Olive in Idleb. The history of olive is associated with the history of the Mediterranean Sea basin...


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Olive in Idleb

The history of olive is associated with the history of the Mediterranean Sea basin and that it is an important part of the civilization and culture of this region’s nations. In fact, the heavenly religions and the humankind civilizations sanctified the olive tree inasmuch as poets and artists immortalized it in their works.The Mediterranean coasts of Syria and Palestine are considered to be a true origin and a cradle for raising the olive tree; from there it has spread throughout the rest of the world, the olive tree has been existing since the Stone Age, which means more than 12000 years B.C. Olive boughs and seeds were also discovered in the ruins of Ebla, in Idleb.

Olive moved to several of Mediterranean coasts through Libyan and Tunisian coasts and the Romans helped in spreading it in the Mediterranean basin, considering it as a handy weapon used as a factor in the settlement of the inhabitants. On the other hand, Arab Muslims played an important role in spreading and developing this plant by transporting various brands of olive to Mediterranean coasts of Europe; especially, Spain, Later, olive was taken to America with the Spanish conquistadors

Olive Oil in Syria: Olive is regarded as one of the cardinal and most ancient agricultural products is Syria, the birthplace of the olive tree.

Syria enjoys a fortune of the best varieties of olive: 1. oil extraction.

2.preparation of olive table.

3. bi-functional variety.


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الطالبات عملمعلومات ) ( جامع نجار والء

كاتب ) ( الحمود سمر) منسق ) الفرج كفاء

أسئلة ) ( طرح ناصيف سمرناطق ) ( أسود والء

الوقت ) ( ضبط قبيشو نورمرتيني : بإشراف إنعام المدرسة

