Olympus Phased Array[1]


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  • 8/11/2019 Olympus Phased Array[1]


    NDT Field Guides

    Phased Array TestingBasic Theory for

    Industrial Applications

  • 8/11/2019 Olympus Phased Array[1]


  • 8/11/2019 Olympus Phased Array[1]


  • 8/11/2019 Olympus Phased Array[1]





    Layout,graphics,editing,proofreading,andindexing:Olympus NDTsTechnicalCommunicationsService

    Publishedby:Olympus NDT,48WoerdAvenue,Waltham,MA 02453,USA


    The information contained in this document is subject to change or revisionwithoutnotice.

    OlympusNDTpartnumber:DMTA2000301EN,rev. B

    2010,2012OlympusNDT,Inc.Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmay be reproduced, translated or distributed without the express written





    To thebest of our knowledge, the information in this publication is accurate;however, the Publisher does not assume any responsibility or liability for theaccuracy or completeness of, or consequences arising from, such information.

    Thisdocumentisintendedforinformationalpurposesonly.Finaldeterminationofthesuitabilityofanyinformationorproductforusecontemplatedbyanyuser,and the manner of that use, is the sole responsibility of the user. The Publisherrecommendsthatanyoneintendingtorelyonanyrecommendationofmaterialsorproceduresmentionedinthispublicationshouldsatisfyhimselforherselfastosuch suitability, and that he or she can meet all applicable safety and healthstandards.

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    Olympus TableofContents iii

    Table of Contents

    Preface .......................................................................................... 1AboutThisGuide .................................................................. 1

    AboutOlympus ..................................................................... 2ANoteonTerminology ........................................................ 3

    1. Introduction ....................................................................... 51.1 GeneralIntroductiontoPhasedArrayTesting ................. 51.2 WhatIsaPhasedArraySystem?......................................... 71.3 HowDoesUltrasonicPhasingWork?................................. 81.4 AdvantagesofPhasedArrayasComparedwith

    ConventionalUT .................................................................. 10

    2. PhasedArrayProbes ...................................................... 112.1 UltrasonicBeamCharacteristics ........................................ 112.2 FundamentalPropertiesofSoundWaves ........................ 142.3 PhasedArrayProbeCharacteristics.................................. 212.4 PhasedArrayWedges ......................................................... 242.5 PhasedPulsing ..................................................................... 252.6 BeamShapingandSteering................................................ 272.7 BeamFocusingwithPhasedArrayProbes ...................... 312.8 GratingLobesandSideLobes ........................................... 332.9 PhasedArrayProbeSelectionSummary ......................... 34

    3. BasicsofPhasedArrayImaging................................... 373.1 AScanData .......................................................................... 383.2 SingleValueBScans............................................................ 393.3 CrosssectionalBScans....................................................... 403.4 LinearScans .......................................................................... 423.5 CScans .................................................................................. 433.6 SScans ................................................................................... 463.7 CombinedImageFormats .................................................. 483.8 ScanRateandDataAcquisition ........................................ 48

    4. PhasedArrayInstrumentation ..................................... 514.1 ImportantSpecifications ..................................................... 51

    4.2 CalibrationandNormalizationMethods ......................... 59

    5. PhasedArrayTestSetupandDisplayFormat...........63

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    iv TableofContents Olympus

    5.1 InstrumentSetupConsiderations ..................................... 635.2 NormalBeamLinearScans................................................ 665.3 AngleBeamLinearScans................................................... 695.4 SScanDisplayExamples ................................................... 725.5 InterpretingReflectorPositioning .................................... 76

    Appendix A:ConstantsandUsefulFormulaTables.........81

    Appendix B:UnitConversion ............................................... 87

    Appendix C:SupportandTraining ...................................... 89

    Appendix D:TypesofEquipmentAvailable...................... 91D.1 EPOCH 1000SeriesAdvancedUltrasonicFlaw

    DetectorswithPhasedArrayImaging............................. 92D.2 OmniScanSeriesModularAdvancedFlawDetectors

    withUT,PA,EC,andECATechnologies ........................ 93D.3 TomoScanFOCUSLTPowerful,Flexible,andCompact

    UTDataAcquisitionSystem ............................................. 94D.4 TomoViewUTDataAcquisitionandAnalysis

    Software ................................................................................ 95

    PhasedArrayGlossary............................................................ 97

    SelectedReferences ............................................................... 103

    Index ......................................................................................... 105

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    Olympus Preface 1


    As industrial ultrasonic testing moved into the twentyfirst century,probably the most important development in the field was theincreasing availability and acceptance of portable phased arrayimaging instruments. Phased array testing is grounded in the same

    basicwavephysicsthatsupportstheconventionalflawdetectorsandthicknessgagesthathavebeenincommercialuseformorethanfiftyyears. However, the increased capability offered by phased arraytesting frequently requires a higher level of skill and understandingon the part of inspectors using phased array testing. Thus, theintroduction of new phased array instruments calls for thedevelopmentofnewtrainingresourcesaswell.

    Olympus is proud to introduce this new PhasedArray Testing fieldguide as a convenient resource for customers and anyone elseinterestedinphasedarraytechnology.Itisdesignedtobeaneasytofollow introduction to ultrasonic phased array testing, both fornewcomersandformoreexperienceduserswhowishtoreviewbasicprinciples.Thisguidebeginsbyexplainingwhatphasedarraytestingis and how it works, then outlines some considerations for selectingprobes and instruments, and concludes with further referenceinformationandaPhasedArrayGlossary.

    About This Guide


    Chapter1, Introduction. This chapter provides abrief history ofconventional ultrasonic and phased array testing. It also lists theadvantages of phased array testing as compared with conventionalultrasonics.

    Chapter2, Phased Array Probes. This chapter describes howultrasonictransducersandphasedarrayprobesareconstructed,andexplainstheircharacteristics.Inaddition,thereaderlearnsaboutfocallawsequencing,beamshapingandsteering,andtransducerfocusing.

    Chapter3,BasicsofPhasedArrayImaging.Thischapterexplainsthe various image formats available for presenting inspection datathrougheasytounderstandillustrationsfrombothconventionalandphasedarrayinstruments,including:Ascans,Bscans,Cscans,linear

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    2 Preface Olympus



    Chapter5, Phased Array Test Setup and Display Format. Thischapterprovidesfurtherhelpwithinterpretingdisplaysandmakingmeasurements.

    Appendixes. These sections include a variety of referenceinformation, including useful ultrasonic formulas, material velocityand acoustic impedance information, unit conversion, sources forfurther training and reference, and the types of equipment available


    PhasedArrayGlossary.Thisfinalsectionpresentsaconvenientlistof definitions for terms used in conventional and phased arrayultrasonictesting.


    About Olympus

    Olympus Corporation is an international company operating inindustrial, medical, and consumer markets, specializing in optics,electronics, and precision engineering. Olympus instrumentscontribute to the quality of products and add to the safety ofinfrastructureandfacilities.

    Olympus is a worldleading manufacturer of innovativenondestructivetestingandmeasurementinstrumentsthatareusedinindustrial and research applications ranging from aerospace, powergeneration, petrochemical, civil infrastructure, and automotive toconsumer products. Leadingedge testing technologies includeultrasound, ultrasound phased array, eddy current, eddy currentarray, microscopy, optical metrology, and Xray fluorescence. Its

    products include flaw detectors, thickness gages, industrial NDTsystems and scanners, videoscopes, borescopes, highspeed videocameras,microscopes,probes,andvariousaccessories.

    Olympus NDT isbased in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, and hassales and service centers in all principal industrial locationsworldwide. Visit www.olympusims.com for applications and salesassistance.

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    Olympus Preface 3

    A Note on Terminology

    Because widespread use of phased array testing is relatively new inultrasonicNDT,someterminologyisstillevolving.Therearecasesinwhich specific industries, such as nuclear power, standards

    organizations, such as ASME, and manufacturers of phased arrayequipment use different terms for the same activity. The maindifferencesincludethemanytermsusedforSscan,andtheuseofthetermlinearscan.ThePhasedArrayGlossarypresentedattheendofthisguidecanbereferencedforfurtherexplanation.Theterminologyusedinthisguideisintendedtobeconsistentwiththatincorporatedin Olympus NDT phased array instruments such as the OmniScanandEPOCH 1000.


    activebeamapertureiselectronicallymovedacrossthelengthofalineararrayprobe,eitheratnormalincidenceorafixedangle.Thisformat is alternately known as an Escan in certain ASME andIIWdocuments.

    Aprobethathasbeenprogrammedtogeneratealinearscanintheforward direction may also be mechanically moved along thelength of a weld orsimilartestpiece, generating anencoded linear

    scan.ThisformatisknownasaonelinescanorCscan. The termSscan is used to describe the scan format in which the

    beam angle is electronically swept through a selected range. Thisformat is also known as a sectorial, sector, azimuthal, orswept angle scan. Alternately, in some instruments the termSscan hasbeen applied to any stacked Ascan display, includinglinearscans.

    TimeVaried Gain (TVG) is also known as TimeCorrected Gain


    Inthisguide,wewilluseSscanforsweptanglescan,linearscanforswept aperture scan, andC

    scan orone


    scan for any encoded


    Activity Nuclear ASME


    Onelinescan Linearscan


    Linearscan Escan

    Sscan Sectorscan,sectorialscan,orSscan


    Cscan Onelinescan,ormultiplelinescans


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    Olympus Introduction 5

    1. Introduction

    1.1 General Introduction to Phased Array

    TestingManypeoplearefamiliarwiththemedicalapplicationsofultrasonicimaging, in which highfrequency sound waves are used to createhighly detailed crosssectional pictures of internal organs. Medicalsonograms are commonly made with specialized multielement

    probes1 known as phased arrays and their accompanying hardwareand software. But the applications of ultrasonic phased array

    technology are not limited to medical diagnosis. In recent years,phased array systems have been increasing in use in industrialsettings to provide new levels of information and visualization incommon ultrasonic tests that include weld inspection,bond testing,thicknessprofiling,andinservicecrackdetection.

    During their first couple of decades, commercial ultrasonicinstruments relied entirely on single element transducers that usedone piezoelectric crystal to generate and receive sound waves, dualelement transducers that had separate transmitting and receivingcrystals, and pitchandcatch or throughtransmission systems thatused a pair of single element transducers in tandem. Theseapproaches are still used by the majority of current commercialultrasonic instruments designed for industrial flaw detection andthickness gaging; however, instruments using phased arrays aresteadilybecoming more important in the ultrasonic nondestructivetesting(NDT)field.

    TheprincipleofconstructiveanddestructiveinteractionofwaveswasdemonstratedbyEnglishscientistThomasYoungin1801inanotableexperiment that utilized two point sources of light to createinterference patterns. Waves that combine in phase reinforce eachother, while waves that combine outofphase cancel each other (seeFigure11).

    1. Asaglobalcompany,Olympus NDThaschosentousetheISOtermsforequipment;forexample,anarrayisspecificallycalledaprobeinthisguide,notatransducer.

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    6 Chapter1 Olympus

    Figure 1-1 Two-point source interference pattern

    Phase shifting, or phasing, is in turn a way of controlling theseinteractionsby timeshifting wavefronts that originate from two ormore sources. It canbe used tobend, steer, or focus the energy of awavefront. In the 1960s, researchers began developing ultrasonicphasedarraysystemsthatutilizedmultiplepointsourcetransducersthat were pulsed so as to direct soundbeamsby means of these

    controlled interference patterns. In the early 1970s, commercialphasedarraysystemsformedicaldiagnosticuse,firstappearedusingsteeredbeamstocreatecrosssectionalimagesofthehumanbody(seeFigure12).

    Figure 1-2 Phased arrays used for medical diagnoses

    Initially, the use of ultrasonic phased array systems was largelyconfined to the medical field, aidedby the fact that the predictablecomposition and structure of the human body make instrument

    designandimageinterpretationrelativelystraightforward.Industrialapplications, on the other hand, represent a much greater challengebecause of the widely varying acoustic properties of metals,composites,ceramics,plastics,andfiberglass,aswellastheenormous

    =Maximum pressure

    =Minimum pressure

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    Olympus Introduction 7

    varietyofthicknessesandgeometriesencounteredacrossthescopeofindustrial testing. The first industrial phased array systems,introduced in the 1980s, were extremely large, and required datatransfer to a computer in order to do the processing and imagepresentation. These systems were most typically used for inservicepower generation inspections. In large part, this technology was

    pushed heavily in the nuclear market, where critical assessmentgreatly allows the use of cutting edge technology for improvingprobability of detection. Other early applications involved largeforgedshaftsandlowpressureturbinecomponents.

    Portable,batterypoweredphasedarrayinstrumentsforindustrialuseappearedintheearly2000s.Analogdesignshadrequiredpowerandspace to create the multichannel configurations necessary forbeamsteering.However,thetransitionintothedigitalworldandtherapiddevelopment of inexpensive embedded microprocessors enabledmore rapid development of the next generation phased arrayequipment. In addition, the availability of lowpower electroniccomponents, better powersaving architectures, and industrywideuse of surfacemountboard designs led to miniaturization of thisadvanced technology. This resulted in phased array tools, whichallowed electronic setup, data processing, display, and analysis allwithin a portable device, and so the doors were opened to more

    widespread use across the industrial sector. This in turn gave theability to specify standard phased array probes for commonapplications.

    1.2 What Is a Phased Array System?

    Conventional ultrasonic transducers for NDT commonly consist of

    either a single active element thatboth generates and receives highfrequencysoundwaves,ortwopairedelements,onefortransmittingand one for receiving. Phased array probes, on the other hand,typicallyconsistofatransducerassemblywith16toasmanyas256small individual elements that can eachbe pulsed separately (seeFigure 13 and Figure 14). These canbe arranged in a strip (lineararray), 2D matrix, a ring (annular array), a circular matrix (circulararray), or a more complex shape. As is the case with conventionaltransducers, phased array probes canbe designed for direct contactuse, as part of an angle beam assembly with a wedge, or forimmersionusewithsoundcouplingthroughawaterpath.Transducerfrequencies are most commonly in the 2 MHz to 10 MHz range. Aphased array system also includes a sophisticated computerbasedinstrument that is capable of driving the multielement probe,receiving anddigitizing the returningechoes,andplotting thatechoinformation in various standard formats. Unlike conventional flawdetectors, phased array systems can sweep a soundbeam through a

    rangeofrefractedanglesoralongalinearpath,ordynamicallyfocusat a number of different depths, thus increasingboth flexibility andcapabilityininspectionsetups.

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    8 Chapter1 Olympus

    Figure 1-3 Typical phased array probe assemblies

    Figure 1-4 Typical multielement construction

    1.3 How Does Ultrasonic Phasing Work?

    In the mostbasic sense, a phased array system utilizes the wavephysics principle of phasing. It varies the timebetween a series ofoutgoing ultrasonic pulses in such a way that the individualwavefrontsgeneratedbyeachelementinthearraycombinewitheachother. This action adds or cancels energy in predictable ways thateffectivelysteerandshapethesoundbeam.Thisisaccomplishedbypulsingtheindividualprobeelementsatslightlydifferenttimes.

    Frequently, the elements are pulsed in groups of 4 to 32 in order toimprove effective sensitivity by increasing aperture, which thenreduces unwanted beam spreading and enables sharper focusing.Softwareknownasafocallawcalculatorestablishesspecificdelaytimesfor firing each group of elements in order to generate the desired

    beam shape, taking into account probe and wedge characteristics as

    wellasthegeometryandacousticalpropertiesofthetestmaterial.Theprogrammedpulsingsequenceselectedbytheinstrumentsoperatingsoftwarethenlaunchesanumberofindividualwavefrontsinthetestmaterial. These wavefronts, in turn, combine constructively anddestructivelyintoasingleprimarywavefrontthattravelsthroughthetest material and reflects off cracks, discontinuities,back walls, andother materialboundaries like a conventional ultrasonic wave. The

    beam can be dynamically steered through various angles, focaldistances, and focal spot sizes in such a way that a single probeassembly is capable of examining the test material across a range ofdifferent perspectives. Thisbeam steering happens very quickly sothatascanfrommultipleanglesorwithmultiplefocaldepthscanbe


    Individual elements

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    Olympus Introduction 9


    Thereturningechoesarereceivedbythevariouselementsorgroupsofelementsandtimeshiftedasnecessarytocompensate forvaryingwedge delays, and then summed. Unlike a conventional singleelement transducer, which effectively merges the effects of allbeam

    componentsthatstrikeitsarea,aphasedarrayprobecanspatiallysortthereturningwavefrontaccordingtothearrivaltimeandamplitudeat each element. When processed by instrument software, eachreturnedfocallawrepresentsthereflectionfromaparticularangularcomponentofthebeam,aparticularpointalongalinearpath,and/ora reflection from a particular focal depth (see Figure 15 and Figure16). The echo information can thenbe displayed in any of severalformats.

    Figure 1-5 Example of an angle beam generated by a flat probe by means of thevariable delay

    Figure 1-6 Example of focused angle beam linear scan

    Angle steering

    Incident wavefront

    PA probe

    Delay (ns)

    Scanning direction

    Active group


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    10 Chapter1 Olympus

    1.4 Advantages of Phased Array asCompared with Conventional UT

    Ultrasonic phased array systems can potentially be employed in

    almost any test where conventional ultrasonic flaw detectors havetraditionallybeen used. Weld inspection and crack detection are themost important applications, and these tests are done across a widerange of industries including aerospace, power generation,petrochemical, metal billet and tubular goods suppliers, pipelineconstruction and maintenance, structural metals, and generalmanufacturing. Phased arrays can alsobe effectively used to profileremainingwallthicknessincorrosionsurveyapplications.

    Thebenefitsofphasedarraytechnologyover conventionalUTcomefrom its ability to use multiple elements to steer, focus, and scan

    beams with a single probe assembly. Beam steering, commonlyreferredtoasSscanning(sectorialscanning),canbeusedformappingcomponents at appropriate angles. This can greatly simplify theinspectionofcomponentswithcomplexgeometry.Thesmallfootprintof the probe and the ability to sweep thebeam without moving theprobealsoaidstheinspectionofsuchcomponentsinsituationswhere

    there is limited access for mechanical scanning. Sectorial scanning isalsotypicallyusedforweldinspection.Theabilitytotestweldswithmultiple anglesfrom asingle probe greatlyincreases the probabilityof detection of anomalies. Electronic focusing optimizes thebeamshape and size at the expected defect location, as well as furtheroptimizing probability of detection. The ability to focus at multipledepths also improves the ability for sizing critical defects forvolumetricinspections.Focusingcansignificantlyimprovesignaltonoiseratioinchallengingapplications,andelectronicscanningacross

    manygroupsofelementsallowsrapidproductionofCscanimages.The ability to simultaneously test across multiple angles and/or toscanalargerareaofthetestpiecethroughLinearscanningincreasesinspection speed. Phased array inspection speeds canbe as much as10 times faster as compared to conventional UT thus providing amajoradvantage.

    Thepotentialdisadvantagesofphasedarraysystemsareasomewhathigher cost and a requirement for operator training. However, thesecostsarefrequentlyoffsetbytheirgreaterflexibilityandareductioninthetimeneededtoperformagiveninspection.

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    Olympus PhasedArrayProbes 11

    2. Phased Array Probes

    2.1 Ultrasonic Beam Characteristics

    Conventional longitudinalwave ultrasonic transducers work as apiston source of highfrequency mechanical vibrations, or soundwaves. As voltage is applied, the piezoelectric transducer element(often called a crystal) deforms by compressing in the directionperpendiculartoitsface.Whenthevoltageisremoved,typicallylessthan a microsecond later, the element springsback, generating thepulse of mechanical energy that comprises an ultrasonic wave (seeFigure21).Similarly,iftheelementiscompressedbythepressureofan arriving ultrasonic wave, it generates a voltage across its faces.Thusasinglepiezoelectricelementcanactasbothatransmitterandreceiverofultrasonicpulses.

    Figure 2-1 Principle of the piezoelectric transducer element






    Rest state

    Voltage applied

    Voltage removed

    Return to rest state

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    12 Chapter2 Olympus


    Type. The transducer is identified according to function as a contact,delay line, angle beam, or immersion type. Inspected materialcharacteristics (such as surface roughness, temperature, accessibilityas well as the position of a defect within the material, and the


    Size. The diameter or length and width of the active transducerelement,whichisnormallyhousedinasomewhatlargercase.

    Frequency. The number of wave cycles completed in one second,normally expressed in kilohertz (kHz) or megahertz (MHz). Mostindustrial ultrasonic testing is done in the 500 kHz to 20 MHzfrequencyrange,somosttransducersfallwithinthatrange,although

    commercial transducers are available frombelow 50 kHz to greaterthan 200 MHz. Penetration increases with a lower frequency, whileresolutionandfocalsharpnessincreasewithahigherfrequency.

    Bandwidth. The portion of the frequency response that falls withinspecified amplitude limits. In this context, it shouldbe noted thattypicalNDTtransducersdonotgeneratesoundwavesatasinglepurefrequency, but rather over a range of frequencies centered at thenominal frequency designation. The industry standard is to specifythisbandwidthatthe6 dB(orhalfamplitude)point.

    Waveform duration. The number of wave cycles generated by thetransducereachtimeitispulsed.Anarrowbandwidthtransducerhasmorecyclesthanabroaderbandwidthtransducer.Elementdiameter,


    Sensitivity. The relationshipbetween the amplitude of the excitationpulseandthatoftheechoreceivedfromadesignatedtarget.

    Beamprofile. As a working approximation, thebeam from a typicalunfocuseddisktransducerisoftenthoughtofasacolumnofenergyoriginatingfromtheactiveelementareathatexpandsindiameterandeventuallydissipates(seeFigure22).

    Figure 2-2 Beam profile

    Infact,theactualbeamprofileiscomplex,withpressuregradientsinboth the transverse and axial directions. In the beam profileillustrationbelow(Figure23),redrepresentsareasofhighestenergy,whilegreenandbluerepresentlowerenergy.

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    Olympus PhasedArrayProbes 13

    Figure 2-3 Areas of energy in the beam profile

    The sound field of a transducer is divided into two zones: the nearfieldandthefarfield(seeFigure24).Thenearfieldistheregioncloseto the transducerwhere thesound pressure goes through aseries ofmaximumsandminimums,anditendsatthelastonaxismaximumat distance N from the face. Near field distance N represents thenaturalfocusofthetransducer.

    Figure 2-4 The sound field of a transducer

    The far field is the region beyond N where the sound pressuregraduallydropstozeroasthebeamdiameterexpandsanditsenergydissipates. The near field distance is a function of the transducersfrequency and element size, and the sound velocity in the testmedium, and it can be calculated for the square or rectangularelementscommonlyfoundinphasedarraytestingasfollows:



    N =nearfieldlength

    k =aspectratioconstant(seebelow)

    L =lengthofelementoraperture

    f =frequency

    c =soundvelocityintestmaterial


    N kL2f

    4c-----------= N kL





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    14 Chapter2 Olympus

    The aspect ratio constant is as shown in Table 21. It isbased on theratio between the short and long dimensions of the element oraperture.



    Becauseofthesoundpressurevariationswithinthenearfield,itcanbe difficult to accurately evaluate flaws using amplitude basedtechniques (although thickness gaging within the near field is not aproblem).Additionally,Nrepresentsthegreatestdistanceatwhicha

    transducerbeamcanbefocusedbymeansofeitheranacousticlensorphasing techniques. Focusing is discussed further in section2.7, onpage31.

    2.2 Fundamental Properties of SoundWaves


    of as a piston source, a single disk, or plate pushing forward on thetestmedium,thewaveitgeneratescanbemathematicallymodeledasthesumofthewavesfromaverylargenumberofpointsources.ThisderivesfromHuygensprinciple,firstproposedbyseventeenthcenturyDutchphysicistChristiaanHuygens,whichstatesthateachpointonan advancing wavefront maybe thought of as a point source thatlaunches a new spherical wave, and that the resulting unified


    Beam spreading. In principle, the sound wave generated by atransducer travels in a straight line until it encounters a material

    Table 2-1 Aspect ratio constant

    Ratioshort/long k1.0 1.37(squareelement)

    0.9 1.25

    0.8 1.15

    0.7 1.09

    0.6 1.04

    0.5 1.01

    0.4 1.00

    0.3andbelow 0.99

    N D2f

    4c---------= N



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    Olympus PhasedArrayProbes 15

    boundary. What happens then is discussedbelow. But if the soundpath length is longer than the nearfield distance, the beam alsoincreases in diameter, diverging like thebeam of a spotlight (seeFigure25).

    Figure 2-5 Beam spread

    Thebeam spread angle of an unfocused circular transducerbeyondthenearfieldcanbecalculatedasfollows:

    D =elementdiameteroraperture

    f =frequencyc =soundvelocityintestmedium


    6 dBhalfbeamspreadangle()ofanunfocusedtransducer:

    From this equation it is seen thatbeam spread angle increases withlowerfrequenciesandsmallerdiameters.Alargebeamspreadanglecancausesound energyperunitareatoquickly dropwithdistance.This effectively decreases sensitivity to small reflectors in someapplicationsinvolvinglongsoundpaths.Insuchcases,echoresponsecanbe improvedby using higher frequency and/or larger diametertransducers.

    In the case of rectangular elements, the beam spreading isasymmetrical, with a largerbeam spread angle across the smallerdimension of thebeam. The angle for each axis canbe calculatedusingtheformulagivenbelow,usingtheappropriatelengthorwidthforterm L:


    0 N 2N 3N 4N



    Near field length D2f



    4-------= =



    sin 1 0.514c




    sin 1 0.44c



    = sin 1 0.44




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    16 Chapter2 Olympus

    The following graphics show some generalized changes in beamspreadingwithchangesintransducerdiameterandfrequency.Ifthefrequency is constant, thenbeam spreading decreases as transducerdiameterincreases(seeFigure26andFigure27).

    Figure 2-6 Beam spreading with a 3mm element

    Figure 2-7 Beam spreading with a 13mm element


    Figure 2-8 Beam spreading with a 2.25 MHz element

    Velocity: 5850m/s (0.230 in./s) Diameter: 3mm (0.125 in.)Frequency: 5.0 MHz

    Velocity: 5850m/s (0.230 in./s) Diameter: 13mm (0.5 in.)Frequency: 5.0 MHz

    Velocity: 5850m/s (0.230 in./s) Diameter: 13mm (0.5 in.)Frequency: 2.25MHz

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    Olympus PhasedArrayProbes 17

    Figure 2-9 Beam spreading with a 10MHz element

    Attenuation.Asittravelsthroughamedium,theorganizedwavefrontgeneratedbyanultrasonictransducerbeginstobreakdownduetoanimperfect transmission of energy through the microstructure of anymaterial. Organized mechanical vibrations (sound waves) turn intorandommechanicalvibrations(heat)untilthewavefrontisnolongerdetectable.Thisprocessisknownassound


    The mathematical theory of attenuation and scattering is complex.Thelossofamplitudeduetoattenuationacrossagivensoundpathisthe sum of absorption effects and scattering effects. Absorptionincreases linearly with frequency, while scattering varies throughthree zones depending on the ratio of wavelength to grain size


    withfrequency.Foragivenmaterialatagiventemperature,testedatagivenfrequency,thereisaspecificattenuationcoefficient,commonlyexpressed in Nepers per centimeter (Np/cm). Once this attenuationcoefficient is known, losses across a given sound path can becalculatedaccordingtotheequation:

    where:p =soundpressureatendofpath

    p0 =soundpressureatbeginningofpath

    e =baseofnaturallogarithm

    a =attenuationcoefficient

    d =soundpathlength

    As a practical matter, in ultrasonic NDT applications, attenuationcoefficients are normally measured rather than calculated. Higherfrequenciesareattenuatedmorerapidlythanlowerfrequenciesinanymedium, so low test frequencies are usually employed in materialswith high attenuation coefficients such as lowdensity plastics andrubber.

    Reflection and transmission at aperpendicularplane boundary. When a

    soundwavetravelingthroughamediumencountersaboundarywitha dissimilar medium that lies perpendicular to the direction of thewave, a portion of the wave energy is reflected straightback and a

    Velocity: 5850m/s (0.230 in./s) Diameter: 13mm (0.5 in.)Frequency: 10.0 MHz

    p p0e ad=

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    18 Chapter2 Olympus

    portioncontinuesstraightahead.Thepercentageofreflectionversustransmissionisrelatedtotherelativeacousticimpedancesofthetwomaterials,withacousticimpedanceinturnbeingdefinedasmaterialdensity multipliedby speed of sound. The reflection coefficient at aplanarboundary (the percentage of sound energy that is reflected



    R =reflectioncoefficientinpercent

    Z1 =acousticimpedanceoffirstmedium

    Z2 =acousticimpedanceofsecondmedium

    From thisequation itcanbe seen thatas the acousticimpedances ofthe two materials become more similar, the reflection coefficientdecreases, and as the acoustic impedancesbecome less similar, thereflection coefficient increases. In theory the reflection from the

    boundarybetween two materials of the same acoustic impedance is

    zero, while in the case of materials with very dissimilar acousticimpedances, as in aboundarybetween steel and air, the reflectioncoefficientapproaches100 %.

    Refractionandmodeconversionatnonperpendicularboundaries.When asoundwavetravelingthroughamaterialencountersaboundarywithadifferentmaterialatanangleother thanzerodegrees,aportion ofthewaveenergyisreflectedforwardatanangleequaltotheangleofincidence. At the same time, the portion of the wave energy that istransmitted into the second material is refracted in accordance withSnells Law, which was independently derived by at least twoseventeenthcentury mathematicians. Snells law relates the sines oftheincidentandrefractedangletothewavevelocityineachmaterialasdiagramedbelow.

    RZ2 Z1

    Z2 Z1+-------------------=

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    Olympus PhasedArrayProbes 19

    Figure 2-10 Sound wave refraction and mode conversion


    i =incidentangleofthewedge

    rl =angleoftherefractedlongitudinalwave

    rs =angleoftherefractedshearwave

    ci =velocityoftheincidentmaterial(longitudinal)

    crl =materialsoundvelocity(longitudinal)



    Figure 2-11 Relative amplitude of wave modes








    ---------------= =



    S SL


    1st Criticalangle

    2nd Criticalangle

    Incident angle

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80


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    then above certain angles this bending is accompanied by modeconversion, most commonly from a longitudinal wave mode to ashear wave mode. This is the basis of widely used angle beaminspection techniques. As the incident angle in the first (slower)medium (such as a wedge or water) increases, the angle of therefracted longitudinal wave in the second (faster) material such as

    metalincreases.Astherefractedlongitudinalwaveangleapproaches90 degrees, a progressively greater portion of the wave energy isconvertedtoalowervelocityshearwavethatisrefractedattheanglepredictedby Snells Law. At incident angles higher than that whichwould create a 90 degree refracted longitudinal wave, the refractedwave exists entirely in shear mode. A still higher incident angleresultsinasituationwheretheshearwaveistheoreticallyrefractedat90 degrees,atwhichpointasurfacewaveisgeneratedinthesecond

    material. The diagrams in Figure 212, Figure 213, and Figure 214showthiseffectforatypicalanglebeamassemblycoupledintosteel.

    Figure 2-12 Incident angle: 10. Strong longitudinal wave and weak shear wave.

    Figure 2-13 Incident angle: 30. Beyond the first critical angle, the longitudinal waveno longer exists, and all refracted energy is contained in the shear wave.

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    Figure 2-14 Incident angle: 65. Beyond the second critical angle, the shear wave nolonger exists, and all refracted energy is contained in a surface wave.

    2.3 Phased Array Probe Characteristics

    Figure 2-15 Phased array probes

    Anarrayisanorganizedarrangementoflargequantitiesofanobject.ThesimplestformofanultrasonicarrayforNDTwouldbeaseriesofseveral single element transducers arranged in such a way as toincrease inspection coverage and/or the speed of a particularinspection.Examplesofthisinclude:

    Tube inspection, where multiple probes are often used for crackdetection, finding laminar flaws, and overall thicknessmeasurement.


    Composite and metal inspection, where a linear arrangement ofprobesalongasurfaceisrequiredtoincreasedetectionoflaminarflawsincompositesorcorrosioninmetals.

    These inspections require highspeed, multichannel ultrasonicequipment with proper pulsers, receivers, and gate logic to processeach channel as well as careful fixturing of each transducer toproperlysetuptheinspectionzones.

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    Initssimplestform,onecanthinkofaphasedarrayprobeasaseriesof individual elements in one package (see Figure 216). While theelements in reality are much smaller than conventional transducers,theseelementscanbepulsedasagroupsoastogeneratedirectionallycontrollable wavefronts. This electronic beam forming allowsmultiple inspection zones tobe programmed and analyzed at very

    high speeds without probe movement. This is discussed in greaterdetailinlaterpages.

    Figure 2-16 Phased array probe

    While phased array probes come in a wide range of sizes, shapes,frequencies,andnumberofelements,whattheyallhaveincommonisa piezoelectric element that has been divided into a number ofsegments.

    Contemporary phased array probes for industrial NDT applicationsaretypicallyconstructedaroundpiezocompositematerials,whicharemadeupofmanytiny,thinrodsofpiezoelectricceramicembeddedina polymer matrix. While they can be more challenging tomanufacture, composite probes typically offer a 10 dB to 30 dBsensitivity advantage over piezoceramic probes of otherwise similardesign.Segmentedmetalplatingisusedtodividethecompositestripinto a number of electrically separate elements that canbe pulsedindividually. This segmented element is then incorporated into aprobeassemblythat includesaprotectivematching layer,abacking,cableconnections,andahousing(seeFigure217).

    Figure 2-17 Phased array probe cross-section

    Phased array probes are functionally categorized according to the


    coaxial cable












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    Type.Mostphasedarrayprobesareoftheanglebeamtype,designedfor use with either a plastic wedge or a straight plastic shoe (zerodegreewedge),ordelayline.Directcontactandimmersionprobesarealsoavailable.

    Frequency.Mostultrasonicflawdetectionisdonebetween2 MHzand10 MHz, so most phased array probes fall within that range. Lowerandhigherfrequencyprobesarealsoavailable.Aswithconventionaltransducers, penetration increases with lower frequency, whileresolutionandfocalsharpnessincreasewithhigherfrequency.

    Numberofelements. Phased array probes most commonly have 16 to128elements,withsomehavingasmanyas256.Alargernumberof

    elements increases focusing and steering capability, which alsoincreases area coverage,butboth probe and instrumentation costsincrease as well. Each of these elements is individually pulsed tocreate the wavefront of interest. Hence the dimension across theseelementsisoftenreferredtoastheactiveorsteeringdirection.

    Size of elements. As the element width gets smaller,beam steeringcapabilityincreases,butlargeareacoveragerequiresmoreelementsatahighercost.


    Figure 2-18 Dimensional parameters of a phased array probe

    A = totalapertureinsteeringofactivedirection

    H = elementheightorelevation.Sincethisdimensionisfixed,itisoftenreferredtoasthepassiveplane.

    p = pitch,orcentertocenterdistancebetweentwosuccessiveelements

    e = widthofanindividualelement

    g = spacingbetweenactiveelements

    This information is used by instrument software to generate thedesired beam shape. If it is not entered automatically by proberecognitionsoftware,thenitmustbeenteredbytheuserduringsetup.

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    2.4 Phased Array Wedges

    Phased array probe assemblies usually include a plastic wedge.Wedges are used in both shear wave and longitudinal waveapplications, including straight beam linear scans. These wedges

    performbasically the same function in phased array systems as inconventional single element flaw detection, coupling sound energyfrom the probe to thetest piece in such a waythat it mode convertsand/orrefractsatadesiredangleinaccordancewithSnellslaw.Whilephased array systems do utilizebeam steering to createbeams atmultipleanglesfromasinglewedge,thisrefractioneffectisalsopartofthebeamgenerationprocess.Shearwavewedgeslookverysimilarto those used with conventional transducers, and like conventional

    wedgestheycomeinmanysizesandstyles.Someofthemincorporatecouplant feed holes for scanning applications. Some typical phasedarrayprobewedgesareseeninFigure219.

    Figure 2-19 Phased array probe wedges

    Zerodegreewedgesarebasicallyflatplasticblocksthatareusedforcoupling sound energy and for protecting the probe face fromscratches or abrasion in straight linear scans and lowanglelongitudinalwaveangledscans(seeFigure220).

    Figure 2-20 A zero-degree wedge

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    2.5 Phased Pulsing


    same frequency meet in such a way that their displacements areprecisely synchronized (in phase, or zerodegree phase angle), thewave energies add together to create a larger amplitude wave (seeFigure221a).Iftheymeetinsuchawaythattheirdisplacementsareexactly opposite (180 degrees out of phase), then the wave energiescancel each other (see Figure 221c). At phase angles between0 degrees and 180 degrees, there is a range of intermediate stages

    between full addition and full cancellation (see Figure 221b). By

    varyingthetimingofthewavesfromalargenumberofsources,itispossible touse these effects toboth steerand focus the resultingcombined wavefront. This is an essential principlebehind phasedarraytesting.

    Waves in phase Reinforcement

    Intermediate condition

    Waves out of phase Cancellation

    Figure 2-21 Phasing effects: combination and cancellation




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    Inconventionaltransducers,constructiveanddestructiveinterferenceeffects create the nearfield and farfield zones and the variouspressure gradients therein. Additionally, a conventional anglebeamtransducerusesasingleelementtolaunchawaveinawedge.Pointsonthiswavefrontexperiencedifferentdelayintervalsduetotheshapeof the wedge. These are mechanical delays, as opposed to the

    electronic delays employed in phased array testing. When thewavefront hits the bottom surface it can be visualized throughHuygens principle as a series of point sources. The theoreticallyspherical waves from each of these points interact to form a singlewaveatanangledeterminedbySnellslaw.

    In phased array testing, the predictable reinforcement andcancellationeffectscausedbyphasingareusedtoshapeandsteertheultrasonicbeam. Pulsing individual elements or groups of elementswith different delays creates a series of point source waves thatcombine into a single wavefront that travels at a selected angle (seeFigure 222). This electronic effect is similar to the mechanical delaygeneratedby a conventional wedge,but it canbe further steeredbychangingthepatternofdelays.Throughconstructiveinterference,theamplitudeofthiscombinedwavecanbeconsiderablygreaterthantheamplitude of any one of the individual waves that produce it.Similarly, variable delays are applied to the echoes receivedby each

    element of the array. The echoes are summed to represent a singleangular and/or focal component of the totalbeam. In addition toaltering the direction of the primary wavefront, this combination ofindividualbeamcomponentsallowsbeamfocusingatanypointinthenearfield.

    Figure 2-22 Angled waveform




    Resulting wavefront

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    ofelementsandtimeshiftedasnecessarytocompensate forvaryingwedge delays and then summed. Unlike a conventional singleelement transducer, which effectively merges the effects of allbeamcomponentsthatstrikeitsarea,aphasedarrayprobecanspatiallysortthereturning wavefrontaccordingtothearrivaltimeandamplitudeat each element. When processed by instrument software, each

    returnedfocallawrepresentsthereflectionfromaparticularangularcomponentofthebeam,aparticularpointalongalinearpath,and/ora reflection from a particular focal depth. The echo information canthenbedisplayedinanyofseveralstandardformats.

    Asnotedpreviously,phasedarraybeamsaregeneratedbypulsingtheindividual probe elements or groups of elements in a particularpattern. Phased array instruments generate these patternsbased oninformationthathasbeenenteredbytheuser.

    Softwareknownasafocallawcalculatorestablishesspecificdelaytimesfor firing each group of elements in order to generate the desired

    beamshapethroughwaveinteraction,takingintoaccountprobeandwedge characteristics as well as the geometry and acousticalproperties of the test material. The programmed pulsing sequenceselected by the instruments operating software, then launches anumber of individual wavefronts in the test material. These

    wavefronts in turn combine constructively and destructively into asingle primary wavefront that travels through the test material andreflects off cracks, discontinuities, back walls, and other material

    boundariesas withanyconventionalultrasonicwave.Thebeamcanbe dynamically steered through various angles, focal distances, andfocalspotsizesinsuchawaythatasingleprobeassemblyiscapableofexaminingthetestmaterialacrossarangeofdifferentperspectives.Thisbeamsteeringhappensveryquickly,sothatascanfrommultipleanglesorwithmultiplefocaldepthscanbeperformedinafractionofasecond.

    2.6 Beam Shaping and Steering

    Theresponseofanyultrasonictestsystemdependsonacombinationof factors: the transducer used, the type of instrument used and itssettings,andtheacousticpropertiesofthetestmaterial.Theresponses

    produced by phased array probes, like those from any otherultrasonictransducersforNDT,arerelatedbothtotransducerdesignparameters(suchasfrequency,size,andmechanicaldamping),andtotheparametersoftheexcitationpulsethatisusedtodrivetheprobe.

    Four important probe parameters have a number of interrelatedeffectsonperformance.

    Frequency. As noted in the previous section, the test frequency has a


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    Figure 2-23 Focal law sequences

    As previously explained, ultrasonicbeam characteristics are definedby many factors. In addition to element dimension, frequency, and

    damping that govern conventional single element performance,phased array probebehavior is affectedby how smaller individualelements are positioned, sized, and grouped to create an effectiveapertureequivalenttoitsconventionalcounterpart.

    ForphasedarrayprobesNelementsaregroupedtogethertoformtheeffective aperture for whichbeam spread canbe approximatedbyconventionaltransducermodels(seeFigure224).

    Figure 2-24 Effective aperture


    Single pulse

    16-element arrayAll elements pulsing

    16-element array4 elements pulsing

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    30 Chapter2 Olympus

    Forphasedarrayprobes,themaximumsteeringangle(at6 dB)inagivencaseisderivedfromthebeamspreadequation.Itcanbeeasilyseenthatsmallelementshavemorebeamspreadingandhencehigherangularenergycontent,whichcanbecombinedtomaximizesteering.Aselementsizedecreases,moreelementsmustbepulsedtogethertomaintainsensitivity.


    sinst =sineofthemaximumsteeringangle


    e =elementwidth

    Figure 2-25 Beam steering limits: When the element number is constant, 16 asshown, the maximum beam steering angle increases as the aperture size decreases.

    Recalling that the practical limit for phased array probemanufacturing restricts the smallest individual element width to0.2 mm, the active aperture for a 16element probe with 0.2 mmelements wouldbe 3.2 mm. Creating an aperture of 6.4 mm would

    require 32 elements. While these probes would no doubt maximizesteering, the small apertures would limit static coverage area,sensitivity,penetration,andfocusingability.

    Thesteeringrangecanbefurthermodifiedbyusinganangledwedgeto change the incident angle of the soundbeam independently ofelectronicsteering.


    the probe canbe calculated. In the case of a square or rectangularphasedarrayprobe,beamspreadinginthepassiveplaneissimilartothat of an unfocused transducer. In the steered or active plane, the

    beam canbe electronically focused to converge acoustic energy at a

    stsin 0.514e---=

    64 mm aperture

    32 mm aperture

    16 mm aperture




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    desireddepth.Withafocusedprobe,thebeamprofilecantypicallyberepresentedby a tapering cone (or wedge in the case of singleaxisfocusing)thatconvergestoafocalpointandthendivergesatanequalanglebeyondthefocalpoint,asdescribedasfollows:

    The nearfield length and hence the natural divergence of an

    ultrasonic beam are determined by aperture (equal to elementdiameter in the case of conventional monolithic transducers) andwavelength (wave velocity dividedby frequency). For an unfocusedcircular probe, the nearfield length,beam spread angle, andbeamdiametercanbecalculatedasfollows:


    D =elementdiameteroraperture

    f =frequency

    c =soundvelocityintestmedium



    2.7 Beam Focusing with Phased ArrayProbes

    Soundbeams canbe focused like light rays, creating an hourglass


    Figure 2-26 Focused sound beam

    Near-field length D2f



    4-------= =



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    The depth at which thebeam from a phased array focuses canbevariedbychangingthepulsedelays.Thenearfieldlengthinagivenmaterialdefines the maximum depth atwhichasoundbeamcanbefocused.Abeamcannotbefocusedbeyondtheendofthenearfieldinthetestmaterial.

    A focused probes effective sensitivity is affected by the beamdiameterat thepointofinterest.Thesmallerthebeamdiameter,thegreater is the amount of energy that is reflectedby a small flaw.Additionally,thesmallbeamdiameteratthefocuscanimprovelateralresolution. The 6 dBbeam diameter or width of a focused probe atthefocalpointcanbecalculatedasfollows:


    F =focallengthintestmedium

    c =soundvelocityintestmedium

    D =elementdiameteroraperture

    For rectangular elements, this is calculated separately for the active


    Fromtheseformulasitcanbeseenthatastheelementsizeand/orthefrequencyincrease,thebeamspreadangledecreases.Asmallerbeamspreadangleinturncanresultinhighereffectivesensitivityinthefarfieldzoneduetothebeamenergydissipatingmoreslowly.Withinitsnear field, a probe canbe focused to create abeam that convergesrather than diverges. Narrowing thebeam diameter or width to afocalpointincreasessoundenergyperunitareawithinthefocalzone

    and thus increases sensitivity to small reflectors. Conventionaltransducers usually do this with a refractive acoustic lens, whilephasedarraysdoitelectronicallybymeansofphasedpulsingandtheresultingbeamshapingeffects.

    In the case of the most commonly used linear phased arrays withrectangular elements, thebeam is focused in the steering directionand unfocused in the passive direction. Increasing the aperture sizeincreases the sharpness of the focusedbeam, as canbe seen in these

    beam profiles (see Figure 227). Red areas correspond to the highestsoundpressure,andblueareastolowersoundpressure.

    6 dB beam diameter or width 1.02 Fc


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    Figure 2-27 Beam focusing with different aperture sizes

    2.8 Grating Lobes and Side Lobes

    Another phenomenon associated with phased array probes is thegeneration of unwanted grating lobes and side lobes. These twocloselyrelatedphenomenaare causedbysoundenergy thatspreads

    outfromtheprobeatanglesotherthantheprimarysoundpath.Sidelobesare not limited to phased array systemssidelobes also occurwithconventionaltransducersaselementsizeincreases.Gratinglobesonly occur in phased array probes as a result of ray componentsassociated with the regular, periodic spacing of the small individualelements.Theseunwantedraypathscanreflectoffsurfacesinthetestpieceandcausespuriousindicationson animage. Theamplitude ofgrating lobes is significantly affectedby pitch size, the number of

    elements, frequency, andbandwidth. Thebeam profiles shown inFigure 228 compare two situations where the probe aperture isapproximatelythesame,butthebeamontheleftisgeneratedbysixelementsat0.4 mmpitch,andthebeamontherightbythreeelementsat 1 mm pitch. Thebeam on the left is somewhat shaped as a cone,whilethebeamontherighthastwospuriouslobesatanapproximate30 degreeangletothecenteraxisofthebeam.

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    Figure 2-28 Beam profiles with different number of elements

    Grating lobes occur whenever the size of individual elements in anarrayisequaltoorgreaterthanthewavelength.Therearenogratinglobes when the element size is smaller than half a wavelength. (Forelementsizesbetweenonehalfandonewavelength,thegeneratingofgratinglobesdependsonthesteeringangle.)Thusthesimplestwaytominimizegratinglobesinagivenapplication,istouseaprobewithasmall pitch. A specialized probe design incorporating subdicing


    2.9 Phased Array Probe Selection Summary

    Designing phased array probes is always a compromise betweenselectingtheproperpitch,elementwidth,andaperture.Usingahigh

    numberofsmallelementstoincreasesteering,reducessidelobesandprovides focusing,but canbe limitedby cost of manufacturing andinstrumentcomplexity.Moststandardinstrumentssupportaperturesof up to 16 elements. Separating elements at greater distances canseem tobe the easy way of gaining aperture size,but this createsunwantedgratinglobes.


    mind, resulting in optimized performance for the intended use.Actual probe selection is ultimately drivenby the end applicationneeds.Insomecases,multianglesteeringisrequiredoversmallmetal

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    pathssolargeaperturesizesarenotneededordesired.Inothercases,theapplication,whichmaybetocoverlargeareasforlaminardefects,requireslargeaperturesandlinearscanformatwithmultiplegroupedelementswheresteeringisnotrequiredatall.Ingeneral,theusercanapply thebest practice from their conventional UT knowledge forfrequencyandapertureselection.

    The Olympus phased array probe catalog can be viewed at thefollowingaddress:


    Consult it to view the full selection of probes and wedges that isavailable.

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    Olympus BasicsofPhasedArrayImaging 37

    3. Basics of Phased Array Imaging

    Both conventional and phased array ultrasonic instruments utilizehighfrequency sound waves to check the internal structure of a testpieceormeasureitsthickness.Theybothrelyonthesamebasiclawsofphysicsthatgovernsoundwavepropagation.Similarconceptsareemployedinbothultrasonictechnologiestopresentultrasonicdata.

    Conventional ultrasonic instruments for NDT commonly consist ofeither a single active element thatboth generates and receives highfrequencysoundwaves,ortwopairedelements,onefortransmittingand one for receiving. A typical instrument consists of a singlechannelpulserandreceiverthatgeneratesandreceivesanultrasonicsignal with an integrated digital acquisition system, which iscoordinated with an onboard display and measurement module. Inmore advanced units, multiple pulser receiver channels canbe usedwith a group of transducers to increase zone of coverage forevaluating different depths or flaw orientations, and can furtherprovide alarm outputs. In more advanced systems, conventionalultrasonics canbe integrated with positional encoders, controllers,andsoftwareaspartofanimagingsystem.

    Phased array instruments, on the other hand, are naturallymultichanneled as they need to provide excitation patterns (focal

    laws) to probes with 16 to as many as 256 elements. Unlikeconventionalflawdetectors,phasedarraysystemscansweepasoundbeam from one probe through a range of refracted angles, along alinearpath,ordynamicallyfocusatanumberofdifferentdepths,thus

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    increasingboth flexibility and capability in inspection setups. Thisadded ability to generate multiple sound paths within one probe,addsapowerfuladvantageindetectionandnaturallyaddstheabilityto visualize an inspectionby creating an image of the inspectionzone.Phasedarray imaging providestheuserwiththeability toseerelative pointtopoint changes and multiangular defect responses,

    which can assist in flaw discrimination and sizing. While this canseem inherently complex, it can actually simplify expandinginspection coverage with increased detection by eliminating thecomplex fixtures and multiple transducers that are often requiredwithconventionalUTinspectionmethods.

    The following sections further explain the basic formats forconventionalandphasedarraydatapresentation.

    3.1 A-Scan Data

    All ultrasonic instruments typically record two fundamentalparametersofanecho:howlargeitis(amplitude)andwhereitoccursintimewithrespecttoazeropoint(pulsetransittime).Transittime,inturn,isusuallycorrelatedtoreflectordepthordistance,basedonthesound velocity of the test material and the following simple



    The mostbasic presentation of ultrasonic waveform data is in theformofanAscan,orwaveformdisplay,inwhichechoamplitudeandtransit time are plotted on a simple grid with the vertical axisrepresentingamplitudeandthehorizontalaxisrepresentingtime.Theexample in Figure 31 shows a version with a rectified waveform;

    unrectified RF displays are also used. The redbar on the screen is agatethatselectsaportionofthewavetrainforanalysis,typicallythemeasurementofechoamplitudeand/ordepth.

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    Figure 3-1 A-scan data

    3.2 Single Value B-Scans




    Thisformatiscommonlyusedwithconventionalflawdetectorsandcorrosionthicknessgagestoplotthedepthofreflectorswithrespecttotheirlinearposition.Thethicknessisplottedasafunctionoftimeorposition,whilethetransducerisscannedalongtheparttoprovideitsdepth profile. Correlating ultrasonic data with the actual transducerposition allows a proportional view tobe plotted and allows theability to correlate and track data to specific areas of the partbeing

    inspected.Thispositiontrackingistypicallydonethroughtheuseofelectromechanicaldevicesknownasencoders.Theseencodersareusedeither in fixtures, which are manually scanned, or in automatedsystems that move the transducer by a programmable motor

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    controlledscanner.Ineithercase,theencoderrecordsthelocationofeach data acquisition with respect to a desired userdefined scanpatternandindexresolution.

    InthecaseshowninFigure32,theBscanshowstwodeepreflectorsand one shallower reflector, corresponding to the positions of the


    Figure 3-2 B-scan data

    3.3 Cross-sectional B-Scans

    A crosssectionalBscan provides a detailed end view of a test piecealong a single axis. This provides more information than the singlevalue Bscan presented earlier. Instead of plotting just a singlemeasured value from within a gated region, the whole Ascanwaveformisdigitizedateachtransducerlocation.SuccessiveAscansare plotted over the elapsed time or the actual encoded transducer

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    positionssoastodrawcrosssectionsofthescannedline.Thisallowsthe user to visualizeboth the near and farsurface reflectors withinthesample.Withthistechnique,thefullwaveformdataisoftenstoredat each location, and maybe recalled from the image for furtherevaluationorverification.


    Successive Ascans are digitized, related to color, and stacked atuserdefinedintervals(elapsedtimeorposition)toformatruecrosssectionalimage(seeFigure33).

    Figure 3-3 Cross-sectional B-scan

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    3.4 Linear Scans

    Aphasedarraysystemuseselectronicscanningalongthelengthofalinear array probe to create a crosssectional profile without movingthe probe. As each focal law is sequenced, the associated Ascan is

    digitized and plotted. Successive apertures are stacked creating alivecrosssectionalview.Inpractice,thiselectronicsweepingisdonein real time so a live cross section canbe continually viewed as theprobe is physically moved. Figure 34 is an image made with a 64element linear phased array probe. In this example, the userprogrammedthefocallawtouse16elementstoformanapertureandsequencedthestartingelementincrementsbyone.Thisresultedin49individualwaveformsthatwerestackedtocreatetherealtimecross

    sectionalviewacrosstheprobes1.5 in.length.

    Figure 3-4 Normal beam linear scan

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    Itisalsopossibletoscanatafixedangleacrosselements(seeFigure35). As discussed in section5.3, on page69, this is very useful forautomatedweldinspections.Usinga64elementlinearphasedarrayprobe with wedge, shear waves canbe generated at a userdefinedangle(often45,60,or70 degrees).Withaperturesequencingthroughthe length of the probe, full volumetric weld data canbe collected

    without physically increasing the distance to weld center line whilescanning. This provides for singlepass inspection along the weldlength.

    Figure 3-5 Angle beam linear scan

    3.5 C-Scans

    Another presentation option is a Cscan. A Cscan is a two

    dimensionalpresentationofdatadisplayedasatoporplanarviewofatestpiece.It issimilarinitsgraphicperspectivetoanxrayimage,where color represents the gated signal amplitude or depth at eachpoint in the test piece mapped to its position. Planar images canbe

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    generated on flat partsby tracking data to the XY position, or oncylindrical parts by tracking axial and angular positions. Forconventionalultrasound,amechanicalscannerwithencodersisusedtotrackthetransducerscoordinatestothedesiredindexresolution.

    A Cscan from a phased array system is very similar to one from a

    conventionalprobe.Withphasedarraysystems,however,theprobeistypically moved physically along one axis while the beamelectronically scans along the other, according to the focal lawsequence.SignalamplitudeordepthdataiscollectedwithinthegatedregionofinterestjustasinconventionalCscans.Inthecaseofphasedarrays, data is plotted with each focal law progression, using theprogrammedbeamaperture.

    Figure36isaCscanofatestblockusinga5 MHz,64elementlinear

    array probe with a zerodegree wedge. Each focal law uses 16elements to form the aperture, and at each pulsing the startingelementincrementsbyone.Thisresultsinfortyninedatapointsthatareplotted(horizontallyintheimageofFigure36)acrosstheprobes37 mm (1.5 in.) length. As the probe is moved forward in a straightline, a planar Cscan view emerges. Encoders are normally usedwheneveraprecisegeometricalcorrespondenceofthescanimagetothepartmustbemaintained,althoughnonencodedmanualscanscan


    Figure 3-6 C-scan data using 64-element linear phased array probe

    While the graphic resolution might not be fully equivalent to aconventional Cscanbecause of the larger effectivebeam size, thereare other considerations. The phased array system is field portable,whichtheconventionalsystemisnot,anditcostsaboutonethirdtheprice.Additionally,aphasedarrayimagecanoftenbemadeinafew

    Generalized beam profile anddirection of motion

    Phased array C-scan imageshowing hole position

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    Linear phased array probes are also commonly used for performingrefractedshearwaveinspectionsalongthelengthofwelds.Figure37shows a 2.25 MHz 64element phased array probe mounted on an

    angledwedgetocreateshearwavesatauserdefinedangle,typically45,60,or70 degrees.Withtheprobepositionedperpendiculartotheweld,theaperturecanbesequencedoverthelengthoftheprobe.Thiseffectivelyallowstherefractedshearwavetomovethroughtheweldvolume without mechanical movement of the probe from the weldscenterline.Fullvolumetricdatacanbepresentedbyslidingtheprobeparallel to the weld line. Using an encoder, data canbe plotted in aCscan like format where amplitude of the reflector is plotted as afunctionofapertureposition(Yaxis)anddistancetraveledalongtheweld(Xaxis).Thisscanningformatisoftenreferredtoasaonelinescan. For producing repeatable results, a mechanical scanner issuggested.InFigure37,areflectionfromtheungroundweldbottomis plotted along the whole weld length at the top of the image. TheAscanandcursorsmarkalargeindicationfromanareaoftheweldwithlackofsidewallfusion.

    Figure 3-7 One-line scan for weld inspection using an encoded 2.25MHz 64-element probe steered at 60degrees

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    3.6 S-Scans

    Ofallimagingmodesdiscussedsofar,theSscanisuniquetophasedarrayequipment.Inalinearscan,allfocallawsemployafixedanglewith sequencing apertures. Sscans, on the other hand, use fixed


    Twomainformsaretypicallyused.Themostfamiliar,verycommonin medical imaging, uses a zerodegree interface wedge to steerlongitudinal waves, creating a pieshaped image showing laminarandslightlyangleddefects(seeFigure38).

    Figure 3-8 30 to +30 S-scan

    The second format employs a plastic wedge to increase the incidentbeamangletogenerateshearwaves,mostcommonlyintherefracted

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    angle range of 30 to 70 degrees. This technique is similar to aconventional anglebeam inspection, except that thebeam sweepsthrougharangeofanglesratherthanasinglefixedangledetermined

    byawedge.Aswiththelinearsectorialscan,theimagepresentationisa crosssectional picture of the inspected area of the test piece (seeFigure39).

    Figure 3-9 +35 to +70 S-scan

    The actual image generation works on the same stacked Ascanprinciplethatwasdiscussedinthecontextoflinearscansintroducedintheprevioussection.Theuserdefinestheanglestart,end,andstepresolution to generate the Sscan image. Notice that the apertureremains constant, each defined angle generating a corresponding

    beam with characteristics definedby aperture, frequency, damping,and the like. The waveform response from each angle (focal law) isdigitized, colorcoded, and plotted at the appropriate correspondingangle,buildingacrosssectionalimage.

    In actuality the Sscan is produced in real time so as to continuallyofferdynamicimagingwithprobemovement.Thisisveryusefulfordefect visualizationandincreasesprobabilityofdetection,especially

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    Olympus BasicsofPhasedArrayImaging 49

    acquisition with respect to a desired userdefined scan pattern andindexresolution.

    Inordertoavoidgapsindataacquisition,itisimportanttoconsiderthespeedatwhichtheprobeismovingandthedistanceresolutionofthe encoder. In short, the instruments data acquisition rate mustbe

    greater than the scanning speed, dividedby the encoder resolution.The acquisition rate is determinedby instrument design and setup,mostimportantlybythepulserepetitionfrequency(PRF),andbythenumber of focal lawsbeing generated for each acquisition,both ofwhich are setup variables. The PRF dividedby the number of focallawsrepresentsthefastestpossibleacquisitionrateforaphasedarraysystem.However,thatnumbercanbefurtheradjustedbyfactorssuchasaveraging,digitalsamplingrate,andprocessingtime.Consulttheinstrumentmanufacturerfordetails.

    Once the acquisition rate hasbeen established, the maximum scanspeed canbe calculatedbased on the desired encoder resolution, orvice versa. The effect of an excessive scanning speed for a givenencoderresolutioncanbeseeninthescanimagesinFigure311.

    Figure 3-11 Example of the scanning speed influence on acquisition rate



    2. IfthesamePRFissetforallAscans,then:

    Acquisition rate Scanning speed

    Scan axis resolution------------------------------------------------

    Acquisition rate RecurrenceNumber of focal laws----------------------------------------------------

    20 mm/s 10 mm/s

    scanning speed

    encoder resolutionsAcquisition rate >

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    Olympus PhasedArrayInstrumentation 51

    4. Phased Array Instrumentation

    There is a wide variety of phased array probes commerciallyavailable.Whilethelineararrayprobeiscertainlythemostcommonlyusedconfiguration,customizedprobeswithhighelementcountsandvarying element placements, are also available. They are oftendesigned to meet demanding application needs that require highspeed, full volumetric coverage, and/or complexbeam steering. Tomeet these needs, there are varying levels of phased arrayinstrumentation now commercially available in three generalclassifications: field portable manual, field portable automated, andrackinstrumentsforinlineinspection.

    4.1 Important Specifications

    Whenevaluatingconventionalflawdetectors,anumberoffunctionalcharacteristics are often specified. These characteristics are generallyshared with phased array instruments. Not all of the items listed


    Pulser and receiver


    Measurement and display

    Parameters defining the general measurement and display modes ofaninstrument:


    Pulser Receiver

    Availablespikepulser Overallbandwidth

    Availablesquarewavepulser Availablenarrowbandfilters

    Pulserrepetitionfrequency Timevariedgain


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    52 Chapter4 Olympus

    Ascan display modes: Rectification (RF, Full Wave, Half Wave),Maximum, Composite, Averaged, Hollow, Filled, and PeakMemory





    Sizing options

    Avarietyofflawdetectionstandardsandcodeshavebeendevelopedand are in practice for sizing a variety of defects using conventional

    ultrasonics. These apply to the inspection of welds as well as to avariety of metallic and composite structures. Certain inspectionsrequirethataspecificcodebefollowed.Asaresult,awidevarietyoftools are now available in conventional digital flaw detectors toautomatedataacquisitionandrecordtestresultsasrequiredbycodes.

    Inputs and outputs





    Trigger input for external control of pulser firing and acquisitioncycle

    Additional phased array speci fications

    Becauseofthemultielementnatureofphasedarrayinstruments,thereareadditional keyspecifications that needfurtherconsideration andreview.

    Numberofpulsers. Defines the maximum number of elements thatcanbegroupedtoformanactiveapertureorvirtualprobeaperture.

    Numberofchannels.Definesthetotalnumberofchannelsthatcanbeused for sequencing apertures that leads to the potential increase incoveragefromasingleprobefootprint.

    XX:YY.Namingconventionused,whereXX =numberofpulsers,andYY = total number of available channels. The number of channels isalwaysgreaterorequaltonumberofpulsers.Instrumentsfrom16:16to32:128areavailableinfieldportablepackaging.Higherpulserand

    receiver combinations are available for inline inspections and/orsystemsthatuselargerelementcountprobes.


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    Olympus PhasedArrayInstrumentation 53

    imageisoftenspecified.Ingeneral,higherXX:YYconfigurationscansupport more focal laws as they support greater element aperturesand/or more aperture steps in linear scanning. Note that more focallaws does not always mean more functionality. Take the example

    below:a64elementprobeperforminga40to70 degreessectorialscanof three sidedrilled holes, comparing steering with 1 degree (31

    laws), 2 degree (16 laws), and 4 degree (8 laws) steps over a 2 in.(50 mm)metalpath(seeFigure41,Figure42,andFigure43).Whilethe image is slightly better defined with finer angle increments,detection at a coarser resolution is adequate. Unless the beamdiameter is drastically reduced with focusing, sizing from imagesdoesnotdramaticallychangeeither.

    Figure 4-1 40 to 70degrees S-scan: steering with 1 degree (31 laws) steps

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    54 Chapter4 Olympus

    Figure 4-2 40 to 70degrees S-scan: steering with 2degree (16 laws) steps

    Figure 4-3 40 to 70degrees S-scan: steering with 4degree (8 laws) steps

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    Olympus PhasedArrayInstrumentation 55

    Table 41 shows examples for the number of focal laws required toperform linear scans with varying combinations of virtual probeaperturesandtotalelementcounts.



    PRF/Display update rate. Instruments can vary greatly in displayupdateinvariousimagemodes.Forphasedarrayimagingmodes:

    An example of a reduced fourfocallaw linear scan sequence with a60 Hz image display update, is shown in Figure 44 forconceptualization.

    Table 4-1 Number of elements and focal laws required for linear scans


    Aperture Totalelements Elementstep Numberoflaws

    4 16 1 13

    8 16 1 9

    4 32 1 29

    8 32 1 25

    16 32 1 17

    4 64 1 61

    8 64 1 57

    16 64 1 49

    8 128 1 12116 128 1 113

    8 256 1 249

    16 256 1 241

    Maximum image display rate PRF

    Number of focal laws----------------------------------------------------=

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    56 Chapter4 Olympus

    Figure 4-4 Example of a reduced four-focal-law linear scan sequence

    Theactualimagedisplayratecanbeaffectedbyotherparameters.TheAscanrefreshrateofasinglefocallawvariesbetweeninstruments.Insome instruments, the Ascan PRF rate is limitedby the maximum

    image display update, whether it is shown with the phased arrayimage or even when maximized to a full Ascan. For this reason, insome applications it mightbe important to verify the Ascan PRFwhen derived from a focal law sequence in various image displaymodes.

    Probe recognition. The ability to recognize phased array probesreduces operator setup time and potential errorsby automaticallyconfiguringaninstrumentsetupwiththepropernumberofelementsandprobegeometry.

    Image types. Sectorial and linear scans are typically available inphased arrayinstruments. Theability to stacktheseimagemodestocreate amplitude and depth Cscans, allows planar images to beformedandprovidesexpandedmeansforsizingdefects.


    tobe reviewed offline. This is particularly useful when collectingdataoveralargearea.

    Multigroup support. More capable phased array instruments allowmultiplefocallawgroupstobesequencedononeormoreconnectedprobes. This is especially useful in cases where it is important tocollectvolumetricdatawhichistobeanalyzedoffline.Forexample,a5 MHz, 64element probe canbe programmed to use elements 116for a 40 to 70 degree Sscan, while a second group canbe used to

    perform a 60 degree linear scan with an aperture of 16 elements,steppingbyoneelementovertheentire64elementlength.

    4.15 ms 8.30 ms 12.45 ms 16.6 ms

    Image display update=60 Hz

    Focal law 1

    150 ns

    Focal law 2

    150 ns

    Focal law 3

    150 ns

    Focal law 4

    150 ns

    Focal law 1

    150 ns

    PRF=240 Hz PRF=240 Hz PRF=240 Hz PRF=240 Hz

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    Olympus PhasedArrayInstrumentation 57

    Encoding. There are two classes of instruments generally available:manualandencoded.

    A manual phased array instrument works much like a conventionalflawdetectorasitprovidesrealtimedata.AlongwithanAscan,theinstrument also shows realtime Sscan or linearscan images, which


    A phased array instrument with an encoder interface merges probepositional data, probe geometry, and programmed focal lawsequencestoallowtop,end,andsideviewimagesoftestspecimen.In instruments that also store full waveform data, images can be

    reconstructedtoprovidecrosssectionalviewsalongthelengthofthescan or regenerate planar Cscans at various levels. These encodedimagesallowplanarsizingofdefects.

    Reference cursors. Instruments provide various cursors that canbeused on an image as aids for interpretation, sizing, and depthmeasurement.InanSscan,itispossibletousecursorsformeasuringcrackheight.Anapproximatedefectsizecanbemeasuredwhenusing

    encoded data sets. The images that follow show some examples ofavailablecursors.

    Inthesimplestdisplaybelow(Figure45),thebluecursorshowstheangularcomponentoftheSscanthatisrepresentedbytheAscan,thehorizontalredlinesmarkthebeginningandendofthedatagateusedformeasurement,andtheverticalgreenlinemarksthepositionontheimage that corresponds to the front of the wedge. The latter iscommonlyusedasareferencepointforcalculatingreflectorlocation,


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    58 Chapter4 Olympus

    Figure 4-5 Angular cursor

    The Sscan image in Figure 46 includes horizontal cursorsrepresentingtheendofthefirstandsecondlegsoundpathsinthetest

    material. It also shows the angular cursors marking the three mostcommontestanglesof45,60,and70 degrees.Inaddition,theAscanis marked with a vertical cursor at the 80 % amplitude point that iscommonlyusedasareferencelevel.

    Figure 4-6 Angular and horizontal cursors

    Advanced interpretive software further enhances visualization andanalysis. The display in Figure 47 shows a singleangle Ascan, aSscan, a raytracing diagram with a weld overlay that shows thepositionofreflectorswithinaweld,andasummarychartshowingthe

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    Figure 4-7 Multiple display formats

    4.2 Calibration and Normalization Methods

    Zero calibration. Because wedge delay varies with the angle in aphased array system, it is necessary to vary the probe zero offsetacross the angles. Typically, default zero profilesbased on wedgegeometry are programmed in instrumentsoftware,butthese defaultprofiles canbe adjusted for higher accuracy through a calibration


    Gain normalization. Because beam formation relies on varyingelementdelaysandgroups,itisimportanttonormalizetheamplituderesponse from each focal law to compensate forboth elementtoelement sensitivity variations in the array probe and for varyingwedgeattenuationandenergytransferefficiencyatdifferentrefractedangles. Calibration of wedge delay and sensitivity over the entire

    inspectionsequencenotonlyprovidesclearerimagevisualization,butalso allows measurement and sizing from any focal law. Olympusnondestructive testing instruments offer full calibration, whereasmany other instruments in the industry can only calibrate one focallaw at any one time. The Olympus instruments provide full AngleCorrected Gain (ACG) and TimeCorrected Gain (TCG), as required

    byASMESection V.

    In the Figure 48 example, prior to gain normalization, the response

    from a reference reflector at 65 degrees, is significantly lower thanfromthesamereflectorat45 degrees.

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    Olympus PhasedArrayInstrumentation 61

    Figure 4-9 Response following gain normalization

    TVG/DAC for phased array. For sizing defects, Ascan amplitudetechniques using DAC curves or timecorrected gain, are common.

    These methods account for material attenuation effects andbeamspreading by compensating gain levels (TVG/TCG) or drawing areference DAC curve based on same size reflector response as afunction of distance. As in conventional UT sensitivity calibrations,

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    Olympus PhasedArrayTestSetupandDisplayFormat 65

    not only allows accurate measurements of amplitude and depthacross the entire programmed focal sequence, but also providesaccurateandenhancedvisualizationthroughtheimagesthatphasedarrayinstrumentsproduce.


    inspections,occursinanglebeaminspections.WithconventionalUT,input of an improper wedge angle or material velocity will causeerrors in locating the defect,butbasic wave propagation (and hencetheresultantAscan)isnotinfluenced,asitreliessolelyonmechanicalrefraction. For phased array, however, proper material and wedgevelocities, along with probe and wedge parameter inputs, arerequiredtoarriveattheproperfocallawstoelectronicallysteeracrossthe desired refracted angles and to create sensible images. In morecapableinstruments,proberecognitionutilitiesautomaticallytransfercriticalphasedarrayprobeinformationandusewellorganizedsetuplibrariestomanagetheuserselectionofthecorrectwedgeparameters.


    Probe parameters

    Frequency Bandwidth


