porres Infirmary. Sr. Jean Marie Rathgaber entered the Congregation on February 2, 1935 from St. Mary Magdalen Parish, Long Island, NY. She graduated from St. Agnes Academy, Rockville Center. Sister holds the BA in Fine Arts from Manhattan Col-lege, the MA in Sacred Science from St. Bonaventure, and the PhD in Education from Fordham University. Sister served in the following schools: St. Dominic’s, Blauvelt, NY, 1936-40; Holy Spirit, Bronx, NY 1940-46; St. Luke’s, Bronx, NY, 1946-48; Lavelle School, Bronx, NY, 1948-1965, and Dominican College as Academic Dean, 1965-72. Sister ministered as Director of House on the Hill, Goshen, NY from 1972-87, after which time, she served as Director of Development for NYS Agricultural Child Care Program, 1987-2004, and as a volunteer in AGRI Business Child Development Program, 2004-2005. Sister retired in 2005 and presently resides in the St. Martin de Porres Infirmary. Sr. Jean Beagan, formerly Sr. Jean Miriam, entered the Congregation on September 8, 1940 from St. Nicholas of Tolen-tine, Bronx, NY. She graduated from St. Nicholas of Tolentine High School, Bronx, NY. Sister holds the BS in Education from Catholic Teachers College, Providence, RI and the MS in Educational Psychology from Fordham University. Sister ministered in the following schools: St. Pius, Providence, RI, 1943-52; St. Mary Star of the Sea, City Island, 1952=-55; St. Mary’s, Bronx, NY, 1955-58, and St. Pius High School, Bronx, 1958-69. From 1976-78 Sister ministered as Personnel Di-rector of St. Dominic’s Home, Blauvelt, NY and from 1978-86 at Dominican Reflection Center, Ossining, NY as Co-Director of Retreat Services. In 1986 Sister began her ministry at Hope House, Port Jefferson, NY and still ministers there. Sr. Vincent Cirelli entered the Congregation on January 4, 1951 from St. Teresa’s Parish, Providence, Rhode Island. She graduated from St. Mary’s High School, Providence Rhode Island. Sister holds the BS in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, NY and the MA in Theology from LaSalle College, Pennsylvania. Sister ministered in the following schools: St. Anselm’s, Bronx, NY, 1953-54; St. Margaret School, Pearl River, 1954-59; Our Lady of Victory, Bronx, NY, 1959-61, St. Joseph’s, Millbrook, NY, 1961-69, Principal, Holy Spirit, Bronx, 1977-81, Paramus Catholic Boys High School, NJ, 1988-91, and as a volunteer at Maria Regina High School, Hartsdale, NY, 2002-07. In addition, Sister ministered as the Dutchess /Putnam Regional DRE, 1969-72, DRE at St. Elizabeth’s Parish, Shrub Oak, 1972-74, Regional Director of the Bergen County CCD Office, 1974-77, and as Pastoral Assistant, St. John’s Parish, Albany, NY 1981-1988. Sister served the Congregation as Director of Development, 1991-1995 and as Manager of the Gift Shop, 1995-2002. Sister Vincent re-tired to Marian Woods in 2002 where she performed volunteer services until 2007. She presently resides in Marian Woods, Hartsdale, NY. Sr. Ann Marie Colvin, formerly Sr. Bernarda, entered the Congregation on September 8, 1950 from St. Raymond’s Parish, Providence Rhode Island. She graduated from West Senior High School, Pawtucket, RI. Sister holds the BA in History from Fordham University. Sister’s ministries included St. Dominic’s Infirmary Diet Kitchen, 1952-1954 and Catholic Center, NYC, 1954-1961. Sister served the Congregation as Food Services Supervisor at St. Dominic’s Convent, Blauvelt, NY, 1961-1965. She ministered at Lavelle School for the Blind, Bronx, NY, 1965 - 1978 as a teacher, food service supervi-sor, and housemother. She also worked as a teacher in St. Raymond’s School, Providence, RI, 1978-79, St. Mary Star of

the Sea, City Island, 1979-1983, as well as Christ the King School, Yonkers, NY, 1985-2002. From 2002 – 2005 Sister served as a Teaching Assistant in Assumption Academy, Emerson, NJ. In 2005 Sister retired from active ministry and presently resides in St. Dominic’s Community, Blauvelt, NY. Sr. Katherine Downing, formerly Sr. Mary La-boure, entered the Congregation on September 8, 1950 from St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish, Bronx, NY. She graduated from St. Nicholas of Tolentine High School, Bronx, NY. Sister holds the BS in Education from Fordham University. Sister ministered in the following schools: St.

Anselm’s, Bronx, NY, 1953-59; St. Peter’s, Liberty, NY, 1959-64; Our Lady of the Assumption, Bronx, NY, 1964-70; Holy Spirit, 1970-73; St. Mary Star of the Sea, City Island, 1973-83 and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Tappan, NY, 1983-90. Sister served the Congregation as Director of Supportive Services, 1990-2000, Assistant Administrator of the Mother-house, 2000-2004, and in volunteer service, 2004-05. In 2005 Sister retired from active ministry and presently resides in St. Dominic’s Community, Blauvelt, NY. Sr. Virginia Kissack, formerly Sr. Walter Marie, entered the Congregation on September 8, 1950, from St. Joan of Arc Par-ish, Jackson Heights, NY. Sister graduated from St. Agnes Academic High School, College Point, NY. Sister holds the BS in Education from Fordham University, the MLS in Library Science from St. John’s University, the MS in Elementary Curriculum from Hunter College, and the MBA in Finance from LIU, NY. Sister ministered in the following schools: St. Philip and James, Bronx, NY, 1953-57, St. Paul’s, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1957-64, Our Savior’s, Bronx, NY, 1964-71 and Director of Dominican College Library, 1971-79. She served the Congregation as Treasurer from 1979-87 and as Mother-house Administrator, 1993-1997. From 1987-1993 Sister ministered as Treasurer for the Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor, Ossining, NY. In 1197 Sister moved to Tampa Florida where she participated in volunteer services. Sister pres-ently resides in Sammon Residence and ministers as Sacristan for the Congregation. Sr. Madeleine McGill entered the Congregation on February 1, 1951 from St. Raymond’s Parish, Providence, Rhode Is-land. Sister graduated from St. Xavier High School, Providence, RI. She holds the BS in Education from Dominican Col-lege, Blauvelt, NY and the MS in Reading from Rhode Island College. At St. Dominic’s Home, Blauvelt N.Y. she assisted in the care of children. For thirty years, she was a teacher in the elementary schools in New York, Florida, and Rhode Island. More recently, she was the assistant to the Registrar at Dominican College and presently works as a clerk in the college library. On October 23, 2010, nine Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York will celebrate their 50th Jubilees at a Eucharistic Liturgy and Reception. The Jubilarians include: Sr. Bernadette Burke, O.P.; Sr. Cecelia Byrnes, O.P.; Sr. Maureen Gibbons, O.P.; Sr. Al-ice Kirk, O.P.; Sr. Jane McDermott, O.P.; Sr. Mary Malone, O.P.; Sr. Marjorie Mullen, O.P.; Sr. Joan Smith, O.P. and Sr. Bridget Mary Troy.

Sr. Bernadette Burke entered the Congregation on September7, 1960. She grew up in St. Pius Parish, Bronx, New York and graduated from St. Nicho-las of Tolentine High School, Bronx, N.Y. Sister received the B.S. in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y. and the M.S. in Education from Xavier University, Ohio. Sister has minis-tered in the following schools: St. Luke’s, Bronx, N.Y., 64-69; St. Benedict’s, Bronx, N.Y. 69 -71 and 73-76; St. Martin de Porres, Poughkeepsie, NY,

72-73; St. Paul’s, Daytona Beach, Florida, 76-79; St. Joseph’s, East Ruther-ford, N.J., 79-87, St. Theresa’s School, Kingston, Jamaica, 87-99, and St. John Chrysostom, Bronx, N.Y. 99 -2000. Since 2000 Sister has assisted in the Academic Dean’s Office at Dominican College, Orangeburg, N.Y.

Sr. Cecelia Byrnes entered the Congregation on September 8, 1960 from St. Benedict’s Parish, Bronx, New York. She graduated from St. Catherine’s Academy, Bronx, N.Y. Sister received the B.S. in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y., the M.A. in Religion from Providence College, and the MSW from Fordham University. Sister has ministered in the following schools: St. An-thony’s, Oceanside, Long Island, 64-67; Holy Cross, NYC, 67-69; St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Bronx, 69-71; Christ the King, Bronx, 71-73; Fr. Lopez High School, Daytona Beach, Florida, 73-78 and St. Nicholas of Tolentine High School, 78 -83. She served the Congregation as Motherhouse Adminis-trator 78-83. Other ministries include: VISTA Commonwealth Literacy Program, Boston Mass., 89-92; Julie’s Family Learning Program, Boston, Mass., 92-94, and St. Dominic’s Home TORCH Program 94-2000. Since 2000 Sister has ministered as Assistance Director at Siena House, Bronx, N.Y.

Sr. Maureen Gibbons entered the Congregation on September 7, 1960 from St. Pius Parish, Bronx, N.Y. She graduated from St. Pius Commercial High School, Bronx, N.Y. Sister received the B.S. in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y. and the M.S. in Elementary Edu-cation from City College of New York. Sister has ministered in the following schools: St. Mary Star of the Sea, City Island, N.Y. 64-65; Transfiguration, West Collingswood, N.J., 65-72; Holy Spirit, Bronx, N.Y. 72-79, and Annunciation, NYC, 79-82. Other ministries include Director of St. Anthony Soup Kitchen, NYC., 82-86 and Administrative Assistant 87-99, Parish Manager 99-02 at St. Malachy’s Parish, NYC. Sister ministered as Secretary/Bookkeeper at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Bronx, N.Y., 2002-2009.

Sr. Alice Kirk entered the Congregation on September 7, 1960 from St. Luke’s Parish, Bronx, N.Y. She graduated from St. Pius Commercial High School, Bronx, N.Y. Sister received the B.S. in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y., the M.S. in Curriculum and Teaching and a certificate in Administration from Fordham University as well as the MS in Computer Education from Iona College. Sister has ministered in the following schools: Holy Cross, NYC, 64-69; St. Anthony’s, Oceanside, Long Island, 69-70; St. Philip and James, Bronx, N.Y., 70-71, Instructor in Education, Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y. 71-81, and Principal St. Catharine School, Blauvelt, N.Y. 81-97. Since 1998 Sister has ministered as Director of Staff Development in Technology for the Archdiocese of New York. Sr. Jane McDermott entered the Congregation on September 8, 1960 from

Holy Rosary Parish, Yonkers, N.Y. She graduated from Sacred Heart High School, Yonkers, N.Y. Sister received the B.S. in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y. and the M.S. in Educa-tion from the State University, New Paltz, N.Y. Sister has ministered in the following schools: St. Catharine’s, Blauvelt, N.Y., 63-69; Our Savior’s, Bronx, N.Y. 69-70; Holy Rosary, Yonkers, N.Y. 70-72; St. Martin de Porres, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 72-81; St. Joseph’s, Demarest, New Jersey, 81-90, and Instructor in Teacher Education, Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y., 1990-2005. Since 2005 Sister has served the Congregation as Secretary General.

Sr. Mary Malone entered the Congregation on September 7, 1960 from St. Luke’s Parish, Bronx, N.Y. She graduated from Cathedral High School, NYC. Sister received the B.S. in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y., the M.S. in Adult Education from City College, N.Y., and the MSW from Fordham University. Sister has ministered in the following schools: St. Anthony’s School, Oceanside, Long Island, 64-67; St. Paul’s School, Daytona Beach, Florida, 67-69 and St. Luke’s, Bronx, N.Y., 69-71, Principal of St. Nicholas of Tolentine 74-77, and Principal of St. Benedict’s, Bronx, N.Y., 81-84. Sister’s other ministries include: Director of Adult Education, Archdiocese of New York, 71-74; Pastoral Asso-ciate, Our Lady of Good Counsel, NYC, 84-88; Social Worker, St. Dominic’s Home, Bronx, N.Y. 88-97 and Supervisor of Residential Services, St. Dominic’s Home, 97-99. Sister Mary has served the Congregation as Formation Director 77-81, Councilor on the Leadership Team, 1999-2005, and since 2005 as President of the Congregation.

Sr. Marjorie Mullen, formerly known as Sister John Terence, entered the Congregation on September 7, 1960 from St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish, Bronx, N.Y. She graduated from St. Nicholas of Tolentine High School, Bronx, N.Y and received the B.S. in Education from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y. Sister’s ministries include: Holy Spirit School, 64-69; St. Benedict School, Bronx, N.Y., 69-70; Director of Personnel, St. Dominic’s Home, 70-74; Assistant Administrator, St. Dominic’s Home, 74-86; Assis-tant Business Manager, Albertus Magnus High School, Bardonia, N.Y. 86-99 and Teaching Assistant, New City Elementary School 1999-2002. Since 2002 Sister has ministered as a Special Education Teaching Assistant at Felix Festa Middle School, West Nyack, New York.

Sr. Joan Smith entered the Congregation on September 7, 1960 from St. Pius Parish, Bronx, N.Y. She graduated from St. Pius Commercial High School, Bronx, N.Y. She received the B.A. in History from Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y. and the M.A. in Fine Arts from Lehman College, Bronx, N.Y. Sister has ministered in the following schools: Transfiguration, Collingswood, N.J., 64-70; St. Dominic’s, Blauvelt, N.Y., 70-73, 77-81, Christ the King, Bronx, N.Y., 73-77, and Sacred Heart Acad-emy, Stamford, Connecticut, 85-89. From 1981-85 Sister ministered as an Art Teacher in the follow-ing schools: Holy Trinity and St. Vito, Mamaroneck, NY, St. Mary’s and St. Ann’s, Bronx, Holy Cross, Manhattan, St. Paul’s and Christ the King, Yonkers Sister served the Congregation as Direc-tor of Communications, 89-97. Since 1997 Sister has ministered as Director of Communications for the Dominican Sisters, Sparkill, N.Y.

Sr. Bridget Mary Troy entered the Congregation on September 8,1960 from St. Thomas Aquinas Par-ish, Bronx, New York. She graduated from High School in Tipperary, Ireland. Sister received the B.A. in Education from the College of New New Rochelle, N.Y. Sister’s ministries include: Group Mother, St. Dominic’s Home, Blauvelt, N.Y.,62-74, Unit Supervisor, St. Dominic’s Home, 74-75; Group Home Supervisor, St. Dominic’s Home, 75-78; St. Pius School, Bronx, N.Y. 78-83, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Mahwah, N.J., 83-87, Director of Personnel, St. Dominic’s Convent, 87-94; St. John Chrysostum School, Bronx, N.Y., 95, and Director Blue Grass Project-The Family Learning Cen-ter, Derry, Ireland. Sister has served the Congregation as Administrator of the St. Martin de Porres Infirmary 2001-04. Sister served the Congregation as Sacristan, 2005-09, and Development Director of Family Center, Derry, Northern Ireland. Sister currently manages the Charisma Gift Shop.

On October 16, 2010, Sister Kathleen McManus, a Sister of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York will celebrate her 25th Jubilee. Sr. Kathleen McManus entered the Congregation on September 14, 1985. She graduated from Mary Louis Academy, Queens, N.Y. Sister received the B.A. in English from Mount St. Vincent, Bronx, N.Y. and the M.A. in Pastoral Studies from Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, MO. Sister received her Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from St. Michael’s in Toronto, Canada. Sister has minis-tered as a teacher at St. Pius H.S., Bronx, N.Y., 85-86 and a Pastoral Associate at St. Nicholas of To-lentine Parish, Bronx, N.Y., 89-93. She served as a Theology Professor at Dominican College, Orangeburg, N.Y. and Mount St. Vincent, Bronx, N.Y., 1999-2000. Since 2000, Sister has served as a theology professor at the University of Portland, Portland, O.R.
