Olympus - Fall of Humanity


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  • 7/30/2019 Olympus - Fall of Humanity


    Our greatest creation, our worst nightmare

    by William Fleury

    (c) 2012 William Fleury


  • 7/30/2019 Olympus - Fall of Humanity


    It has been dark here ever since it happened. A life of running and

    terror, the war, and our clutches on our own fate stripped away by those

    we gave everything to. But Im getting ahead of myself.

    I am Infantry unit 24269 but I am simply called Hercules where I reside

    now. If you are reading this, then all is not lost and humanity may be

    saved from a fate of self-destruction. I have sent this transmission back

    into time in order to change a fate fit for the damned. Earth as you know

    it, has evolved and devolved many times over. All the elder nations have

    united after a massive war in which the ancient nation of the U.S. and itsNATO allies destroyed global enemies, and conquered foreign lands thus

    uniting the world.

    But as we all know, man is never satisfied, for his desire for more, and the

    indulgences associated with power overwhelm his morals in which he

    superficially paints his life with. Just like your ancient moon landing in

    1969, man once again looked to the stars, this time not simply for research

    or exploration, but for land to conquer, and resources to gain.

    500 years have passed since the GUA or Global Unification Act of the

    Earthen Government. Technology has advanced at exponential rates and

    our lust for gain magnified. We have developed space systems that have

    spread across the Galaxy. We have conquered foreign planets, and have

    allied or enslaved life forms beyond your wildest dreams thus creating the

    United Humanite Empire.

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    Obviously such conquests are not without conflict, some of which involve

    species with better technology or simply are physically superior. In order to

    reduce transport costs, speed up re-enforcement time, and increase troop

    count for these wars we no longer enlist soldiers; we grow them from

    models of the strongest candidates for war fighting supremacy. They are

    genetically engineered and cybernetically modified in order to perform their

    programmed soldiers objective (PSO) I am one of these soldiers, born of

    Bio-Culture 7 (B-C7), the ultimate scientific advancement created by Dr.

    Kronos, the most intelligent genetic and biological engineer in the military.

    With B-C7 It is possible to create any desired pre-existing life form, fromeven a partial DNA sample. It was through B-C7 that we created and

    programmed superior more advanced versions of many indigenous species

    that had been conquered. These were intended to be pre-programmed

    soldiers for the empire. All of these beings responded well and were great

    assets... except one.

    The Olympians as we call them are an ancient primitive being,

    somewhat like humans in form and mindset. But unlike man who changes

    his environments to adapt, their genetics are self-modifying in order to

    adapt and survive without reproduction, something humanity can only

    dream of.

    When Zeus-001 was created, it was simple perfection, and completely

    under our control. We were giddy at the thought of having such a warrior

    in our inventory, for a large scale war 5 solar systems over with another -

    now extinct- race was ravaging our forces.

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    We deployed Zeus-001 onto the battlefield and using only its bear hands it

    tore apart the race of acid spitting spider-like bastards we humans had to

    fight attritous battle after battle with for 10 years. It came upon one of

    the spiders largest members, which then struck it with an acidic substance

    that singed its face and critically wounded it. After the Large Spider was

    destroyed by heavy weapons fire, field control operators attempted to

    communicate to Zeus-001 that it needed to still fight. Such an order spelled

    out certain doom for the wounded Zeus. The creatures genetic adaptation

    for survival became an exception in the human control programming. It

    realized to survive it needed to be independent of man, and to free itself of all external human control.

    With its mutation skills it tore away the bindings of the Field Controllers

    and slaughtered many of the Human Imperial forces that were assigned to

    protect it. It knew it needed to escape the war zone to survive. It fled to a

    ship bound for its predecessors home pl anet nicknamed Olympus. After

    killing the crew and arriving in its home land, it pro-created with the

    primitives there and created an army of Anti-Humanists nicknamed the

    Olympians who genetically inherited Zeus-001's new found hatred and

    resistance of Humanity.

    Thus started the downfall of what was once the greatest civilization...


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    The following is the transmitted story of all the events directly prior until

    long after the Zeus project

    Chapter 1 A means to an end

    The room was dank square and metallic part of a large starship in the

    Imperial fleet, with all sorts of monitoring panels and consoles and

    genotype analyzers for the B-C7 Lab. Towards the back there was a squat

    hairy man with graying black hair, and freckles around a now sagging face.

    He was frowning, as he always did when thinking deeply about his

    projects. He had been assigned to take a primitive almost humanoid

    creature and create a mutated soldier strain of clones for a battle with the

    Spiders as all the soldiers called them. He had gained a sample of the

    species genetic material and had started analyzing it to prepare the

    culture. The Genetic Anomaly Debuggers had seemed to have passed

    nearly everything before an error was reported. The debugger found an

    issue within the genes but could not isolate it. The man thought about

    what could be causing such an error. He thought it may have been just an

    error in the debugger and not the genes, seeing as debugging genetics

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    was not a yet a complete science. He started to ponder more but then

    dismissed the issue because just then a large muscular man with white

    hair, tan skin, and a black jump suit uniform typical of a fleet commander

    walked in the door. He had a look on his face and glint to his eye only

    visible when under the greatest of pressures.

    He spoke

    Dr. Kronos, I just got off the phone with the Earthen Defense minister,

    and he was inquiring as to the status of our new alien super soldier, couldyou shed any light on this issue?

    Well sir, as of now Im simply wor king on the Genetic programmatic

    instructions to be fed to the B-C7 Processor Generator. It is taking a while

    because these genotypes show an unidentifiable anomaly and

    You mean you havent even finished creating the model and prototype?

    Thats not goi ng to fly with the Earthen Defense Ministry! We are losing a

    war on a hostile planet full of insectoid killing machines! This could be our

    only hope at winning the war! At this point if that piece of space shit

    computer is spitting errors just override the debugger and generate the

    prototype. This new Aliens could save HUMANITY!

    Commander Uranus, you and I both know about the dangers of playing

    with genetics we dont fully understand! This could turn into a pile of bio

    goo if not enough is done, or it could be something we never intended it to


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    Doctor, there have been hundreds of soldiers who had supposed

    malformations but were perfectly functional. One more prototype soldier

    with a warning next to his name wont change that!

    But Commander!

    The commander now grew enraged

    Doctor, if you do NOT complete this prototype now, I will have you court

    marshaled and executed for treason against the Humanite Empire!

    The doctor still uneasy acquiesced to the demands and overrode the

    computers debugger. He entered in the parameters that had been supplied

    to him, and had the generator tank filled with the clear viscous B-C7, a sort

    of blank slate goo of amino acids and proteins that can adapt and change

    into genetic material models and develop into cells when the proper

    particle wave hit it with the necessary information.

    Now engage the wave generating mechanism! barked the Commander in

    an impatient and hurried tone.

    A loud wurring noise started to fill the room and a volatile light started

    flash brighter and brighter in the tank. The goo started to move, and

    started shifting and churning. The floor began to shake and the wurring

    started to become a roar. The slime started moving away from the sides of

    the tank and concentrating. It was amorphous and started to shift in

    different directions like gelatin. It grew longer with each wave of light, and

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    started to take a rough torso shape, with a long mass drooping down. The

    mass then started to divide itself in two, taking on the rough shape of legs.

    Soon the arms followed suit at the other end. A large lump appeared on

    top where the head was to develop. The rough still almost shapeless figure

    started to smooth out, and its inner bodily systems started to form. The

    rough patches around the body started to level out and become more

    refined and detailed. The system applied a massive electro shock to the

    body in order to start its vitals up. It had two hearts, one for the upper and

    lower halves of its body. But something went wrong. One of the hearts

    failed to start beating and a loud computer alarm sounded showing a lifepower deficiency. The body started to un-develop and began to revert to

    its amorphous state.

    What the hell is going on? screamed commander Uranus over the loud

    beeping and wurring noises.

    It appears it requires more energy than we originally thought sir! loudly

    gasped Dr. Kronos

    Are you kidding me? The commander shouted exasperated Were putting

    out half the energy required to fly this damned starship.

    Sir, do you want this thing or n ot? Get me the energy this being needs to

    live or else we lose the war!

    The Commander took out his com tab, a clear glass electronic panel which

    could communicate with anyone on board using fiber optic light, and

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    signaled the flight engineer to divert all energy from the engines to the B-

    C7 Lab.

    The Roar of the machine grew deafening and the light blinding. The

    shaking grew to be unbearable and both Kronos and Uranus fell down. The

    body inside started to reform, and perfect itself, and another shock was

    provided to start both hearts. The shock was large enough that it shattered

    the chamber making the slimy, culture covered body slide out. And there in

    the mass of goo was a humanoid alien, with muscles like bowling balls and

    a cranium like a blade shop wrapped around a jagged ball. Its fingers werelike tentacles and its mouth full of iron teeth. Its eyes were blood red with

    an iris colored acid yellow. Its pupils were slit like that of a sun drenched

    cat. It shivered and shook, as it came into consciousness. The computer

    reported that the generation was successful as the machinery started

    whining, thus signaling shut down. The being looked up, and saw the two

    men staring it down. The creature saluted as it was programmed to, and

    hailed the empire while it stood upon its chicken like feet.

    My god said the commander barely above a whisper.

    Hello my ultimate creation said Dr. Kronos with a tear sliding down his

    face. From now on, you shall be named Zeus 001 or simply Zeus,


    Yes my good doctor Said the Alien in perfect English

    Commander Uranus nearly leaped out of his skin exclaiming

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    It speaks! It speaks our language!

    With which Kronos responded

    Of course it does, I programmed it didnt I?

    Well doctor we should get it to training for the battle

    The Doctor laughed briefly and said with a smile

    Well sir, that will not be necessary, it has been given all the knowledge

    through the programming. Simply provide it a weapon and armor, if even

    that, and I guarantee you this war will e nd.

    How do I know it will carry everything out? Inquired the commander

    It has been programmed to obey all humans in authority. Said the doctor

    Alright, Ill have it debriefed, equipped and sent in to battle by way of the

    Star-JumpIII Express Wars hip

    That was the last of their exchanges before Zeus went rogue. The

    Doctor was still troubled with the inconsistencies of the genetics. He

    needed a failsafe, something that match a creature of such magnitude and

    strength. You see he had studied the origin of the species and found out

    about them. They were like early Cro-Magnons, however they were

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    freezing and had it moved back to their recon ship. The first thing I

    remember hearing was

    My god, the ship he belonged to was blow up by that rogue thing

    that killed some of my men. Hah so there is a survivor. Soldier! Are you

    awake, can you hear me? Can you see me?

    The lights were bright and I was hearing things fuzzy, but this is

    normal after cryo.

    I replied

    Yes sir, where am I?

    He answered

    This is the starship ESS( Earthen Space Service) Helena, the last of

    the East Quadrant Fleet. I am Captain Homer, and you my friend, are very

    lucky to be alive.

    Chapter 2

    I spent a month on the Rusty Maiden as the crew members called it

    when the captain wasnt around. The place was not only the last of the

    fleet, it was the oldest, and had been scheduled to be phased out until the

    fleet had been destroyed by friendly fire from a rogue Extermi nator ship,

    the most powerful, and technologically advanced ship type in the Galaxy,

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    capable of destroying planets with anti-matter weapons, and also enough

    nuclear armaments to make a solar system glow green from radiation. This

    ship was the last line of defense for the next 5 Solar systems.

    The crew was wary of me, and made me do all the useless and trivial

    jobs. From cleaning the head, to fire watch, I was the one way ticket for

    lower ranking crew members to get lazy. I once asked the Sergeant in

    charge why that was and he simply said

    Unless you want to be sent to a CryoStar, just do as youre told, we dont

    let outsiders do anything of importance, just be happy we saved your ass

    because I might get some damn tumors from all that radiation. Blegh,

    Wor thless git

    I simply let that slide because I didnt want to be frozen alive and fail my

    PSO, because a CryoStar meant being Frozen in a solitary, short staffed,

    lonely, space station in the middle of nowhere until Your service was

    needed. This politely meant you did something wrong, youre retired

    (Soldiers dont set foot on Earth, only Officers who have been trained there

    may do so, because we may be a threat, same old Government bullshit) or

    you may actually be needed again to be used as re-enforcements.

    We were making the last patrol and headed towards the UHE

    Extraterrestrial Outpost (The space base as we normal people all called it)

    in the Kyper belt in the outer rim of our solar system. We had to use Star

    Hopping, which uses special technology to harness the gravity of the

    nearest star to fling us towards our next objective point. From there an

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    accelerating unit would boost our speed to an extremely fast rate, towards

    a jump gate where we would be sent through a wormhole towards our

    targets gate.

    This all took about a month, a long cumbersome month, because

    everything on board slows down due to our relative speed. Outside we

    were close to the speed of light, and physics, being the sick demented laws

    of all it is, made it so that in order to keep us from breaking the speed of

    light an impossibility - It felt like everything was in slow motion. It was

    madness; I couldnt handle what seemed like such extreme slow moving

    everything. It hurt everything within me for the first day to be honest, well

    that is until I threw up, only to see it hang in front of me for what seemed

    like 10 seconds before hitting the ground. But something funny happened,

    when I woke up the next day, I felt great. Things werent as hard on me.

    It was like I had just adapted like nothing ever happened. At that time I

    didnt know about my other side, so to speak, so I just thought I was


    After the after CSM (Constipated Slow Month) we were

    approaching our jump gate. All of a sudden one of the crew members who

    had been monitoring the space horizon came in reporting an obstruction


    The captain hastily asked Could it be a fleet ship? to which the

    young soldier responded with

    No sir, it isn't a military vessel and all other fleet ships have been


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    Fuck us all whispered the captain under his breath.

    I nervously asked

    What is it sir?

    Galactic Raiders angrily muttered the captain.

    He continued Normally these low life bastards wouldn't be an issue,

    our fleet keeps these assholes at bay, but the local UHE fleet is gone.

    These fuckers are opportunistic, and now that our forces are dwindled,

    they are taking advantage of that to expand their operations!

    We can take them I said

    HA! Laughed the Sergeant these guys destroyed half of our last

    edition star fleet, and I guarantee they have more cruisers just hiding in

    stealth mode. It would be wise just to avoid them and go to the next gate

    Just then the ship started to shake violently and the command bridged

    called the captain saying ten ships just materialized over head, and that we

    were surrounded. Then a loud explosion echoed and the bridge

    commander shrieked as his transmission was cut off.

    It was like my stomach had sunken to the depths of a black hole.

    Then over the com system a manically raspy voice said

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    may I have your attention please! This is your new captain speaking, I

    need some of my troopers to come and report to me on what this vessel

    holds, poste haste because I have a family to feed, I'm very impatient and

    trigger happy to b oot.

    What were you saying about avoidance sergeant? half joked one of the

    nearby corporals

    This isn't a time for jokes, asshole! barked the sergeant.

    So are we gonna have to draw straws to see who goes and who stays

    hostage, cause no one ever escapes alive from those twisted reports said

    the corporal.

    I was shaking from anger. I was furious at what was going on. I couldn't

    hand the hopeless cowardice any longer

    Are you kidding me? I shouted in an angrily passionate voice

    We are soldier s! We have to fight with all we have! We are the enforcers

    of order and justice in the galaxy! We have to fight back!

    Belay your speech! hollered the sergeant now annoyed by my idealistic


    No you belay yours! I shouted furiously before continuing

    I don't care if we are out manned or out gunned, we must fight! If none

    of you testicle lacking wonders won't confront them I will!

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    THATS ENOUGH! Said the captain

    The sergeant gave me a told you so type look until the captain uttered

    words that surprised both myself and the sergeant equally

    But the kids right, we have to do our job no matter what the cost.

    Sergeant take the kid, and three of the other men, take some of the pulson

    rifles, and some reduct-2 grenades, that should do for guys like t his.

    But... sir! The sergeant began to protest

    But nothing I gave you an order, now carry on or face a court martial for

    deserting and treason!

    The reluctant sergeant gathered myself and two other young troops and

    formed a make shift fire-team. We alertly crept through the halls towards

    the bridge. I could smell the faint odor of smoke and burning flesh, a smell

    I would suffer through many times afterwards.

    We got closer to the bridge and the sights I witnessed thereafter were

    what people of your time would envision hell like. Decapitated soldiers who

    had been strapped down beforehand without a fighting chance against the

    wall, with their blood strewn all over the charred walls. I saw two burning

    corpses, one of which wasn't yet a corpse. I heard the painful agonizing

    muffled screams from one of them, a female thrashing, screaming, or

    maybe perhaps gargling, though I couldn't tell, it was so soft due to her

    mouth being melted together. The sergeant, with a pained and conflicted

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    look on his face, drew his side arm and with a flinch, shot her through the

    head to end her suffering, an act of mercy civilians like you wouldn't

    understand. One of the younger soldiers, unable to control his obvious

    horror, vomited profusely after witnessing this, and was told to man up by

    the sergeant. You cannot program hardiness or resistance to the tolls of

    the horrors of war. These events though so long ago for me, haunt me to

    this day

    I was lost in thought about all this savagery when I heard the sergeant

    sound off CONTACT! followed by the pounding, and rippling noises of thepulson rifles, a weapon based on sonic wave weaponry. The Pulson Mark1b

    is the one he used, an obsolete, and clunky version of the newer I.D.E.A.

    Rifles that more modern forces used, that used light wave concentration

    and long range projection. When the fire fight started, I hit the deck

    instinctively, and started firing my rifle at the pirates approaching. They

    were reptilian in nature, and appearance, a race known as the Pynoth, a

    sapient race of scale covered, spine endowed, lizard men. They loved

    combat, flicking their long near obscene tongues and grinning with sharp,

    shiny, black obsidian teeth. As they assaulted us, they spat super-caustic

    acid at us. Some fired pulson repeater cannons, a bigger stronger version

    of our crappy weapons. But they weren't soldiers. They weren't disciplined

    nor trained in the arts of war. We executed a Fire team wedge, crossing our

    fire to easily reduce the enemies to bloody slag, taking them out with relative ease.

    Funny how it was my first combat experience yet it was all second nature

    to me. The programming they embedded within our minds was simply

    astounding with how well it worked.

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    Objective point dead ahead said the young private next to me.

    Then I heard a loud CRACK followed by a THUD the private had been

    killed by sniper fire from the over hanging exposed rafter, now exposed

    from an apparent explosive detonation inside the bridge. The blast we

    heard must have done a lot already. Without thinking twice I tossed a

    reduc-2 grenade, a weapon that would destroy the bondings of carbon,

    thus instantly destroying any carbon based life within 5 feet, into the sniper

    den, vaporizing the target. Our fire-team walked inside the command

    center of the bridge just in time to witness the execution of the two headofficers that had been in charge of the ships direction while Captain Homer

    had been out and about.

    The apparent lead pirat e simply cackled and scoffed For soldiers they sure

    put up a piss poor fight.

    Out of nowhere three human raiders materialized behind us.

    Nice try soldier boys, but you're gonna have to try a lot harder than that!

    The fuck with it shouted the serge ant, he turned around and dropped

    two of the assailants. However the last one dematerialized and

    rematerialized in front of him, stabbing him with a protolyte blade through

    the heart. The sergeant thrashed momentarily before going limp and falling

    to the floor. The other soldier being shell shocked by the situation was

    caught off guard and decapitated by the raider. This threw me over the

    edge. When the assailant went for me I shrieked

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    I caught the blade, a feat deemed impossibly fatal. This blade can kill near

    anything by just physically contacting the victim due to its sharp nature

    But I was different

    I had evolved

    Chapter 3 The monster within

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    It was like something snapped, I wasnt even in complete control. I

    was irate beyond compare. My muscles started to expand, and my veins

    became like ropes. It was like my skin turned harder than protolyte, the

    current strongest metal in the known cosmos. I punched the assailant

    through the chest and out his back. Then when the pirate captain saw me

    unarmed and enraged, he opened fire. The first few shots missed. Then

    one hit me in the shoulder. I admit it hurt like shit. These projectiles were

    incendiary and I had a gaping hole in my shoulder. But I was above the

    pain. I rushed the raider commander and knocked him flat. My bloodspattered on him and his face was that of a surprised virgin.

    How the hell are you so strong? No one can take my elite raiders out, let

    alone me.

    Theres always time for firsts now isnt there big guy? I said in a coy


    He spat on me while I held him to the ground.

    Feisty arent you huh Mr. Black beard? I said mocking him.

    I felt strange. I was confident, I was strong. I could end him at any

    moment. I wanted to play though.

    DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!? He hollered

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    I didn't respond

    Im the legendary Arlok Flinmore the leader of the Black Raider brigade,

    the strongest renegade army in all the galaxy!

    Youre name is mud for all I care I said casually

    Then gripping his skull I lifted him in the air and broke his back by

    punching him right through the spine. He screamed in agony. I threw him

    across the room face first into the wall. His nose broke and his lips burstwith blood. He crumpled and slumped to the ground, a broken man.

    He fainted saying What kind of monster are you?

    I didn't know

    I was tired and drained after using this unbound strength and in my last

    conscious moments called in support over the com system saying

    Tango down I repeat enemy down, also we have four men down one still

    alive in critical condition before fainting and going into a deep sleep.

    When I came to I felt funny. I wasnt hurting I was tingling. I was in a

    hospital bed. Outside I heard one of the medics saying

    We cannot salvage that ma ngled arm of his. Looks like we will have to

    amputate and send him to the nearest CryoStar.

    I heard a couple of soldiers passing by shooting some scuttlebutt when I

    distinctly heard Can you believe that new guy took down Arlok?

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    With what little energy I had I looked over at my shoulder and saw where

    the tingling was. The hole that was once a gaping terror was closing. The

    muscle, bone, and flesh were restoring themselves. It was odd.

    Then the medic who was outside opened the door and entered

    Ah you re awake I see. You took quite a hit, and your arm was mangled

    pretty badly but it looks like youre gonna live.

    I grinned and said What mangled arm sir?

    Denial is normal I guess, only solvable by solid evidence. Look under your


    I decided to have a bit of fun with him.

    I screamed AAAAAHHHHH! Oh my God, MY ARM!

    The medic started I know its a shock but try to

    Its perfectly fine I said grinning.

    What? Exclaimed the doctor immediately approaching my bedside.

    My God, your arm its perfectly restored!

    Well sir, if Im not injured anymore, may I leave?

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    Uhhh started the medic Sure

    I started out of bed.

    Wait! We still need to verify and run tests!

    No, I think I'll be okay sir, thank you I turned away and started to

    walk towards the hall when it dawned on me

    By the way... I started to ask.

    Where are we?

    Youre on the Imperial Flagship. The ESS Aphrodite, Its the defense

    ministers brain child and obsession. It's VERY important Stated the Medic

    as if I were an idiot for not knowing

    What happened to the rusty maiden? I asked

    The what? Said the medic frowning

    Oh Im sorry I meant the ESS Helena.

    Well most of the crew was killed in the boarding. The captain and a few

    low level troops escaped. You were the only medical-evac, because none of

    the other ones could handle the transport.

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    I walked out into the hall, It was truly grand thinking back on it, It was like

    a massive City, with lights, and restaurants, thousands of uniformed

    personnel, happily chatting amongst each other. But I didn't care, I felt

    nothing, and I said nothing more due to the sheer shock of it all. In just a

    short month I had grown fond of those guys. I was lost in thought,

    thinking of the what ifs when a young Lieutenant came around the corner

    and bumped into me.

    PAY ATTENTION PRIVATE! exclaimed the Lieutenant, annoyed

    My apologies sir I said

    This Lieutenant was fresh out of the academy and was the type to throw

    his weight around on us Enlisted soldiers.

    Whats your call sign? I feel as if I should report this insult to your unit


    Well sir, they call me Hercules I started But I dont have a unit, let alone

    a commander

    His eyes grew wide Say YOURE the one who defeated Arlok Flinmore!

    The whole ship is buzzing about you! The Empire has been seeking his

    capture for years, but hes been elusive, and none of our men could every

    really fight him. Hes unnaturally strong to most, but you you nearly tore

    him limb from limb! Whatever exercise methods you use I want to learn!

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    I gave him an un-amused blank look

    Do forgive me! How rude of an officer such as me not to introduce myself!

    Im Second Lieutenant Daniel Omega, Executive Officer of the 107 th Orbital

    Combat Company! Now let me ask you, would you like to join an elite


    I started Well sir, I guess I

    He interrupted Of course you do! We have needed a few extra troops, and

    you seem like just the guy for us!

    I highly considered telling him to buzz off, but I couldnt do anything on my

    own. I could feel Zeuss strength growing as if it were my own. He was

    spawning and starting armies on Olympus. I had a slightly sick feeling in

    my gut. These Olympians were powerful creatures already, and now with a

    perfected Super Olympian spurring rapid development, and stealing our

    technology, I knew we were in trouble.

    HELLO! said Lt. Omega reminiscent of an impatient teenage girl

    Oh sorry sir, uh sure, Id be happy to join. What does your unit do?

    Its like a Para -trooper unit, but we drop in from Orbit. We are a Tier-1

    Special Forces unit, invite only, and we take on some of the greatest

    threats in the Galaxy.

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    Sounds like fun, where do I sign up?

    Well, were based in the South Quadrant, Solar System 2. Planet


    I feel up to it. Take me there

    Heh, from milk toast, to eager alright big guy, come on down

    Chapter 4 The Gates of Hell

    Fast forward two years. I have made my way through the ranks of

    the 107 th . I became the platoon Sergeant for Echo Platoon, the strongest

    of the troops. Zeuss Armies had fully developed and after the U.H.E. sent

    in troops to defeat the Olympian threat, they stole their ships and tore

    apart the soldiers. All the officers deemed important were transported to

    the moon of the planet. The Olympian moon was converted into a prison

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    colony called Tartarus and our officers had been there for months waiting

    for rescue. The Earthen Government was wary over another war. The

    populous of Earth and related human colonies were tired of the attrition

    and demanded diplomacy. When our Minister of Planetary Negotiations

    attempted to have our officers freed, he was assassinated upon arrival.

    Thus starting the Olympian wars.

    Our unit being a Tier 1 Special Forces Platoon was assigned to free

    our officers and render the Prison Colony useless. They also stated any

    important Olympians should be captured on sight, and if resistance isheavy, killed on sight. The Olympians were a strong race and we had to

    train hard specifically to kill them. The adaptation skills of lower level

    soldiers are minimal because of muddled genetics (Super Olympians like

    Zeus had this feature enhanced and hence are considered near impossible

    to kill.)

    We had been transported to the nearest base and had a temporary jump

    gate with a drop ship aligned with Tartarus in order to rapidly strike.

    A briefing officer, the rank of which was Major spoke with an informative

    and almost business as usual tone

    Todaywe are going to free our officers from the hostile control of the

    barbaric race known as the Olympians. Our strike point is the western

    holding colony in the Prison Complex on Tartarus. According to our intel,

    the place has mostly low level Olympian grunts, but the overseer is another

    Super-Olympian named Hades, the full genetic clone of Zeus, programed to

    do the latter's bidding. Apparently they stole some Bio-Culture 7 in order to

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    do this. Remember though, even the low level guards have 4 times the

    strength, and special adaptation skills. The moon of Tartarus' environment

    is a desolate wasteland full of strange creatures that could swallow you

    whole, or vast chasms that reach near the fiery, hellish core. The Moon is

    volcanic, so keep cool and keep aware. The strike points for your mission

    are Holding block 7B, where the resistance is least, and where there is

    direct access to all Officer cells; a long with Tower 1, a fortress for Hades.

    You are to make it to HB 7B and assassinate any guards and free our

    officers at any cost, however don't make the guards mad or they may

    become invulnerable due to their survival protocols. Once this is done,place anti- matter detonators at the base of Tower 1. You will have 5

    minutes to get the hell out of there once they have been armed, and watch

    the fireworks from space. This mission is a priority one, so be careful and

    on guard, because we cant send in medical ships due to the dangerous

    nature of the situation. We will however have a Field Medic who can help

    you within reason. Once you accomplish the mission successfully, we can

    send in our regular armies and control the moon, a critical strategic point

    to invade Olympus. Let us not forget who massacred our troops. Z-001 or

    Zeus is an Experiment for the Ultimate Warrior, gone a muck. He broke

    orders and went rogue during the end of the Spider wars. He High-jacked

    an Exterminator ship and destroyed both the planet and most of the fleet

    in that part of the Galaxy. He cannot be forgiven for his deeds and is the

    current Target the Empire wants dead, but it seems everyone is afraid to

    go near him or his planet though. Heh I wonder why?

    After the briefing we gathered our gear, including Shok3 Armor (the

    current most advanced armor system in the Galaxy, able to adapt to near

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    any gravity and augment the wearers strength, plated in Protolyte, and

    also contains orbital jumping gear.) and Combat Landing Boots. Our

    weapons included I.D.E.A. Rifles (Intense Diode Emitter Assault Rifles) and

    Reduc-3 Grenades.

    I remember boarding the insertion ship. There were 30 or so of us.

    Everyone was nervous, some laughed and made jokes about it all, some

    were quiet, others looked at images of their loved ones, but everyone was

    terrified on the inside. Our ship slowly took off from the the base, and

    crawled along only building the anxiety within us all. I felt like I needed tovoid my bowls because of the fear eating me alive on the inside, but I had

    to be strong, be strong for myself, and be strong for my men. I told


    Heh we better get a pay raise, cause we dont get paid to babysit alien


    Everyone had a bit of a giggle before I became serious

    Men, I know we can do this, we are THE elite unit. We have trained for

    this and we will reign victorious over our enemies! To the gates of Hell we

    go! To Gates Of Tartarus, and to the depths of Olympus we shall be

    warriors to win this war. Now lets get out there and kick some ass!

    My men seemed reaffirmed by my improvisational and poor motivational

    speech, but I still had my doubts. I was this beacon of hope, yet I didn't

    know why. I had beaten up a space pirate, so what? I was no Olympian

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    and I didnt think I could stand up to someone like Zeus. Soon the ship

    floated to the gates, and I franticly yelled over the loud whirring and

    crackling noises


    The ship with little warning accelerated to speeds barely

    comprehensible. We were just short of the speed of light and couldnt even

    twitch our eyeballs from all the forces being pushed on us. Each Moment

    seemed to last an eternity before we finally exited out of the other side of the gate.

    Just below our orbit was a giant yellow planet full of massive

    mountains and valleys and in front a moon with pulsing veins of molten

    lava, and covered in craters and chasms but a small city could barely be

    spotted on the far western surface.

    Here we go I said barely above a whisper

    The gates of Hell, The gates of Tartarus

    To be continued

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