Oklahoma By: Harris Albuck 2013 Blake Griffin. Statehood Oklahoma was the 47 th state to Join the...


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By: Harris Albuck2013

Blake Griffin


Oklahoma was the 47th state to Join the united states of America {usa}

POPULATION3.185 million people are in Oklahoma

State flag

State flower-Mistletoe

State Animal- American Buffalo

State Bird- Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher

Top 4 places to go in Oklahoma1. Wichita mountain wildlife 2. Quarts mountain resort

3. AT lodge museum4. Oklahoma city

State tree- Red Bud

Longitude and latitude

35.5608° N, 96.8461° W

Oklahoma City Basketball

Oklahoma city basketball is famous there best player by far is Kevin Durant They won 1 championship together

State Crystal- Hour Glass Selenite

Native Americans

The Caddo, Wichita, Quapah

Explorer- Hernado de Sotto

4 Fun fact questions

Did you know Oklahoma grew the biggest peanut?

Did you know the first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma?

Did you know they made the first Cherokee?Did you know it’s illegal to wear shoes to bed

in Oklahoma?

4 Facts About Oklahoma

Two elephants ran away from Hugo, Oklahoma in 1975 they hid in the woods for two weeks.

Oklah as in Oklahoma means people and humma meaning red.

In the sky cold air from Canada runs into air from Mexico that causes violent tornadoes in spring and the summer.

Oklahoma got its nickname “The sooner state” In the late 1800s


Merchant, Linda Saylor Sea to Shining Sea New York: Children's Press, 2003

LaDoux, C. Rita. Red White and Blue Oklahoma Minnesota: Learner Publications, 1992

Voila, Dr. Herman. States and Regions Text Book Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005


50 states: Oklahoma . 2013. Marchex Inc. www.50states.com www.findthestates.org www.netstate.com

www.travlelock.com www.Oklahomaplacestovisit www.travlebuddy.com www.SportingNews.com www.ok.gov www.dimebag.org


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