Old Testament Script 33 Pages


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  • 8/11/2019 Old Testament Script 33 Pages


    THE GLORY STORY(Old Testament overview)

    This script has been written in such a way so as to teach the spine o! the "ible story#

    $e have purposely %ept the story line simple the teacher can add any !acts that he&she desires# 'ould you please consider this in your translation and %eep to the simple story line#


    One of the wonderful aspects of this product is if the teacher has Bible knowledge,

    they can expound the story, but the teacher doesnt need any Bible knowledge. Ifthis is the case, then the teacher is being taught, as he/she teaches.

    his product comes highly recommended for use in conjunction with an Alpha



    ADAM & EVE

    'T*RE +,In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.'T*RE +-

    And then He created a man in His own image.'T*RE +.God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, where he named all of the animals.'T*RE +/Then God created a woman. Adam called her Eve and together they lived in the garden.'T*RE +0Adam told his wife, God has said that we must not eat from the tree of knowledge.'T*RE +1The devil tempted Eve, When you eat from that tree, you will become like God.'T*RE +2Eve ate the fruit and then gave some to her husband.

    'T*RE +3God found them hiding and asked, Adam, have you eaten from the tree?'T*RE +4Then God covered their nakedness and banned them from Eden.'T*RE ,+Eve gave birth to a boy, whom they named ain.'T*RE ,,!ater Eve gave birth to another boy, whom they named Abel.'T*RE ,-ain and Abel were the first of many sons and daughters.'T*RE ,.

    Abel grew up to be a shepherd, producing wool.'T*RE ,/ain grew up to be a farmer, producing crops.'T*RE ,0Adam taught his sons about sacrifice.'T*RE ,1ain brought from the work of his hands an offering to God.'T*RE ,2Abel brought from the best of his flock, an innocent lamb.'T*RE ,3

    "ow God was pleased with Abel#s offering, but not with ain#s.

    'T*RE ,4God said to ain, Why are you angry? If you do well, wont you be acce!ted?


  • 8/11/2019 Old Testament Script 33 Pages


    'T*RE -+The anger grew to hatred and then to thoughts of murder. ain called to his brother.'T*RE -,And then attacked.'T*RE --The first death of a human was murder.'T*RE -."ain where is your brother?God asked.

    'T*RE -/Am I my brothers kee!er?replied ain. God answered%'T*RE -0#our brothers blood calls to me from the ground. $ow you are cursed from the earth, and you shall be awanderer.'T*RE -1ain went out from the presence of the !ord and lived in the land called "od.'T*RE -2Here he built a city and named it after his son.'T*RE -3ain#s great great grandson &ubal invented the harp.

    'T*RE -4'hilst &ubal#s brother was a metal worker.'T*RE .+Adam and Eve had a son called (eth.'T*RE .,(eth had a great great grandson called Enoch.'T*RE .-Enoch was taken to heaven without dying, because God considered him righteous.'T*RE ..At this time the wickedness of man was great in all the earth.


    'T*RE +,Enoch#s great grandson "oah, had a wife and three sons. )ne day God said to "oah.'T*RE +-%y hand is against this violence, build an ark. I will flood the earth&'T*RE +.

    "oah and his sons began to prepare the wood.'T*RE +/Then they began to build the ark.'T*RE +0The people laughed at "oah, until one day God spoke%'T*RE +1

    $oah& 'ring your family into the ark.'T*RE +2Then God called the animals and they entered, two of each kind.'T*RE +3After seven days God shut the door and the rain started.'T*RE +4Eventually, the water covered even the highest ground.'T*RE ,+And after forty days, the rain stopped.'T*RE ,,&ust "oah and his family were safe inside the ark.

    'T*RE ,-Then God sent a wind to dry the land, but after nine months, only the high ground could be seen.'T*RE ,.


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    (o "oah sent out a raven to find dry land.'T*RE ,/Then "oah sent out a dove.'T*RE ,0+ut the dove couldn#t find anywhere to rest.'T*RE ,1A week later, "oah sent the dove out a second time.'T*RE ,2

    This time the dove returned with an olive leaf.'T*RE ,3(even days later, "oah sent the dove out again and it never returned. Then God said to "oah%'T*RE ,4(ake the animals out of the ark and refill the earth.'T*RE -+

    "oah built an altar and sacrificed to the !ord and the !ord said%'T*RE -,As long as there is seedtime and harvest I will never again curse the ground.'T*RE --$ever again will I flood the earth and the rainbow shall be an everlasting reminder of my !romise.

    'T*RE -.God blessed "oah and his sons and they had many children. Then "oah planted a vineyard to make wine.'T*RE -/At the age of nine hundred and fifty years "oah died.


    'T*RE +,After the great flood, the +ible gives us the account of the tower at +abel.'T*RE +-ollowed by the life story of a man called Abram.'T*RE +.Abram was married to (arai, they had no children, but had adopted their nephew !ot. Abram lived with his

    father in the city of -r.'T*RE +/God told Abram to leave -r and to travel to the land of anaan.'T*RE +0They travelled to Haran, where they pitched tents.'T*RE +1)ne night God spoke to Abram%'T*RE +2(ravel to where I show you and I will make you into a great nation.'T*RE +3Abram was seventyfive years old.

    'T*RE +4And his travels had only /ust begun.'T*RE ,+At last they arrived in anaan today known as Israel.'T*RE ,,There God spoke to Abram%'T*RE ,-(o your children and to their children, I will give this land.'T*RE ,.Then Abram built an altar, and sacrificed to the !ord.'T*RE ,/

    In time the land suffered a famine.'T*RE ,0(o Abram travelled to Egypt.


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    'T*RE ,1(arai was very beautiful, so Abram said to her, )ay you are my sister, or the *gy!tians will kill me.'T*RE ,2+ecause of (arai#s outstanding beauty, she was taken to the 1haraoh#s palace.'T*RE ,3The 1haraoh planned to marry her.'T*RE ,4(o God began to send plagues upon the 1haraoh#s household.

    'T*RE -+The 1haraoh found out that (arai was Abram#s wife and Abram was arrested.'T*RE -,Abram why didnt you tell me she was your wife?'T*RE --They were deported from Egypt'T*RE -.And /ourneyed north to +ethal.'T*RE -/+oth !ot and Abram were very wealthy and there was fighting between their herdsmen.'T*RE -0

    (o they divided the land and lived apart. Then the !ord spoke to Abram%'T*RE -1Abram all the land you see, I will give to you and your children.'T*RE -2'ar broke out in the land where !ot lived.'T*RE -3!ot was captured and they stole all of his possessions.'T*RE -4)ne of !ot#s men escaped and came to Abram with the news.'T*RE .+Abram armed over three hundred of his servants and went to battle.'T*RE .,He rescued !ot and recovered all of his goods.'T*RE .-2elchi3edek, the High priest blessed Abram. Then the 'ord of God came to Abram in a vision%'T*RE ..Abram your offs!ring shall be as many as the stars of the sky.'T*RE ./+ut Abram was still without children so (arai offered her maid Hagar.'T*RE .0However when Hagar became pregnant (arai treated her so badly, she ran away.'T*RE .1The Angel of the !ord spoke to Hagar, +eturn to )aria and call your son Ishmael, and your descendantswill be many.'T*RE .2Ishmael was born when Abram was eightysi4 years old.'T*RE .3'hen Abram was ninety nine, God spoke to him%'T*RE .4

    Abram change your name to Abraham, for you will be a father of many nations.'T*RE /+#our wife shall be called )arah and she shall be a mother of nations.'T*RE /,)ne day the lord appeared to Abraham. It happened in this way5 Abraham saw three men approaching.'T*RE /-He bowed down saying, %y lord if I have found favour in your sight, let me fetch you some refreshment.'T*RE /.


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    Then Abraham told (arah to bake some cakes.'T*RE //And a servant prepared a young calf in milk and butter.'T*RE /0)ne of the men said, #our wife )arah shall have a son.(arah heard this and laughed.'T*RE /1After this the three men went on their way.'T*RE /2

    God told Abraham, that he was going to destroy (odom and Gomorrah.'T*RE /3+ecause of their great wickedness.'T*RE /4!ot lived there, so Abraham pleaded with God.'T*RE 0+(o the !ord sent two angels, who took !ot his wife and his daughters to safety.'T*RE 0,Then fire fell upon (odom and Gomorrha.'T*RE 0-!ot#s wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt.

    'T*RE 0.Abraham watched as (odom and Gomorrah were turned to ashes.'T*RE 0/Then Abraham left the land.'T*RE 00'hen Abraham was one hundred years old (arah gave birth to their son Isaac.'T*RE 01(arah demanded, )end -agar away. -er son shall not be a heir with Isaac.The !ord said to Abraham%'T*RE 02

    o as )arah says, because from Isaac, your offs!ring shall be called forth and because Ishmael is yourson, I will also make him a great nation.'T*RE 03(o it was that Abraham evicted Hagar and Ishmael.'T*RE 04In the wilderness with no food or water, Hagar thought they were both going to die.'T*RE 1+Then God spoke to Hagar, /ear not& I will make Ishmael into a great nation.'T*RE 1,God was with Ishmael, who grew up in the wilderness.'T*RE 1-Then God spoke to Abraham, (ake Isaac u! to the mountains and offer him as a sacrifice.'T*RE 1.Abraham spoke with Isaac.'T*RE 1/The ne4t day with two servants, they set off for the mountain.'T*RE 10'hen they arrived Abraham and Isaac travelled alone. Isaac asked%'T*RE 11/ather we have the wood for the fire, but where is the offering?

    'T*RE 12Abraham, built an altar with Isaac as the offering. &ust as Abraham was about to kill Isaac, an Angel shouted%'T*RE 137Abraham& Abraham& o nothing to your son, for I now know that you fear God.'T*RE 14Then Abraham saw a ram caught in the bushes.'T*RE 2+Together they sacrificed the ram and worshipped God. Then an Angel spoke%


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    'T*RE 2,'ecause you have obeyed my voice, through your offs!ring, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.'T*RE 2-After returning to the servants, together they /ourneyed home.'T*RE 2.'hen (arah died, Abraham purchased a field and buried her.'T*RE 2/Abraham told his oldest servant to travel to his relatives and find a wife for Isaac.

    'T*RE 20The first girl they met was 9ebekah, the granddaughter of Abraham#s brother.'T*RE 21They soon travelled back and 9ebekah met Isaac.'T*RE 22or Isaac it was love at first sight.'T*RE 23Abraham#s life came to an end when he was one hundred and seventy five years old.

    $AC" %!E NAME %A C!AN'ED (#AE)

    'T*RE +,Abrahams son Isaac, was forty years old when he married 9ebekah, 9ebekah gave birth to twin boys called,

    Esau and &acob.'T*RE +-Esau was a hairy man and grew to be a hunter.'T*RE +.&acob was his mother#s favourite, whilst Esau was his father#s.'T*RE +/)ne day Esau said to &acob, Give me a meal for my inheritance.'T*RE +0The deal was done for a bowl of bean soup.'T*RE +1Isaac called Esau and said, %y son, catch a deer cook and then I will give you the inheritance.

    'T*RE +29ebekah said to &acob, I will cook a meal, you give it to your father and you will receive the inheritance.'T*RE +3Then she put goat skin on the back of his hands and neck.'T*RE +4Isaac was confused, because he heard &acob, but smelled Esau.'T*RE ,+(o Isaac felt him and asked, Are you really my son *sau?'T*RE ,,&acob replied,#es I am'T*RE ,-

    Then Isaac blessed &acob with the inheritance.'T*RE ,.'hen Esau found out he growled, -e has stolen my inheritance, I will kill him.'T*RE ,/9ebekah told &acob, *sau is !lanning to kill you. Go to my brother 0aban and stay there.'T*RE ,0(o &acob /ourneyed to his uncle !aban.'T*RE ,1That evening &acob had a dream and the !ord spoke%'T*RE ,2I am the 0ord God of Abraham and Isaac. (his land shall be given to you, and to your children.

    'T*RE ,3The ne4t day &acob built an altar and worshipped the !ord.'T*RE ,4


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    'hilst &acob was at a well 9achel, !aban#s daughter came with her sheep.'T*RE -+I am 1acob, +ebekahs son. %y mother is the sister of your father 0aban.'T*RE -,&acob said to his uncle, I will work for you for seven years, if you will let me marry +achel.'T*RE --+ut the veiled woman that &acob married, was not 9achel, but was 9achel#s sister !eah. 'hen confronted !abansaid%

    'T*RE -.(he older sister must marry first.'T*RE -/(o &acob worked another seven years to marry 9achael.'T*RE -0&acob loved 9achael.'T*RE -1+eturn to the land of your fathers, and I will be with you.'T*RE -2After God spoke, &acob started the /ourney. )n route, messengers came to him saying%'T*RE -3

    *sau is coming to meet you, with four hundred men&'T*RE -4&acob was terrified, so he prayed for help and sent Esau some livestock as a gift.'T*RE .+That night a man wrestled with &acob and said%'T*RE .,/rom now on, you shall be called I2s2r2a2e2l'T*RE .-Israel saw Esau coming and to his astonishment. Esau greeted him with favour.'T*RE ..Israel had twelve sons by four wives. These twelve sons became known as the twelve tribes of Israel, or thechildren of Israel.

    !E %E)VE N # !E %E)VE #("E * (#AE)

    'T*RE,)ne of Israel#s sons was called &oseph.'T*RE-Israel loved &oseph more than the others.'T*RE .+ut &oseph#s brothers hated the favourite.'T*RE /)ne night &oseph had a dream. &oseph#s sheath of corn stood up and his brother#s sheaves bowed down to it.'T*RE 0

    'hen &oseph told his brothers, they became very angry.'T*RE 1In another dream, the sun, moon and eleven stars, bowed down to &oseph.'T*RE 2This time he told his brothers and his father, who also became angry.'T*RE 3The brothers travelled with the sheep to find good pasture.'T*RE 4Israel asked &oseph to visit his brothers.'T*RE ,+Eventually he found them. 'hen the brothers saw &oseph they said%

    'T*RE ,,0ook& Its the dreamer lets kill him.'T*RE ,-


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    $o dont kill him, !ut him in the well and leave him.'T*RE ,.They planned to cover &oseph#s coat with blood and say that he had been killed by a wild beast.'T*RE ,/Then they put him down a well.'T*RE ,0(oon merchants came by travelling to Egypt.'T*RE ,1

    Why dont we sell him?'T*RE ,2(o they agreed a price and the deal was done.'T*RE ,3Then they bought the blood stained coat to their father.'T*RE ,4%y son has been killed by some wild beast.cried Israel.'T*RE -+&oseph arrived in Egypt'T*RE -,And was taken to the slave market.

    'T*RE --He was purchased by a very important man called 1otiphar.'T*RE -.&oseph was taken to 1otiphar#s home, where he became a servant.'T*RE -/As time passed, 1otiphar put &oseph in charge of his whole household.'T*RE -0&oseph was very handsome and refused the advances of 1otiphar#s wife saying, %y master trusts me.'T*RE -1)ne day 1otiphar

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    (o the 1haraoh e4plained the dream, &oseph responded%'T*RE .4(here are to be seven years of !lenty, then seven years of famine. #ou must store one fifth of all !roduceduring the first seven years, to sell to the !eo!le during the famine.

    'T*RE /+The 1haraoh made &oseph the prime minister of Egypt.'T*RE /,And &oseph stored grain for the ne4t seven years.

    'T*RE /-'hen the famine began, &oseph sold grain to the people.'T*RE /.Israel sent ten of his sons to Egypt to buy grain.'T*RE //The brothers arrived in Egypt.'T*RE /0And as they bowed to &oseph, he recognised them.'T*RE /1&oseph had the brothers arrested for spying and through an interpreter said%'T*RE /2

    I have decided to let you all go e4ce!t one. -e will remain here, until you return with your brother.'T*RE /3As the brothers talked, &oseph wept as he understood every word.'T*RE /4'hen the brothers told their father, they wouldn#t let +en/amin go Israel said%'T*RE 0+1ose!h dead, )imeon arrested, if 'en5amin is taken Ill die.+ut the famine continued, so Israel said%'T*RE 0,(ake 'en5amin with you and buy some more corn.'T*RE 0-'hen the brothers arrived, they were taken to &oseph#s palace.'T*RE 0.'here they were invited to a ban>uet.'T*RE 0/&oseph arranged for a silver cup to be hidden in +en/amin#s sack.'T*RE 00'hen the brothers left, the Egyptian guard searched them and found the cup.'T*RE 01(o they were arrested and interrogated. Then &oseph spoke in his own language%'T*RE 02I am 1ose!h your brother, whom you sold as a slave.'T*RE 03'hen the 1haraoh heard of this, he invited the whole family to Egypt.'T*RE 04(o the brothers went home and told their father.'T*RE 1+)n the /ourney to Egypt, Israel built an altar and worshipped the !ord. That night God spoke to Israel%'T*RE 1,In *gy!t I will make you into a great nation, before I bring you out.'T*RE 1-(o it was that the whole family travelled to Egypt.'T*RE 1.'hen they arrived, Israel prayed for God to bless the 1haraoh.'T*RE 1/(eventeen years passed and Israel made &oseph promise not to bury him in Egypt.'T*RE 10(o finally when Israel died.


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    'T*RE 11They buried him in anaan.'T*RE 12'hen &oseph returned from the burial.'T*RE 13The brothers thought he would seek revenge, but he forgave them saying%'T*RE 14What you !lanned for evil, God used for good.

    'T*RE 2+&oseph said to his children, 'ury my body in "anaan.'T*RE 2,And they did, when&oseph died at the age of one hundred and ten years.

    ME +

    'T*RE , +,(ince &oseph died, over four hundred years had passed and the Israelites were now slaves in Egypt.'T*RE , +-The 1haraoh was concerned, as there were around two million Israelites.'T*RE , +.(o he gave orders to kill all of the Hebrew male babies.

    'T*RE , +/)ne family put their baby in a basket among the rushes, but the 1haraoh#s daughter saw it.'T*RE , +0The 1rincess named the baby 2oses.'T*RE , +1Then unsuspectingly, she employed 2oses# mother, to nurse the child.

    'T*RE , +22oses was highly trained in the culture of the Egyptians.'T*RE , +3He was educated to the highest standard.

    'T*RE , +4At the age of forty, 2oses saw a fellow Hebrew being attacked.'T*RE , ,+(o 2oses killed the Egyptian.'T*RE , ,,'hen 2oses stopped two Hebrew#s fighting, one of them said%'T*RE , ,-o you intend to kill me also?'T*RE , ,.The 1haraoh sought to kill 2oses, so he escaped to the desert.'T*RE , ,/

    )ne day 2oses defended some girls, who were being bullied at a well.'T*RE , ,0The father gave 2oses a /ob as a shepherd, and eventually, 2oses married one of his daughters.'T*RE , ,1orty years later, 2oses saw a bush on fire, but it didn#t burn@'T*RE , ,2I have come down to set my !eo!le free, from their suffering in *gy!t. God said.'T*RE , ,3I will send you to the 3haraoh, to set my !eo!le free. %oses& (hrow down your rod.'T*RE , ,4'hen 2oses did, it became a snake.

    'T*RE , -+Then God gave 2oses another sign, He healed him from leprosy.'T*RE , -,


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    +ecause 2oses stuttered God said, #our brother Aaron will s!eak for you.'T*RE , --At eighty years of age, 2oses took his wife and their two sons to Egypt.'T*RE , -.'hen 2oses met Aaron, he told him everything.'T*RE , -/Aaron told the Israelite slaves, what God had said to his brother.'T*RE , -0

    Then 2oses and Aaron went to the 1haraoh, 6 3haraoh, the 0ord God of Israel says, let my !eo!le go.'T*RE , -1'hen Aaron threw down the rod it became a snake, but the 1haraoh#s magicians did the same, and Aaron#s snakeswallowed their snakes.'T*RE , -2However the 1haraoh#s heart was hardened and he wouldn#t let the people go.'T*RE , -3(o 2oses turned all of the water into blood, but the magicians did the same.'T*RE , -4Then God sent frogs, but the magicians did the same.'T*RE , .+

    (o God sent a plague of lice, when the magicians could not do the same, they said, (his must be the finger ofGod."e4t, God sent flies.'T*RE , .,+ut the 1haraoh hardened his heart and wouldn#t let the people go.

    'T*RE , .-(o God sent a disease upon all the animals and then hail and thunder, followed by a swarm of locusts, anddarkness fell for three days, the 1haraoh said to 2oses.'T*RE , ..If I see your face again, you will die&God said%'T*RE , ./I will bring one more !lague u!on the 3haraoh and after that he will let my !eo!le go.'T*RE , .07At midnight, the angel of death will kill the firstborn in every family.'T*RE , .1+ut if each family puts the blood of a lamb around the doorpost, the angel of death will 1assover.'T*RE , .2That evening, the Hebrew families ate the 1assover lamb.'T*RE , .3At midnight, the first born in every family died, e4cept, where the death angel, passed over.'T*RE , .4The 1haraoh said, Go& 6r we will all be killed.'T*RE , /+(o it was that the children of Israel left Egypt.

    ME ,

    'T*RE- +,To lead the way, God appeared as a pillar of cloud in the daytime. 'T*RE - +-At nighttime, God appeared as a pillar of fire.'T*RE - +.The 1haraoh ordered his army to bring the Israelites back.'T*RE - +/They were trapped, by the sea so 2oses# said, ont be afraid, watch God save us.

    'T*RE - +0Then the !ord told 2oses, )tretch your rod over the sea and you will go through on dry land.'T*RE - +1


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    As the Egyptians followed, they were engulfed by the water.'T*RE - +2The children of Israel re/oiced and worshipped the !ord.'T*RE - +3In the desert they eventually found water, but it was bitter, so God made the bitter water sweet.'T*RE - +4)ne evening God sent a flock of >uails for meat and the following morning, they found bread on the ground.They called it manna.

    'T*RE - ,++ut the Israelites complained to 2oses, Why have you brought us to the desert to die?'T*RE - ,,God told 2oses to hit a rock with his stick, when he did water began to run, and the people drank.'T*RE - ,-'hen they neared the 1romised !and, 2oses sent out twelve spies, one from each tribe.'T*RE - ,.+ut when the spies returned, they said the people were giants and only aleb and &oshua wanted to enter.'T*RE - ,/The people further complained to 2oses, Why has the 0ord brought us here to be killed?'T*RE - ,0

    #ou s!ied the land for forty days, now you will wander in the wilderness for forty years. 6nly 1oshua and"aleb will enter the !romised land.Thus says the !ord.'T*RE - ,1In battle 2oses would pray with raised hands.'T*RE - ,2As 2oses tired, they would support him, as &oshua fought the battle.'T*RE - ,3'hen they reached the wilderness of (inai.1IT-9E * $?They camped at the foot of the mountain.'T*RE - -+2oses climbed 2ount (inai and the !ord told him. If you will obey me and kee! my law, you will be as!ecial race of !eo!le to me.'T*RE--,Then the !ord came down in fire and the whole mountain shook.'T*RE - --

    "e4t came the sound of a trumpet and God asked 2oses to climb the mountain.'T*RE - -.Then God 5ave 6oses the Ten 'ommandments#)21-T)9 GE"E9ATEC I2AGE(I am the 0ord your God, you shall have no other gods before me.#ou shall not make any graven image.#ou shall not use the name of the 0ord your God abusively.+emember the )abbath day, and kee! it -oly.

    -onour your father and mother.

    o not kill.o not commit adultery.

    o not steal.o not tell lies.

    o not desire anything that belongs to your neighbour.'T*RE - -/(o 2oses went down and told the people the Ten ommandments, the people said%'T*RE - -0*very word that the 0ord has said, we will do.'T*RE - -1Then the !ord showed 2oses how to make the tabernacle and all of the furniture.'T*RE - -2


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    +ut the people had become restless and had made an idol.'T*RE - -3'hen 2oses saw the golden calf, he smashed the tablets of stone.'T*RE - -42oses ground the idol to powder, mi4ed it with water, and made the people drink it.'T*RE - .+God told 2oses to cut two more tablets.'T*RE - .,

    Then 2oses wrote the Ten ommandments.'T*RE- .-2oses didn#t know, but his face shone with the glory of God.'T*RE - ..Eventually, 2oses completed the tabernacle.'T*RE - ./2oses would go into the tabernacle, and meet with the !ord.'T*RE - .0+ut all the children of Israel did, was complain bitterly.

    'T*RE - .1

    (o the !ord sent serpents that bit the people and many of them died.'T*RE - .2They were terrified and said to 2oses, We have sinned, we have s!oken against the 0ord and against you.'T*RE - .3The !ord commanded 2oses, %ake a ser!ent out of metal7 !ut it on a !ole and it shall come to !ass thateveryone who is bitten, shall look at it and live.'T*RE - .4The children of Israel had wandered in the desert for forty years% all had died e4cept 2oses, &oshua, aleb andthe children that had grown up.'T*RE - /+2oses spoke to the people, 71oshua will be your leader, and will take you into the !romised land.'T*RE - /,God took 2oses to the top of the mountain and showed him the 1romised !and. At the age of one hundred andtwenty years 2oses died and God buried him.


    'T*RE +,God spoke to &oshua, %y servant %oses is dead, stand u! and fight.'T*RE +-Then &oshua issued instructions for the people to cross the river &ordan.'T*RE +.&oshua sent two men to spy on the town of &ericho.

    'T*RE +/

    The two spies went to the house of a prostitute named 9ahab.'T*RE +0That night 9ahab, helped the spies escape.'T*RE +1The two men reported to &oshua that they could con>uer the land.'T*RE +2(o &oshua commanded the priests to take the Ark of the ovenant across the river.'T*RE +3Ama3ingly, God parted the water and they crossed on dry ground@'T*RE +4They built a memorial using twelve stones, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

    'T*RE ,+&oshua became a great leader, winning the respect of the people.'T*RE ,,


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    )ne day an angel, a commander in the !ord#s army appeared to &oshua and gave him instructions.'T*RE ,-ollowing the instructions, &oshua and his army marched around the walls of &ericho for si4 days.'T*RE ,.The priests, carried the Ten ommandments.'T*RE ,/)n the seventh day when then the priests blew their horns, the walls of &ericho fell down.'T*RE ,0

    )nly 9ahab and her family were saved, with the city#s treasure, which was given as an offering to the !ord.'T*RE ,1)ne of &oshua#s soldiers, stole some of the treasure for himself.'T*RE ,2At their ne4t battle they suffered badly, God told &oshua, to seek out the man who stole the offering.'T*RE ,3They found the treasure in the man#s tent, so he was put to death by stoning.'T*RE ,4)nce again, &oshua#s army was successful in battle.'T*RE -+In one battle, &oshua prayed for the sun to stand still and it did, until the enemy army was destroyed.

    'T*RE -,As were the leaders, who had hidden in a cave.'T*RE --Eventually &oshua gained control over the whole land, /ust as God had promised.'T*RE -.Then there was peace in the land.'T*RE -/The country was divided into twelve sections, one for each of the twelve tribes.'T*RE -0The !ord instructed &oshua to build cities.'T*RE -1'here accused persons would be treated /ustly.'T*RE -2)ne day &oshua paid tribute to three of the tribes of Israel.'T*RE -3+ut the other tribes misunderstood, so they built a monument, called the altar of witness, stating that there aretwelve tribes in Israel.'T*RE -4'hen &oshua became an old man, he called together the leaders and the /udges of Israel, and spoke to them.'T*RE .+He reminded them of their history and of their walk with God, &oshua said%'T*RE .,As for me and my house we will serve the 0ord. The people answered%'T*RE .-We will worshi! and obey the 0ord alone.

    'T*RE ..Then they erected a memorial stone and &oshua said%'T*RE ./(his stone will be a witness against you, if you go back on your !romise.

    'T*RE .0(oon after this &oshua died, at the age of one hundred and ten years.


    'T*RE +,

    After the death of &oshua, for about *8B years, God appointed &udges, until the time of (amuel, who was the last&udge, and (aul became the first king.


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    Editors note: If you count the years in the book of the Judges it comes to a lot more than 250 years. A lot ofthe time when the Hebrews use the number forty they are saying that such and such !udged for that generation.'T*RE +-This is the story of Gideon the &udge. The Israelites had been serving foreign gods and were once again slaves.

    'T*RE +.The enemy burnt their homes, so the children of Israel lived in caves.'T*RE +/The people began to cry out to the !ord for help.

    'T*RE +0God sent them a prophet, who reminded them of the promise that their fathers made.'T*RE +1)ne day an angel appeared to Gideon and said, I want you to know that God is with you.

    'T*RE +2Ama3ed Gideon replied,7$ith me8 How could that possibly be89 The angel answered, I will make youstrong7 go and save Israel from the hand of the enemy.Gideon asked for a sign, and went to prepare food.'T*RE +3He returned with some meat, bread and soup.'T*RE +4

    'hen he put it on the rock, the angel touched it and it burst into flames.'T*RE ,+After the angel had gone, Gideon built an altar and worshipped the !ord.'T*RE ,,That night, God spoke to Gideon in a vision, (ake your fathers best o4, then follow my instructions.'T*RE ,-Gideon took ten men and went to the altar of the heathen god +aal.'T*RE ,.They hitched the o4 to the altar, then smashed it to the ground.'T*RE ,/Then they replaced it with an altar to the !ord and prepared a sacrifice using the o4.'T*RE ,0The following morning, it was discovered that the heathen altar had been destroyed.'T*RE ,1The men of the city were furious shouting, 'ring out Gideon& /or this he must die.9'T*RE ,2(oon afterwards, a large enemy army crossed the river &ordan and camped in the valley.'T*RE ,3The (pirit of God came upon Gideon% and he summoned Israel.'T*RE ,4The twelve tribes responded to the trumpet call. Gideon said to the !ord%'T*RE -+If you are really going to use me save Israel, Ill !ut out a fleece of wool tonight.'T*RE -,

    In the morning if the fleece is wet, but the ground is dry, then I will know that you will hel! me.'T*RE --God told Gideon, (here are too many !eo!le, send home the timid and the frightened. They did, but therewere still ten thousand, so God said%'T*RE -.(ake them down to the water, those who drink from the cu! of their hands, you will take with you, andthose that la! like a dog, leave behind.Then there were only three hundred men left@'T*RE -/Curing the night God spoke to Gideon, Attack the enemy, but if youre afraid, first go down and listen towhat theyre saying.'T*RE -0(o Gideon went down into the enemy camp.'T*RE -1


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    They were discussing dreams and premonitions that Gideon#s army would utterly destroy them.'T*RE -2Gideon prepared for battle, by giving everyman a trumpet and a /ar of burning oil.'T*RE -3

    *veryone blow the trum!et on all sides of the cam!, then everyone shout.'T*RE -47'e are fighting for God and for Gideon@'T*RE .+

    &ust after midnight they blew their trumpets, smashed the /ars and a great cry went up on all sides, We arefighting for God and for Gideon&'T*RE .,In confusion, the enemy started fighting each other, as the large enemy army ran off, Gideon#s small army

    pursued them.'T*RE .-After a long battle, the enemy was utterly destroyed.'T*RE ..The children of Israel asked Gideon to be their Ding. Gideon replied%'T*RE ./(he 0ord God is your 8ing.

    'T*RE .0The children of Israel dwelt in peace for the ne4t forty years.'T*RE .1Gideon had many wives and seventy sons and he lived to a good old age, then died.


    'T*RE+,As soon as Gideon died, the children of Israel started to worship the heathen god +aal.'T*RE+-They did evil in the sight of the !ord'T*RE+.And became slaves to the 1hilistines.

    'T*RE+/An angel appeared to a woman and said, #ou shall bear a son and he shall be set a!art for God, a ra9or shallnever touch his hair.'T*RE +0The child was born and they named him (amson.'T*RE +1(amson grew to be a man and one day walking to the city, a lion attacked him.'T*RE +2The (pirit of the !ord came upon (amson and he tore the lion apart.'T*RE +3(amson wanted to take a 1hilistine to be his wife.

    'T*RE +4Travelling home, he ate some honey after finding a swarm of bees nesting in the lion#s carcass.'T*RE ,+At his wedding feast (amson challenged the 1hilistines, Whoever answers this riddle, I will give him thirtysuits of clothes.'T*RE ,,6ut of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong, came forth sweetness.'T*RE ,--nless (amson#s wife told the 1hilistines the answer to the riddle, both she and her father, were in grave danger.'T*RE ,.(o she pleaded with (amson, until he reluctantly gave her the answer.

    'T*RE ,/Then she told the 1hilistines, they said to (amson%'T*RE ,0


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    What is sweeter than honey and stronger than a lion?'T*RE ,1The spirit of the !ord came upon (amson% and he killed thirty 1hilistines and gave their clothes to the youngmen.'T*RE ,2Then he caught fo4es and set fire to the 1hilistine#s crops.'T*RE ,3In retaliation, the 1hilistines burnt (amson#s wife and her father.

    'T*RE ,4(o (amson slaughtered the young men and went to live alone on a mountain.'T*RE -+'hen the 1hilistines began persecuting the children of Israel.'T*RE -,(amson agreed that they could arrest him and hand him over to the enemy.'T*RE --'hen (amson was in the hands of the 1hilistines, he broke free and killed a thousand men with the /awbone of adonkey.'T*RE -.(amson /udged Israel for twenty years in the days of the 1hilistines.

    'T*RE -/In Ga33a, the people planned to capture (amson.'T*RE-0'hen he came out of a prostitutes house.'T*RE -1+ut when (amson found the city gates locked% he /ust ripped them down.'T*RE -2Then he carried them to the top of the hill.'T*RE -3It came to pass that (amson fell in love with a 1hilistine, named Celilah.'T*RE -4If you find out where )amsons strength lies, we will give you eleven hundred !ieces of silver.'T*RE .+)amson !lease tell me where your great strength lies.(amson replied%'T*RE .,(ell them to bind me with seven bowstrings, then I will become weak like any man.'T*RE .-'ith the 1hilistines hiding, Celilah bound (amson then shouted )amson& (he 3hilistines are u!on you,'T*RE ..+ut (amson broke the bowstrings with ease.'T*RE ./)amson you have mocked me and told me lies.(amson replied%'T*RE .0If they bind me with new ro!es, then I shall become weak like any man.+ut the same event took place,and he broke free.'T*RE .1

    "e4t she bound him with seven locks of his hair and he made a fool of her a third time.'T*RE .2)amson how can you say that you love me, when you treat me like a fool.

    'T*RE .3If my hair is cut in disobedience to God, then my strength shall leave me.'T*RE .4(o Celilah put him to sleep and the 1hilistines cut his hair, then Celilah shouted%'T*RE /+)amson& (he 3hilistines are u!on you.+ut (amson#s strength had gone.'T*RE /,The 1hilistines took out (amson#s eyes and he became a grinder in the prison house.


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    'T*RE /-'hen the 1hilistines got drunk, they sent for (amson and mocked him.

    'T*RE /.(amson rested on the main temple supports.'T*RE //

    6 0ord God I !ray strengthen me, that I might take vengeance on the 3hilistines for mine eyes.'T*RE /0

    Then he pushed with all his might, and the pillars crumbled before his touch.'T*RE /1The temple fell on about three thousand 1hilistines. (o (amson killed more people at his death, than he killedthroughout his life.

    #- !

    'T*RE +,Curing the time of the &udges there was a famine in Israel, "aomi an Israelite, went to 2oab where her husbandand two sons died.'T*RE +-

    "aomi, was comforted by her two widowed daughterinlaws, 9uth and )prah, they were not Israelites, but hadasked to stay with "aomi.

    'T*RE +.$o my daughters. I am too old to have another husband and more sons for you to marry.

    'T*RE +/"aomi kissed them both.'T*RE +0)rpah departed but 9uth argued, Wherever you go, I will go. #our !eo!le will be my !eo!le and your Godmy God.'T*RE +1(o they /ourneyed together from 2oab +ethlehem.'T*RE +2

    "aomi told her friends, When I left I was full, but I have returned em!ty and bitter.

    'T*RE +3"aomi had a relative called +oa3, who was a wealthy land owner, 9uth asked "aomi.'T*RE +4Will they let me collect the dro!!ed grain?'T*RE ,+(o 9uth asked for permission, which the harvesters gladly gave.'T*RE ,,9uth was collecting the grain, in a field that belonged to +oa3.'T*RE ,-+oa3 asked his servant Who is that girl? The servant replied%'T*RE ,.

    )he is the girl that came back with $aomi.(o +oa3 approached 9uth and said%'T*RE ,/)tay here by the ladies in my field and follow as they rea!.'T*RE ,09uth knelt down, )ir, why have I found grace with you? +oa3 answered%'T*RE ,1#ou have taken care of $aomi. $ow the 0ord God of Israel bless you.'T*RE ,20et some grain fall on the ground for +uth to collect.'T*RE ,3

    "aomi was delighted, when 9uth told her that she had gleaned in the field that belonged to +oa3.

    'T*RE ,4(o all through the harvest, 9uth worked with the young women, "aomi said to 9uth%


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    'T*RE -+(onight watch where 'oa9 goes to slee! and lie down at his feet.'T*RE -,'y this custom you are telling 'oa9 that you desire to be his wife.

    'T*RE --+oa3 woke and said, (he closest relative to your dead husband is res!onsible to marry you. I know arelative that is closer than I.'T*RE -.

    (o 9uth lay at the feet of +oa3. 'hen they got up, +oa3 said%'T*RE -/ont let anyone know that you came and sle!t at my feet. Then he gave 9uth a generous portion of barley.'T*RE -09uth returned to the city and told "aomi what had happened.'T*RE -1That morning +oa3 and met the relative he had mentioned to 9uth.'T*RE -2$aomi has land to sell which belonged to her dead husband and sons.'T*RE -3#ou are the nearest relative, so if you wish to buy it then do so. If not then I, 'oa9, am ne4t in line.

    'T*RE -4#es I will buy it.said the relative, +oa3 replied%'T*RE .+According to our customs if you buy the field, you must marry the dead mans widow.'T*RE .,

    I cant do that7 it would s!oil my inheritance. #ou buy the land and marry +uth.'T*RE .-The relative giving up his right to buy, took off his sandal and gave it to +oa3.'T*RE ..+oa3 immediately went to tell 9uth the good news.'T*RE ./He e4plained the custom of the sandal and declared that he now owned the land.'T*RE .0(o +oa3 took 9uth to be his wife.'T*RE .1

    "aomi was delighted when she heard the news.'T*RE .2And in due time the !ord blessed them with a son.'T*RE .3

    "aomi cradled her grandson with a heart full of love. The women said to "aomi%'T*RE .4+uth is better to you than seven sons. %ay your grandson restore your life, and nourish you in your oldage.'T*RE /+9uth#s son was called )bed,. )bed was to have a son called &esse and &esse was to have a son called Cavid. (o

    "aomi#s third generation of grandsons was none other than Ding Cavid.


    'T*RE +,After &oshua died, God raised up &udges for about *8B years, (amuel was the last /udge, before the time of thekings.'T*RE +-Hannah was a godly woman who was praying for a child, Eli blessed her, Go in !eace and the God of Israel

    grant your re:uest.

    'T*RE +.Hannah did give birth to a boy. They named the child (amuel.'T*RE +/


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    In due time, Hannah took (amuel to the house of the !ord. I !romised the 0ord that if he would give me ason, I would give the boy to the 0ords work.'T*RE +0(o (amuel stayed with Eli, but the sin of Eli#s own sons was very great before the !ord.'T*RE +1)ne evening after Eli and (amuel said goodnight.'T*RE +2The !ord called (amuel% )amuel.

    'T*RE +3(amuel went to Eli#s room, -ere I am, you called me.Eli replied%'T*RE +4I didnt call you my son, now go back to bed.'T*RE ,+Again this happened, and Eli sent (amuel back to his bed a second time.'T*RE ,,)amuel.The !ord said. And once more (amuel went to Eli#s room.'T*RE ,-Eli realised it was the !ord. (o he told (amuel, When -e calls say, s!eak 0ord, for your servant hears.'T*RE ,.

    And so it was that the !ord spoke with (amuel.'T*RE ,/In the morning (amuel told Eli, (he 0ord told me -e would carry out the warnings that -e has given you.#our sons made themselves vile and you didnt restrain them.'T*RE ,0

    'ecause you didnt sto! them, they will be killed, and you also will die without leaving a son to carry onyour family name.It happened as (amuel said. The ark of God was captured. The news so upset Eli, that he fell to the ground dead.'T*RE ,1(amuel took the place of Eli, and led the children of Israel back to the !ord.


    'T*RE +,At the same time as (amuel lived a boy named Cavid.Cavid was the great grandson of 9uth and was theyoungest of seven brothers.'T*RE +-His /ob was to look after his father &esse#s sheep.'T*RE +.'hen night came, he would lead the sheep into a pen, where he would sleep in the doorway, the shepherd wasthe door.'T*RE +/He would know all of his sheep by name and they would follow him.'T*RE +0

    )ne day a lion was about to attack his sheep.'T*RE +1Cavid killed the lion with his sling shot.'T*RE +2Another time a bear came to steal from his flock.'T*RE +3+ut Cavid killed the bear also.'T*RE +4Cavid wrote some wonderful songs in praise and thanksgiving to the !ord. His most famous song is psalmtwenty three.'T*RE ,+

    (he 0ord is my she!herd I shall not want. -e makes me lie down in green !astures. -e leads me besidethe still waters. -e restores my soul.'T*RE ,,


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    The prophet (amuel met all of Cavid#s brothers. He asked &esse if he had any other sons and Cavid was sent for.'T*RE ,-As soon as he saw Cavid, the !ord said to (amuel, (his is the one, anoint him.'T*RE ,.(aul was the first Ding of Israel and he summoned Cavid to play the harp.'T*RE ,/Cavid found favour with (aul and he was appointed as the king#s armour bearer.'T*RE ,0

    (o when an evil spirit troubled (aul, Cavid played the harp and sang of God#s love and power.'T*RE ,1&esse#s three eldest sons were in the Ding army. )ne day &esse said to Cavid, (ake this bag of food to yourbrothers.'T*RE ,2The 1hilistines had a champion called Goliath who would shout, Give me a man to fight with.'T*RE ,3Cavid angrily said, Who is this 3hilistine, that he dares to defy the army of the living God?'T*RE ,4(oon Cavid was standing before Ding (aul. I will fight the 3hilistine.'T*RE -+

    +ut the king#s armour was too big and heavy for Cavid.'T*RE -,Cavid told the king, how God had helped him to kill a lion and a bear.'T*RE --(o carefully he chose five smooth stones from the brook.'T*RE -.Goliath growled, o you think Im a dog, that you come to me with a stick?'T*RE -/After praying Cavid retaliated, (his day the 0ord God of Israel, will deliver you into my hands.'T*RE -0'ith that Cavid swung his sling and the stone sank into the giant#s forehead.'T*RE -1Cavid drew out Goliath#s sword and chopped off his head.'T*RE -2The 1hilistines immediately ran off, whilst the men of Israel gave chase.'T*RE -3Ding (aul rewarded Cavid and made him captain over a thousand men.'T*RE -4The people sang, )aul has killed thousands, but avid has killed tens of thousands.'T*RE .+(aul#s son &onathan had a strong admiration for Cavid and they became great friends.'T*RE .,Cavid would often come and play the harp for the Ding.'T*RE .-)ne day, after (aul heard the women singing about Cavid, he became very /ealous and tried to kill him.

    'T*RE ..(aul said to his servants and &onathan, I want avid killed.'T*RE ./&onathon pleaded with his father. Eventually (aul said, As the 0ord lives, avid shall not be killed.'T*RE .0Then &onathan told Cavid all that had happened and he reconciled Cavid to the Ding.'T*RE .1(aul felt that &onathan would never be king, because the people loved Cavid.'T*RE .2)nce again (aul tried to murder Cavid and then Cavid escaped from the palace.'T*RE .3


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    Cavid asked &onathon, Why does your father want to kill me?+ut &onathan refused to believe it.'T*RE .4The ne4t day (aul told &onathan, As long as avid lives, you will never be king?'T*RE /+Curing this meeting, Cavid was in hiding.'T*RE /,&onathan tried to reason with his father, but this time (aul threw the /avelin at his son.'T*RE /-

    In the morning, &onathan went to fire some arrows in the place he knew Cavid was hiding.'T*RE /.After sending his servant back to the city, the two friends said goodbye.'T*RE //Then went their separate ways.'T*RE /0Cavid collected some weapons and hid in the hills.'T*RE /1He lived in a cave and over 6BB family and friends came to /oin him.'T*RE /2Afraid of (aul, they camped out in the forests.

    'T*RE /3+ut (aul and his men tracked Cavid and they came close to him many times.'T*RE /4)ne time, when (aul was with three thousand men, Cavid spied on their camp.'T*RE 0+That night they made their way past the guards, to the tent where the Ding was sleeping.'T*RE 0,)ne of the soldiers wanted to kill (aul but Cavid wouldn#t allow it.'T*RE 0-+ut they took the Ding#s spear and his /ar of water and, as silently as they came, they left.'T*RE 0.In the morning Cavid shouted 0ook& -ere is the 8ings s!ear and water 5ar.'T*RE 0/The Ding realised that Cavid could have killed him.'T*RE 00avid I have sinned, I will not harm you, because you have s!ared my life.'T*RE 01It was at this time that (amuel the prophet died.'T*RE 02(ometime later a messenger bought news to Cavid that (aul and his sons had been killed'T*RE 03After hearing the news Cavid wrote, !ook how the mighty have fallen.#

    'T*RE 04Cavid played on his harp and sang love songs, concerning his greatest friend &onathan.'T*RE 1+The men of the &udah welcomed Cavid.'T*RE 1,And they anointed him as their king.'T*RE 1-+ut the time would soon come, when Cavid would become Ding over the whole of Israel.'T*RE 1.It was at this time, that Ding Cavid reinstalled the Ark of the ovenant.'T*RE 1/Cavid was king over Israel for forty years.'T*RE 10He had many wives and many children.


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    'T*RE 11'hen Cavid was fifty, he met +athsheba. (he became pregnant while her husband was away in the kings army.'T*RE 12(o Ding Cavid arranged for +athsheba#s husband to be killed in battle.'T*RE 13Cavid married +athsheba and later they had a son, whom they named (olomon.


    'T*RE +,

    Cavid#s actions displeased the !ord, but the !ord loved (olomon.

    'T*RE +-Fears later when Cavid was an old man, another of his son#s Adoni/ah, e4alted himself.'T*RE +.The prophet "athan, told +athsheba that Adoni/ah had made himself Ding.'T*RE +/+athsheba immediately went to Cavid, #ou swore before God that )olomon shall reign as king.'T*RE +0(o Ding Cavid demanded, Anoint )olomon 8ing over Israel.'T*RE +1And (olomon rode Ding Cavid#s mule, for all the people to see.

    'T*RE +2Then the priest anointed (olomon.'T*RE +3The people re/oiced, 0ong live 8ing )olomon.'T*RE +4or a long time, Cavid had dreamt of building a temple for the !ord.'T*RE ,+'hen Cavid was dying, he called (olomon and charged him to build the temple.'T*RE ,,After forty years as king, Cavid died.'T*RE ,-

    The first thing (olomon did was to have his brother e4ecuted.'T*RE ,.(olomon made a treaty with the king of Egypt, through marriage to his daughter.'T*RE ,/)ne night the !ord appeared to (olomon, Ask whatever you want and I shall give it to you. (olomonanswered,'T*RE ,0Give to your servant wisdom to 5udge your !eo!le, that I may discern between good and evil.'T*RE ,1The !ord replied, 'ecause you have not asked for long life, riches or the death of your enemies, I havedone according to your word.

    'T*RE ,2Two women had given birth, but one of the babies had died and they both claimed the living child as their own.Ding (olomon gave the following /udgement%'T*RE ,3"ut the child in two, and give the women half each.8ing give her the living child, but !lease dont kill it.'T*RE ,4)hes the mother, give her the child,.'T*RE -+(olomon was king over all of Israel% and he reigned in great prosperity.'T*RE -,

    He wrote three thousand proverbs and one thousand and five songs.'T*RE --'isemen and kings who had heard of his wisdom, came from all over the earth to listen to him.


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    'T*RE -.(o it was that (olomon began to prepare for the building of the temple.'T*RE -/And it came to pass in the fourth year of his reign, the construction began.'T*RE -0The building was magnificent, with gold floors, walls and ceilings.'T*RE -1In the )ctober ?8? years before hrist, (olomon completed the temple.

    'T*RE -2'hen the Ark of the ovenant was bought in, a cloud of glory filled the whole building.'T*RE -3Ding (olomon also built a fleet of ships.'T*RE -4The ueen of (heeba visited (olomon to test his wisdom.'T*RE .+(he was breathless, and said to the king, What I heard concerning your wisdom and !ros!erity, is certainlytrue.'T*RE .,(olomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred mistresses, many of whom were foreign.

    'T*RE .-+ut he did evil in the sight of the !ord, when he built an altar to the foreign gods, The !ord said%'T*RE ..I will take the kingdom from you.'T*RE ./

    #ou shall be left with only one tribe, for the sake of avid your father.'T*RE .0At this time the prophet of God, tore his robe into twelve pieces saying%'T*RE .1

    (hus says the 0ord, I will tear the kingdom from )olomon and give ten tribes away.'T*RE .2In the +ible (olomon wrote the book of 1roverbs, The (ong of (ongs, otherwise called The (ong of (olomon,and Ecclesiastes or otherwise called The 1reacher.1IT-9E 0;(olomon reigned over Israel for forty years and ?0B years before hrist, (olomon died.


    'T*RE +,The first three kings in Israel were (aul, Cavid, and then (olomon. ifty years after (olomon#s death, in the year=;0 +.'T*RE +-Ahab was king and there was no king worse than Ahab.

    'T*RE +.He married a witch and set up an altar to worship +aal.'T*RE +/Ahab was furious when Eli/ah came to him, proclaiming a /udgement of drought in the land.'T*RE +0The !ord told Eli/ah to escape to a brook, near the river &ordan.'T*RE +1Eli/ah was alone without any food, when the !ord spoke%'T*RE +2I have commanded that the ravens feed you.'T*RE +3

    However, with no rain, soon Eli/ah was without water.'T*RE +4(o God told Eli/ah to go to a town, where He had commanded a widow to take care of him.


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    'T*RE ,+Eli/ah saw the widow and said, 73lease, fetch me a drink and some food.the woman replied%'T*RE ,,I have enough for one meal and then my son and I will die.

    'T*RE ,-Eli/ah said, /irst let me eat, for the 0ord has said that you will have flour and oil, until the day the raincomes.'T*RE ,.

    Eli/ah stayed with the woman for about three years and the flour and oil never ran out.'T*RE ,/However, the widow#s son died and she said to Eli/ah, -ave you come here to remind me of my sins and killmy son?'T*RE ,0Give me the boy.'T*RE ,1Then he asked the !ord. -ave you killed the womans son?'T*RE ,2Eli/ah then prayed for the child and the boy came back to life, the mother said%'T*RE ,3

    $ow I truly know that you are a man of God.'T*RE ,4Then the !ord spoke to Eli/ah, Go to king Ahab and then I will send rain.'T*RE -+After meeting with Eli/ah, the governor then went to the king to make an appointment.'T*RE -,+ut when Eli/ah appeared, the Ding was furious saying, #ou are the one who has caused this drought in

    Israel?'T*RE --Eli/ah responded, (ell all of the !eo!le of Israel, the !ro!hets of 'aal and the witches who eat at your wifesdinner table, to gather at %ount "armel.'T*RE -.Then Eli/ah spoke to the people, If the 0ord is God then follow him. If 'aal is God then follow him.'T*RE -/As the prophets called to +aal Eli/ah said,We will sacrifice then call on God for fire, and the God whoanswers with fire, -e is God.'T*RE -0In the evening, Eli/ah repaired the altar of the !ord.'T*RE -1After digging a trench Eli/ah said, Go and fetch four barrels of water.'T*RE -2They poured the water over the sacrifice and then filled the trench.'T*RE -3Eli/ah began to pray% 0ord, let it be known this day, that you are the God of Israel.'T*RE -4Immediately, the fire of the !ord burnt up the sacrifice.'T*RE .+The people fell on their faces and said, 7(he 0ord he is God, the 0ord -e is God.'T*RE .,Then Eli/ah took his servant and went to the top of 2ount armel to pray.'T*RE .-(i4 times Eli/ah sent the servant to see if rain was coming.'T*RE ..The seventh time the servant returned and said, (here is a very small cloud coming from the sea.'T*RE ./Eli/ah told the servant, (ell Ahab to !re!are his chariot or the rain will sto! him.'T*RE .0


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    Ahab rode his chariot as fast as he could, but he was out run by Eli/ah.'T*RE .1=8B years before hrist, Eli/ah passed on his mantle to his servant Elisha'T*RE .2And Eli/ah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind.


    'T*RE +,At the same time as Elisha, lived a man called "aaman. "aaman had leprosy and was the captain of the (yrian

    army.'T*RE +-

    "aaman#s Israelite servant said, If $aaman would visit the !ro!het of God in Israel, he would be healed.'T*RE +.The king sent a servant to "aaman saying, Go, and I will write a letter to the king of Israel.'T*RE +/(o "aaman set off with presents of silver, gold and clothing.'T*RE +0The king of Israel, was furious, Am I God that I can heal a man of le!rosy.'T*RE +1

    "aaman was given this message by Elisha#s servant, Wash in the river 1ordan seven times, and you will be

    healed.'T*RE +2+ut because Elisha didn#t come out, "aaman was angry, (here are rivers elsewhere where I can wash, thatare cleaner than the rivers of Israel

    'T*RE +3His servant spoke, If the !ro!het wanted you to do something big, would you have done it?'T*RE +4After calming down, "aaman went to the river and washed si4 times, and he was still a leper.'T*RE ,+Then he washed the seventh time and his flesh became as pure as a child#s.'T*RE ,,

    "aaman raced back to the house of Elisha with an offering of thanks.'T*RE ,-+ut Elisha would not accept a gift.'T*RE ,.However, Elisha#s servant ran after "aaman saying, %y master will acce!t some silver and some clothes fortwo guests.'T*RE ,/(o "aaman granted his re>uest.'T*RE ,0Then Elisha#s servant hid the silver and clothes. Elisha said to the servant%'T*RE ,1

    (his is not a time to receive gifts" (he le!rosy that $aaman had shall be on you.And Elishia#s servant wentout a leper.


    'T*RE +,Ever since the !ord took the kingdom from (olomon,'T*RE +-There was the kingdom of &udah in the south, and the kingdom of Israel in the north.'T*RE +.;?B years before hrist, war broke out between &udah and Israel.'T*RE +/

    There are many kings recorded in the +ible during this period and it was around the time of ;8B to ;BB +. ThatAmos, Hosea, Isaiah and 2icah began to prophecy.'T*RE +0


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    Against Israel#s disobedience% the coming destruction of &erusalem and the coming of the 2essiah.'T*RE +1This takes us through to the year :60 +, when Amon was the king over &udah. Amon was a wicked king, andhad turned away from the living God, to worship idols and images.'T*RE +2He was Ding from the age of twenty two to twenty five, when he was murdered by his servants.'T*RE +3Amon had a young son called, &osiah.

    'T*RE +4In the year :6B + the people made eight year old &osiah their king.'T*RE ,+'hen &osiah was twenty, he began to get rid of the idols from the land.'T*RE ,,Two years later, he decided to refurbish (olomon#s temple.'T*RE ,-1lans were drawn, and workmen were employed.'T*RE ,.2oney was collected to pay the carpenters and stonemasons.'T*RE ,/

    In the temple they found the book of the law.'T*RE ,07#our ma5esty, we have discovered a book in the tem!le.&osiah asked them to read it.'T*RE ,1&osiah responded, (his is terrible that we havent ke!t the law of the 0ord, -is anger against us must be

    great.'T*RE ,2A prophetess, who lived in &erusalem said, (he 0ord God of Israel says, because the king has humbledhimself, I will not !unish the !eo!le during his lifetime.

    'T*RE ,3Ding &osiah stood in the temple and read the law to all of the people of &erusalem.'T*RE ,4Then everyone agreed to keep the commandments of God.'T*RE -+Every image, idol and altar used to worship other gods, was destroyed.'T*RE -,Ding &osiah turned the hearts of the people back to the !ord.'T*RE --&osiah reigned for 0$ years in &erusalem, between :6B to :B? +..'T*RE -.Curing this time, ephaniah prophesied the total destruction of &erusalem and the dispersion of it#s inhabitants.'T*RE -/In :*= +.. &eremiah began to prophecy. In hapter *8 he prophecies very clearly, there is a ;B year captivity

    /ust about to take place.'T*RE -0Also "ahum in :$* prophesied.'T*RE -1The destruction of "ineveh.'T*RE -2Two years after &osiah#s reign as king, in :B; Habakkuk began to prophecy, concerning the destruction of&erusalem.'T*RE -3Twenty three years after &osiah#s reign, "ebuchadne33ar, the king of +abylon besieged &erusalem.'T*RE -4)n August the $6th8=: years before hrist.'T*RE .+


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    The total destruction of &erusalem and the temple began, as prophesied by the prophets.

    NTE/ &ome dates are appro0imate most can 1e found in a &trong2s concordance.3

    DAN(E) +

    'T*RE +,8=: years before hrist, &erusalem.

    'T*RE +-'as besieged by the king of +abylon, "ebuchadne33ar.'T*RE +.The children of Israel, that escaped death, were taken to +abylon to be servants and slaves.'T*RE +/The book we know as &eremiah, was written prior to this. In hapter *8 he prophesied the ;B year captivity.'T*RE +0The other book &eremiah wrote, was written during the captivity.'T*RE +1!amentations, is five poems about &erusalem#s destruction.'T*RE +2

    E3ekiel also was a slave and wrote his book in +abylon. The main message was that dispersed Israel, would berestored again as a nation.'T*RE +3

    "ebuchadne33ar took all of the gold from the temple in &erusalem to his own temple in +abylon.'T*RE +4The king instructed that the brightest princes from the Israelites should be educated to serve him.'T*RE ,+our boys stood out, Caniel, Hananiah, 2eshael and Aa3ariah.'T*RE ,,They were renamed after +abalonion gods, +eltesha33ar, (hadrach, 2eshach and Abednego.'T*RE ,-

    God blessed these boys, by giving them knowledge and wisdom and they /oined the Ding#s wise men.'T*RE ,.)ne night "ebuchadne33ar had a dream. He saw the figure of a man. The head was gold, the chest and armswere silver and from his waist to his knees was brass.The rest of his legs were iron and his feet were a mi4ture ofiron and clay.'T*RE ,/The following day, the king invited his wise men to e4plain the dream, but they couldn#t.'T*RE ,0Caniel approached the king saying, 6 8ing, I will tell you your dream and its meaning.'T*RE ,1That night God e4plained the dream to Caniel. The ne4t day Caniel told the king.

    'T*RE ,2#ou 6 king, are the head of gold, your em!ire will be re!laced by another, thats the silver. (he brassre!resents the ne4t em!ire and the iron the last.'T*RE ,3

    "ebuchadne33ar said to Caniel, #our God is indeed a God of Gods.'T*RE ,4Then the king made Caniel the 1rime 2inister, over all of the wise men of +abylon.'T*RE -+The Ding also gave positions of leadership to (hadrach, 2eshach and Abednego.'T*RE -,Twenty years later, "ebuchadne33ar made an image of gold.

    'T*RE --At the dedication, an order was given that anyone who wouldn#t bow, would be thrown into a lake of fire.'T*RE -.+ut (hadrach, 2eshach and Abednego, would not bow and the +abylonian wise men, told the king,


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    'T*RE -/The king sent for the men, but they refused to bow.'T*RE -0(o the king ordered the furnace be heated to the ma4imum.'T*RE -1Then (hadrach, 2eshach and Abednego, were bound and carried to the oven.'T*RE -2The heat was so intense, that the soldiers were burnt alive, "ebuchadne33ar said%

    'T*RE -30668& We threw 5ust three men into the fire, now I see four and the fourth one looks like the )on of God.'T*RE -4(o the men were called out of the oven.'T*RE .+They didn#t have any burns, only the rope that they were tied with, was burnt off. The Ding said%'T*RE .,'lessed be the God of )hadrach, %eshach and Abednego, for there is no other God that can deliver likethis.'T*RE .-

    "ebuchadne33ar had another dream, when an angel said, "ut down the tree, but leave a stum!, with ananimals heart for seven years.

    'T*RE ..Then Caniel e4plained the dream, 6 8ing you are the tree, and you are to lose your !ower. #ou will act likean animal for seven years.'T*RE ./

    (he stum! that is left, means that you will be restored and rule as king again.'T*RE .0)ne year later a voice from heaven spoke, (he kingdom is taken from you, you will live like an animal forseven years, until you learn that God rules and gives kingdoms, to whoever -e chooses.'T*RE .1At the end of seven years, God restored the kings mind. Caniel welcomed him back and God blessed the king.

    DAN(E) ,

    'T*RE +,Eventually, "ebbucana33er died and his son +elsha33ar was appointed king.'T*RE +-+elsha33ar decided to throw a party.'T*RE +.As they drank from the temple cups and mocked God, a hand appeared and wrote on the wall.'T*RE +/+elsha33ar was terrified, so he sent for Caniel to interpret the writing, Caniel said%

    'T*RE +0#ou have mocked God, #our kingdom has been given to the %edes and the 3ersians.'T*RE +1Then +elsha33ar gave Caniel the third highest position in his kingdom.'T*RE +2The 1ersian army had redirected the river +abylon, by digging trenches and making a dam.'T*RE +3

    "ow they were creeping into the city through the sewer system.'T*RE +4That night in 80? +.. +elsha33ar was killed and +abylon was captured by the 1ersians.'T*RE ,+

    Carius was made king. Carius appointed three presidents, of whom Caniel was one.'T*RE ,,Ding Carius considered making Caniel the head of the whole kingdom, second only to himself.


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    'T*RE ,-The other leaders became very /ealous of Caniel, so they made a plan to trap him.'T*RE ,.They suggested a new law, to pray only to the Ding. If anyone prayed to any other god, they should be cast intoa den of lions.'T*RE ,/The king had no idea what was going on, so he signed a law that could not be altered.'T*RE ,0

    'hen the conspirators found Caniel praying, they went to the king saying%'T*RE ,1aniel the -ebrew, is !raying to his God three times a day.'T*RE ,2Carius couldn#t alter the law, so he sent for Caniel.'T*RE ,3'hen they reached the lions den, the king said, aniel, your God will deliver you.'T*RE ,4The lions were kept back with fire and Caniel was made to enter.'T*RE -+These lions were only lightly fed, so they were away hungry.

    'T*RE -,A great stone was rolled over the mouth of the lion#s den, then sealed.'T*RE --(uddenly, an angel appeared to protect Caniel.'T*RE -.Ding Carius was both angry and upset, as he considered this situation was his fault.'T*RE -/That night Carius couldn#t sleep.'T*RE -0ery early in the morning, the king made his way to the lion#s den.'T*RE -1aniel is your God able to deliver you from the lions? Caniel shouted back 6 king live forever.'T*RE -2The king gave orders to release Caniel.'T*RE -3Carius was overwhelmed and he e4ecuted Caniel#s accusers.'T*RE -4Then Carius wrote a declaration to the entire world, proclaiming Caniel#s God to be the living God. 'T*RE .+Caniel received from God, dreams, interpretations of dreams and visions of the future.'T*RE .,The first year when +elsha33ar, the +abylonian was king, Caniel had a dream.'T*RE .-Caniel saw the four winds of heaven blow upon the great sea.'T*RE ..Then he saw four beasts.The first beast was like a lion, with eagle#s wings.The second beast was like a bear and it had three ribs between its teeth.The third beast was like a leopard, with four wings.The fourth beast was very powerful, it had iron teeth and ten horns.'T*RE ./An angel e4plained the dream to Caniel saying, (he four great beasts are four kingdoms that will arise fromthe earth.'T*RE .0Historically, it is believed that the first beast was +abylon which destroyed &erusalem in 8=: +.. and was in

    power at the time of the vision.'T*RE .1


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    The second beast was 1ersia when 1ersia con>uered +abylon in 80?.+.. and Carius became king.'T*RE .2The third beast is believed to be Greece in 006 years before hrist, when Ale4ander the Great, began to con>uerthe 1ersian Empire.'T*RE .3The fourth beast is believed to be the 9oman Empire, after the 9omans con>uered the Greeks.'T*RE .49ome eventually took control of &erusalem under General 1ompey :0 years before hrist.

    'T*RE /+In the third year when yrus was king, a message was revealed to Caniel.'T*RE /,He was by the river, when he saw a vision of a man dressed in gold linen.'T*RE /-

    "o strength remained in me, as I listened I fell into a deep sleep.'T*RE /.Caniel was told what would happen to his people, the Israelites in the last days.'T*RE //There would be a time of great tribulation like never before.'T*RE /0

    At the time of the end the great prince who protects Caniel#s people, would stand up.'T*RE /1At that time 6aniel, everyone who is found written in the book of life, will be delivered&'T*RE /2Caniel seal the book until the time of the end, when only the wise will understand. The captivity in +abylonlasted for seventy years.

    :uthors note;There is a debate between scholars here with reference to the +iblical timeline, the difference is $0$ years. or the purpose of this work we havenot entered into this debate, but have sought to tell the chronological +ible story, so it can be understood by those of us who are not scholars. The main point ofreference we have used for our timeline, can be found in the rear of a (trong#s concordance.

    Also when trying to make chronological sense of the +ible, when you read Caniel, Haggai, echariah, E3ra, "ehemiah, and Esther. Fou come across the namesCarius, yrus, Jer4es, Arta4er4es, and Ahasuerus. These are not actual real names, but rather they are 1ersian titles of great authority. If you don#t know this, itcan be very confusing, for e4ample Carius keeps reappearing in different books after his death.

    'T*RE /3

    In the story we have /ust told, the 1ersians con>uered the +abylonians.'T*RE /4It was at this time that God spoke to yrus the king of 1ersia, to set the children of Israel free.'T*RE 0+The historical records show that a remnant of 60,0:B left the captivity, plus a further ;,00; servants but manyIsraelites remained, unwilling to leave their property.'T*RE 0,8*B years before hrist, at the urging of Haggi and echariah, errubabel started to rebuild the temple.'T*RE 0-The temple was completed five years later, on 2arch $* th8$8 +..'T*RE 0.

    A short time later E3ra became the Temple priest.'T*RE 0/

    "ehemiah the Dings head waiter left +abylon to start to rebuild the walls in &erusalem,'T*RE 00In the year 6;? +.. the &ewess Esther, became ueen of 1ersia.'T*RE 01Curing this time 2alachi, the last book of the )ld Testament was written. The four hundred year period from2alachi to &ohn the +aptist is known as the silent years.'T*RE 02The Temple was in a continual state of disrepair'T*RE 03

    And the 1ersian Empire was eventually con>uered by the Greeks.'T*RE 04!ed by Ale4ander the Great 006 years before hrist.


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    'T*RE 1+Eventually the 9omans con>uered the Greeks and si4tythree years before the 2essiah.'T*RE 1,The 9oman general 1ompey the Great, took control of &erusalem.'T*RE 1-And so it was that the whole land of Israel, became part of the 9oman Empire, /ust as Caniel had prophesied.'T*RE 1.-nder Herod $? years before hrist, the rebuilding of the third temple began.

    'T*RE 1/The ne4t prophet of Israel was &ohn the +aptiser, his message was, 3re!are the way for the 0ord.

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